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Öffentliche finanzielle Unterstützung in Form von Bildungsdarlehen, Stipendien oder Zuschüssen ...


„Im Jahr 2022/2023 erhielten mindestens 80 % der inländischen Bildungsteilnehmenden in Australien, Dänemark, England (Vereinigtes Königreich), Schweden und den Vereinigten Staaten öffentliche finanzielle Unterstützung in Form von Bildungsdarlehen, Stipendien oder Zuschüssen. In Finnland, Litauen, Neuseeland und Norwegen lag der Anteil zwischen 50 und 75 %; in Kanada, Frankreich, Italien, Rumänien und Spanien bei 30-45 %.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 321.

Dänemark, Korea, Norwegen führen Sprachtests bei sehr jungen Kindern durch, um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht den Anschluss verlieren ...


Länder führen auch Sprachtests bei sehr jungen Kindern durch, um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht den Anschluss verlieren, wenn sie nicht an FBBE-Maßnahmen teilnehmen (Dänemark, Korea, Norwegen).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Stand der Integration von Eingewanderten – Deutschland (2024), S. 18.

Geflüchtete, die angeben, über fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse der Sprache des Aufnahmelandes zu verfügen ...


„Der Anteil der Geflüchteten, die angeben, über fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse der Sprache des Aufnahmelandes zu verfügen, ist in Deutschland zwar größer als in Österreich oder den Niederlanden, gegenüber den nordischen Ländern, die massiv in strukturierte Integrationsprogramme investiert haben, weist Deutschland jedoch nach wie vor einen Rückstand auf.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Stand der Integration von Eingewanderten – Deutschland (2024), S. 19f.

Beteiligung der 25- bis 64-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung an Aus- und Weiterbildung ...


„Für die europäischen Staaten gibt die EU-Benchmark Lebenslanges Lernen (LLL) Auskunft über die Beteiligung der 25- bis 64-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung an Aus- und Weiterbildung in den letzten vier Wochen vor der Befragung. Österreich lag im Jahresdurchschnitt 2022 mit einer Beteiligungsquote von 15,8 % über dem EU22-Durchschnitt von 15,2 %. Einen Spitzenwert von 36,2 % erzielte Schweden, gefolgt von Dänemark (27,9 %), den Niederlanden (26,4 %) und Finnland (25,2 %).“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2022/23. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2024), S. 74.

Mathematikleistungen und naturwissenschaftliche Leistungen 10-Jähriger Schwedens, Finnlands, Norwegens und Dänemarks ...


„A greater percentage of the variance in achievement is explained by the number of books at home in 2019 compared to 2011. This indicates a decrease in equity in the Nordic countries during this time period, and that students’ home backgrounds matter more and more to their achievements.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 12.

Negative trends for both achievements and equity in the Nordic countries ...


„The disturbing picture emerging from our findings of negative trends for both achievements and equity in the Nordic countries, suggests that it is critical to examine how teachers may promote learning and equity in the Nordic countries.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 13.

Socioeconomic status is clearly related to achievement in all Nordic countries ...


„The distribution of mathematics achievement per student group reveals that SES (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) is clearly related to achievement in all Nordic countries.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 241.

The Nordic countries strive to provide equal learning opportunities for all students, the reality looks quite different ...


„The Nordic countries strive to provide equal learning opportunities for all students. However, the reality looks quite different both in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 244.

The socioeconomic status and ethnic context of classrooms in Finland, Denmark ans Sweden ...


„The SES (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) and ethnic context of classrooms explained 62% of the mathematics achievement variation in Finland, followed by 58 percent in Denmark, 52 percent in Sweden and 44% in Norway.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education (2024), S. 259.

Die öffentlichen Ausgaben für den Tertiärbereich in den OECD-Ländern ...


„Im Durchschnitt beliefen sich die öffentlichen Ausgaben für den Tertiärbereich in den OECD-Ländern, einschließlich Ausgaben für Forschung und Entwicklung, auf 27 % der öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben für den Primar- bis Tertiärbereich. Der Anteil reicht in den OECD- und Partnerländern von unter 14 % in Luxemburg bis zu über 38 % in Dänemark und Österreich.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2023 (2023), S. 336.

Der durchschnittliche sozioökonomische Status der Schüler*innen unter den teilnehmenden Ländern und Volkswirtschaften ...


„Am höchsten ist der durchschnittliche sozioökonomische Status der Schüler*innen unter den teilnehmenden Ländern und Volkswirtschaften in Norwegen, Dänemark, Kanada, Australien und Island (in absteigender Reihenfolge ihres Mittelwerts auf dem ESCS-Index).“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 121.
In Österreich liegt der durchschnittliche sozioökonomische Status der Schüler*innen nur knapp über dem OECD-Durchschnitt. (Quelle: OECD, PISA-2022-Datenbank, Table I.B1.4.2.)

Beteiligung der 25- bis 64-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung an Aus- und Weiterbildung ...


„Für die europäischen Staaten gibt die EU-Benchmark Lebenslanges Lernen (LLL) Auskunft über die Beteiligung der 25- bis 64-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung an Aus- und Weiterbildung in den letzten vier Wochen vor der Befragung. […] Österreich lag im Jahresdurchschnitt 2021 mit einer Beteiligungsquote von 14,6 % leicht über dem EU22-Durchschnitt von 13,9 %. Einen Spitzenwert von 34,7 % erzielte Schweden, gefolgt von Finnland (30,5 %), den Niederlanden (26,6 %) und Dänemark (22,3 %).
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2021/22. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2023), S. 72.

The EU-level 2030 target of 96% participation of children aged 3 and above in ECEC ...


„Six EU countries (France, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, and Spain) have reached the EU-level 2030 target of 96% participation of children aged 3 and above in ECEC (Anm.: ECEC = early childhood education and care).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2023 (2023), S. 27.
Im EU-Durchschnitt waren es 2021 92,5 %, in Österreich 89,0 %. (Quelle: Eurostat-Datenbank, Abfrage vom 12. Jänner 2024.)

Teilnahme an Fortbildung in den letzten vier Wochen ...


„Adult learning is negligible in Bulgaria (1.4%), Greece (3.5%), and Croatia (4.4%), whereas at the other extreme Sweden (36.2%), Denmark (27.9%), the Netherlands (26.4%), and Finland (25.2%) stand out.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2023 (2023), S. 65.
In Österreich sind es 15,8 %. (Quelle, ibidem, Figure 36; Stand 2022.)

Only seven EU Member States guarantee a place in ECEC for each child from an early age ...


„Only seven EU Member States (Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Finland and Sweden) as well as Norway guarantee a place in ECEC for each child from an early age (6–18 months), often immediately after the end of childcare leave. […] Therefore, when considering the differences in the starting age of the guaranteed place in ECEC, it is important to take into account another important family policy measure, namely the length of childcare leave.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe – 2023. Early childhood education and care (2023), S. 5f.

Tuition fees in OECD countries ...


„In OECD countries, most national students entering tertiary education enrol in a programme at Bachelor’s or equivalent level. At this level, public institutions do not charge tuition fees to national students in Denmark, Estonia (only for programmes taught in Estonian), Finland, Norway, Sweden and Türkiye. In a similar number of countries, tuition fees are low or moderate, with an average cost to students of under USD 3,000. In the rest of the OECD, tuition fees are high or very high, ranging from around USD 4,000 to over USD 8,000 per year. These costs are highest in England (United Kingdom), where they exceed USD 12,000, which is considered even more expensive than in the US.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hatidža Jahić u. a., Alternative financing models and student loans in higher education (2023), S. 8.

OECD-countries where non-immigrant students achieved higher upper secondary completion rates compared to students with an immigrant background ...


„In several OECD countries with available data (Denmark, Finland, France, Norway, Sweden and the United States) non-immigrant students achieved higher upper secondary completion rates compared to students with an immigrant background. However, there were differences within immigrant cohorts. First-generation immigrants had generally lower completion rates compared to second-generation immigrants.“
Samo Varsik u. a., Intersectionality in education: Rationale and practices to address the needs of students’ intersecting identities (2023), S. 32f.

Die öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben für Bildung im Tertiärbereich, einschließlich Ausgaben für Forschung und Entwicklung ...


„Im Durchschnitt der OECD-Länder beliefen sich die öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben für Bildung im Tertiärbereich, einschließlich Ausgaben für Forschung und Entwicklung, auf 27 % der öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben für den Primar- bis Tertiärbereich. Der Anteil reicht in den OECD- und Partnerländern von unter 14 % in Luxemburg bis zu über 37 % in Dänemark und Österreich.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 357.

Placing the responsibility for ECEC (Anm.: ECEC = Early Childhood Education and Care), pre-primary and primary education under one ministry (or agency) is increasingly common ...


„Placing the responsibility for ECEC (Anm.: ECEC = Early Childhood Education and Care), pre-primary and primary education under one ministry (or agency) is increasingly common among OECD countries, including Denmark, Iceland, Italy and Norway.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Finland’s Right to Learn Programme (2022), S. 6.

Lower or no fees for EEA (Anm.: EEA = European Economic Area) students but increased fees for those from outside the EEA ...


„Several European countries apply lower or no fees for EEA (Anm.: EEA = European Economic Area) students but apply increased fees for those from outside the EEA. In Denmark, Finland and Sweden, higher education is tuition-free for nationals and EEA citizens, but international students from outside EEA countries are charged. While this policy has been in place for over a decade in Denmark (2006/07) and Sweden (2011), it was introduced only in 2017 in Finland. Similarly, France introduced a fee regime at public universities, which, as of 2019, applies different tuition fees to European and non-European students. From the start of the 2019/20 academic year, annual fees for a bachelor’s and master’s degrees increased more than 15-fold to EUR 2 770 for bachelor’s and EUR 3 770 for master’s annually for international students. In international comparison as shown above, they are nevertheless low.“
OECD (Hrsg.), International Migration Outlook 2022 (2022), S. 157.
Anm.: Die EEA besteht aus den 27 EU-Staaten plus Island, Norwegen und Liechtenstein.

Dem Bildungswesen wurden im Jahr 2019 in Österreich nur 4,8 % des BIP gewidmet ...


In 2019, Austria (8.3 %), Denmark (8.2 %) and France (8.0 %) recorded the highest ratios to GDP devoted to health among EU Member States. […] For education, the highest shares were registered in Sweden (6.9 %), Denmark (6.3 %), Belgium (6.2 %) and Estonia (6.0 %).“
Eurostat online am 26. Februar 2021.
Dem Bildungswesen wurden im Jahr 2019 in Österreich nur 4,8 % des BIP gewidmet. (Quelle: ibidem)

Less than one pedagogical support staff position for every twenty teachers in Austria, Belgium, Colombia and Italy ...


„While Alberta (Canada), Chile, Iceland, New Zealand and Sweden employ more than two pedagogical support staff for every ten teachers, there is less than one pedagogical support staff position for every twenty teachers in Austria, Belgium, Colombia and Italy. In a number of school systems, the presence of pedagogical support staff has increased significantly over recent years, notably in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and the Slovak Republic.“
Luka Boeskens, MSC, u. a., Not enough hours in the Day: Policies that shape teachers‘ use of time (2021), S. 71.

Only in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland a third or more of young people participate in traditional Dual Systems of apprenticeship ...


„A number of countries have traditional Dual Systems of apprenticeship, where provision is regulated by the social partners, and with apprentices recruited by firms and placed on employment contracts (including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Switzerland). But it is only in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland where a third or more of young people participate in them.“
Andy Green u. a., The Effects of System Type and System Characteristics on Skills Acquisition in Upper Secondary Education and Training (2021), S. 25.

Dänemark: Substantial inequality of child outcomes remains across social and economic classes ...


„Despite the generosity of the Danish welfare state and equality in access for all citizens, substantial inequality of child outcomes remains across social and economic classes. […] More advantaged families are better able to access, utilize, and influence universally available programs.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. James Heckman u. a., Lessons for Americans from Denmark about inequality and social mobility (2021), S. 1f.

Family influence on many child outcomes in Denmark is comparable to that in the U.S. ...


„Despite many generous social policies and equality of access for all Danes, family influence on many child outcomes in Denmark is comparable to that in the U.S.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. James Heckman u. a., Lessons for Americans from Denmark about inequality and social mobility (2021), S. 13.

15‑year‑olds drunk at least twice in their lifetime ...


„Over 30 % of 15‑year‑olds had been drunk at least twice in their lifetime in 2017‑18 in Denmark, Lithuania, Austria, Hungary, and the United Kingdom. […] Across OECD countries, the average is 21.5 %, with a narrow gap between boys (22.6 %) and girls (20.3 %).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Health at a Glance 2021 (2021), S. 110.
In Österreich waren es 32,0 % (28,0 % der Mädchen und 36 % der Burschen). (Quelle: ibidem, Figure 4.7.)

Die in Dänemark für Kinder mit Rückständen in der Sprachentwicklung verpflichtende Sprachförderung ab 3 umfasst 30 Stunden pro Woche ...


„Denmark […] routinely screens the language skills of all children at age three. Children with gaps receive compulsory language stimulation. […] Immigrant children take part in an individual Danish language assessment upon enrolling in primary school to identify any need for additional support. For this purpose, the Ministry of Education developed a tool for teachers to assess the linguistic development of bilingual children in the language of instruction.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Young People with Migrant Parents (2021), S. 17f.
Die in Dänemark für Kinder mit Rückständen in der Sprachentwicklung verpflichtende Sprachförderung ab 3 umfasst 30 Stunden pro Woche. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 18.)

In Canada, Denmark, Finland, and the United Kingdom more than 70 % of students reported that the longest piece of text they had to read for school was 101 pages or more ...


„PISA 2018 […] asked students how many pages was the longest piece of text they had to read for their language test lessons (i.e. the language they took the test in) during the last academic year. […] In Canada, Denmark, Finland, and the United Kingdom more than 70 % of students reported that the longest piece of text they had to read for school was 101 pages or more.“
OECD (Hrsg.), 21st-Century Readers (2021), S. 124.
In Österreich waren es hingegen nur 43 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Fig. 6.5.)

Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Norway and Slovenia guarantee places in ECCE in their regulatory frameworks for all children after the end of parental leave ...


„Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Norway and Slovenia guarantee places in ECCE in their regulatory frameworks for all children after the end of parental leave. […] In Slovenia, preschool is free of charge for all children aged 3 to 6.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 243.

Iceland, Latvia, New Zealand, Finland and Denmark have the highest quality of childcare ...


„Iceland, Latvia, New Zealand, Finland and Denmark have the highest quality of childcare. Denmark, Finland and New Zealand combine a low children-to-staff ratio with high qualifications of caregivers to ensure that children get sufficient attention from trained personnel.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Where do rich countries stand on childcare? (2021), S. 8.

Krippen- und Kindergartenbesuch ...


„On average across OECD countries, one-third of 0- to 2-year-olds participate in out-of-home ECEC, rising to around 60 % in Belgium, Denmark, and Iceland. Participation rates increase with age, reaching 86 % for 3- to 5-year-olds on average across OECD countries, with complete participation (100 %) in several countries, e. g. Belgium, France, Israel, and the United Kingdom.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Is Childcare Affordable (Juni 2020), S. 1.
In Österreich besuchen 27,6 % der Unter-2-Jährigen eine Krippe (Quelle: Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2019/20. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2021), S. 151.) und 89,9 % der 3- bis 5-Jährigen einen Kindergarten (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), Tabelle B2.1; Stand 2019).

Frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung ...


„In vielen OECD-Ländern ist inzwischen die Teilnahme an FBBE-Angeboten (Anm.: FBBE = frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung) ab 2 Jahren die Regel. 2018 nahmen im Durchschnitt der OECD-Länder 46 % der 2-Jährigen an FBBE-Angeboten teil. In Belgien, Dänemark, Island, der Republik Korea, Norwegen und Schweden sind es mindestens 80 %.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 206.

Dänemark: Clear disadvantage in the academic performance of students with a migrant background ...


Dänemark: „There is a clear disadvantage in the academic performance of students with a migrant background. Immigrant students from a non-western background perform less well than their native peers in standardised tests, even when controlled for socio-economic status.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity – Putting Educational Justice in the Nordic Model to a Test. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 32.

Dänemark: A soft form of ability grouping in the school system ...


Dänemark: „Some schools have established special classes for talented students, which seems to reflect a soft form of ability grouping in the school system.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity – Putting Educational Justice in the Nordic Model to a Test. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 33.

Only 18% of teachers think that the teaching profession is valued by society ...


„According to the TALIS survey, only 18% of teachers think that the teaching profession is valued by society. Therefore, strengthening the teaching profession has been an important priority of governments in recent years. Several countries have been raising teacher salaries (Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia) and increased budgets (Finland, Denmark) to address teacher shortages.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2020 (2020), S. 13.

Specific language support measures have been introduced in several countries ...


„Specific language support measures have been introduced in several countries. In Denmark, the age of the obligatory language assessment for 3-year old children was lowered and can now be made when the children are between 22 and 30 months.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe – 2020 (2020), S. 9.

Dänemark, Schweden und Norwegen: Huge and stable gap between minority and majority students’ reading achievement ...


„There are large gender differences in the average reading performance in all three countries, disfavouring boys, especially low-performing boys from low SES home backgrounds. We find a huge and stable gap between minority and majority students’ reading achievement, even when corrected for SES.“
Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity and Diversity in Reading Comprehension – A Case Study of PISA 2000–2018. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 305.

Dänemark, Schweden und Norwegen: Newly arrived students are typically enrolled in school introduction programmes ...


„In all three countries, newly arrived students are typically enrolled in school introduction programmes, most commonly after some time and after obtaining a residence permit. Most of these student programmes last for up to 2 years and have intensive language training.“
Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity and Diversity in Reading Comprehension – A Case Study of PISA 2000–2018. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 325.

Problematic alcohol use and dependence later in life ...


„Adolescents who report early exposure to alcohol and having been drunk multiple times are more likely to develop problematic alcohol use and dependence later in life. […] Focusing on the most recent trends, between 2014 and 2018, the proportion of adolescents who reported having been drunk more than once has decreased significantly in most countries, although it has increased in Austria, Germany and Denmark.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Health at a Glance: Europe 2020 (2020), S. 142.

Integration efforts aimed at young children are reinforced in Denmark ...


„Integration efforts aimed at young children are reinforced in Denmark […], with a focus on learning Danish. Measures include mandatory early childhood day care, language classes before entering school, and strengthening incentives for parents through facilitated parental leave as well as a potential withdrawal of child allowances. Since 2019, students in schools where more than 30 % of students are from residential areas identified as 'ghettos' must take language tests.“
OECD (Hrsg.), International Migration Outlook 2020 (2020), S. 108.

The enrolment rate for children age 2 in ECEC ...


„In 2017, the enrolment rate for children age 2 in ECEC registered services was 60 % across OECD countries, markedly below 87 %, the corresponding rate for children ages 3-5. Importantly, the younger the child, the less likely s/he is to be enrolled in an ECEC service with, across OECD countries, enrolment rates of 40 % for children age 1 and 10 % for children under age 1. […] In Korea and in several Nordic countries, including Denmark and Norway, enrolment rates for children age 2 are around 90 % and close to those observed for older children.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Quality Early Childhood Education and Care for Children Under Age 3 (2020), S. 36f.
In Österreich erhalten 0,6 % der Unter-1-Jährigen, 14 % der 1-Jährigen, 40 % der 2-Jährigen und 89 % der 3- bis 5-Jährigen institutionelle Frühförderung. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), Quality Early Childhood Education and Care for Children Under Age 3 (2020), S. 37.)

Denmark is the country with the highest proportion of teachers reporting that they believe they can support student learning through digital technology 'quite a bit' or 'a lot' ...


„TALIS 2018 data show that Denmark is the country with the highest proportion of teachers reporting that they believe they can support student learning through digital technology 'quite a bit' or 'a lot' (88 % of teachers), and it is also the country with the highest proportion of teachers indicating that they let students use ICT for projects or class work 'frequently' or 'always' (90 %). Japan is the country with the lowest proportion of teachers who report confidence in their ability to support student learning through use of technology (35 %) and also the lowest proportion of teachers reporting student use of ICT 'frequently' or 'always' (18 %).“
OECD (Hrsg.), What Students Learn Matters: Towards a 21st Century Curriculum (2020), S. 61.

Parents’ reading enjoyment contributes significantly to children’s reading achievement as measured in all four PIRLS cycles in all Nordic countries ...


„Parents’ reading enjoyment contributes significantly to children’s reading achievement as measured in all four PIRLS cycles in all Nordic countries.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hildegunn Støle u. a., The Importance of Parents’ Own Reading for 10-Year Old Students’ Reading Achievement in the Nordic Countries. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 377.

Alkoholkonsum 16-Jähriger ...


„Students who reported alcohol use in the last 30 days drank alcohol on 5.6 occasions on average. […] One in three students (34 %) reported heavy episodic drinking (five or more glasses of alcoholic beverages on one occasion at least once in the past month). This drinking pattern was found more often in Denmark, Germany and Austria, where it was reported by between 49 % and 59 % of students.“
The ESPAD Group (Hrsg.), ESPAD Report 2019 (2020), S. 14.

Konsum verbotener Substanzen durch 16-Jährige ...


„About three in 10 students (32 %) rated cannabis to be easily obtainable. […] On average, the perceived availability of other illicit drugs was relatively low, with the proportions of students reporting easy access being 14 % for ecstasy, 13 % for cocaine, 10 % for amphetamine and 8.5 % for methamphetamine. Illicit drugs were perceived to be more easily available overall in Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden and Denmark than elsewhere in Europe.“
The ESPAD Group (Hrsg.), ESPAD Report 2019 (2020), S. 36.

Drogenkonsum 16-Jähriger ...


„The prevalence of lifetime use of tranquillisers or sedatives without a doctor’s prescription was generally stable across years in the large majority of ESPAD countries. Between 2015 and 2019, a significant decrease in prevalence was observed in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia and North Macedonia. In contrast, Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia showed a significant increase in prevalence over the same time period.“
The ESPAD Group (Hrsg.), ESPAD Report 2019 (2020), S. 97.

The average compulsory instruction time per pupil in lower secondary school ...


„In 2018, across OECD countries, the average compulsory instruction time per pupil in lower secondary school ranged from 766 hours per year in Slovenia and Sweden to 1,200 hours per year in Denmark.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 20.

Eigene Vorbereitungsklassen vor allem in jenen Ländern, die auch besonders viele Flüchtlinge bei sich aufgenommen haben ...


„Ein von der Europäischen Kommission durchgeführter Vergleich zeigt, dass vor allem jene Länder eigene Vorbereitungsklassen eingeführt haben, die auch besonders viele Flüchtlinge bei sich aufgenommen haben. Dazu zählen skandinavische Staaten wie Schweden oder Dänemark, aber auch Deutschland.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), Deutschförderklassen und Deutschförderkurse (2019), S. 6.

Die Bildungsausgaben in den nordischen Ländern ...


„Im internationalen Vergleich sind die Bildungsausgaben in den nordischen Ländern Dänemark, Finnland, Norwegen und Schweden mit jeweils mehr als 7 % des BIP deutlich höher als in Österreich.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018. Band 1“ (2019), S. 27

Finnlands Bildungsbudget stark angehoben ...


„Im Zeitraum von 2000 bis 2014 wurde ihr Anteil von 5,7 % auf 7,2 % erhöht. Damit liegen die staatlichen Bildungsausgaben Finnlands auf einem ähnlichen Niveau wie bei den anderen nordischen Staaten Dänemark (7,6 %), Schweden (7,7 %) und Norwegen (7,7 %).“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018. Band 1“ (2019), S. 36
Österreichs Bildungswesen musste sich hingegen mit 5,4 % begnügen.

Vorbereitungsklassen/Sprachförderklassen ...


„Von den 9.761 Kindern in ganz Österreich, die im Herbst 2018 in einer Deutschförderklasse anfingen, konnten 1.524 (16 %) nach einem Semester in den Regelunterricht wechseln. […] Ein von der Europäischen Kommission veröffentlichter Bericht zeigt, dass insbesondere jene Länder ‚Vorbereitungsklassen‘/Sprachförderklassen eingeführt haben, die so wie Österreich in den letzten Jahren viele Flüchtlinge aufgenommen haben (z.B. Schweden, Dänemark, Deutschland).“
Expertenrat für Integration (Hrsg.), Integrationsbericht 2019 (2019), S. 38.

Österreichs Kinder wachsen in sozioökonomisch vergleichsweise schwachen Verhältnissen auf ...


„Der mittlere sozioökonomische berufliche Status (HISEI) liegt in Deutschland mit 51.8 Punkten in der Nähe des OECD-Durchschnitts von 52.4 Punkten. […] Besonders hoch und signifikant über dem OECD-Mittelwert liegt der mittlere sozioökonomische berufliche Status in den skandinavischen Staaten (Norwegen, Island, Dänemark, Schweden und Finnland) sowie in Israel. Der mittlere HISEI Norwegens stellt mit 61.6 Punkten den höchsten der OECD-Staaten dar. Ebenfalls sehr hohe Mittelwerte finden sich im Vereinigten Königreich, in Kanada, Neuseeland und Australien. In 13 OECD-Staaten liegt der mittlere sozioökonomische berufliche Status signifikant unter dem OECD-Durchschnitt, beispielsweise in Tschechien, in der Slowakei, in Chile, Kolumbien und Mexiko.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Reiss u.a., PISA 2018. Grundbildung im internationalen Vergleich (2019), S. 136.
Österreich gehört mit nur 50,8 Punkten zu den 13 OECD-Staaten, die sich signifikant unter dem OECD-Durchschnitt befinden. (Quelle: ibidem, Abbildung 6.1.)

The duration of language preparatory classes for newly arrived students ...


„In Europe, the duration of language preparatory classes for newly arrived students for primary and lower secondary education varies from one year or one school year in Belgium, France and Lithuania, to two years in Denmark and Norway, to three years in Latvia and four years in Greece.“Dr. Lucie Cerna, „Refugee education: Integration models and practices in OECD countries“ (2019), S. 39

Denmark has reinforced integration efforts aimed at young children ...


„Denmark has reinforced integration efforts aimed at young children with a plan proposed by the Danish Ministry of Economic and Interior Affairs in March 2018. Among the measures proposed are mandatory day care, language classes before entering school, and strengthening incentives for parents through facilitated parental leave as well as a potential withdrawal of child allowances.“
OECD (Hrsg.), International Migration Outlook 2019 (2019), S. 97.

Segregation of immigrant students across schools …


„Across all countries with a relatively large proportion of immigrant students, segregation of immigrant students across schools is the most prevalent in Brunei Darussalam, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Malta, Panama, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. Where All Students Can Succeed“ (2019), S. 178

PISA 2018: Immigrant students in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lebanon and Sweden ...


PISA 2018: „Immigrant students in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lebanon and Sweden were more than twice as likely as their non-immigrant peers to score below proficiency Level 2 in reading, even after accounting for students’ and schools’ socio-economic profile.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. Where All Students Can Succeed“ (2019), S. 186

Analyse der PIAAC-Kontextdaten ...


„The average library size in Norway was 212 and in Sweden it was 210, in contrast to 192 in Denmark and 162 in Finland. Estonians grew up with 218 books on average and the Czechs with 204.“
Dr. Joanna Sikora u. a., „Scholarly culture: How books in adolescence enhance adult literacy, numeracy and technology skills in 31 societies“. In: „Social Science Research“ 77 (2019), S. 6
In Österreichs Haushalten gab es im Mittel nur 131 Bücher.

Wo der Anteil leistungsschwacher Schüler unter Migranten besonders hoch ist ...


„In Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Belgien, Dänemark, Finnland, Luxemburg, Slowenien und Schweden ist unter Migranten und deren Nachkommen der Anteil leistungsschwacher Schüler besonders hoch. In diesen Ländern erreichen Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund mehr als doppelt so häufig wie Schüler ohne Migrationshintergrund nicht die schulischen Grundkenntnisse.“

OECD, Presseaussendung vom 19. März 2018


Academic underperformance among immigrant students ...


„Academic underperformance among immigrant students is particularly critical in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 82“ (März 2018), S. 5


The private schools in Denmark receive generous public economic support ...

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„The private schools in Denmark receive generous public economic support (the state covers around 75 % of their costs), which is supplemented by tuition. The number of students attending private schools in Denmark has grown steadily for the last 15 years and is now at 17 % of comprehensive school students.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marianne Dovemark u. a., Deregulation, privatisation and marketisation of Nordic comprehensive education. In: Education Inquiry 2018, Vol. 9, No. 1, S. 128.

Denmark continues to belong to the group of countries with the highest education spending in the EU ...


„Denmark continues to belong to the group of countries with the highest education spending in the EU, despite recent reductions. Public spending as a percentage of GDP has remained practically the same, at 6.9 % in 2016.“
EU-Kommission, Education and Training Monitor 2018 (2018), S. 72.

Fees for international students are unregulated, which means that higher education institutions may set their own fees for this category of learners ...


„Most commonly, fees for international students are unregulated, which means that higher education institutions may set their own fees for this category of learners (e.g. the Flemish Community of Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education – 2018/19“ (2018), S. 17


Finland, Singapore, Ireland and Chile: Teachers come from the upper part of the college skill distribution ...


„Teachers come from the upper part of the college skill distribution in some countries (e.g., Finland, Singapore, Ireland, and Chile) and from the lower part in others (e.g., Austria, Denmark, the Slovak Republic, and Poland).“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eric Hanushek u. a., „The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance“ (2018), S. 11


Dänemark: A mandatory assessment of language development has been introduced for all three-year-olds ...


Dänemark: „A mandatory assessment of language development has been introduced for all three-year-olds since 2010 in order to diagnose and address possible language problems before children start school at age 7.“

Dr. John Jerrim u. a., „Educational disadvantage: how does England compare?“ (2018), S. 25


Dänemark: Denmark’s early childhood education and care (ECEC) system is one of the most developed among OECD countries ...


Dänemark: „Denmark’s early childhood education and care (ECEC) system is one of the most developed among OECD countries, with 90 % of children already enrolled in ECEC services at the age of 2.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note Denmark“ (2018), S. 1


In Denmark and Belgium, nearly 5 % of students are placed in separate special education classes or schools ...


„In Denmark and Belgium, nearly 5 % of students are placed in separate special education classes or schools, whereas in Portugal and Lithuania, this is true for only about 1 % of students.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 223

Danish authorities set goals for 2020 to increase the proportion of young students enrolling in vocational programmes ...


„Danish authorities set goals for 2020 to increase the proportion of young students enrolling in vocational programmes directly after primary or lower secondary education by at least 25 %, to offer ever more flexible programmes tailored to each student’s level of ability and to deepen the involvement of labour market stakeholders.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 244

Dänemark: Aufnahmeverfahren für Lehre ...

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„Denmark launched a reform of its VET system in 2015 that included increasing performance requirements in Danish and maths to gain access to vocational schools.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 253

Mandatory assessment of language development for all 3-year-olds ...


„Denmark […] introduced a mandatory assessment of language development for all 3-year-olds that aims to diagnose possible language problems before children start school. If identified as necessary, additional language training of at least 15 hours per week can take place as an integrated part of normal kindergarten activities or in separate groups. In Germany, the majority of Länder introduced screening processes to identify pre-school children in need of additional language support. These assessments are usually conducted 12 to 24 months before children’s transition to school.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background“ (2018), S. 271


Investitionen in das Schulwesen im Jahr 2013 ...


Den höchsten Anteil im Primar- bis unteren Sekundarbereich wies Dänemark mit 3,4% auf.

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2015/16 Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2017), S. 92

Österreichs Politik waren Primar- bis unterer Sekundarbereich nur 2,1 % des BIP wert.


NEET rate is going in the wrong direction in Denmark, Finland, France and Slovakia ...


„High NEET rates close or above 20 % are still recorded in a number of countries (Croatia, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania, the latter even showing a substantial increase in 2015). There are also indications that the NEET rate is going in the wrong direction in Denmark, Finland, France and Slovakia.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Joint Employment Report 2017“ (2017), S. 38


Dänemark: Special primary education for recently-arrived migrant children ...


„Since August 2016, municipalities in Denmark have the opportunity to establish special primary education for recently-arrived migrant children.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „International Migration Outlook 2017“ (2017), S. 84


Denmark is one of the biggest investors in education in the EU ...


„Denmark is one of biggest investors in education in the EU. General government expenditure on education as a proportion of GDP was 7.2 % in 2014 (compared to an EU average of 4.9 %).“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 69


15-year-old pupils in Denmark receive four hours of instruction per week in mathematics and 4.7 hours in language ...


„15-year-old pupils in Denmark receive four hours of instruction per week in mathematics and 4.7 hours in language, while pupils of the same age in Austria receive only 2.7 hours of weekly classroom lessons in mathematics and 2.4 hours in language.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Victor Lavy, „Do Differences in Schools' Instruction Time Explain International Achievement Gaps?“ in „The Economic Journal 125“ (November 2015), S. 397


Dänemark: A secondary education diploma does not guarantee a place in higher education ...


Dänemark: „A secondary education diploma does not guarantee a place in higher education. Admission depends on the number of 'student seats' available. For every study program at a higher education institution, a maximum number of students is set. For some studies this number is decided centrally by the ministry, for others it is set by the institution.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 108


Dänemark: There are now special schools for gifted children ...


Dänemark: „There are now special schools for gifted children, called Mentiqa schools. Mentiqa schools are especially aimed at gifted students who do not feel understood, respected or challenged enough in the school environment.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 111


Dänemark: The government started to prioritize talent development ...


Dänemark: „In Denmark, the Nordic egalitarian tradition is strong, but attitudes towards excellence have changed in recent years. In the early 2000s, the government started to prioritize talent development.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 244


Special legislation about gifted and talented students has been introduced throughout Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands ...


„There are more provisions for talented and gifted students in 2014 than there were in 2000. Special legislation about gifted and talented students has been introduced throughout Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Special schools and/or classes are now in place in Denmark and Finland.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 271


Tuition fees for international students ...


„During the past decade, Denmark and Sweden (as of 2011) decided to introduce tuition fees for international students to increase the resources available for their tertiary institutions.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2014: OECD Indicators“ (2014), S. 262


Sweden is not the only Nordic country where results declined ...

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„While average performance in mathematics declined by 31 points in Sweden between 2003 and 2012 […], performance in Finland declined by 26 points, in Iceland by 22 points, and in Denmark by 14 points.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Resources, Policies and Practices in Sweden’s Schooling System“ (2014), S. 26


Good performance in terms of low youth unemployment in countries with a long tradition of apprenticeship systems ...

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„Dual schooling systems combining class-based learning with work-based apprenticeships have received significant attention. This is partly because of the good performance in terms of low youth unemployment in countries with a long tradition of apprenticeship systems – notably Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland – along with evidence that apprenticeship training helps make transitions from school to work smoother even for youth who are not subsequently retained by the firm providing the training.“

Dr. Glenda Quintini u. a., „Same Same but Different: School-to-work Transitions in Emerging and Advanced Economies“ (2014), S. 27


Dänemark: If needed, children can receive support through additional language stimulation in their day-care facility ...

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Dänemark: „A mandatory assessment of language development was introduced for all three-year-olds to diagnose possible language problems before children start school. If needed, children can receive support through additional language stimulation in their day-care facility. Children who are not enrolled in an early childhood education and care programme, but are in need of support can also receive help, and parents are required by law to accept the offer.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Denmark“ (2013), S. 6


Eltern von im Inland geborenen Zuwandererkindern ...

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„In Australien und der Schweiz sind die Eltern von drei von vier im Inland geborenen Zuwandererkindern in einem OECD-Hocheinkommensland geboren. Am geringsten ist der Anteil dieser Gruppe mit weniger als 10% in Österreich, Dänemark und den Niederlanden.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Integration von Zuwanderern – OECD-Indikatoren 2012“ (2012)


In PISA 2009, about 8 % of all Danish students were excluded from the PISA test and survey due to language disabilities or special education needs ...

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Dänemark: „In PISA 2009, about 8 % of all Danish students were excluded from the PISA test and survey due to language disabilities or special education needs. Most likely, some of these were immigrant students with poor Danish language skills.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Niels Egelund u.a., „PISA Ethnic 2009 – immigrant and native Danish students‘ results in PISA 2009“. In: Niels Egelund (Hrsg.), „Northern Lights on PISA 2009 – focus on reading“ (2012), S. 16

In Österreich, wo wesentlich mehr SchülerInnen die Unterrichtssprache nicht als Umgangssprache sprechen, wurde nicht einmal 1 % der SchülerInnen von der Testung ausgeschlossen …


Dänemark: No changes in reading scores from PISA 2000 to PISA 2009 ...


Dänemark: „PIRLS 2006 showed that in fourth grade, reading performance had increased with the equivalent of one school year since 1991, but no changes in reading scores from PISA 2000 to PISA 2009 have been recorded.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Niels Egelund, „Northern Lights on PISA 2009 – focus on reading“ (2012), S. 196


Approximately 8 % of students were excluded from the Danish PISA testing ...


„Approximately 8 % of students were excluded from the Danish PISA testing due to academic, social or physical disabilities. Denmark has excluded more students than any of the other 64 participating countries.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Niels Egelund u.a., „PISA Ethnic 2009 – immigrant and native Danish students‘ results in PISA 2009“. In: Niels Egelund (Hrsg.), „Northern Lights on PISA 2009 – focus on reading“ (2012), S. 16

In Österreich wurde nicht einmal 1 % der SchülerInnen von der Testung ausgeschlossen.


Dänemark: Absenteeism of a student can lead to penalties ...


Dänemark: „Absenteeism of a student triggers not only support, but can also lead to penalties such as forced examinations or loss of study grants.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Reducing early school leaving: Efficient an Effective Policies in Europe“ (2012)


Unterstützung für Eltern, die ihre Berufstätigkeit unterbrechen ...


„In all of the Nordic countries, parents who make use of maternity, paternity or parental leave receive a relatively high compensation for loss of income during leave.“

Dr. Ann-Zofie Duvander u. a., „Parental leave“. In: Gíslason u. a., „Parental leave, childcare and gender equality in the Nordic countries“ (2011), S. 32


Highest rates of school completion for nations that operate vocational education programs ...


„The group of nations that operate vocational education programs as separate qualifications or tracks, including Germany, Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands, tend to have the highest rates of school completion.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Lamb, „Pathways to School Completion: An International Comparison“. In: Lamb u.a., „School Dropout and Completion“ (2011), S. 56


Dänemark forciert sprachliche Frühförderung ...


„A number of policy initiatives have been launched, e.g. a legal requirement on municipalities to offer language stimulation training to bilingual children from the age of three. […] The municipalities are obliged to conduct a language evaluation of all bilingual children at the age of three.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Country Background Report for Denmark“ (2011), S. 72


Nach der dänischen Gesamtschule ist jeder zweite 16-Jährige mit Migrationshintergrund funktionaler Analphabet ...


„Almost 50 percent of bilingual children leave the Folkeskole without functional reading skills.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Country Background Report for Denmark“ (2011), S. 72


Language screening at the age of three, such as practiced e.g. in Denmark, tends to be more effective ...


„An evaluation of early language support, however, suggests that the training period of one year may be insufficient and that language screening at the age of three, such as practiced e.g. in Denmark, tends to be more effective.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „The labour market integration of immigrants and their children in Austria“. In: „Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers“ (2011), S. 59


Apprenticeship schemes recently (re)introduced in Denmark, Estonia and Sweden ...


„Apprenticeship schemes have been recently (re)introduced in Denmark, Estonia and Sweden.“

Cedefop (Hrsg.), „Guiding at-risk youth through learning to work: Lessons from across Europe“ (2010), S. 123


In Denmark, a new apprenticeship was introduced in 2006 ...


„In Denmark, a new apprenticeship was introduced in 2006 and is now part of the government’s strategy for reducing the number of early school leavers.“

Cedefop (Hrsg.), „Guiding at-risk youth through learning to work: Lessons from across Europe“ (2010), S. 123


Children who are found to have a need for language development are required to participate in a language stimulation programme ...


„In Denmark, all bilingual children undergo a language screening at age 3. Children who are found to have a need for language development are required to participate in a language stimulation programme for as long as the need exists, which for many children means that they attend the programme until they start school at age 6. If they do not attend a day care facility, they are required to attend a free, 15-hour-a-week language stimulation programme.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Review of Migrant Education; Austria“ (2010), S. 39


In Denmark, all children undergo language screening ...


„In Denmark, all children undergo language screening at age three and are obliged to complete a language stimulation course if professionals decide that they need it.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Closing the Gap for Immigrant Students“ (2010), S. 51