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Öffentliche Ressourcen für den Elementarbereich zwischen 2015 und 2021 ...


„Der Elementarbereich erhielt in den OECD-Ländern im Jahr 2021 durchschnittlich mehr Mittel aus öffentlichen Quellen als Anteil am BIP als im Jahr 2015. Die größten Zuwächse gab es in Deutschland, Japan, Kroatien und Litauen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 270.
In Österreich sind die öffentlichen Ressourcen für den Elementarbereich zwischen 2015 und 2021 von 0,65 % auf 0,76 % des BIP gestiegen. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), Tabelle C2.2.)

The cultural shift has transformed Japanese schools ...


„The cultural shift has transformed Japanese schools. Teachers no longer perceive themselves as the authority figures transmitting knowledge, and students learn in a problem-solving style to develop thinking skills. In contrast, although the Hong Kong curriculum also emphasises student-centredness, in practice, the dominant learning style remains rote.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tao Jiang u. a., Typologies of secondary school student academic resilience in science with classroom and school context predictors (2024), S. 5.

OECD- und EU-weit sinkt die Lesekompetenz 15-/16-jähriger Schüler/innen ...


„OECD- und EU-weit sinkt die Lesekompetenz 15-/16-jähriger Schüler/innen. Zwischen 2018 und 2022 nimmt der OECD-Schnitt um 10 und der EU-Schnitt um 11 Punkte ab. Lediglich Japan weist mit einem Zugewinn von 12 Punkten im Vergleich zu 2018 eine signifikante Verbesserung auf. […] Den größten Punkterückgang im Vergleich zu 2018 weisen Island (–38 Punkte) und Finnland (–30 Punkte) auf. In Österreich zeigt sich keine signifikante Veränderung der Leseleistung im Vergleich zu 2018 (–4 Punkte).“
IQS (Hrsg.), PISA 2022. Kompetenzen in Mathematik, Lesen und Naturwissenschaft am Ende der Pflichtschulzeit im internationalen Vergleich (2023), S. 42.

Positiver Zusammenhang zwischen Schülerdisziplin und Mathematikleistung ...


„Insgesamt zeigt sich in 33 von 41 Ländern, inklusive Österreich, ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen Schülerdisziplin und Mathematikleistung. […] Das Classroom Management der Lehrperson, also die Herstellung eines konstruktiven Lernumfelds mit klaren Abläufen und Routinen sowie einem guten disziplinären Klima im Unterricht, hat sich auch als Schlüsselaspekt für effektives Lernen und die Entwicklung mathematischer Fähigkeiten erwiesen. […] In Bezug auf das disziplinäre Klima im Mathematikunterricht bei PISA 2022 fällt auf, dass sich die Jugendlichen in den beiden OECD-Ländern mit den höchsten Leistungswerten (Japan und Südkorea) von den anderen Ländern abheben. Japan und Südkorea berichten von der höchsten Disziplin im Mathematikunterricht.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PISA 2022. Kompetenzen in Mathematik, Lesen und Naturwissenschaft am Ende der Pflichtschulzeit im internationalen Vergleich (2023), S. 93f.

In Österreich macht FBE (Anm.: = frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung) 1,3 % der öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben aus ...


„Im Durchschnitt der OECD-Länder mit verfügbaren Daten macht FBE 1,6 % der öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben aus, wobei die Spanne von 0,3 % in Japan bis 3,6 % in Island reicht.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2023 (2023), S. 335.
In Österreich macht FBE 1,3 % der öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben aus. (Quelle: ibidem, Tab. C4.1)

The level of private funding ...


„On average, after transfers, 31% of total expenditure on tertiary institutions in 2019 came from the private sector. […] The level of private funding relates closely to the tuition fees charged by tertiary institutions. […] In countries where higher tuition fees are charged, such as Australia, Chile, Colombia, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States, more than 60% of funding for tertiary institutions comes from private sources. On average across the OECD, 72% of all private expenditure on tertiary institutions comes from individual households.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hatidža Jahić u. a., Alternative financing models and student loans in higher education (2023), S. 6.

Students with bad performance or behaviour ...


„In East Asian school systems, such as Hong Kong (China), Japan, Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei, and also in Slovenia, more than two in three students attended a school where it would be likely or very likely that a student is transferred to another school for low academic achievement. […] On average across OECD countries, students with bad performance or behaviour were more likely to be transferred to another school if they attended a private school than if they attended a public school.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 231.

Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird zum Großteil durch die für Bildungsteilnehmer anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt. In Australien, Chile, Japan, Kolumbien, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten, zumeist Länder mit vergleichsweise hohen Bildungsgebühren, stammt mehr als die Hälfte der Gesamtausgaben aus privaten Quellen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 339.

Frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung macht im Durchschnitt der OECD-Länder mit Daten 1,7 % der öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben aus ...


„Im Durchschnitt der OECD-Länder mit Daten macht FBE (Anm.: FBE = frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung) 1,7 % der öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben aus, wobei die Spanne von 0,3 % in Japan bis 3,8 % in Chile reicht.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 358.
Österreich befindet sich mit 1,7 % der öffentlichen Gesamtausgaben im OECD-Durchschnitt (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), Tab. C4.1).

Unterschiedliche Behalte-Quote von internationalen Studierenden ...


„The retention of international students varies greatly across OECD countries. Five years after initial admission to the country, more than 60 % of international students who obtained a permit for study reasons in 2015 were still present in Canada and Germany, around half in Australia, Estonia and New Zealand, and around two in five in France and Japan.“
OECD (Hrsg.), International Migration Outlook 2022 (2022), S. 180.
Österreich gehört zu den OECD-Staaten, denen es am wenigsten gelingt, international Studierende nach Abschluss ihres Studiums im Land zu halten. (Quelle: ibidem, Fig. 7.1.)

Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt. In Australien, Chile, Japan, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten werden mehr als 55 % der Gesamtausgaben mit Mitteln aus privaten Quellen finanziert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 304.
In Österreich sind es nur 10,5 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Abb. C2.4.)

PIAAC: Countries with the highest average scores for literacy and those with the lowest scores ...


PIAAC: „Countries with the highest average scores for literacy include Japan, South Korea, Finland, Netherlands and Austria, whilst those with the lowest scores include Chile, the US, Greece, Israel and Spain.“
Andy Green u. a., The Effects of System Type and System Characteristics on Skills Acquisition in Upper Secondary Education and Training (2021), S. 33.

Some countries initially place immigrant students in specific preparatory reception classes ...


„Some countries initially place immigrant students in specific preparatory reception classes within regular education institutions before entering the mainstream classroom. These classes often focus on language learning and are used in about half of European OECD countries as well as in Japan. The idea is to teach late arrivals a minimum level of the language of instruction and to help them adapt to their new school environment before they transit to the mainstream classroom.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Young People with Migrant Parents (2021), S. 25.

In the societies where the teaching profession is highly valued, students seem to be more academically successful ...


„The social status of teachers in some East Asian countries, such as Japan and South Korea, are relatively high. In the societies where the teaching profession is highly valued, students seem to be more academically successful, and the teacher workforce is usually more stable and more likely to attract highly qualified graduates.“
Dr. Lixia Qin, Country effects on teacher turnover intention. In: Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 20, 1 (2021).

Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt. In Australien, Chile, Japan, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten werden über 60 % der Gesamtausgaben mit Mitteln aus privaten Quellen finanziert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 367.
In Österreich sind es nur 8,9 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Tabelle C2.2.)

Durchschnittliche jährliche Bildungsgebühren privater und öffentlicher Bildungseinrichtungen ...


„In den Vereinigten Staaten verlangen unabhängige private Bildungseinrichtungen von inländischen Bildungsteilnehmern für Bachelor- oder gleichwertige Bildungsgänge mit durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren von 29.500 US-Dollar mehr als das Dreifache der durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren an öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen (8.800 US-Dollar). In Japan und der Republik Korea liegen die durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren auf dieser ISCED-Stufe des Tertiärbereichs an unabhängigen privaten Bildungseinrichtungen zwischen 8.500 und 8.600 US-Dollar, in öffentlichen Einrichtungen dagegen näher bei 5.000 US-Dollar.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 402.

Anteil der Bevölkerung, der im typischen Abschlussalter einen ersten tertiären Abschluss erwarb ...


„Im Jahr 2017 erwarben in Japan 68,9 %, in den USA 55,1 % und im Durchschnitt der EU23-Länder 40,0 % der Bevölkerung im typischen Abschlussalter einen ersten tertiären Abschluss (ISCED 5-7). In Österreich lag der Anteil bei 39,9 %.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2018/19. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2020), S. 120.

Mathematik-Spitzenleistungen 10-Jähriger ...


„More than half of the fourth grade students reached the Advanced International Benchmark in Singapore (54 %), and one-third or more did so in Hong Kong SAR (38 %), Korea (37 %), Chinese Taipei (37 %), and Japan (33 %). Northern Ireland had about one-fourth (26 %) of its students reaching the Advanced International Benchmark, and England and the Russian Federation had about one-fifth (21 % and 20 %, respectively).“
IEA (Hrsg.), TIMSS 2019. International Results in Mathematics and Science (2020), S. 37.
In Österreich waren es 9 %. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 38.)

Japan’s 2008 curriculum reform increased both content related to knowledge and skills and instruction time ...


„To allow more time for students to repeat lessons, conduct observations and experiments and write reports, Japan’s 2008 curriculum reform increased both content related to knowledge and skills and instruction time. The 2017 reform, to be implemented in elementary schools starting in 2020, will further expand the curriculum to cover content related to foreign languages and computer programming and will further increase instruction time.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Curriculum Overload: A Way Forward (2020), S. 81.

Wo immer mehr Eltern ihre Kinder dem staatlich finanzierten Schulwesen entziehen ...


„In Japan, Peru, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates at least around 25 % of students were enrolled in government-independent private schools in 2018, as were as many as 41 % of students in Qatar and 38 % of students in the United Arab Emirates.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2018 Results. Effective Policies, Successful Schools (2020), S. 159.
In Österreich sind es 1,6 %, in Großbritannien 6,2 %, in Frankreich 8,3 %. (Stand 2018)

In 2018, Estonian students achieved the highest scores in science and reading from all participating countries ...


„In 2018, Estonian students achieved the highest scores in science and reading from all participating countries, and only students from Korea and Japan managed to score higher in mathematics.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Strengthening the Governance of Skills Systems (2020), S. 40.

Denmark is the country with the highest proportion of teachers reporting that they believe they can support student learning through digital technology 'quite a bit' or 'a lot' ...


„TALIS 2018 data show that Denmark is the country with the highest proportion of teachers reporting that they believe they can support student learning through digital technology 'quite a bit' or 'a lot' (88 % of teachers), and it is also the country with the highest proportion of teachers indicating that they let students use ICT for projects or class work 'frequently' or 'always' (90 %). Japan is the country with the lowest proportion of teachers who report confidence in their ability to support student learning through use of technology (35 %) and also the lowest proportion of teachers reporting student use of ICT 'frequently' or 'always' (18 %).“
OECD (Hrsg.), What Students Learn Matters: Towards a 21st Century Curriculum (2020), S. 61.

Japan: An weiterführenden Schulen leidet jedes vierte Kind unter Depressionen ...


Japan: „Laut einer Untersuchung von Kenzo Denda, Professor für Gesundheitswissenschaften an der Universität Hokkaido, leidet an weiterführenden Schulen jedes vierte Kind unter Depressionen. Häufig sei Mobbing ein wichtiger Grund dafür, und unter depressiven Kindern sei wiederum Suizid relativ häufiger.“
Frankfurter Rundschau online am 10. Oktober 2019.

Das Thema Mobbing hat in Japan Konjunktur ...


„Das Thema Mobbing hat in Japan Konjunktur, die Zahl bekannter Vorfälle stieg zuletzt auf einen Rekordwert. Für das Jahr 2017 dokumentierte das nationale Bildungsministerium 410.000 Fälle an den Grund-, Mittel- und Oberschulen des Landes, das sind 90000 mehr im Vergleich zum Vorjahr.“
Stuttgarter Zeitung online am 8. Oktober 2019.

Abschluss im Tertiärbereich bei mindestens 60 % ...


„In Japan, Kanada, der Republik Korea und der Russischen Föderation liegt der Anteil 25- bis 34-Jähriger mit einem Abschluss im Tertiärbereich bei mindestens 60 %.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2019“ (2019), S. 51
Österreich: 40 %. (Quelle, ibidem, Tabelle A1.2.)

Finanzierung des tertiären Bildungsbereichs ...


„In Australien, Chile, Japan, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten werden über 60 % der Gesamtausgaben mit Mitteln aus privaten Quellen finanziert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2019 (2019), S. 335
In Österreich sind es hingegen nur 6 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Tabelle C3.1.)

Japans „Escalator Schools“: Selective admission process ...


Japans „Escalator Schools“: „The selective admission process for escalator schools puts a great strain on families. […] Children start preparing for this high-stakes exam when they are just three years old. The admission process is very competitive. Around 8 percent of the five-year-old kids in Tokyo attend escalator schools, but many more would like to.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 289

Japan: A high school entrance examination determines admission into secondary schools ...


Japan: „A high school entrance examination determines admission into secondary schools, which vary in quality and ambition.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 290

The share of private funds for tertiary education ...


„The share of private funds for tertiary education in Austria, Finland, Iceland, Luxembourg and Norway accounted for 8 % or less in 2016, while it was 64 % and over of the total expenditures in Chile, Japan, United Kingdom and United States.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Government at a Glance 2019 (2019), S. 180.
In Österreich betrug der private Anteil an den Kosten für das tertiäre Bildungswesen 6,4 %, im OECD-Mittel 31,2 %. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 181)

Extreme Internet use among young people is common in OECD countries ...


„Extreme Internet use among young people is common in OECD countries. On average, 24 % of 15-year-olds spend more than 6 hours a day on the Internet on weekend days, and a figure that is as high as 43 % in Chile and 37 % in the United Kingdom. Culture may play a role in the extent to which children spend long periods of time online, with the lowest share of extreme users among children in Japan and Korea. The level of educational achievement of parents also seem to be associated with extreme Internet use, with children of highly educated parents less likely to be extreme Internet users in most countries.“
OECD (Hrsg.), How's Life in the Digital Age (2019), S. 60f.

PISA 2018: Countries and economies where fewer students had skipped a whole day of school ...


PISA 2018: „Chronic truancy and, to a lesser extent, lateness have such adverse effects on learning that school systems around the globe are constantly devising strategies to tackle them. […] The countries and economies where fewer students had skipped a whole day of school were also the countries/economies with higher average reading performance, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang (China), Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong (China), Japan, Korea, Macao (China), Singapore, Sweden and Chinese Taipei.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. What School Life Means for Students’ Lives“ (2019), S. 76

PISA 2018: Lower levels of life satisfaction where students scored above the OECD average ...


PISA 2018: „In most East Asian countries and economies, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang (China), Hong Kong (China), Japan and Macao (China), students scored above the OECD average in reading, but reported lower levels of life satisfaction than the average 15-year-old student in OECD countries.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. What School Life Means for Students’ Lives“ (2019), S. 160

Top-performing countries, such as Singapore and Japan, pay their teachers well ...


„Top-performing countries, such as Singapore and Japan, pay their teachers well against professions such as engineering and law. They also select the top students from a given high-school cohort. This gives teaching professional prestige in these countries.“
World Bank Group (Hrsg.), Successful Teachers, Successful Students (2019), S. 11.

Korean and Japanese 15-year-olds spending less time connected to the Internet compared to students in other countries ...


„Using the Internet intensively — more than 6 hours per day — is also associated with less satisfaction with life, arriving late for school and lower education expectations, according to the OECD report PISA 2015 Results: Students’ Well-Being. Maybe Korean and Japanese parents and students know best, and that is why 15-year-olds reported spending less time connected to the Internet compared to students in other countries, particularly on school days.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus“, Nr. 83, April 2018, S. 5


Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen unterscheidet sich von Land zu Land signifikant, was hauptsächlich auf die von den tertiären Bildungseinrichtungen erhobenen Bildungsgebühren zurückzuführen ist. In Ländern wie Chile, Japan, Kolumbien, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten ist der Anteil am größten (rund 70 Prozent).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2018, OECD-Indikatoren“ (2018), S. 347

In Österreich machen die privaten Ausgaben hingegen nur rund 6 Prozent aus. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2018“ (2018), Figure C1.4)


Australien, Japan und Republik Korea: durchschnittliche Bildungsgebühren für inländische Bildungsteilnehmer ...


„In Australien, Japan und der Republik Korea betragen die durchschnittlichen Bildungsgebühren für inländische Bildungsteilnehmer in einem Bachelorbildungsgang in unabhängigen privaten Bildungseinrichtungen mehr als 8.000 US-Dollar im Vergleich zu 4.500 US-Dollar bis 5.300 US-Dollar in öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2018, OECD-Indikatoren“ (2018), S. 380


Teachers in Finland and Japan perform best in both numeracy and literacy ...


„Teachers in Finland and Japan perform best in both numeracy and literacy, while teachers in Chile and Turkey perform worst in both domains.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eric Hanushek u. a., „The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance“ (2018), S. 9


Macao und Japan: Systems where advantaged and disadvantaged children are equally likely to attend high quality early years settings ...


Macao und Japan: „The impact of high quality early years provision is well proven, with the greatest impact being for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Yet, in many systems around the world, children from disadvantaged homes are the least likely to engage in such provision, due to issues of funding and access. By contrast, Macao and Japan – two of the high performing, high equity systems listed above – stand out as systems where advantaged and disadvantaged children are equally likely to attend high quality early years settings.“

Dr. John Jerrim u. a., „Educational disadvantage: how does England compare?“ (2018), S. 25


The United States leads in hosting the largest number of mobile students worldwide ...


„The United States leads in hosting the largest number of mobile students worldwide (hosting about 907,300 or 19 % of the global total), followed by the United Kingdom (430,700, or 9.2 %), Australia (294,500, or 6.3 %), France (239,400, or 5.1 %), Germany (228,800, or 4.9 %), Russian Federation (226,400, or 4.8 %), Canada (171,600, or 3.7 %), Japan (132,000, or 2.8 %), China (123,100, or 2.6 %) and Italy (90,400, or 1.9 %).“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Skills and Innovation in G20 Countries“ (2018), S. 14

In Österreich sind es 26,3 % (Quelle: Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Bildung in Zahlen 2016/17. Tabellenband“ (2018), S. 323), Österreich wäre also mit Abstand an der Spitze der G20-Staaten.


Japan: Teaching time ...


Japan: „Teaching time in Japan is much lower than the OECD average at all levels.

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note Japan“ (2018), S. 5


Support for PRP has fallen in all countries from 2013 to 2018 ...


„Support for PRP (Anm.: PRP = Performance-Related Pay) has fallen in all countries from 2013 to 2018. It has waned most markedly in the countries which most strongly supported it in 2013, namely Finland, the Czech Republic, Japan, the UK and New Zealand.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 79

Educational attainment and skills are less linked to NEET status in Japan than in most other OECD countries ...


„Educational attainment and skills are less linked to NEET status in Japan than in most other OECD countries; over one third of Japanese NEETs even have a tertiary qualification.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Japan“ (2017), S. 14


Private tutoring is an important feature of the Japanese education system ...


„Private tutoring is an important feature of the Japanese education system. About half of all junior high school students receive out-of-school lessons in so-called 'cram schools' (juku) after class has ended in the afternoon, on weekends and during summer vacations […] Already in the first year of elementary school, about one in six pupils attend juku to avoid falling behind or to cover class material in additional detail. While the fees that juku charge can vary greatly, The Economist magazine estimated the annual costs per student at around JPY 260 000 (EUR 2 100).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Japan“ (2017), S. 111


Japan: Most elementary and junior high schools offer special-needs classes for pupils with disabilities, often emotional disturbances, autism or intellectual disabilities ...


Japan: „Most elementary and junior high schools offer special-needs classes for pupils with disabilities, often emotional disturbances, autism or intellectual disabilities. All students in such a class share the same type of disability, and the instruction follows national guidelines adapted to each type of disability. Special-needs pupils are taught in a separate classroom but may attend regular classes with other pupils in some subjects.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Japan“ (2017), S. 115


Japan: Socio-economic background matters less for academic performance than in most other OECD countries ...


„Japanese pupils achieved excellent scores in all PISA rounds, and adults were the best-performers in the PIAAC Survey of Adult Skills. Japan scores well also in terms of educational equity: socio-economic background matters less for academic performance than in most other OECD countries.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Japan“ (2017), S. 139


Korea and Japan: Teachers' salaries far higher than the OECD average ...


„In Korea, teachers with more than 15 years of experience outearn their peers in many private sector jobs. In both Japan and Korea, teachers with more than 15 years of experience (and whose performance has been routinely assessed) enjoy salaries that are, respectively, 125 and 140 percent of per capita GDP – far higher than the OECD average of 107 percent.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 15


In Japan teachers spend only 18 hours a week teaching on average, although they have the highest total working hours (53 hours a week) ...


„In Top Performing Systems, a surprisingly small proportion of total working hours is spent in class. In Japan, for example, teachers spend only 18 hours a week teaching on average, although they have the highest total working hours (53 hours a week). With nearly two-thirds of their working time spent outside of class, they spend much more time on lesson preparation and other quality-enhancing activities to make in-class time much more effective.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 18


Japan has been a pioneer in private tutoring ...


„Japan has been a pioneer in private tutoring. In 2010, families spent US$12 billion (0.2 percent of GDP) on private tutoring. In the Republic of Korea, families spent US$20 billion or about 1.5 percent of GDP on private tutoring in 2012; these expenses account for 12 percent of household spending. Some 80 percent of elementary, 69 percent of middle school, and 50 percent of high school students used private tutors in 2014.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 121


Höchste Selbstmordrate der G7 Länder ...


„Angst vor Mobbing und schlechten Ergebnissen in Prüfungen führen zu enormem Stress unter Japans Schülern. […] Das Land hat die höchste Selbstmordrate der G7 Länder, jährlich nehmen sich ca. 20.000 Menschen das Leben. Während die Gesamtzahl zwar sinkt, steigt die Selbstmordrate bei jungen Erwachsenen, gerade wenn sie ihren ersten Job beginnen oder die Schule wieder los geht.“

sumikai.com am 3. September 2017


Bildungsgebühren in Australien, Japan und Korea ...


„In Australien, Japan und Korea betragen die Bildungsgebühren für einen Bachelor- oder gleichwertigen Bildungsgang in privaten Bildungseinrichtungen mehr als 8.000 US-Dollar gegenüber 4.500 US-Dollar bis 5.300 US-Dollar in öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen. In den Vereinigten Staaten verlangen unabhängige private Bildungseinrichtungen für Bachelor- oder gleichwertige Bildungsgänge mit durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren von fast 21.200 US-Dollar mehr als das Zweieinhalbfache der durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren an öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen (rund 8.200 US-Dollar).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2017“ (2017), S. 261f


Japan: High school admission is typically based on highly competitive entrance examinations ...


Japan: „High school admission is typically based on highly competitive entrance examinations administered by the prefectural or municipal boards of education or directly through private high schools. The three years of junior high school are therefore a particularly important period during pupils’ lives as they determine whether a young person will be able to attend a prestigious upper-secondary school.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Japan“ (2017), S. 111


Ganztagsschule à la Japan ...


„Pupils at elementary and junior high school level typically attend school for five to six hours per day over a five-day week. In many schools, students have lunch at school and afterwards jointly clean their classroom and communal areas, including the gym and the lavatories.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Japan“ (2017), S. 111


Prioritising salaries over class size ...


„Japan and Korea, two top performers in PISA, are good examples of countries prioritising salaries over class size. Both countries pay their teachers relatively well and require fewer teaching hours, so that teachers have more time for activities such as preparing lessons, meeting other teachers and tutoring students who are behind.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Indicators in Focus 46“ (Dezember 2016), S. 4


Frei finanzierte Privatschulen ...


„In Japan, Lebanon, Peru, Qatar, Chinese Taipei and the United Arab Emirates, at least one in four students are enrolled in government-independent private schools.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 124


The high levels of stress are reflected in Japan’s suicide rates ...


Japan: „The high levels of stress are reflected in Japan’s suicide rates, which are among the highest in the world, including among younger generations.“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Happy Schools!” (2016), S. 28


Special education in Japan ...


Japan: „Based on specific disabilities, special education is provided in three ways: in special schools, in special classes and resource rooms within normal schools, or within the normal classroom.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 63


Numeracy skills of teachers ...


„In Japan and Finland, for example, the average teacher has better numeracy skills than the average college graduate while in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, the Slovak Republic and Sweden, the reverse is true.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teaching Excellence through Professional Learning and Policy Reform“ (2016), S. 12


In Croatia, Hong Kong-China, Japan and the Netherlands, over 90 % of students attend selective schools ...


„In Croatia, Hong Kong-China, Japan and the Netherlands, over 90 % of students attend selective schools, i.e. schools where student academic performance and/or recommendations from feeder schools are always considered for admission.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 88


Suicide rates among under 30s ...


„Suicide rates among under 30s are highest in Finland, Japan, Korea and New Zealand, with 15 or more suicides per 100 000 youth.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Society at a Glance 2016” (2016), S. 118


Japan: Separate schools for students who cannot learn the same way as children in normal schools ...


Japan: „Separate schools are reserved for students who cannot learn the same way as children in normal schools, including students who are blind, deaf, or otherwise handicapped.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 63


Annual tuition fees for bachelor's programme in Japan ...


For students in a bachelor’s programme in Japan, annual average tuition fees were USD 5 152 in public institutions in 2014/15 and USD 8 263 in private institutions in 2013/14.“

OECD (Hrsg.), “Education at a Glance. Country Note Japan” (2015), S. 6


In school systems with hierarchical tracks ...


„In school systems with hierarchical tracks, as they are common in some European countries (e.g., Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria), but also in Korea, China, Brazil, Russia, and Japan, tracking does take place at the school level. In these school systems, students are allocated by teachers to different schools with different curricula and different final degrees on the basis of their achievements and interests in primary school.“

Prof. Dr. Florian Klapproth, „Do Algorithms Homogenize Students’ Achievements in Secondary School Better Than Teachers’ Tracking Decisions?“ in „Educatrion Policy Analysis Archives“, 23(62), 2015, S. 3


According to Japanese students in PISA 2012, student truancy is low and conduciveness to learning in classrooms is above the OECD average ...


„According to Japanese students in PISA 2012, student truancy is low (8.9%, compared to the OECD average of 35.3%), and conduciveness to learning in classrooms (disciplinary climate) is above the OECD average.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Japan“ (2015), S. 10


In 2011, Japan increased the total number of study hours in primary and lower secondary education ...


„In 2011, Japan increased the total number of study hours in primary and lower secondary education, in order to reduce dependence on private education resources.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Japan“ (2015), S. 4


Japan aims to improve the quality of VET education ...


Japan: „Following recommendations from the Central Council of Education, Japan aims to improve the quality of VET education by introducing guidelines to enhance VET provision at different levels of the education system.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Japan“ (2015), S. 8


Japan: 60 % of students follow some sort of out-of-school private academic tutoring ...


Japan: „Primarily due to severe competition to enter the country’s top universities, 60 % of students follow some sort of out-of-school private academic tutoring starting at lower secondary level.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Japan“ (2015), S. 8


In 2011, Japan increased the total number of study hours per year in order to decrease dependence on juku schools ...


„In 2011, Japan increased the total number of study hours per year in order to decrease dependence on juku schools. This increase was by about 300 hours in primary education and, starting in 2012/13, by about 100 hours in lower secondary education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Japan“ (2015), S. 10


Japan: The share of private expenditure on tertiary educational institutions is 66 % ...


Japan: „The share of private expenditure on tertiary educational institutions is 66 %, more than twice the OECD average of 30 %.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Japan“ (2015), S. 16


One of the most marked characteristics of Japanese society is the high status attached to education ...


„One of the most marked characteristics of Japanese society is the high status attached to education, which is seen as being the bedrock of a successful career, social advancement and prestige.“

Prof. Dr. Matthias Pilz u. a., „Problematic transitions from school to employment: freeters and NEETs in Japan and Germany“ in „Compare“, 2015, Vol. 45, No. 1, S. 79


Japan: In 2012 the private preparatory school market in Japan was valued at $9.2 billion ...


Japan: „Yano Research Institute, based in Tokyo, estimated that during the 2012 fiscal year, the private preparatory school market in Japan was valued at $9.2 billion, with private instruction growing in particular.“

New York Times online am 10. August 2014


Students in Japan and Korea spend many hours in private afterschool programmes ...


„Students in Japan and Korea spend many hours in private afterschool programmes drilling and practising, and these countries often have high results in international achievement tests compared with many other OECD countries.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Indicators in Focus 22“ (April 2014), S. 4


Across OECD countries, 18 % of students skipped at least one class ...


„Across OECD countries, 18 % of students skipped at least one class and 15% skipped at least an entire day of school without authorisation in the two weeks before the PISA test. […] In most high-performing school systems, such as Hong Kong-China, Japan, Korea and Shanghai-China, virtually no student skips classes or days of school.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus“, Nr. 35, Jänner 2014, S. 1f


Some 7 % of students in Japan and 9 % of students in Korea attend schools where ...


„Some 7 % of students in Japan and 9 % of students in Korea attend schools where more than 10 % of students skipped a day or a class at least once in the two weeks prior to the PISA test; by contrast, across OECD countries, an average of 73 % of students attend such schools.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus“, Nr. 35, Jänner 2014, S. 3


Nachhilfeinstitute Japans notieren an der Börse ...


„21 juku are large enough to be publicly listed on the stock exchange.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Lessons from PISA for Korea“ (2014), S. 95

37, 54


The highest-performing educational systems recruit their teachers from the top third ...


„The highest-performing educational systems recruit their teachers from the top third of each cohort of graduates (top 5 % in Korea, 10 % in Finland and 30 % in Singapore and Japan).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Lessons from PISA for Korea“ (2014), S. 193


Great variation of students’ performance between schools ...


„Like in Germany, there is great variation of students’ performance between schools in Japan, which has even increased over the last decade, but low variation within schools.“

Steve Entrich, „Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan“ in de Gruyter, „Contemporary Japan“, 2014, 26(1), S. 72


Students’ academic achievement increased due to out-of-school lessons ...


„In Japan, high school students’ academic achievement is increased due to out-of-school lessons.“

Steve Entrich, „Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan“ in de Gruyter, „Contemporary Japan“, 2014, 26(1), S. 71


Out-of-school education determines higher achievement scores ...


Japan: „Out-of-school education determines higher achievement scores in international comparison in a decisive way and therefore provides a reasonable explanation for the Japanese success in PISA.“

Steve Entrich, „Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan“ in de Gruyter, „Contemporary Japan“, 2014, 26(1), S. 71


Juku industry in Japan ...


„Today most Japanese students have juku experience. It is commonly perceived that without the juku industry the Japanese formal school system can no longer properly prepare students for their later life course.“

Steve Entrich, „Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan“ in de Gruyter, „Contemporary Japan“, 2014, 26(1), S. 75


Juku industry generates about $ 12 billion a year ...


„Compared to the Japanese juku industry that generates about $ 12 billion a year, the institutionalized German Nachhilfe system with its estimated more than 4,000 Nachhilfe schools is in an early stage of development.“

Steve Entrich, „Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan“ in de Gruyter, „Contemporary Japan“, 2014, 26(1), S. 77


Performance-enhancing enrichment lessons ...


„Nearly every second Japanese student uses performance-enhancing enrichment lessons.“

Steve Entrich, „Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan“ in de Gruyter, „Contemporary Japan“, 2014, 26(1), S. 95


Nachhilfeunterricht „big business“ bei den PISA-Siegern ...


„Private tuition is big business in Singapore and other high-performing East Asian countries like South Korea and Japan.“

Dr. Ng Pak Tee, National Institute of Education Singapur, Today online am 9. Juli 2013


In Mathematik leistungsstarke Zehnjährige ...


„Besonders hoch ist der Anteil leistungsstarker Schüler/innen in Korea (39 %), Japan (30 %) und Nordirland (24 %). In Österreich zählen hingegen nur 2 % zu Kompetenzstufe 4.“

BIFIE, „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2012“ (2013), Band 1, S. 132


Tracking within schools is common and on the rise in the U.S., the U.K., and Japan ...


„The U.S., the U.K., and Japan essentially keep their entire secondary education system comprehensive – although tracking within schools is common and on the rise in these countries.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Dustmann u.a., „The Long-Term Effects of Early Track Choice“ (2013), S. 2


Leistungen der 10-Jährigen ...


Leistungen der 10-Jährigen: „The East Asian countries, including Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong SAR, Chinese Taipei, and Japan excel in mathematics from assessment cycle to assessment cycle, and the Russian Federation and Finland are top performers in reading.“

IEA (Hrsg.), „TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships among reading, mathematics, and science achievement at the fourth grade“ (2013), S. 14


924 billion yen (US$ 12 billion) on private tutoring ...


„Households in Japan were reported in 2010 to be spending about 924 billion yen (US$ 12 billion) on private tutoring.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mark Bray u.a., „Shadow Education“ (2012), S. 21


In Japan gehen die Schüler in der ersten Sekundarstufe zweimal täglich in die Schule ...


„In Japan gehen die Schüler in der ersten Sekundarstufe zweimal täglich in die Schule: morgens in die Staats- und abends in die Privatschule, damit sie am Ende der ersten Sekundarstufe in die wenigen Gymnasien kommen, die den Zugang zu den renommierten Universitäten ermöglichen, die für die weitere Karriere entscheidend sind.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Oelkers, Neue Zürcher Zeitung vom 9. März 2011