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Die Kriterien für die Wiederholung einer Klassenstufe unterscheiden sich von Land zu Land weitreichend ...


„Die Kriterien für die Wiederholung einer Klassenstufe unterscheiden sich von Land zu Land weitreichend. In etwa der Hälfte der Länder und subnationalen Einheiten mit verfügbaren Informationen wird die schulische Gesamtleistung am häufigsten als Kriterium für die Wiederholungsentscheidung herangezogen. Etwa ein Drittel dieser Länder schreibt zudem als Voraussetzung für eine Versetzung vor, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler in ausreichendem Maße an einer Mindestzahl von Kursen teilgenommen haben. Verhaltensprobleme können bei der Wiederholung einer Klassenstufe ebenfalls eine Rolle spielen, wie etwa in Belgien (fläm.), Costa Rica, Indonesien, Italien und Rumänien. So ist es beispielsweise in Rumänien gesetzlich vorgeschrieben, dass Schülerinnen und Schüler, die wegen ihres Verhaltens eine unbefriedigende Endnote erhalten, nicht in die nächste Klassenstufe versetzt werden, auch wenn sie alle anderen Fächer bestehen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 190.

Unterricht von Fremdsprachen und Niederländisch für Nicht-Muttersprachlerinnen und -sprachler ...


„Belgien (fläm.) bietet einen sprachlichen Bildungsgang für den Sekundarbereich II an, der sich auf den Unterricht von Fremdsprachen und Niederländisch für Nicht-Muttersprachlerinnen und -sprachler konzentriert und einen Abschluss ohne direkten Zugang zu höheren Bildungsbereichen bietet.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 211f.

In Belgium (Flemish Community), students need to have acquired the primary education certificate to be admitted to the A-stream of lower secondary education ...

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„In Belgium (Flemish Community), students need to have acquired the primary education certificate to be admitted to the A-stream of lower secondary education. However, this certificate is not a requirement for admissions to the B-stream.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 113.

Grouping students by ability into different classes as the predominant practice ...

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„According to the PISA 2018 survey, grouping students by ability into different classes is the predominant practice in Ireland and the United Kingdom, with more than 90 % of students attending schools where this is practiced. Besides Ireland and the United Kingdom, the majority of 15-year-old students are also in schools that group students by ability in different classes in the German and Flemish Communities of Belgium, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Turkey.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 137.

In only a few education systems do 10 % or more students attend schools where less than a quarter of students speak the language of instruction at home ...


„In only a few education systems do 10 % or more students attend schools where less than a quarter of students speak the language of instruction at home (Belgium-Flemish Community, Bulgaria, Germany, Latvia, Austria and the United Kingdom-England).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe (2019), S. 47.

Belgium (Flemish Community), Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and Austria: School heads perceive less parental involvement in schools where a smaller percentage of students speak the language of instruction at home ...


„School heads perceive less parental involvement in schools where a smaller percentage of students speak the language of instruction at home. This is the case in Belgium (Flemish Community), Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and Austria (all with statistically significant differences).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe (2019), S. 47.

Less than one pedagogical support staff position for every twenty teachers in Austria, Belgium, Colombia and Italy ...


„There are considerable differences in the presence of different types of staff across school systems. There are more than two pedagogical support staff per ten teachers in Alberta (Canada), Chile, Iceland, New Zealand and Sweden, but there is less than one pedagogical support staff position for every twenty teachers in Austria, Belgium, Colombia and Italy.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Working and Learning Together (2019), S. 41.

Higher education institutions may set their own fees for international students ...

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„Most commonly, fees for international students are unregulated, which means that higher education institutions may set their own fees for this category of learners (e.g. the Flemish Community of Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education – 2018/19 (2018), S. 17.

Flandern: Schools with the most disadvantaged pupils are unable to attract the most experienced teachers ...


Flandern: „Schools with the most disadvantaged pupils are unable to attract the most experienced teachers and heads and face greater turnover in the teaching staff.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis (2016), S. 19.

Measures to support the acquisition of Dutch and attention to languages spoken at home ...


„In Belgium (Flemish Community), ECEC centres for children younger than 3 years must provide a language policy that covers measures to support the acquisition of Dutch and devotes attention to languages spoken at home.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe – 2016 (2016), S. 23.

In Flanders (Belgium), Turkish children are forbidden to speak their mother tongue ...


„In Flanders (Belgium), Turkish children are forbidden to speak their mother tongue, and punished for speaking Turkish with their peers; this is a common practice in many Flemish schools.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Orhan Agirdag u. a., Does more exposure to the language of instruction lead to higher academic achievement?. In: International Journal of Bilingualism (2016), S. 3.

In Belgium school segregation goes beyond residential segregation and reflects academic, socioeconomic, language and migrant background ...


„In Belgium school segregation goes beyond residential segregation and reflects academic, socioeconomic, language and migrant background.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis (2016), S. 19.

A large proportion of students in the Flemish Community are diagnosed as having special educational needs and the majority of them are educated separately ...


„A large proportion of students in the Flemish Community are diagnosed as having special educational needs and the majority of them are educated separately in special schools and classes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 43.

In 2010, 5.2 % of the total student population in the Flemish Community of Belgium were being educated separately ...


„In 2010, 5.2 % of the total student population in the Flemish Community of Belgium were being educated separately from the mainstream in special schools and classes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 43.

Flandern: In the 2012/13 school year, 7 % of the primary school cohort was enrolled in special primary education ...


Flandern: „In the 2012/13 school year, 7 % of the primary school cohort was enrolled in special primary education.“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 32.

No nationwide standardised tests or examinations to measure the learning outcomes of all Flemish students ...


„There are no nationwide standardised tests or examinations to measure the learning outcomes of all Flemish students at key stages of schooling.“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 37f.

The majority of students in the Flemish Community diagnosed as having special educational needs are educated separately ...


„A large proportion of students in the Flemish Community are diagnosed as having special educational needs and the majority of them are educated separately in special schools and classes. […] In 2010, 5.2 % of the total student population in the Flemish Community of Belgium were being educated separately from the mainstream in special schools and classes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 43.
Anmerkung: In Österreich etwa 1,5 Prozent.

Separate schools providing education exclusively for students with SEN ...


„4.5 % of the Flemish student population were enrolled in separate schools providing education exclusively for students with SEN in 2013.“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 45f.

Flandern: In 2012/13, 9.2 % of all schools were providing education exclusively for students with special educational needs ...


Flandern: „In 2012/13, 9.2 % of all schools were providing education exclusively for students with special educational needs, serving a total of 50 681 students, which accounts for 4.5 % of the Flemish student population.“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 101.

45.9 % of lower secondary Flemish teachers reported that they agree or strongly agree that the teaching profession is valued in society ...


„45.9 % of lower secondary Flemish teachers reported that they agree or strongly agree that the teaching profession is valued in society, the 9th highest figure among TALIS countries (the TALIS average being 30.9%).“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 148.

Flandern: The Flemish Community does not have as much overt accountability ...


Flandern: „School choice in other OECD countries usually means that in exchange for increased autonomy, schools face increased accountability, so that parents can make their choices based on information about school quality and performance. The Flemish Community does not have as much overt accountability nor does it have as many diverse forms of accountability.“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 103f.

Flandern: Only 21.4 % of lower secondary school principals reported that they often or very often observe instruction in the classroom ...


Flandern: „Only 21.4 % of lower secondary school principals reported that they often or very often observe instruction in the classroom, compared to an international average of 49 %.“
OECD (Hrsg.), OECD Reviews of School Resources: Flemish Community of Belgium 2015 (2015), S. 157.

Flandern: Teachers perceive their status as rather high ...

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Flandern: „Teachers perceive their status as rather high: 46 % think the teaching profession is valued in society (vs. an EU average of 18 %).“
Europäische Kommission (Hrsg.), The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 (2014), S. 30.

Flemish primary and lower secondary teachers have one of the highest levels of satisfaction regarding their status in society ...


„According to TALIS 2013 results, Flemish primary and lower secondary teachers have one of the highest levels of satisfaction regarding their status in society as 45.9 % of teachers agreed that the teaching profession is valued by society (compared to the average of 30.9 %).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teacher Remuneration in Latvia. An OECD Perspective (2014), S. 160.

Overall spending on all levels of education as a percentage of GDP was 6.5 % in 2010 ...


„According to the Flemish Ministry of Education, overall spending on all levels of education as a percentage of GDP was 6.5 % in 2010.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teacher Remuneration in Latvia. An OECD Perspective (2014), S. 158.

A powerful Lutheran religious effect on family literacy ...


„In the case of Flanders, a powerful Lutheran religious effect on family literacy, the motivation to learn and achievement has persisted. Family literacy is high in Flanders. Almost all families have in-home libraries.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. David Kamens, Globalization and the Emergence of an Audit Culture: PISA and the search for 'best practices' and magic bullets. In: Meyer u. a., PISA, Power und Policy (2013), S. 131.

Literacy was valued ...


„Literacy was valued because it was linked historically to membership of the Lutheran religious community. Illiteracy meant condemnation to a life of celibacy. Sex is a very powerful incentive to learn.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. David Kamens, Globalization and the Emergence of an Audit Culture: PISA and the search for 'best practices' and magic bullets. In: Meyer u. a., PISA, Power und Policy (2013), S. 131.