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Wenn man ausreichend Lehrpersonal hat ...


„Schools with sufficient teachers can provide after-school care to extend students’ learning time, benefiting their academic achievement. Additionally, schools with adequate teachers can reduce class sizes. When the number of students per class is below 20, the proportion of resilient students increases significantly.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tao Jiang u. a., Typologies of secondary school student academic resilience in science with classroom and school context predictors (2024), S. 10.

Large class sizes are a particular challenge for teachers and students alike ...


„Large class sizes are a particular challenge for teachers and students alike. They have been found to negatively affect teacher well-being and job satisfaction.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global Report on Teachers (2024), S. 51.

No surprise that teacher and student well-being is at a worrisomely low point ...


„In an educational environment characterized by poor working conditions, heavy workloads, large class sizes, limited resources, and insufficient professional and psychosocial support, it is no surprise that teacher and student well-being is at a worrisomely low point.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Why the world needs happy schools (2024), S. 19.

Teachers’ well-being has been a concern since long before the pandemic ...


„Teachers’ well-being has been a concern since long before the pandemic, owing to low salaries, heavy workloads that include non-teaching responsibilities, crowded classrooms that are hard to manage, insufficient professional development opportunities, and a lack of professional autonomy and voice in decisionmaking. These challenging working conditions are amplified by violence against teachers, especially against female teachers and in crisis contexts.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Why the world needs happy schools (2024), S. 49.

Small size classes help teachers reduce time spent on disciplinary and class management matters ...


„Small size classes help teachers reduce time spent on disciplinary and class management matters and consequently devote more time on effective instruction, learning activities, and individualized instruction and personalized processes.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Spyros Konstantopoulos u. a., Class size and teacher effects on non‑cognitive outcomes in grades K‑3. In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2023) 11:33, S. 3.

In smaller classes, teachers might be able to allocate more time and dedicated support to each student ...


„In smaller classes, teachers might be able to allocate more time and dedicated support to each student, whereas in larger classes some students may become disengaged due to their learning needs not receiving sufficient attention. Findings from PISA 2015 show that students in schools with smaller class sizes were 'more likely to report that their teachers adapt their lessons to students’ needs and knowledge, provide individual help to struggling students, and change the structure of the lesson if students find it difficult to follow'.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 244.

Smaller classes and fewer students per teacher were associated with a stronger sense of belonging at school ...


„Education systems that reported lower student-teacher ratios showed higher mathematics scores even after accounting for per capita GDP. […] Across all countries/economies, smaller classes and fewer students per teacher were associated with a stronger sense of belonging at school, even after accounting for per capita GDP.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 176.

Key contributors to teacher turnover ...


„Factors like insufficient resources, overcrowded classrooms, heavy workloads, and classroom management issues have been identified as key contributors to teacher turnover.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global report on teachers. Addressing teacher shortages (2023), S. 19.

Link between class size and student outcomes ...


„Several studies on the link between class size and student outcomes in the EU reveal a beneficial impact of smaller classes on education outcomes, if teachers are able to adapt their pedagogical approaches.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Investing in our future: quality investment in education and training (2022), S. 19.

Die Vorteile kleiner Klassen ...


„Small classes allow for increased instructional time (owing to fewer disruptions and less classroom management time), more intensive teacher-student and student-student interactions, higher personal and academic support as well as better emotional connections and identification of students with the class and the school community.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Investing in our future: quality investment in education and training (2022), S. 48.

Mikroklassen in Englands extrem teuren Privatschulen ...


„The pupil–teacher ratio in private schools affiliated to the ISC (Anm.: ISC = Independent Schools Council) has been falling since the 1980s. In the latest decade, the ratio continued its decline, and by 2019 it had fallen to 8.5.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 6.

Substantive long-term educational effects arising from resource differences ...


„There are now high-quality studies that show substantive long-term educational effects arising from resource differences, including the effects of much smaller class sizes.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green, Private schools and inequality (2022), S. 7.

Die durchschnittliche Klassengröße ist in NMS deutlich kleiner als in der AHS-Unterstufe ...


„Die durchschnittliche Klassengröße ist in NMS (19,8) deutlich kleiner als in der AHS-Unterstufe (24,5). Dieser relativ große Unterschied in den Klassengrößen der NMS und AHS-Unterstufe ist ein wichtiger Grund für die unterschiedlich hohen staatlichen Bildungsausgaben pro Schüler/in.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2021 (2021), S. 234.

Bildungssysteme mit kleineren Klassen in der Unterrichtssprache weisen eine höhere durchschnittliche Lesekompetenz auf ...


„Die Ergebnisse der jüngsten Erhebungsrunde der Internationalen Schulleistungsstudie PISA 2018 zeigen, dass Bildungssysteme mit kleineren Klassen in der Unterrichtssprache eine höhere durchschnittliche Lesekompetenz aufweisen als Systeme mit größeren Klassen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 384.

Kleinere Klassen werden oft positiv bewertet ...


„Kleinere Klassen werden oft positiv bewertet, denn sie ermöglichen es den Lehrern, sich stärker auf die einzelnen Schüler zu konzentrieren, außerdem müssen sich die Lehrkräfte weniger mit Störungen des Unterrichts auseinandersetzen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 416.

Englands Privatschulen: sehr reiche Schulen für Kinder sehr Reicher ...


„On average, the fee income from families with children in private day schools exceeds the government expenditure on state schools by a factor of around 2.5 or more, depending on the education stage. When supplemented by private schools’ physical and financial wealth, the per-pupil resource gap becomes at least three. With these resources, British private schools can specialise in small class sizes, with a pupil-teacher ratio of less than half that of state-maintained schools in 2016.“
Dr. Golo Henseke u. a., Income, housing wealth, and private school access in Britain. In: Education Economics, 29:3 (2021), S. 254.

Increased student heterogeneity in the classroom may have negative consequences for the teachers ...


„Increased student heterogeneity in the classroom may […] have negative consequences for the teachers. In particular, students’ behavioural problems have been associated with higher levels of teacher dissatisfaction and stress. […] It has also been indicated that larger class size is related to higher levels of burnout and exhaustion.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Timo Saloviita u. a., Teacher burnout explained: Teacher-, student-, and organisation-level variables. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 97 (2021), S. 3.

Teachers’ job-specific tasks as well as class size, school size, and the availability of supportare variables related to burnout ...


„Teachers’ job-specific tasks as well as class size, school size, and the availability of support are among the significant organisation-level variables related to burnout.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Timo Saloviita u. a., Teacher burnout explained: Teacher-, student-, and organisation-level variables. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 97 (2021), S. 3.

Kleinere Klassen werden oft positiv bewertet ...


„Kleinere Klassen werden oft positiv bewertet, denn sie ermöglichen es den Lehrern, sich stärker auf die einzelnen Schüler zu konzentrieren, außerdem müssen sich die Lehrkräfte weniger mit Störungen des Unterrichts auseinandersetzen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 458.

Teachers in smaller classes more commonly adapt their teaching to meet the needs of students ...


„Bigger classes can require teachers to give more attention and time to classroom management, student evaluation or providing individualised feedback to students. The PISA 2015 study found that teachers in smaller classes more commonly adapt their teaching to meet the needs of students.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 53.

Teachers who teach in larger classes tend to devote less classroom time to actual teaching and learning ...


„TALIS reveals that teachers who teach in larger classes tend to devote less classroom time to actual teaching and learning.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 53.

The causes for the lack of well-being of the teacher workforce are multiple ...


„According to the voice of representatives from various ministries of education and representatives of the teacher workforce the causes for the lack of well-being are multiple. A few of the causes suggested in the discussions were excessive workload, constant reforms imposed on the teaching profession that change with each new government, accountability and evaluation systems that are punitive and confusing, lack of support for schools with unmanageable student misbehaviour issues, class sizes, government interference in curriculum and teaching methods, excessive regulation, the challenges of more diverse and inclusive classrooms, perceived lack of respect for the profession, and, in some countries, inadequate or unequal funding.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 15.

Durchschnittliche Klassengrößen im Vergleich ...


„Die durchschnittliche Klassengröße ist in NMS (19,7) deutlich kleiner als in der AHS-Unterstufe (24,2). Auch das Schüler-Lehrkräfte-Verhältnis stellt sich in der HS/NMS (8,0) deutlich günstiger dar als in der AHS-Unterstufe (11,2).“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018. Band 1“ (2019), S. 96

Die Klassen in der AHS Unterstufe sind deutlich größer ...


„In der Volksschule saßen 2017/18 fast alle Schülerinnen und Schüler (99,0%) in Klassen mit maximal 25 Kindern. In der Neuen Mittelschule/Hauptschule beträgt dieser Anteil 97,3%. Die Klassen in der AHS Unterstufe (inkl. Modellversuch Neue Mittelschule an Standorten der AHS-Unterstufe) sind deutlich größer: Nur etwa sechs von zehn Kindern (58,0%) werden in Klassen unterrichtet, die unter dem Richtwert von 25 Kindern liegen.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Bildung in Zahlen 2017/18. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen“ (2019), S. 82

Die Folgen der jahrelangen Diskriminierung der AHS ...


„In der AHS-Unterstufe (inkl. Modellversuch Neue Mittelschule an Standorten der AHS-Unterstufe) saßen im Schuljahr 2017/18 42,0% der Kinder in Klassen mit mehr als 25 Kindern, in der Neuen Mittelschule/Hauptschule waren es hingegen weniger als 3% der Kinder.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Bildung in Zahlen 2017/18. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen“ (2019), S. 82

Students benefit when they are in smaller settings ...


„Reviews of research about school size have consistently found that students benefit when they are in smaller settings where they can be well known, and these effects are strongest for students with the greatest economic and academic needs. These settings include smaller schools as well as small learning communities created within large school buildings, where staff and students work together in smaller units that function as close-knit communities.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development (2019), S. 103.

Großbritannien: Each state school teacher instructs roughly twice the number of pupils faced by teachers in private schools ...


Großbritannien: „Each state school teacher instructs roughly twice the number of pupils faced by teachers in private schools. It is sometimes also claimed that teachers’ skills are greater in the private than in the state sector.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 100.

The value of very small class sizes ...


Großbritanniens Privatschulen: „Most parents of private school teenagers are quite clear in their own minds that they are buying a better academic quality. They believe in the value of very small class sizes and much better equipment.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 131.

Policy responses to shortages ...


„Policy responses to shortages include lowering qualification requirements, but also assigning teachers to teach in subject areas in which they are not fully qualified, increasing teaching hours or class sizes. Such quick solutions however have inevitable implications on the quality of teaching and learning.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „A Flying Start“ (2019), S. 52

OECD tritt Behauptung entgegen, kleinere Klassen würden nichts bringen ...


„Weaker or disadvantaged students are often intentionally grouped and placed in smaller classes so that they receive more individual attention. At the school level, therefore, the observed relationship between class size and student achievement is often positive, suggesting that students in larger classes perform better than students in smaller classes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education at a Glance 2019 (2019), S. 13.

Finland’s success in compulsory schooling ...


„Finland’s success in compulsory schooling is partly because teachers are valued by society and enjoy good working conditions, relatively high salaries, smaller classes and fewer teaching hours than the OECD average. Another feature of Finnish schools is the well-developed system to detect pupils with special needs early and provide timely interventions.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Finland“ (2019), S. 12

The potential of small classes for creating a supportive learning environment is visible in PISA 2015 data ...


„The potential of small classes for creating a supportive learning environment is visible in PISA 2015 data: on average across OECD countries, and according to students’ reports, science teachers with smaller class sizes are more likely to adapt their lessons to the needs and knowledge of their students than science teachers in schools with larger class sizes. In addition, in almost every OECD country, students whose science teachers adapt more frequently their teaching outperform academically students whose teachers adapt their teaching less frequently, even after accounting for students’ and schools’ socio-economic profile.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Learning in rural schools (2019), S. 27.

PISA 2018: In schools with smaller classes ...


PISA 2018: „In schools with smaller classes, students were more likely to report that their teachers adapt their lessons to students’ needs and knowledge, provide individual help to struggling students, and change the structure of the lesson if students find it difficult to follow.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. Where All Students Can Succeed“ (2019), S. 109

Less classroom time on actual teaching and learning in larger classes ...


„Analyses show that, on average across OECD countries and economies, when teachers teach larger classes, they tend to spend less classroom time on actual teaching and learning.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2018 Results. Volume I“ (2019), S. 68

The most common priorities for policy intervention reported by teachers ...


„The most common priorities for policy intervention reported by teachers in participating countries and economies are: 1) reducing class sizes (reported by 65% of teachers); 2) improving teacher salaries (64%); 3) offering high-quality professional development for teachers (55%) and 4) reducing teachers’ administration load (55%).“
OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2018 Results. Volume I“ (2019), S. 82

In England, the pupil teacher ratio in the state sector was 17:1 in 2016 compared to 8.6:1 in the private sector ...


„In England, the pupil teacher ratio in the state sector was 17:1 in 2016 compared to 8.6:1 in the private sector. In practice this means children receive more individual attention, more pastoral support and smaller class sizes. Children from independent schools also typically enjoy a wider range of extra-curricular opportunities than those educated in the state sector. Attending an independent school brings disproportionate privileges in terms of exam results, prestige of position in the labour market, and income.“
Social Mobility Commission (Hrsg.), State of the Nation 2018-19: Social Mobility in Great Britain (2019), S. 54.

A majority of countries and economies that participated in PISA 2015 compensate disadvantaged schools with smaller classes and/or lower student-teacher ratios ...


„A majority of countries and economies that participated in PISA 2015 compensate disadvantaged schools with smaller classes and/or lower student-teacher ratios.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 85“ (Juni 2018), S. 2

10, 40


Countries that compensate for disadvantage in schools with smaller classes ...


„Countries that compensate for disadvantage in schools with smaller classes and lower student-teacher ratios do not, on average, have narrower performance gaps related to socio-economic status.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 85“ (Juni 2018), S. 4

10, 40


Kleinere Klassen lohnen sich ...


„Die Analyse zeigt, dass ein Reduzieren der Klassengröße vor allem in größeren Klassen mit mindestens etwa 20 SchülerInnen effektiv ist.“

Maximilian Bach, MA, u. a., „Kleinere Grundschulklassen können zu besseren Leistungen von SchülerInnen führen“. In: „DIW Wochenbericht“ Nr. 22/2018, S. 466


Kleinere Klassen führen nicht nur zu besseren Testergebnissen ...


„Interessanterweise beschränken sich die Effekte kleinerer Klassen nicht auf Testergebnisse, sondern lassen sich auch an der Wahrscheinlichkeit ablesen, eine Jahrgangsstufe zu wiederholen. Diese liegt in kleineren Klassen signifikant niedriger.“

Maximilian Bach, MA, u. a., „Kleinere Grundschulklassen können zu besseren Leistungen von SchülerInnen führen“. In: „DIW Wochenbericht“ Nr. 22/2018, S. 470


Klassengröße 20 optimal ...


„Eine separate Betrachtung kleiner und großer Klassen zeigt, dass Klassengrößeneffekte fast ausschließlich in großen Klassen zu erwarten wären. Aus dieser Erkenntnis ergeben sich wichtige Empfehlungen an die Politik. So erscheint eine Reduzierung der Klassengröße in kleinen Klassen (solche mit weniger als 20 SchülerInnen) nicht empfehlenswert, da dies zwar Geld kosten würde, aufgrund der vorliegenden Studie aber keine besseren Lernerfolge zu erwarten wären.“

Maximilian Bach, MA, u. a., „Kleinere Grundschulklassen können zu besseren Leistungen von SchülerInnen führen“. In: „DIW Wochenbericht“ Nr. 22/2018, S. 471


Kleinere Klassen rechnen sich ...


„Eine Umrechnung in Schulwochen ergibt, dass jedes Kind weniger in einer großen Klasse zur Folge hätte, dass die SchülerInnen durchschnittlich so viel zusätzlich lernen, wie sie es sonst in zweieinhalb Wochen tun. Fünf SchülerInnen weniger zögen entsprechend durchschnittliche Lernzuwächse von knapp drei Monaten nach sich.“

Maximilian Bach, MA, u. a., „Kleinere Grundschulklassen können zu besseren Leistungen von SchülerInnen führen“. In: „DIW Wochenbericht“ Nr. 22/2018, S. 471


Ergebnis einer von der AK Wien in Auftrag gegebenen IFES-Umfrage ...


„Acht von zehn Eltern (81 %) meinen, dass ein weiterer Ausbau der kostenlosen Nachhilfeangebote an den Schulen eine deutliche Reduktion der bezahlten Nachhilfe bewirken würde. Ebenfalls die überwiegende Mehrheit der Eltern (77 %) plädiert dafür, in einzelnen Fächern die Klassen aufzuteilen, um in kleineren Unterrichtsgruppen zu arbeiten, so dass man auf die einzelnen Kinder stärker eingehen kann.“

IFES (Hrsg.), „Nachhilfe in Österreich 2018“ (2018), S. 52


Empirische Evidenz für langfristige Effekte von kleineren Klassengrößen auf die Bildungskarriere und die Berufswahl ...


„In kleinen Klassen ist es […] möglich, mehr individuelle Betreuung der Schüler zu gewährleisten und weniger Frontalunterricht durchzuführen, sodass die Schüler in der Interaktion mit der Lehrperson eine aktivere Rolle einnehmen und sich stärker im Unterricht engagieren. Außerdem wird in kleineren Klassen der Unterricht in der Regel seltener gestört, sodass der Zeitanteil, in dem ein Lernfortschritt erzielt kann, größer ist. […] Auch für langfristige Effekte von kleineren Klassengrößen auf die Bildungskarriere und die Berufswahl gibt es empirische Evidenz.“

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Hrsg.), „Bildungsmonitor 2018“ (2018), S. 28f


Fast die Hälfte in zu großen Klassen ...


„In der AHS-Unterstufe (inkl. Modellversuch Neue Mittelschule an Standorten der AHS-Unterstufe) saßen im Schuljahr 2016/17 40,3 % der Kinder in Klassen mit mehr als 25 Kindern, in der Neuen Mittelschule/Hauptschule waren es hingegen weniger als 3 % der Kinder.“

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Bildung in Zahlen 2016/17. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen“ (2018), S. 83


Schools where class sizes are larger tend to have lower disciplinary climate ...


„Schools where class sizes are larger tend to have lower disciplinary climate, perhaps because larger classes are more difficult to manage.“

Prof. Dr. Tommaso Agasisti u. a., „Academic resilience“ (2018), S. 31


Kleinere Klassen für Leistungsschwächere ...


„Schools with multiple divisions (classes) per grade level can decide to form one small class with students who need extra attention and larger classes in which easier students are put together. In that scenario it is likely to find that students in small classes do worse than students in larger classes, but this is not caused by the difference in class size but by the difference in characteristics between students assigned to small and large classes.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Edwin Leuven u. a., „Class size and student outcomes in Europe“ (2018), S. 5


Ergebnis der STAR-Studie: Small classes have a positive effect on student outcomes ...


„Small classes have a positive effect on student outcomes. Students assigned to small classes perform five to seven percentile points (0.20-0.28 SD units) higher than students assigned to regular classes, which had on average about seven more students than small classes. Students assigned to regular classes with a teaching assistant do not perform significantly differently than students assigned to regular classes.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Edwin Leuven u. a., „Class size and student outcomes in Europe“ (2018), S. 10


Estland: Teachers’ working conditions in Estonia include small class sizes, low student-teacher ratios and less teaching time than on average across OECD countries ...


Estland: „Overall, teachers’ working conditions in Estonia include small class sizes, low student-teacher ratios and less teaching time than on average across OECD countries. Except at the pre-primary level, Estonia has some of the shortest teaching hours per year among OECD and partner countries, and they have fallen in recent years.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note Estonia“ (2018), S. 3


Teachers in smaller classes are somewhat more likely to adapt their teaching to the students’ needs ...


„According to students’ reports across OECD countries, teachers in smaller classes are somewhat more likely to adapt their teaching to the students’ needs and abilities than teachers in schools with larger class sizes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 134

The Czech Republic has one of the most differentiated education systems by international comparison ...


„The Czech Republic has one of the most differentiated education systems by international comparison. Schools offer specialised provision at both lower secondary and upper secondary levels, including general, artistic, technical and vocational education, which contributes to the high number of small schools and small class sizes existent in the country.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 241

Resources allocated to reducing class sizes ...


„How teachers are paid, and what proportion of resources are allocated to reducing class sizes, providing better training for teachers and providing more ancillary staff or better facilities, is crucial.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 8

Vorteile kleiner Klassen ...


„In kleinen Klassen ist es etwa möglich, mehr individuelle Betreuung der Schüler zu gewährleisten und weniger Frontalunterricht durchzuführen, sodass die Schüler in der Interaktion mit der Lehrperson eine aktivere Rolle einnehmen und sich stärker im Unterricht engagieren und weniger Unterrichtsstörungen stattfinden.“

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Hrsg.), „Bildungsmonitor 2017“ (2017), S. 27


Verringerung der Klassengröße geht mit besseren Schülerleistungen einher ...


„Gemäß Metaanalysen zeigen viele empirische Untersuchungen, dass eine Verringerung der Klassengröße mit besseren Schülerleistungen in der kurzen Frist und mit größeren Bildungserfolgen in der langen Frist einhergeht.“

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Hrsg.), „Bildungsmonitor 2017“ (2017), S. 28


Klassen mit mehr als 25 Kindern ...


In der AHS-Unterstufe (inkl. Modellversuch Neue Mittelschule an Standorten der AHS-Unterstufe) saßen im Schuljahr 2015/16 38,2 % der Kinder in Klassen mit mehr als 25 Kindern, in der Hauptschule und Neuen Mittelschule waren es hingegen unter 3 % der Kinder (1,8 % bzw. 2,3 %).

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2015/16 Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2017), S. 84


The learning environment in Swedish classrooms is positive in terms of student-teacher relations ...


„The learning environment in Swedish classrooms is positive in terms of student-teacher relations, but it could be more conducive to learning. Teachers report low job satisfaction, and fewer teachers than in other OECD countries would choose their profession again.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Sweden“ (2017), S. 4


In nicht unerheblichem Ausmaß ...


„Jedenfalls kann die Klassengröße das Unterrichtsgeschehen und auch die Möglichkeiten auf das individuelle Lernen der Schülerinnen und Schüler einzugehen, in nicht unerheblichem Ausmaß beeinflussen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristina Reiss u. a., „PISA 2015. Eine Studie zwischen Kontinuität und Innovation“ (2016), S. 202


Kinder in Klassen mit mehr als 25 Kindern ...


„In der AHS-Unterstufe […] saßen im Schuljahr 2014/15 34,7 % der Kinder in Klassen mit mehr als 25 Kindern, in der Hauptschule und Neuen Mittelschule waren es hingegen deutlich unter 5 % der Kinder (1,5 % bzw. 2,1 %).“

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Bildung in Zahlen 2014-15, Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen“ (2016), S. 80


Kleinere Klassen helfen sozial Schwächeren am meisten ...


„High-income (high-skilled) parents respond to an increase in class size by helping out more with homework; low-income parents do not respond at all along this dimension.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Fredriksson u.a., „Parental responses to public investments in children: Evidence from a maximum class size rule“ (2016), S. 29


Größere Klassen erlauben weniger Eingehen auf den Einzelnen ...


„Teachers in larger classes use less intensive teaching methods (assign more responsibility for learning to the students), probably implying more frontal teaching and less personalized instruction. […] An increase in class size, by construction, implies less direct pupil/teacher interaction. Consistent with this, teachers think that pupils have to take greater responsibility for their learning when class size increases.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Fredriksson u.a., „Parental responses to public investments in children: Evidence from a maximum class size rule“ (2016), S. 30


Estland, Europas PISA-2015-Sieger ...


Estland, Europas PISA-2015-Sieger: „In 2013-14, the average primary class had 18.4 students, the average lower secondary class had 17.9 students and the average upper secondary class had 23.9 students.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Reviews of School Resources – Estonia“ (2016), S. 166


Teachers adapt their instruction to students’ needs, knowledge and level of understanding in smaller classes ...


„On average across OECD countries, students in smaller classes reported more frequently than students in larger classes that their teachers adapt their instruction to students’ needs, knowledge and level of understanding.“

OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2015. Results in Focus (2016), S. 11


Disadvantages of large classes ...


„Large classes may limit the time and attention teachers can devote to individual students, rather than to the whole class; they may also be more prone to disturbances from noisy and disruptive students.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 202


Benefit of smaller classes ...


„An often-mentioned benefit of smaller classes is that teachers can dedicate greater attention to individual students, especially to those who need academic support the most.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 208


Teachers adapt their instruction to students' needs in smaller classes ...


„PISA 2015 findings show that, on average across OECD countries, in schools with smaller classes, students were more likely to report that their teachers adapt their lessons to students’ needs and knowledge, provide individual help to struggling students, and change the structure of the lesson if students find it difficult to follow.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 208


Asiens Schulwelt verfälscht das Bild ...


„The weak association between low performance and class size largely reflects the fact that in certain Asian countries and economies, notably Hong Kong-China, Japan, Korea, Macao-China, Shanghai-China, Singapore, Chinese Taipei and Viet Nam, large classes co-exist with small shares of low performers.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Low-Performing Students“ (2016), S. 175


Smaller classes are often seen as beneficial ...


„Smaller classes are often seen as beneficial because they allow teachers to focus more on the needs of individual students and reduce the amount of class time needed to deal with disruptions.“

OECD (Hrsg.), Education at a Glance 2015: OECD Indicators“ (2015), S. 416


More class time spent keeping order ...


„Larger classes seem to be associated with a higher percentage of students with behavioural problems and with more class time spent keeping order as opposed to teaching and learning.“

OECD (Hrsg.), Education at a Glance 2015: OECD Indicators“ (2015), S. 416


Positive correlation between average class size and proportion of students with behaviour problems ...


„There is a positive correlation between average class size and the reported proportion of students with behaviour problems.“

OECD (Hrsg.), Education at a Glance 2015: OECD Indicators“ (2015), S. 418


Higher proportion of students with behavioural problems ...


„Larger classes are associated with a higher proportion of students with behavioural problems, which, in turn, is associated with less time spent on teaching and learning activities.“

OECD (Hrsg.), Education at a Glance 2015: OECD Indicators“ (2015), S. 418


Positive students’ outcomes other than achievement ...


„Class size reductions have been associated with positive students’ outcomes other than achievement, such as effort, self-control, confidence and emotional stability in primary schoolers.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Teaching Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools in Europe“ (2015), S. 168


Smaller classes may not facilitate learning per se but ...


„Smaller class sizes may not facilitate learning per se but may provide a learning context that enhances the development of non-cognitive competences and learning behaviors that are important for a successful life at an individual level and for economic growth and progress for the society.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Teaching Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools in Europe“ (2015), S. 168


Larger classes are correlated with less time ...


„Larger classes are correlated with less time spent on teaching and learning, and more time spent on keeping order in the classroom. One additional student added to an average-size class is associated with a 0.5 percentage-point decrease in time spent on teaching and learning activities.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2015“. OECD Indicators“ (2015), S. 28


Larger classes are detrimental for educational outcomes ...


„There is mounting experimental and quasi-experimental evidence that larger classes are detrimental for educational outcomes. […] Larger classes in upper primary school (age 10 to 13) are detrimental for cognitive test scores at ages 13 and 16, and for wages and earnings at age 27 to 42.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Fredriksson u. a., „Inside the Black Box of Class Size“ (2014), S. 2f


Increasing class size will harm ...


„The evidence suggests that increasing class size will harm not only children’s test scores in the short run, but also their long-run human capital formation.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, „Does Class Size Matter?“ (2014), Executive Summary


Class size matters ...


„Class size matters. Research supports the common-sense notion that children learn more and teachers are more effective in smaller classes.“

Dr. Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, „Does Class Size Matter?“ (2014), Executive Summary


Verringerung der Klassengröße geht mit besseren Schülerleistungen einher ...


„Gemäß einer neueren Metaanalyse zeigen die meisten empirischen Untersuchungen, dass eine Verringerung der Klassengröße mit besseren Schülerleistungen einhergeht.“

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Hrsg.), „Bildungsmonitor 2013“ (2013), S. 27


Smaller classes in the [...] age 10 to 13 ...


„Smaller classes in the [...] age 10 to 13 are beneficial for cognitive and noncognitive test scores at age 13 and for achievement test scores at ages 16.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Fredriksson u.a., „Long-Term Effects of Class Size“ in „The Quarterly Journal of Economics“ (2013), S. 251


Smaller classes increase completed education ...


„Smaller classes increase completed education, wages, and earnings at age 27 to 42.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Fredriksson u.a., „Long-Term Effects of Class Size“ in „The Quarterly Journal of Economics“ (2013), S. 251f


Increased student achievement as a result of the smaller class sizes ...


Researchers found that increased student attention in class and the attention paid by teachers to students as a result of the smaller class sizes contributed to increased student achievement. Specifically, teachers in the smaller classes spent more time teaching, were able to address individual student differences, had more interactions with each individual student and were able to minimise class disruptions compared with classes of 'normal' size.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kevin Watson u. a., „Globalising the Class Size Debate: Myths and Realities“. In: „Journal of International and Comparative Education“, 2013, Vol. 2, S. 75


Selbst bei gegebener Kooperationsbereitschaft auf allen Seiten ...


„Jenseits der personalen Leistungsvoraussetzungen auf Seiten der Lehrkräfte führen die Heterogenität der Leistungsvoraussetzung ihrer Schüler, die Klassengröße und die Fülle der zu behandelnden Themen dazu, dass selbst bei gegebener Kooperationsbereitschaft auf allen Seiten die beruflichen Ziele nicht ausreichend erreicht werden können.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Sieland, „Wie gehen Lehrkräfte mit Belastungen um?“ in Rothland (Hrsg.), „Belastung und Beanspruchung im Lehrerberuf“ (2012), S. 207


Subjektiv besonders beanspruchende Einflüsse ...


„Wenn Lehrkräfte direkt nach subjektiv besonders beanspruchenden Einflüssen gefragt werden, dominieren in größeren Befragungen stets Hinweise auf die Klassengröße, den Umfang der Unterrichtsverpflichtung und verhaltensschwierige Schüler – und zwar unabhängig vom persönlichen Arbeitsstil.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause u.a., „Psychische Belastungen im Unterricht“ in Rothland (Hrsg.), „Belastung und Beanspruchung im Lehrerberuf“ (2012), S. 99


Systems prioritising higher teacher salaries over smaller classes tend to perform better ...


„The findings from PISA suggest that systems prioritising higher teacher salaries over smaller classes tend to perform better.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity and Quality in Education“ (2012), S. 36


Smaller class sizes may increase the capacity of teachers ...


„Smaller class sizes may increase the capacity of teachers to shape student motivation, to elicit effort, and to develop their resiliency in the face of educational challenges.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas S. Dee u. a., „The Non-Cognitive Returns to Class Size“ in „Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis“, März 2011, S. 25


In der Schule in Südtirol kommt bei den 15-Jährigen eine Lehrperson auf durchschnittlich 8,24 Schülerinnen und Schüler ...


„In der Schule in Südtirol kommt bei den 15-Jährigen eine Lehrperson auf durchschnittlich 8,24 Schülerinnen und Schüler. In der deutschen Schule sind es 8,6, in der italienischen Schule sind es 6,94 Schüler und Schülerinnen. Der OECD-Durchschnitt ist fast doppelt so hoch, nämlich fast 16,12 Schüler und Schülerinnen pro Lehrperson.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2009 - Ergebnisse Südtirol“ (2011), S. 134


Die Klassengröße bei den 15-Jährigen ...


„Die Klassengröße bei den 15-Jährigen ist nur in der Schweiz geringer als in Südtirol (19,1 Schüler und Schülerinnen je Klasse). Im OECD-Durchschnitt sind die Klassen mit 24,6 Schülern und Schülerinnen um mehr als 5 größer als in Südtirol.“

OECD, „PISA 2009 - Ergebnisse Südtirol“ (2011), S. 135


By making it easier for teachers to limit disruptive behavior ...


„By making it easier for teachers to limit disruptive behavior, smaller class sizes may facilitate the development of attentiveness and self-control.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas S. Dee u. a., „The Non-Cognitive Returns to Class Size“ in „Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis“ (2011), S. 25


A negative correlation between class size and student achievement has been found in both developing and developed countries ...


„A negative correlation between class size and student achievement has been found in both developing and developed countries.“

Dr. Hyunjoon Park u. a., „Literacy Gaps by Educational Attainment: A Cross-National Analysis“ (2011), S. 4


Die Frage der Klassengröße ...


„Ob der Lehrer eine tragfähige Beziehung zu seinen Schülern herstellen kann, hängt wesentlich von der Größe und Zusammensetzung der Klasse ab. Ist diese zu groß oder zu heterogen, so ist es auch für einen hoch kompetenten Lehrer schwer oder sogar unmöglich, für alle Kinder emotional ausreichend verfügbar zu sein. Zwangsläufig gehen Kinder verloren, weil sie sich nicht aufgehoben fühlen. Die Frage der Klassengröße ist vordergründig eine finanzpolitische, letztlich aber eine bildungspolitische, denn sie bestimmt die Qualität der Schule wesentlich mit.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Remo Largo, „Lernen geht anders. Bildung und Erziehung vom Kind her denken“ (2010), S. 127f


The average class size can be seen as an indicator ...


„The average class size can be seen as an indicator of the quality of the teaching and the learning process in a country, which has an important impact on educational outcomes.“

Dr. Raphaela Schlicht u.a., „Educational Inequality in the EU“ in „European Union Policies 11 (2010), S. 37