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Institutionelle Betreuungsquote ...


„Durch den Ausbau von Kinderbetreuungsplätzen ist die institutionelle Betreuungsquote in den letzten Jahren gestiegen. Während 2015 noch von eindeutigen Unterschieden der Betreuungsquote in Bezug auf das Einkommen berichtet wurde, war dies 2022 nicht mehr im selben Ausmaß der Fall: Kinder in armutsgefährdeten Haushalten wiesen mit 60 Prozent (2015: 45 Prozent) immer noch die niedrigste Betreuungsquote auf, waren jedoch mit jenen mit mittlerem (2022: 65 Prozent, 2015: 57 Prozent) und hohem (2022: 62 Prozent, 2015: 70 Prozent) Haushaltseinkommen annähernd vergleichbar.“
BMSGPK (Hrsg.), Sozialbericht, Band II (2024), S. 35.

Empirische Befunde zeigen, dass frühe Förderungen am effektivsten wirken ...


„Bildungsförderungen, vor allem die frühe Förderung von Kindern aus sozioökonomisch schlechter gestellten Familien, wirken positiv auf die individuellen Erwerbsverläufe, die soziale Integration, die Mobilität, die Lebenseinkommen, die Gesundheit und die Lebenserwartung. Empirische Befunde zeigen, dass frühe Förderungen am effektivsten wirken.“
BMSGPK (Hrsg.), Sozialbericht, Band II (2024), S. 221.

Zugang zu frühkindlicher Betreuung, Bildung und Erziehung ...


„Was den Zugang zu frühkindlicher Betreuung, Bildung und Erziehung (FBBE) betrifft, so gelingt es Österreich vergleichsweise gut zu gewährleisten, dass alle sozioökonomischen Gruppen gleichberechtigten Zugang zu FBBE haben.“
BMSGPK (Hrsg.), Sozialbericht, Band II (2024), S. 409.

Deutschland: Kindern von formal höher Gebildeten sowie von nicht zugewanderten Eltern wird häufiger vorgelesen ...


Deutschland: „Kindern von formal höher Gebildeten sowie von nicht zugewanderten Eltern wird häufiger vorgelesen als Kindern von formal geringer Gebildeten oder im Ausland geborenen Eltern. Zudem wird Kindern aus Stieffamilien oder von Alleinerziehenden auch unter Kontrolle des elterlichen Bildungsniveaus insgesamt seltener vorgelesen als Kindern aus Kernfamilien. Dies kann an der komplexeren Alltagsorganisation in diesen Familienformen liegen.“
KMK (Hrsg.), Bildung in Deutschland 2024 (2024), S. 9.

Soziale Disparitäten in der Ausübung sprachlich anregender Aktivitäten und der frühen Wortschatzentwicklung ...


Deutschland: „Fast 4 von 5 Kindern im Alter von 3 Jahren wurde im Jahr 2015 in ihrem häuslichen Umfeld mehrmals wöchentlich oder häufiger vorgelesen oder gemeinsam mit ihnen Bilderbücher angeschaut. Bezugspersonen mit einem (Fach-)Hochschulabschluss gaben im Vergleich zu Bezugspersonen mit maximal einem Mittleren Schulabschluss und einem oder keinem beruflichen Ausbildungsabschluss häufiger an, dass ihren 3-jährigen Kindern vorgelesen wurde. Kindern, denen im häuslichen Umfeld im Alter von 3 Jahren mehrmals täglich vorgelesen wurde, wiesen im Verlauf der folgenden 4 Jahre einen umfangreicheren Wortschatz auf als Kinder, denen nie oder nur einmal in der Woche vorgelesen wurde. Ein umfangreicher Wortschatz wiederum ist für den Erwerb und die Ausprägung späterer Lesekompetenz von zentraler Bedeutung.“
KMK (Hrsg.), Bildung in Deutschland 2024 (2024), S. 18.

Deutschland: Bildungserwerb nach wie vor stark an die familialen Gegebenheiten gebunden ...


Deutschland: „Der Bildungserwerb ebenso wie die Wahl eines Berufs sind nach wie vor stark an die familialen Gegebenheiten einerseits und an die damit zusammenhängenden Bildungs- und Erwerbsbiografien andererseits gebunden. Dies bezieht sich nicht nur auf familiale Lerngelegenheiten wie das Vorlesen. Vielmehr geht es um die Ermöglichung institutioneller Lern- und Entwicklungsangebote, die sich nicht nur auf den Besuch einer Kita, einer adäquaten Schulform oder beruflichen Ausbildung beziehen, sondern auch auf frühe Gelegenheitsstrukturen wie die Nutzung musischer, kultureller oder sportlicher Angebote bereits in den ersten 6 Lebensjahren. Soziale Bildungsungleichheiten ziehen sich durch die Biografie bis in die Weiterbildungsbeteiligung.“
KMK (Hrsg.), Bildung in Deutschland 2024 (2024), S. 21.

Elementarbereich als Schlüsselinstrument für die Abmilderung von Auswirkungen sozioökonomischer Benachteiligung ...


„Der Elementarbereich hilft dabei, Entwicklungslücken zu schließen, bevor die Kinder in den Primarbereich eintreten, und ist damit ein Schlüsselinstrument für die Abmilderung von Auswirkungen sozioökonomischer Benachteiligung.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), Editorial, S. IX.

„Kinderbetreuungslücke“ 2022 ...


„Die Zeitspanne zwischen dem Ende des bezahlten Erziehungsurlaubs und dem Beginn der kostenlosen Bildung, in der die Eltern für Angebote der frühkindlichen Bildung und Erziehung zahlen müssen, ist für die Bildungsbeteiligung von Kindern aus einkommensschwachen Familien besonders wichtig. 7 OECD-Länder organisieren kostenfreie Kinderbetreuung oder Angebote für Kinder ab 3 Jahren, die unmittelbar nach dem Ende des bezahlten Erziehungsurlaubs einsetzen, wohingegen in 8 OECD-Ländern eine Betreuungslücke von mindestens 5 Jahren zwischen dem Ende des bezahlten Erziehungsurlaubs und dem Beginn der kostenlosen Bildung besteht.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 15.
Österreich gehört laut OECD mit einer Kinderbetreuungslücke von 3,8 Jahren zu den OECD-Staaten mit der größten Kinderbetreuungslücke. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), Abbildung B1.3.)

Kinder aus Haushalten mit niedrigem sozioökonomischem Status machen seltener Erfahrungen, die die Entwicklung grundlegender Fähigkeiten zum Erwerb von Lesekompetenzen fördern ...


„Es besteht eine starke Korrelation zwischen den Schreib- und Leseleistungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern und der Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ihre Eltern gern lesen. Je höher das Interesse der Eltern am Lesen ist, desto höhere Punktzahlen erzielen die Schülerinnen und Schüler in der Regel bei der Schreib- und Lesekompetenz. Haushalte mit niedrigem sozioökonomischem Status bieten allerdings selten ein solches häusliches Leseumfeld. Kinder aus Haushalten mit niedrigem sozioökonomischem Status machen seltener Erfahrungen, die die Entwicklung grundlegender Fähigkeiten zum Erwerb von Lesekompetenzen fördern, darunter phonologische Bewusstheit, Wortschatz und mündliche Sprache.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 189.

Deutlich niedrigere Erfolgsquoten für Schülerinnen und Schüler, deren Eltern einen niedrigeren Bildungsstand haben ...


„In allen Ländern mit verfügbaren Daten haben Schülerinnen und Schüler, deren Eltern einen niedrigeren Bildungsstand haben, deutlich niedrigere Erfolgsquoten als Schülerinnen und Schüler mit einem Elternteil mit einem Abschluss im Tertiärbereich.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 201.

In allen Ländern mit verfügbaren Daten haben Schülerinnen und Schüler, deren Eltern einen niedrigeren Bildungsstand haben, deutlich niedrigere Erfolgsquoten ...


„In allen Ländern mit verfügbaren Daten haben Schülerinnen und Schüler, deren Eltern einen niedrigeren Bildungsstand haben, deutlich niedrigere Erfolgsquoten als solche, deren Eltern einen höheren Bildungsstand haben. […] In Finnland beispielsweise ist die Erfolgsquote bei jungen Menschen in einem allgemeinbildenden Bildungsgang, mit einem Elternteil mit tertiärem Abschluss, um 28 Prozentpunkte höher als bei denjenigen, deren Eltern keinen Abschluss im Sekundarbereich II haben.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 214.

Hochwertige Elementarbildung wirkt lebenslang ...


„Es liegen umfangreiche Forschungsergebnisse vor, die zeigen, dass eine hochwertige frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung (FBBE) sowohl kurz- als auch langfristige Vorteile in Bezug auf das Lernen, Wohlbefinden und die späteren bildungsbezogenen, sozialen und Beschäftigungsergebnisse mit sich bringt. Dennoch ist es weniger wahrscheinlich, dass Kinder aus sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Familien an FBBE teilnehmen und eine hochwertige Betreuung erhalten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 253.

In der Bevölkerung ohne Migrationshintergrund wurde das niedrige Bildungsniveau weit weniger oft „vererbt“ ...


„Mehr als vier von zehn Personen im Alter von 25 bis 64 Jahren mit Migrationshintergrund (44 %), deren Eltern maximal einen Pflichtschulabschluss aufwiesen, verfügten 2021 ebenfalls über keinen höheren Bildungsabschluss. In der Bevölkerung ohne Migrationshintergrund wurde das niedrige Bildungsniveau weit weniger oft „vererbt“, nämlich nur zu gut einem Fünftel (21 %).“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Migration & Integration. Zahlen.Daten.Indikatoren 2024 (2024), S. 48.

Growing up in a language-rich home environment is important for children’s language development in the early years ...


„Growing up in a language-rich home environment is important for children’s language development in the early years.“
Dr. Mary Brushe u.a., Screen Time and Parent-Child Talk When Children Are Aged 12 to 36 Months (2024), S. 1.

Negative association between screen time and measures of parent-child talk across those early years ...


„This cohort study found a negative association between screen time and measures of parent-child talk across those early years. For every additional minute of screen time, children heard fewer adult words, spoke fewer vocalizations, and engaged in fewer back-and-forth interactions.“
Dr. Mary Brushe u.a., Screen Time and Parent-Child Talk When Children Are Aged 12 to 36 Months (2024), S. 2.

Mathematikleistungen und naturwissenschaftliche Leistungen 10-Jähriger Schwedens, Finnlands, Norwegens und Dänemarks ...


„A greater percentage of the variance in achievement is explained by the number of books at home in 2019 compared to 2011. This indicates a decrease in equity in the Nordic countries during this time period, and that students’ home backgrounds matter more and more to their achievements.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 12.

Negative trends for both achievements and equity in the Nordic countries ...


„The disturbing picture emerging from our findings of negative trends for both achievements and equity in the Nordic countries, suggests that it is critical to examine how teachers may promote learning and equity in the Nordic countries.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 13.

Socioeconomic status is clearly related to achievement in all Nordic countries ...


„The distribution of mathematics achievement per student group reveals that SES (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) is clearly related to achievement in all Nordic countries.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 241.

The Nordic countries strive to provide equal learning opportunities for all students, the reality looks quite different ...


„The Nordic countries strive to provide equal learning opportunities for all students. However, the reality looks quite different both in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 244.

Differenzierung nach Herkunft in Finnland ...


„The strong composition effects of SES (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) on achievement […] indicate that equal opportunities to learn are a myth in the case of Finland but that tracking within schools related to student SES exists.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 245.

The socioeconomic status and ethnic context of classrooms in Finland, Denmark ans Sweden ...


„The SES (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) and ethnic context of classrooms explained 62% of the mathematics achievement variation in Finland, followed by 58 percent in Denmark, 52 percent in Sweden and 44% in Norway.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 259.

Faktoren, die die Chancen sozial Schwacher erhöhen ...


„We identified three resilience levels among students. The emergence of resilient students benefited from science classroom discipline, teacher-directed instruction, inquiry-based teaching, adjusting instruction, and teacher support.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tao Jiang u. a., Typologies of secondary school student academic resilience in science with classroom and school context predictors (2024), S. 1.

Fleiß als Weg zum Bildungsaufstieg in Südostasien ...


„Excelling in examinations in East Asia opens doors to prestigious universities. The future socioeconomic status of individuals is a result of their diligent studies. Diligence becomes the pathway to upward mobility, especially for children from low-income families […]. The long-term orientation of the collectivist culture in East Asia encourages young individuals to strive consistently in their academic pursuits, ultimately resulting in success.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tao Jiang u. a., Typologies of secondary school student academic resilience in science with classroom and school context predictors (2024), S. 6.

Wenn man ausreichend Lehrpersonal hat ...


„Schools with sufficient teachers can provide after-school care to extend students’ learning time, benefiting their academic achievement. Additionally, schools with adequate teachers can reduce class sizes. When the number of students per class is below 20, the proportion of resilient students increases significantly.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tao Jiang u. a., Typologies of secondary school student academic resilience in science with classroom and school context predictors (2024), S. 10.

Teacher shortages are costly, impact workloads, and may deter future generations from joining the profession ...


„Teacher shortages are costly, impact workloads, and may deter future generations from joining the profession, which can create a cycle of low-quality education, disadvantaging students throughout life and reproducing and perpetuating educational inequalities.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global Report on Teachers (2024), S. 28.

Activities that take place before and after formal school hours yield positive outcomes for learners ...


„The research shows that activities that take place before and after formal school hours, such as breakfast schemes, and sports and arts clubs, generally yield positive outcomes for learners and can support children at risk of academic, emotional or behavioural interventions.”
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Why the world needs happy schools (2024), S. 55.

Bildungsungleichheit besteht bereits vor dem Beginn der Schulzeit ...


„Bildungsungleichheit besteht bereits vor dem Beginn der Schulzeit. Daher kommt frühkindlichen Bildungs- und Betreuungsangeboten eine bedeutende Rolle zu, um in möglichst jungen Jahren gleiche Startchancen für alle Kinder herzustellen. Die Forschung zeigt, dass Maßnahmen im frühkindlichen Bereich gerade für Kinder aus benachteiligten Verhältnissen besonders effektiv sind und hohe individuelle und gesamtwirtschaftliche Erträge aufweisen.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ludger Wößmann u. a., Der ifo-„Ein Herz für Kinder“-Chancenmonitor. Wie (un-)gerecht sind die Bildungschancen von Kindern aus verschiedenen Familien in Deutschland verteilt?. In: ifo Schnelldienst 4/2023 vom 19. April 2023, S. 40.

Sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsunterschiede in der Lesekompetenz von Österreichs 10-Jährigen ...


„Die Kluft zwischen Schülern mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status und ihren sozial besser gestellten Altersgenossen beträgt 98 Punkte und liegt damit über dem EU-Durchschnitt (80 Punkte).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Monitor für die allgemeine und berufliche Bildung 2023. Österreich (2023), S. 10.

In Österreich hängt die Lesekompetenz 10-Jähriger besonders stark vom Bildungsniveau ihrer Eltern ab ...


„Die Leistungen der Schüler/innen in Lesen in Abhängigkeit vom Bildungsabschluss ihrer Eltern zeigen für alle 24 EU-Länder, dass Schüler/innen aus einem bildungsfernen Elternhaus (Abschluss maximal ISCED 2) deutlich niedrigere Lesekompetenzen aufweisen als Schüler/innen aus einem bildungsnahen Elternhaus (tertiärer Abschluss). Im EU-Schnitt beträgt die Leistungsdifferenz 82 Punkte. […] In Österreich beträgt die Differenz zwischen diesen beiden Gruppen 92 Punkte, was einem Leistungsvorsprung von mehr als einer Kompetenzstufe gleichkommt.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 38.

Die Lesekompetenz 10-Jähriger Österrreichs wird der verfassungsrechtlich geforderten Chancengerechtigkeit nicht gerecht ...


„Die aktuellen PIRLS-Daten belegen einmal mehr, dass der Bildungshintergrund der Eltern nach wie vor ein höchst bedeutender Einflussfaktor hinsichtlich Kompetenzen der Schüler/innen ist. Ausgehend von der Forderung nach Chancengerechtigkeit im Bildungssystem (Art. 14 Abs. 5a Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz) sollte ein wichtiges Ziel der schulischen Bildung sein, allen Kindern unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft dieselben Chancen auf Kompetenzerwerb zu ermöglichen, was dem vorliegenden Befund zufolge nicht in ausreichendem Ausmaß gelingt.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 38.

In Österreich hängt die Lesekompetenz 10-Jähriger besonders stark von ihrer sozialen Herkunft ab ...


„In allen teilnehmenden EU-Ländern zeigen Schüler/innen, deren Eltern über einen hohen sozioökonomischen Status bzw. Berufsstatus verfügen, bessere Leseleistungen als Kinder von Eltern mit einem niedrigeren Status. In Österreich erreichen Kinder von Eltern der niedrigsten Berufsgruppe eine um 73 Punkte niedrigere Lesekompetenz als jene der höchsten Berufsgruppe, während im EU-Schnitt diese Differenz 60 Punkte beträgt. Insgesamt zählt Österreich zu den EU-Ländern mit dem stärksten Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Herkunft und Lesekompetenz.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 40.

Sozioökonomischer Status der Eltern bestimmt Lesekompetenz 10-Jähriger in Österreich besonders stark ...


„In allen teilnehmenden EU-Ländern geht ein höherer sozioökonomischer Status der Eltern mit signifikant besseren Leseleistungen der Kinder einher. Die im EU-Ländervergleich stärksten Zusammenhänge finden sich in Bulgarien, Ungarn sowie Österreich; am geringsten sind die Zusammenhänge in den Niederlanden, Finnland und Lettland ausgeprägt.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 40.

Extreme Chancenungerechtigkeit in Österreich am Ende der Volksschule ...


„Zusammenfassend zählt Österreich bei PIRLS 2021 zu den EU-Ländern mit dem stärksten Zusammenhang zwischen dem sozialen Hintergrund der Familie und der Lesekompetenz der Kinder.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 40.

Lesekompetenz 10-Jähriger ...


„Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund weisen in Österreich eine wesentlich schwächere Lesekompetenz auf als Kinder ohne Migrationshintergrund. […] Rund die Hälfte dieses Leistungsunterschieds kann auf die benachteiligte soziale Situation der Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund zurückgeführt werden.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 42.

Großer Lesekompetenzrückstand 10-Jähriger mit Migrationshintergrund in Österreich ...


„Aktuell beträgt der Leistungsnachteil von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund 52 Punkte und liegt damit ähnlich hoch wie bei PIRLS 2006 (mit 49 Punkten) und PIRLS 2016 (mit ebenfalls 52 Punkten). […] Wird der soziale Hintergrund statistisch kontrolliert, verringert sich der Leistungsnachteil von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund bei PIRLS 2021 auf 26 Punkte. Demnach kann die Hälfte des oben beschriebenen Leistungsnachteils (52 Punkte) auf die benachteiligte soziale Situation von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund zurückgeführt werden.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 42.

Sozial bedingte Leistungsdifferenz bei 10-Jährigen in Österreich extrem groß ...


„In Österreich erreichen Kinder von Eltern in der niedrigsten Berufsgruppe eine um 73 Punkte niedrigere Lesekompetenz als jene mit Eltern in der höchsten Berufsgruppe, während im EU-Schnitt diese Differenz 60 Punkte beträgt. Insgesamt zählt Österreich zu den EU-Ländern mit dem stärksten Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Herkunft und der Lesekompetenz.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 74.

In nur wenigen Staaten der EU sind die Leistungen 10-Jähriger so stark vom familiären Hintergrund bestimmt wie in Österreich ...


„In Österreich ist der Leistungsnachteil mehrsprachiger Kinder vergleichsweise stark ausgeprägt und beträgt 48 Kompetenzpunkte. […] Insgesamt zählt Österreich somit bei PIRLS 2021 zu den EU-Ländern mit dem stärksten Zusammenhang zwischen dem sozialen Hintergrund der Familie und der Lesekompetenz der Kinder. Dies gilt für den Berufsstatus der Eltern, für die Bildung der Eltern sowie für den sprachlichen Hintergrund der Familie.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 74.

Kein Fortschritt bei 10-Jährigen erkennbar ...


„Nach wie vor stehen in Österreich relativ viele leseschwache Schüler/innen (20 %) relativ wenigen starken Leserinnen und Lesern gegenüber (7 %). Zudem misst PIRLS 2021 die bisher größte Geschlechterdifferenz. Ebenso zählt Österreich weiterhin zu den EU-Ländern mit dem stärksten Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Herkunft und Lesekompetenz.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PIRLS 2021. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse (2023), S. 76.

In allen OECD- und EU-Ländern weisen Jugendliche mit hohem Sozialstatus eine wesentlich höhere Kompetenz in Mathematik, Lesen und Naturwissenschaft auf ...


„Es zeigt sich, dass in allen OECD- und EU-Ländern Jugendliche mit hohem Sozialstatus eine wesentlich höhere Kompetenz in Mathematik, Lesen und Naturwissenschaft aufweisen als Jugendliche mit niedrigem Sozialstatus. In Österreich beträgt die Leistungsdifferenz in Mathematik 109 Punkte, in Lesen 115 Punkte und in Naturwissenschaft 128 Punkte, was jeweils einem großen Effekt entspricht und auf einen enormen Vorsprung sozial privilegierter 15-/16-Jähriger gegenüber Gleichaltrigen mit niedrigem Sozialstatus hinweist.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PISA 2022. Kompetenzen in Mathematik, Lesen und Naturwissenschaft am Ende der Pflichtschulzeit im internationalen Vergleich (2023), S. 74.

Sprachförderung als wichtiger Zugang zur Reduzierung von zuwanderungsbedingten Ungleichheiten ...


„Ein wichtiger Zugang zur Reduzierung von zuwanderungsbedingten Ungleichheiten bleibt die Sprachförderung, die weit früher als in der Sekundarstufe I einsetzen und ein zentraler Bestandteil frühkindlicher Bildung sein muss.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Doris Lewalter u. a., PISA 2022. Analyse der Bildungsergebnisse in Deutschland (2023), S. 165.

Statushohe Eltern gestalten für ihre Kinder anregendere familiäre Lernumwelten als statusniedrige Eltern ...


„Eine wesentliche Rolle spielen Unterschiede im Verhalten der Eltern. Demnach gestalten statushohe Eltern für ihre Kinder anregendere familiäre Lernumwelten als statusniedrige Eltern (z. B. Erziehungsstil).“
Dr. Max Nachbauer, Die Effekte von Schule auf Leistungsentwicklung und Leistungsunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft (2023), S. 55.

Kinder verschiedener sozialer Herkunft unterscheiden sich bereits bei Schuleintritt in ihren Lernvoraussetzungen ...


„Unterschiedliche Lernumwelten während der frühen Kindheit (z. B. frühe familiäre Lernumwelt, frühe Gleichaltrigengruppe, Kindergarten) führen dazu, dass sich Kinder verschiedener sozialer Herkunft bereits bei Schuleintritt in ihren Lernvoraussetzungen unterscheiden.“
Dr. Max Nachbauer, Die Effekte von Schule auf Leistungsentwicklung und Leistungsunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft (2023), S. 56.

Statushohe Eltern verfügen über mehr Wissen über die kindliche Entwicklung und förderliches Erziehungshandeln als statusniedrige Eltern ...


„In Bezug auf pädagogische Kompetenzen zeigt sich, dass statushohe Eltern über mehr Wissen über die kindliche Entwicklung und förderliches Erziehungshandeln verfügen als statusniedrige Eltern.“
Dr. Max Nachbauer, Die Effekte von Schule auf Leistungsentwicklung und Leistungsunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft (2023), S. 59.

Unter statusniedrigen Familien ist der Anteil alleinerziehender Eltern überdurch­schnittlich hoch ...


„Unter statusniedrigen Familien ist der Anteil alleinerziehender Eltern überdurch­schnittlich hoch. Außerdem gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass statusniedrige Personen mehr Kinder bekommen als statushohe Personen. Beide Aspekte der Familienstruktur führen dazu, dass in statusniedrigen Familien pro Kind weniger Ressourcen zur Verfügung stehen, was sich sowohl auf das elterliche Erziehungshandeln als auch auf die Nutzung von Bildungseinrichtungen auswirken kann.“
Dr. Max Nachbauer, Die Effekte von Schule auf Leistungsentwicklung und Leistungsunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft (2023), S. 60.

Unterschiede zugunsten von statushohen Familien ...


„Statushohe Eltern sprechen insgesamt mehr mit ihren Kindern als statusniedrige Eltern, sie verwenden ein vielfältigeres Vokabular (insbesondere mehr bildungssprachliche Begriffe) und sie richten mehr Fragen an ihr Kind. Weitere Unterschiede zugunsten von statushohen Familien sind bei sprachlich anregenden Eltern-Kind-Aktivitäten wie Vorlesen, Wortspielen oder Singen festzustellen. Auch bezüglich der mathematischen Anregung weisen Forschungsbefunde auf systematische Unterschiede hin. So sprechen statushohe Eltern mit ihren Kindern häufiger über Zahlen und Formen und beschäftigen sich gemeinsam mit den Kindern häufiger mit mathematischem Spielmaterial (z. B. Bauklötze, Brettspiele).“
Dr. Max Nachbauer, Die Effekte von Schule auf Leistungsentwicklung und Leistungsunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft (2023), S. 63.

Der Rückgang des Lernens während der Ferienzeit ...


„Befunde zum sogenannten Ferieneffekt (Englisch: summer setback) zeigen konsistent, dass der Kompetenzzuwachs von Schüler/-innen während der Schulzeit deutlich größer ausfällt als während der Sommerferien. Der Rückgang des Lernens während der Ferienzeit ist hierbei in Mathematik stärker ausgeprägt als im Lesen.“
Dr. Max Nachbauer, Die Effekte von Schule auf Leistungsentwicklung und Leistungsunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft (2023), S. 87.

Die Schule scheint dafür zu sorgen, dass sich der Lernfortschritt von Schüler/-innen verschiedener sozialer Herkunft angleicht ...


„Die Befunde zum Ferieneffekt stehen im deutlichen Widerspruch zu der Annahme der Reproduktionstheorie, wonach die Schule Kompetenzunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft vergrößere. Im Gegenteil scheint die Schule dafür zu sorgen, dass sich der Lernfortschritt von Schüler/-innen verschiedener sozialer Herkunft angleicht.“
Dr. Max Nachbauer, Die Effekte von Schule auf Leistungsentwicklung und Leistungsunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft (2023), S. 94.

Kinder, die in jungem Alter an hochwertigem organisiertem Lernen teilnehmen, erzielen später mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit bessere Bildungserfolge ...


„Die Tatsache, dass frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung (FBBE) bei der kognitiven und emotionalen Entwicklung, den Lernerfolgen und dem Wohlergehen von Kindern eine entscheidende Rolle spielt, rückt immer stärker ins Bewusstsein der politischen Entscheidungsträgerinnen und -träger. Kinder, die in jungem Alter an hochwertigem organisiertem Lernen teilnehmen, erzielen später mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit bessere Bildungserfolge. Das gilt insbesondere für Kinder mit sozioökonomisch benachteiligtem Hintergrund, da diese häufig weniger Gelegenheit haben, ihre Fähigkeiten im häuslichen Lernumfeld zu entfalten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2023 (2023), S. 179.

Das Verhältnis von öffentlicher und privater Finanzierung im Bildungsbereich ...


„In den OECD-Ländern variiert das Verhältnis von öffentlicher und privater Finanzierung am meisten im Bereich für Kinder ab 3 Jahren und im Tertiärbereich, wo eine vollständige oder fast vollständige öffentliche Finanzierung weniger üblich ist. In diesen Bildungsbereichen stammt die private Finanzierung vor allem von den privaten Haushalten, was Fragen hinsichtlich der Chancengerechtigkeit beim Zugang zu Bildung aufwirft. Besonders intensiv wird diese Debatte im Hinblick auf die Finanzierung des Tertiärbereichs geführt.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2023 (2023), S. 314.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit bei sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Schüler*innen, das Grundkompetenzniveau nicht zu erreichen ...


„Bei sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Schüler*innen in den OECD-Ländern ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit im Durchschnitt siebenmal so hoch wie bei sozioökonomisch begünstigten Schüler*innen, dass sie das Grundkompetenzniveau in Mathematik nicht erreichen. Dasselbe gilt für den Bereich Naturwissenschaften. Im Bereich Lesekompetenz ist Leistungsschwäche bei sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Schüler*innen im OECD-Durchschnitt mehr als fünfmal so wahrscheinlich wie bei begünstigten Schüler*innen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 53.
In Österreich ist diese Wahrscheinlichkeit in Mathematik sogar zehnmal, in den Naturwissenschaften vierzehnmal und bei der Lesekompetenz achtmal so groß, da in Österreich im internationalen Vergleich nur sehr wenige „sozioökonomisch begünstigte Schüler*innen“, also Schüler*innen aus dem sozioökonomisch stärksten Viertel, das Grundkompetenzniveau nicht erreichen, Österreichs Anteil bei „sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Schüler*innen“, also Schüler*innen aus dem sozioökonomisch schwächstem Viertel, aber im OECD-Mittelfeld liegt. (Quelle: OECD, PISA-2022-Datenbank, Tables I.B1.4.14, I.B1.4.15 und I.B1.4.16.)

Schüler*innen mit Migrationshintergrund, die sozioökonomisch benachteiligt sind ...


„Im OECD-Durchschnitt sind fast 37 % der Schüler*innen mit Migrationshintergrund sozioökonomisch benachteiligt, gegenüber 22 % der Schüler*innen ohne Migrationshintergrund. Außerdem kommunizieren im Durchschnitt 52 % der Schüler*innen mit Migrationshintergrund in den OECD-Ländern zu Hause in einer anderen Sprache als der, in der sie an den PISA-Tests teilgenommen haben. Bei Schüler*innen ohne Migrationshintergrund liegt dieser Anteil lediglich bei 4 %.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 54.
In Österreich sind 49 % der Schüler*innen mit Migrationshintergrund „sozioökonomisch benachteiligt“, gehören also dem sozioökonomisch schwächsten Viertel an, während dies nur bei 16 % der Schüler*innen ohne Migrationshintergrund der Fall ist, womit Österreich zu den OECD-Staaten mit der größten diesbezüglichen Differenz gehört. In Österreich kommunizieren 75 % der Schüler*innen mit Migrationshintergrund zu Hause in einer anderen Sprache als der, in der sie an den PISA-Tests teilgenommen haben. Bei Schüler*innen ohne Migrationshintergrund liegt dieser Anteil in Österreich bei 6 %. (Quelle: OECD, PISA-2022-Datenbank, Tables I.B1.7.5 und I.B1.7.9.)

Ziel einer gerechtigkeitsorientierten Bildungspolitik ...


„Bildungsgerechtigkeit bedeutet nicht, dass alle Schüler*innen die gleichen Ergebnisse erzielen sollen. […] Ziel einer gerechtigkeitsorientierten Bildungspolitik ist es nicht, den schulischen Erfolg besonders leistungsstarker Schüler*innen zu beschneiden oder das Niveau allgemein zu senken, um möglichst homogene Bildungsergebnisse zu erreichen. Eine gerechte Bildungspolitik soll vielmehr allen Schüler*innen helfen, das Beste aus sich herauszuholen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 121.

Sehr hohe Schülerleistungen verbunden mit einem sehr hohen Grad an Fairness in Bezug auf den sozioökonomischen Hintergrund ...


„Besonders bemerkenswert sind Hongkong (China) und Macau (China). Sie verbinden sehr hohe Schülerleistungen – ihre mittlere Punktzahl in Mathematik beträgt 540 Punkte bzw. sogar mehr – mit einem sehr hohen Grad an Fairness in Bezug auf den sozioökonomischen Hintergrund.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 125.

Der Anteil an außerordentlich aufgenommenen Pflichtschüler/innen für das Schuljahr 2016/17 ...


„Der Anteil an außerordentlich aufgenommenen Pflichtschüler/innen betrug für das Schuljahr 2016/17 4,1 %, wobei jener für afghanische 53 %, für russische 14 % und für syrische Pflichtschüler/innen 74 % betrug. Dies zeigt die unterschiedlichen Startvoraussetzungen unter Kindern mit nicht-österreichischer Herkunft klar auf.“
ÖIF (Hrsg.), Bildungsaspirationen von jugendlichen Migrant/innen (2023), S. 23.

Frühe Schulabbrüche und mangelnder Zugang zu entsprechenden Ausbildungsplätzen bei einem Teil der Jugendlichen ...


„Einerseits verlaufen die Bildungskarrieren im österreichischen Schulsystem gut und eröffnen vielen Jugendlichen Zukunftsaussichten, die einen Aufholprozess in Gang gesetzt haben, andererseits ist das bei einem Teil der Jugendlichen durch frühe Schulabbrüche und den mangelnden Zugang zu entsprechenden Ausbildungsplätzen getrübt.“
ÖIF (Hrsg.), Jugendliche Submilieus in urbanen Räumen (2023), S. 49.

Cross-national differences in the SES gradient (Anm.: Socioeconomic status) are already apparent at the end of primary school and these differentials exhibit stability over time ...


„Cross-national differences in the SES gradient are already apparent at the end of primary school and these differentials exhibit stability over time – countries with high inequalities in primary school tend to have higher inequalities in secondary school.“
Dr. Jascha Dräger u. a., Cross-national differences in socioeconomic achievement inequality in early primary school: the role of parental education and income in six countries (2023), S. 7.

International differences in childhood socio-economic inequality are already apparent by the time children begin school ...


„International differences in childhood socio-economic inequality are already apparent by the time children begin school and remain largely, although not perfectly, stable over time.“
Dr. Jascha Dräger u. a., Cross-national differences in socioeconomic achievement inequality in early primary school: the role of parental education and income in six countries (2023), S. 8.

Low SES children (Anm.: Socioeconomic Status) start a long way behind in Germany and remain there ...


„Low SES children start a long way behind in Germany and remain there, whereas low SES children start on a remarkably equal footing in France in international terms but fall behind sharply during the course of schooling.“
Dr. Jascha Dräger u. a., Cross-national differences in socioeconomic achievement inequality in early primary school: the role of parental education and income in six countries (2023), S. 18.

Reducing inequalities prior to school entry may have far-reaching effects on social mobility ...


„The striking stability in the SES gradients at age 6-8 and those at age 15 reported in PISA suggest that reducing inequalities prior to school entry may have far-reaching effects on social mobility. […] However, the case study of France reminds us that a note of caution is needed about focusing attention exclusively on environments in the early years. The strong French SES gradient in PISA suggests that the benefits for equality of its world-leading preschool system are completely eroded over the course of primary and lower secondary schooling, such that it ends up with an internationally high gradient by age 15, with a level similar to that in Germany.“
Dr. Jascha Dräger u. a., Cross-national differences in socioeconomic achievement inequality in early primary school: the role of parental education and income in six countries (2023), S. 28.

Strong positive association between students’ socioeconomic status and their educational achievement at all ages ...


„Research has consistently shown a strong positive association between students’ socioeconomic status and their educational achievement at all ages.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Children’s reading competence and well-being in the EU (2023), S. 14.

A strong basis for early development and well-being ...


„The provision of high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) is increasingly seen as a strategy to level the playing field in social and economic life due to its potential to give all children, and especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, a strong basis for early development and well-being.“
Carlos González-Sancho u. a., Levelling the playing field in ECEC: Results from TALIS Starting Strong 2018 (2023), S. 6.

Attending ECEC is linked to stronger cognitive development for disadvantaged children ...


„Findings from the OECD International Early Learning and Well-being Study (IELS) suggest that 5-year-olds from socio-economically disadvantaged homes in England (United Kingdom), Estonia and the United States face an average learning gap of about 12 months in early literacy and numeracy compared to advantaged peers, and that attending ECEC is linked to stronger cognitive development for these disadvantaged children.“
Carlos González-Sancho u. a., Levelling the playing field in ECEC: Results from TALIS Starting Strong 2018 (2023), S. 6.

Children from vulnerable or minority backgrounds tend to be exposed to lower-quality ECEC ...


„A recurrent finding in the research literature is that children from vulnerable or minority backgrounds tend to be exposed to lower-quality ECEC than children from more advantaged backgrounds. For instance, studies have found that groups with a larger percentage of immigrant or bilingual children often experience lower quality interactions with ECEC staff.“
Carlos González-Sancho u. a., Levelling the playing field in ECEC: Results from TALIS Starting Strong 2018 (2023), S. 6.

Engaging children in home learning activities before entering primary school is associated with increased students’ fourth-grade mathematics and science achievement ...


„Engaging children in home learning activities before entering primary school is associated with increased students’ fourth-grade mathematics and science achievement, with a significantly larger positive relationship for boys than girls for numeracy activities.“
IEA Hrsg.), Early learning activities matter for girls’ and boys' mathematics and science achievement (2023), S. 1.

Early learning activities are important for student achievement in mathematics and science ...


„Early learning activities are important for student achievement in mathematics and science, regardless of gender, stressing the importance of promoting activities across all households.“
IEA Hrsg.), Early learning activities matter for girls’ and boys' mathematics and science achievement (2023), S. 1.

Engaging students in learning activities before primary school is positively associated with later student achievement ...


„Research has demonstrated that engaging students in learning activities before primary school is positively associated with later student achievement. Engaging parents in the mathematics education of young children aged three to eight has been found to positively affect learning. Such activities also have the potential to generate children’s interest in learning. Parental involvement and continued engagement in their child’s early learning experiences can have longlasting impacts on the child’s educational experiences.“
IEA Hrsg.), Early learning activities matter for girls’ and boys' mathematics and science achievement (2023), S. 2.

Extracurricular activities may be especially helpful for students from underprivileged populations ...


„Participation in after-school extracurricular activities generally results in higher levels of academic achievement, school belongingness and intrinsic motivation among students from various ethnic backgrounds. Extracurricular activities may be especially helpful for students from underprivileged populations.“
Dr. Mehmet Karakus u.a., Understanding the academic achievement of the first‑ and second-generation immigrant students. In: Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (2023), 35, S. 238.

Was die Leseleistung fördert ...


„Having more books at home is conducive to consistently better performance on the PIRLS 2021 test, although this effect in not linear. The difference in performance between students who report having more than 200 books and those who report having between 101 and 200 books is considerably smaller than that between students who have between 101 and 200 books and those who have between 26 and 100 books. […] Students who had been engaged in various literacy-related games and activities before they went to school are also found to do better on the test than students who didn’t have that experience.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Karpiński, The experience of being bullied at school and its effect on reading proficiency in grade 4 (2023), S. 16.

Child development, in particular language development, is associated with family background ...


„Child development, in particular language development, is associated with family background, e.g., educational level. […] We found that especially poverty is significantly associated with early language skills over and above maternal education and joint picture book reading.“
Dr. Claudia Karwath u. a., Does Poverty Affect Early Language in 2-year-old Children in Germany?. In: Journal of Child and Family Studies (2023), S. 2254.

Schools in countries such as Finland are increasingly grouping students by ability and interest in 'special emphasis classes' ...


„Schools in countries such as Finland are increasingly grouping students by ability and interest in 'special emphasis classes' (e.g., music, foreign languages). Admission criteria used to select students into these 'special emphasis classes' tends to privilege those from the most advantaged backgrounds.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 108.

Supervised learning support at school ...


„Substituting supervised learning support at school for time spent on homework (where family inputs play a greater role in students’ success) is more likely to reduce inequities than increasing instruction time to cover additional curriculum content.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 245.

Extended school time appeared to be effective for at-risk students ...


„Several studies reported that extended school time appeared to be effective for at-risk students or that more time benefitted minority, lower socio-economic status, or low-achievement students the most. In addition, extending school time may be particularly important for single-parent families and families in which both parents work outside the home.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 245.

Das mediane Haushaltseinkommen Über-16-jähriger im Ausland Geborener ...


„The median immigrant household income is over 90 % that of the native-born in the EU and OECD.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023 (2023), S. 100.
Im OECD-Durchschnitt liegt das mediane Haushaltseinkommen Über-16-jähriger im Ausland Geborener 3,3 % unter dem im Land Geborener, im EU-Durchschnitt 8,1 %, in Österreich aber 26,8 %. (Stand 2020; Quelle: ibidem, S. 103.)

Over one-sixth of immigrants live in overcrowded housing in both the OECD and the EU ...


„Over one-sixth of immigrants live in overcrowded housing in both the OECD and the EU – a share that is 70 % higher than that of the native-born in the EU.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023 (2023), S. 110.
In Österreich leben 5,2 % der im Land geborenen Über-16-Jährigen in überbelegten Wohnungen, aber 27,7 % der im Ausland geborenen. (Stand 2020; Quelle: ibidem, S. 111.)

Der Anteil der armutsgefährdeten Unter-16-Jährigen ...


„In virtually all countries, children under 16 in immigrant households are more at risk of living in relative poverty than those in native-born households. Their relative poverty rate is at least 50 % higher in most countries.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023 (2023), S. 167.
Österreich gehört zu den Staaten, in denen diese Differenz am größten ist. Der Anteil der armutsgefährdeten Unter-16-Jährigen ist bei denen mit Migrationshintergrund fast vier Mal so groß. (Quelle: ibidem, Table A C.2.)

Children under 16 in immigrant households who live in overcrowded accommodation in the EU ...


„More than one-third of children in immigrant households live in overcrowded accommodation in the EU, against less than one in five in native-born households.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023 (2023), S. 167.
Österreich gehört zu den Staaten, in denen diese Differenz am größten ist: Betroffen sind nur 7 % der Unter-16-Jährigen ohne Migrationshintergrund, aber 44 % derer mit Migrationshintergrund. (Quelle: ibidem, Table A C.4.)

Children, especially those who are disadvantaged, who attend early childhood education and care are more likely to succeed ...


„Evidence shows that children, especially those who are disadvantaged, who attend early childhood education and care are more likely to succeed, first at school then as adults in the labour market. ECEC (Anm.: ECEC = early childhood education and care) is even more important for the children of immigrants, who have weaker ties with the host-country language in early childhood.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023 (2023), S. 174.

Children who attend preschool have higher PISA reading scores at 15 years old ...


„Children who attend preschool have higher PISA reading scores at 15 years old, even after accounting for socio-economic background. The benefit of preschool after that account is almost a year of schooling in the EU (37 points) for children of immigrants, who benefit much more from ECEC than their peers with native-born parents (15 points only).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023 (2023), S. 174.

Native-born pupils with foreign-born parents who lack basic reading skills ...


„In the EU, 29 % of native-born pupils with foreign-born parents lack basic reading skills, against 38 % of their foreign-born peers and 18 % of those with native-born parents.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023 (2023), S. 180.
In Österreich sind es 17 % der im Land Geborenen mit im Land geborenen Eltern, aber 36 % der im Land Geborenen mit im Ausland geborenen Eltern und sogar 44 % der im Ausland Geborenen. (Stand 2018; Quelle: ibidem, S. 181.)

The overall share of children under 16 in immigrant households living in relative poverty ...


„The overall share of children under 16 in immigrant households living in relative poverty is 32 % in the EU.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023 (2023), S. 202.
In Österreich sind es sogar 43 %. (Stand 2019; Quelle: ibidem, S. 203.)

Children under 16 in immigrant households who live in overcrowded accommodation in the EU ...


„More than one-third of children under 16 in immigrant households live in overcrowded accommodation in the EU, compared to one-fifth of their peers in native-born households.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2023 (2023), S. 204.
In Österreich leben nur 7 % der Unter-16-Jährigen ohne Migrationshintergrund in überbelegten Wohnungen, aber 44 % derer mit Migrationshintergrund. (Stand 2019; Quelle: ibidem, S. 205.)

Grouping students of similar abilities and interests together may enable teachers to tailor their instruction level ...


„Grouping students of similar abilities and interests together may enable teachers to tailor their instruction level and teaching strategies to students’ skills and interests, potentially benefitting low- and high-achieving students. In addition, well-resourced and attractive vocational programmes may improve the career prospects of low-achieving and disadvantaged teenagers, especially those at risk of leaving the school system early.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 127.

Attendance at pre-primary school has been shown to improve students’ behaviour, attention, effort and class participation in primary school ...


„Attendance at pre-primary school has been shown to improve students’ behaviour, attention, effort and class participation in primary school. […] The benefits of attendance at pre-primary education tend to be greater for socio-economically disadvantaged children.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 133.

Socio-economically advantaged students were more likely to have attended pre-primary education ...


„While the gender gap in access to pre-primary education was generally small or negligible in 2022, the socio-economic gap was sizeable. In 66 out of 80 countries/economies for which there are comparable data, socio-economically advantaged students were more likely to have attended pre-primary education than disadvantaged students.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 133f.
Österreich gehört zu den Staaten, in denen diese soziokonomisch bedingte Differenz gering ist. (Quelle: OECD, PISA-2022-Datenbank, Table II.B1.4.2.)

Reading motivation and reading behavior ...


„Reading activities of children are important for their reading skill development and parents seem to have substantial impact on the development of children’s leisure time reading behavior. When children are in preschool age, already important early literacy skills develop as do aspects of reading motivation and reading behavior. Sources of parental influence are mainly expected from joint book reading, joint library visits – both aspects of informal literacy activities – and letter teaching (one aspect of formal literacy activities).“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maximilian Pfost u. a., Joint book reading, library visits and letter teaching in families relations to parent education and children’s reading behavior. In: Reading and Writing (2023) 36, S. 2630.

Already in preschool age through the provision of joint book reading activities parents can support children’s later leisure time reading ...


„The development of reading comprehension is closely tied to the activity of reading, as avid readers are assumed to become good readers, which in consequence promotes further regular reading. However, many children struggle on their way of becoming a competent reader and do not read on their own. Therefore, the identification of variables that relate to such an active reading lifestyle is of high importance. Our findings clearly support the view that already in preschool age through the provision of joint book reading activities parents can support children’s later leisure time reading.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maximilian Pfost u. a., Joint book reading, library visits and letter teaching in families relations to parent education and children’s reading behavior. In: Reading and Writing (2023) 36, S. 2641.

Results showed joint library visits to be relevant ...


„Results showed joint library visits to be relevant. As public libraries are typically open to all families indepent of their socioeconomic status or migration background, this finding highlights the importance of public libraries within local communities. Besides possibilities of use and borrowing of books and further media, public libraries are engaged in providing further reading opportunities to children such as storytimes or summer reading clubs.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maximilian Pfost u. a., Joint book reading, library visits and letter teaching in families relations to parent education and children’s reading behavior. In: Reading and Writing (2023) 36, S. 2641.

Association between screen time among young children and subsequent developmental outcomes ...


„[…] there was a dose-response association between longer screen time at age 1 year and developmental delays in communication and problem-solving at ages 2 and 4 years. In particular, more than 4 hours of screen time per day was associated with developmental delays in communication and problem-solving across ages 2 and 4 years.“
Ippei Takahashi, MMSc u. a., Screen Time at Age 1 Year and Communication and Problem-Solving Developmental Delay at 2 and 4 Years. In: JAMA Pediatrics 2023, 177(10), S. 1043.

Die Ursprünge der Nachteile der Kinder nicht deutschsprachiger Eltern ...


„Eine kompensatorisch wirkende Integrationspolitik sollte möglichst dort ansetzen, wo die Ursprünge der Nachteile der Kinder nicht deutschsprachiger Eltern liegen. Wichtig wäre es, bereits im frühkindlichen und vorschulischen Bereich zu handeln, wenn Kinder nicht in ausreichendem Maß an die deutsche Sprache herangeführt werden.“
Wido Geis-Thöne, Kinder mit nicht deutschsprechenden Eltern – Eine Analyse auf Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP). In: IW (Hrsg.), IW-Trends 1/2022 (2022), S. 111.

Deutschland: Der Anteil von Kindern im vorschulischen Alter, die täglich vorgelesen oder Geschichten erzählt bekommen ...


Deutschland: „Der Anteil von Kindern im vorschulischen Alter, die täglich vorgelesen oder Geschichten erzählt bekommen, ist in Familien, in denen Eltern über keine guten Deutschkenntnisse verfügen, unterdurchschnittlich gering. Nur 37,8 Prozent von ihnen werden durch tägliches Vorlesen geprägt, während dieser Anteil für Kinder ohne Migrationshintergrund mit 68,2 Prozent erheblich höher ausfällt.“
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (Hrsg.), Bildungspolitische Impulse für mehr Chancengleichheit an Schulen (2022), S. 5.

Deutschland: Die ungleichen Verhältnisse, in denen Kinder aufwachsen, führen zu ungleichen Zugängen zu bildungsrelevanten Ressourcen ...


Deutschland: „Bereits im vorschulischen Alter werden mit 78,5 Prozent die meisten Kinder aus bildungsnahen Familien, in denen mindestens ein Elternteil Akademiker ist, durch tägliches Vorlesen und Geschichten erzählen geprägt. Dagegen trifft dies nur auf weniger als jedes vierte Kind aus bildungsfernen Familien zu, in denen kein Elternteil einen berufsqualifizierenden Abschluss hat. Die ungleichen Verhältnisse, in denen Kinder aufwachsen, führen zu ungleichen Zugängen zu bildungsrelevanten Ressourcen und setzen damit den Grundstein für ungleiche Bildungsverläufe.“
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (Hrsg.), Bildungspolitische Impulse für mehr Chancengleichheit an Schulen (2022), S. 5.

Die Bedeutung guter Sprachkenntnisse konnte vielfach empirisch belegt werden ...


„Die Bedeutung guter Sprachkenntnisse konnte vielfach empirisch belegt werden. Die Sprachförderung sollte daher möglichst früh im Leben einsetzen und bei Bedarf sehr intensiv erfolgen.“
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (Hrsg.), Bildungspolitische Impulse für mehr Chancengleichheit an Schulen (2022), S. 48.

Besonders schädlich ist die Bildschirmnutzung im Vorschulalter für spätere Kompetenzen ...


„Besonders schädlich ist die Bildschirmnutzung im Vorschulalter (hoher Konsum bedeutete durchschnittlich zwei Stunden pro Tag) für spätere Kompetenzen. […] Fernsehkonsum im Alter von 2.5 und 4.5 Jahren (nach Auskunft der Eltern) hängt negativ mit den Schulleistungen in der vierten Klasse (Angabe der Lehrpersonen) zusammen. Dafür seien nach den Autoren direkte Effekte (Einfluss auf Entwicklung des Gehirns) und indirekte Effekte (verringertes Konzentrations- und Aufmerksamkeitsvermögen, verringerte Aufgabenorientiertheit und geringes autonomes Lernverhalten) verantwortlich.“
Dr. Avelina Lovis-Schmidt u. a., Bildschirmkonsum und kognitive Kompetenzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. In: Lernen und Lernstörungen (2022), 11 (2), S. 105f.

Hochwertige frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung ist entscheidend ...


„Hochwertige frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung ist entscheidend, wenn es darum geht, Schülern mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen einen gerechten Bildungseinstieg zu ermöglichen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 26f.

Kinder, die in jungem Alter an hochwertigem organisiertem Lernen teilnehmen, erzielen später mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit bessere Bildungserfolge ...


„Kinder, die in jungem Alter an hochwertigem organisiertem Lernen teilnehmen, erzielen später mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit bessere Bildungserfolge. Das gilt insbesondere für Kinder mit sozioökonomisch benachteiligtem Hintergrund, da diese häufig weniger Gelegenheit haben, ihre Fähigkeiten im häuslichen Lernumfeld zu entfalten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 179.

Bereits im vorschulischen Alter deutliche Ungleichheiten in kognitiven und sozio-emotionalen Bereichen ...


Es zeigt sich, dass bereits im vorschulischen Alter deutliche Ungleichheiten in kognitiven und sozio-emotionalen Bereichen bestehen, die ein bedeutsames Fundament für fortbestehende Ungleichheitsmuster über den gesamten Bildungs- und Lebenslauf hinweg darstellen und sich im weiteren Bildungsverlauf immer weiter aufschichten können – mit Auswirkungen auf die gesamte Bildungskarriere eines Individuums. Dies scheint besonders für frühe Sprachentwicklung und spätere Lesekompetenzen zuzutreffen.“
Hannah Rein, Die Rolle vorschulischer Lernumwelten für die Kompetenzentwicklung (2022), S. 4.

Informelle mathematikspezifische Anregungsformen wie das gemeinsame Spielen von Würfel- oder Kartenspielen beeinflussen frühe mathematische Fertigkeiten positiv ...


„Studien, die sich gezielt mit dem ‚Home Numeracy Environment‘ auseinandersetzen, zeigen, dass informelle mathematikspezifische Anregungsformen wie das gemeinsame Spielen von Würfel- oder Kartenspielen frühe mathematische Fertigkeiten positiv beeinflussen.“
Hannah Rein, Die Rolle vorschulischer Lernumwelten für die Kompetenzentwicklung (2022), S. 22.

Frühe Sprachfertigkeiten besonders essenziell für die weitere Kompetenzentwicklung ...


„Mit Blick auf die Folgen kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass frühe Sprachfertigkeiten besonders essenziell für die weitere Kompetenzentwicklung in allen Domänen sind, weil Wissen in sozialen Kontexten zumeist sprachlich-mündlich oder in Textform vermittelt wird und beide Vermittlungsformen auf Sprache basieren.“
Hannah Rein, Die Rolle vorschulischer Lernumwelten für die Kompetenzentwicklung (2022), S. 37.

Befunde zum sogenannten ‚Sommerlocheffekt‘ ...


„Befunde zum sogenannten ‚Sommerlocheffekt‘ (englisch 'summer setback') legen nahe, dass die Bildungsinstitution Schule herkunftsbedingte Ungleichheit kognitiver Kompetenzen im Vergleich zu außerschulischen Prozessen nicht verstärkt, sondern eine moderat kompensatorische Wirkung hat. Nachvollziehbar wird dies daran, dass die Lernkurven für Kinder aus verschiedenen sozialen Schichten in den Sommerferien divergieren, sodass Kinder mit niedrigem sozioökonomischem Status – anders als zu Schulzeiten – hinter privilegierten Kindern zurückbleiben.“
Hannah Rein, Die Rolle vorschulischer Lernumwelten für die Kompetenzentwicklung (2022), S. 53.

Wichtige kognitive Entwicklungsprozesse setzen bereits mit dem Tag der Geburt ein ...


„Wichtige kognitive Entwicklungsprozesse setzen bereits mit dem Tag der Geburt ein. Diese bilden die Basis für die spätere Aneignung bildungsrelevanter Kompetenzen. Die kognitive Entwicklung des Kindes findet in Interaktion mit den jeweiligen Lernumwelten statt. In den frühen Jahren sind diese die Familie als auch Orte der außerhäuslichen Betreuung, wie z.B. Kindertageseinrichtungen.“
Dr. Monja Schmitt u. a., Wie nehmen Eltern und pädagogische Fachkräfte die Kompetenzen ihrer Kinder wahr?. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 2022, 25, S. 1294.

Zwischen der höchsten abgeschlossenen Ausbildung von Eltern und deren Kindern wurde ein deutlicher Zusammenhang festgestellt ...


„Zwischen der höchsten abgeschlossenen Ausbildung von Eltern und deren Kindern wurde ein deutlicher Zusammenhang festgestellt, der bei Migrant:innen nochmals deutlicher ausfiel. Wiesen beide Elternteile von Migrant:innen lediglich einen Pflichtschulabschluss auf, so verfügten 2021 46,2 % der Migrant:innen (25 bis 64 Jahre) ebenfalls über keinen höheren Bildungsabschluss; bei gebürtigen Österreicher:innen lag dieser Anteil bei 21,2 %.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Arbeitsmarksituation von Migrant:innen in Österreich (2022), S. 11.

Boys are more likely to show disengagement ...


„Boys, socio-economically disadvantaged students, as well as students with an immigrant background are more likely to show disengagement.“
Dr. Janine Buchholz u. a., Developing measures of engagement in PISA (2022), S. 3.

Key determinants of the uptake of Shadow Education ...


„Cross-national comparative studies have consistently found that high socio-economic status, household income and parental education are key determinants of the uptake of SE (Anm.: SE = Shadow Education).“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Selina McCoy u. a., Shadow Education uptake among final year students in secondary schools in Ireland (2022), S. 3.

No education and training system manages to decouple performance from socioeconomic status ...


„No education and training system manages to decouple performance from socioeconomic status. Young people from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds are almost six times more likely to underachieve at age 15 than those from advantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, suggesting a strong intergenerational transmission of educational disadvantage. Such inequities do not emerge at age 15 and do not stop there.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2022 (2022), S. 4.

Abhängigkeit des Bildungserfolgs vom Elternhaus in Österreich etwas geringer als im EU-Durchschnitt ...


„Students of low socioeconomic status are almost 6 times more likely to underachieve than students of high socioeconomic status.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2022 (2022), S. 9.
EU-weit war diese Wahrscheinlichkeit bei PISA 2018 für 15-Jährige aus sozioökonomisch schwachem Elternhaus 5,6, in Österreich 4,9 Mal so groß. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 10.)

The benefits of high quality ECEC have been widely documented ...


„The benefits of high quality ECEC have been widely documented, especially for vulnerable children.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2022 (2022), S. 18.

In Österreich besuchen besonders wenige Kinder aus sozioökonomisch schwachem Elternhaus eine Elementarbildungseinrichtung ...


„In almost all EU countries, the share of children at risk of poverty or social exclusion who are in formal childcare is consistently lower than the share among children not at risk. The participation gap is 7.5 percentage points on average, and ranges from 1.5 percentage points in Spain to no fewer than 35.7 percentage points in Croatia.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2022 (2022), S. 20.
Österreich gehört mit einem Rückstand von 19,0 % zu den EU-Staaten, in denen Kinder aus sozioökonomisch schwachem Elternhaus beim Besuch von Elementarbildungseinrichtungen am weitesten zurückbleiben. (Quelle: ibidem.)

Quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) is a major contributor to equity ...


„Quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) is a major contributor to equity when it can reach children from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Participation in ECEC contributes to better cognitive outcomes and better prospects, especially for vulnerable children.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2022 (2022), S. 22.

Students from low socioeconomic backgrounds are over-represented among low achievers in all European education systems ...


„Students from low socioeconomic backgrounds are over-represented among low achievers in all European education systems.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools (2022), S. 11.

The role of specialised teachers ...


„Education systems in which teachers with a specialisation in supporting low-achieving students ('remedial teachers') are involved in learning support provision have, on average, lower percentages of low achievement among fourth grade students in mathematics. The role of specialised teachers varies from coordinating learning support provision, developing individualised learning programmes and communicating with parents to actual teaching.”
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools (2022), S. 12.

Socioeconomic background variables are among the strongest predictors of academic performance ...


„Research confirms that socioeconomic background variables such as parental education, ethnicity, the number of books at home and housing type are among the strongest predictors of academic performance.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools (2022), S. 30.

Early childhood education programmes play a key role in redressing 'unequal' life chances ...


„Early childhood education programmes constitute the first level of education in education and training systems and play a key role in redressing 'unequal' life chances, tackling inequalities through preventing the formation of early skills gaps.“
Eurostat (Hrsg.), Eurostat regional yearbook 2022 (2022), S. 56.

A greater representation of young people from humble socioeconomic backgrounds and with low cultural capital in dropout trajectories ...


„Many studies have shown that there is a greater representation of young people from humble socioeconomic backgrounds and with low cultural capital in dropout trajectories.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maribel García Gracia u. a., Educational pathways, traceability, and self-perception of academic performance in post-compulsory transitions (2022), S. 97.

Education achievement is one of the key foundations for the inequalities in the United Kingdom ...


„Education achievement is one of the key foundations for the inequalities in the United Kingdom. A good part of the inequality in people’s educational achievements stems from their socioeconomic background.”
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 1.

Englands Bildungswesen reproduziert die gesellschaftliche Führungsschicht ...


„The privately educated have a disproportionate presence at Cambridge, Oxford and other high-status universities. This formidable presence is magnified still further by the extensive reach of private school alumni in public life.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 1.

Englands vorgebliches „Gesamtschulsystem“ ...


„By the end of a school career the private school pupil has gained notably higher qualifications compared with a state school pupil with an observably similar background – enough to ensure a distinct advantage in access to university and to good jobs.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 2.

Mikroklassen in Englands extrem teuren Privatschulen ...


„The pupil–teacher ratio in private schools affiliated to the ISC (Anm.: ISC = Independent Schools Council) has been falling since the 1980s. In the latest decade, the ratio continued its decline, and by 2019 it had fallen to 8.5.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 6.

In England hängt der Bildungserfolg in besonders großem Ausmaß vom sozioökomoischen Background ab ...


„Young people from disadvantaged families are far less likely to be successful in their GCSEs and to study for higher-level qualifications.“
Institute for Fiscal Studies (Hrsg.), Deaton Review - Education Inequalities (2022), S. 27.

The children living in poverty often have poorer language skills at age 3 years and poorer school achievement ...


„The children living in poverty often have poorer language skills at age 3 years and poorer school achievement (reading and spelling) in kindergarten through third grade than peers from more advantaged economic environments.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara J. Jackson u. a., Assessing Pre-Literacy Behaviors in Infants and Toddlers: Psychometric Evaluation of the Infant Toddler Literacy Assessment (ITLA-3) (2022), S. 5.

Association between attendance at high-quality preschools and school readiness, particularly for children from lower socioeconomic status ...


„There is evidence of an association between attendance at high-quality preschools and school readiness, particularly for children from lower socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds. This evidence suggests that attending a quality early childhood program could contribute to reducing or ending intergenerational poverty for children coming from lower SES homes.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Krisztián Józsa u. a., School Readiness Test and Intelligence in Preschool as Predictors of Middle School Success (2022), S. 2.

Reducing the number of children with early learning difficulties before joining school contributes to decreasing the number of dropouts and improving school and life success ...


„Reducing the number of children with early learning difficulties before joining school contributes to decreasing the number of dropouts and improving school and life success. Furthermore, econometric evidence suggests that return on investment is high if skill development intervention is strategically implemented at an early age compared to the adolescent stage, especially for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Krisztián Józsa u. a., School Readiness Test and Intelligence in Preschool as Predictors of Middle School Success (2022), S. 2.

Child development, in particular language development, is associated with family background ...


„Child development, in particular language development, is associated with family background, e.g., educational level. […] A large amount of research, especially from the U.S., examined the detrimental impact of poverty on child outcomes showing that children living in poverty are negatively affected in their health, cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development as well as in their school achievement, and their later educational attainment compared to their peers who do not experience poverty.”
Dr. Claudia Karwath u. a., Does Poverty Affect Early Language in 2-year-old Children in Germany?. In: Journal of Child and Family Studies (2022), S. 1.

Especially the first three years of a child’s life are found to be important ...


„Especially the first three years of a child’s life are found to be important: In this time children are highly dependent on their family. Experiences, knowledge, nurture, and socialization of children are based on the family they grow up with. […] Various studies have shown the association of social background with language development starting at the age of 18 months onwards.“
Dr. Claudia Karwath u. a., Does Poverty Affect Early Language in 2-year-old Children in Germany?. In: Journal of Child and Family Studies (2022), S. 2.

Joint picture book reading at the age of seven months s found to have a significant positive effect on early grammar skills ...


„Joint picture book reading at the age of seven months is associated with vocabulary size in 2-year-old children. […] Additionally and in line with the results for vocabulary, joint picture book reading at the age of seven months is found to have a significant positive effect on early grammar skills.“
Dr. Claudia Karwath u. a., Does Poverty Affect Early Language in 2-year-old Children in Germany?. In: Journal of Child and Family Studies (2022), S. 8f.

Maternal education seems to be particularly relevant for the earlier stages of vocabulary development ...


„Maternal education seems to be particularly relevant for the earlier stages of vocabulary development. […] Higher maternal education is associated with a more stimulating home-learning and richer linguistic environment for children, which, in turn, has a positive effect on vocabulary.“
Dr. Dave Möwisch u. a., Cognitively stimulating maternal language as predictor for vocabulary growth. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (2022), S. 18.

Cognitively stimulating language input is an important predictor in later stages of vocabulary development ...


„While general aspects of maternal interaction behavior, such as the quantity and complexity of linguistic stimulation, are relevant in the earlier stages of vocabulary development, cognitively stimulating language input, as a more specific aspect of maternal input, is an important predictor in later stages of vocabulary development.“
Dr. Dave Möwisch u. a., Cognitively stimulating maternal language as predictor for vocabulary growth. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (2022), S. 21.

Parental media use, and in particular mobile media use, has been shown to have a negative association with parent–child interaction quality ...


„Parental media use, and in particular mobile media use, […] has been shown to have a negative association with parent–child interaction quality, with parental phone use in particular associating with children’s externalizing and internalizing problems. […] Longitudinal research on family talk with young children (three years old) about feeling states demonstrated that such talk (frequency, causal discussions, disputes) predicted greater emotional recognition and empathy in those children as six‐year‐olds.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robin L. Nabi u. a., Does Digital Media Use Harm Children’s Emotional Intelligence?. In: Media and Communication, 2022, Vol. 10, Iss. 1, S. 352f.

Finnland: The gap in student performance related to socio-economic and immigration status has widened ...


Finnland: „The gap in student performance related to socio-economic and immigration status, which was already among the highest across OECD countries, has widened in recent years.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Finland’s Right to Learn Programme (2022), S. 4.

Finnland: School segregation has been growing …


„Measures of quality and equity in the Finnish education system have been weakening in recent years, with students from low-income families and immigrant backgrounds falling increasingly behind more advantaged peers. Moreover, indicators suggest that school segregation has been growing.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Finland’s Right to Learn Programme (2022), S. 48.

Überdurchschnittliches Ausmaß an Segregation in Finnlands Schulwesen …


„In Finland, the isolation index of immigrant students, which indicates the likelihood of students with an immigrant background to be enrolled in schools that enrol both immigrant and non-immigrant students (with 0 corresponding to no segregation and one to full segregation), is 0.49, against an OECD average of 0.45. This shows that, on average, a student with an immigrant background in Finland is more likely to be segregated from non-immigrant students.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Finland’s Right to Learn Programme (2022), S. 48.

Unterschiedliche SchülerInnen profitieren von unterschiedlichen Unterrichtsformen ...


„Different teaching styles and practices can be especially beneficial for some students but less so for others. It is, therefore, difficult to pinpoint teaching practices that are 'superior' to others. For instance, there is evidence that cognitive activation strategies may be more beneficial for socio-economically advantaged students and teacher-centred instruction for disadvantaged, at-risk students.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Mending the Education Divide (2022), S. 21.

In vielen Gesamtschulstaaten schicken Eltern, die es sich leisten können, ihre Kinder in Privatschulen ...


„The public or private management of schools is an important factor in many countries in explaining the segregation of students according to their socio-economic background.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Mending the Education Divide (2022), S. 45.

Personelle Autonomie und ihre Folgen ...


„In many education systems, schools with a large portion of socio-economically disadvantaged students are precisely those that find it difficult to attract experienced teachers, who are often more effective than their junior colleagues.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Mending the Education Divide (2022), S. 113.

Parental education has been shown to be a stronger predictor of gaps in early language development than family income ...


„Parental education is typically used as a proxy to capture differences in the family social environment, and has been shown to be a stronger predictor of gaps in early language development than family income, as well as an important factor for explaining gaps in early primary school achievements.“
OECD (Hrsg.), The economic costs of childhood socioeconomic disadvantage in European OECD countries (2022), S. 13.

Australien: Even high-fee private schools receive public funding, leading to large between-school inequalities ...


Australien: „Even high-fee private schools receive public funding, leading to large between-school inequalities of human and material resources. Overall, inequalities in human and material resources between socially advantaged and disadvantaged schools (whether public or private) in Australia are among the largest in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Laura B. Perry u. a., Does school SES matter less for high‑performing students than for their lower‑performing peers?. In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2022) 10:17, S. 3.

Academic performance and socioeconomic status are correlated positively ...


„Academic performance and socioeconomic status are correlated positively because students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds experience more pro-schooling cultural, social, human, and financial capital at home.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Laura B. Perry u. a., Does school SES matter less for high‑performing students than for their lower‑performing peers?. In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2022) 10:17, S. 5.

Australia has the second highest degree of socioeconomic segregation between public and private schools ...


„Australia has the second highest degree of socioeconomic segregation between public and private schools among member countries of the OECD, second only to Spain.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Laura B. Perry u. a., Does school SES matter less for high‑performing students than for their lower‑performing peers?. In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2022) 10:17, S. 6.

Schweden: Increasing school segregation with respect to achievement and socioeconomic composition ...


„A variety of studies point to a deterioration of educational equity in Sweden and increasing school segregation with respect to achievement and socioeconomic composition.“
Deborah Elin Siebecke, M. Sc., u. a., Does the material well‑being at schools successfully compensate for socioeconomic disadvantages? In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2022), 10:11, S. 1.

In Schweden hängt der Schulerfolg stark vom sozioökonomischen Background der SchülerInnen ab ...


„It could be argued that Sweden, which once had the reputation of having one of the most equal school systems in the world, can no longer be seen as such. Rather, recent studies have drawn the picture of a school system with increasing inequity and a compensatory mission that is lacking. Results from international large-scale assessments show clear socioeconomic disparities in student outcomes in Sweden.“
Deborah Elin Siebecke, M. Sc., u. a., Does the material well‑being at schools successfully compensate for socioeconomic disadvantages? In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2022), 10:11, S. 2.

Schweden: The socioeconomic background of a student is strongly related to their achievement ...


Schweden: „Results from PISA and other studies indicate that the socioeconomic background of a student is strongly related to their achievement.“
Deborah Elin Siebecke, M. Sc., u. a., Does the material well‑being at schools successfully compensate for socioeconomic disadvantages? In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2022), 10:11, S. 3.

Early learning better predicts later educational success than any other factor ...


„Early learning better predicts later educational success than any other factor, especially for disadvantaged children.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Improving Early Equity (2022), S. 3.

Disadvantaged children’s participation in Early Childhood Education and Care is significantly linked to higher learning outcomes ...


„Disadvantaged children’s participation in ECEC (Anm.: ECEC=Early Childhood Education and Care) is significantly linked to higher learning outcomes, and this relationship is stronger than for advantaged children who participate in ECEC.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Improving Early Equity (2022), S. 11.

Reading to children five days a week or more is linked to significant early learning gains for disadvantaged children ...


„Reading to children five days a week or more is linked to significant early learning gains for disadvantaged children.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Improving Early Equity (2022), S. 13.

Attending Early Childhood Education and Care is linked to stronger cognitive development among disadvantaged children ...


„Attending ECEC (Anm.: ECEC=Early Childhood Education and Care) is linked to stronger cognitive development among disadvantaged children.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Improving Early Equity (2022), S. 17.

The largest development gap between disadvantaged and advantaged children ...


„The largest development gap between disadvantaged and advantaged children is found in children’s social-emotional development.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Improving Early Equity (2022), S. 22.

The largest gaps between disadvantaged and advantaged children ...


„The largest gaps between disadvantaged and advantaged children are in levels of curiosity and empathy, both of which show strong correlations with early cognitive development.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Improving Early Equity (2022), S. 22.

Ensuring that all children have sufficient proficiency in the national language before starting primary school ...


„Ensuring that all children have sufficient proficiency in the national language before starting primary school is key for ensuring that they have equal opportunities in the education system.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Skills and Labour Market Integration of Immigrants and their Children in Norway (2022), S. 150.

Children in the United Kingdom undergo a routine English language assessment at age two to three ...


„Children in the United Kingdom undergo a routine English language assessment at age two to three. A follow-up assessment is performed at the end of the 'Early Years Foundation Stage', which is usually the academic year in which children turn five.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Skills and Labour Market Integration of Immigrants and their Children in Norway (2022), S. 150.

Exposure to better environments during (early) childhood has the potential to improve achievement and long-term educational outcomes ...


„Exposure to better environments during (early) childhood has the potential to improve achievement and long-term educational outcomes. This evidence suggests that social origin, which shapes the family environment and parental investments, may generate social inequalities in skill development even when there are no differences in innate abilities.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 851.

In the early years of life parental investment and family environment are particularly consequential for cognitive development ...


„In the early years of life parental investment and family environment are particularly consequential for cognitive development. Indeed, children’s brains are malleable and most receptive to external stimuli at the early stages. Hence, short and long run effects of social inequality in family environment and investment operating from birth up to the school entry contribute to the emergence of social inequality in children’s educational achievements already before school.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 851.

Sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsunterschiede „in all countries and time points“...


„In line with the previous research, we find positive and statistically significant associations between parental education and achievement in all countries and time points. Notably, social inequality in achievement is already substantial when children are only 5 years of age, a point in time by which they are not yet in school in Germany and have just started school in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Overall, we find the social gradient at age 5 to be highest in Germany.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 856.

Social inequality in language achievement ...


„We found that social inequality in language achievement was well established even before children had entered formal schooling. Those early gaps were larger in the United Kingdom and Germany compared with the Netherlands. Moreover, these social gaps remained stable over primary schooling in the United Kingdom and Germany but enlarged in the Netherlands.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 862.

Early interventions have the potential to reduce not only social inequality in early educational achievement but also at later educational stages ...


„The fact that a large proportion of the social gaps observable in school is rooted in the preschool period contrasts with the critical view of schooling as the main locus of the social reproduction of inequality. […] Early interventions have the potential to reduce not only social inequality in early educational achievement but also at later educational stages.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 862f.

Substantial differences by socioeconomic status exist in language skills even before children enter elementary school ...


„There is abundant evidence in sociology, but also in other disciplines, that substantial differences by SES (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) exist in language skills even before children enter elementary school.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider u. a., Development of socio-economic gaps in children’s language skills in Germany. In: Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol 13, no 1, 2022, S. 88.

Children from families with low education are already heavily over-represented among students with lower scores on language tests at the age of five ...


„Recent research shows that children from families with low education are already heavily over-represented among students with lower scores on language tests at the age of five.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider u. a., Development of socio-economic gaps in children’s language skills in Germany. In: Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol 13, no 1, 2022, S. 88.

Deutschland: Children whose mothers have a low or no secondary education lag behind other children at age five and fall even further behind over time ...


Deutschland: „The descriptive information on vocabulary for each SES group (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) reveals that children whose mothers have a low or no secondary education lag behind other children at age five and fall even further behind over time.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider u. a., Development of socio-economic gaps in children’s language skills in Germany. In: Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol 13, no 1, 2022, S. 100.

2 Jahre Rückstand mit 9 ...


„Children whose mothers have a low or no education show far below-average increases in their language skills. At the age of five, these children are, on average, one year behind children from families in which mothers have a tertiary degree and this gap doubles in the four years that follow. […] The finding that SES gaps (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) in vocabulary skills increase might be surprising, as all children attend preschool and later on elementary school, where they share the same curriculum.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider u. a., Development of socio-economic gaps in children’s language skills in Germany. In: Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol 13, no 1, 2022, S. 108f.

Children from high-SES (socioeconomic status) families develop language at a faster rate compared to children from low-SES families ...


„On average, parents with a comparatively higher SES (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) present their children with a richer language-stimulating environment by talking more, using more different words, more complex and varied sentence structures, as well as a larger proportion of conversation-eliciting questions in comparison to lower SES parents. Furthermore, differences in joint picture book reading as well as in sensitive and stimulating parent–child interactions have been documented. As a result, children from high-SES families develop language at a faster rate compared to children from low-SES families. Parental education is considered to be the component of SES that is most closely linked to child vocabulary.“
Dr. Anna Volodina u. a., Explaining gaps by parental education in children’s early language and social outcomes at age 3–4 years: evidence from harmonised data from three countries (2022), S. 2f.

Children residing with both parents tend to have advanced language and better socio-emotional skills ...


„With regard to family structure, children residing with both parents tend to have advanced language and better socio-emotional skills compared to children living with a single parent.“
Dr. Anna Volodina u. a., Explaining gaps by parental education in children’s early language and social outcomes at age 3–4 years: evidence from harmonised data from three countries (2022), S. 3f.

Many studies show positive effects of the attendance at early educational institutions on children’s language skills ...


„Many studies show positive effects of the attendance at early educational institutions on children’s language skills. […] Yet, results are controversial with respect to the effects of very early attendance at centre-based care. In particular, previous research underlines the importance of the time of entrance in centre-based care and the intensity/amount of time spent there, showing that children who start to attend centre-based care from a very early age and/or spend a large amount of hours in care from early on appear to be at an increased risk for behavioural problems.“
Dr. Anna Volodina u. a., Explaining gaps by parental education in children’s early language and social outcomes at age 3–4 years: evidence from harmonised data from three countries (2022), S. 4.

Especially the more frequent reading to the child in families with high-educated parents turned out to account for SES-related differences (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) in children’s language and social skills ...


„Especially the more frequent reading to the child in families with high-educated parents turned out to account for SES-related differences (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) in children’s language and social skills. Through shared picture book reading, children do not only learn words and improve their language skills; they additionally learn how characters in storybooks behave and how they solve social problems; these characters may serve as models for prosocial behaviour and patterns of interaction.“
Dr. Anna Volodina u. a., Explaining gaps by parental education in children’s early language and social outcomes at age 3–4 years: evidence from harmonised data from three countries (2022), S. 14.

Wirksame und effiziente Investitionen in die allgemeine und berufliche Bildung ...


„Wirksame und effiziente Investitionen in die allgemeine und berufliche Bildung sind eine Voraussetzung für eine höhere Qualität und Inklusivität der Systeme der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung und für die Verbesserung der Bildungsergebnisse sowie für die Förderung von nachhaltigem Wachstum, die Verbesserung des Wohlergehens und den Aufbau einer inklusiveren Gesellschaft.“
Entschließung des Rates zu einem strategischen Rahmen für die europäische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung mit Blick auf den europäischen Bildungsraum und darüber hinaus (2021-2030). In: Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union vom 26. Februar 2021, S. 4.

Frühzeitige Schul- und Ausbildungsabbrüche bleiben weiterhin eine Herausforderung, insbesondere angesichts der erwarteten Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie ...


„Frühzeitige Schul- und Ausbildungsabbrüche, durch die die sozioökonomischen Chancen junger Menschen und Erwachsener sinken, sind in den letzten zehn Jahren zwar zurückgegangen, bleiben allerdings weiterhin eine Herausforderung, insbesondere angesichts der erwarteten Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie. Die Anstrengungen zur Verringerung frühzeitiger Schul- und Ausbildungsabbrüche und zur Erreichung des Ziels, dass mehr junge Menschen einen Abschluss der Sekundarstufe II erlangen, müssen fortgesetzt werden.“
Entschließung des Rates zu einem strategischen Rahmen für die europäische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung mit Blick auf den europäischen Bildungsraum und darüber hinaus (2021-2030). In: Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union vom 26. Februar 2021, S. 5.

Für die intergenerationelle Transmission von kulturellem Kapital erweisen sich die frühkindlichen Sozialisationsprozesse im Elternhaus als besonders relevant ...


„Für die intergenerationelle Transmission von kulturellem Kapital erweisen sich die frühkindlichen Sozialisationsprozesse im Elternhaus als besonders relevant.“
Mag. Franz Astleithner u. a., Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Zum Zusammenhang von sozialer Herkunft, Migration und Bildungsaspirationen. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie (ÖZS), 2021, 46, S. 236.

Die soziale Herkunft beeinflusst den Bildungserfolg ...


„Die soziale Herkunft beeinflusst den Bildungserfolg, weil klassenspezifisch unterschiedliche Ressourcen sich in unterschiedlichen schulischen Kompetenzen manifestieren.“
Mag. Franz Astleithner u. a., Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Zum Zusammenhang von sozialer Herkunft, Migration und Bildungsaspirationen. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie (ÖZS), 2021, 46, S. 237.

Soziale Einflussfaktoren bei den Leistungsunterschieden in Mathematik am Ende der Volksschule ...


„Werden die sozialen Einflussfaktoren über das gesamte Leistungsspektrum hinweg be­trachtet, zeigt sich in Mathematik am Ende der Volksschule, dass Schüler/innen aus einem bildungsfernen Elternhaus bzw. aus Familien mit einem niedrigen Sozialstatus deutlich schwächer abschneiden als ihre Mitschüler/innen. So unterscheiden sich Kinder, deren Eltern maximal über einen Pflichtschulabschluss verfügen, von jenen, deren Eltern eine Matura haben, um 84 Punkte. Diese Differenz erhöht sich nochmals um 35 Punkte, wenn man die Erstgenannten mit Kindern aus einem Akademikerhaushalt vergleicht. Auch in den Bereichen des Migrationshintergrunds und der Erstsprache schneiden Kinder ohne Migrationshintergrund bzw. mit deutscher Erstsprache um mehr als 60 Punkte besser ab als ihre Mitschüler/innen mit Migrationshintergrund bzw. mit nur einer anderen Erstsprache als Deutsch. […] Deutlich geringer fallen die Unterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft im Fach Englisch am Ende der 8. Schulstufe aus.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2021 (2021), S. 322.

Der Anteil der in- und ausländischen Studierenden mit Eltern ohne akademischen Abschluss in Österreich vergleichsweise hoch ...


„Ein Vergleich mit anderen europäischen Ländern zeigt, dass der Anteil der in- und ausländischen Studierenden mit Eltern ohne akademischen Abschluss in Österreich mit 64 % vergleichsweise hoch ist.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), Universitätsbericht 2020 (2021), S. 200.

Sprachentwicklung in starker Wechselwirkung mit dem sozialen Umfeld ...


„Während rein biologisch gesteuerte Lernprozesse (laufen und sprechen lernen) grundsätzlich auch in einem weniger günstigen Umfeld stattfinden, stehen andere, wie etwa die Sprachentwicklung (Wortschatz etc.) in starker Wechselwirkung mit dem sozialen Umfeld.“
Dr. Sabine Buchebner-Ferstl u. a., Zum Wohl des Kindes (2021), S. 12.

Altersentsprechende Beteiligung im Sinne eines ‚Gehört und Wahrgenommen Werdens‘ ...


„Je weniger das Kind die Möglichkeit hat, Partizipation aktiv einzufordern, desto größer ist die Verantwortung des erwachsenen Gegenübers (insbesondere der Eltern), sensibel für die kindlichen Bedürfnisse zu sein und eine altersentsprechende Beteiligung im Sinne eines ‚Gehört und Wahrgenommen Werdens‘ zu ermöglichen.“
Dr. Sabine Buchebner-Ferstl u. a., Zum Wohl des Kindes (2021), S. 19.

Platzmangel bzw. ein Mangel an Rückzugsraum und Privatsphäre belastend ...


„Platzmangel bzw. ein Mangel an Rückzugsraum und Privatsphäre wirkt auf Kinder belastendend, insbesondere, wenn sie mit mehreren Geschwistern im urbanen Raum zusammenleben. Dabei leiden vor allem ältere Geschwister, die mit jüngeren ein Zimmer teilen müssen an Lärm, mangelnder Ruhe und Privatsphäre.“
Dr. Sabine Buchebner-Ferstl u. a., Zum Wohl des Kindes (2021), S. 124.

Anteil der Finanzmittel für Bildung ...


„Eine Schlüsselentscheidung auf nationaler Ebene betrifft den Anteil der Finanzmittel für Bildung, da dieser sich auf die wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung auswirkt. Laut Wirtschaftstheorie führen höhere öffentliche Ausgaben für Bildung dank erhöhten Bildungsangebots und somit einer besser ausgebildeten Erwerbsbevölkerung zu einem stärkeren Wirtschaftswachstum. Bezogen auf die Chancengerechtigkeit wirken sich die öffentlichen Ausgaben auch auf die künftigen Einkommen von Personen aus und können die Armutsquoten senken.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 322.

Armutsgefährdungsschwelle ...


„13,3 % der Personen in Österreich hatten im Jahr 2019 ein verfügbares Haushaltseinkommen unter der Armutsgefährdungsschwelle. Sie gelten damit als armutsgefährdet. Bei Personen mit Pflichtschulabschluss ohne weitere Ausbildung liegt die Armutsgefährdungsquote bei 20,8 %. Hingegen ist sie bei Personen mit Lehr- oder BMS-Abschluss (10,6 %), mit einer AHS oder BHS Matura (12,2 %) sowie bei Personen mit Hochschul- oder Akademieabschluss (12,0 %) unterdurchschnittlich.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2019/20. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2021), S. 104.

In der Bevölkerung ohne Migrationshintergrund wurde das niedrige Bildungsniveau weit weniger oft ‚vererbt‘ ...


„Fast jede zweite Person mit Migrationshintergrund (47 %), deren Eltern lediglich einen Pflichtschulabschluss aufwiesen, verfügte 2014 ebenfalls über keinen höheren Bildungsabschluss. In der Bevölkerung ohne Migrationshintergrund wurde das niedrige Bildungsniveau weit weniger oft „vererbt“, nämlich nur zu gut einem Fünftel (22 %).“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Migration & Integration. Zahlen.Daten.Indikatoren 2021 (2021), S. 52.

Schooling does not reinforce pre-existing inequalities ...


„Over one year of schooling (and age), the proficiency of disadvantaged children increases at least as much as that of children from more advantaged families (who tend to be more proficient to start with). Schooling, in other words, does not reinforce pre-existing inequalities and may instead contribute to reducing socio-economic gaps.” (ibidem, S. 25)
Francesco Avvisati u. a., The learning gain over one school year among 15-year-olds (2021), S. 25.

Frankreich: Positive associations of crèche attendance with language development are particularly concentrated among disadvantaged children ...


Frankreich: „The results suggest that the positive associations of crèche attendance with language development are particularly concentrated among disadvantaged children: those with less educated mothers, those living in lower income households, and those born to (first- or second-generation) immigrant mothers.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lawrence M. Berger u. a., The Impact of Center-Based Childcare Attendance on early Child Development (2021), S. 26.

Frankreich: An expansion of access to crèche may have potential to contribute to decreasing early gaps in child well-being ...


Frankreich: „Positive effects on language skills appear to be particularly concentrated among disadvantaged children, for whom there also appear to be no negative effects on behavior. These findings suggests that an expansion of access to crèche may have potential to contribute to decreasing early gaps in child well-being if quality is maintained and less advantaged parents are willing to use crèche care.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lawrence M. Berger u. a., The Impact of Center-Based Childcare Attendance on early Child Development (2021), S. 28.

In many European cities, residential segregation is on the rise ...


„In many European cities, residential segregation is on the rise. At the same time, educational equality is facing a challenge as school segregation and widening gaps in educational outcomes have become marked in many contexts.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Venla Bernelius u. a., ‘Notorious Schools’ in ‘Notorious Places’? Exploring the Connectedness of Urban and Educational Segregation. In: Social Inclusion, 2021, Vol. 9, S. 154.

Finnland: The residential mobility behaviour of young family households is increasingly informed by school choice considerations ...


Finnland: „While increasing segregation on the neighbourhood level feeds into the growing differentiation of student composition between schools the residential mobility behaviour of young family households is increasingly informed by school choice considerations. Neighbourhoods with more popular schools attract more middle-class residents, while some neighbourhoods are rejected partly because of concerns related to schools.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Venla Bernelius u. a., ‘Notorious Schools’ in ‘Notorious Places’? Exploring the Connectedness of Urban and Educational Segregation. In: Social Inclusion, 2021, Vol. 9, S. 154f.

Residential segregation and school segregation are tightly interlinked in a 'geography of education' ...


„Research across many countries illustrates that residential segregation and school segregation are tightly interlinked in a 'geography of education'. […] School segregation is usually higher than residential segregation, which is mainly due to parents’ socially selective ways of choosing schools.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Venla Bernelius u. a., ‘Notorious Schools’ in ‘Notorious Places’? Exploring the Connectedness of Urban and Educational Segregation. In: Social Inclusion, 2021, Vol. 9, S. 155.

Access to high-quality education has become a sensitive topic for many parents ...


„Access to high-quality education has become a sensitive topic for many parents. Especially middle-class parents, equipped with the social and cultural capital needed to take full advantage of the educational market, actively navigate the system to find the 'right' schools.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Venla Bernelius u. a., ‘Notorious Schools’ in ‘Notorious Places’? Exploring the Connectedness of Urban and Educational Segregation. In: Social Inclusion, 2021, Vol. 9, S. 155.

Socio-economic background is one of the strongest determinants of students’ academic performance and general well-being ...


„Socio-economic background is one of the strongest determinants of students’ academic performance and general well-being.“
Dr. Lucie Cerna u. a., The resilience of students with an immigrant background (2021), S. 19.

Levels of parental engagement are consistently associated with children’s academic outcomes ...


„We know that levels of parental engagement are consistently associated with children’s academic outcomes. We also know that a parent’s job, education and income matters less to their child’s development than what they actually do with them.“
EEF (Hrsg.), Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning. Guidance . Guidance Report (2021), S. 4.

There is an established link between the home learning environment at all ages and children’s performance at school ...


„There is an established link between the home learning environment at all ages and children’s performance at school.“
EEF (Hrsg.), Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning. Guidance . Guidance Report (2021), S. 6.

Promoting shared book reading should be a central component of any parental engagement approach ...


„For young children, promoting shared book reading should be a central component of any parental engagement approach. Home learning activities, such as playing with letters and numbers, are also linked to improved outcomes.“
EEF (Hrsg.), Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning. Guidance . Guidance Report (2021), S. 6.

Shared reading is an important strategy from a very early age ...


„Shared reading is an important strategy from a very early age and continues to be so as children start to develop independent reading skills. Parents can support their children in a variety of ways, for example by asking questions or by linking the topic of the book to real-life examples.“
EEF (Hrsg.), Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning. Guidance . Guidance Report (2021), S. 13.

Circumventing residence-based segregation by streaming and admission policies ...


„Streaming and admission policies are tools that can be used to influence sorting into schools, and may also indirectly circumvent residence-based segregation.“
EENEE (Hrsg.), Patterns of school segregation in Europe (2021), Executive Summary, S. III.

Dänemark: Substantial inequality of child outcomes remains across social and economic classes ...


„Despite the generosity of the Danish welfare state and equality in access for all citizens, substantial inequality of child outcomes remains across social and economic classes. […] More advantaged families are better able to access, utilize, and influence universally available programs.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. James Heckman u. a., Lessons for Americans from Denmark about inequality and social mobility (2021), S. 1f.

Family influence on many child outcomes in Denmark is comparable to that in the U.S. ...


„Despite many generous social policies and equality of access for all Danes, family influence on many child outcomes in Denmark is comparable to that in the U.S.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. James Heckman u. a., Lessons for Americans from Denmark about inequality and social mobility (2021), S. 13.

In Britain, private schools propel a narrow sector of the population towards successful careers in elite positions ...


„In Britain, private schools propel a narrow sector of the population towards successful careers in elite positions.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 252.

Britain is distinctive: the socio-economic divide between private and state school children is among the highest in the developed world ...


„Britain is distinctive: the socio-economic divide between private and state school children is among the highest in the developed world and its private schools, funded by exceptionally high fees, have a very substantial resource advantage over state schools.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 252.

Considerable labour market advantages associated with Britain’s private schooling ...


„There are considerable labour market advantages associated with Britain’s private schooling. Recruitment to the upper echelons of power in British business, politics, administration and media continues to be tied to private schools.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 252.

Englands Privatschulen: sehr reiche Schulen für Kinder sehr Reicher ...


„On average, the fee income from families with children in private day schools exceeds the government expenditure on state schools by a factor of around 2.5 or more, depending on the education stage. When supplemented by private schools’ physical and financial wealth, the per-pupil resource gap becomes at least three. With these resources, British private schools can specialise in small class sizes, with a pupil-teacher ratio of less than half that of state-maintained schools in 2016.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 254.

Englands sündteure Privatschulen als Motor der Vererbung von Wohlstand ...


„Our finding of the stable and robust link between wealth and private schooling underpins other recent research showing how family wealth affects success in adult life.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 265.

5,3 % of children in Europe are digitally deprived ...


„5,3 % of children in Europe are digitally deprived – understood as children living in a household that could not afford to have a computer and/or lived with adults who claimed they could not afford to have an Internet connection for personal use at home.“
Dr. Olaf Kapella u. a., The impact of technological transformations (2021), S. 2.

Several parent-led activities were found to predict improved child academic ability ...


„Several parent-led activities were found to predict improved child academic ability across the sampled age range: 1) teaching basic addition and subtraction; and 2) writing and drawing practice.“
Kylie J. Munro u. a., Home-Based Activities in Support of New Zealand Children’s Literacy and Numeracy Skills. In: Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Vol. 11, No. 2; 2021, S. 17.

The importance of children’s early numeracy and literacy skills for later academic success ...


„The importance of readying young children for formal schooling is underscored by longitudinal research from around the world which has highlighted the importance of children’s early numeracy and literacy skills for later academic success.“
Kylie J. Munro u. a., Home-Based Activities in Support of New Zealand Children’s Literacy and Numeracy Skills. In: Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Vol. 11, No. 2; 2021, S. 17.

Mathematics ability at school entry has been identified as the most important predictive factor for future academic achievement ...


„Mathematics ability at school entry has been identified as the most important predictive factor for future academic achievement. […] Mathematical knowledge is preceded by early numeracy skills such as number naming, counting, and an understanding of quantity, and research illustrates the importance of having a strong foundation in these early numeracy skills in the preschool years.“
Kylie J. Munro u. a., Home-Based Activities in Support of New Zealand Children’s Literacy and Numeracy Skills. In: Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Vol. 11, No. 2; 2021, S. 18.

Skills in early numeracy and literacy are foundational for further development of school-based knowledge ...


„Skills in early numeracy and literacy are foundational for further development of school-based knowledge and are therefore integral to a child’s preschool skillset.“
Kylie J. Munro u. a., Home-Based Activities in Support of New Zealand Children’s Literacy and Numeracy Skills. In: Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Vol. 11, No. 2; 2021, S. 18.

Young children’s literacy and numeracy development is usually initially shaped by parents and families in the home environment ...


„Because parents are children's first teachers, young children’s literacy and numeracy development is usually initially shaped by parents and families in the home environment. Studies have shown that parents who engage their children in home learning activities improve the literacy and numeracy outcomes for their children.“
Kylie J. Munro u. a., Home-Based Activities in Support of New Zealand Children’s Literacy and Numeracy Skills. In: Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Vol. 11, No. 2; 2021, S. 18.

Relationships have been found between number-based parent-child activities and the child’s mathematics ability ...


„Relationships have been found between number-based parent-child activities (such as naming digits, counting, and discussing number values) and the child’s mathematics ability. Similarly, numerical fluency (the ability to perform mathematics problems quickly and efficiently) and math knowledge have been shown to be enhanced through a young child’s home-based exposure to formal teaching of number skills and informal numeracy activities (such as number games and everyday applications).“
Kylie J. Munro u. a., Home-Based Activities in Support of New Zealand Children’s Literacy and Numeracy Skills. In: Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; Vol. 11, No. 2; 2021, S. 18.

Attitudes towards education and motivation to study ...


„Students’ perceptions of how interested their parents are in them and in their school life is also related to their own attitudes towards education and their motivation to study, and those relationships are particularly strong among low-performing students.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Learning from the Past, Looking for the Future (2021), S. 38.

Reading performance gap ...


„An alarming result from the most recent 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) shows the reading performance gap between the 10 % most socioeconomically disadvantaged and the 10 % least socioeconomically disadvantaged students in France, Hungary, Israel, Peru, and the Slovak Republic is about four years of schooling.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching as a Knowledge Profession (2021), S. 68.

Attending Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) benefits disadvantaged children ...


„There is ample evidence that attending Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) benefits disadvantaged children, especially those with migrant parents. It fuels children’s social, linguistic and cognitive development and helps them overcome social disadvantage.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Young People with Migrant Parents (2021), S. 14.

Targeted early childhood education programmes ...


„In the Netherlands, young children from disadvantaged backgrounds aged two and a half to four years are entitled to participate in targeted early childhood education programmes (vooren vroegschoolse educaties) that provide ten hours of language development per week. For the remaining time, children attend regular early childhood education programmes. Findings from a national cohort study suggest that this approach bears high benefits in terms of better language mastery.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Young People with Migrant Parents (2021), S. 17.

Socio-economically disadvantaged students ...


„Socio-economically disadvantaged students in 2018 had approximately half of the books at home they used to have in 2000 while advantaged students had essentially the same number. […] Disadvantaged students from OECD countries are increasingly losing the cultural capital of having books in their home-learning environments.“
OECD (Hrsg.), 21st-Century Readers (2021), S. 140.

The first year or two of schooling as last chance ...


„If children have not had high quality home learning environments or access to high quality ECEC, the first year or two of schooling may be their last chance to have a positive trajectory in school and beyond. Children without sufficient foundational skills by seven years-of-age will struggle to succeed at school, as well as in adulthood.“
Rowena Phair, MA, International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study. Assessment Framework (2021), S. 27.

Early oral language skills and self-regulation show very strong relationships with children‘s later outcomes ...


„Early oral language skills and self-regulation show very strong relationships with children‘s later outcomes, especially in relation to educational attainment and later socio-economic status. Social-emotional skills also show consistent relationships with later outcomes, including academic success.“
Rowena Phair, MA, International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study. Assessment Framework (2021), S. 30.

Early literacy skills are strongly predictive of later cognitive and educational outcomes ...


„Longitudinal research has consistently shown that early literacy skills are strongly predictive of later cognitive and educational outcomes. Early literacy skills are also associated with a range of positive social-emotional and economic outcomes throughout people‘s lives, as well as their overall sense of well-being. Children‘s emergent literacy skills are a fundamental determinant of their later success in schooling and beyond. Receptive language skills at age five are associated with competent reading by age 10, as well as education attainment in adolescence and adulthood. Emergent literacy levels predict later employment and earnings, and overall socio-economic status. The development of children‘s emergent literacy skills is also linked to upward social mobility.“
Rowena Phair, MA, International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study. Assessment Framework (2021), S. 31.

Numeracy competence as assessed at school entry is the strongest predictor of later mathematical achievement ...


„Studies have shown that numeracy competence as assessed at school entry is the strongest predictor of later mathematical achievement and strongly predicts achievement in other academic domains. Better emergent numeracy skills in childhood are associated with higher socio-economic status in adulthood and with better self-reported health outcomes. […] Early numeracy comprises the ability to identify and understand numbers as well as the ability to count, and to perform simple arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and to compare numerical magnitudes.“
Rowena Phair, MA, International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study. Assessment Framework (2021), S. 33.

Early skills in selfregulation enable children ...


„Self-regulation refers to the mental processes that enable individuals to plan, focus attention, remember instructions and juggle multiple tasks successfully. Early skills in selfregulation enable children to persist in achieving goals and to regulate their behaviour. […] The development of self-regulation skills in early childhood is associated with a wide range of positive outcomes, independent of cognitive ability. These include higher academic achievement, better labour-market outcomes as adults, including employment levels and earnings, better health outcomes and lower likelihood of involvement in crime.“
Rowena Phair, MA, International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study. Assessment Framework (2021), S. 34.

Early self-regulation appears to be particularly important for low-income and at-risk children ...


„Early self-regulation appears to be particularly important for low-income and at-risk children in achieving more successful outcomes in later life. The ability to self-regulate and sustain attention appears to provide a protective factor for these children, mediating the relationship between family socioeconomic status and other disadvantages and the children‘s later academic and wider life outcomes.“
Rowena Phair, MA, International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study. Assessment Framework (2021), S. 34.

Children who enter school behind in math have a slower rate of improvement throughout early elementary school ...


„Children who enter school behind in math have a slower rate of improvement throughout early elementary school, effectively widening the achievement gap with their higher performing peers.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicole R. Scalise u. a., Symbolic Magnitude Understanding Predicts Preschoolers’ Later Addition Skills. In: Journal of Cognition and Development (2021), 22:2, S. 185.

Significant predictor of later math achievement ...


„Recent research suggests preschoolers’ understanding of the cardinal value of numbers, or the quantities represented by individual number words and numerals, is the most significant predictor of their later math achievement.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicole R. Scalise u. a., Symbolic Magnitude Understanding Predicts Preschoolers’ Later Addition Skills. In: Journal of Cognition and Development (2021), 22:2, S. 186.

Socioeconomic indicators are important determinants of achievement ...


„It is suggested that socioeconomic indicators such as parents’ highest education level, parents’ highest occupation level, family income and size are important determinants of achievement. There is high probability of families with a high level of the SES (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) to offer their children a better quality of academic support availability. Parents’ highest education level and family income are suggested to be the long-term determinants of achievement and specifically the parental education level is the most important reason for the difference in student achievement. It is remarked that the increase in family income leads to school achievement at every level of education and generally the children of poor family have lower achievement.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ekber Tomul u. a., The relative effect of student, family and school‑related factors on math achievement by location of the school (2021), S. 4.

1998 to 2015, segregation of the lowest-income students increased by about 15 % in large districts in the United States ...


„1998 to 2015, segregation of the lowest-income students increased by about 15 % in large districts in the United States, partly due to charter school growth.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 27.

Virtual charter schools, which use technology to deliver education at students’ homes, are found to have a substantial negative effect on achievement ...


„Virtual charter schools, which use technology to deliver education at students’ homes, are found to have a substantial negative effect on achievement. By contrast, so-called 'no excuses' charter schools, which emphasize standardized tests, behavioural standards and longer instruction time, have produced outcome improvements, especially for disadvantaged groups.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 45.

Schweden: Strongly segregated lower secondary schools ...


„In Sweden, 29 of 30 municipalities contained strongly segregated lower secondary schools; in 16, segregation appeared to have been largely driven by school choice. Children of foreign-born and/or less educated parents were almost exclusively in municipal schools, while Swedish-born and well-educated parents had opted out of municipal schools, choosing independent schools.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 49.

Responsive interaction from a caring adult can boost social and emotional development ...


„In early childhood, responsive interaction that comes from playing, singing, talking and reading books serves a critical neurological function – it stimulates neural connections in the brain at a vital time of early childhood brain development. Research has shown that interactive stimulation from a caring adult can boost social and emotional development.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), The State of the World’s Children 2021 (2021), S. 78.

Parenting programmes are also needed ...


„To achieve the best outcomes for all children, parenting programmes that help parents learn and apply their own core capacities, to mitigate the disadvantaged experience by children of parents with a lower level of education, are also needed.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), What Makes Me? (2021), S. 14.

Certain teaching methods are highly beneficial for the academic achievement of at-risk students ...


„Strong empirical research indicates that certain teaching methods are highly beneficial for the academic achievement of at-risk students in addition to being beneficial for the achievement of all students in general. These teaching methods are based around direct, teacher-centered instruction. In contrast, teaching methods based around minimally-guided instruction tend to be ineffective (or even detrimental) for at-risk students.“
Kevin Butler, The Value of Direct Instruction for At-Risk Students. In: Journal of Education and Development; Vol. 4, No. 2; August 2020, S. 10.

Children under the age of 3 in low-income households ...


„In European OECD countries, children under the age of 3 in low-income households are one-third less likely to participate in early childhood education and care (ECEC) than those in high-income households.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Is Childcare Affordable (Juni 2020), S. 1.

High-quality ECEC carries many social and economic benefits ...


„High-quality ECEC carries many social and economic benefits. A growing body of research recognises that participation is beneficial for young children, especially those from low-income backgrounds.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Is Childcare Affordable (Juni 2020), S. 1.

Children from high-income families are much more likely to use childcare ...


„Since in many countries children from high-income families are much more likely to use childcare, universal or broadly available public childcare support often effectively redistributes towards families that are already well-off.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Is Childcare Affordable (Juni 2020), S. 10.

Where performance gaps widened ...


„Of the ten countries where reading performance declined over time, most witnessed the steepest declines among their weakest students. In particular, mean performance declined, and performance gaps widened, in Australia, Finland, Iceland, Korea, the Netherlands, the Slovak Republic and Sweden.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA in Focus 103 (Jänner 2020), S. 2.

Beim Medizinstudium haben sich die Erfolgsquoten bei Studierenden mit Eltern ohne Matura am meisten erhöht ...


„Durch die Aufnahmeverfahren wurden die Erfolgsquoten aller Gruppen deutlich gesteigert, wobei die Steigerung bei Studierenden mit Eltern ohne Matura noch höher ausfällt als bei Studierenden aus AkademikerInnen-Familien.“
IHS (Hrsg.), Evaluierung der Zugangsregelungen nach § 71b, § 71c, § 71d UG 2002 (2020), S. 144.

Anteil der Studierenden mit Eltern, die keine AkademikerInnen sind ...


„Zwei Drittel der inländischen Studierenden in Österreich sind sogenannte ‚first generation students‘, da weder ihr Vater noch ihre Mutter einen Studienabschluss hat. Auch im Vergleich mit anderen europäischen Ländern ist der Anteil der Studierenden mit Eltern, die keine AkademikerInnen sind, in Österreich vergleichsweise hoch.“
IHS (Hrsg.), Studierenden-Sozialerhebung 2019 (2020), S. 117.

Der sozioökonomische Status einer Familie ...


„Das wohl am häufigsten untersuchte Strukturmerkmal des häuslichen Lernumfelds stellt der sozioökonomische Status einer Familie (SES) dar. Umfassende Studien konnten den positiven Einfluss auf die mathematischen, naturwissenschaftlichen und sprachlichen Kompetenzen von Vorschulkindern belegen. Ebenso lassen sich Belege für den positiven Einfluss der mütterlichen bzw. elterlichen Bildung auf allgemeine kognitive, aber z. B. auch auf mathematische Kompetenzen von Vorschulkindern finden. Ein höherer SES sowie eine höhere elterliche Bildung gehen demnach mit einer höheren Kompetenz junger Kinder einher.“
Dr. Jana Kähler u. a., Naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenz von Vorschulkindern (2020), S. 5.

Bereits in der Kita liegen sozial- und migrationsbedingte Disparitäten in der NK (Anm.: naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenz) und dem Wortschatz vor ...


„Zusammenfassend bestätigen die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung bestehende Befunde im Bereich der kognitiven, mathematischen, sprachlichen und naturwissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen, dass bereits in der Kita sozial- und migrationsbedingte Disparitäten in der NK (Anm.: naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenz) und dem Wortschatz vorliegen. Darüber hinaus erweist sich der Wortschatz nicht nur als stärkster Prädiktor für die NK, sondern dient auch als Mediator für sozial- und migrationsbedingte Effekte. […] Anhand der Ergebnisse bietet sich vor allem die Sprache als Ansatzpunkt an: anhand einer gezielten und systematischen Sprachförderung könnte der Entstehung und Persistenz von Disparitäten im Bereich der NK begegnet werden.“
Dr. Jana Kähler u. a., Naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenz von Vorschulkindern (2020), S. 16.

Geringer Stellenwert von familialen Bildungsaktivitäten in Familien mit einem niedrigen Bildungsstand ...


„In Familien mit einem niedrigen Bildungsstand nimmt die Vermittlung von Kompetenzen über familiale Bildungsaktivitäten wie dem Vorlesen einen geringeren Stellenwert ein.“
KMK (Hrsg.), Bildung in Deutschland 2020 (2020), S. 79.

Deutschland: Verringerung der sozialen Disparitäten ...


Deutschland: „Für den Großteil der Schülerschaft ist von einer Verringerung der sozialen Disparitäten und nicht von einem Schereneffekt auszugehen. Der Kompetenzrückstand der Schülerinnen und Schüler mit niedrigem gegenüber jenen mit hohem Sozialstatus wird von Jahrgangsstufe 5 zu 9 kleiner.“
KMK (Hrsg.), Bildung in Deutschland 2020 (2020), S. 150.

Eltern, die ihren Kindern nicht vorlesen ...


„Viele der befragten Eltern stehen dem Vorlesen kritisch gegenüber – es macht ihnen keinen Spaß, weil sie darin Anforderungen sehen, denen sie sich nicht gewachsen fühlen, z. B. dass sie ihre Stimme verstellen oder besonders gut vorlesen müssen. Der Hälfte der Eltern ist in der Kindheit nicht vorgelesen worden. Ihnen fehlt die Erfahrung, dass Vorlesen im Alltag aller Familien möglich ist.“
Dr. Jörg F. Maas, Hauptgeschäftsführer Stiftung Lesen. In: Stiftung Lesen (Hrsg.), Wie wird Vorlesen im Alltag möglich? Vorlesestudie 2020 (2020), S. 33.

In der Bevölkerung ohne Migrationshintergrund wurde das niedrige Bildungsniveau weit weniger oft ‚vererbt‘ ...


„Fast jede zweite Person mit Migrationshintergrund (47 %), deren Eltern lediglich einen Pflichtschulabschluss aufwiesen, verfügte 2014 ebenfalls über keinen höheren Bildungsabschluss. In der Bevölkerung ohne Migrationshintergrund wurde das niedrige Bildungsniveau weit weniger oft ‚vererbt‘, nämlich nur zu gut einem Fünftel (22 %).“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), migration & integration – zahlen.daten.indikatoren 2020 (2020), S. 53.

The language skills of preschool children differ substantially and are highly predictive of later academic success and achievements ...


„It is well documented that the language skills of preschool children differ substantially and that these differences are highly predictive of their later academic success and achievements. Especially in the early phases of children’s lives, the importance of different structural and process characteristics of the home learning environment (HLE) has been emphasized and research results have documented that process characteristics such as the quality of parental interaction behavior and the frequency of joint activities vary according to the socio-economic status (SES) of the family.“
Dr. Manja Attig u. a., What Impacts Early Language Skills? Effects of Social Disparities and Different Process Characteristics of the Home Learning Environment in the First 2 Years (2020), S. 1.

The family is seen as the most important learning environment ...


„Focusing on the first years of life, the family is seen as the most important learning environment and parenting behavior has been emphasized as particularly important for the development of children. Further, research showed that the early home learning environment also predicts the quality of the later home learning environment.“
Dr. Manja Attig u. a., What Impacts Early Language Skills? Effects of Social Disparities and Different Process Characteristics of the Home Learning Environment in the First 2 Years (2020), S. 2.

Die Entscheidungen fallen vor der Schule ...


„Mothers with low levels of education and mothers in low-income households have been shown to provide their children with a less sensitive and less stimulating home learning environment. In addition, focusing on language stimulation behavior, findings showed that – for example – mothers with a high socio-economic status talked more to their children compared to lower SES (Anm.: socio-economic status) mothers. Further, differences according to the family’s SES were not only found for spontaneous speech and verbal communication but also with respect to the frequency and quality of joint book reading. […] Children living in low-income households have smaller vocabularies and more restricted language skills compared to their more advantaged peers.“
Dr. Manja Attig u. a., What Impacts Early Language Skills? Effects of Social Disparities and Different Process Characteristics of the Home Learning Environment in the First 2 Years (2020), S. 3.

SES-related (Anm.: SES = socio-economic status) disparities in language skills are also evident below the age of 3 ...


„SES-related (Anm.: SES = socio-economic status) disparities in language skills are not only found in preschool or school age children but are also evident in even younger children below the age of 3 years. For example, interrelations between parental education as well as occupation with vocabulary were already shown in 18-month-old children; and at the age of 24 months, a 6-month gap in language processing skills was evident.“
Dr. Manja Attig u. a., What Impacts Early Language Skills? Effects of Social Disparities and Different Process Characteristics of the Home Learning Environment in the First 2 Years (2020), S. 3.

Maternal sensitivity to be associated with speech comprehension ...


„Research results showed maternal sensitivity to be associated with speech comprehension and various milestones of language development. Thus, for example, the children of more sensitive mothers began to talk earlier and reached the milestone of a 50-word vocabulary at a younger age than children of less responsive mothers. In addition, maternal sensitivity at the age of 18 months predicted later language skills.“
Dr. Manja Attig u. a., What Impacts Early Language Skills? Effects of Social Disparities and Different Process Characteristics of the Home Learning Environment in the First 2 Years (2020), S. 4.

Parental stimulation of child behavior has been demonstrated to foster child development ...


„Parental stimulation of child behavior has been demonstrated to foster child development; this facet of parenting behavior also includes a sensitive component as the parents have to read the child’s signals and to adapt their behavior to the child’s needs.“
Dr. Manja Attig u. a., What Impacts Early Language Skills? Effects of Social Disparities and Different Process Characteristics of the Home Learning Environment in the First 2 Years (2020), S. 4.

Maternal verbal stimulation at the age of 24 months associated with the children’s vocabulary progress ...


„Research findings showed that besides maternal responsivity at the age of 13 months, maternal verbal stimulation at the age of 24 months was associated with the children’s vocabulary progress.“
Dr. Manja Attig u. a., What Impacts Early Language Skills? Effects of Social Disparities and Different Process Characteristics of the Home Learning Environment in the First 2 Years (2020), S. 4.

By the age of 36 months maternal stimulation has a greater effect on vocabulary compared to sensitivity ...


„Whereas at the age of 14 months, maternal sensitivity seems to have a greater impact on vocabulary, the effect changed until the age of 36 months with maternal stimulation having a greater effect on vocabulary compared to sensitivity.“
Dr. Manja Attig u. a., What Impacts Early Language Skills? Effects of Social Disparities and Different Process Characteristics of the Home Learning Environment in the First 2 Years (2020), S. 13.

Already at the age of 7 months picture book reading is associated with later language development ...


„Our results extend the findings of Bromley who showed that picture book reading at the age of 10 months was associated with the language skills of children at the age of 34 months. Our data add to this finding that already at the age of 7 months picture book reading is associated with later language development and that the effect still remains even when considering later joint picture book reading as well as other characteristics of the HLE (Anm.: home learning environment) within the same model.“
Dr. Manja Attig u. a., What Impacts Early Language Skills? Effects of Social Disparities and Different Process Characteristics of the Home Learning Environment in the First 2 Years (2020), S. 14.

In Norway education policy planning has shifted from an understanding of 'equity through equality' to a new policy of 'equity through diversity' ...


„In Norway […] education policy planning over the last decade has shifted from an understanding of 'equity through equality', and thus standardisation and uniformity, to a new policy of 'equity through diversity' with less dependency on central authorities.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity – Putting Educational Justice in the Nordic Model to a Test. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 14.

Island: The gap in reading performance between immigrant students and non-immigrant students in the PISA is large ...


„Since Iceland is in the group of countries where immigrants are either highly skilled or come from high-income countries, socio-economic background is less a factor in immigrant children’s school performance, and its impact has even been decreasing in recent years. However, the gap in reading performance between immigrant students and non-immigrant students in the PISA is large.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity – Putting Educational Justice in the Nordic Model to a Test. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 30.

Island: Only about 60 % of male and 40 % of female immigrants pass a secondary school examination ...


Island: „Only about 60 % of male and 40 % of female immigrants pass a secondary school examination, far less than in other European countries. In general, the dropout rates from secondary school are comparatively high in Iceland (around 30%).“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity – Putting Educational Justice in the Nordic Model to a Test. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 30.

Dänemark: Clear disadvantage in the academic performance of students with a migrant background ...


Dänemark: „There is a clear disadvantage in the academic performance of students with a migrant background. Immigrant students from a non-western background perform less well than their native peers in standardised tests, even when controlled for socio-economic status.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity – Putting Educational Justice in the Nordic Model to a Test. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 32.

Students’ computer and information literacy (CIL) is also affected by partly substantial social disparities ...


„It was empirically demonstrated by means of a computer-based assessment of students’ computer and information literacy (CIL) that this interdisciplinary key competence is also affected by partly substantial social disparities. In Germany for instance, students from less privileged social backgrounds on average scored about 50 points lower on the CIL achievement scale than their counterparts from socioeconomically and/or culturally more affluent families.“
Dr. Kerstin Drossel u. a., Schools overcoming the digital divide: in depth analyses towards organizational resilience in the computer and information literacy domain. In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2020) 8:9, S. 2.

Clear benefits for children who participate in ECEC (Anm.: ECEC = Early childhood education and care) ...


„Research evidence shows that there are clear benefits for children who participate in ECEC (Anm.: ECEC = Early childhood education and care) in terms of their overall development and, more specifically, their academic performance. This finding is especially valid for disadvantaged students. […] Nevertheless, data from the EU-SILC Survey and PISA 2018 reveal that children from disadvantaged families participate less in ECEC.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 59.

ECEC recognised as an important tool for increasing equity in education ...


„ECEC (Anm.: ECEC = Early childhood education and care) is increasingly considered to provide the foundations for lifelong education and training and is becoming an integral part of education systems. It has also been recognised as an important tool for increasing equity in education.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 59.

Particularly beneficial effects on the performance of 15-year-old students from low socio-economic backgrounds ...


„Participation in ECEC (Anm.: ECEC = Early childhood education and care) appears to have particularly beneficial effects on the performance of 15-year-old students from low socio-economic backgrounds.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 64.

Students from low socio-economic backgrounds are less likely to participate in ECEC for more than a year ...


„PISA 2018 confirms previous international surveys in that students from low socio-economic backgrounds are less likely to participate in ECEC for more than a year in the vast majority of European education systems. In contrast, students from high socioeconomic backgrounds tend to participate to a higher degree in almost all education systems.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 65.

Learning opportunities provided during the summer holiday have proved to have a positive impact on academic performance ...


„Learning opportunities provided during the summer holiday have proved to have a positive impact on academic performance. Quality summer schools targeting disadvantaged students can also contribute to narrowing the gap between the performance of advantaged and disadvantaged students.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 208.

In Finnland wuchs die Abhängigkeit des Bildungserfolgs vom Elternhaus nach Einführung der Gesamtschule ...


„We analysed more recent birth cohorts and found that inequality in completed education increased from cohorts born in 1960s to those born in 1985, and more so for women.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Juho Härkönen u. a., Educational Transitions and Educational Inequality. In: European Sociological Review, 2020, Vol. 36, No. 5, S. 714.

Differences between students at-risk, minority students and students in high-poverty areas and those not struggling with any of such difficultiesare are still noticeable ...


„Differences between students at-risk, minority students and students in high-poverty areas and those not struggling with any of such difficulties are still noticeable, despite being high on the agenda for many education systems worldwide.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kajsa Yang Hansen u. a., Exploring Diversity in the Relationships Between Teacher Quality and Job Satisfaction in the Nordic Countries – Insights from TALIS 2013 and 2018. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 100.

Frühes Fundament für erfolgreiche Schullaufbahnen ...


„Attainment not only depends on cognitive skills, but also on noncognitive traits (e. g. conscientiousness, perseverance, or self-control) that children from higher social backgrounds are better equipped with.“
Dr. Jan Paul Heisig u. a., Cross-national differences in social background effects on educational attainment and achievement. In: Compare, 2020, Vol. 50, No. 2, S. 167.

Barriers to successful transitions ...


„A curriculum that does not recognise differences in how children think and learn and teachers who attach low status to vocational education and training pathways can be barriers to successful transitions.“
Dr. Deirdre Hughes u. a., Youth transitions. Creating pathways to success (2020), S. 34.

Two important learning environments in early childhood: the parental home and kindergarten ...


„Results from European studies as well as from assessments in the United States have consistently shown that there are two important learning environments in early childhood: the parental home and kindergarten. These environments not only provide the framework for development, they also offer learning opportunities and materials, activities, and support for young children to promote their social, cognitive, and emotional development.“
Dr. Jana Kähler u. a., The development of early scientific literacy gaps in kindergarten children. In: International Journal of Science Education 2020, Vol. 42, No. 12, S. 1988f.

Early disparities in scientific literacy or numeracy skills already exist in kindergarten and have an impact on children’s later life ...


„Early disparities in SL (Anm.: scientific literacy) or numeracy skills already exist in kindergarten and have an impact on children’s later life. […] Numerous studies have shown that features such as a lower SES (Anm.: socioeconomic status), a lower level of parental education, or a migration background negatively affected young children’s language skills their numeracy skills or their SL.“
Dr. Jana Kähler u. a., The development of early scientific literacy gaps in kindergarten children. In: International Journal of Science Education 2020, Vol. 42, No. 12, S. 1989f.

Children with a higher number of books in the parental home ...


„Children with a higher number of books in the parental home had higher SL (Anm.: scientific literacy) in kindergarten than children with fewer books.“
Dr. Jana Kähler u. a., The development of early scientific literacy gaps in kindergarten children. In: International Journal of Science Education 2020, Vol. 42, No. 12, S. 1996.

The importance of early promotion und support ...


„Our results illustrate the importance of early promotion und support, especially for children with lower SL (Anm.: scientific literacy). To get the best support for young children, this promotion should already start in kindergarten and should be followed up in school.“
Dr. Jana Kähler u. a., The development of early scientific literacy gaps in kindergarten children. In: International Journal of Science Education 2020, Vol. 42, No. 12, S. 2001.

The number of traditional graduate jobs has not increased at the same pace as the number of graduates ...


„Policy makers, guided by orthodox interpretations of human capital and skill biased technical change theories, assumed that there would be an ever rising demand for a high-skilled workforce to be serviced by mass HE (Anm.: HE = Higher Education). […] Economic efficiency and social justice could be improved hand in hand. Yet it is evident that the number of traditional graduate jobs has not increased at the same pace as the number of graduates and that class bias continues to be present in access to the elite universities and to the higher reaches of the labour market.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hugh Lauder u. a., Higher education and the labour market: an introduction (2020), S. 1.

A significant proportion of graduates fail to gain much advantage from going to university ...


„In all countries a significant proportion of graduates fail to gain much advantage from going to university. As HE (Anm.: HE = Higher Education) has expanded faster than the jobs on offer have improved in quality, they find themselves in a game of positional competition, needing to have degrees simply to get the sorts of jobs that their nongraduate parents had.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hugh Lauder u. a., Higher education and the labour market: an introduction (2020), S. 4.

Differences in socioeconomic background are already shown in the language skills of 3-year-old children ...


„Differences in socioeconomic background are already shown in the language skills of 3-year-old children. Children from families with low socioeconomic status showed lower levels of oral language skills than children from more advantaged families. Within the language domain, vocabulary in particular is suggested to be related to family background.“
Dr. Anja Linberg u. a., Social disparities in the vocabulary of 2-year-old children and the mediating effect of language-stimulating interaction behavior (2020), S. 15.

Children growing up in families with a low SES (Anm.: socioeconomic status) have smaller vocabularies and more restricted language skills compared to their peers from higher SES families ...


„Children growing up in families with a low SES (Anm.: socioeconomic status) have smaller vocabularies and more restricted language skills compared to their peers from higher SES families. Already at the age of 18 months, Fernald and colleagues documented differences in productive vocabulary and language processing related to social background. At 2 years of age children from families differing in SES already showed a 6-month gap in language processing skills important to language development.“
Dr. Anja Linberg u. a., Social disparities in the vocabulary of 2-year-old children and the mediating effect of language-stimulating interaction behavior (2020), S. 15.

Language-stimulating interaction behavior has been shown to differ according to the families’ education level ...


„Language-stimulating interaction behavior has been shown to differ according to the families’ education level. In particular, the amount of talking as well as the qualitative and interactive aspects of mothers’ speech differ according to her education level. Higher educated mothers talk more to their children and their language input to their children is suggested to be more supportive for language development compared to less educated mothers.“
Dr. Anja Linberg u. a., Social disparities in the vocabulary of 2-year-old children and the mediating effect of language-stimulating interaction behavior (2020), S. 17.

Already at the age of 26 months the children’s productive vocabulary is significantly associated with maternal education ...


„Our results demonstrate that – already at the age of 26 months – the children’s productive vocabulary is significantly associated with maternal education. […] Compared to other characteristics of socioeconomic background, maternal education shows the strongest association with child’s vocabulary development.“
Dr. Anja Linberg u. a., Social disparities in the vocabulary of 2-year-old children and the mediating effect of language-stimulating interaction behavior (2020), S. 26.

Even in a well-educated country such as Germany, at the age of 26 months disparities in vocabulary development by maternal education are already visible ...


„Even in a well-educated country such as Germany, at the age of 26 months disparities in vocabulary development by maternal education are already visible and that – associated with maternal education – children experience different frequencies of language-related joint attention episodes as a facet of language stimulating interaction behavior of their mothers.“
Dr. Anja Linberg u. a., Social disparities in the vocabulary of 2-year-old children and the mediating effect of language-stimulating interaction behavior (2020), S. 28.

Families stimulate children’s language development through various activities and interactions during infancy ...


„Families stimulate children’s language development through various activities and interactions during infancy. Several factors have been suggested as being of particular relevance: the frequency of stimulating activities, such as joint picture book reading, singing songs, or telling rhymes to a child, and the overall quality of interaction behavior in parent-child interactions, especially how sensitively the caregiver responds to the child’s signals.“
Dr. Anja Linberg u. a., The Early Years Home Learning Environment – Associations With Parent-Child-Course Attendance and Children’s Vocabulary at Age 3 (2020), S. 2.

Joint picture book reading with infants and toddlers and the early onset of reading is linked to children’s vocabulary ...


„The vast majority of parents report that they begin reading to their children when they are around 6 months of age. Research shows that joint picture book reading with infants and toddlers and the early onset of reading is linked to children’s vocabulary.“
Dr. Anja Linberg u. a., The Early Years Home Learning Environment – Associations With Parent-Child-Course Attendance and Children’s Vocabulary at Age 3 (2020), S. 2.

With regard to vocabulary, many children fall behind their peers already at young ages ...


„With regard to vocabulary, many children fall behind their peers already at young ages.  This is particularly challenging as vocabulary is linked to the development of receptive and productive oral language proficiency and reading skills and thus to opportunities for academic success and social participation.“
Dr. Anja Linberg u. a., The Early Years Home Learning Environment – Associations With Parent-Child-Course Attendance and Children’s Vocabulary at Age 3 (2020), S. 9.

Focusing on the low-achieving students may be at the expense of highly capable students not getting a fair opportunity to succeed ...


„Focusing on the low-achieving students may be at the expense of highly capable students not getting a fair opportunity to succeed. Just like there is a need for varied teaching and differentiated instruction for disadvantaged students, there is an equal need for students with higher learning potential to get appropriate support in order to realize their potential.“
Oleksandra Mittal, Measuring Equity Across the Nordic Education Systems – Conceptual and Methodological Choices as Implications for Educational Policies. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 51.

China: The motivation to learn ...


China: „The motivation to learn, the willingness to achieve, the ability to set learning goals and a positive attitude toward school all relate positively to higher learning outcomes in mathematics, science and reading. The relationship is particularly strong for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, who seem to be determined and motivated to improve their lives through educational success.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 19.

A positive attitude towards competition as well as high motivation to master tasks appear to be more beneficial for students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds ...


„A positive attitude towards competition as well as high motivation to master tasks appear to be more beneficial for students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds than for students from more advantaged backgrounds.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 104.

In Peking, Shanghai, Jiangsu und Guangdong (B-S-J-Z) hängen die Schülerleistungen weniger vom sozialen Background ab ...


„B-S-J-Z (China) stands out as having relatively mild slopes, meaning that socio-economic status is associated with smaller differences in mean performance than across OECD countries on average.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 106.

Early childhood programmes are increasingly seen as a means of giving children from disadvantaged or immigrant backgrounds a strong start in life ...


„Early childhood programmes are increasingly seen as a means of giving children from disadvantaged or immigrant backgrounds a strong start in life, and thus to mitigate the economic and linguistic disadvantages that could otherwise hinder their development and integration in society.“
OECD Hrsg.), Building a High-Quality Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce (2020), S. 66.

Socio-economic background is strongly associated with skill levels in Finland ...


„Socio-economic background is strongly associated with skill levels in Finland; the strongest association across all Nordic countries. Around 70 % of adults with low basic skills have parents who hold at most lower secondary qualifications, compared to 57 % of adults with low basic skills in other Nordic countries. The impact of parental background on skill levels has increased over time and is more pronounced in younger cohorts.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Continuous Learning in Working Life in Finland, Getting Skills Right (2020), S. 73.

Children in poorer households ...


„Children in poorer households are less likely to eat fruit, vegetables or protein every day than their more advantaged counterparts, and have lower rates of breakfast consumption. Socio-economic status also affects physical activity levels, with children from low-affluence families engaging in less activity than their more affluent peers.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education in the Digital Age (2020), S. 27.

Die „International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study“ belegt auch schon für 5-Jährige hohe Bedeutung der Umgangssprache ...


„Having a home language that is different from the ECEC centre or school the child attends is associated with lower learning and development.“
OECD (Hrsg.), International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study, Summary of Findings (2020), S. 7.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu repetieren ...


„On average across OECD countries, a socio-economically disadvantaged 15-year-old student was about three times more likely than an advantaged student to have repeated a grade at least once, even if both students scored the same in the PISA reading test.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2018 Results. Effective Policies, Successful Schools (2020), S. 46.
In nur wenigen OECD-Staaten hängt die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu repetieren so wenig vom sozioökonomischen Background ab wie in Österreich. (Quelle: ibidem, Table V.B1.2.11.)

Tutoring after school ...


„In contexts where socio-economically advantaged students have privileged access to private tutoring after school, public schools offer after-school lessons to expand learning opportunities for disadvantaged students. Some after-school programmes target high-performing students from low-income families.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2018 Results. Effective Policies, Successful Schools (2020), S. 140.

Socio-economically advantaged students tend to spend more time doing homework ...


„PISA shows that socio-economically advantaged students and students who attend socio-economically advantaged schools tend to spend more time doing homework.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2018 Results. Effective Policies, Successful Schools (2020), S. 142.

The higher the percentage of students in schools that use student assessments to inform parents about their child’s progress, the weaker the relationship between students’ socio-economic status and their reading performance ...


„Across OECD countries, after accounting for per capita GDP, the higher the percentage of students in schools that use student assessments to inform parents about their child’s progress, the weaker the relationship between students’ socio-economic status and their reading performance. After accounting for per capita GDP, these correlations are statistically significant in reading, mathematics and science both across OECD countries, and across all countries and economies.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2018 Results. Effective Policies, Successful Schools (2020), S. 180.

The impact of ECEC services on a child’s development is the highest for children from the least educated families ...


„The research literature suggests that the impact of ECEC services on a child’s development is the highest for children from the least educated families.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Quality Early Childhood Education and Care for Children Under Age 3 (2020), S. 42.

The German VET system is often regarded as a role model in education reform ...


„The German VET system – in particular dual apprenticeship training – is often regarded as a role model in education reform as it produces low levels of youth unemployment, a highly trained workforce at the intermediate skills level and – as a consequence – high levels of competitiveness among firms in certain product markets, such as high-quality manufacturing. More recently, scholars have argued that it also contributes to lower levels of socio-economic inequality as it provides access to well-paid and relatively secure employment for practically talented youth.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Strengthening the Governance of Skills Systems (2020), S. 61f.

SES [ sozioökonomischer Hintergrund] gaps in cognitive and academic achievement are profound already before children enter school ...


„The available evidence suggests that SES gaps in cognitive and academic achievement are profound already before children enter school and either remain constant or only slightly increase during schooling.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jan Skopek, Socioeconomic Inequality in Children’s Achievement from Infancy to Adolescence. The Case of Germany (2020), S. 3.

The increase of socioeconomic gaps over tracked secondary schooling was markedly less dramatic than one might have expected based on the social reproduction argument ...


„The increase of socioeconomic gaps over tracked secondary schooling was markedly less dramatic than one might have expected based on the social reproduction argument prevailing in stratification literature. […] Schooling (even tracked schooling) acts toward compensating overall levels of inequality. […] Our findings invite more critical reflection on the dominant view of schooling as a locus of reproduction, that is, an institution that exacerbates inequality in educational outcomes by social background.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jan Skopek, Socioeconomic Inequality in Children’s Achievement from Infancy to Adolescence. The Case of Germany (2020), S. 21f.

The foundations for positive attitudes toward reading should be laid already in kindergarten and the early grades of school ...


„The foundations for positive attitudes toward reading should be laid already in kindergarten and the early grades of school, bearing in mind especially those children who do not come from a family culture with positive attitudes towards pleasure reading. In the long term, reading books will benefit both the children themselves and their own children in the future.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hildegunn Støle u. a., The Importance of Parents’ Own Reading for 10-Year Old Students’ Reading Achievement in the Nordic Countries. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 379.

Education spending by governments is strongly linked to intergenerational educational mobility ...


„Education spending by governments is strongly linked to intergenerational educational mobility.“
World Economic Forum (Hrsg.), The Global Social Mobility Report 2020 (2020), S. 16.

The United Kingdom has significant disparities in educational quality between schools ...


„The United Kingdom has significant disparities in educational quality between schools, and limited social diversity within schools.“
World Economic Forum (Hrsg.), The Global Social Mobility Report 2020 (2020), S. 25.

Larger spending on education is associated with more social mobility ...


„Overall, it has been shown that larger spending on education is associated with more social mobility.“
World Economic Forum (Hrsg.), The Global Social Mobility Report 2020 (2020), S. 30.

Chancengerechtigkeit in jenen Kantonen grösser, in denen die Eltern bei der Wahl der Bildungsstufe kein Mitspracherecht haben ...


„Studien zeigen, dass die Chancengerechtigkeit in jenen Kantonen grösser ist, in denen die Eltern bei der Wahl der Bildungsstufe kein Mitspracherecht haben.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Margrit Stamm, Neue Zürcher Zeitung online am 8. November 2019.

Im Kindes- und Jugendalter haben Schlafstörungen in den letzten Jahren zugenommen ...


„Im Kindes- und Jugendalter haben Schlafstörungen in den letzten Jahren zugenommen. Ungefähr jedes 5. Kind hat Schlafschwierigkeiten und Jugendliche aus sozial schwächeren Familien sind dabei einem erhöhten Risiko ausgesetzt. Dies waren Ergebnisse einer Studie des Forschungszentrums für Zivilisationserkrankungen (LIFE Child) der Universität Leipzig.“
www.news4teachers.de am 3. November 2019.

Chancenungleichheit in den meisten Ländern größer als in Österreich ...


„In all 33 countries that participated in the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), adults with more-educated parents were considerably more likely to complete tertiary education than adults with less-educated parents. On average across the countries that participated in the survey, adults with at least one tertiary-educated parent were 11 times more likely to complete tertiary education than adults whose parents had not completed upper secondary school.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA in Focus 99 (August 2019), S. 3.
Im internationalen Mittel lautet das Chancenverhältnis 1:11, in Österreich 1:7. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), Equity in Education (2018), Figure 2.15)

Das Elternhaus spielt im Sinne der ‚Vererbung‘ eine entscheidende Rolle ...


„Das Elternhaus spielt im Sinne der ‚Vererbung‘ eine entscheidende Rolle. So haben die Bildungsvoraussetzungen der Eltern einen großen Einfluss auf die Lesekompetenz und Lesemotivation von Schüler/innen, das zeigt die Internationale Grundschul-Lese- Untersuchung (IGLU). Dabei muss die ‚Vererbung‘ elterlicher Bildung nicht nur als starre Konstellation gesehen werden, es gibt durchaus eine aktive Komponente. ‚Vererbt‘ werden kann Lesekompetenz und Spaß am Lesen nämlich durch das elterliche Vorlesen, wie die deutsche Vorlesestudie 2018 zeigt.“
Mag. Dr. Christine Geserick. In: ÖIF (Hrsg.), „beziehungsweise“ vom Mai 2019, S. 6f

Das Lesenlernen fällt den Kindern umso leichter, je öfter ihnen von ihren Eltern vorgelesen wird ...


„Das Lesenlernen fällt den Kindern umso leichter, je öfter ihnen von ihren Eltern vorgelesen wird. Das zeigt die Kreuzung der Daten zu den Hürden beim Lesenlernen (z. B. ‚Findest du es eher leicht oder schwer, dir das vorzustellen, was da steht?‘) und der elterlichen Vorleseintensität (zwischen ‚täglich‘ und ‚nie‘). Von jenen, denen täglich vorgelesen wird, empfinden nur 26 % der Kinder Hürden beim Lesenlernen, von jenen, denen ‚nie‘ vorgelesen wird, sind es hingegen 73 %.“
Mag. Dr. Christine Geserick. In: ÖIF (Hrsg.), „beziehungsweise“ vom Mai 2019, S. 7

There are large socioeconomic disparities in children‘s Working Memory skills ...


„There are large socioeconomic disparities in children‘s WM skills (Anm.: Working Memory skills), such that children from lower-socioeconomic-status households have lower WM than their more advantaged peers.“
Dr. Jenna E. Finch, Do Schools Promote Executive Functions? Differential Working Memory Growth Across School-Year and Summer Months. In: AERA Open, April-June 2019, Vol. 5, No. 2, S. 1.

The first 2 years of school may provide a unique window of opportunity ...


„The first 2 years of school may provide a unique window of opportunity to boost the WM skills (Anm.: Working Memory skills) of children from low-income families.“
Dr. Jenna E. Finch, Do Schools Promote Executive Functions? Differential Working Memory Growth Across School-Year and Summer Months. In: AERA Open, April-June 2019, Vol. 5, No. 2, S. 11.

Zeitverlust an Finnlands Sekundarstufe weit verbreitet und stark vom Elternhaus abhängig ...


„Eighty-four per cent of children of parents with high education passed the matriculation examination in the target time and 73 per cent of those having started studies for an initial vocational qualification. […] Of children of parents with no post-comprehensive level qualifications, 63 per cent passed the matriculation examination in the target time and 57 per cent of those having started studies for an initial vocational qualification.“
Statistics Finland online am 14. März 2019

Lernmotivation ...


„In almost all participating education systems, 15-year-old students who report greater motivation to achieve also perform better in the PISA assessment. Students in socio-economically advantaged environments perform better and show greater motivation than students in disadvantaged environments.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 92“ (Jänner 2019), S. 1

Die soziale Herkunftsschicht spielt eine bedeutende Rolle für das Freizeitverhalten ...


„Die soziale Herkunftsschicht spielt eine bedeutende Rolle für das Freizeitverhalten: Jugendliche aus den unteren sozialen Schichten surfen häufiger im Netz, gamen oder sehen regelmäßiger fern als Gleichaltrige aus den höheren Schichten. Letztere liegen stattdessen bei ‚aktiven‘ Beschäftigungen wie Sport, Lesen oder Kreativität vorn.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Albert, Jugend 2019 – 18. Shell Jugendstudie: Eine Generation meldet sich zu Wort (2019), S. 30.

Kleiner werdende Chancengerechtigkeit ...


„Während das Bildungsniveau der Eltern der getesteten Kinder zwischen 2006 und 2016 deutlich stieg, blieb die Lesekompetenz der Kinder auf annähernd gleichem Niveau. Gleichzeitig stieg die durch die soziodemografischen Merkmale der Schüler/innen erklärte Varianz, was auf kleiner werdende Chancengerechtigkeit hindeutet.“
BIFIE (Hrsg.), Lesekompetenz der 10-Jährigen im Trend (2019), S. 8.

Lesekompetenz Österreichs 10-Jähriger im Jahr 2016 ...


„Es zeigt sich die Tendenz, dass Faktoren wie elterliche Bildung, kulturelles Kapital und Migration zusammen einen größeren Einfluss auf die Leseleistung haben als noch zehn Jahre zuvor.“
BIFIE (Hrsg.), Lesekompetenz der 10-Jährigen im Trend (2019), S. 141.

3 Jahre sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsdifferenz am Ende der Volksschule ...


„Der mittlere Leistungsunterschied zwischen Kindern, deren Eltern einen Hochschulabschluss haben, und Kindern, deren Eltern maximal einen Pflichtschulabschluss aufweisen, beträgt 119 Punkte. […] Diese deutlichen Kompetenzunterschiede nach dem Bildungsabschluss der Eltern sind am Ende der Volksschule damit noch stärker ausgeprägt als am Ende der Sekundarstufe 1.“
BIFIE (Hrsg.), „Standardüberprüfung 2018. Mathematik, 4. Schulstufe. Bundesergebnisbericht“ (2019), S. 67

Österreich: Besonders großer Unterschied in den Lesefertigkeiten zwischen Kindern der 4. Schulstufe mit Migrationshintergrund und Kindern ohne Migrationshintergrund ...


„Die Ergebnisse von PIRLS 2016 zeigen, dass in Österreich weiterhin ein im internationalen Vergleich besonders großer Unterschied in den Lesefertigkeiten zwischen Kindern der 4. Schulstufe mit Migrationshintergrund und Kindern ohne Migrationshintergrund besteht. Der Abstand zwischen diesen beiden Gruppen hat sich in den letzten zehn Jahren sogar geringfügig erhöht. Nur in Bulgarien und der Slowakischen Republik ist dieser Leistungsabstand noch größer als in Österreich.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Deutschförderklassen und Deutschförderkurse“ (2019), S. 4

Soziale Segregation 6- bis 10-Jähriger in Wien besonders stark ausgeprägt ...


„In der Primarstufe ist in Wien die soziale Segregation stark ausgeprägt. In Vorarlberg und im Burgenland ist die soziale Segregation schwach ausgeprägt. In den restlichen Bundesländern ergibt sich eine mittelstarke Segregation.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018. Band 1“ (2019), S. 114

Je größer der Anteil der SchülerInnen aus sozial schwachen Elternhäusern an einer Schule ist, desto höher ist auch das Wohlbefinden der Schüler/innen in diesen Schulen ...


„Die hohe Schulfreude von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund und solchen aus bildungsfernen Familien zeigt sich am deutlichsten beim Vergleich nach dem Index der sozialen Benachteiligung. Je höher die soziale Benachteiligung an Schulen ist (Anm.: Gemeint ist: Je größer der Anteil der SchülerInnen aus sozial schwachen Elternhäusern an einer Schule ist), desto höher ist auch das Wohlbefinden der Schüler/innen in diesen Schulen.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018. Band 1“ (2019), S. 170

Enorme Leistungsunterschiede bei Österreichs 10-Jährigen aufgrund ihres sozioökonomischen Hintergrunds ...


„Von den wenigen Schülerinnen und Schülern, deren Eltern maximal einen Pflichtschulabschluss haben (8 % im Jahr 2013, 6 % im Jahr 2015), erreicht jeweils rund ein Drittel die Bildungsstandards nicht (35 % in Lesen, 31 % in Mathematik). Dieser Anteilswert nimmt mit jedem weiteren Bildungsgrad der Eltern monoton ab, bis er schließlich unter den Kindern mit mindestens einem Elternteil mit einem tertiären Abschluss bei 5 % (Lesen) bzw. 4 % (Mathematik) liegt.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018. Band 1“ (2019), S. 248

Lehrausbildung empirisch in deutlich geringerem Maße als ‚Sackgasse‘ zu sehen ...


„Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Lehrausbildung empirisch in deutlich geringerem Maße als ‚Sackgasse‘ gesehen werden kann, als im öffentlichen Diskurs wiederkehrend thematisiert wird. Obwohl die Literatur v. a. den berufsbildenden Schulen eine Funktion sozialer Aufwärtsmobilität zuschreibt, wird diese auch zu einem hohen Grad über die Lehre realisiert, wenn soziale Aufwärtsmobilität die Einmündung in höhere Berufe mitumfasst.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018. Band 2“ (2019), S. 273

Finnland ist das Land mit dem niedrigsten Anteil von Bildungsteilnehmern mit Migrationshintergrund unter den Anfängern von Bachelorbildungsgängen ...


„Finnland ist […] das Land mit dem niedrigsten Anteil von Bildungsteilnehmern mit Migrationshintergrund unter den Anfängern von Bachelorbildungsgängen: 4 % sind Migranten der ersten Generation und 0,1 % Migranten der zweiten Generation.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2019 (2019), S. 227

Armutsgefährdung ...


„2018 waren 16,0 % der Haushalte bzw. 14,3 % der Bevölkerung armutsgefährdet. Unter den Alleinerziehenden Haushalten mit zumindest einem Kind unter 18 Jahren waren 35,7 % armutsgefährdet. 37,8 % der Personen, die als Kind oder als Elternteil in einem solchen Haushalt leben, waren armutsgefährdet. […] 22,9 % der Haushalte, in denen das jüngste Kind unter 3 Jahre alt war, waren 2018 von Armut gefährdet. Von den Personen, die 2018 in einem Haushalt lebten, in dem das jüngste Kind unter 3 Jahre alt war, waren 22,5 % armutsgefährdet. 17,5 % der Haushalte mit zumindest 1 Kind unter 18 Jahren waren armutsgefährdet, von den Personen, die in einem solchen Haushalt lebten, betraf es 17,4 %.“
ÖIF (Hrsg.), Familien in Zahlen 2019 (2019), S. 79.

Österreichs Kinder wachsen in sozioökonomisch vergleichsweise schwachen Verhältnissen auf ...


„Der mittlere sozioökonomische berufliche Status (HISEI) liegt in Deutschland mit 51.8 Punkten in der Nähe des OECD-Durchschnitts von 52.4 Punkten. […] Besonders hoch und signifikant über dem OECD-Mittelwert liegt der mittlere sozioökonomische berufliche Status in den skandinavischen Staaten (Norwegen, Island, Dänemark, Schweden und Finnland) sowie in Israel. Der mittlere HISEI Norwegens stellt mit 61.6 Punkten den höchsten der OECD-Staaten dar. Ebenfalls sehr hohe Mittelwerte finden sich im Vereinigten Königreich, in Kanada, Neuseeland und Australien. In 13 OECD-Staaten liegt der mittlere sozioökonomische berufliche Status signifikant unter dem OECD-Durchschnitt, beispielsweise in Tschechien, in der Slowakei, in Chile, Kolumbien und Mexiko.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Reiss u.a., PISA 2018. Grundbildung im internationalen Vergleich (2019), S. 136.
Österreich gehört mit nur 50,8 Punkten zu den 13 OECD-Staaten, die sich signifikant unter dem OECD-Durchschnitt befinden. (Quelle: ibidem, Abbildung 6.1.)

Enorme Unterschiede im Elternhaus über die Sprache hinaus ...


„Während die Eltern der Personen ohne Migrationshintergrund nur zu 4 % keinen über die Pflichtschule hinausgehenden Bildungsabschluss erzielt haben, liegt dieser Anteil unter den Eltern der Personen der 2. Generation bei einem Drittel.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Die 2. Generation – wie gelingt die Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt?“ (2019), S. 3

In der Bevölkerung ohne Migrationshintergrund wurde das niedrige Bildungsniveau weit weniger oft ‚vererbt‘ ...


„Fast jede zweite Person mit Migrationshintergrund (47 %), deren Eltern lediglich einen Pflichtschulabschluss aufwiesen, verfügte 2014 ebenfalls über keinen höheren Bildungsabschluss. In der Bevölkerung ohne Migrationshintergrund wurde das niedrige Bildungsniveau weit weniger oft ‚vererbt‘, nämlich nur zu gut einem Fünftel (22 %).“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „migration & integration - zahlen.daten.indikatoren 2019“ (2019), S. 52

In England educational achievement and higher education access varies substantially by the level of parental income ...


„Consistent with most countries around the world, in England educational achievement and higher education access varies substantially by the level of parental income, with many fewer students from poorer backgrounds attending university, particularly the highest status institutions.“
Dr. Jack Britton u. a., „Is Improving Access to University Enough? Socio-Economic Gaps in the Earnings of English Graduates“ (2019), S. 2

Differences in academic progress between African American and white students in the United States can be solely accounted for by differences in disciplinary climate ...


„Research shows that differences in academic progress between African American and white students in the United States can be solely accounted for by differences in disciplinary climate. In fact, in schools benefiting from a solid disciplinary climate, African American students have been progressing at the same pace as white students.“
Paul Cahu u. a., „Does School Safety and Classroom Disciplinary Climate Hinder Learning?“ (2019), S. 11

USA: Children from lower income families and students of color are the most likely to be taught by inexperienced and underprepared teachers ...


USA: „Study after study finds that children from lower income families and students of color are the most likely to be taught by inexperienced and underprepared teachers.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Breaking the cycle of teacher shortages: What kind of policies can make a difference? In: Education Policy Analysis Archives Vol. 27 No. 34 (2019), S. 5.

USA: In many states, the wealthiest districts spend two to three times what the poorest districts can spend per pupil ...


USA: „In many states, the wealthiest districts spend two to three times what the poorest districts can spend per pupil, differentials that translate into dramatically different salaries for educators, as well as different learning conditions for students.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Breaking the cycle of teacher shortages: What kind of policies can make a difference? In: Education Policy Analysis Archives Vol. 27 No. 34 (2019), S. 5.

Students benefit when they are in smaller settings ...


„Reviews of research about school size have consistently found that students benefit when they are in smaller settings where they can be well known, and these effects are strongest for students with the greatest economic and academic needs. These settings include smaller schools as well as small learning communities created within large school buildings, where staff and students work together in smaller units that function as close-knit communities.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development (2019), S. 103.

The use of an intensive parenting style is associated with a much larger improvement in the child’s performance ...


„The use of an intensive parenting style is associated with a much larger improvement in the child’s performance than is the education level of the parents on its own.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 74

PISA 2012: Children subject to an intensive parenting style perform substantially better than those subject to nonintensive parenting within the same country ...


PISA 2012: „Children subject to an intensive parenting style perform substantially better than those subject to nonintensive parenting within the same country. The difference is between 14 and 17 points across the three test scores.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 75

PISA 2009: Reading books with children is associated with an increase in the score of 16 to 18 points across the math, reading, and science tests ...


PISA 2009: „Reading books with children is associated with an increase in the score of 16 to 18 points across the math, reading, and science tests, while telling stories has an average effect ranging between 2 and 7 points.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 75

Growing up in a single-parent household can imply special challenges ...


„Growing up in a single-parent household can imply special challenges, which start with lower resources (due to having the income of only one person) and continue with greater difficulties in arranging childcare and being able to spend 'quality time' with children. These challenges are especially severe for low-income parents, for whom marked-based childcare may be unaffordable and who sometimes have to carry multiple jobs to make a living.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 136

Highly educated parents are more likely to raise their children together ...


„Highly educated parents are more likely to raise their children together, to spend more time on childcare, and to engage in parenting styles that are conducive to their children retaining or improving their position on the social ladder.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 146

USA: Children from poorer families are increasingly constrained in their education choices by their parents’ ability to pay ...


„In the United States, as the cost of college has risen disproportionately to growth in average incomes, children from poorer families are increasingly constrained in their education choices by their parents’ ability to pay.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 230f

School-based extra-curricular activity has been identified as being a particularly powerful and positive form of extra-curricular activity for enhancing achievement ...


„School-based extra-curricular activity has been identified as being a particularly powerful and positive form of extra-curricular activity for enhancing achievement (i.e., more so than home- or community-based extra-curricular activity). Being school-based, this form of extra-curricular activity tends to increase students’ identification with the school, promote positive school-based values, brings students into closer proximity with teachers who can help them academically, and promote positive peer affiliation – all of which are important factors in academic achievement – and apparently especially effective for low ESCS migrant students.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Against the Odds – Academically resilient students with a migrant background and how they succeed (2019), S. 51f.

Children from low socio-economic backgrounds are likely to benefit the most from ECEC ...


„Research findings suggest that children from low socio-economic backgrounds are likely to benefit the most from ECEC; however, evidence shows that they often have lower access to these services.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), A note on early childhood education and care participation by socio-economic background (2019), S. 3.

High-quality childcare can compensate for the lack of the richer cultural and educational environment ...


„Evidence shows that high-quality childcare can compensate for the lack of the richer cultural and educational environment provided to young children in middle-class homes.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), A note on early childhood education and care participation by socio-economic background (2019), S. 5.

Among children below age 3, those who belong to disadvantaged groups show systematically lower childcare rates ...


„Among children below age 3, those who belong to disadvantaged groups show systematically lower childcare rates. […] A similar situation – although with smaller gaps, given the higher overall attendance rates – is found among older children.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), A note on early childhood education and care participation by socio-economic background (2019), S. 11.

High-quality pre-primary education and care can improve children’s socioemotional development and cognitive competences ...


„Research shows that high-quality pre-primary education and care can improve children’s socioemotional development and cognitive competences, with children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds benefiting the most.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2019 (2019), S. 48.

EU-weit: At risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2017 ...


EU-weit: „While around a third of the overall population with the lowest educational attainment was at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2017, this rate was almost twice as high, at 62.9 %, for children of parents in this group.“
Eurostat (Hrsg.), Smarter, greener, more inclusive? 2019 edition (2019), S. 73.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Available only to wealthy households ...


„Access to private schooling is, for the most part, available only to wealthy households.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 3.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Of high quality, offering a good educational environment ...


„Most of these schools [private] are of high quality, offering a good educational environment. They deploy very substantial resources; respect the need for a disciplined environment for learning; and give copious attention to generating a positive and therefore motivating experience.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 7.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Succeed when it comes to preparing their pupils for public exams ...


„Private schools succeed when it comes to preparing their pupils for public exams – the gateway to universities. In 2017 the proportion of private school students achieving A*s and As at A level was 48 per cent, compared to a national average of 26 per cent.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 8.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: The great majority are likely to be well behaved in the classroom and aspirational ...


„The bulk of the private school intake is from well-off families with substantial cultural capital and a high degree of parental support and motivation. Accordingly, the great majority are likely to be well behaved in the classroom and aspirational, thereby creating a mutually encouraging and competitive atmosphere.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 8.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Highly selective academically in determining their intake ...


„Many private schools – particularly the best-known – are highly selective academically in determining their intake, with an ability to pay the fees often being inly the first hurdle to jump.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 8.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Can deploy resources whose order of magnitude for each child is approximately three times what is available at the average state school ...


„Britain’s private schools can deploy resources whose order of magnitude for each child is approximately three times what is available at the average state school.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 11.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: A pay gap of some 7 to 15 per cent ...


„A privately educated man (but not woman) leaving university with exactly the same degree as a state-educational man will later enjoy a pay gap of some 7 to 15 per cent (studies vary in their exact findings) in his favor.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 13.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Each state school teacher instructs roughly twice the number of pupils faced by teachers in private schools ...


„Each state school teacher instructs roughly twice the number of pupils faced by teachers in private schools. It is sometimes also claimed that teachers’ skills are greater in the private than in the state sector.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 100.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Fees ...


„For a family on the middle rung of the income ladder, the fees rose between 1980 and 2015 from 20 to 50 per cent of their income, while even for highly affluent families on the 95th rung the fees doubled from 10 to 20 per cent of their incomes.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 125.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Most parents of private school teenagers are quite clear in their own minds that they are buying a better academic quality ...


„Most parents of private school teenagers are quite clear in their own minds that they are buying a better academic quality. They believe in the value of very small class sizes and much better equipment.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 131.

Das sozial bedingte Auseinander entsteht besonders in den ersten Lebensjahren ...


„It appears that the cumulative total of gap growth, across every school year and summer from kindergarten through eighth grade, is considerably smaller than the gaps that have already opened before kindergarten begins.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul T. von Hippel u. a., Do Test Score Gaps Grow Before, During, or Between the School Years? In: Sociological Science 6 (2019), S. 44f.

Reading and math gaps grow substantially more in the first five years of life ...


„Reading and math gaps grow substantially more in the first five years of life than they do in the nine years after school begins. This finding is consistent with neurocognitive research showing that the brain is more plastic at younger ages.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul T. von Hippel u. a., Do Test Score Gaps Grow Before, During, or Between the School Years? In: Sociological Science 6 (2019), S. 75.

High quality early care and education yields significant benefits ...


„High quality early care and education yields significant benefits – especially for children from low-income and disadvantaged households. Children who attend a high quality preschool for as little as a year can experience improvements in their language, literacy, and mathematics skills.“
ies (Hrsg.), „Are Ratings from Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement Systems Valid Measures of Program Quality?“ (2019), S. 1

During early childhood, the relationships between socio-economic risk factors and children’s reading and mathematics achievement are more pronounced ...


„During early childhood, the relationships between socio-economic risk factors and children’s reading and mathematics achievement are more pronounced. […] Studies in line with the bioecological theory by Bronfenbrenner and Morris mention the proximal processes of the home learning environment (e.g. low cognitively stimulating parenting such as rare joint book reading or rare board game play, low maternal sensitivity, for example no prompt responses to children’s needs, or rare physical affection) as a reason for the relationships between social disparities and children’s competencies.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katharina Kluczniok u. a., Relations between socio-economic risk factors, home learning environment and children’s language competencies. In: European Educational Research Journal 2019, Vol. 18(1), S. 86.

The home learning environment directly influences children’s competencies ...


„The general assumption is that the home learning environment directly influences children’s competencies. […] The home learning environment (measured as home literacy, e.g. frequency of shared book reading, number of children’s books) is positively associated with children’s vocabulary at age three as well as to other emerging literacy skills at the end of preschool (e.g. grammar, knowledge of letters).“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katharina Kluczniok u. a., Relations between socio-economic risk factors, home learning environment and children’s language competencies. In: European Educational Research Journal 2019, Vol. 18(1), S. 87.

Cultural activities can be seen as a special indicator of the home learning environment ...


„Cultural activities can be seen as a special indicator of the home learning environment because they are different from the everyday activities of the family (e.g. role playing, picture book reading), take place outside the families, and require financial and time resources. Moreover, such activities are an expression of specific lifestyle as well as cultural taste and practice, and are an investment in the cultural capital of the children.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katharina Kluczniok u. a., Relations between socio-economic risk factors, home learning environment and children’s language competencies. In: European Educational Research Journal 2019, Vol. 18(1), S. 88.

Children with more socio-economic risk experiences and low-stimulating home learning environments in early childhood ...


„Children with more socio-economic risk experiences and low-stimulating home learning environments in early childhood display a smaller vocabulary and worse grammar skills.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katharina Kluczniok u. a., Relations between socio-economic risk factors, home learning environment and children’s language competencies. In: European Educational Research Journal 2019, Vol. 18(1), S. 98.

Untersuchung zur online verbrachten Zeit ...


„On average, disadvantaged students spent 2.3 hours more online each week. […] Disadvantaged students in Austria and Spain spent 6.3 hours more.“
Dr. Adrien Lorenceau u. a., „Upgrading the ICT questionnaire items in PISA 2021“ (2019), S. 15
Anm.: Als „disadvantaged students“ werden in dieser Untersuchung diejenigen bezeichnet, die zum sozioökonomisch schwächsten Viertel der Gesellschaft gehören.

Bildungsaufstieg durch Differenzierung ...


„Without selection schools are unable to promote individual mobility.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael S. Merry u. a., Can schools fairly select their students? In: Theory and Research in Education, 2018, Vol. 16(3), S. 332.

In England, the relationship between ESCS (Anm.: Economic, Social and Cultural Status) and average maths score has not improved since 2006 ...


„In England, the relationship between ESCS (Anm.: Economic, Social and Cultural Status) and average maths score has not improved since 2006, with the difference between the most and least disadvantaged students being equivalent to over three years of schooling. […] The recent PISA results suggest Germany has managed to improve in all three subjects whilst decreasing inequality in its school system. The proportion of resilient students has also risen from 25 per cent in 2006 to 32 per cent in 2015.“
NFER (Hrsg.), Key insights for England from PIRLS, TIMSS and PISA (2018), S. 8f.

In many countries children from low-income households are significantly less likely to participate in early learning ...


„In many countries children from low-income households are significantly less likely to participate in early learning despite evidence of its benefits, particularly for vulnerable children.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 11.

Young children under three years old are especially affected by family stress and material deprivation ...


„Young children under three years old are especially affected by family stress and material deprivation because of the rapid pace of early brain development.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 17.

Children from low socio-economic backgrounds are two to three times more likely to develop mental difficulties ...


„Children from low socio-economic backgrounds are two to three times more likely to develop mental difficulties than those from high socio-economic backgrounds.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 17.

PIAAC: 25 % of adults whose parents had less than an upper secondary education achieved the lowest scores ...


PIAAC: „25 % of adults whose parents had less than an upper secondary education achieved the lowest scores compared to only 5 % of those whose parents had a tertiary education.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 19.

Early childhood care and education ...


„A number of studies suggest that children from lower socio-economic status families experience particular benefits in the areas of cognitive and social skills development compared to peers from higher socio-economic backgrounds. Participation in ECEC can influence parents to engage more frequently in cognitively stimulating and less passive activities with their children, helping to close the gap between disadvantaged children and children from non-disadvantaged families.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 20.

In OECD countries, children are overrepresented in income poor households ...


„In OECD countries, children are overrepresented in income poor households: on average, one in seven children live in income poverty. Child poverty has been on the rise in about two-thirds of OECD countries since the 2008 financial crisis, partly due to the negative impact on employment for the most vulnerable populations.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 58.
In Österreich sind es 14,9 % der Unter-18-Jährigen gegenüber 13,3 % der gesamten Bevölkerung (Stand 2019; Quelle: Eurostat-Datenbank, Abfrage vom 11. November 2020.)

Participation in early childhood education and care can be an important protective factor ...


„Participation in early childhood education and care (ECEC) can be an important protective factor in the lives of vulnerable children. A number of countries have defined education policies specifically to increase children from lower socio-economic backgrounds. In Scotland (UK), 2-4 year-old children from disadvantaged families are entitled to 16 hours of free provision per week (600 hours/year) since 2014, above the normal number of hours of free provision of around 12 hours per week. In the Netherlands, targeted programs for children from disadvantaged backgrounds (age 3 and 4) are available in both childcare and playgroups.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 117.

Norwegen: Free hours of preschool ...


Norwegen: „In 2015, a regulation capping the maximum annual fee for ECEC participation at not more than 6 % of the family income was introduced. In addition, children aged 4 and 5 were given the right to 20 free hours of preschool per week, a measure extended to 3 year-old one year later. […] Preliminary findings on Norway indicate that the availability of 20 hours of free pre-schooling increased the participation of minority-language children by 15 %, leading to better results on mapping tests in the first and second grade compared to areas with no intervention (i.e. no free preschool hours allocation).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 117.

Making specialised support staff available in schools ...


„Making specialised support staff available in schools is key to quickly identifying and addressing the challenges that vulnerable young people may face. Trained psychologists or social workers can be an important first point of call for students, parents and teachers when problems arise.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 120.

Südkorea: Households finance around a quarter of the expenditures for upper and post-secondary education ...


Südkorea: „Households finance around a quarter of the expenditures for upper and post-secondary education and 45 % of expenditures for tertiary education.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Investing in Youth. Korea (2019), S. 22.

School funding systems may also put rural schools at a disadvantage ...


„School funding systems may also put rural schools at a disadvantage. Allocations for current expenditure that are primarily based on student enrolment often do not sufficiently reflect the higher costs of delivering comparable programmes and services in low density and remote environments.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Learning in rural schools (2019), S. 29.

When students, teachers, parents and the school principal know and trust each other ...


„When students, teachers, parents and the school principal know and trust each other, work together, and share information, ideas and goals, students – particularly disadvantaged students – benefit.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. What School Life Means for Students’ Lives“ (2019), S. 120

PISA 2018: The association between socio-economic disadvantage and low performance ...


PISA 2018: „The association between socio-economic disadvantage and low performance was statistically significant in all PISA-participating countries and economies, except Macao (China).“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. Where All Students Can Succeed“ (2019), S. 54

The number of books at home ...


„One of the home possessions that most clearly distinguishes students of different socio-economic status is the number of books at home. While 46 % of advantaged students reported having more than 200 books at home, on average, this is the case for only 6 % of their disadvantaged peers.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. Where All Students Can Succeed“ (2019), S. 55

More academically resilient students are found amongst those who reported better discipline in their schools ...


„More academically resilient students are found amongst those who reported better discipline in their schools.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. Where All Students Can Succeed“ (2019), S. 70

Socio-economic disadvantage and language barriers are two of the greatest obstacles to the successful integration of students with an immigrant background ...


„Socio-economic disadvantage and language barriers are two of the greatest obstacles to the successful integration of students with an immigrant background. Immigrant students in OECD countries who do not speak the language of assessment at home are around eight percentage points less likely to be academically resilient than native-speaking immigrant students.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Ready to Help? (2019), S. 42.

Lack of language skills can have a negative impact on the lives and integration of immigrants ...


„Lack of language skills can have a negative impact on the lives and integration of immigrants. Children with an immigrant background who face language barriers are more likely to experience bullying, discrimination and emotional problems like depression and low self-esteem.“
OECD (Hrsg.), The Road to Integration (2019), S. 80.

Concerns that school autonomy in recruitment may lead to greater disparities in staff qualifications ...


„There are concerns that school autonomy in recruitment may lead to greater disparities in staff qualifications and experiences among schools, with more advantaged schools being able to attract better candidates.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Working and Learning Together (2019), S. 27.

Exposure to larger home libraries in adolescence has a positive direct effect on literacy, numeracy and ICT skills ...


„Exposure to larger home libraries in adolescence has a positive direct effect on literacy, numeracy and ICT skills even when educational and occupational attainments of adults are controlled for.“
Dr. Joanna Sikora u. a., „Scholarly culture: How books in adolescence enhance adult literacy, numeracy and technology skills in 31 societies“. In: „Social Science Research“ 77 (2019), S. 8

Home library size has a loglinear effect on cognitive, numerical, and problem-solving skills ...


„Home library size has a loglinear effect on cognitive, numerical, and problem-solving skills that endure throughout life.“
Dr. Joanna Sikora u. a., „Scholarly culture: How books in adolescence enhance adult literacy, numeracy and technology skills in 31 societies“. In: „Social Science Research“ 77 (2019), S. 14

Großbritannien: Gaps between the poorest students and the others are prevalent at all stages in the education system ...


Großbritannien: „Schools have long been viewed as the engine for social mobility but we find that gaps between the poorest students and the others are prevalent at all stages in the education system. […] It is time to change the assumption that Britain can thrive economically with an education system that only focusses on the 40 per cent of students that study A Levels.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), Vorwort, S. V.

Child poverty has an important influence on social mobility ...


„Child poverty has an important influence on social mobility, as children living in poverty can often have worse health, worse educational outcomes and start school developmentally behind their more advantaged counterparts.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 16f.

The quality of the home learning environment has been recognised to be the most significant factor in terms of outcomes at age five ...


„The quality of the home learning environment has been recognised to be the most significant factor in terms of outcomes at age five. Indeed, the range and quality of activities which parents undertake with pre-school children is more strongly associated with children’s social and intellectual development as compared with either parental education or occupation.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 30.

Learning at home is also heavily influenced by parents’ use of words and gestures around their children ...


„Learning at home is also heavily influenced by parents’ use of words and gestures around their children. Movement of the hands or head when having a conversation makes a difference – researchers have found that this strongly correlates with later language ability in their children and that disadvantaged parents are less likely to use gestures, perhaps due to lack of confidence or stress. At the age of 14 months, children from higher socio-economic status (SES) families are gesturing more than their lower SES peers, and this gesture use is related to later vocabulary skill.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 30.

England: Huge disparities in the attainment of children at school, depending on their socio‑economic background ...


England: „There are huge disparities in the attainment of children at school, depending on their socio‑economic background. Gaps between children entitled to free school meals and others persist throughout the school years.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 37.

England: The gap in attainment in public exams between children who attend independent schools and those who attend state schools is significant ...


England: „The gap in attainment in public exams between children who attend independent schools and those who attend state schools is significant.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 37.

In England, the pupil teacher ratio in the state sector was 17:1 in 2016 compared to 8.6:1 in the private sector ...


„In England, the pupil teacher ratio in the state sector was 17:1 in 2016 compared to 8.6:1 in the private sector. In practice this means children receive more individual attention, more pastoral support and smaller class sizes. Children from independent schools also typically enjoy a wider range of extra-curricular opportunities than those educated in the state sector. Attending an independent school brings disproportionate privileges in terms of exam results, prestige of position in the labour market, and income.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 54.

England: Students at private schools, especially those with the highest fees, have access to high quality teaching ...


England: „Students at private schools, especially those with the highest fees, have access to high quality teaching and facilities, and much greater levels of resource than schools in the state educational sector. […] Independent school pupils applying to higher education in England are seven times more likely to gain a place at Oxford or Cambridge compared to those from non-selective state schools, and twice as likely to gain a place in the Russell Group.“
The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), Elitist Britain 2019 (2019), S. 12.

England: The vast majority of disadvantaged young people are educated in the state sector ...


England: „The reality is that the vast majority of disadvantaged young people are educated in the state sector, and in comprehensive schools in particular – and the vast majority of those educated in private schools are from affluent backgrounds.“
The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), Elitist Britain 2019 (2019), S. 12

Über eineinhalb Jahre Leistungsrückstand 10-Jähriger mit anderer Erstsprache ...


„Schüler/innen mit deutscher Erstsprache weisen im Schnitt eine um 64 Punkte bessere Mathematikkompetenz auf als ihre Kolleginnen und Kollegen mit einer anderen Erstsprache. Diese Unterschiede reduzieren sich auf etwas mehr als 30 Punkte, wenn man jeweils Schüler/innen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund bzw. mit deutscher oder anderer Erstsprache vergleicht, die den gleichen Sozialstatus aufweisen.“
BIFIE (Hrsg.), „Standardüberprüfung 2018. Mathematik, 4. Schulstufe. Bundesergebnisbericht“ (2019), S. 47
Anm.: Etwa 40 Punkte entsprechen dem Lernfortschritt eines Schuljahres.

In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer ...


„In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer als in England, den USA und Finnland – alles Länder mit einer gemeinsamen Sekundarstufe für alle Schüler.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Fend, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom November 2018, S. 25

Zwei Drittel des sozioökonomisch bedingten Rückstands schon mit 10 Jahren ...


„Among 10-year-olds, the gap in mathematics performance related to socio-economic status is about two-thirds the size of that observed among 25-29 year-olds, on average across 12 OECD countries with comparable data.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 89“ (Oktober 2018), S. 2

OECD-weit durchschnittlich drei Jahre Leistungsrückstand 15-Jähriger aus sozioökonomisch schwachem Elternhaus ...


„In all countries and economies that participated in PISA 2015, socio-economic status has considerable influence on students’ performance in science, reading and mathematics. On average across OECD countries, the mean PISA science score among disadvantaged students was 452 points, while among advantaged students it was 540 points. This gap of 88 points is the equivalent of about three full years of schooling.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 89“ (Oktober 2018), S. 2
In Österreich beträgt die Differenz 97 Punkte. Am größten ist sie in Luxemburg (125 Punkte) und Frankreich (118 Punkte).

In all countries schools with more advantaged students tend to perform better ...


„In all countries schools with more advantaged students (as indicated by higher average levels of the PISA index of economic, social and cultural status) tend to perform better than schools with more disadvantaged students.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 88“ (September 2018), S. 3

Wir können nicht bestätigen, dass ein Ganztagsangebot zum Abbau von sozialen Unterschieden oder einer Verbesserung der Leistung führen würde ...


„Wir können nicht bestätigen, dass ein Ganztagsangebot zum Abbau von sozialen Unterschieden oder einer Verbesserung der Leistung führen würde.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kai Maaz, Die Welt online am 22. Juni 2018

A majority of countries and economies that participated in PISA 2015 compensate disadvantaged schools with smaller classes and/or lower student-teacher ratios ...


„A majority of countries and economies that participated in PISA 2015 compensate disadvantaged schools with smaller classes and/or lower student-teacher ratios.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 85“ (Juni 2018), S. 2

Countries that compensate for disadvantage in schools with smaller classes do not have narrower performance gaps ...


„Countries that compensate for disadvantage in schools with smaller classes and lower student-teacher ratios do not, on average, have narrower performance gaps related to socio-economic status.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 85“ (Juni 2018), S. 4

Early mathematical skills are critical to developing long-run success in school ...


„An accumulating body of research suggests that early mathematical skills are critical to developing long-run success in school. […] Across the data sets, a consistent pattern emerged: Mathematics achievement at school entry was the strongest predictor of later success in mathematics, and in some cases reading, even when all other characteristics tested were controlled.“
Tyler W. Watts u. a., „What Is the Long-Run Impact of Learning Mathematics During Preschool?“. In: „Child Development“ vom März/April 2018, Vol. 89, No. 2, S. 539

Wirkung der Ganztagsschule auf die Kompetenzen von Schülern nicht nachweisbar ...


„Eine Wirkung der Ganztagsschule auf die Kompetenzen von Schülern ließ sich bisher nicht nachweisen, auch nicht bei Kindern aus sozial schwachen Familien.“

Univ.-Prof. DDr. Eckhard Klieme, Die Zeit online am 7. Februar 2018

Österreichs Studierendenschaft relativ repräsentativ zur Wohnbevölkerung ...


„Im europäischen Vergleich zählt Österreich […] zu den Ländern, in denen die Studierendenschaft relativ repräsentativ zur Wohnbevölkerung zusammengesetzt ist.“

BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Universitätsbericht 2017“ (2018), S. 35

Enger Zusammenhang zwischen der sozialen und der gesundheitlichen Lage von Kindern und Jugendlichen ...


„Zahlreiche Studien zeigen, dass zwischen der sozialen und der gesundheitlichen Lage von Kindern und Jugendlichen ein enger Zusammenhang besteht. Ergebnisse aus den Schuleingangsuntersuchungen der Bundesländer (Anm.: Deutschlands) belegen beispielsweise, dass frühe Gesundheitsstörungen und Entwicklungsverzögerungen vermehrt bei sozial benachteiligten Kindern auftreten. Jene weisen demnach weitaus häufiger körperliche, psychische, kognitive, sprachliche und motorische Entwicklungsdefizite auf als Kinder aus sozial bessergestellten Familien.“

DAK (Hrsg.), „Kinder- und Jugendreport 2018“ (2018), S. 132

Deutlich ausgeprägte soziale Unterschiede in der Verbreitung gesundheitsbezogener Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren bereits rund um die Geburt ...


„Bereits rund um die Geburt treten deutlich ausgeprägte soziale Unterschiede in der Verbreitung gesundheitsbezogener Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren zutage. […] Je höher der sozioökonomische Status, desto geringer ist der Anteil der Kinder, deren Mutter während der Schwangerschaft geraucht hat.“

DAK (Hrsg.), „Kinder- und Jugendreport 2018“ (2018), S. 138

Psychische und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten vermehrt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status ...


„Während bei den meisten körperlichen Erkrankungen nur geringe Unterschiede nach dem sozioökonomischen Status festzustellen sind, treten psychische und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten vermehrt bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status auf. […] Kinder und Jugendliche aus der niedrigen Statusgruppe sind zu einem Drittel der Risikogruppe zuzurechnen, während dies auf ein Fünftel der Heranwachsenden aus der mittleren und ein Zehntel derer aus der hohen Statusgruppe zutrifft (33,5 %, 19,0 %, 9,8 %).“

DAK (Hrsg.), „Kinder- und Jugendreport 2018“ (2018), S. 139f

Wenn ein Kind bis zum Alter von 8 Jahren nicht über ausreichende Lesefähigkeiten verfügt ...


„Wenn ein Kind bis zum Alter von 8 Jahren nicht über ausreichende Lesefähigkeiten verfügt, dann gibt es viele Hinweise darauf, dass es diese Defizite nie mehr aufholen wird.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. John Hattie u. a., „Visible Learning. Auf den Punkt gebracht“ (2018), S. 52

Einer Gesamtschule gelingt es im Vergleich zum dreigliedrigen Schulsystem nicht besser, für mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit zu sorgen ...


„In der Studie ‚Lebensläufe ins frühe Erwachsenenalter‘ (LifE) wird aufgezeigt, dass es einer Gesamtschule im Vergleich zum dreigliedrigen Schulsystem nicht besser gelingt, für mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit zu sorgen. In beiden Fällen nämlich besteht ein hoher Zusammenhang zwischen sozioökonomischem Status und Schulabschluss. Gleiches lässt sich für Ganztagsschulen beobachten, die ebenfalls mit dem Ziel antreten, eine bessere Bildung für alle zu ermöglichen, die unabhängig vom sozioökonomischen Status der Eltern ist.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. John Hattie u. a., „Visible Learning. Auf den Punkt gebracht“ (2018), S. 53

Der sozioökonomische Status der Eltern hat einen großen Einfluss auf die schulische Leistung der Lernenden ...


„Der sozioökonomische Status der Eltern hat einen großen Einfluss auf die schulische Leistung der Lernenden. Er lässt sich über strukturelle Veränderungen von Schulen kaum beeinflussen.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. John Hattie u. a., „Visible Learning. Auf den Punkt gebracht“ (2018), S. 56

Zwei Dritteln gelingt in Österreich der Bildungsaufstieg ...


„Von den 25- bis 44-Jährigen, deren Eltern nur über die Pflichtschulbildung verfügten, hatten 14,4 % eine Matura und 6,9 % einen Studienabschluss. Weitere 46,1 % schlossen eine Lehre oder berufsbildende mittlere Schule ab und ein Drittel (32,6 %) beendete ebenfalls keine über die Pflichtschule hinausgehende Ausbildung.“

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Erwachsenenbildung. Ergebnisse des Adult Education Survey (AES)“ (2018), S. 23

Unterschiede in der Vererbung des Bildungsniveaus ...


„Fast jede zweite Person mit Migrationshintergrund (47 %), deren Eltern lediglich einen Pflichtschulabschluss aufwiesen, verfügte 2014 ebenfalls über keinen höheren Bildungsabschluss. In der Bevölkerung ohne Migrationshintergrund wurde das niedrige Bildungsniveau weit weniger oft ‚vererbt‘, nämlich nur zu gut einem Fünftel (22 %).“

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „migration & integration - zahlen.daten.indikatoren 2018“ (2018), S. 50

Deutschland: Anteil an resilienten SchülerInnen gestiegen ...


„Die Analyse von PISA-Daten zeigt, dass es heute in Deutschland deutlich mehr Schülerinnen und Schüler gibt, die trotz eines eher bildungsfernen Elternhauses solide Kompetenzen in Lesen, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften erwerben. Der Anteil dieser Schülerinnen und Schüler ist hierzulande im vergangenen Jahrzehnt so stark gewachsen wie in kaum einem anderen OECD-Land. Waren es im Jahr 2006 nur 25 Prozent, galten im Jahr 2015 schon 32,3 Prozent der sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Schülerinnen und Schüler als ‚resilient‘, was heißt, dass sie trotz ihres ungünstigen sozioökonomischen Hintergrunds im PISA-Test solide Leistungen zeigen.“

Vodafone Stiftung (Hrsg.), „Erfolgsfaktor Resilienz“ (2018), S. 3

In denselben neun Jahren ist der Anteil resilienter SchülerInnen in Österreich von 28 Prozent auf 23 Prozent zurückgegangen.

Faktoren, die ein positives Schul- und Unterrichtsklima stören und damit Resilienz behindern ...


Faktoren, die ein positives Schul- und Unterrichtsklima stören und damit Resilienz behindern

  • Die Schülerinnen und Schüler hören der Lehrerin/dem Lehrer nicht zu.
  • Im Klassenzimmer ist es oft laut, und es geht drunter und drüber.
  • Die Lehrerin/der Lehrer muss lange warten, bis die Schülerinnen und Schüler ruhig werden.
  • Die Schülerinnen und Schüler können nicht ungestört arbeiten.
  • Die Schülerinnen und Schüler fangen erst lange nach Beginn der Stunde an zu arbeiten.

Vodafone Stiftung (Hrsg.), „Erfolgsfaktor Resilienz“ (2018), S. 9

Resilient students attend schools with a positive school climate ...


„Our results reveal that resilient students attend schools with a positive school climate, i.e. schools where students and teachers work together in an orderly environment and student truancy is low.“

Prof. Dr. Tommaso Agasisti u. a., „Academic resilience“ (2018), S. 7

The highest shares of resilient students ...


„The highest shares of resilient students are found in Hong Kong (China) with 53 % and Macao (China) with 52 %.“

Prof. Dr. Tommaso Agasisti u. a., „Academic resilience“ (2018), S. 11

Students who do not speak the language of instruction at home ...


„Students who do not speak the language of instruction at home are only about half as likely to be resilient, compared to students who speak the language of instruction at home, after accounting for socio-economic status.“

Prof. Dr. Tommaso Agasisti u. a., „Academic resilience“ (2018), S. 25

The likelihood that disadvantaged students will be resilient is higher in schools where students report a good disciplinary climate ...


„Across the vast majority of education systems examined, the likelihood that disadvantaged students will be resilient is higher in schools where students report a good disciplinary climate, compared to schools with more disruptive environments, even after accounting for differences in student and school socio-economic status and other factors associated with resilience. Attending orderly classes in which students can focus and teachers provide well-paced instruction is beneficial for all students, but particularly so for the most vulnerable students.“

Prof. Dr. Tommaso Agasisti u. a., „Academic resilience“ (2018), S. 34

Recent challenges to the school system in Hong Kong ...


„Recent challenges to the school system in Hong Kong include an increase in ethnic- and language-minority students and an increase in social segregation as some of the most prestigious public schools have become private.“
Asia Society (Hrsg.), New Challenges and opportunities (2018), S. 13f.

Children from lower SES families ...


„There is evidence that, in general, children from lower SES families experience less developmentally enhancing activities at home, exposure to books, reading, and verbal interactions with parents in comparison to higher SES children. And that parental cognitive stimulation affects student intrinsic motivation above and beyond the effect of SES. […] Interest and enjoyment are fostered to a substantial degree through the students’ exposure to and experiences with cognitively stimulating learning activities and the provision of learning materials. Socially disadvantaged children are often deprived of these experiences within their home environments.“

Dr. Daniel H. Caro, „Socio‑economic gaps in subject interest: the mediating role of parental cognitive involvement“. In: „Large-scale Assessments in Education“ (2018), 6:13, S. 6

In Österreich geht die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere bis zum 10. Geburtstag immer weiter auf ...


„The difference in test results between those from the wealthiest and poorest socio-economic backgrounds has continuously widened since 2006.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2018 (2018), S. 9.

Socio-economic status continues to have an important influence on education outcomes ...


„Socio-economic status continues to have an important influence on education outcomes. Recent national and international test results, in particular from the 2016 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) on the reading competences of 10 year-olds, confirm significant performance gaps. The difference in test results between those from the wealthiest and poorest socio-economic backgrounds has continuously widened since 2006.“
EU-Kommission, Education and Training Monitor 2018 (2018), S. 11.

Comparing OECD PISA 2006 and 2015 in science performance, equity indicators showed a significant deterioration ...


„Comparing OECD PISA 2006 and 2015 in science performance, equity indicators showed a significant deterioration. Of three main determinants of inequalities reviewed in a recent study — low educational level of parents, unemployment or receipt of social assistance — the latter has the greatest impact on the education outcomes of children. Foreign-born students not only leave education more often, they also tend to repeat grades.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2018 (2018), S. 95.

Frankreich: The type of secondary school-leaving diploma (the ‘baccalauréat’) obtained is strongly dependent on a pupil's socio-economic background ...


Frankreich: „The type of secondary school-leaving diploma (the ‘baccalauréat’) obtained is strongly dependent on a pupil's socio-economic background. While 77 % of children whose parents are managers have a general education diploma and 9 % of them a vocational diploma, the corresponding proportions for children of blue-collar workers are 34 % and 44 %. Similar findings hold true for higher education. To improve basic skills and reduce inequalities, France is lowering the starting age of compulsory education from six to three starting in September 2019. The measure targets those few children who do not participate in early childhood education and care (ECEC), most of whom are from disadvantaged and immigrant backgrounds. The focus will be on language acquisition and well-being as foundations for building basic skills. All children ages 4-6 already participate in ECEC.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2018 (2018), S. 105.

Children of lower and higher educated parents are increasingly separated into different schools ...


„Children of lower and higher educated parents are increasingly separated into different schools. The parental choice system in the Netherlands is contributing to creating more segregated schools and strengthens the effects of residential separation.“
EU-Kommission, Education and Training Monitor 2018 (2018), S. 212.

The UK government is planning to increase the number of pupils attending state-funded selective grammar schools ...


„The UK government is planning to increase the number of pupils attending state-funded selective grammar schools, claiming that this will assist overall standards, reduce the poverty attainment gap and so aid social mobility.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Gorard u. a., Grammar schools in England: a new analysis of social segregation and academic outcomes. In: British Journal of Sociology of Education 39:7 (2018), S. 909.

Feeling bad when no Internet connection is available ...


„On average, 54 % of students who took the 2015 PISA assessment reported that they felt bad when no Internet connection was available. […] In European countries, socio-economically advantaged students were less likely to report that they felt bad without available Internet connection, compared to disadvantaged students.“

Julie Hooft Graafland, „New technologies and 21st century children“ (2018), S. 12

Helsinki: leistungsstarke Schulen erhöhen den Wohnpreis in ihrem Umfeld ...


„1 standard deviation increase in average test scores increases prices on average by 3%, which is comparable to findings from the UK and the USA.“
Dr. Oskari Harjunen u. a., „Best Education Money Can Buy? Capitalization of School Quality in Finland“. In: „CESifo Economic Studies“ (2018), S. 150

Anders als in Österreich nimmt die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsdifferenz im Gesamtschulstaat England während der Sekundarstufe noch deutlich zu ...


„Around 40 per cent of the gap at the end of Key Stage 4 is already apparent by age 5. The gap then grows by a further 20 per cent by the end of Key Stage 2, and the final 40 per cent emerges throughout secondary school.“
Jo Hutchinson u.a., Education in England – Annual report 2018 (2018), S. 10.

Participation in high-quality early education programs has the potential to mitigate the socioeconomic and educational inequalities of diverse family backgrounds ...


„Participation in high-quality early education programs can help to prepare the ground for children’s future schooling outcomes and has the potential to mitigate the socioeconomic and educational inequalities of diverse family backgrounds. Interventions that compensate for a lack of early learning activities in the home should be implemented as early as possible for all children, as later measures are likely to be more costly, challenging and less efficient at achieving the desired outcomes.“

IEA (Hrsg.), „Preparing the ground: The importance of early learning activities at home for fourth grade student achievement” (2018), S. 8

Macao und Japan: Systems where advantaged and disadvantaged children are equally likely to attend high quality early years settings ...


Macao und Japan: „The impact of high quality early years provision is well proven, with the greatest impact being for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Yet, in many systems around the world, children from disadvantaged homes are the least likely to engage in such provision, due to issues of funding and access. By contrast, Macao and Japan – two of the high performing, high equity systems listed above – stand out as systems where advantaged and disadvantaged children are equally likely to attend high quality early years settings.“

Dr. John Jerrim u. a., „Educational disadvantage: how does England compare?“ (2018), S. 25

Hollands „extended schools“...


„In the Netherlands, extended schools include other services for children, such as childcare providers, health and welfare services, and sports and cultural institutions. These schools mostly serve disadvantaged students. The purpose of this cooperation is to promote children’s development by offering them help where necessary with problems at school or in their home setting, as well as by offering additional activities (e.g., culture, sport), with which they normally have little contact; and in some cases, additional instruction.

Dr. John Jerrim u. a., „Educational disadvantage: how does England compare?“ (2018), S. 36

Improving access to good-quality care and preschool programmes for children from disadvantaged backgrounds is essential ...


„Improving access to good-quality care and preschool programmes for children from disadvantaged backgrounds is essential. Good-quality affordable childcare can be instrumental in giving children the best start in life and reduce early gaps in speaking and other cognitive skills. Preschool attendance can make a large difference for later educational and learning outcomes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „A Broken Social Elevator? How to Promote Social Mobility“ (2018), S. 40

Duale Bildung fördert soziale Mobilität ...


„Apprenticeship training, i.e. combining work and study within a firm-based approach from day one, are particularly effective in smoothing school-to-work transitions, which is essential to promote intergenerational mobility.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „A Broken Social Elevator? How to Promote Social Mobility“ (2018), S. 44

Die AbsolventInnen des englischen Schulwesens gehören international zu den leistungsschwächsten ...


„In England in 2012 approaching one-third (29 %) of 16-24 year-olds had weak basic skills in the sense of numeracy and/or literacy below Level 2 in the PIAAC survey, one of the highest levels among OECD countries in the survey, and three times the level of a strong performer like the Netherlands (9 %) and substantially more than – say – Germany (19 %). While those from less advantaged family backgrounds are everywhere more likely to suffer from weak basic skills, this factor of inheritance is stronger in England than in most other countries.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Apprenticeship in England, United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 92

Österreich: 77 % of the children of natives move upward if their parents have only compulsory education, compared to only 51 % among the offspring of immigrants ...


Österreich: „Not only do those from Turkey and the former Yugoslavia achieve lower levels of education, but their children are also less likely than other groups to be upwardly mobile and achieve a higher level of education than their parents. 77 % of the children of natives move upward if their parents have only compulsory education, compared to only 51 % among the offspring of immigrants.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 12

Österreichs besondere Situation ...


„While the sons of immigrants (both Turkish and Yugoslav) are more likely to obtain a higher level of education compared to their parents than natives’ sons, the daughters of immigrants are less likely than the daughters of native-born parents to be upwardly mobile. 63 % of daughters of native-born parents compared to only 46 % of the daughters of immigrants obtain a higher level of education than their mothers.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 12

Bildungsaufstieg mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund ...


„The probability of achieving an apprenticeship certificate is 61 % for those of native descent if the highest level of the parents’ education is at most compulsory schooling, compared to just 37 % among the native children of immigrants.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 12

Gesamtschulland Schweden ...


„There is a significant and positive relationship between the educational attainment of parents and their children in Sweden.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 122

Die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere ist schon am Ende der Volksschule weit geöffnet ...


„On average among 15 year-olds across the 12 OECD countries with comparable data, more than two-thirds of the gap in mathematics scores associated with having more books at home was already observed at age 10.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education“ (2018), S. 30
In Österreich waren es sogar schon über 77 Prozent.

Staaten, in denen die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere zwischen 10 (TIMSS) und 15 (PISA) besonders stark aufgeht ...


„In Australia, Canada and Greece […], and also in the Czech Republic, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United States, inequity grows significantly during adolescence.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education“ (2018), S. 39

Staaten, in denen die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere nach PISA besonders stark aufgeht ...


„In Australia, Canada, England, the Netherlands and Norway, inequity increases significantly during early adulthood (as measured by the Survey of Adult Skills among 25-29 year-olds)“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education“ (2018), S. 39

Early childhood education and care are critical vehicles for providing more equitable learning environments early on ...


„Early childhood education and care are critical vehicles for providing more equitable learning environments early on.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education“ (2018), S. 40

Leistungsbereitschaft als Erfolgsfaktor ...


„Students’ motivation to achieve the best they can in school and in their lives in general is one of the attitudes that make a difference. […] 16 % of highly motivated students are nationally resilient students and 9 % are among students who reported low motivation to achieve.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education“ (2018), S. 107f

In Kanada geht die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere, anders als in Österreich, in erster Linie während der Sekundarstufe I auf ...


„In Canada, the magnitude of the socio-economic gap in mathematics achievement at age 10 (as measured by the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study [TIMSS]) is about 43 % as large as the gap observed among 15 year-olds (as measured by PISA), and about 32 % as large as the gap in numeracy proficiency among 25-29 year-olds (as measured by the Survey of Adult Skills [PIAAC].“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education: Breaking Down Barriers to Social Mobility. Country Note Canada“ (2018), S. 2
In Österreich geht die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere in erster Linie im ersten Lebensjahrzehnt auf: mit 10 sind schon über 77 % der sozioökonomisch bedingten Leistungsdifferenz mit 15 und über 66 % der mit 25-29 gegeben.

Großbritannien: Some 15 % of disadvantaged students in the United Kingdom are 'socially and emotionally resilient' ...


Großbritannien: „Some 15 % of disadvantaged students in the United Kingdom are 'socially and emotionally resilient', meaning that they are satisfied with their life, feel socially integrated at school and do not suffer from test anxiety.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education: Breaking Down Barriers to Social Mobility. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 2
Im OECD-Durchschnitt sind es 26 %, in Österreich 28 %.

Bildungsvererbung ...


„In England, adults with tertiary-educated parents were nine times more likely to complete tertiary education than adults with low-educated parents.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education: Breaking Down Barriers to Social Mobility. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 3
In England ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit 9,3 Mal so groß, im OECD-Durchschnitt ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit sogar 11,1 Mal so groß, in Österreich 7,0 Mal so groß.

In Norway, children born into low socio-economic backgrounds face a higher risk of becoming NEET in their youth ...


„In Norway, children born into low socio-economic backgrounds face a higher risk of becoming NEET in their youth. Young people whose mother did not have an uppersecondary education are more than twice as likely to be NEET as the children of tertiary educated mothers. This effect is strongest for 15-19 year-olds, indicating a particularly strong effect of parental education on upper-secondary school drop-out.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Norway“ (2018), S. 44

Norwegen: Disadvantage for young people with parents who were not gainfully employed ...


Norwegen: „Having grown-up in a household with parents who were not gainfully employed puts young people at a disadvantage – those whose father was not working when they were 16 years old are twice as likely to be NEET as those whose father was working, a somewhat bigger cleavage than in Germany.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Norway“ (2018), S. 44f

In keinem anderen Land hängt der Schulerfolg so sehr vom Bildungsniveau der Eltern ab wie im Gesamtschulstaat Norwegen ...


„Young people whose parents do not have upper-secondary education are less likely to graduate themselves in all countries for which data are available. In Norway, however, only half of them achieve an upper-secondary degree within five years, compared to 56 % in Sweden and 57 % in Finland. The gap between the completion rates of the children of tertiary and lower-secondary educated parents is higher than in any other country for which data are available.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Norway“ (2018), S. 94f

Finnland: Differenzierung durch Hauspreise ...


„In Helsinki, parents’ perceptions of school quality can be reflected in housing prices and reinforce residential segregation, especially in high density areas with an inelastic supply of land. Since measures of school quality are not publicly available in Finland, this effect appears to be primarily driven by parents’ perceptions of a school’s socio-demographic student composition.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 179

OECD stellt vielfältige Formen von Differenzierung fest ...


„Providing multiple pathways and educational programmes raises the chances of meeting the interests of a diverse student population and the skills demands of a differentiated labour market. Challenges stemming from the integration of students from different socio-economic backgrounds, immigrants, students with special educational needs or those uninspired by traditional academic content have led countries to explore different policy options to cover the full spectrum of educational demand and provide 'made-to-measure curricula' for students. Notably, this has resulted in multiple strands of offers, programmes and schools, which often raise efficiency and equity concerns.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 241

In the Netherlands, young children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, are entitled to receive language-development support ...


„In the Netherlands, young children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, are entitled to receive language-development support. These children can participate in early childhood and education targeted programmes that provide support before and during the first years of school. All toddlers (2.5 to 4 years old) who are part of this programme receive 10 hours of language development per week. For the rest of the day, targeted toddlers attend the same early childhood and education programme as their non-targeted peers.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background“ (2018), S. 271

Children’s early life experiences during sensitive periods of neural plasticity shape the brain structures and functions underlying their cognitive aptitudes ...


„Children’s early life experiences during sensitive periods of neural plasticity shape the brain structures and functions underlying their cognitive aptitudes. One critical experience is language exposure. Specifically, the language quantity (e.g., number of words) and quality (e.g., sentence complexity, lexical diversity) that young children hear are the foundation of later language and literacy skills and nonverbal capacities, including executive functioning, math ability, and social skills. Children’s language exposure varies substantially in relation to their socioeconomic status (SES).“

Dr. Rachel R. Romeo u. a., „Beyond the 30-Million-Word Gap: Children’s Conversational Exposure Is Associated With Language-Related Brain Function“. In: „Psychological Science“, 2018, Vol. 29(5), S. 700

Non-traditional family structures are associated with worse educational outcomes at all ages ...


„Traditional two-parent married family structures are becoming increasingly rare and researchers are finding that non-traditional family structures, such as single-parent or step-parent families, are associated with worse educational outcomes at all ages. Very young children in single-parent households have worse language development than children in traditional two-parent households. Young children in single-parent households are also less likely to attend ECCE. In middle childhood, children who grow up in single-parent households tend to have lower language, reading, and math grades and test scores, as well as lower cognitive ability than their peers who grow up in traditional households. This pattern continues in adolescence, when living in a single-parent household is associated with worse language and math grades and test scores and a greater likelihood of dropping out of secondary education. Young adults from single-parent households are also less likely to enroll in and complete an academic post-secondary degree than young adults from traditional households.“

Dr. Anika Schenck-Fontaine u. a., „Sociodemographic Inequalities in Education over the Life Course: An Interdisciplinary Review“ (2018), S. 10f

Children of less educated parents have worse executive functioning and delayed language development ...


„In early childhood, children of less educated parents have worse executive functioning and delayed language development relative to children of highly educated parents. […] Young children of less educated mothers are also less likely to be placed in ECCE, though they benefit more from their ECCE experiences than children of highly educated parents.“

Dr. Anika Schenck-Fontaine u. a., „Sociodemographic Inequalities in Education over the Life Course: An Interdisciplinary Review“ (2018), S. 12

Children of less educated parents enter primary school with notably worse math, language, and reading skills ...


„Children of less educated parents enter primary school with notably worse math, language, and reading skills relative to children of highly educated parents, and these skills gaps remain constant or increase through middle childhood. Even accounting for other SES factors, low parental education is associated with lower math and reading competence test scores for children.“

Dr. Anika Schenck-Fontaine u. a., „Sociodemographic Inequalities in Education over the Life Course: An Interdisciplinary Review“ (2018), S. 12

Weltweit ein „powerful predictor“ ...


„Maternal education is a powerful predictor of early learning outcomes.“
Dr. Elizabeth A. Shuey u. a., „The Power and Promise of Early Learning“ (2018), S. 39

Greater household income associated with children’s better academic achievement, educational attainment and social and emotional skills ...


„A large body of research demonstrates that greater household income (and the family characteristics that go along with it) is associated with children’s better academic achievement, educational attainment and social and emotional skills.“
Dr. Elizabeth A. Shuey u. a., „The Power and Promise of Early Learning“ (2018), S. 40

Children from lower socioeconomic status families experience particular benefits from participation in ECEC programmes ...


„A number of correlational studies suggest that children from lower socioeconomic status families experience particular benefits from participation in ECEC programmes (Anm.: ECEC = Early Childhood Education and Care), relative to their peers from higher socioeconomic status families.“
Dr. Elizabeth A. Shuey u. a., „The Power and Promise of Early Learning“ (2018), S. 56

Participation in Early Childhood Education and Care does not close the academic performance gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students ...


„Participation in ECEC (Anm.: ECEC = Early Childhood Education and Care) does not close the academic performance gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students, even when accounting for the duration of exposure to ECEC (i.e. age of entry to ECEC): Students from higher socioeconomic status households outperform their peers from lower socioeconomic status households.“
Dr. Elizabeth A. Shuey u. a., „The Power and Promise of Early Learning“ (2018), S. 56

Emotionale Selbstregulation bei 4-Jährigen Indikator für späteren Schulerfolg ...


„In a series of studies examining self-regulation among a sample of United States pre-schoolers from a university community, delay of gratification at age 4 was associated with higher levels of cognitive and self-regulatory competence and coping at age 16, including higher scores on the standardised college entrance exams.“
Dr. Elizabeth A. Shuey u. a., „The Power and Promise of Early Learning“ (2018), S. 29

For children from disadvantaged backgrounds, adversities begin to accumulate before they are born ...


„For children from disadvantaged backgrounds, adversities begin to accumulate before they are born. […] Steep socioeconomic gradients in cognitive, linguistic, and early literacy development help determine school outcomes. Language and cognitive gaps are evident before a child’s first birthday.“

The World Bank (Hrsg.), „Learning to Realize Education's Promise“ (2018), S. 78

In France, the difference in science performance on the 2015 PISA between the richest and the poorest students was 115 points ...


„In France, the difference in science performance on the 2015 PISA between the richest and the poorest students was 115 points. […] A 100-point difference in PISA scores is roughly equivalent to three years of schooling.“

The World Bank (Hrsg.), „Learning to Realize Education's Promise“ (2018), S. 78

Differences caused by family background ...


„Differences caused by family background are strongest in countries such as Hungary and Luxembourg, where children from richer and poorer families tend to go to different schools.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), „An Unfair Start. Inequality in Children’s Education in Rich Countries“ (2018), S. 4

Leistungskluft mit 10 ...


„Bedrückend ist die zunehmende Leistungskluft zwischen Kindern von Eltern mit maximal Pflichtschulabschluss und Akademikerkindern. Diese Differenz beträgt derzeit im Mittel 96 Punkte, was rund drei bis vier Lernjahren entspricht. […] Damit scheitern die Volksschulen bei ihrer wichtigsten schulischen und demokratischen Aufgabe: dem Ausgleich unterschiedlicher Startbedingungen.“

Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Feller, Projektleiter Bildung der „Agenda Austria“, Der Standard online am 28. Dezember 2017

Herkunft, Muttersprache oder finanzielle Situation und Bildungsgrad der Familie als prägende Faktoren ...


„Nur 10 bis 15 Prozent der Unterschiede lassen sich überhaupt auf Strukturen in der Schule zurückführen. Viel prägender sind Faktoren wie Herkunft, Muttersprache oder finanzielle Situation und Bildungsgrad der Familie. Wenn man also wirklich weniger Ungleichheit in der Gesellschaft schaffen will, muss man beginnen, auch Vermögen radikaler umzuverteilen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Hopmann, progress-online.at am 21. Juni 2017

Von wegen „Bildung wird in Österreich besonders stark vererbt“ ...


In Wahrheit stammen in Österreich verglichen mit anderen Ländern relativ viele Studierende aus Elternhäusern, in denen weder Vater noch Mutter einen akademischen Abschluss haben, nämlich rund 67 Prozent. [] Damit liegt Österreich im europäischen Vergleich sehr gut.

Agenda Austria, Presseaussendung vom 5. Mai 2017

Längst eindeutig widerlegt ...


„Die Idee, dass man durch eine Einheitsschule mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit oder Bildungsgerechtigkeit schaffen könnte, ist längst eindeutig widerlegt worden. Helmut Fend hat mit Bedauern festgestellt, dass es keine Unterschiede zwischen einem gegliederten und einem Einheitsschulsystem bezüglich der sozialen Gerechtigkeit gibt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom März 2017, S. 32

In Finnland gibt es so wenig Arbeiterkinder an den Unis wie nirgends sonst ...


„In Finnland gibt es so wenig Arbeiterkinder an den Unis wie nirgends sonst in der Europäischen Union, trotz eines lückenlosen Gesamtschulsystems.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom März 2017, S. 32

Stark differences between the parenting style of high-income and low-income families ...


„Stark differences have been reported between the parenting style of high-income and low-income families and these are associated with children’s outcomes in later life. […] 'Positive parenting', which includes a high level of warmth, low levels of harsh discipline, firmness in setting boundaries and engagement with the child in activities that foster learning and development, can improve children’s outcomes. The way parents engage and communicate with their children is integral to their parenting style.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), „Helping Parents to Parent“, 20. Februar 2017, S. 11

Leseleistung 10-Jähriger stark vom Bildungsniveau der Eltern abhängig ...


„So erreichen Kinder, die zumindest einen Elternteil mit einem universitären Abschluss haben, im Schnitt 573 Punkte, während Kinder von Eltern mit maximal Pflichtschulabschluss 477 Punkte erreichen. Die Differenz zwischen diesen beiden Gruppen beträgt somit 96 Punkte (statistisch signifikant), was mehr als einer Kompetenzstufe und damit etwa 3–4 Lernjahren entspricht.“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „PIRLS 2016. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse“ (2017), S. 67

Der Abstand ist im letzten Jahrzehnt von 79 auf 96 Punkte angewachsen.

Deutlicher Zusammenhang zwischen den Bildungsabschlüssen der Eltern und der Leseleistung der Kinder auf der 4. Schulstufe ...


„Die Bildungsstandardüberprüfung in Deutsch/Lesen/Schreiben, 4. Schulstufe, aus dem Jahr 2015 zeigt einen deutlichen Zusammenhang zwischen den Bildungsabschlüssen der Eltern und der Leseleistung der Kinder auf der 4. Schulstufe: Je höher die formale Qualifikation der Eltern, desto eher werden höhere Kompetenzstufen erreicht. Auch bei PIRLS 2016 ist wieder ein deutlicher Zusammenhang zwischen der Bildung der Eltern und den Schülerleistungen gegeben“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „PIRLS 2016. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse“ (2017), S. 67

Abhängigkeit der Leseleistung 10-Jähriger vom Bildungsniveau der Eltern ...


„Unter den Kindern mit akademisch gebildeten Eltern sind weniger als 5 % leseschwach, während dies auf fast die Hälfte (47 %) der Schüler/innen, deren Eltern maximal einen Pflichtschulabschluss aufweisen, zutrifft.“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „PIRLS 2016. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse“ (2017), S. 68

Fast 2 Lernjahre Leistungsrückstand von 10-Jährigen mit Migrationshintergrund ...


„Ergebnisse einer Regressionsanalyse zeigen, dass im Jahr 2016 15 Punkte (= 29 %) des gesamten Leistungsunterschieds von 51 Punkten durch ein – nach Zuwanderungshintergrund – unterschiedlich hohes kulturelles Kapital (in Form von Buchbesitz) in den Familien erklärt werden konnen. Dies weist darauf hin, dass ein Großteil des Kompetenzunterschieds zwischen Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund nicht auf unterschiedliche soziale Lagen zurückgeführt werden kann.“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „PIRLS 2016. Die Lesekompetenz am Ende der Volksschule. Erste Ergebnisse“ (2017), S. 78f

Höhere Bildungsinvestitionen und eine bessere finanzielle Ausstattung von Schulen gehen mit besseren Bildungsergebnissen einher ...


„Internationale empirische Studien bestätigen, dass höhere Bildungsinvestitionen und eine bessere finanzielle Ausstattung von Schulen mit besseren Bildungsergebnissen einhergehen. Der Effekt ist für Schüler aus wirtschaftlich schwächeren und/oder zugewanderten Familien, respektive für leistungsschwache Schüler stärker.“

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Hrsg.), „Bildungsmonitor 2017“ (2017), S. 15

Bildungsaufstieg in Österreich ...


„Insgesamt erreichten 43 % der 15- bis 34-Jährigen den gleichen formalen Bildungsabschluss wie ihre Eltern. Der Trend zur Höherqualifizierung verdeutlicht sich darin, dass rund ein Drittel (33 %) der jungen Erwachsenen einen höheren Bildungsabschluss als ihre Eltern erreichte. Knapp ein Viertel (24 %) schloss die Bildungslaufbahn dagegen mit einem niedrigeren formalen Bildungsabschluss als ihre Eltern ab.“

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Junge Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt“ (2017), S. 16

Aufstiegschancen verschlechtert ...


„2009 verfügten 32 % der jungen Erwachsenen […], deren Eltern maximal einen Pflichtschulabschluss erreicht haben, ebenfalls nur über maximal einen Pflichtschulabschluss. Im Jahr 2016 ist dieser Anteil auf 42 % gestiegen.“

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Junge Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt“ (2017), S. 41

Kinder aus sozioökonomisch schwachen Familien ...


Insbesondere Kinder aus sozioökonomisch schwachen Familien, mit geringem Vorwissen oder mit ungünstigen Lernvoraussetzungen können in offenen Lernsituationen überfordert sein und dementsprechend weniger lernen als im lehrergelenkten Unterricht.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock u. a., Umgang mit Heterogenität in Schule und Unterricht (2017), S. 70f

Vorschulische Sprachförderung in Deutsch hilft Befähigungsunterschiede aufgrund der Herkunft auszugleichen ...


„Eine gute Ausbildung braucht ein gutes Fundament. Daher muss Bildung bereits im Elementarbereich beginnen. Dies gilt umso mehr für die sozioökonomisch schwächsten Glieder der Gesellschaft. Vorschulische Sprachförderung in Deutsch hilft Befähigungsunterschiede aufgrund der Herkunft auszugleichen.“

Migrationsrat für Österreich (Hrsg.), „Bericht des Migrationsrats“ (2017), Einlage „Bildung und Forschung“

Ganztagsschule hält ihre Versprechen nicht ...


„Ein systematischer Zusammenhang des Ganztagsschulbesuchs mit der Verbesserung von Schulleistungen konnte bislang nicht nachgewiesen werden. Ganztagsschulen sind zudem nicht in der Lage, herkunftsbedingte Ungleichheiten in der Bildungsförderung abzubauen.“

Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (Hrsg.), „Deutscher Kinder- und Jugend(-hilfe) MONITOR 2017“ (2017), S. 12

Pflichtschule als höchster Abschluss ...


„Von den 15- bis 34-Jährigen, deren Eltern maximal eine Pflichtschule abgeschlossen haben, schaffen 23 % der Personen ohne Migrationshintergrund ebenfalls nur die Pflichtschule als höchsten Abschluss. Hingegen schließen von den Personen mit Migrationshintergrund 50 % wie ihre Eltern höchstens mit der Pflichtschule ab.“

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Junge Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt“ (2017), S. 40

Problematic Internet Use ...


„A home environment, where there is good communication about IU (Anm.: IU = Internet Use) was shown to lower an adolescent’s PIU (Anm.: PIU = Problematic Internet Use) risk. Furthermore, less protective parenting, low family functioning, lower parental education and divorced or less positively related parental couples, were found to be related to higher PIU.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Emma Louise Anderson u. a., „Internet use and Problematic Internet Use“. In: „International Journal of Adolescence and Youth“, Vol. 22, 2017, S. 447

Children who have a solid grounding in early developing skills are in a better position ...


„Children who have a solid grounding in early developing skills are in a better position to gain from instruction that is focused on more advanced skills. Learning letter words and sounds supports the development of vocabulary and the capacity to share well-formed narratives, while learning to count supports children’s understanding of mathematical concepts such as cardinality, relative size, and problem-solving (calculating, measuring) skills.“
Dr. Margaret R. Burchinal, „The Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre-Kindergarten Effects“ (2017), S. 23

Pre-k programs are likely to generate larger benefits for economically disadvantaged children ...


„Pre-k programs are likely to generate larger benefits for economically disadvantaged children than for their more advantaged peers.“
Dr. Margaret R. Burchinal, „The Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre-Kindergarten Effects“ (2017), S. 35

The difference in the shares of low achievers in PISA between pupils from the bottom and top 25 % segment ...


The difference in the shares of low achievers in PISA between pupils from the bottom and top 25 % segment of the PISA index of socio-economic and cultural status (ESCS) is striking. As many as 33.8 % pupils from the bottom 25 % segment do not reach the basic level of competence in science, while only 7.6 % of those among the top 25 % on the ESCS index do not reach that level.

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2017 (2017), S. 10

Teacher recommendations for secondary school tracks ...


„Teacher recommendations for secondary school tracks carry greater force in some federal states than in others and this in turn moderates the strength of social background effects on educational transitions: Background effects tend to be weaker when teacher recommendations are binding than when they are nonbinding.“

Dr. Jan Paul Heisig, „Measuring the signaling value of educational degrees: secondary education systems and the internal homogeneity of educational groups“ (2017), S. 27

Frankreichs berufsbildendes Schulwesen findet wenig Akzeptanz ...


„Access to education and training remains unequal, with low participation rates among individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and low-skilled individuals. Vocational education remains an unattractive option among students and their parents, and labour market outcomes for some vocational tracks are poor.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right. France“ (2017), S. 10

Socioeconomic background rather than merit ...


„Too few young Italians from disadvantaged backgrounds tend to choose the licei when, instead, they would have the adequate skills and abilities to do so. […] Socioeconomic background rather than merit seem (Anm.: SIC) to play a much more important role in Italy than in Germany when it comes to enrolment to different types of schools.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right. Italy“ (2017), S. 94

Children from high SES families receive far more words of praise from their parents than children from low SES families ...


„Studies show that children from high SES families receive far more words of praise from their parents than children from low SES families. […] Children from high SES families experience, on average, six encouragements for every discouragement. Children from families with the lowest socioeconomic statuses receive two discouragements for every encouragement.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 64

The gap in mathematics performance among children from different backgrounds appears at as early as 3 years old ...


„Studies indicate that the gap in mathematics performance among children from different backgrounds appears at as early as 3 years old. Evidence shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds can keep pace with their peers if they receive targeted intervention early on numeracy.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 67

USA: Schools serving low-income students receive far fewer resources ...


USA: „Schools serving low-income students receive far fewer resources, face greater difficulties attracting qualified teachers and receive less support from parents. […] The inequalities of children's cognitive ability are substantial even before they start school and then these same disadvantaged children are placed in low-resource schools, further exacerbating the initial inequality.“

Sophia Shing u. a., „Mobile Technology Bridges the 30 Million Word Gap“. In: „Journal of Education at Practice“, Vo8, Nr. 9, 2017, S. 64

Basic skills of young adults are strongly related to parental education in England ...


„Basic skills of young adults are […] strongly related to parental education in England, much more so than in other OECD countries. Young people born into households where neither parent attained at least upper secondary education face inherent disadvantages in accessing quality education and labour market opportunities.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom“ (2017), S. 23

Countries that show exceptionally large gaps between the socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged groups ...


Chile, Frankreich, Polen, die Türkei und Großbritannien

„These countries show exceptionally large gaps between the socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged groups. This suggests that disadvantaged children from these countries are less likely to obtain the skills necessary for today’s technology-rich and versatile labour markets and improve their socio-economic status.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 18

In a number of countries, equity outcomes have deteriorated ...


„In a number of countries, equity outcomes have deteriorated in the last nine years. In Finland and Korea, for example, the gap in science performance between students from different socio-economic backgrounds has widened.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 20

The score-point difference in numeracy ...


„The score-point difference in numeracy between those who have highly educated parents and those who do not among 20-29 year-old adults is largest in Chile, England (United Kingdom) and Israel. In addition, 80 % of 20-29 year-olds with poorly educated parents in the Slovak Republic, 65 % in England (United Kingdom) and 61 % in Israel scored below the baseline (Level 2) numeracy proficiency in the Survey of Adult Skills.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 37

Finnland: 10 score-point increase in the average impact of socio-economic status on science performance ...


„Finland, one of the top five performers in science in 2015, saw a 10 score-point increase in the average impact of socio-economic status on science performance and a 1.8 percentage point increase in performance variation explained by students’ socio-economic status.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 38

By the age of three, children with high SES (Anm.: SES = Socioeconomic status) know many more words than children with low SES ...


„By the age of three, children with high SES (Anm.: SES = Socioeconomic status) know many more words than children with low SES. […] Three-year-old children from low SES families may hear up to 30 million fewer words than their high SES counterparts. They also found that 86-98 % of the words used by three-year-old children were derived from their parents’ vocabularies.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 63

Wo das Elternhaus die Leistungen 15-Jähriger am meisten bestimmt (Stand PISA 2015) ...


„In Canada, Israel, Korea, Luxemburg and the Russian Federation, more than half of the variation in mean performance is explained by parents’ levels of education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 79

Frankreich: Skill level of children is strongly influenced by socio-economic background ...


„The skill level of children is strongly influenced by socio-economic background, and more so in France than in other OECD countries. Moreover, the influence of socio-economic factors on educational outcomes has increased over time, making the French current educational system more unequal than it was in 2003.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right. France“ (2017), S. 23

Japan: Socio-economic background matters less for academic performance than in most other OECD countries ...


„Japanese pupils achieved excellent scores in all PISA rounds, and adults were the best-performers in the PIAAC Survey of Adult Skills. Japan scores well also in terms of educational equity: socio-economic background matters less for academic performance than in most other OECD countries.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Japan“ (2017), S. 139

PIRLS 2016 ...


„29 percent of the students were able to perform early literacy tasks very well when they began primary school. These students had higher reading achievement in the fourth grade than their classmates who started school with only moderate literacy skills or few skills.“

IEA (Hrsg.), „PIRLS 2016. International Results in Reading“ (2017) Einleitung S.X

In Österreich sind es mit nur 13 % nicht einmal halb so viele. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 168)

Das Ergebnis des französischen Gesamtschulwesens ...


„A significant share of students still leave education without upper secondary degree. […] The family background of students is a strong determinant for the probability of early school leaving. In general, education outcomes in France are strongly influenced by the socio-economic background of the individual.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right. France“ (2017), S. 64

In Italy, students whose parents have not attained tertiary education are much less likely to enrol in university themselves ...


Italien: „In Italy, students whose parents have not attained tertiary education are much less likely to enrol in university themselves. The effect of family background on enrolment is greater in Italy than in most other OECD countries.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report Italy 2017“ (2017), S. 74

Abhängigkeit vom familiären Background in Frankreich am größten ...


„On average across the OECD countries, the performance difference associated with a one-unit increase in the PISA ESCS index is equivalent to more than one year of schooling. The biggest impact of all is found in France, where a one-unit increase in the ESCS index is associated with an average improvement across the three subjects of 56 score points, the equivalent of almost two years’ schooling.“

UNICEF (Hrsg.), „Building the Future. Children and the Sustainable Development Goals in Rich Countries“ (2017), S. 41

Anmerkung: In Österreich sind es 44 Punkte, in Finnland und Deutschland 39 Punkte.

Disadvantaged students have lower levels of achievement motivation ...


In all PISA countries and economies except Belgium and Switzerland, disadvantaged students have lower levels of achievement motivation than advantaged students.

OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2015. Students Well-Being (2017), S. 94

By the age of 3, children from low-income homes hear 30 million less words than children from more affluent families ...


„Research confirms that by the age of 3, children from low-income homes hear 30 million less words than children from more affluent families. Research has even revealed that the gap begins as early as 18 months of age.“

Sophia Shing u. a., „Mobile Technology Bridges the 30 Million Word Gap“. In: „Journal of Education at Practice“, Vol. 8, Nr. 9, 2017, S. 64

High-quality VET programmes and multiple pathways within the education system ...


High-quality VET programmes and multiple pathways within the education system, as in Austria and Germany, may provide greater opportunities for success at school and beyond, and thus neutralise the relationship between parental educational background and skills dispersion at earlier stages of education.

OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Skills Outlook 2017 (2017), S. 129

Quality in early education and childcare must be primary ...


„We recognise that early education and childcare can have multiple goals but from the perspective of narrowing gaps in child development and promoting social mobility, quality must be primary. For that reason, measures to improve quality of provision should be the key priority in this area.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kitty Stewart u. a., „Closing Gaps Early: The Role of Early Years Policy in Promoting Social Mobility in England“ (2017), S. 37

Technology can have a negative effect on low-achieving students ...


„A study carried out in 91 schools in England among children aged 11–16 found that banning mobile phones had a positive effect on their standardized test scores. What’s more, the effect was strongest for low-performing students and absent for the best-performing, which suggests that technology in some cases can have a negative effect on low-achieving students.“

UNICEF (Hrsg.), „Children in a Digital World“ (2017), S. 22

Kein messbarer Nachweis von Chancengleichheit ...


„Es gibt keinen messbaren Nachweis, dass die Ganztagsschule die Chancengleichheit fördert.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Hopmann, Der Standard online am 24. November 2016

Schulranking bewirkt die Entmischung der Schülerpopulation ...


„Schulranking bewirkt die Entmischung der Schülerpopulation, weil gebildete und einkommensstarke Familien ihre Kinder eher in Schulen mit höchsten Leistungsergebnissen anmelden als Eltern mit niedrigen Bildungsabschlüssen. In der Folge steigen in deren Umgebung die Haus- und Mietpreise und die besten Lehrer/innen der Schüler/innen aus benachteiligten Milieus resignieren wegen mangelnder Unterstützung und wandern in die erfolgreicheren Schulen ab.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 23

Geringes Familieneinkommen und niedriger Bildungsabschluss der Eltern Hauptursachen für schlechte Schülerleistungen ...


„In allen Ländern erweisen sich geringes Familieneinkommen und niedriger Bildungsabschluss der Eltern als Hauptursachen für schlechte Schülerleistungen.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 21

Lernschwächere Schüler weitaus mehr auf die Unterstützung durch Lehrkräfte angewiesen ...


„Einig ist sich die Forschung […] darüber, dass lernschwächere Schüler weitaus mehr auf die Unterstützung durch Lehrkräfte angewiesen sind als stärkere. […] Wer schon zu Hause mit der Bewältigung schulischer Aufgaben allein gelassen wird, sollte dies nicht auch noch in der Schule bleiben.“

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Dammer, Wirtschaftswoche online am 28. September 2016

Großbritannien hinsichtlich der sozialen Mobilität unterhalb von südamerikanischen Ländern ...


„Großbritannien liegt hinsichtlich der sozialen Mobilität unterhalb von südamerikanischen Ländern wie Argentinien.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom September 2016, S. 20

Erhoffte soziale Chancengleichheit ...


„Die erhoffte soziale Chancengleichheit ist ein Irrtum. Fast alle Gesamtschulländer haben alternative Formen der Segregation entwickelt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Hopmann, Kleine Zeitung online am 28. Mai 2016

Weder Beweise, dass in einer Ganztagsschule Kinder besser lernen, noch dass Kinder aus bildungsfernen Milieus besser gefördert werden ...


„Wer die ‚Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen‘ (StEG) vom Klieme, Holtappels, Rauschenbach und Stecher genau liest, stellt fest, dass es weder Beweise dafür gibt, dass in einer Ganztagsschule Kinder besser lernen, noch Kinder aus bildungsfernen Milieus besser gefördert werden und somit auf Kinder aus bildungsnahen Milieus aufschließen können.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Zierer, „Gerechte Ungleichheit?“. In: Klaus Zierer u. a., „Die pädagogische Mitte“ (2016), S. 192

Anteil Studierender, deren Eltern nicht AkademikerInnen sind, in Österreich vergleichsweise sehr hoch ...


„Von allen BildungsinländerInnen sind 30 % ‚AkademikerInnen-Kinder‘, d.h. dass 70 % so genannte ‚first generation students‘ sind, also Studierende, aus deren Familie zuvor noch niemand studiert hat. […] Im europäischen Vergleich zeigt sich, dass der Anteil Studierender, deren Eltern nicht AkademikerInnen sind, in Österreich vergleichsweise sehr hoch ist.“

IHS (Hrsg.), „Studierenden-Sozialerhebung 2015“ (2016), Band 2, S. 53

Bis zum Schuleintritt Unterschied von 30 Millionen gehörten Wörtern bei Kindern aus bildungsnahen Milieus im Vergleich zu Kindern aus bildungsfernen Milieus ...


„Aus Studien ist […] bekannt, dass wir bis zum Schuleintritt mit einem Unterschied von 30 Millionen gehörten Wörtern bei Kindern aus bildungsnahen Milieus im Vergleich zu Kindern aus bildungsfernen Milieus haben. Allein dadurch […], dass Eltern einen anderen Bildungsabschluss haben, sprechen sie mehr mit ihren Kindern, und die wiederum bekommen eine größere Variante von Wörtern mit. Dass der Bildungserfolg vom sozioökonomischen Status der Eltern abhängt, ist somit Naturgesetz.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Zierer, in Hanns Seidel Stifung (Hrsg.), „Akademikerschwemme versus Fachkräftemangel“ (2016), S. 101f

Schulreformen mit der Wirkungsbehauptung des ‚längeren gemeinsamen Lernens‘ haben keinen Einfluss auf Bildungsgerechtigkeit ...


„Die Schulreformen mit der Wirkungsbehauptung des ‚längeren gemeinsamen Lernens‘ haben keinen Einfluss auf die unterschiedliche Schichtallokation gehabt, also nirgendwo die sogenannte Bildungsgerechtigkeit hergestellt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, in Hanns Seidel Stifung (Hrsg.), „Akademikerschwemme versus Fachkräftemangel“ (2016), S. 33

Deutschland gehört zu den sechs Ländern der Welt mit der stärksten sozialen Mobilität ...


„Die entscheidende Größe für eine inklusive Gesellschaft ist, dass die Korrelation zwischen Einkommen der Eltern und Einkommen ihrer Kinder nicht allzu eng ausfällt. Und hier kommt nun die große Überraschung: Deutschland gehört zu den sechs Ländern der Welt mit der stärksten sozialen Mobilität!“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, in Hanns Seidel Stifung (Hrsg.), „Akademikerschwemme versus Fachkräftemangel“ (2016), S. 82

Ausgleich von Selektionseffekten durch Ganztagsschulen nicht bestätigt ...


„Nicht bestätigt werden konnte in TIMSS 2015, dass rhythmisierte Ganztagsschulen sozial bedingte Selektionseffekte stärker ausgleichen als andere Schultypen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilfried Bos u. a., „TIMSS 2015: Wichtige Ergebnisse im Überblick“, in Dr. Heike Wendt u. a., „TIMSS 2015. Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen von Grundschulkindern in Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich“ (2016), S. 21

Kleinere Klassen helfen sozial Schwächeren am meisten ...


„High-income (high-skilled) parents respond to an increase in class size by helping out more with homework; low-income parents do not respond at all along this dimension.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Fredriksson u.a., „Parental responses to public investments in children: Evidence from a maximum class size rule“ (2016), S. 29

Leider nur für Kinder ohne Migrationshintegrund ...


Österreichs Schulwesen führt 84 % der Kinder von Eltern ohne Sekundarstufe II-Abschluss zu einem Sekundarstufe II-Abschluss, was aber leider nur für Kinder ohne Migrationshintegrund gilt:

„Unter den 2544jährigen, deren Eltern im Ausland geboren wurden und die keinen Abschluss der Sekundarstufe II erreicht haben, haben 50 % ebenfalls keinen Abschluss der Sekundarstufe II (OECDSchnitt: 37 %) erreicht. Die Gleichaltrigen mit in Österreich geborenen Eltern, die keinen Abschluss der Sekundarstufe II erreicht haben, verfügen dagegen nur zu 16 % über keinen Abschluss der Sekundarstufe II (OECDSchnitt: 27 %).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Education at a Glance. Country Note Österreich“ (2016), S. 5

Finnlands PISA-Talfahrt ...


„Not only did the score point average drop by an equivalent of half a school year (25 points) from the 2003 results quoted above, but the bottom 10 % of Finnish schools fell markedly further than most schools. […] The effect of socio-economic background on individual outcomes was also shown to have grown significantly, as the effect of one unit increase in the SES background grew from 28 points to 33 points.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Venla Bernelius u. a., „Choice and segregation in the ‘most egalitarian’ schools: Cumulative decline in urban schools and neighbourhoods of Helsinki, Finland“. In: „Urban Studies“, 2016, Vol. 53(15), S. 3157

Schweden: Disadvantage is transmitted across generations ...


Schweden: „Disadvantage is transmitted across generations. NEET rates are higher for young people whose parents themselves have low educational attainment.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Sweden“ (2016), S. 21

Schweden: Immigrant students had weaker educational outcomes on average at all levels of education ...


Schweden: „OECD found that, compared to their Swedish-born peers, immigrant students had weaker educational outcomes on average at all levels of education. Differences in socio-economic background and speaking a different language at home accounted for a substantial part of the gap at age 15.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Sweden“ (2016), S. 64

Schwedens Gesamtschulen führen zu massenweisem Repetieren und Scheitern ...


„Of the 110 000 new entrants into upper secondary school in 2011, only 69 % obtained an upper secondary diploma within four years, one year after the end of the regular programme duration. […] Those with less educated parents are less likely to complete: 79 % of all youth whose parents have at least some post-secondary education graduate within four years, compared to only 40% of those whose parents only have compulsory education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Sweden“ (2016), S. 123f

Bildungsgerechtigkeit neu definiert ...


„In PISA bedeutet Bildungsgerechtigkeit, dass allen Schülerinnen und Schülern, unabhängig von ihrem Geschlecht, ihrem familiären Hintergrund oder ihrem sozioökonomischen Status, qualitativ hochwertige Bildungschancen geboten werden. Nach dieser Definition bedeutet Bildungsgerechtigkeit weder, dass alle die gleichen Ergebnisse erzielen sollten, noch dass bei allen Schülerinnen und Schülern die gleichen Standardlehr- und -lernmethoden zum Einsatz kommen sollten.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Ergebnisse. Exzellenz und Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung“ (2016), S. 219

Größere Fairness der Bildungssysteme ...


„Bildungssysteme zeichnen sich durch größere Fairness aus, wenn die Ergebnisse der Schülerinnen und Schüler eher von ihren Fähigkeiten und von Faktoren abhängen, die sie selbst beeinflussen können, etwa von ihrem Willen oder ihrer Leistung.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Ergebnisse. Exzellenz und Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung“ (2016), S. 219

Was Inklusion gewährleisten soll ...


„Inklusion steht für das Ziel zu gewährleisten, dass alle Schülerinnen und Schüler, insbesondere jene aus sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Verhältnissen oder traditionell marginalisierten Gruppen, Zugang zu qualitativ hochwertiger Bildung haben und das Grundkompetenzniveau erreichen.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Ergebnisse. Exzellenz und Chancengerechtigkeit in der Bildung“ (2016), S. 218

Kinder von Eltern mit einem niedrigen Schulabschluss ...


„Kinder von Eltern mit einem niedrigen Schulabschluss weisen laut Bildungsbericht 2012 in der 4. Schulstufe einen Lernrückstand von mehr als zwei Schuljahren (von 21,7 Schulmonaten) gegenüber von Kindern von Eltern mit Maturaabschluss auf.“

Dr. Sabine Buchebner-Ferstl u. a., „Bildungsentscheidungen in der Familie beim Übergang von der Volksschule in die weiterführende Schule“ (2016), S. 20

Abhängigkeit der Leistungen vom Elternhaus am Ende der Volksschule ...


„10 % der Kinder von Eltern mit tertiärem Bildungsabschluss, 17 % der Kinder von Eltern mit maximal Matura, 28 % der Kinder von Eltern mit Berufsausbildung und 52 % der Kinder von Eltern mit maximal Pflichtschulabschluss erreichen die Bildungsstandards nicht oder nur teilweise.“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2015, Band 2“ (2016), S. 26

Nachwuchs der Bildungsschicht wird durch "moderne" Unterrichtsmaßnahmen favorisiert ...


„Alle ‚modernen‘ Unterrichtsmaßnahmen (sie sind natürlich nicht neu, sondern alle mindestens hundert Jahre alt) – selbstständiges Lernen, Projektarbeit, schülerkontrollierter Unterricht, eigenständiges Lernen, Gruppenarbeit etc. – favorisieren den Nachwuchs der Bildungsschicht. Stattdessen sollte man es mal mit ‚direct instruction‘, einer Form des lehrerzentrierten Unterrichts, versuchen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, in Hanns Seidel Stifung (Hrsg.), „Akademikerschwemme versus Fachkräftemangel“ (2016), S. 44

Frühkindliche Bildung eine herausragende Bedeutung für spätere Bildungsperspektiven ...


„Viele Studien zeigen, dass die frühkindliche Bildung eine herausragende Bedeutung für spätere Bildungsperspektiven hat. Kinder aus Familien mit einem niedrigen sozio-ökonomischen Status oder mit Migrationshintergrund profitieren dabei in besonderem Maße von vorschulischer Bildung.“

Dr. Christina Anger u. a., „Bildungsgerechtigkeit in Deutschland - Eine Analyse der Entwicklung seit dem Jahr 2000“ (2016), S. 32

Keine Unterschiede bezüglich der sozialen Gerechtigkeit ...


„Helmut Fend (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Fend) hat mit Bedauern festgestellt, dass es keine Unterschiede zwischen einem gegliederten und einem Einheitsschulsystem bezüglich der sozialen Gerechtigkeit gibt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, in Hanns Seidel Stifung (Hrsg.), „Akademikerschwemme versus Fachkräftemangel“ (2016), S. 33 

Parents in more advantaged class positions ...


Parents in more advantaged class positions will respond to any expansion or reform of the educational system by using their own superior resources – economic, cultural and social – to whatever extent it takes to help their children retain a competitive edge in the system and in turn in the labour market.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. John Goldthorpe, The Guardian online am 12. März 2016

A situation quite new in modern British history ...


A situation is emerging that is quite new in modern British history. Young people entering the labour market today face far less favourable mobility prospects than did their parents – or their grandparents.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. John Goldthorpe, The Guardian online am 12. März 2016

Stratification is actually relatively high in the United States ...


„Previous research suggests that stratification is actually relatively high in the United States, despite its comprehensive school system, due to segregation of families between regions and neighborhoods.“

Dr. Philip Parker u. a., „A Multination Study of Socioeconomic Inequality in Expectations for Progression to Higher Education“. In: „American Educational Research Journal“, February 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1, S. 11

In the UK and Australia house prices are more expensive in the catchment area of good schools ...


„In the UK and Australia house prices are more expensive in the catchment area of good schools.“

Dr. Philip Parker u. a., „A Multination Study of Socioeconomic Inequality in Expectations for Progression to Higher Education“. In: „American Educational Research Journal“, February 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1, S. 12

Ability stratification based on geography is common in the United States ...


„Ability stratification based on geography is common in the United States, and public/private school divisions remain relatively common in Australia and Great Britain.“

Dr. Philip Parker u. a., „A Multination Study of Socioeconomic Inequality in Expectations for Progression to Higher Education“. In: „American Educational Research Journal“, February 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1, S. 24

Nurturing early childhood care and education serve as a foundation for equity ...


„Nurturing early childhood care and education are fundamental to quality basic education and serve as a foundation for equity. Significant disparities in early learning experiences for low-income children can set the stage for achievement gaps that persist through years of school and lead to a lifetime of missed opportunities, inequities, and even health challenges. Increasing access to quality early childhood care and education is considered an effective “equalizer”

Gillian Huebner u. a., „Beyond Survival: The Case for Investing in Young Children Globally“ (2016), S. 14

Investments in early childhood care and education are highest among poorer children ...


„Studies show that the returns on investments in early childhood care and education are highest among poorer children, for whom these programs may serve as a stepping stone out of poverty or exclusion.“

Gillian Huebner u. a., „Beyond Survival: The Case for Investing in Young Children Globally“ (2016), S. 14

Family strengthening for the poorest families is key ...


„Family strengthening for the poorest families is key to effective responses to ensure healthy and holistic child development and protection.“

Gillian Huebner u. a., „Beyond Survival: The Case for Investing in Young Children Globally“ (2016), S. 19

Wien ragt EU-weit heraus ...


„In 2014, a higher proportion of people living in cities (compared with those living in rural areas) were at risk of poverty or social exclusion: the biggest difference was recorded in Austria, where the share of people living in cities who were at risk of poverty or social exclusion was 28.3 %, some 14.2 percentage points higher than the corresponding share for people living in rural areas.“

Eurostat (Hrsg.), „Eurostat regional yearbook 2016“ (2016), S. 34

Frankreich: „Pupils’ performance is strongly linked to their socioeconomic background. Too many young people leave education with few or no qualifications.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 99

Parents with higher education tend to interact more verbally with their child ...


„Parents with higher education tend to interact more verbally with their child; they use more abstract words, more complex syntax and invite their child more often into decontextualized discourse, book-sharing and dialogical reading. Such language practices mirror the language of books and school and foster good literacy skills.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kajsa Yang Hansen u. a., „Determinants of country differences in effects of parental education on children’s academic achievement“ (2016), S. 3

England: In 2015, only 20 per cent of disadvantaged pupils achieved our benchmark for secondary performance ...


England: „In 2015, only 20 per cent of disadvantaged pupils achieved our benchmark for secondary performance, compared with 45 per cent of non-disadvantaged pupils.“

Natalie Perera, Executive Director des CentreForum, „Education in England: Annual Report 2016“ (2016), S. 6

Frankreich: There are large performance gaps between schools ...



„There are large performance gaps between schools. Disadvantaged schools benefit less from experienced teachers, and school segregation reflects socioeconomic, academic and migrant backgrounds as well as residential segregation.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 99

Completion rate of students and their parents’ educational attainment ...


„In France, Norway and the United States, the completion rate of students increases as their parents’ educational attainment increases. In France, the completion rate of students whose mother or father attained tertiary education is 11 percentage points higher than the completion rate of students whose parents did not attain upper secondary education. The difference is 10 percentage points in Norway and 27 percentage points in the United States.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2016“ (2016), S. 170

White British FSM (Free School Meals) boys and girls achieve the lowest grades at GCSE ...


England: „White British FSM (Free School Meals) boys achieve the lowest grades at GCSE of any main ethnic group, with just 24 % achieving 5 A*-C grades at GCSE, inc. English and maths. […] White British FSM girls are also the lowest performing main female ethnic group, with 32% achieving the same measure.“

The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Class differences: Ethnicity and disadvantage“ (2016), S. 1

London: Sozial Schwache ohne Migrationshintergrund abgehängt ...


„Across London as a whole, 63.1 % of Bangladeshi FSM pupils achieve five good GCSEs, compared to 58.6 % of Indian and 55.5 % of Pakistani. However, the average achieved by white British FSM (Anm.: Free School Meals) pupils in London is just 32.9 % on the same measure.“

The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Class differences: Ethnicity and disadvantage“ (2016), S. 5

Anm.: Das sozioökonomische Niveau des Elternhauses der zugewanderten 15-Jährigen ist in Großbritannien europaweit am höchsten.

Gaps in educational attainment between rich and poor children ...


„Gaps in educational attainment between rich and poor children open up early in life and remain largely constant through the school years.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ariel Kalil u. a., „Understanding the Importance of Parental Time With Children“ in „Journal of Marriage and Family“ 78 (Februar 2016), S. 262

Flandern: Schools with the most disadvantaged pupils ...


Flandern: „Schools with the most disadvantaged pupils are unable to attract the most experienced teachers and heads and face greater turnover in the teaching staff.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 19

Families are extraordinarily important for student achievement ...


„All research shows that families are extraordinarily important for student achievement. This is widely recognized, and underscores the fact that existing achievement gaps – by income and by race – cannot be looked upon as a simple reflection of differences in school or teacher quality.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eric Hanushek, „School human capital and teacher salary policies“. In: „Journal of Professional Capital and Community“, 2016, Vol. 1, S. 24

Empirical evidence confirms the positive effects of extracurricular activities on schooling outcomes ...


„Empirical evidence confirms the positive effects of extracurricular activities on schooling outcomes and career prospects, and these effects tend to be largest for youth from deprived backgrounds.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Society at a Glance 2016” (2016), S. 48

Significant inequalities in the English education system ...


„National sources point to significant inequalities based on gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic background in the English education system.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 290

37 % of 15-year-old Estonian students were in a school that always considered students’ records of academic performance for admission ...


Estland: „In the PISA 2012 sample, 37 % of 15-year-old Estonian students were in a school that always considered students’ records of academic performance for admission to the school, which is around the OECD average of 39 %.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Reviews of School Resources – Estonia“ (2016), S. 168

Inequalities already present when students enter formal schooling ...


„Many of the inequalities observed in school systems are already present when students first enter formal schooling and persist as students progress through education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 218

Poorer students are less likely to receive private tuition ...


Großbritannien: „Poorer students are less likely to receive private tuition. Of those aged between 11-16, 17 % of students who receive free school meals (FSM) have ever received private tuition, 26 % of students who do not receive FSM.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Shadow schooling: Private tuition and social mobility in the UK“ (2016), S. 3

Performance gap between the richest and the poorest ...


England: „The performance gap between the richest and the poorest has remained persistently large between the mid-1980s and the mid-2000s.“

Social Market Foundation (Hrsg.), „Educational inequalities in England and Wales“ (2016)

Students’ socioeconomic status strongly related to their educational achievement ...


„In most countries, students’ socioeconomic status (SES) is strongly related to their educational achievement: the higher a student’s SES, the higher his or her achievement scores, and vice versa.“

Dr. Trude Nielsen u. a., „Are school characteristics related to equity?“ (2016), S. 1

Adults who scored at or below Level 1 in literacy ...


„Italy (85.4 %), Spain (82.6 %), Korea (79.4 %) and the Netherlands (71.8 %) have an exceptionally high proportion of adults who scored at or below Level 1 in literacy who came from families in which both parents had less than upper secondary level attainment.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anke Grotlüschen u. a., „Adults with Low Proficiency in Literacy or Numeracy“ (2016), S. 34

Shanghai is one of the most equal education systems among the PISA participants ...


„Shanghai is one of the most equal education systems among the PISA participants. For example, it has the highest proportion of resilient students (19.2 percent), that is, disadvantaged students who perform among the top 25 percent of students across all participating countries and economies after controlling for socioeconomic status.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 102

Estonia and Denmark ...


„In Estonia and Denmark the enrollment level of children from low-income families exceeds the enrollment level of children in the total population.“

IEA (Hrsg.), „Early Childhood Policies and Systems in Eight Countries“ (2016), S. 66ff

Parental involvement a key factor ...


„Research shows that parental involvement is a key factor in improving children’s educational performance and that high-quality parental involvement may help reduce performance differences across socio-economic groups.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Reviews of School Resources – Austria“ (2016), S. 138

Children from most disadvantaged backgrounds ...


England: „Children from most disadvantaged backgrounds who attained high cognitive test scores at age 7 performed worse than their lower achieving counterparts from the least disadvantaged families by age 14-16.“

UNICEF (Hrsg.), „Poverty and Children’s Cognitive Trajectories: Evidence from the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study“ (2016), S. 7

Tracking is significantly correlated with performance on AP (Anm.: Advanced Placement) tests ...


USA: „Tracking is significantly correlated with performance on AP (Anm.: Advanced Placement) tests, and the positive relationship holds for the performance of black, Hispanic, and white subgroups.“

Brown Center (Hrsg.), „How well are American Students Learning?“ (2016), S. 22f

One third of 16-19 year-olds in England having low basic skills ...


England: „At present, initial schooling results in one third of 16-19 year-olds in England having low basic skills, and these poor outcomes by international standards depend more heavily on parental background than in most comparable countries.“

OECD, „Building Skills for All: A Review of England“ (2016), S. 61

Je leistungsorientierter ein Schulwesen ist, desto mehr Aufstiegschancen bietet es ...


„Shanghai emerged as one of the most equal education systems among PISA participants, with the highest proportion of disadvantaged students performing among the top 25 percent of students across all participating countries and economies after controlling for socioeconomic status.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 139

Südkoreas Nachhilfe-Institute ...


„In den oberen 10 Prozent der Einkommensklassen besuchen 80,3 Prozent der Kinder ein Hakwon, während von den Kindern jener Koreaner, die zu den unteren 20 Prozent gehören, nur 55,5 Prozent davon Gebrauch machen.“

Neue Zürcher Zeitung online am 4. Mai 2015

Das Aptitude-Treatment-Interaction (ATI)-Modell ...


„Die für einen optimalen Schulerfolg notwendige Passung (sog. matching) zwischen individuellen Lernvoraussetzungen sowie schulischen Lern- und Leistungsanforderungen gelingt im Sinne des Aptitude-Treatment-Interaction (ATI)-Modells in homogeneren Lerngruppen besser als in stark heterogenen Begabungs- und Leistungsgruppen. Zudem wird damit das Prinzip der Chancengerechtigkeit nachweislich stärker unterstützt als in Einheitsschulen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „news&science“, Ausgabe 2, 2015, S. 8

England: Who achieves the highest grades at GSCE ...


„Students with the same primary school performance who attended selective or grammar schools were far more likely to achieve the highest grades at GCSE – 57 % compared with 32 % in non-selective schools.“

The Guardian online am 4. März 2015

Bildungsaufstieg in Italien ...


„In Italy a 20-34 year-old whose parents have a tertiary education is about 10 times more likely to participate in tertiary education than someone whose parents have below upper secondary education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Indicators in Focus 28“, Jänner 2015, S. 4

Geradezu naiv und sozialromantisch ...


„Geradezu naiv und sozialromantisch ist die Annahme, durch den Aufenthalt aller Schüler in einer Schule bzw. in einer Klasse würden demokratische Ansprüche und so etwas wie Bildungsgerechtigkeit für sozial und ökonomisch benachteiligte Schüler eingelöst.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hermann Giesecke, „Inklusion. Ein pädagogisch-politischer Irrtum“ (2015), S. 45

Frankreichs Schulen für die sozioökonomische Elite ...


„The student body of the elite schools themselves is always as remote from the global population profile as it was fifty years ago, with about 80 % of high SES children in the most prestigious elite schools …“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marie Duru-Bellat, „Access to Higher Education: the French case“ (2015), S. 16

Most of the French members of the elite come from a very small number of prestigious schools ...


„Today, most of the French members of the elite come from a very small number of prestigious schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marie Duru-Bellat, „Access to Higher Education: the French case“ (2015), S. 41

England: Strong relationship between parental background and adult literacy and numeracy among those aged 16 to 24 ...


„The relationship between parental background and adult literacy and numeracy among those aged 16 to 24 is stronger in England than in all other countries except the Slovak Republic.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 3

England: Influence of parental education ...


England: „For the 16-24 age group there is only one other country, the Slovak Republic, where parental education has more influence on individual literacy and numeracy skills attainment.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 23

Österreich und Deutschland gehören zu den Staaten, in denen sozial bedingte Nachteile am besten ausgeglichen werden ...


„Some of the countries with the least inclusive systems of higher education (like Austria and Germany) are amongst the most effective in reducing relative inequalities, while countries like England, with higher HE participation rates, are much less effective in this respect.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 52

Insufficient public funding per student is a driver of private costs ...


„Insufficient public funding per student is a driver of private costs. Low public funding in primary or lower secondary education disproportionately affects the children from the poorest households.“

Dr. Anthony Lake, UNICEF-Direktor, Vorwort zu UNICEF (Hrsg.), „The Investment Case for Education and Equity“ (2015), S. 37

Substantial differences between the skill development of economically advantaged and disadvantaged children emerge well before the start of formal schooling ...


„Substantial differences between the skill development of economically advantaged and disadvantaged children emerge well before the start of formal schooling. For example, preschool age children from families in the poorest income quintile score on average at the 34th percentile in a test of literacy compared to children in the richest quintile who score at the 69th percentile. These gaps remain through the school years.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susan E. Mayer u. a., „Using behavioral insights to increase parental engagement“ (2015), S. 3

Emphasis on pre-kindergarten programs for disadvantaged children ...


„Children’s experiences prior to the start of primary school clearly play a large role in their futures. This insight has led to an emphasis on pre-kindergarten programs for disadvantaged children.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susan E. Mayer u. a., „Using behavioral insights to increase parental engagement“ (2015), S. 4

Spending time with a child is the most productive input for cognitive skill development ...


„Dozens of studies have demonstrated many differences in the way advantaged and disadvantaged parents engage their children and how these differences matter to children’s adult success. Among other things, advantaged parents spend more time, in particular on educational activities, with their children and produce more cognitively stimulating home learning environments. […] The gaps in parental time investment are important because research suggests that spending time with a child has a direct and causal effect on children’s cognitive test scores and that it is the most productive input for cognitive skill development.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susan E. Mayer u. a., „Using behavioral insights to increase parental engagement“ (2015), S. 4f

Die Differenz im Elternhaus wächst ...


„An additional year of daily mother–child reading would increase children’s reading test scores in the early school grades by 41 percent of a standard deviation on average. […] Substantial numbers of parents do not read to their children on a regular basis. In 2007, 16 % of all parents of a child aged 3-5 years and 29 % of parents living below the poverty line reported that neither they nor other family members read to their children at least three times per week. This represents an increase since 2001 when the number was 26 % of poor parents. In addition, the gap in the amount of time that parents spend with their children overall and in educationally relevant activities has widened over the last 20 years because the rate at which highly educated mothers have increased amount of time in they spend in educational activities with their children has exceeded the rate at which mothers with less education increased such time with their children.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susan E. Mayer u. a., „Using behavioral insights to increase parental engagement“ (2015), S. 5

England: Only 11 % of students from state-funded schools go on to top universities ...


England: „Only 11 % of students from state-funded schools go on to top universities. This continues to compare badly with the proportion of students from independent schools when the figure rises to 37 %.“

Ofsted (Hrsg.), „The most able students“ (2015), S. 8

USA: Increasing class-based residential segregation ...


USA: „Since the 1970s, increasing class-based residential segregation has been translated into de facto class-based school segregation. Schoolchildren from the top half of the income distribution increasingly attend private schools or live in better school districts.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 39

USA: 72 percent of middle-class children know the alphabet when starting school ...


USA: „According to one national study, 72 percent of middle-class children know the alphabet when starting school, as opposed to only 19 percent of poor children.“ (S. 116)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 116

USA: Class-based disparities ...


USA: „Class-based disparities in cognitive, emotional, and social capabilities emerge at very early ages and remain stable over the life course, which implies that, whatever the causal factors, those factors operate most strongly in the preschool years.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 117

USA: „No Child Left Behind“ und seine Folgen ...


„The achievement gap between children from high- and low-income families is roughly 30-40 percent larger among children born in 2001 than among those born twenty-five years earlier.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 134

USA: Residential sorting by income ...


USA: „Residential sorting by income over the last 30 to 40 years has shunted high-income and low-income students into separate schools. […] Most parents now pay close attention to it when deciding where to live. This is true even of parents who have only modest educations themselves.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 163

USA: Houses near a high-scoring public school cost more ...


USA: „Houses near a high-scoring public school cost more than $200,000 more than comparable houses near low-scoring schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 164

USA: Socioeconomic status (SES) even more important than test scores in predicting which eighth graders would graduate from college ...


USA: „As the twenty-first century opened, a family’s socioeconomic status (SES) had become even more important than test scores in predicting which eighth graders would graduate from college. A generation earlier, social class had played a smaller role, relative to academic ability, in predicting educational attainment. Nowadays, high-scoring rich kids are very likely (74 percent) to graduate from college, while low-scoring poor kids almost never do (3 percent).“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 189

The roots of many cognitive and behavioral differences ...


„The roots of many cognitive and behavioral differences that appear in middle childhood and adolescence are often already present by 18 months, and their origins, we now know, lie even earlier in the child’s life.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 109f

Good day care makes less difference to child development than good parenting ...


„Good day care makes less difference to child development than good parenting – but, on average, children of more educated parents get more of both.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 129

Poverty still has a direct effect on child cognitive development ...


„Even after controlling for parenting investment, poverty still has a direct effect on child cognitive development, especially if the household is in poverty at birth and/or age three.“

Dr. Stacey Fox, „Better Systems, Better Chances“ (2015), S. 26

Student populations in Norway, Switzerland, Austria, and the Netherlands ...


„The student populations in Norway, Switzerland, Austria, and the Netherlands are relatively representative of the population with regard to students’ education back­ground.“

DZHW (Hrsg.), „Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe“ (2015), S. 54

Englands Erfahrung mit der Privatisierung von Schulen („academies“) ...


Englands Erfahrung mit der Privatisierung von Schulen („academies“):

„The gap between more disadvantaged pupils and others had grown wider on average in academies than in comparable maintained schools.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „The impact of academy chains on low-income students“ (2015), S. 8

Social mobility in the UK ...


„Social mobility in the UK is relatively low by international standards and has not increased over the past 40 years …“

Dr. Abigail McKnight, „Downward mobility, opportunity hoarding and the ‚glass floor‘“ (2015), S. 2

Poor rate of social mobility is a systemic problem in the UK ...


„It is important to underline that a poor rate of social mobility is a systemic problem in the UK, which originates in unequal opportunities for children according to social background from birth.“

Dr. Louise Ashley u. a., „A qualitative evaluation of non-educational barriers to the elite professions“ (2015), S. 26

The importance of out-of-school factors ...


„The importance of out-of-school factors, including students' socio-economic background and the educational level of parents or the language spoken at home cannot be overstated. Significantly reducing the proportion of low achievers, therefore, would require a combined approach that simultaneously targets a range of factors both in and out of school.“

EU-Kommission (Hrs.), „Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe 2015“ (2015), S. 23

Investment in human capital must start in the vital early childhood period ...


„Investment in human capital must start in the vital early childhood period and be sustained through compulsory education. This will help ensure equality of opportunity for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „In It Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits All“ (2015), S. 44

Incorrectly assumed ...


„People sometimes incorrectly assume that equity in education means all students should be taught the same curriculum, or should achieve the same learning outcomes in school.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, „Finnish Lessons 2.0“ (2015), S. 61

NMS not better than Hauptschule ...


NMS: „Whilst the school environment has improved overall, the level of educational achievement was not better than in the Hauptschule, the type of school being replaced. In particular, the new school system did not improve the levels of achievement of disadvantaged groups, which had been one of the main objectives.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2015 - Country analysis“ (2015), S. 8

In tracked education systems teachers appear to provide more equal support ....


„In tracked education systems, teachers appear to provide more equal support and caring to low and high achievers and to students from different socioeconomic backgrounds within the same school. Moreover, schools with disadvantaged student populations seem to develop an especially supportive learning environment.“

Dr. Svenja Vieluf u. a., „Who has a good relationship with the teachers? A comparison of comprehensive education systems with education systems using between-school tracking“ in „Oxford Review of Education“ (2015), Vol. 41, No. 1, S. 19

Low achievers and students from disadvantaged backgrounds ...


„Low achievers and students from disadvantaged backgrounds feel less supported than their schoolmates in education systems that teach students in comprehensive schools, while no such within-school disparities were observed in tracked education systems.“

Dr. Svenja Vieluf u. a., „Who has a good relationship with the teachers? A comparison of comprehensive education systems with education systems using between-school tracking“ in „Oxford Review of Education“ (2015), Vol. 41, No. 1, S. 20

Educational outcomes remain closely correlated with social class ...


England: „Children from low socio-economic groups are already behind their more advantaged counterparts when they begin school. But far from narrowing this gap, the gap widens through school. Educational outcomes remain closely correlated with social class.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „The impact of academy chains on low-income students“ (2015), S. 7

USA: High school drop-out rate for students living in low-income families ...


USA: „In 2009, in the United States, the high school drop-out rate for students living in low-income families was about five times greater than the rate for their peers from high-income families.“

UNICEF (Hrsg.), „The Investment Case for Education and Equity“ (2015), S. 35

USA: At the nation’s most selective 193 colleges and universities, affluent students outnumber economically disadvantaged students ...


USA: „At the nation’s most selective 193 colleges and universities, affluent students (those from the richest socioeconomic quarter of the population) outnumber economically disadvantaged students (those from the bottom quarter) by 14 to 1.“

New York Times online am 12. September 2014

Kindergarten erreicht viele sozial Schwache nicht ...


„The gap in pre-primary attendance rates between socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged pupils is growing.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 40“ (Juni 2014), S. 1

Bildungsaufstieg in Deutschland ...


„The children of professionals in Germany outperform the children of professionals in Finland.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus“ Nr. 36, Februar 2014, S. 1

Eltern mit niedriger formaler Bildung haben seltener Freude am gemeinsamen Lesen ...


„In Bezug auf das gemeinsame Lesen wird deutlich, dass Eltern mit niedriger formaler Bildung deutlich seltener Freude daran haben (52 %) als Eltern mit einer hohen Formalbildung (68 %).“

AOK (Hrsg.), „AOK-Familienstudie 2014“ (2014), S. 14

Größere Ungleichheit durch Differenzierung nicht nachweisbar ...


„Es ist auch – durchaus entgegen den Erwartungen – nicht nachweisbar, dass die formal und offensichtlich differenzierten und segmentierten Systeme eine größere Ungleichheit der Kompetenzen bewirken als die ‚Gesamtschulsysteme‘, da letztere ebenfalls oft einen hohen, aber versteckten Grad an Differenzierung aufweisen.“

Dr. Lorenz Lassnigg u. a., „Das österreichische Modell der Formation von Kompetenzen im Vergleich“. In: Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Schlüsselkompetenzen von Erwachsenen – Vertiefende Analysen der PIAAC-Erhebung 2001/12“ (2014), S. 46

Bessere Umweltbedingungen für alle Individuen einer Population vergrößern die Unterschiede ...


„Bessere Umweltbedingungen für alle Individuen einer Population vergrößern in der Regel die Unterschiede zwischen den Individuen, da leistungsfähigere Personen mehr von der Maßnahme profitieren als leistungsschwächere.“

Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (Hrsg.), „Frühkindliche Sozialisation“ (2014), S. 47

Bei einem optimalen Beschulungsangebot ...


„Bei einem optimalen Beschulungsangebot treten Unterschiede aufgrund anlagebedingter Prädispositionen deutlicher zu Tage.“

Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (Hrsg.), „Frühkindliche Sozialisation“ (2014), S. 54

Leistungsstarke Schüler aus dem Bildungsbürgertum ...


„Leistungsstarke Schüler aus dem Bildungsbürgertum sind in der Grundschule am wenigsten auf vollständige, explizite Erklärungen angewiesen. Sie lernen auch im offenen Unterricht. Im Zweifel können sie die fehlenden Erklärungen zu Hause erhalten. Lernschwache Schüler aus bildungsfernen Schichten können dies nicht. Sie sind die Leidtragenden des offenen Unterrichts.“

Dr. Martin Wellenreuther, „Direkte Instruktion – Was ist das, und wie geht das?“, in BELTZ (Hrsg.), PÄDAGOGIK, 66. Jahrgang, Heft 1, 2014, S. 11

Interindividuelle Unterschiede in der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit ...


„Auch bei günstigen Trainings- und Beschulungsmaßnahmen bleiben interindividuelle Unterschiede in der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit bestehen. Gleiche Umwelten machen Menschen nicht gleicher, sondern vielmehr werden in der Regel bestehende Unterschiede verstärkt.“

Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (Hrsg.), „Frühkindliche Sozialisation“ (2014), S. 61

Greatest influence of socioeconomic background in France, Bulgaria and Slovakia ...


„Socioeconomic background shows the greatest influence on a student’s educational performance in France, Bulgaria and Slovakia.“

Bertelsmann (Hrsg.), „Social Justice in the EU. A Cross-national Comparison“ (2014), S. 38

Moving low-income children from attending no preschool to attending some preschool ...


„The largest impact per unit cost comes from moving low-income children from attending no preschool to attending some preschool.“

Dr. Elisabeth U. Cascio u. a., „Expanding Preschool Access for Disadvantaged Children“ (2014), S. 7

At age three, children from professional families speak 50 % more words than children from working-class families ...


„At age three, children from professional families speak 50 % more words than children from working-class families and more than twice as many compared to children from welfare families.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. James Heckman u. a., „The economics of human development and social mobility“ (2014), S. 8

England: White children who are eligible for free school meals are consistently the lowest performing group ...


England: „White children who are eligible for free school meals are consistently the lowest performing group in the country, and the difference between their educational performance and that of their less-deprived white peers is larger than for any other ethnic group.“

House of Commons, Education Committee (Hrsg.), „Underachievement in Education by White Working Class Children“ (2014), S. 3

Raw intelligence is not fixed solely by parental genes, although heritability plays an important role in shaping it ...


„Raw intelligence is not fixed solely by parental genes, although heritability plays an important role in shaping it. It is boosted by quality parenting and by caring environments. It becomes solidified around the time of puberty.“

Dr. Tim Kautz u. a., „Fostering and Measuring Skills: Improving Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills to Promote Lifetime Success“ (2014), S. 11

Gaps in skills emerge early, before formal schooling begins ...


„Gaps in skills emerge early, before formal schooling begins. Waiting until kindergarten to address these gaps is a poor strategy. It creates achievement gaps for disadvantaged children that are costly to close.“

Dr. Tim Kautz u. a., „Fostering and Measuring Skills: Improving Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills to Promote Lifetime Success“ (2014), S. 11

Armut der anderen Art ...


„The absence of parental guidance, nourishment, and encouragement is the most damaging condition for child development. Quality parenting – stimulation, attachment, encouragement, and support – is the true measure of child advantage, and not the traditional measures of poverty commonly used in policy discussions.“

Dr. Tim Kautz u. a., „Fostering and Measuring Skills: Improving Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills to Promote Lifetime Success“ (2014), S. 12

Most behavioural and cognitive ability gaps already exist at age five ...


„Experts have noted that most behavioural and cognitive ability gaps that can explain discrepancies in adult outcomes already exist at age five, and emphasise that schooling plays a minor role in either limiting or widening those gaps.“

Benoit Guerin, „Breaking the cycle of disadvantage“ (2014), S. 2

The absence of opportunities for informal education in the home ...


„The absence of opportunities for informal education in the home – be it situations of play, or informal problem solving – can foster early differences in academic achievement, intelligence and even language acquisition. Data indicates that before the age of 3, children from well-off backgrounds possess a vocabulary 30 million words larger than children from poorer families.“

Benoit Guerin, „Breaking the cycle of disadvantage“ (2014), S. 4

Insufficient stimulation in early childhood can result in significant differences in brain size ...


„Children born into low SES families are more likely to be insufficiently stimulated owing to a poor home learning environment. Such insufficient stimulation in early childhood can result in significant differences in brain size and abnormal cortex development by the age of 3, reflected in poorer cognitive and social development. The gap in cognitive performance across socioeconomic groups at 22 months has been found to correlate with schooling outcomes at the age of 26.“

Benoit Guerin, „Breaking the cycle of disadvantage“ (2014), S. 5

Access to a good education in the United States is extremely unequal ...


„In reality, access to a good education in the United States is extremely unequal. Geographic dispersion of schools leads to widespread segregation of advantaged and disadvantaged pupils.“

Dr. John Jerrim, „The Unrealistic Educational Expectations of High School Pupils“. In: „The Sociological Quarterly“ 55 (2014), S. 199f

The United States is one of the most socially unequal nations in the developed world ...


„The United States is one of the most socially unequal nations in the developed world, both in terms of educational achievement and in terms of economic measures of social mobility.“

Dr. John Jerrim, „The Unrealistic Educational Expectations of High School Pupils“. In: „The Sociological Quarterly“ 55 (2014), S. 200

In Frankreich hängt die Leistung besonders stark vom Elternhaus ab ...


„La France est l’un des pays de l’OCDE dans lequel le milieu socio-économique des élèves a le plus d’impact sur leur performance en mathématiques.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook – Country Note France“ (2014), S. 6

The most prevailing inequalities in educational achievement in England ...


„Perhaps the most prevailing inequalities in educational achievement in England are those associated with socio-economic status (SES), ethnicity and gender.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Steve Strand, „Ethnicity, gender, social class and achievement gaps at age 16“ (2014), S. 2

Achievement gaps at age 16 in England ...


England: „SES gaps (Anm.: SES = Socioeconomic status) widens over the course of secondary school with students in the bottom SES quintile making -.21 SD (Anm.: SD = standard deviation) less than expected progress and those in top quintile making .20 SD more than expected progress.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Steve Strand, „Ethnicity, gender, social class and achievement gaps at age 16“ (2014), S. 18

Social mobility in England ...


England: „59 % of the Cabinet and 33 % of the Shadow Cabinet attended Oxbridge compared to less than 1 % of the UK population as a whole …“

Social Mobiliy and Child Poverty Commission (Hrsg.), „Elitist Britain“ (2014), S. 26

Learning outcomes in France ...


„Learning outcomes in France as measured by international assessments are below average OECD levels and are particularly unequal.“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Teaching and learning – Achieving quality for all“ (2014), S. 265

The influence of parental education ...

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„The influence of parental education on the educational performance of migrants is weaker in highly and moderately differentiated education systems than in comprehensive systems.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jaap Dronkers u. a., „Migrant pupils’ scientific performance“ (2014), S. 19f

Economically disadvantaged and wealthy parents exhibit large and systematic differences in parenting practices ...

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„Economically disadvantaged and wealthy parents exhibit large and systematic differences in parenting practices. From birth to age two, non-poor children are more likely than poor children to be caressed, kissed, or hugged by their mother, and they are less likely to be spanked. Non-poor birth-to-two-year-olds also have greater access to children’s books and are more likely to be read to than their poor counterparts. These disparities have significant consequences, as children who experience responsive and stimulating parental care tend to score higher on assessments of motor, social, emotional, literacy, and numeracy skills than those who do not.“

Dr. Benjamin York, „One step at the time: The effects of an early literacy text messaging program for parents of preschoolers“ (2014), S. 3

Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen (StEG) ...


„Wer die ‚Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen‘ (StEG), geleitet vom Konsortium bestehend aus Eckhard Klieme, Heinz Günther Holtappels, Thomas Rauschenbach und Ludwig Stecher, genau liest, wird feststellen, dass es keine Beweise dafür gibt, dass Kinder aus bildungsfernen Milieus in einer Ganztagsschule besser gefördert werden und somit auf Kinder aus bildungsnahen Milieus aufschließen können.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Zierer, Erziehungswissenschaftler, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 20. Dezember 2013

USA: Einkommen der Eltern versus Schulerfolg ...


„On both math and reading tests, students at the 90th percentile of the income distribution score about 1.3 standard deviations higher than students at the 10th percentile.“

Dr. Seth Gershenson, „Do Summer Time-Use Gaps Vary by Socioeconomic Status?“ in „American Educational Research Journal“, Dezember 2013, Vol. 50, No. 6, S. 1219

Sozial Benachteiligte profitieren am meisten von geordnetem Unterricht ...


„A disciplinary climate that is conducive to learning is not only positively related to student performance, but results from PISA suggest that it can weaken the impact of students’ socio-economic status on performance.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus“, Nr. 32, September 2013, S. 4

Von offenen, flexiblen, individualisierten Lernformen in heterogenen Klassen profitieren ...


„Von offenen, flexiblen, individualisierten Lernformen in heterogenen Klassen profitieren oft besonders aufgeweckte Schüler, die viel Vorwissen besitzen. Diejenigen aber, die weniger mitbringen, brauchen eher klare Strukturen und klare Vorgaben sowie viel Zeit zum Üben der grundlegenden Kenntnisse.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trautwein, Südwest Presse ONLINE am 24. Juli 2013

Weniger Bildungsgerechtigkeit durch Einheits- oder Gemeinschaftsschulen ...


„Einheits- oder Gemeinschaftsschulen, die mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit durch ‚längeres gemeinsames Lernen‘ versprechen, sind […] nach den Befunden von TIMSS, PISA bzw. PISA-E oder der IGLU- und IQB-Studien dazu weniger in der Lage als das hierzulande etablierte (gegliederte) Schulsystem.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „Gymnasium in Niedersachsen“ 3/2013, S. 19

Das gegliederte Schulwesen hat sich eindeutig als überlegen erwiesen ...


„Das gegliederte Schulwesen hat sich eindeutig als überlegen erwiesen, gerade auch im Hinblick auf den sozialen Chancenausgleich und individuelle Bildungserfolge. Die wissenschaftlichen Fakten sprechen für mehr und nicht für weniger Differenzierung.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, Bildungswissenschaftler, Metropolregion Rheinneckar News vom 13. März 2013

Nachweis für Leistungsförderung und Kompensation sozialer Benachteiligung durch Ganztagsschule fehlt ...


„Auch wenn im Rahmen der Forschung zu ganztägiger Bildung und Betreuung in den vergangenen Jahren eine Reihe von Arbeiten vorgelegt wurden, steht der empirische Nachweis für den Beitrag von Ganztagsschule hinsichtlich der zentralen Zieldimensionen Leistungsförderung und Kompensation sozialer Benachteiligung bislang aus.“

Aktionsrat Bildung (Hrsg.), „Zwischenbilanz Ganztagsgrundschulen: Betreuung oder Rhythmisierung?“ (2013), S. 58

Mediennutzung bei Eltern ...


„Während Eltern mit höherem Bildungsstand die aktive Nutzung unterschiedlicher Medien […] bewusst vorleben und reflektieren, findet in Familien aus der Unterschicht eher eine passiv-konsumierende Mediennutzung statt, die sich unweigerlich auch auf Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene überträgt.“

Prof. Dr. Jutta Rump u. a., „Die jüngere Generation in einer alternden Arbeitswelt. Baby Boomer versus Generation Y“ (2013), S. 143

UK: One of the most socially segregated education systems ...


„The UK has one of the highest levels of variation in pupil outcomes and its education system is also one of the most socially segregated education systems amongst industrialised economies.“

Dr. Tracey Allen, Drivers and barriers to raising achievement“ (2013), S. 14

Poorer educational results ...


„In most countries the schools serving populations with high levels of poverty, working-class families, immigrants, and minorities show considerably poorer educational results relative to schools enrolling students from more advantaged families.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henry Levin u. a., „Does educational privatisation promote social justice?“ in „Oxford Review of Education“, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 4, S. 514

Australien: The persistence of inequality in higher education ...


Australien: „In 2005, men with a university-educated father were almost three times more likely to have graduated from university than other men and that women with a university-educated father were almost four times more likely to have graduated from university than other women.“

Dr. Jenny Chesters u.a., „Understanding the persistence of inequality in higher education: evidence from Australia“. In: „Journal of Education Policy“, 28:2 (2013), S. 211

Italien: Children of the highest social strata obtain much better scores than those belonging to the lowest ones ...


Italien: „Children of the highest social strata obtain much better scores than those belonging to the lowest ones, and the coefficients of both indicators, the number of books and ESCS, are large and highly significant.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dalit Contini, „Immigrant background peer effects in Italian schools“ (2013), S. 25

Führend beim Bildungsaufstieg ...

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„The Netherlands and Austria are Europe’s champion ‚upstreamers‘.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maurice Crul u. a., „super diversity“ (2013), S. 49

Soziokultureller Hintergrund stärkster Erfolgsfaktor in allen OECD-Staaten ...

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„The sociocultural average of the school population is the single most influential school characteristic in all Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, more important than either a shortage of qualified teachers or class size.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jaap Dronkers u.a., „Positive but also Negative Effects of Ethnic Diversity in Schools on Educational Performance?“. In: Windzio (Hrsg.), „Integration and Inequality in Educational Intitutions“ (2013), S. 71

The impact of students’ background on achievement ...

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„One of the most stable findings in educational research is the impact of students’ background on achievement, especially parents’ level of education and occupation or earnings.“

IEA (Hrsg.), „TIMSS and PIRLS 2011“ (2013), S. 8f

Not enough to simply 'keep order' to achieve excellence ...


„In order to achieve excellence, it is not enough to simply 'keep order'; the school administration and teachers as well as the students and their parents must press for academic success. A school with a positive atmosphere supportive of high achievement and a rigorous academic program can even overcome socioeconomic disadvantages.“

IEA (Hrsg.), „TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships among reading, mathematics, and science achievement at the fourth grade“ (2013), S. 113f

No country has a significantly bigger socio-economic achievement gap than England ...


„No country has a significantly bigger socio-economic achievement gap than England at either age 13/14 or age 15/16.“

John Jerrim u.a., „The mathematics skills of school children: How does England compare to the high performing East Asian jurisdictions“ (2013), S. 16

UK: Stubborn link between pupils’ socio-economic background and their educational attainment ...


„One major systemic failing in the UK education system is the ‘long tail’ of poorly performing schools and pupils compared with other countries, particularly at the secondary level. A significant part of the explanation for this is the stubborn link between pupils’ socio-economic background and their educational attainment.“

LSE (Hrsg.), „Investing in Prosperity – LSE Growth Commission Report“ (2013), S. 16

The correlation between disadvantage and poor academic attainment is particularly strong in the UK ...


„The correlation between disadvantage and poor academic attainment is particularly strong in the UK. Our failure to provide adequate education to children from disadvantaged backgrounds constitutes a waste of human resources on a grand scale. It holds back economic opportunities and is detrimental to growth.“

LSE (Hrsg.) „Investing in Prosperity“ (2013), S. 16f

Die Wirkung der Gesamtschule in England ...


„A quarter of children from poor backgrounds fail to meet the expected attainment level at the end of primary school compared with 3 per cent from affluent backgrounds. The gap widens at 16 with just one in five children from the poorest families achieving five good GCSEs, including English and Maths, compared with three quarters from the richest families.“

NCB (Hrsg.), „Greater Expectations: Raising aspirations for our children“ (2013), S. 12

England: Gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children ...


Gesamtschulstaat England: „A child from a disadvantaged poor background is far less likely to do well at school age 11 and far less likely to do well in their GCSEs at 16 compared with a child from the most well-off backgrounds and there is no indication that this gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children is disappearing.“

NCB (Hrsg.), „Greater Expectations: Raising aspirations for our children“ (2013), S. 28

England: Adults whose parents have low levels of education ...


England: „Adults whose parents have low levels of education are eight times more likely to have poor proficiency in literacy than adults whose parents had higher levels of education.“

NIACE (Hrsg.), „Family Learning Works“ (2013), S. 5

Top-Performer aus selektiven Privatschulen ...


„Top performers in science at age 15 tend to be in schools where others are also high performers and from relatively advantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Many such schools select students according to their academic record and many of them are private.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Today 2013“ (2013), S. 106

The UK remains at the bottom of international league tables for social mobility ...


„The UK remains at the bottom of international league tables for social mobility, as measured by income or earnings.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Pascal u.a., „The impact of early education as a strategy in countering socio-economic disadvantage“ (2013), S. 8

Amongst G20 richest nations, only the USA has poorer social mobility than the UK ...


„Amongst G20 richest nations, only the USA has poorer social mobility than the UK.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Pascal u.a., „The impact of early education as a strategy in countering socio-economic disadvantage“ (2013), S. 8

Auf das Schulklima kommt es an ...


„It is found that quality of the school climate contributes to academic outcomes as well as the personal development and well-being of pupils.“

Dr. Amrit Thapa, Research Director des National School Climate Center (NSCC) „School Climate Research“ (2013), S. 3

Enormer Rückstand beim Eintritt in den Kindergarten ...


„By the time children in families with very low incomes enter kindergarten, they are 12 to 14 months behind in language and pre-reading skills, compared with children in higher-income families, where reading books and engaging in regular conversations with adults help build much larger vocabularies.“

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (Hrsg.), „The First Eight Years“ (2013), S. 6

Brain’s architecture ...


„Early experiences in the home, in other care settings, and in communities interact with genes to shape the developing nature and quality of the brain’s architecture.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hirokazu Yoshikawa u. a., „Investing in Our Future: The Evidence Base on Preschool Education“ (2013), S. 3

Gerade im Kindergarten bilden sich die Grundlagen für die spätere Entwicklung ...


„Gerade im Kindergarten bilden sich die Grundlagen für die spätere Entwicklung. Erstens eignen sich Kindergärten sehr gut, um Risikokinder aufzufangen. Und zweitens ist die Lernfähigkeit in diesem Alter riesengroß.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franzis Preckel, Focus ONLINE am 2. Dezember 2012

Schulformspezifische Anforderungs- bzw. Leistungsmilieus ...


„Schulformspezifische Anforderungs- bzw. Leistungsmilieus bieten am ehesten leistungsförderliche Umgebungen für den effektiven Umgang mit Heterogenität. Zugleich garantieren solche differentiellen Entwicklungsmilieus größtmögliche Chancengerechtigkeit im Bildungsgang. Wissenschaftliche Belege für gegenteilige Behauptungen konnten trotz jahrzehntelanger Bemühungen bisher nicht erbracht werden.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „Begabungsförderung und Schulleistung“. In: „Katholische Bildung“, 2012, Heft 7/8, S. 305

College educated mothers devote more time to child rearing ...


„College educated mothers – according to a comprehensive survey of the evidence from time diary studies – devote more time to child rearing than do less educated mothers, especially in child enrichment activities. They spend more time reading to children and less time watching television with them.“

Univ.-Prof. James Heckman, Nobelpreisträger des Jahres 2000 für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, bostonreview.net am 1. September 2012

In the UK the socio-economic gap in education achievement widens throughout secondary education ...


„In the UK […] the socio-economic gap in education achievement widens throughout secondary education.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giorgio Brunello u.a., „On the efficiency costs of de-tracking secondary schools in Europe“. In: „Education Economics“ Vol. 20, No. 2, Mai 2012, S. 118

Was nicht in die Gene geschrieben ist, kann durch eine anregende Umwelt nicht erzwungen werden ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Das in die Gene geschriebene Intelligenzpotenzial kann sich nur in einer anregenden Umwelt entwickeln. Aber was nicht in die Gene geschrieben ist, kann durch eine anregende Umwelt nicht erzwungen werden.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elsbeth Stern, „Lernwirksam unterrichten“ (2012), S. 123

Die französische Schule ist eine der weltbesten für einen sehr kleinen Teil ...


„Die französische Schule ist eine der weltbesten für einen sehr kleinen Teil ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler, der in der Hauptsache aus den höchsten sozialen Schichten stammt und über weitläufige soziale und kulturelle Ressourcen verfügt; sie ist eine der schlechtesten für einen beachtlichen Teil von Schülern aus benachteiligten kulturellen und sozio-ökonomischen Milieus, die in der Schule enorme Schwierigkeiten haben oder sogar scheitern.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christine Delory-Momberger, „Der Umgang mit Diversität als ein fundamentales Problem der französischen Schule“ in Schelle u. a., „Schule und Unterricht in Frankreich“ (2012), S. 18

Schicksal für Elite und breite Masse ...


„Frankreich zeigt eine Schullandschaft, in der das Schicksal für die Elite und die breite Masse am weitesten auseinanderklafft.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christine Delory-Momberger, „Der Umgang mit Diversität als ein fundamentales Problem der französischen Schule“ in Schelle u. a., „Schule und Unterricht in Frankreich“ (2012), S. 18

The association between family background and high educational achievement is stronger in England ...


„The association between family background and high educational achievement is stronger in England than in most other developed countries.“

Dr. John Jerrim, „The Socio-Economic Gradient in Teenagers’ Reading Skills: How Does England Compare with Other Countries?“. In: „Fiscal Studies“, 2012, vol. 33, no. 2, S. 160

Ability gaps between individuals ...


„Ability gaps between individuals and across socioeconomic groups open up at early ages, for both cognitive and socio-emotional skills. Cognitive abilities become stable around the age of 10.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giorgio Brunello u. a., „Books Are Forever: Early Life Conditions, Education and Lifetime Income“ (2012), S. 12

Sozialer Aufstieg durch Bildung in England kaum möglich ...
