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Öffentliche finanzielle Unterstützung in Form von Bildungsdarlehen, Stipendien oder Zuschüssen ...


„Im Jahr 2022/2023 erhielten mindestens 80 % der inländischen Bildungsteilnehmenden in Australien, Dänemark, England (Vereinigtes Königreich), Schweden und den Vereinigten Staaten öffentliche finanzielle Unterstützung in Form von Bildungsdarlehen, Stipendien oder Zuschüssen. In Finnland, Litauen, Neuseeland und Norwegen lag der Anteil zwischen 50 und 75 %; in Kanada, Frankreich, Italien, Rumänien und Spanien bei 30-45 %.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 321.

Jugendarbeitslosenquote (nationale Definition) ...


„Die Jugendarbeitslosenquote (nationale Definition) betrug 2023 5,9 % (+0,5 Prozentpunkte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr). Bei Jugendlichen mit ausländischer Staatsangehörigkeit betrug sie 8,4 % (+0,9 Prozentpunkte) und stieg damit etwas stärker als bei Jugendlichen mit österreichischer Staatsangehörigkeit (5,1 %; +0,3 Prozentpunkte). Sie war unter Jugendlichen aus den Fluchtländern Afghanistan, Syrien und Irak mit 22,7 % am höchsten (2022: 20,0 %) und unter Jugendlichen aus den EU-Staaten vor 2004, EFTA-Staaten bzw. dem Vereinigten Königreich (GB) mit 3,5 % am geringsten (2022: 3,3 %).“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Migration & Integration. Zahlen.Daten.Indikatoren 2024 (2024), S. 11.

As many as 40 per cent of new teachers leave the profession within their first five years ...


„As many as 40 per cent of new teachers leave the profession within their first five years on the job in Canada, Hong Kong, the UK and the USA.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global Report on Teachers (2024), S. 76.

Eltern von Jugendlichen mit einem Zuwanderungshintergrund weisen in Deutschland sowie in nahezu allen ausgewiesenen Staaten aus West-, Süd-, Nord- und Osteuropa einen niedrigeren sozioökonomischen beruflichen Status auf ...


„In Deutschland sowie in nahezu allen ausgewiesenen Staaten aus West-, Süd-, Nord- und Osteuropa weisen Eltern von Jugendlichen mit einem Zuwanderungshintergrund einen niedrigeren sozioökonomischen beruflichen Status auf als Eltern von Jugendlichen ohne Zuwanderungshintergrund. Dieser Unterschied ist in Deutschland neben Belgien, Österreich und Italien besonders groß. Im Vereinigten Königreich sowie in der Slowakei finden sich keine Unterschiede zwischen Schüler*innen mit und ohne Zuwanderungshintergrund bezüglich des sozioökonomischen beruflichen Status. Portugal, Bulgarien und Ungarn weisen dagegen einen höheren sozioökonomischen beruflichen Status für zugewanderte Familien auf als für solche ohne Zuwanderungshintergrund.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Doris Lewalter u. a., PISA 2022. Analyse der Bildungsergebnisse in Deutschland (2023), S. 181f.

Überwiegende Mehrheit der 3- bis 5-Jährigen, die eine Bildungseinrichtung besuchen, nimmt an vorschulischen Bildungsgängen für Kinder ab 3 Jahren teil ...


„In den meisten OECD- sowie Partner- und/oder Beitrittsländern nimmt die überwiegende Mehrheit der 3- bis 5-Jährigen, die eine Bildungseinrichtung besuchen, an vorschulischen Bildungsgängen für Kinder ab 3 Jahren teil. In Ländern wie Australien, Irland, Neuseeland und dem Vereinigten Königreich treten die Kinder jedoch mit 5 Jahren in den Primarbereich ein.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2023 (2023), S. 184.

Attending ECEC is linked to stronger cognitive development for disadvantaged children ...


„Findings from the OECD International Early Learning and Well-being Study (IELS) suggest that 5-year-olds from socio-economically disadvantaged homes in England (United Kingdom), Estonia and the United States face an average learning gap of about 12 months in early literacy and numeracy compared to advantaged peers, and that attending ECEC is linked to stronger cognitive development for these disadvantaged children.“
Carlos González-Sancho u. a., Levelling the playing field in ECEC: Results from TALIS Starting Strong 2018 (2023), S. 6.

The level of private funding ...


„On average, after transfers, 31% of total expenditure on tertiary institutions in 2019 came from the private sector. […] The level of private funding relates closely to the tuition fees charged by tertiary institutions. […] In countries where higher tuition fees are charged, such as Australia, Chile, Colombia, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States, more than 60% of funding for tertiary institutions comes from private sources. On average across the OECD, 72% of all private expenditure on tertiary institutions comes from individual households.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hatidža Jahić u. a., Alternative financing models and student loans in higher education (2023), S. 6.

Tuition fees in OECD countries ...


„In OECD countries, most national students entering tertiary education enrol in a programme at Bachelor’s or equivalent level. At this level, public institutions do not charge tuition fees to national students in Denmark, Estonia (only for programmes taught in Estonian), Finland, Norway, Sweden and Türkiye. In a similar number of countries, tuition fees are low or moderate, with an average cost to students of under USD 3,000. In the rest of the OECD, tuition fees are high or very high, ranging from around USD 4,000 to over USD 8,000 per year. These costs are highest in England (United Kingdom), where they exceed USD 12,000, which is considered even more expensive than in the US.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hatidža Jahić u. a., Alternative financing models and student loans in higher education (2023), S. 8.

Students in debt at the time of graduation ...


„Among those OECD countries with high tuition fees – namely, in the Australia, England (United Kingdom) and New Zealand – at least 70% of students are in debt at the time of graduation, due to the need to take out loans. However, the average amount of debt at graduation varies significantly, from USD 19,800 in Australia and USD 26,200 in New Zealand, to over USD 58.500 in England (United Kingdom).“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hatidža Jahić u. a., Alternative financing models and student loans in higher education (2023), S. 8.

There is great variation in the completion of upper-secondary education across OECD countries ...


„There is great variation in the completion of upper-secondary education across OECD countries. While more than 90 % of individuals in Greece, Korea and Slovenia below the age of 25 graduate from upper-secondary education, less than 70 % in Costa Rica, Mexico and the United Kingdom are able to complete their degrees by this age.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 97.

The top destination countries for international students ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„International students accounted for 6 % of tertiary students in 2021 in the OECD. The top destination countries, as a share of the total number of students, are Luxembourg, where international students account for 49 % of all students, Australia (22 %) and the United Kingdom (20 %).“
OECD (Hsrg.), International Migration Outlook 2023 (2023), S. 34.
In Österreich waren es im Jahr 2021 19 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Table 1.4.)

Individuelle Förderung bereits in den ersten Lebensjahren, Differenzierung bereits in der Elementabildung ...


„Ability grouping in school involves placing students into different classrooms or in small instructional groups in a class based on the students’ initial achievement or skill levels. Some research has shown that ability grouping can have a positive impact on the achievement of elementary school pupils, especially when there is mobility and flexibility in group allocations and when such grouping involves only specific subjects. […] On average across OECD countries in 2022, almost 4 in 10 students attended schools where students are grouped by ability into different classes for all subjects (7 %) or some subjects (31 %). The greatest incidence of this kind of grouping was observed in Ireland, Israel, Malta and the United Kingdom. In these countries/economies, at least nine in ten students attended a school that groups students into different classes for all or some subjects.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 157f.

Gifted and talented students ...


„In the United Kingdom, in 2011, there were large differences in the prevalence of gifted and talented students. Of all Chinese students, 21% in state-funded primary schools and 25% of students in state-funded secondary schools were identified as being gifted and talented. Chinese students had the highest incidence of being identified as gifted and talented students. Of the majority population (white British), almost 11% in state-funded primary and 15% in state-funded secondary schools were identified as being gifted and talented.“
Samo Varsik u. a., Intersectionality in education: Rationale and practices to address the needs of students’ intersecting identities (2023), S. 51.

Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird zum Großteil durch die für Bildungsteilnehmer anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt. In Australien, Chile, Japan, Kolumbien, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten, zumeist Länder mit vergleichsweise hohen Bildungsgebühren, stammt mehr als die Hälfte der Gesamtausgaben aus privaten Quellen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 339.

Education achievement is one of the key foundations for the inequalities in the United Kingdom ...


„Education achievement is one of the key foundations for the inequalities in the United Kingdom. A good part of the inequality in people’s educational achievements stems from their socioeconomic background.”
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 1.

Großbritanniens Zwei-Klassen-Schulwesen ...


„The private schools in total are quite small, if measured by the proportion of the pupil population (6.4% in England in 2021, some 4% in Scotland, 2% in Wales and less than 1% in Northern Ireland). Yet they deploy some 15% of the resources devoted to schools.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 1.

Englands Bildungswesen reproduziert die gesellschaftliche Führungsschicht ...


„The privately educated have a disproportionate presence at Cambridge, Oxford and other high-status universities. This formidable presence is magnified still further by the extensive reach of private school alumni in public life.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 1.

Englands vorgebliches „Gesamtschulsystem“ ...


„By the end of a school career the private school pupil has gained notably higher qualifications compared with a state school pupil with an observably similar background – enough to ensure a distinct advantage in access to university and to good jobs.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 2.

Mikroklassen in Englands extrem teuren Privatschulen ...


„The pupil–teacher ratio in private schools affiliated to the ISC (Anm.: ISC = Independent Schools Council) has been falling since the 1980s. In the latest decade, the ratio continued its decline, and by 2019 it had fallen to 8.5.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 6.

In England hängt der Bildungserfolg in besonders großem Ausmaß vom sozioökomoischen Background ab ...


„Young people from disadvantaged families are far less likely to be successful in their GCSEs and to study for higher-level qualifications.“
Institute for Fiscal Studies (Hrsg.), Deaton Review - Education Inequalities (2022), S. 27.

Children in the United Kingdom undergo a routine English language assessment at age two to three ...


„Children in the United Kingdom undergo a routine English language assessment at age two to three. A follow-up assessment is performed at the end of the 'Early Years Foundation Stage', which is usually the academic year in which children turn five.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Skills and Labour Market Integration of Immigrants and their Children in Norway (2022), S. 150.

Wurzeln sozioökonomisch bedingter Leistungsunterschiede in Deutschland, Niederlande und Großbritannien ...


„About 50–80 per cent of language gaps observed at end of primary school were explained by gaps settled before formal schooling in all three countries. Conversely, at most 20–50 per cent of school-age gaps were generated during schooling. These findings suggest that the roots of social inequality in school-age achievement must be sought primarily in processes transpiring before school life starts.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 849.

Sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsunterschiede „in all countries and time points“...


„In line with the previous research, we find positive and statistically significant associations between parental education and achievement in all countries and time points. Notably, social inequality in achievement is already substantial when children are only 5 years of age, a point in time by which they are not yet in school in Germany and have just started school in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Overall, we find the social gradient at age 5 to be highest in Germany.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 856.

Social inequality in language achievement ...


„We found that social inequality in language achievement was well established even before children had entered formal schooling. Those early gaps were larger in the United Kingdom and Germany compared with the Netherlands. Moreover, these social gaps remained stable over primary schooling in the United Kingdom and Germany but enlarged in the Netherlands.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 862.

Die Vereinigten Staaten sind das wichtigste OECD-Zielland für internationale Bildungsteilnehmer im Tertiärbereich ...


„Die Vereinigten Staaten sind das wichtigste OECD-Zielland für internationale Bildungsteilnehmer im Tertiärbereich. Von den 4,1 Millionen international mobilen Bildungsteilnehmern innerhalb der OECD sind 977.000 in den Vereinigten Staaten eingeschrieben. […] Auf die Vereinigten Staaten als Zielland entfällt allein ein Anteil von 16 % des globalen Bildungsmarkts, d. h. 16 % aller internationalen Bildungsteilnehmer sind in den Vereinigten Staaten eingeschrieben, während der Anteil Australiens und des Vereinigten Königreichs jeweils 8 % betragt.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 255.

Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt. In Australien, Chile, Japan, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten werden mehr als 55 % der Gesamtausgaben mit Mitteln aus privaten Quellen finanziert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 304.
In Österreich sind es nur 10,5 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Abb. C2.4.)

Widespread teacher shortages ...


„Many OECD countries share considerable challenges brought about by widespread teacher shortages, high turnover and attrition, as well as low attractiveness of the teaching profession. Among the diverse factors contributing to driving teacher shortages, a critical one is the high attrition in early years of teaching. For example, in England, United Kingdom, 50 % of novice teachers leave the profession within the first five years.“
Ottavia Brussino, Building capacity for inclusive teaching (2021), S. 3.

Austria performs considerably above the average by age 18-20 ...


„Austria performs at close to the average in numeracy at age 15 but considerably above the average by age 18-20. By contrast, some countries, e.g., Canada and (in literacy) Ireland, do relatively well in PISA at age 15 whilst this does not translate into similar performance in post-upper secondary skills outcomes. England performs at the average in literacy and numeracy at age 15 but some way below the average by age 18-20.“
Andy Green u. a., The Effects of System Type and System Characteristics on Skills Acquisition in Upper Secondary Education and Training (2021), S. 36.

Großbritannien lukriert Milliardeneinnahmen von den internationalen Studierenden ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Aggregating across the total cohort of first-year international students enrolled with UK HEIs (Anm.: HEI = Higher Education Institution) in the 2018/19 academic year, the total net impact of international students on the UK economy was estimated to be £25.9bn.“
Maike Halterbeck u. a., The costs and benefits of international higher education students to the UK economy (2021), Executive Summary, S. XIII.

In Britain, private schools propel a narrow sector of the population towards successful careers in elite positions ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„In Britain, private schools propel a narrow sector of the population towards successful careers in elite positions.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 252.

Britain is distinctive: the socio-economic divide between private and state school children is among the highest in the developed world ...

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„Britain is distinctive: the socio-economic divide between private and state school children is among the highest in the developed world and its private schools, funded by exceptionally high fees, have a very substantial resource advantage over state schools.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 252.

Considerable labour market advantages associated with Britain’s private schooling ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„There are considerable labour market advantages associated with Britain’s private schooling. Recruitment to the upper echelons of power in British business, politics, administration and media continues to be tied to private schools.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 252.

Englands Privatschulen: sehr reiche Schulen für Kinder sehr Reicher ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„On average, the fee income from families with children in private day schools exceeds the government expenditure on state schools by a factor of around 2.5 or more, depending on the education stage. When supplemented by private schools’ physical and financial wealth, the per-pupil resource gap becomes at least three. With these resources, British private schools can specialise in small class sizes, with a pupil-teacher ratio of less than half that of state-maintained schools in 2016.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 254.

Durchschnittlich weit über 1.000 € Schulgeld pro Monat an Englands Privatschulen, über 3.000 € pro Monat für Privatinternate ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„The costs of private schooling have risen considerably. By 2018 the average annual fee before any extras had reached £14,280 for day school and £33,684 for boarding school: in real terms about 60 per cent above the figures for 2000, and three times the 1980 fees.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 254.

Englands sündteure Privatschulen als Motor der Vererbung von Wohlstand ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Our finding of the stable and robust link between wealth and private schooling underpins other recent research showing how family wealth affects success in adult life.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 265.

In the United Kingdom one in five of the 1,200 teachers surveyed had been sexually harassed ...


„In the United Kingdom, a study by a teacher’s union revealed that one in five of the 1,200 teachers surveyed had been sexually harassed by pupils, colleagues, managers or parents, while 67 per cent had received inappropriate comments about their appearance or body.“
ILO (Hrsg.), The future of work in the education sector in the context of lifelong learning for all, skills and the Decent Work Agenda (2021), S. 31.

Teacher autonomy is an important element of status and teacher motivation ...


„Teacher autonomy is […] an important element of status and teacher motivation. One study in England found that 'teacher autonomy is strongly correlated with job satisfaction, perceptions of workload manageability and intention to stay in the profession'.“
ILO (Hrsg.), The future of work in the education sector in the context of lifelong learning for all, skills and the Decent Work Agenda (2021), S. 33.

The United Kingdom has achieved 100 % enrolment in early childhood education ...


„The United Kingdom has achieved 100 % enrolment in early childhood education because every 4-year-old is entitled to 15 hours of free care whether in public or private institutions.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Government at a Glance 2021 (2021), S. 219.

15‑year‑olds drunk at least twice in their lifetime ...


„Over 30 % of 15‑year‑olds had been drunk at least twice in their lifetime in 2017‑18 in Denmark, Lithuania, Austria, Hungary, and the United Kingdom. […] Across OECD countries, the average is 21.5 %, with a narrow gap between boys (22.6 %) and girls (20.3 %).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Health at a Glance 2021 (2021), S. 110.
In Österreich waren es 32,0 % (28,0 % der Mädchen und 36 % der Burschen). (Quelle: ibidem, Figure 4.7.)

Children in the United Kingdom undergo a routine language assessment at age two to three ...


„Children in the United Kingdom undergo a routine language assessment at age two to three. A follow-up assessment is performed at the end of the 'Early Years Foundation Stage', which is usually the academic year in which children turn five. The objective is to support a smooth transition into 'Key Stage 1', which covers first and second primary school years when children are 5 to 7 years of age, and to help teachers plan an effective, responsive and appropriate curriculum meeting the needs of all children. Luxembourg assesses children’s’ language development at 30 months of age. If a screening reveals language difficulties, the country provides regular follow-ups and individual support until school age. In Norway, health clinics perform routine assessments of children’s language abilities at age two and four, covering both children’s first language and Norwegian. Clinics refer children with deficits to a follow-up assessment involving more extensive tests, diagnoses, and recommendations for tailored language support.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Young People with Migrant Parents (2021), S. 17.

In Canada, Denmark, Finland, and the United Kingdom more than 70 % of students reported that the longest piece of text they had to read for school was 101 pages or more ...


„PISA 2018 […] asked students how many pages was the longest piece of text they had to read for their language test lessons (i.e. the language they took the test in) during the last academic year. […] In Canada, Denmark, Finland, and the United Kingdom more than 70 % of students reported that the longest piece of text they had to read for school was 101 pages or more.“
OECD (Hrsg.), 21st-Century Readers (2021), S. 124.
In Österreich waren es hingegen nur 43 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Fig. 6.5.)

Academies, self-governed secondary schools, not found to do better ...


„In the United Kingdom, chains of publicly funded but self-governed secondary schools, known as academies, were not found to do better than publicly funded schools managed by local education authorities.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 43.

Private tutoring ...


„Results from a German survey of 4,000 parents in 2014/15 showed some 5 % of primary and 18 % of secondary school students received tutoring. In England and Wales (United Kingdom), 27 % of 11- to 16-year-old students, and as many as 41 % in London, had received private tutoring at least once in their academic careers. […] In China, one third of primary and one half of upper secondary school students receive supplementary tuition; among the latter, students in urban areas are twice as likely to receive tuition as their peers in rural areas.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 51.

Englands radikales Privatisierungsprogramm ...


„As of 2019/20, 43 % of state-funded schools (enrolling 53 % of students) were academies: 78 % of secondary and 36 % of primary schools.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 69.

Student loans: average debt at graduation is US$ 50,000 ...


„In England (United Kingdom), where nearly 95 % of tertiary education students have a student loan, the average debt at graduation is US$ 50,000.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 254.

Krippen- und Kindergartenbesuch ...


„On average across OECD countries, one-third of 0- to 2-year-olds participate in out-of-home ECEC, rising to around 60 % in Belgium, Denmark, and Iceland. Participation rates increase with age, reaching 86 % for 3- to 5-year-olds on average across OECD countries, with complete participation (100 %) in several countries, e. g. Belgium, France, Israel, and the United Kingdom.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Is Childcare Affordable (Juni 2020), S. 1.
In Österreich besuchen 27,6 % der Unter-2-Jährigen eine Krippe (Quelle: Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2019/20. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2021), S. 151.) und 89,9 % der 3- bis 5-Jährigen einen Kindergarten (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), Tabelle B2.1; Stand 2019).

Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt. In Australien, Chile, Japan, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten werden über 60 % der Gesamtausgaben mit Mitteln aus privaten Quellen finanziert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 367.
In Österreich sind es nur 8,9 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Tabelle C2.2.)

Bildungsgebühren im Berichtsjahr für Bildungsgänge 2016/2017 ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„In Italien, Kanada, Spanien und den Vereinigten Staaten waren die Bildungsgebühren im Berichtsjahr für Bildungsgänge 2016/2017 (in Kanada und Italien 2017/2018) zwischen 25 und 46 % höher als 2007/2008, der größte Anstieg wurde in England (Vereinigtes Königreich) verzeichnet, wo sich die Bildungsgebühren in diesem Zeitraum verdreifachten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 399.

Grouping students by ability into different classes ...


„According to the PISA 2018 survey, grouping students by ability into different classes is the predominant practice in Ireland and the United Kingdom, with more than 90 % of students attending schools where this is practiced. Besides Ireland and the United Kingdom, the majority of 15-year-old students are also in schools that group students by ability in different classes in the German and Flemish Communities of Belgium, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Turkey.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 137.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen ...


„The average annual fee in 2016 was £16,119, but within this there is much variation between day and boarding schools, and between senior and junior schools.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Who Chooses Private Schooling in Britain and Why (2020), S. 18.
In der Unterstufe betrugen die Schulgebühren an den britischen Privatschulen im Schnitt bereits 13.800 Euro, in der Oberstufe 34.600 Euro. (Quelle: ibidem)

Mathematik-Spitzenleistungen 10-Jähriger ...


„More than half of the fourth grade students reached the Advanced International Benchmark in Singapore (54 %), and one-third or more did so in Hong Kong SAR (38 %), Korea (37 %), Chinese Taipei (37 %), and Japan (33 %). Northern Ireland had about one-fourth (26 %) of its students reaching the Advanced International Benchmark, and England and the Russian Federation had about one-fifth (21 % and 20 %, respectively).“
IEA (Hrsg.), TIMSS 2019. International Results in Mathematics and Science (2020), S. 37.
In Österreich waren es 9 %. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 38.)

Wo immer mehr Eltern ihre Kinder dem staatlich finanzierten Schulwesen entziehen ...


„In Japan, Peru, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates at least around 25 % of students were enrolled in government-independent private schools in 2018, as were as many as 41 % of students in Qatar and 38 % of students in the United Arab Emirates.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2018 Results. Effective Policies, Successful Schools (2020), S. 159.
In Österreich sind es 1,6 %, in Großbritannien 6,2 %, in Frankreich 8,3 %. (Stand 2018)

Attrition in the early years of teaching ...


„Teacher shortage is one of the most pressing problems faced by current education systems. Although there are many reasons for teacher shortages, one of the most salient factors is attrition in the early years of teaching. For example, in Australia, 30 % to 50 % of all teachers leave the profession in the first five years. This is also the case for 32 % of teachers in England.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), S. 39.

The overall link between technology use and adolescent mental well-being is negative but small ...


„An analysis of data from the United States and the United Kingdom suggests that the overall link between technology use and adolescent mental well-being is negative but small, explaining only 0.4 per cent of the differences in mental well-being. Many common activities that do not draw as much media attention – such as eating breakfast, cycling or getting enough sleep – have a larger association with adolescent mental well-being. Among negative factors, screen time had an association with adolescent well-being four times less strong than that of being bullied.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 23.

Being bullied has a lasting negative impact even up to the age of 50 ...


„Studies primarily from the United States and the United Kingdom have shown that being bullied has a lasting negative impact even up to the age of 50, both on a person‘s social relationships and on their mental and physical health.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 25.

Levels of attrition rates ...


„In the United States, about 30 % of teachers leave the profession in the first five years after graduation, rising up to 50 % in high-poverty areas. Levels of attrition rates are quite similar in Australia with 30 to 50 % of all teachers leaving the profession within the first five years. In the United Kingdom, 2018 figures estimate that over 20 % of new teachers leave the profession within their first two years of teaching, and that 33 % leave within their first five years.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 9.

The United Kingdom has significant disparities in educational quality between schools ...

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„The United Kingdom has significant disparities in educational quality between schools, and limited social diversity within schools.“
World Economic Forum (Hrsg.), The Global Social Mobility Report 2020 (2020), S. 25.

Leseleistung 10-Jähriger ...


„Im EU-Schnitt fallen 12 % der Schüler/innen in die Spitzengruppe. In Österreich umfasst die Gruppe der lesestarken Kinder 8 % und liegt damit signifikant unter dem EU-Durchschnitt. […] Einigen EU-Ländern gelingt es, den Schüleranteil auf der höchsten Kompetenzstufe auf annähernd 20 % oder mehr zu bringen, nämlich Irland, Finnland, Polen, Nordirland, England und Bulgarien.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018. Band 1“ (2019), S. 228

Finanzierung des tertiären Bildungsbereichs ...


„In Australien, Chile, Japan, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten werden über 60 % der Gesamtausgaben mit Mitteln aus privaten Quellen finanziert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2019 (2019), S. 335
In Österreich sind es hingegen nur 6 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Tabelle C3.1.)

Österreichs Kinder wachsen in sozioökonomisch vergleichsweise schwachen Verhältnissen auf ...


„Der mittlere sozioökonomische berufliche Status (HISEI) liegt in Deutschland mit 51.8 Punkten in der Nähe des OECD-Durchschnitts von 52.4 Punkten. […] Besonders hoch und signifikant über dem OECD-Mittelwert liegt der mittlere sozioökonomische berufliche Status in den skandinavischen Staaten (Norwegen, Island, Dänemark, Schweden und Finnland) sowie in Israel. Der mittlere HISEI Norwegens stellt mit 61.6 Punkten den höchsten der OECD-Staaten dar. Ebenfalls sehr hohe Mittelwerte finden sich im Vereinigten Königreich, in Kanada, Neuseeland und Australien. In 13 OECD-Staaten liegt der mittlere sozioökonomische berufliche Status signifikant unter dem OECD-Durchschnitt, beispielsweise in Tschechien, in der Slowakei, in Chile, Kolumbien und Mexiko.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Reiss u.a., PISA 2018. Grundbildung im internationalen Vergleich (2019), S. 136.
Österreich gehört mit nur 50,8 Punkten zu den 13 OECD-Staaten, die sich signifikant unter dem OECD-Durchschnitt befinden. (Quelle: ibidem, Abbildung 6.1.)

In England educational achievement and higher education access varies substantially by the level of parental income ...


„Consistent with most countries around the world, in England educational achievement and higher education access varies substantially by the level of parental income, with many fewer students from poorer backgrounds attending university, particularly the highest status institutions.“
Dr. Jack Britton u. a., „Is Improving Access to University Enough? Socio-Economic Gaps in the Earnings of English Graduates“ (2019), S. 2

England: Over 20 % of new teachers leave the profession within their first 2 years of teaching ...


England: „Over 20 % of new teachers leave the profession within their first 2 years of teaching, and 33 % leave within their first 5 years.“
Department for Education (Hrsg.), Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy (2019), S. 10.

Around half of those from non-EU countries migrating to the United Kingdom are university educated ...


„Around half of those from non-EU countries migrating to the United Kingdom are university educated – this is one of the highest rates in the EU and indicates that a large proportion of migrants seek high-skilled work. Ireland and Luxembourg also have high shares of university educated non-EU migrants. […] Austria has a relatively high share of migration from non-EU countries, of which very few are university educated.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Against the Odds – Academically resilient students with a migrant background and how they succeed (2019), S. 33f.

In only a few education systems do 10 % or more students attend schools where less than a quarter of students speak the language of instruction ...


„In only a few education systems do 10 % or more students attend schools where less than a quarter of students speak the language of instruction at home (Belgium-Flemish Community, Bulgaria, Germany, Latvia, Austria and the United Kingdom-England).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe“ (2019), S. 47

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Available only to wealthy households ...


„Access to private schooling is, for the most part, available only to wealthy households.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 3.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Of high quality, offering a good educational environment ...


„Most of these schools [private] are of high quality, offering a good educational environment. They deploy very substantial resources; respect the need for a disciplined environment for learning; and give copious attention to generating a positive and therefore motivating experience.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 7.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Succeed when it comes to preparing their pupils for public exams ...


„Private schools succeed when it comes to preparing their pupils for public exams – the gateway to universities. In 2017 the proportion of private school students achieving A*s and As at A level was 48 per cent, compared to a national average of 26 per cent.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 8.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: The great majority are likely to be well behaved in the classroom and aspirational ...


„The bulk of the private school intake is from well-off families with substantial cultural capital and a high degree of parental support and motivation. Accordingly, the great majority are likely to be well behaved in the classroom and aspirational, thereby creating a mutually encouraging and competitive atmosphere.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 8.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Highly selective academically in determining their intake ...


„Many private schools – particularly the best-known – are highly selective academically in determining their intake, with an ability to pay the fees often being inly the first hurdle to jump.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 8.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Can deploy resources whose order of magnitude for each child is approximately three times what is available at the average state school ...


„Britain’s private schools can deploy resources whose order of magnitude for each child is approximately three times what is available at the average state school.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 11.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: A pay gap of some 7 to 15 per cent ...


„A privately educated man (but not woman) leaving university with exactly the same degree as a state-educational man will later enjoy a pay gap of some 7 to 15 per cent (studies vary in their exact findings) in his favor.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 13.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Happier children ...


„Those being privately educated at the age of fourteen were more likely to be happy with their school work and the way they looked, and generally more likely to be satisfied with themselves. The children at the richer private schools were even happier.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 98.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: The image of an especially stressed and unhappy private school child is illusory ...


„23 per cent of the privately educated – as opposed to 32 per cent of those in state schools – said that it was 'true/sometimes true' that they 'didn’t enjoy anything at all'. The image of an especially stressed and unhappy private school child is illusory.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 99.

Großbritannien: Each state school teacher instructs roughly twice the number of pupils faced by teachers in private schools ...


„Each state school teacher instructs roughly twice the number of pupils faced by teachers in private schools. It is sometimes also claimed that teachers’ skills are greater in the private than in the state sector.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 100.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Proportionately more private school teachers have obtained degrees from high-ranking universities ...


„Proportionately more private school teachers have obtained degrees from high-ranking universities and earned good grades; more also have a post-graduate qualification, and more are specialists in maths and sciences, typically the subjects where teachers are in short supply. Private school heads are also increasingly successful at attracting experienced teachers from state schools; this matters because teachers’ skills develop considerably over the first few years in the classroom.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 100.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Most expensive schools spend (proportionately) more of their budgets on facilities and non-teaching staff ...

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„Most expensive schools spend (proportionately) more of their budgets on facilities and non-teaching staff.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 101.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: The State’s education spending per head of the 16-18 population ...

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„The State’s education spending per head of the 16-18 population was, at £3,500, less than a quarter of the £15,333 that the families of private school sixth-formers were spending in school fees.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 102.


Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Do better, especially in exams ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Private schools do better, especially in exams, simply because they are private and independent of government. The freedom of the independent sector to use resources as it thinks best, employ additional staff, teach a broader curriculum, impose its own disciplinary code, meet particular needs and promote independent thinking have all been central to its success.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 112.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: The resources of private schools enable them to offer a broader curriculum ...


„The resources of private schools enable them to offer a broader curriculum with more optional subjects, including, for example, more opportunities to study languages of one’s choice, ancient and modern.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 113.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Fees ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„For a family on the middle rung of the income ladder, the fees rose between 1980 and 2015 from 20 to 50 per cent of their income, while even for highly affluent families on the 95th rung the fees doubled from 10 to 20 per cent of their incomes.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 125.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Most parents of private school teenagers are quite clear in their own minds that they are buying a better academic quality ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Most parents of private school teenagers are quite clear in their own minds that they are buying a better academic quality. They believe in the value of very small class sizes and much better equipment.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 131.

England: The fees for private schools have trebled in real terms since 1980 ...


England: „The fees for private schools have trebled in real terms since 1980, the average reaching, by 2015, 50 percent of median family income.“
Dr. Morag Henderson u. a., Private schooling, subject choice, upper secondary attainment and progression to university (2019), S. 2.

England: Decision makers in government, business and the judiciary ...


England: „Decision makers in government, business and the judiciary are still dominated by the seven per cent of the population who are educated privately and the one per cent who go to Oxford or Cambridge University.“
Martina Milburn, Chair of the Social Mobility Commission, Vorwort zu The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), Elitist Britain 2019 (2019).

England: Reducing teachers’ unnecessary workload presents the biggest potential area for improving retention ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

England: „Two out of five teachers (41 per cent) are dissatisfied with their amount of leisure time, compared to 32 per cent of similar professionals. One in five teachers (20 per cent) feel tense about their job most or all of the time, compared to 13 per cent of similar professionals. Reducing teachers’ unnecessary workload presents the biggest potential area for improving retention.“
NFER (Hrsg.), Teacher Labour Market in England. Annual Report 2019 (2019), S. 5.

Teachers leaving the profession during the first five years ...

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„Teachers leaving the profession during the first five years have reached a proportion of close to 40 % in many countries and jurisdictions including in Canada, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and the United States.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „A Flying Start“ (2019), S. 51

Großbritannien: Privatschulen boomen ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„In 2000, less than 10 % of 15-year-old students in the United Kingdom were enrolled in a privately managed school; by 2015, 56 % were.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Balancing School Choice and Equity: An International Perspective Based on PISA“ (2019), S. 28

Participation in early childhood education and care can be an important protective factor ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Participation in early childhood education and care (ECEC) can be an important protective factor in the lives of vulnerable children. A number of countries have defined education policies specifically to increase children from lower socio-economic backgrounds. In Scotland (UK), 2-4 year-old children from disadvantaged families are entitled to 16 hours of free provision per week (600 hours/year) since 2014, above the normal number of hours of free provision of around 12 hours per week. In the Netherlands, targeted programs for children from disadvantaged backgrounds (age 3 and 4) are available in both childcare and playgroups.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 117.

In the United Kingdom children generally have their first experience with digital technologies before the age of two ...


„In the United Kingdom, recent results show that 52 % of 3-4 year-olds and 82 % of 5-7 year-olds are online. Children generally have their first experience with digital technologies before the age of two.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Educating 21st Century Children (2019), S. 35.

11.3 % of all youth in the United Kingdom were categorised as NEET, which is higher than the OECD average ...

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„One of the most socio-economically vulnerable groups of young people are those not in education, employment or training (NEETs). As of December 2018, 788 000 young people (ages 16-26), or 11.3 % of all youth, in the United Kingdom were categorised as NEET, which is higher than the OECD average.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Educating 21st Century Children (2019), S. 165.

Studiengebühren für Bachelorstudien in England, Kanada und den USA ...


„Tuition fees exceed USD 10 000 in England (United Kingdom), where the majority of students enrol in government-dependent private institutions. […] In Canada, where annual average tuition fees in public institutions are around USD 5 300, tuition fees range from USD 2 250 to USD 7 000. […] In the United States (average fees of USD 8 800), tuition fees range from USD 6 700 to USD 10 750.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education at a Glance 2019 (2019), S. 316.

Der private Anteil an den Kosten für das tertiäre Bildungswesen ...

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„The share of private funds for tertiary education in Austria, Finland, Iceland, Luxembourg and Norway accounted for 8 % or less in 2016, while it was 64 % and over of the total expenditures in Chile, Japan, United Kingdom and United States.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Government at a Glance 2019 (2019), S. 180.
In Österreich betrug der private Anteil an den Kosten für das tertiäre Bildungswesen 6,4 %, im OECD-Mittel 31,2 %. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 181)

Extreme Internet use among young people is common in OECD countries ...

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„Extreme Internet use among young people is common in OECD countries. On average, 24 % of 15-year-olds spend more than 6 hours a day on the Internet on weekend days, and a figure that is as high as 43 % in Chile and 37 % in the United Kingdom. Culture may play a role in the extent to which children spend long periods of time online, with the lowest share of extreme users among children in Japan and Korea. The level of educational achievement of parents also seem to be associated with extreme Internet use, with children of highly educated parents less likely to be extreme Internet users in most countries.“
OECD (Hrsg.), How's Life in the Digital Age (2019), S. 60f.

Segregation of immigrant students across schools …


„Across all countries with a relatively large proportion of immigrant students, segregation of immigrant students across schools is the most prevalent in Brunei Darussalam, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Malta, Panama, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. Where All Students Can Succeed“ (2019), S. 178

Großbritannien: 50% of teachers leaving the profession within five years after graduation ...


„In Australia, 30% to 50% of all teachers leave the profession in the first five years. In the United Kingdom, attrition rates are even higher, with 50% of teachers leaving the profession within five years after graduation.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2018 Results. Volume I“ (2019), S. 41

Großbritannien: Gaps between the poorest students and the others are prevalent at all stages in the education system ...


Großbritannien: „Schools have long been viewed as the engine for social mobility but we find that gaps between the poorest students and the others are prevalent at all stages in the education system. […] It is time to change the assumption that Britain can thrive economically with an education system that only focusses on the 40 per cent of students that study A Levels.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), Vorwort, S. V.

England: Huge disparities in the attainment of children at school, depending on their socio‑economic background ...


England: „There are huge disparities in the attainment of children at school, depending on their socio‑economic background. Gaps between children entitled to free school meals and others persist throughout the school years.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 37.

England: The gap in attainment in public exams between children who attend independent schools and those who attend state schools is significant ...


England: „The gap in attainment in public exams between children who attend independent schools and those who attend state schools is significant.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 37.

England: The need for schools to achieve well in exams ...


England: „Off-rolling, the practice of removing children from the school roll, for example through strongly encouraging students to withdraw, is one of the darkest consequences of the behaviours associated with the present accountability system. […] The need for schools to achieve well in exams means that headteachers may off-roll pupils facing disadvantage just before their exam year, so as to avoid the consequent impact in the accountability picture.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 45.

In England, the pupil teacher ratio in the state sector was 17:1 in 2016 compared to 8.6:1 in the private sector ...


„In England, the pupil teacher ratio in the state sector was 17:1 in 2016 compared to 8.6:1 in the private sector. In practice this means children receive more individual attention, more pastoral support and smaller class sizes. Children from independent schools also typically enjoy a wider range of extra-curricular opportunities than those educated in the state sector. Attending an independent school brings disproportionate privileges in terms of exam results, prestige of position in the labour market, and income.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 54.

England: The costs of private schooling are high and have recently risen ...


England: „The costs of private schooling are high and have recently risen. By 2018 the average annual fee before any extras was £14,280 for day school and £33,684 for boarding school.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 55.

England: Students at private schools, especially those with the highest fees, have access to high quality teaching ...


England: „Students at private schools, especially those with the highest fees, have access to high quality teaching and facilities, and much greater levels of resource than schools in the state educational sector. […] Independent school pupils applying to higher education in England are seven times more likely to gain a place at Oxford or Cambridge compared to those from non-selective state schools, and twice as likely to gain a place in the Russell Group.“
The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), Elitist Britain 2019 (2019), S. 12.

England: The vast majority of disadvantaged young people are educated in the state sector ...


England: „The reality is that the vast majority of disadvantaged young people are educated in the state sector, and in comprehensive schools in particular – and the vast majority of those educated in private schools are from affluent backgrounds.“
The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), Elitist Britain 2019 (2019), S. 12.

In Gesamtschulstaaten akzeptieren immer weniger Eltern die nächstgelegene Schule ...


„Parental choice of school has been part of the English education system since 1988 and is similarly well established in countries such as the United States, Chile, Sweden, and increasingly across Europe.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Deborah Wilson u. a., School choice and equality of opportunity (2019), S. 4.

In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer ...


„In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer als in England, den USA und Finnland – alles Länder mit einer gemeinsamen Sekundarstufe für alle Schüler.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Fend, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom November 2018, S. 25

Global numbers of students studying abroad ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„The number of students studying abroad has more than doubled from 2.1 million to 4.7 million in the last fifteen years. […] More than two-thirds of these mobile students live in G20 countries, with 19 % studying in the United States, followed by 9 % in the United Kingdom and 6 % in Australia. On the flip side, China is by far the largest source of internationally-mobile students with over 800,000 studying abroad in 2015. India, and to lesser extent Germany, also sends large numbers of students to study internationally.“

Dr. Silvia Montoya, „From Brain Drain to Gain: The Benefits Arising from International Knowledge Networks“, http://uis.unesco.org am 3. September 2018


Internationally mobile students ...


„In the United Kingdom […] internationally mobile students account for almost 19 % of the total number of tertiary-level students. Australia is a close runner-up with a foreign student body of 15 %.“

Dr. Silvia Montoya, „From Brain Drain to Gain: The Benefits Arising from International Knowledge Networks“, http://uis.unesco.org am 3. September 2018

Anm.: In Österreichs sind es 16 %. (OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note Austria“ (2018), S. 3)


Just under 40,000 teachers quit the profession in 2016 ...


Just under 40,000 teachers quit the profession in 2016 – the latest figures available – representing about 9 % of the workforce, according to government figures. And not enough of them are being replaced – there is now a shortfall of 30,000 classroom teachers, particularly at secondary level, where 20 % of teacher training vacancies are unfilled.”

Guardian online am 13. Mai 2018


The majority of secondary schools in England group students for learning in core subjects ...


„The majority of secondary schools in England set – that is, group students for learning in core subjects according to some sort of measure of prior attainment. […] While it is particularly prevalent within secondary schools, Parsons and Hallam also reports evidence of the frequent and increasing use of setting in primary schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Louise Archer u. a., „The symbolic violence of setting“. In: „British Educational Research Journal“, Vol. 44, No. 1, Februar 2018, S. 119f


Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen unterscheidet sich von Land zu Land signifikant, was hauptsächlich auf die von den tertiären Bildungseinrichtungen erhobenen Bildungsgebühren zurückzuführen ist. In Ländern wie Chile, Japan, Kolumbien, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten ist der Anteil am größten (rund 70 Prozent).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2018, OECD-Indikatoren“ (2018), S. 347

In Österreich machen die privaten Ausgaben hingegen nur rund 6 Prozent aus. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2018“ (2018), Figure C1.4)


England und Wales bei Studiengebühren an der Spitze der EU-Staaten ...


„The highest most common annual amounts – corresponding to around EUR 10 000 – are charged to students in England and Wales in the United Kingdom (students in Northern Ireland commonly pay around half of the above amount).“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education – 2018/19“ (2018), S. 10


Fees for international students are unregulated, which means that higher education institutions may set their own fees for this category of learners ...


„Most commonly, fees for international students are unregulated, which means that higher education institutions may set their own fees for this category of learners (e.g. the Flemish Community of Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education – 2018/19“ (2018), S. 17


The UK government is planning to increase the number of pupils attending state-funded selective grammar schools ...


„The UK government is planning to increase the number of pupils attending state-funded selective grammar schools, claiming that this will assist overall standards, reduce the poverty attainment gap and so aid social mobility.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Gorard u. a., Grammar schools in England: a new analysis of social segregation and academic outcomes. In: British Journal of Sociology of Education 39:7 (2018), S. 909.

Anders als in Österreich nimmt die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsdifferenz im Gesamtschulstaat England während der Sekundarstufe noch deutlich zu ...


„Around 40 per cent of the gap at the end of Key Stage 4 is already apparent by age 5. The gap then grows by a further 20 per cent by the end of Key Stage 2, and the final 40 per cent emerges throughout secondary school.“
Jo Hutchinson u.a., Education in England – Annual report 2018 (2018), S. 10.

England: Widespread behaviour problem in schools today ...


England: „Over three quarters (77 %) of teachers said that they think there is a widespread behaviour problem in schools today and half of teachers (50 %) stated that they believe there is a behaviour problem in their schools.“
NASUWT (Hrsg.), The Big Question (2018), S. 5.

England: Over half of all teachers stated that they were subject to verbal abuse by pupils and subject to threats of physical assault ...


England: „Over half (51 %) of all teachers stated that they were subject in the last year to verbal abuse by pupils and 14 % were subject to threats of physical assault by pupils. 3 % of teachers said that they were threatened and abused on social networks by pupils and 11 % said that they were physically assaulted by pupils.“
NASUWT (Hrsg.), The Big Question (2018), S. 7.

England: The factors that lead to disempowerment ...


England: „When asked to identify the factors that lead to disempowerment, the top five factors identified were constant change (69 %), a culture of blame or criticism (60 %), a lack of respect for teachers’ professional judgement (59 %), unreasonable or unrealistic expectations (57 %), and a lack of understanding of the nature of their job from decision makers (57 %).“
NASUWT (Hrsg.), The Big Question (2018), S. 8.

England: Teachers reported a range of negative mental/physical problems as a result of work ...


England: „Teachers reported a range of negative mental/physical problems as a result of work, including: loss of sleep (85 %), anxiousness (76 %), low energy levels (75 %) and irritability/mood swings (62 %). More than one in ten teachers (12 %) stated that they had started using antidepressants in the past 12 months.“
NASUWT (Hrsg.), The Big Question (2018), S. 12.

In England, the relationship between ESCS (Anm.: Economic, Social and Cultural Status) and average maths score has not improved since 2006 ...


„In England, the relationship between ESCS (Anm.: Economic, Social and Cultural Status) and average maths score has not improved since 2006, with the difference between the most and least disadvantaged students being equivalent to over three years of schooling. […] The recent PISA results suggest Germany has managed to improve in all three subjects whilst decreasing inequality in its school system. The proportion of resilient students has also risen from 25 per cent in 2006 to 32 per cent in 2015.“
NFER (Hrsg.), Key insights for England from PIRLS, TIMSS and PISA (2018), S. 8f.

England: Many learners dropping out from programmes leading to Level 2 qualifications ...


England: „Many learners do not complete the 16-18 phase of education, with many dropping out from programmes leading to Level 2 qualifications.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Apprenticeship in England, United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 31


Young people in England perform less well on the basic skills of literacy and numeracy than their peers in many other OECD countries ...


„The 2012 Survey of Adult Skills showed young people in England had low basic skills. Young people in England perform less well on the basic skills of literacy and numeracy than their peers in many other OECD countries. According to the Survey of Adult Skills, England has one of the largest shares of 16-24 year-olds with weak basic skills among the participating countries, and those with vocational qualifications are particularly at risk.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Apprenticeship in England, United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 38


Die AbsolventInnen des englischen Schulwesens gehören international zu den leistungsschwächsten ...


„In England in 2012 approaching one-third (29 %) of 16-24 year-olds had weak basic skills in the sense of numeracy and/or literacy below Level 2 in the PIAAC survey, one of the highest levels among OECD countries in the survey, and three times the level of a strong performer like the Netherlands (9 %) and substantially more than – say – Germany (19 %). While those from less advantaged family backgrounds are everywhere more likely to suffer from weak basic skills, this factor of inheritance is stronger in England than in most other countries.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Apprenticeship in England, United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 92


'Positively selected' immigrants ...


„There are […] important differences between destination countries, with Canada, Sweden and the United Kingdom being particularly likely to have 'positively selected' immigrants.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 151


The United Kingdom’s tertiary education system is very attractive to international students ...


„Despite high tuition fees, the United Kingdom’s tertiary education system is very attractive to international students. In 2016, the United Kingdom took in 14 % of all international students from OECD countries, the second highest share after the United States.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 1


Tuition fees in England (UK) are higher than in all OECD countries except the United States ...


„Tuition fees in England (UK) are higher than in all OECD countries except the United States. Tertiary institutions charged tuition fees of USD 11 797 a year for a bachelor’s degree in 2015, about 4 times more than in 2005 due to changes to higher education funding. However, high levels of tuition fees are offset by a well-developed system of financial support for students. For instance, the great majority of bachelor’s degree students in England – 92 % of UK-domiciled full-time students – benefit from public loans or grants.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 4


The United Kingdom spends the third highest proportion of its gross domestic product (GDP) on primary to tertiary educational institutions ...


Großbritannien: „Among OECD countries, the United Kingdom spends the third highest proportion of its gross domestic product (GDP) on primary to tertiary educational institutions (6.2% compared to the OECD average of 5.0%), with above average expenditure at each level of education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 4

In Österreich hingegen wurden dem Bildungswesen nur 4,9 % des BIP zur Verfügung gestellt. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), „Ecucation at a Glance 2018“ (2018), Table C2.1.


The United Kingdom takes in 14 % of all international students across OECD countries ...


„International students accounted for 18 % of tertiary enrolment in the United Kingdom in 2015, the third highest rate behind Luxembourg (47 %) and New Zealand (20 %), and well above the OECD average (6 %). The United Kingdom takes in 14 % of all international students across OECD countries, the second highest share after the United States.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 5


Staaten, in denen die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere nach PISA besonders stark aufgeht ...


„In Australia, Canada, England, the Netherlands and Norway, inequity increases significantly during early adulthood (as measured by the Survey of Adult Skills among 25-29 year-olds)“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education“ (2018), S. 39

Großbritannien: Some 15 % of disadvantaged students in the United Kingdom are 'socially and emotionally resilient' ...


Großbritannien: „Some 15 % of disadvantaged students in the United Kingdom are 'socially and emotionally resilient', meaning that they are satisfied with their life, feel socially integrated at school and do not suffer from test anxiety.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education: Breaking Down Barriers to Social Mobility. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 2
Im OECD-Durchschnitt sind es 26 %, in Österreich 28 %.

Bildungsvererbung ...


„In England, adults with tertiary-educated parents were nine times more likely to complete tertiary education than adults with low-educated parents.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education: Breaking Down Barriers to Social Mobility. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 3
In England ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit 9,3 Mal so groß, im OECD-Durchschnitt ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit sogar 11,1 Mal so groß, in Österreich 7,0 Mal so groß.

Australia is the top third destination of international students among OECD countries, behind the United States and the United Kingdom ...


„Australia’s student visa programme is an integral part of the international education sector, which is one of the country’s largest export industries generating a total income of AUD 16.3 billion in 2013/14. […] Australia is the top third destination of international students among OECD countries, behind the United States and the United Kingdom. International students represent 18 % of all students in tertiary education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Australia 2018“ (2018), S. 192


The cost of studying in Australia is high ...


„The cost of studying in Australia is high, in comparison with the other main OECD destinations of international students. The minimum cost, EUR 22 000, is the highest of all OECD countries. The total annual cost of studies (including tuition fees and living expenses) can be as high as EUR 40 000, which places Australia close to Canada and Ireland, and somewhat above New Zealand and below the United Kingdom.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Australia 2018“ (2018), S. 195


Migrationspolitik klassischer Einwanderungsländer ...


„Regions attracting the highest share of highly educated migrants are mostly located in Canada, Australia, Northern Europe and Switzerland. […] In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway and Sweden, most regions display larger shares of highly-educated among the foreign-born than among the nativeborn population. In all regions of Australia and most regions of Canada, the share of foreign-born with tertiary education is higher than that of natives by at least 10 percentage points.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Regions and Cities at a Glance 2018“ (2018), S. 84


Teachers leaving the profession during the first five years ...


„Teachers leaving the profession during the first five years seems to have reached an epidemic proportion in countries like Australia, the U.K., or the U.S., with rates up to more than 40 %. […] Several studies have shown that teacher turnover during early years is particularly prominent in qualified and committed teachers.“
Dr. Alejandro Paniagua u. a., „Early Career Teachers: Pioneers Triggering Innovation or Compliant Professionals?“ (2018), S. 20

Half of all international students move to five English‑speaking countries ...


„Half of all international students move to five English‑speaking countries: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Over 15 % of students in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom are international, and for international doctoral candidates, the share is over 30 %.“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Global Education Monitoring Report 2019“ (2018), S. 97


Large economic benefit through international students ...


„In 2016, international students brought an estimated US$ 39.4 billion into the US economy – largely in living expenses and tuition – making international education one of the top export industries. Other countries also see a large economic benefit, including Australia (US$ 24.7 billion), Canada (US $15.5 billion) and the United Kingdom (US $31.9 billion).“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Global Education Monitoring Report 2019“ (2018), S. 98


Mobile students worldwide ...


„The United States leads in hosting the largest number of mobile students worldwide (hosting about 907,300 or 19 % of the global total), followed by the United Kingdom (430,700, or 9.2 %), Australia (294,500, or 6.3 %), France (239,400, or 5.1 %), Germany (228,800, or 4.9 %), Russian Federation (226,400, or 4.8 %), Canada (171,600, or 3.7 %), Japan (132,000, or 2.8 %), China (123,100, or 2.6 %) and Italy (90,400, or 1.9 %).“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Skills and Innovation in G20 Countries“ (2018), S. 14

In Österreich sind es 26,3 % (Quelle: Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Bildung in Zahlen 2016/17. Tabellenband“ (2018), S. 323), Österreich wäre also mit Abstand an der Spitze der G20-Staaten.


Support for PRP has fallen in all countries from 2013 to 2018 ...


„Support for PRP (Anm.: PRP = Performance-Related Pay) has fallen in all countries from 2013 to 2018. It has waned most markedly in the countries which most strongly supported it in 2013, namely Finland, the Czech Republic, Japan, the UK and New Zealand.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 79

Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States are home to almost two-thirds of all high-skilled migrants ...


„Four Anglo-Saxon destinations – Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States – are home to almost two-thirds of all high-skilled migrants.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Moving for Prosperity“ (2018), S. 31


A country’s performance in PISA is unrelated to the use of standardised testing ...


„A country’s performance in PISA is […] unrelated to the use of standardised testing. Among countries and economies that perform near the top in science, the use of mandatory standardised tests is widespread in Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Guangdong (China), Singapore and the United Kingdom, but relatively uncommon in Germany, Korea and Switzerland.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „„PISA in Focus“, Nr. 79, Dezember 2017, S. 4


Mehr als 27.000 Lehrer, die seit 2011 ausgebildet wurden, haben den Job wieder aufgegeben ...


„Alleine im letzten Jahr haben in England mehr als 27.000 Lehrer, die seit 2011 ausgebildet wurden, den Job wieder aufgegeben. Fast ein Viertel der Lehrer hänge den Job innerhalb von fünf Jahren an den Nagel, berichtet der ‚Guardian‘. Von den 117.000 Lehrern, die in den Jahren 2011 bis 2015 ausgebildet wurden, haben 23 Prozent ihren Beruf bereits wieder aufgegeben.“

Der Standard online am 13. Juli 2017


Großbritannien, 1993-2015 ...


Foreign-born men and women showed higher educational attainment than their UK-born counterparts during this period, with the educational attainment gap rising over time. […] In 2015, nearly one in two recent migrants was in the highest educational category compared to one in four UK-born workers.“

http://www.migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk am 23. März 2017


Investitionen in Bildung im Jahr 2013 ...


Das Vereinigte Königreich tätigte mit 6,7% die höchsten Bildungsausgaben in % des Bruttoinlandsprodukts im internationalen Vergleich.

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2015/16 Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2017), S. 92

Österreichs Politik war die Bildung nur 5,0 % des BIP wert.


The UK's tertiary educational system presents a strong draw for foreign talent ...


„The United Kingdom […] attracts an impressive 12.6% of the worldwide market share of international tertiary-level students, second only to the United States (16.4%). The UK’s share of the global market has grown more than any other country since 2000, suggesting its tertiary educational system presents a strong draw for foreign talent.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom“ (2017), S. 16


Chile, Frankreich, Polen, die Türkei und Großbritannien ...


„These countries show exceptionally large gaps between the socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged groups. This suggests that disadvantaged children from these countries are less likely to obtain the skills necessary for today’s technology-rich and versatile labour markets and improve their socio-economic status.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 18


The score-point difference in numeracy between those who have highly educated parents and those who do not among 20-29 year-old adults ...


„The score-point difference in numeracy between those who have highly educated parents and those who do not among 20-29 year-old adults is largest in Chile, England (United Kingdom) and Israel. In addition, 80 % of 20-29 year-olds with poorly educated parents in the Slovak Republic, 65 % in England (United Kingdom) and 61 % in Israel scored below the baseline (Level 2) numeracy proficiency in the Survey of Adult Skills.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 37


Großbritanniens selektive Migrationspolitik ...


„Flows of labour into and out of the United Kingdom through migration have an important impact on the supply of skills. Sustained inflows of well-educated immigrants have boosted the skills and size of the working-age population in the United Kingdom over the last 20 years, and the share of the working-age population born outside of the UK is now double the 1995 level and on par with other OECD countries. […] Over the last few years, the goal of UK immigration policy has been to encourage immigration of skilled migrants while reducing overall immigration. As a result of this selective migration, immigrants to the United Kingdom are younger and more educated than their UK-born counterparts, and this educational attainment gap has risen over time.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom“ (2017), S. 16


Basic skills of young adults are strongly related to parental education in England ...


„Basic skills of young adults are […] strongly related to parental education in England, much more so than in other OECD countries. Young people born into households where neither parent attained at least upper secondary education face inherent disadvantages in accessing quality education and labour market opportunities.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom“ (2017), S. 23


Many young adult Britons have low levels of literacy and numeracy ...


Großbritannien: „Many young adult Britons have low levels of literacy and numeracy. Based on the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), young adults (16-24 year-olds) in England and Northern Ireland have lower literacy and numeracy skills than their peers in almost all other participant countries. Even among university students, about one in ten have low numeracy or literacy levels […] England is also among a minority of countries where young people perform worse on literacy and numeracy than either prime-aged adults (25-54) or seniors (55-65). This decline in test scores from generation to generation could suggest deterioration in the quality of schooling over time.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom“ (2017), S. 23


An acute challenge facing the English education system ...


„Low basic skills among adults remains an acute challenge facing the English education system. One third of the potential entrant pool to university (age 16-19) has low basic skills, higher than almost all other countries surveyed by PIAAC. Early intervention is needed to improve basic skills during compulsory education, since later remediation is more challenging.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom“ (2017), S. 69


Pupils respecting teachers ...


„When asked whether pupils respect teachers, just over 40 per cent of respondents either ‘tended to disagree or strongly disagreed’ in the UK. In comparison, only around 15 per cent and 5 per cent of respondents in China and Singapore respectively said pupils did not respect teachers.“

Migration Advisory Committee (Hrsg.), „Partial review of the Shortage Occupation List“ (2017), S. 45


Global Teacher Status Index ...


„Where teacher pay is higher relative to other occupations (such as in Finland and Singapore), recruitment is higher of more highly educated teachers.“

Migration Advisory Committee (Hrsg.), „Partial review of the Shortage Occupation List“ (2017), S. 45


Großbritannien: Maths graduates can earn more in occupations other than teaching ...


Großbritannien: „The data shows that teachers with a maths degree tend to earn around £4,500 less per year than those maths graduates who choose an alternative profession. This indicates that maths graduates may be more inclined to choose an alternative career to seek higher pay rewards. […] It is apparent that maths graduates can earn more in occupations other than teaching. Therefore, there appears to be both evidence of and a rationale for a shortage of maths teachers.“

Migration Advisory Committee (Hrsg.), „Partial review of the Shortage Occupation List“ (2017), S. 115


Großbritannien: Median pay for a computer science graduate working in teaching ...


Großbritannien: „The data show the median pay for a computer science graduate working in teaching is around £13,300 less than for alternative occupations.“

Migration Advisory Committee (Hrsg.), „Partial review of the Shortage Occupation List“ (2017), S. 117


Großbritannien: Difficult to attract computer science graduates into teaching ...


Großbritannien: „Schools may find it increasingly difficult to attract computer science graduates into teaching given the demand for these graduates in occupations that can make them a better offer.“

Migration Advisory Committee (Hrsg.), „Partial review of the Shortage Occupation List“ (2017), S. 141


Großbritannien: Many education professionals report high levels of work stress ...


Großbritannien: „Many education professionals report high levels of work stress, with nearly a third (29 %) saying that their job has made them feel stressed most or all of the time in the past few weeks. This is also much higher than among the UK workforce, where only 18 % report these levels of stress.“

YouGov (Hrsg.), „Health Survey 2017. The mental health and wellbeing of education professionals in the UK“ (2017), S. 4


Großbritannien: Half of the education profession (53 %) have considered leaving the education sector ...


Großbritannien: „Half of the education profession (53 %) have considered leaving the education sector over the past two years as a result of health pressures and the biggest reasons given are volume of workload and seeking a better work–life balance.“

YouGov (Hrsg.), „Health Survey 2017. The mental health and wellbeing of education professionals in the UK“ (2017), S. 5


Großbritannien: A third of education professionals’ work more than 51 hours a week on average ...


Großbritannien: „A third of education professionals’ work more than 51 hours a week on average.“

YouGov (Hrsg.), „Health Survey 2017. The mental health and wellbeing of education professionals in the UK“ (2017), S. 9


Englands Regierung setzt auf duale Bildung ...


„The government committed to increase the number of apprenticeship starts in England to 3 million by 2020, and to improve the quality of apprenticeships. […] The new Institute of Apprenticeships (introduced in April 2017) will co-ordinate employer panels to establish apprenticeship standards, approve or reject them, and quality assure some end-point assessments.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom“ (2017), S. 40


The foreign-born population in the United Kingdom has better labour market performance than the OECD average for foreign-born populations ...


Großbritannien: „The foreign-born population in the United Kingdom has better labour market performance than the OECD average for foreign-born populations. In 2015, settled working-age migrants faced an unemployment rate of 5.9 %, compared with 5.2 % for the native-born, a gap of only 0.7 percentage points, which is low relative to the OECD average gap of 4.1 percentage points.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom“ (2017), S. 16

In Österreich ist dieser Gap mit 6,1 % (10,7 % versus 4,6 %) besonders groß.


Beratung und Unterstützung statt harter Konsequenzen für Schulen mit schlechten Evaluationsergebnissen ...


„Während Schulen mit schlechten Evaluationsergebnissen in den USA und England harte Konsequenzen drohen, werden ihnen in den Niederlanden Beratung und Unterstützung angeboten.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 8


Anpassung der pädagogischen Ausrichtung auf die Testerwartungen ...


„Die große Bedeutung standardisierter Tests als Entscheidungsgrundlage für die finanzielle und personelle Ausstattung der Schulen führte in den USA und in England nachweisbar zu einer Anpassung der pädagogischen Ausrichtung auf die Testerwartungen („teaching to the test“).“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 15


Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht ...


„Da die standardisierten Tests sich weitgehend auf die Grundfertigkeiten Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen beschränken, haben viele Schulen in den USA und England die übrigen Lernangebote reduziert, v.a. in den Wahlfächern. In über 70 % aller US-Schuldistrikte wird Unterrichtszeit für Geschichte, Kunsterziehung, Musik oder Fremdsprachen eingespart zugunsten von mehr Mathematik und Englisch im Stundenplan.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 15


Keine Verbesserung der Schulqualität durch Charter Schools und Academies ...


„Die marktkonforme Öffnung der Schulen für private Angebote („Charter Schools“ in den USA, „Academies“ in England) als Konkurrenz zu den staatlichen Schulen führte zu keinen Verbesserungen der Schulqualität.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 17


Soziale Mobilität unterhalb von Argentinien ...


„Großbritannien liegt hinsichtlich der sozialen Mobilität unterhalb von südamerikanischen Ländern wie Argentinien.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom September 2016, S. 20 


Neue/modifizierte duale Ausbildungssysteme ...


„Viele Länder, u. a. das Vereinigte Königreich (modern apprenticeships), Spanien (nuevo contrato de la formación y aprendizaje) und Frankreich (apprentissage nouveau), setzen auf neue/modifizierte duale Ausbildungssysteme, um den hohen Jugendarbeitslosigkeits- und Schulabbruchquoten entgegenzuwirken.“

ibw (Hrsg.), „Befragung österreichischer LehrabsolventInnen zwei Jahre nach Lehrabschluss“ (2016), S. 11


Young people entering the labour market ...


A situation is emerging that is quite new in modern British history. Young people entering the labour market today face far less favourable mobility prospects than did their parents – or their grandparents.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. John Goldthorpe, The Guardian online am 12. März 2016


In the UK and Australia house prices are more expensive in the catchment area of good schools ...


„In the UK and Australia house prices are more expensive in the catchment area of good schools.“

Dr. Philip Parker u. a., „A Multination Study of Socioeconomic Inequality in Expectations for Progression to Higher Education“. In: „American Educational Research Journal“, February 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1, S. 12


Ability stratification based on geography is common ...


„Ability stratification based on geography is common in the United States, and public/private school divisions remain relatively common in Australia and Great Britain.“

Dr. Philip Parker u. a., „A Multination Study of Socioeconomic Inequality in Expectations for Progression to Higher Education“. In: „American Educational Research Journal“, February 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1, S. 24


In Großbritannien sind SchülerInnen ohne Migrationshintergrund die Schwachstelle ...


„In the UK (a traditional destination of highly educated migrants), the lowest incidence of ESL (Anm.: ESL = Early school leaving) is found among first-generation migrants, with natives showing the worst outcomes.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Educational outcomes and immigrant background“ (2016), S. 16


Education levels among migrants ...


„High-education rates among migrants are highest, even above those for natives, in countries that receive highly educated migrants — whether traditionally, such as the UK, or more recently, such as IE (Anm.: Irland) or CY (Anm.: Zypern). To a lesser extent, education levels among migrants in CZ (Anm.: Tschechien) and EE (Anm.: Estland) are also higher than among natives.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Educational outcomes and immigrant background“ (2016), S. 27


Significant inequalities in the English education system ...


„National sources point to significant inequalities based on gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic background in the English education system.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 290


Instruction in at least one subject in an ability-grouped class ...


„In Australia, Canada, Hong Kong (China), Ireland, Israel, Malta, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Viet Nam, at least three in four students receive instruction in at least one subject in an ability-grouped class.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 176


England: In 2015, only 20 per cent of disadvantaged pupils achieved our benchmark for secondary performance ...


England: „In 2015, only 20 per cent of disadvantaged pupils achieved our benchmark for secondary performance, compared with 45 per cent of non-disadvantaged pupils.“

Natalie Perera, Executive Director des CentreForum, „Education in England: Annual Report 2016“ (2016), S. 6


White British FSM (Free School Meals) boys and girls achieve the lowest grades at GCSE ...


England: „White British FSM (Free School Meals) boys achieve the lowest grades at GCSE of any main ethnic group, with just 24 % achieving 5 A*-C grades at GCSE, inc. English and maths. […] White British FSM girls are also the lowest performing main female ethnic group, with 32% achieving the same measure.“

The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Class differences: Ethnicity and disadvantage“ (2016), S. 1


London: Sozial Schwache ohne Migrationshintergrund abgehängt ...


„Across London as a whole, 63.1 % of Bangladeshi FSM pupils achieve five good GCSEs, compared to 58.6 % of Indian and 55.5 % of Pakistani. However, the average achieved by white British FSM (Anm.: Free School Meals) pupils in London is just 32.9 % on the same measure.“

The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Class differences: Ethnicity and disadvantage“ (2016), S. 5

Anm.: Das sozioökonomische Niveau des Elternhauses der zugewanderten 15-Jährigen ist in Großbritannien europaweit am höchsten.


The aspirations of ethnic minority families in London ...


London: „The aspirations of ethnic minority families have been cited as the explanation for the recent improvement in average grades in London, where the proportion of ethnic minority communities is high.“

The Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Class differences: Ethnicity and disadvantage“ (2016), S. 5


The UK is a rare case among the EU countries of early school leaving being less prevalent among students born outside the country ...


„The UK is a rare case among the EU countries of early school leaving being less prevalent among students born outside the country (7.6 %) than those born in the UK (11.2 %).“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 289


The United Kingdom attracts a large share of the EU27’s educated migrants ...


„The United Kingdom attracts a large share of the EU27’s educated migrants.“

Dr. Anda David u. a., „A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU: Where does the EU stand within OECD?“ (2016), S. 5


The EU27 tend to attract low-educated migrants ...


„The EU27 tend to attract low-educated migrants, while non-Europe OECD tend to be more selective for the high-educated ones.“

Dr. Anda David u. a., „A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU: Where does the EU stand within OECD?“ (2016), S. 6


Europe tends to be more attractive for low-educated migrants ...


„The majority of low-educated migrants lives in Europe (56 %), mostly in the EU15 (47 %), highlighting the fact that Europe tends to be more attractive for low-educated migrants, whereas North America is more attractive (or selective) for high-educated ones.“

Dr. Anda David u. a., „A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU: Where does the EU stand within OECD?“ (2016), S. 19


The employment rate of migrants living in the EU27 is on average significantly lower ...


„The employment rate of migrants living in the EU27 is on average significantly lower (57.7 %) than that of migrants living in non-Europe OECD destination countries, which is on average of 68.0 %.“

Dr. Anda David u. a., „A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU: Where does the EU stand within OECD?“ (2016), S. 21


74.9 % of Indian-born living in the United States are high-educated versus 44.8 % in the EU27 ...


„The most striking difference between the Indian migrant stock in Europe and in the United States is in terms of education: 74.9 % of Indian-born living in the United States are high-educated versus 44.8 % in the EU27.“

Dr. Anda David u. a., „A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU: Where does the EU stand within OECD?“ (2016), S. 27


Moroccan migrants ...


„Moroccan migrants living in the United States are […] more educated (45.5 % are high-educated) than those living in the EU27 ([…] only 14.3% are high-educated).“

Dr. Anda David u. a., „A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU: Where does the EU stand within OECD?“ (2016), S. 27


Chinese and Indian pupils continue to outperform other groups in England ...


England: „Chinese and Indian pupils continue to outperform other groups on all measures by the end of secondary school.“

Natalie Perera, Executive Director des CentreForum, „Education in England: Annual Report 2016“ (2016), S. 7


Private tuition is the hidden secret of British education ...


„Private tuition is the hidden secret of British education. […] Estimates suggest that the industry is worth several billion pounds, but its lack of regulation means that it is difficult to get an accurate picture of the UK market.“

Sir Peter Lampl, Gründer der Sutton Trust Foundation, in Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Shadow schooling: Private tuition and social mobility in the UK“ (2016), S. 1


Poorer students are less likely to receive private tuition in GB ...



„Poorer students are less likely to receive private tuition. Of those aged between 11-16, 17 % of students who receive free school meals (FSM) have ever received private tuition, 26 % of students who do not receive FSM.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Shadow schooling: Private tuition and social mobility in the UK“ (2016), S. 3


State-educated students in London ...


„In London, of state-educated students aged between 11-16, over 150,000 (42 %) have received private tuition at some point in their lives.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Shadow schooling: Private tuition and social mobility in the UK“ (2016), S. 3


Unemployment rate of youth twice as high as adult unemployment in most countries ...


„The unemployment rate of youth (aged 15-24) is twice as high as adult unemployment (25 years+) in most countries. It is nearly 4 times as high in Italy, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Society at a Glance 2016” (2016), S. 92


Performance gap between the richest and the poorest in England ...


England: „The performance gap between the richest and the poorest has remained persistently large between the mid-1980s and the mid-2000s.“

Social Market Foundation (Hrsg.), „Educational inequalities in England and Wales“ (2016)


Migrants arriving in Canada, France and the United Kingdom ...


„Close to half of the migrants arriving in Canada, France and the United Kingdom arrive from a country sharing one of the main official languages.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Working Together: Skills and Labour Market Integration of Immigrants and their Children in Sweden“ (2016), S. 106


In medicine, nearly two thirds (61 %) of top doctors were educated at independent schools ...


England: „In medicine, nearly two thirds (61 %) of top doctors were educated at independent schools, nearly one quarter at grammar schools (22 %) and the remainder (16 %) comprehensives. […] In journalism, about half (51 %) of the country’s leading journalists were educated privately, less than one in five (19 %) went to comprehensives.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Leading People 2016 - The educational backgrounds of the UK professional elite“ (2016), S. 2


Educational backgrounds of UK professional elite ...


England: „Over the last twenty-five years, 19 winners of the Nobel Prize have been born in the UK. Of those educated in the UK, 44 % attended independent schools, 50 % grammar schools and just over 6% went to comprehensives.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Leading People 2016 - The educational backgrounds of the UK professional elite“ (2016), S. 41


Expenditure on primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary educationas a percentage of GDP ...


„In terms of expenditure as a percentage of GDP, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal and the United Kingdom spend the most on primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (4.7 % of GDP or more), while in Indonesia, Latvia and the Russian Federation, expenditure on those levels accounts for less than 2.5 % of GDP.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2016“ (2016), S. 200

Österreichs Anteil: 3,2 %


The Netherlands is in the 7th position among OECD countries behind Switzerland ...


„The Netherlands is in the 7th position among OECD countries behind Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Luxembourg, Ireland and Canada in terms of attracting talent. Likewise, the country appears to be in a good position to retain talent. It ranks 6th among OECD countries, behind Switzerland, the United States, Norway, Finland and the United Kingdom.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Recruiting Immigrant Workers – The Netherlands 2016“ (2016), S. 196


One third of 16-19 year-olds in England having low basic skills ...


England: „At present, initial schooling results in one third of 16-19 year-olds in England having low basic skills, and these poor outcomes by international standards depend more heavily on parental background than in most comparable countries.“

OECD, „Building Skills for All: A Review of England“ (2016), S. 61


The unemployment rate of youth (aged 15-24) is twice as high ...


„The unemployment rate of youth (aged 15-24) is twice as high as adult unemployment (25 years+) in most countries. It is nearly 4 times as high in Italy, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Society at a Glance 2016” (2016), S. 92


Children from most disadvantaged backgrounds ...


England: „Children from most disadvantaged backgrounds who attained high cognitive test scores at age 7 performed worse than their lower achieving counterparts from the least disadvantaged families by age 14-16.“

UNICEF (Hrsg.), „Poverty and Children’s Cognitive Trajectories: Evidence from the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study“ (2016), S. 7


Expenditure on primary to tertiary educational institutions relative to GDP reached 6 % or more ...


„In 2013, expenditure on primary to tertiary educational institutions relative to GDP reached 6 % or more in Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2016“ (2016), S. 200


England has a low completion rate for upper secondary education ...


„England has a low completion rate for upper secondary education. In 2012 17 % of 20-34 year-olds in England lacked upper secondary qualifications.“

OECD, „Building Skills for All: A Review of England“ (2016), S. 40


Disadvantaged pupils continue to fall further behind ...


England: „We find that disadvantaged pupils continue to fall further behind their peers as they progress through school.“

Natalie Perera, Executive Director des CentreForum, „Education in England: Annual Report 2016“ (2016), S. 7 


In the United Kingdom […] the permanent exclusion rate in schools increased ...


„In the United Kingdom […] the permanent exclusion rate in schools increased 300 % in the three years following the implementation of league tables.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Governing Education in a Complex World“ (2016), S. 85


Countries with the highest rates of course-by-course tracking ...


„Internationally, countries with the highest rates of course-by-course tracking are Anglophone countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States) …“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 96


Ability grouping is relatively widespread across OECD countries ...


„Ability grouping is relatively widespread across OECD countries, with more than 70 % of students attending schools whose principal reported that students are grouped by ability for mathematics classes. Over 95 % of students in Australia, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Russian Federation, Singapore and the United Kingdom attend such schools.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 99


Numeracy or literacy levels below level 2 ...


„Around one in ten of all university students in England have numeracy or literacy levels below level 2.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Building Skills for All: A Review of England“ (2016), S. 14


England: Who achieves the highest grades at GSCE ...


„Students with the same primary school performance who attended selective or grammar schools were far more likely to achieve the highest grades at GCSE – 57 % compared with 32 % in non-selective schools.“

The Guardian online am 4. März 2015


Doppelt so hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ...


„Die unangenehme Wahrheit […] lautet, dass Großbritannien mit einer doppelt so hohen Akademikerquote wie Deutschland auch eine doppelt so hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit aufweist, bei durchaus vergleichbaren wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin in Nida-Rümelin u. a., „Auf dem Weg in eine neue deutsche Bildungskatastrophe“ (2015), S. 38


In Great Britain and France, many immigrants speak English/French as a second language ...


„In Great Britain and France, many immigrants speak English/French as a second language, disadvantages caused by lack of fluency hence being far less severe and having less of an impact on children’s educational performance than they would have elsewhere.“

Mag. Dr. Bernhard Riederer u. a., „Changes in the Educational Achievement of Immigrant Youth in Western Societies“ in „European Sociological Review“, 2015, Vol. 31, No. 5, S. 632


Setting or regrouping is used frequently ...


„Setting or regrouping is used frequently in some countries such as the United Kingdom and Australia. This is mostly true in the upper primary school grades. For instance, almost 40 percent of grade 5 and 6 teachers in the United Kingdom use setting for mathematics instruction.“

Dr. Marjolein Deunk u. a., „Differentiation within and across classrooms“ (2015), S. 26


Students in secondary education are generally assigned to educational tracks ...


„Students in secondary education are generally assigned to educational tracks or grouped for specific subjects, mostly language and math (setting). Tracking and setting are based on student’s cognitive abilities, leading to homogeneous classes or courses.“

Dr. Marjolein Deunk u. a., „Differentiation within and across classrooms“ (2015), S. 38


In England there is a larger gap in literacy and numeracy scores ...


„In England there is a larger gap in literacy and numeracy scores between the highest and lowest achievers than in most other countries.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 3


England: The relationship between parental background and adult literacy and numeracy among those aged 16 to 24 ...


„The relationship between parental background and adult literacy and numeracy among those aged 16 to 24 is stronger in England than in all other countries except the Slovak Republic.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 3


Unequal in numeracy ...


„England ranks equal fourth amongst countries and regions in numeracy inequality. Only France, English-speaking Canada and the USA are significantly more unequal in numeracy.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 9


England: Exceptionally high levels of skills inequality visible amongst the 16-24 year old age group ...


England: „The exceptionally high levels of skills inequality visible amongst the 16-24 year old age group is still apparent amongst 25-29 year olds.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 13


Proportion of adults at the lowest two numeracy levels ...


„For numeracy, almost a quarter (24 per cent) of adults in England scored at Level One or below, a higher proportion than the OECD average of 19 percent. Most countries had a lower proportion of adults at the lowest two numeracy levels than England and only six countries had a higher proportion (Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, France, the United States, Spain and Italy).“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 19

Österreich gehört mit 14 % zu den Staaten, in denen sich die wenigsten Menschen mit ihrer Mathematikkompetenz im Risikobereich (Level One or below) befinden.


England: Influence of parental education ...


England: „For the 16-24 age group there is only one other country, the Slovak Republic, where parental education has more influence on individual literacy and numeracy skills attainment.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 23


Österreich und Deutschland gehören zu den Staaten, in denen sozial bedingte Nachteile am besten ausgeglichen werden ...


„Some of the countries with the least inclusive systems of higher education (like Austria and Germany) are amongst the most effective in reducing relative inequalities, while countries like England, with higher HE participation rates, are much less effective in this respect.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 52


In the United States or the United Kingdom, tracking is mainly practiced as grouping of students at the class or course level ...


„In the United States or the United Kingdom, tracking is mainly practiced as grouping of students at the class or course level, while students stay in the same school.“

Prof. Dr. Florian Klapproth, „Do Algorithms Homogenize Students’ Achievements in Secondary School Better Than Teachers’ Tracking Decisions?“ in „Educatrion Policy Analysis Archives“, 23(62), 2015, S. 3


In the UK not in education, employment or training ...


„In the UK, there are nearly a million 16–24-year-olds who are recorded as being not in education, employment or training (NEET).“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sue Maguire, „NEET, unemployed, inactive or unknown – why does it matter?“ in „Educational Research“, 2015, Vol. 57, No. 2, 121


Teachers' salaries in England ...


„Primary school teachers in England earn 86 % of the average salary of a full-time worker with a tertiary education […] At secondary level, teachers in England earn 95 %“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. United Kingdom“ (2015), S. 18

Österreich: Primarstufe: 58 %, Sekundarstufe I: 63 %, Sekundarstufe II: 68 %


Bildungsabschlüsse ohne Aussagekraft ...


„In some OECD countries, including Canada, France, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States, large proportions of young adults who have upper secondary qualifications also perform (Anm.: bei PIAAC) below Level 2 in numeracy.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Skills Outlook 2015“ (2015), S. 38

Italiens, Irlands, Spaniens und Englands unter 30-jährige AkademikerInnen haben, wie die OECD bestätigt, eine geringere Mathematikkompetenz als Österreichs unter 30-Jährige, deren höchster Bildungsabschluss die Sekundarstufe II ist (ibidem, S. 35)


Unterforderung ...


England: „Our most able students in non-selective schools are still not being challenged to achieve the highest levels of scholarship.“

Ofsted (Hrsg.), „The most able students“ (2015), S. 1


England: Only 11 % of students from state-funded schools go on to top universities ...


England: „Only 11 % of students from state-funded schools go on to top universities. This continues to compare badly with the proportion of students from independent schools when the figure rises to 37 %.“

Ofsted (Hrsg.), „The most able students“ (2015), S. 8


Educational outcomes remain closely correlated with social class ...


England: „Children from low socio-economic groups are already behind their more advantaged counterparts when they begin school. But far from narrowing this gap, the gap widens through school. Educational outcomes remain closely correlated with social class.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „The impact of academy chains on low-income students“ (2015), S. 7


England: Problem of underachievement worsens in the final years of lower secondary education ...


„England’s average position in the PISA 2012 study compared to above average performance in the IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) of fourth and eighth graders (years 5 and 9 in the UK), indicates that the problem of underachievement worsens in the final years of lower secondary education.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2015 - Country analysis“ (2015), S. 274


The growing struggle to recruit means that nearly half of schools now use recruitment agencies ...


England: „The growing struggle to recruit means that nearly half of schools now use recruitment agencies to recruit their permanent roles, and 69 % of those said that they do so as they have failed to recruit previously. This is adding to schools’ recruitment costs which average £3,000 per vacancy but can run up to £10,000.“

NAHT (Hrsg.), „The NAHT recruitment survey 2015“ (2015), S. 5


Englands Erfahrung mit der Privatisierung von Schulen („academies“) ...


„The gap between more disadvantaged pupils and others had grown wider on average in academies than in comparable maintained schools.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „The impact of academy chains on low-income students“ (2015), S. 8


Large difference in the performance of lowest and highest achievers ...


„In all three subjects, England has a relatively large difference in the performance of lowest and highest achievers; this difference is greater than the OECD average. From 2009 to 2012, the gap between low and high achievers increased in all three subjects.“

Gabriela Moriconi u. a., „Supporting teachers and schools to promote positive student behaviour in England and Ontario (Canada)“ (2015), S. 46


Supportpersonal an Englands Schulen ...


Supportpersonal an Englands Schulen: „Their tasks usually include, for example, preparing material and equipment for lessons and working with small groups of students or individual students that need extra support due to instructional or behavioural challenges, which may happen in or out of a class. Their tasks can also include work with children with special educational needs. Teachers often may count with more than one teaching assistant in the classroom.“

Gabriela Moriconi u. a., „Supporting teachers and schools to promote positive student behaviour in England and Ontario (Canada)“ (2015), S. 37


United Kingdom and the United States have the highest average ratio of support staff ...


„The United Kingdom and the United States have the highest average ratio of support staff, with 15.5 teacher aides and teaching/research assistants per 1 000 students. These two countries have experienced significant increases of learning support staff in recent years.“

Francesc Masdeu Navarro, „Learning support staff: A literature review“ (2015), S. 8


Number of support staff in schools more than doubled in the United Kingdom ...


„The number of support staff in schools more than doubled in the United Kingdom in ten years, from 134 000 in 1997 to 346 000 in 2009, with teaching assistants representing 52 % of this group.“

Francesc Masdeu Navarro, „Learning support staff: A literature review“ (2015), S. 8


Social mobility in the UK relatively low ...


„Social mobility in the UK is relatively low by international standards and has not increased over the past 40 years …“

Dr. Abigail McKnight, „Downward mobility, opportunity hoarding and the ‚glass floor‘“ (2015), S. 2


Poor rate of social mobility a systemic problem in the UK ...


„It is important to underline that a poor rate of social mobility is a systemic problem in the UK, which originates in unequal opportunities for children according to social background from birth.“

Dr. Louise Ashley u. a., „A qualitative evaluation of non-educational barriers to the elite professions“ (2015), S. 26


Greater likelihood of being a higher earner ...


England: „Attending a Grammar or a private secondary school is associated with a greater likelihood of being a higher earner at age 42 relative to those who attend a comprehensive secondary school.“

Dr. Abigail McKnight, „Downward mobility, opportunity hoarding and the ‚glass floor‘“ (2015), S. 25


In the United Kingdom over 94 % of 15-year-olds grouped by ability ...


„In the United Kingdom over 94 % of 15-year-olds are in schools where school principals reported that students are grouped by ability within their Mathematics classes for all or some classes.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Teaching Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools in Europe“ (2015), S. 76


Grammar school a clear advantage for children ...


England: „We find a clear advantage for children who attend a Grammar or a private secondary school.“

Dr. Abigail McKnight, „Downward mobility, opportunity hoarding and the ‚glass floor‘“ (2015), S. 40


The most able students ...


Großbritannien: „In June 2013, Ofsted published ‚The most able students: are they doing as well as they should in our non-selective secondary schools?‘ The report made it clear that many of our most able students who attend non-selective secondary schools fail to achieve their potential compared with students who attend selective and independent schools.“

Ofsted (Hrsg.), „The most able students“ (2015), S. 4


Most able students are still being let down ...


Großbritannien: „National data show that too many of the most able students are still being let down and are failing to reach their full potential.“

Ofsted (Hrsg.), „The most able students“ (2015), S. 7


16-24 year-olds in England have particularly low literacy and numeracy skills ...


„Among countries participating in the OECD Survey of Adult Skills, 16-24 year-olds in England have particularly low literacy and numeracy skills.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. United Kingdom“ (2015), S. 6


Selective immigration policies and student performance ...


„Immigrant students tend to perform at high levels in countries with very selective immigration policies.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Immigrant Students at School“ (2015), S. 30


Bilingual assistants to support the specific language needs ...


„Countries such as Australia, Finland and the United Kingdom use bilingual assistants (also referred to as 'minority ethnic pupil support staff' or 'ethnic assistants') to support the specific language needs of bilingual students and students whose first language is not the language of instruction, as a way of including migrant students and those from ethnic minorities.“

Francesc Masdeu Navarro, „Learning support staff: A literature review“ (2015), S. 17


The financial resources available to London schools increased significantly during the first decade of the century ...


„The financial resources available to London schools increased significantly during the first decade of the century, and London schools were funded more generously than others.“

Centre for London (Hrsg.), „Lessons from London Schools: Investigating the Success“ (2014), S. 56


In the UK, the government has introduced interventions designed to make apprenticeships 'the country’s gold standard for vocational training' ...


Großbritannien: „In the UK, the government has introduced interventions designed to make apprenticeships 'the country’s gold standard for vocational training', with the aim of one in five of all 16–17 year-olds being in an apprenticeship by 2020.“

Eurofound (Hrsg.), „Mapping youth transitions in Europe“ (2014), S. 64


England: White children who are eligible for free school meals are consistently the lowest performing group ...


England: „White children who are eligible for free school meals are consistently the lowest performing group in the country, and the difference between their educational performance and that of their less-deprived white peers is larger than for any other ethnic group.“

House of Commons, Education Committee (Hrsg.), „Underachievement in Education by White Working Class Children“ (2014), S. 3


Social mobility in England 2014 ...


England: „59 % of the Cabinet and 33 % of the Shadow Cabinet attended Oxbridge compared to less than 1 % of the UK population as a whole …“

Social Mobiliy and Child Poverty Commission (Hrsg.), „Elitist Britain“ (2014), S. 26


Britain’s success in expanding apprenticeship ...


„Britain’s success in expanding apprenticeship positions from about 150,000 in 2007 to over 850,000 in 2013 offers one example for how to create successful national and decentralized marketing initiatives.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert I. Lerman, „Expanding Apprenticeship Opportunities in the United States“ (2014), S. 4


Großbritannien übernimmt von Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz das duale Bildungswesen ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„The number of young people completing apprenticeships in the United Kingdom has risen. Between 2009 and 2012 there was an increase from 280,000 to 521,000 apprenticeship starts.“

McKinsey Center for Government (Hrsg.), „Education to Emploment: Getting Europe’s Youth into Work“ (2014), S. 75


Private funding for all levels of education more than doubled in the UK ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Private funding for all levels of education more than doubled in the United Kingdom – and nearly tripled for tertiary education – between 2000 and 2011.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2014 – Country Note United Kingdom“ (2014), S. 5


Großbritanniens Bildungsoffensive ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Between 2000 and 2011, expenditure per student at primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary levels increased by 72 %, the 8th largest increase among the 27 countries with available data.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2014 – Country Note United Kingdom“ (2014), S. 6

In Österreich waren es hingegen im selben Zeitraum nur 19 %.


Where support personnel is provided for every four teachers ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„For Iceland, Alberta (Canada) and England (United Kingdom), support personnel is provided for every four teachers.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2013 Results“ (2014), S. 46


The most prevailing inequalities in educational achievement in England ...


„Perhaps the most prevailing inequalities in educational achievement in England are those associated with socio-economic status (SES), ethnicity and gender.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Steve Strand, „Ethnicity, gender, social class and achievement gaps at age 16“ (2014), S. 2


Achievement gaps at age 16 in England ...


England: „SES gaps (Anm.: SES = Socioeconomic status) widens over the course of secondary school with students in the bottom SES quintile making -.21 SD (Anm.: SD = standard deviation) less than expected progress and those in top quintile making .20 SD more than expected progress.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Steve Strand, „Ethnicity, gender, social class and achievement gaps at age 16“ (2014), S. 18


Countries with an established tradition of immigration and/or a strong English speaking presence have immigrant children with higher performance ...


„The traditional immigrant receiving countries and the United Kingdom tend to have smaller or even negative gaps […] It seems plausible that those countries with an established tradition of immigration and/or a strong English speaking presence have immigrant children with higher performance, although establishing a high, in contrast to a low, skills national immigration policy – exemplified by Australia, Canada and New Zealand’s point systems – also likely plays a role.“

Prof. Dr. Arthur Sweetman u. a., „Immigration: What About the Children and Grandchildren?“ (2014), S. 16


In England sind Migranten im Durchschnitt sogar besser ausgebildet als Einheimische ...


„In England sind Migranten im Durchschnitt sogar besser ausgebildet als Einheimische, was vor allem an der Komposition der Migrantenpopulation liegt.“

Dr. Jens Ruhose, „Bildungsleistungen von Migranten und deren Determinanten“, Teil II, in ifo-Schnelldienst 10/2013 (Mai 2013), S. 27


The correlation between disadvantage and poor academic attainment ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„The correlation between disadvantage and poor academic attainment is particularly strong in the UK.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Timothy Besley u. a., „Investing for Prosperity: Skills, Infrastructure and Innovation“ in „National Institute Economic Review“, No. 224, Mai 2013, R6


In the United Kingdom, 40 % of beginning teachers abandon the profession in the first three years of service ...


„In the United Kingdom, 40 % of beginning teachers abandon the profession in the first three years of service.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thierry Karsenti u.a., „Why are New Teachers Leaving the Profession? Results of a Canada-Wide Survey“. In: „International Journal of Education“, 3(3), 2013, S. 143


England: Teachers leaving the profession because of disruptive pupil behaviour ...


„In a recent survey of teachers in England, nearly 40 % of teachers of the 1000 questioned had considered leaving the profession because of disruptive pupil behaviour; and more than a fifth said they had developed mental health problems as a result.“

Dr. Qing Gu u.a., „Challenges to teacher resilience: conditions count“. In: „British Educational Research Journal“, Vol. 39, No. 1, Februar 2013, S. 23f


In Großbritannien konnten im akademischen Jahr 2011/12 allein durch Studiengebühren von internationalen Studierenden Erträge von 3,9 Milliarden Pfund (GBP) generiert werden ...


„In Großbritannien konnten im akademischen Jahr 2011/12 allein durch Studiengebühren von internationalen Studierenden Erträge von 3,9 Milliarden Pfund (GBP) generiert werden.“

Prognos (Hrsg.), „Studentische Mobilität und ihre finanziellen Effekte auf das Gastland“ (2013), S. 9


UK: One of the most socially segregated education systems ...


„The UK has one of the highest levels of variation in pupil outcomes and its education system is also one of the most socially segregated education systems amongst industrialised economies.“

Dr. Tracey Allen, Drivers and barriers to raising achievement“ (2013), S. 14


The U.S., the U.K., and Japan essentially keep their entire secondary education system comprehensive ...


„The U.S., the U.K., and Japan essentially keep their entire secondary education system comprehensive – although tracking within schools is common and on the rise in these countries.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Dustmann u.a., „The Long-Term Effects of Early Track Choice“ (2013), S. 2


One major systemic failing in the UK education system is the ‘long tail’ of poorly performing schools and pupils compared with other countries ...


„One major systemic failing in the UK education system is the ‘long tail’ of poorly performing schools and pupils compared with other countries, particularly at the secondary level. A significant part of the explanation for this is the stubborn link between pupils’ socio-economic background and their educational attainment.“

LSE (Hrsg.), „Investing in Prosperity – LSE Growth Commission Report“ (2013), S. 16


In the United Kingdom, tuition fees doubled in some universities ...


„In the United Kingdom, tuition fees doubled – and nearly tripled in some universities – in 2012, as part of a government plan to stabilise university finances.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2013. OECD Indicators“ (2013), S. 223


A child’s socio-economic status as predictor of attainment ...


„In England, a child’s socio-economic status is the best predictor of their educational attainment.“

Loic Menzies, Direktor des LKM Consulting, „Educational Aspirations: How English schools can work with parents to keep them on track“ (2013), S. 2


Parents’ socio-economic status as predictor ...


„In the UK, especially, parents’ socio-economic status continues to be the primary predictor of which children prosper in adult life.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Pascal u.a., „The impact of early education as a strategy in countering socio-economic disadvantage“ (2013), S. 8


The UK remains at the bottom of international league tables for social mobility ...


„The UK remains at the bottom of international league tables for social mobility, as measured by income or earnings.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Pascal u.a., „The impact of early education as a strategy in countering socio-economic disadvantage“ (2013), S. 8


Die Wirkung der Gesamtschule in England ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„A quarter of children from poor backgrounds fail to meet the expected attainment level at the end of primary school compared with 3 per cent from affluent backgrounds. The gap widens at 16 with just one in five children from the poorest families achieving five good GCSEs, including English and Maths, compared with three quarters from the richest families.“

NCB (Hrsg.), „Greater Expectations: Raising aspirations for our children“ (2013), S. 12


Gesamtschulstaat England ...


„A child from a disadvantaged poor background is far less likely to do well at school age 11 and far less likely to do well in their GCSEs at 16 compared with a child from the most well-off backgrounds and there is no indication that this gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children is disappearing.“

NCB (Hrsg.), „Greater Expectations: Raising aspirations for our children“ (2013), S. 28


The recent results of the OECD’s survey of adult skills ...


„The recent results of the OECD’s survey of adult skills show that in England and Northern Ireland, parents’ educational attainment has a stronger-than-average impact on adults’ proficiency in both literacy and numeracy.“

NIACE (Hrsg.), „Family Learning Works“ (2013), S. 5


England: Adults whose parents have low levels of education ...


England: „Adults whose parents have low levels of education are eight times more likely to have poor proficiency in literacy than adults whose parents had higher levels of education.“

NIACE (Hrsg.), „Family Learning Works“ (2013), S. 5


Amongst G20 richest nations, only the USA has poorer social mobility than the UK ...


„Amongst G20 richest nations, only the USA has poorer social mobility than the UK.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Pascal u.a., „The impact of early education as a strategy in countering socio-economic disadvantage“ (2013), S. 8


In the UK the socio-economic gap in education achievement widens throughout secondary education ...


„In the UK […] the socio-economic gap in education achievement widens throughout secondary education.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giorgio Brunello u.a., „On the efficiency costs of de-tracking secondary schools in Europe“. In: „Education Economics“ Vol. 20, No. 2, Mai 2012, S. 118


Sozialer Aufstieg durch Bildung in England kaum möglich ...


„A series of reports has highlighted Britain’s low levels of social mobility, showing how children from poorer backgrounds struggle to gain access to university, enter professional jobs and earn decent wages.“

Jonathan Clifton u.a., „Closing the Attainment Gap in England’s Secondary Schools“ (2012), S. 2


In England, the relationship between social class and educational performance is particularly strong ...


„In England, the relationship between social class and educational performance is particularly strong, and we also have a higher than average degree of social segregation in our schools.“

Jonathan Clifton u.a., „Closing the Attainment Gap in England’s Secondary Schools“ (2012), S. 9


In England the impact of pupils’ socio-economic background is significantly higher than the OECD average ...


„In England the impact of pupils’ socio-economic background is significantly higher than the OECD average.“

Department for Education (Hrsg.), „PISA 2009: How does the social attainment gap in England compare with countries internationally?“ (2012), S. 1


Wenig Mobilität in Englands Gesamtschulwesen ...


„In England there are relatively few pupils from lower socio-economic backgrounds who have above average attainment.“

Department for Education (Hrsg.), „PISA 2009: How does the social attainment gap in England compare with countries internationally?“ (2012), S. 5


Leistungsdifferenzierung in Englands Grundschulen ...


 „Recent research based on 8875 children in the Millennium Cohort Study showed that 25.8 % of children in Year 2 were set for literacy and mathematics and a further 11.2 % of children were set for mathematics or literacy alone.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susan Hallam u.a., „The incidence and make up of ability grouped sets in the UK primary school“. In: „Research Papers in Education“ (2012), S. 1


Chinese pupils usually perform better ...


England: „Chinese pupils usually perform better than White British pupils and this is probably mainly because of their extremely positive attitudes to education and intense effort in home work.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Cheti Nicoletti u. a., „Productivity of school expenditure: Differences across pupils from diverse backgrounds“ (2012), S. 18f


The association between family background and high educational achievement is stronger in England ...


„The association between family background and high educational achievement is stronger in England than in most other developed countries.“

Dr. John Jerrim, „The Socio-Economic Gradient in Teenagers’ Reading Skills: How Does England Compare with Other Countries?“ in „Fiscal Studies“, 2012, vol. 33, no. 2, S. 160

Temporäre Schulausschlüsse in Englands Schulen häufig ...


Temporäre Schulausschlüsse in Englands Schulen häufig:

„In 2009/10, there were 279,260 fixed period exclusions from state funded secondary schools, 8.59 % of the state-funded secondary school population (of which 28,440 were from Academies, 14.72 % of the academy population).“

Department for Education (Hrsg.), „Pupil behaviour in schools in England“ (2012), S. 49


Gründe für unbefristete Schulausschlüsse in Englands öffentlichem Schulwesen ...


„The most common reason recorded for permanent exclusion in all state funded schools in 2009/10 was persistent disruptive behaviour (29.0 %). The second most common reason was physical assault against a pupil at 17.1 %“

Department for Education (Hrsg.), „Pupil behaviour in schools in England“ (2012), S. 50


Nicht wenige Kinder mit sonderpädagogischem Bedarf werden aus Englands „inklusivem“ Schulwesen ausgeschlossen ...


„Pupils with a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) were around eight times more likely to receive a permanent exclusion than pupils with no SEN, and were nine times more likely to receive a fixed period exclusion.“

Department for Education (Hrsg.), „Pupil behaviour in schools in England“ (2012), S. 51


Only in four countries are primary schools allowed to be selective academically ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Only in four countries (Czech Republic, England, Estonia and Finland) are primary schools allowed to be selective academically.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „School Choice and Equity“ (2012), S. 15


Der schulische Erfolg ist am Ende der Sekundarstufe I in Großbritannien und den USA besonders stark vom Bildungsniveau der Eltern abhängig ...

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„In the US and England students with parents with tertiary education are around 4 times as likely to be in the top half of test scores than children with parents without tertiary education.“

„Sutton Trust“ (Hrsg.), „Social Mobility and Education Gaps in the Four Major Anglophone Countries“ (2012), S. 11


Education gaps between poorer children and their richer peers widen in the UK and the US as children age ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Education gaps between poorer children and their richer peers widen in the UK and the US as children age. In the UK this widening occurs during primary and secondary school, but the gap increases particularly after age 11, at the start of secondary school.“

„Sutton Trust“ (Hrsg.), „Social Mobility and Education Gaps in the Four Major Anglophone Countries“ (2012), S. 12


In England, there is a large performance gap between the affluent and the poorest 20 percent of students ...


„In England, there is a large performance gap between the affluent and the poorest 20 percent of students.“

Asia Society (Hrsg.), „Improving Teacher Quality Around the World: The International Summit on the Teaching Profession“ (2011), S. 14


Education enrolment rates for 15-19 year olds in the UK are currently well below the OECD average ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Education enrolment rates for 15-19 year olds in the UK are currently well below the OECD average (69.7 % in the UK versus 81.5 % OECD average) and a comparatively large share of 25-34 year olds have not completed upper secondary education.“

Dr. Kathryn Duckworth, „Beating the odds: Impact of the economic recession on young people in the UK“ (2011), S. 1


In Australia, Canada and the UK, the share of the foreign-born population with high education exceeds the share of the native-born population with high education ...


„In Australia, Canada and the UK, the share of the foreign-born population with high education exceeds the share of the native-born population with high education by 5.5 percentage points, 7.3 percentage points and 16.1 percentage points, respectively.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Dustmann u.a., „Migration and Education“ (2011), S. 9


England: Majority of parents prefer selection and various school types ...


England: „Public opinion surveys indicate that only the minority of parents support the comprehensive schools, the majority prefer selection and various school types: in other words, these parents agree with a test for admission to the next level of education.“

Dr. Judit Pásku u. a., „Talent Development Traditions and New Endeavours in Great Britain in the 21st Century“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support. Best practices within and without the European Union“ (2011), S. 100


England: 7 % of the British children aged between 4 and 18 years attend independent schools ...


England: „7 % of the British children aged between 4 and 18 years attend independent schools […] There is fierce competition for admission, as for many parents it is important to send their children to an independent school, and they are willing to pay even a high price.“

Dr. Judit Pásku u. a., „Talent Development Traditions and New Endeavours in Great Britain in the 21st Century“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support. Best practices within and without the European Union“ (2011), S. 101


Selbst in Ländern, die offiziell ein Einheitsschulsystem haben, gibt es für die Privilegierten separate Bildungswege ...


„In kaum einem Land gehen die Schüler, unabhängig von Herkunft und Leistung, alle auf eine gemeinsame Schule. Selbst in Ländern, die offiziell ein Einheitsschulsystem haben, gibt es für die Privilegierten separate Bildungswege. In Frankreich sind es die katholischen Lyzeen, in England die Internate, in den USA die teuren Privatschulen oder öffentliche Schulen in sozial privilegierten Vierteln.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Tenorth, Die Zeit vom 17. Juni 2010


England: The children of educated or wealthy parents and children of worse off parents ...


England: „The children of educated or wealthy parents who scored poorly in the early tests (Anm.: Intelligenztests mit 22 Monaten), had a tendency to catch up whereas children of worse off parents who scored poorly were extremely unlikely to catch up and are clearly shown to be an at-risk group.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Leon Feinstein, „Inequality in the early cognitive development of British children in the 1970 Cohort“ (2010), Abstract


Das staatliche Gesamtschulwesen Englands und seine Auswirkung auf die Gesellschaft ...


„Earnings and educational attainment differentials have moved sharply over time in favour of privately educated versus state educated individuals.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., „The changing economic advantage from private schools“ (2010), S. 15


The private school sector plays a prominent role in British society ...


„The private school sector plays a prominent role in British society. […] Earnings and education differentials have risen significantly over time for privately educated versus state educated individuals.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., „The changing economic advantage from private schools“ (2010), S. 15


England: Parents are prepared to pay significant sums of money ...


England: „Parents are prepared to pay significant sums of money to buy a house located near to better performing primary schools, even before their children reach school starting age.“

Dr. Kirstine Hansen, „Demand for School Quality in the Pre-School Years“ (2010), S. 1