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Teilzeitquote ...


„Im Rahmen der Lehrpersonalstatistik werden all jene Personen als teilzeitbeschäftigt definiert, welche weniger als 90 % der Zeit in einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung tätig sind. […] Bei den Frauen liegt diese Quote für alle Schultypen insgesamt bei 34,3 %, bei den Männern bei 22,8 %.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2022/23. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2024), S. 82.

Faktoren, die den Lehrberuf attraktivieren ...

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„Remuneration is a key element in making teaching a more attractive profession, along with other factors such as working conditions, career prospects, professional development opportunities and recognition, and intellectual and social motivation.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Teachers’ and school heads’ salaries and allowances in Europe 2021/2022 (2023), S. 9.

Higher performing systems have strategies in place that provide career pathways for high-performing experienced teachers ...


„Internationally, higher performing systems have strategies in place that provide career pathways for high-performing experienced teachers that combine reduced teaching loads with mentoring responsibilities for early career teachers. These programs are shown to be twice effective; first, they provide pedagogical career pathways to keep quality teachers in teaching, and second, they provide support for early career teachers while also building awareness of potential career pathways.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wyatt-Smith u. a., Reviewing the Evidence Base: Attraction, Pathways and Retention. A Focus on Attracting Candidates (2022), S. 13.

If teachers are understood as creative professionals, they need time ...


„If teachers are understood as creative professionals whose work involves the design of effective lessons that are studentcentred and promote active participation, they need time to engage in deliberate planning and preparation.“
Luka Boeskens, MSC, u. a., Not enough hours in the Day: Policies that shape teachers‘ use of time (2021), S. 34.

A reduced workload in general and teaching load in particular may help for a smooth transition into professional life ...


„At the beginning of the teaching career, a reduced workload in general and teaching load in particular may help for a smooth transition into professional life. Novice teachers, who benefit from reduced teaching time, could fully participate in induction activities, use this time for lesson preparation and establish their professional network.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Teachers in Europe (2021), S. 79.

A crucial strategy to create balance in teachers’ work is to allow support staff to take on some of teachers’ non-essential tasks ...


„Teachers balance multiple responsibilities across a regular school day, ranging from instruction to planning, marking, training, counselling, etc. A crucial strategy to create balance in teachers’ work is to allow support staff to take on some of teachers’ non-essential tasks. […] A staffing strategy based on identifying problems and allocating resources per school could be an effective mechanism for reducing teacher workload and associated stress.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teachers Getting the Best out of Their Students (2021), S. 33.

In allen Schultypen sind Frauen häufiger in Teilzeit tätig als Männer ...


„In allen Schultypen sind Frauen häufiger in Teilzeit tätig als Männer. Bei den Frauen liegt diese Quote für alle Schultypen insgesamt bei 32,3 %, bei den Männern bei 21,7 %. Die Teilzeitquoten der Frauen variieren je nach Schultyp zwischen 30,3 % und 35,3 %; jene der Männer schwanken zwischen 15,9 % und 24,8 %. Die höchsten Teilzeitquoten weisen Frauen mit 35,3 % an den allgemein bildenden höheren Schulen bzw. mit 34,4 % an berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulen auf.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2018/19. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2020), S. 80.

China: A relative low teaching load ...


China: „A relative low teaching load allows teachers to devote due attention to other social needs of students and teacher-student relations are very positive. […] The classroom disciplinary climate is relatively high and teachers report that students contribute to creating a pleasant learning atmosphere in class.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 18.

7 % of teachers report that their job negatively impacts their mental health 'a lot' ...


„7 % of teachers report that their job negatively impacts their mental health 'a lot', while 6 % report that it negatively impacts their physical health 'a lot', and 6 % of teachers consider that their work never leaves room for their personal life. […] Teachers who report experiencing a lot of stress in their work are more likely to report a wish to leave their work within the next five years, in almost all countries and economies participating in TALIS.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), S. 58.

79 % of teachers reported that they are employed full-time in 2018 ...


„On average across the OECD, 79 % of teachers reported that they are employed full-time in 2018 (all teaching employments included). A much smaller proportion report that they are employed as teachers between 71 % and 90 % of full-time hours (10 %), between 50 % and 70 % of full-time hours (7 %), or less than 50 % of full-time hours (4 %).“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), S. 117.
Die entsprechenden Prozentsätze Österreichs lauten 75 %, 12 %, 9 % und 4 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Table II.3.7.)

The causes for the lack of well-being of the teacher workforce are multiple ...

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„According to the voice of representatives from various ministries of education and representatives of the teacher workforce the causes for the lack of well-being are multiple. A few of the causes suggested in the discussions were excessive workload, constant reforms imposed on the teaching profession that change with each new government, accountability and evaluation systems that are punitive and confusing, lack of support for schools with unmanageable student misbehaviour issues, class sizes, government interference in curriculum and teaching methods, excessive regulation, the challenges of more diverse and inclusive classrooms, perceived lack of respect for the profession, and, in some countries, inadequate or unequal funding.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 15.

Es kommt sogar zu 80-Stunden-Wochen ...


„Befragt nach der durchschnittlichen Wochenarbeitszeit geben die Probandinnen und Probanden an, dass sie 41,3 Stunden pro Woche für die Schule arbeiten. Der Mittelwert verschleiert natürlich einiges, vor allem, weil es auch – wie wir gesehen haben – sehr viele teilbeschäftigte Lehrpersonen gibt. So arbeiten mehr als die Hälfte über 40 Stunden pro Woche und es kommt sogar zu 80-Stunden-Wochen. Und: Immerhin 30 % arbeiten nach eigenen Angaben zwischen 50 und 80 Stunden pro Woche.“
Mag. Dr. Jörg Spenger u. a., „Under pressure. Berufsvollzugsprobleme und Belastungen von Lehrpersonen. Eine empirische Studie.“ (2019), S. 22

Finland’s success in compulsory schooling ...


„Finland’s success in compulsory schooling is partly because teachers are valued by society and enjoy good working conditions, relatively high salaries, smaller classes and fewer teaching hours than the OECD average. Another feature of Finnish schools is the well-developed system to detect pupils with special needs early and provide timely interventions.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Finland“ (2019), S. 12

In allen Schultypen sind Frauen häufiger in Teilzeit tätig als Männer ...


„In allen Schultypen sind Frauen häufiger in Teilzeit tätig als Männer. […] Die höchsten Teilzeitquoten haben Frauen mit 35,6% an den allgemein bildenden höheren Schulen bzw. mit 34,1% an berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulen.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Bildung in Zahlen 2017/18. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen“ (2019), S. 76

England: Two out of five teachers are dissatisfied with their amount of leisure time ...


England: „Two out of five teachers (41 per cent) are dissatisfied with their amount of leisure time, compared to 32 per cent of similar professionals. One in five teachers (20 per cent) feel tense about their job most or all of the time, compared to 13 per cent of similar professionals. Reducing teachers’ unnecessary workload presents the biggest potential area for improving retention.“
NFER (Hrsg.), Teacher Labour Market in England. Annual Report 2019 (2019), S. 5.

Policy responses to shortages ...


„Policy responses to shortages include lowering qualification requirements, but also assigning teachers to teach in subject areas in which they are not fully qualified, increasing teaching hours or class sizes. Such quick solutions however have inevitable implications on the quality of teaching and learning.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „A Flying Start“ (2019), S. 52

Teachers’ work is highly complex and involves a great variety of responsibilities ...


„Teachers’ work is highly complex and involves a great variety of responsibilities and activities that compete for their time during the school day and week.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Working and Learning Together (2019), S. 25.

Entgrenzung der Arbeitszeit ...


„‚Es fehlen Erholungsmöglichkeiten in den Schulpausen, die Sieben-Tage-Woche ist in der Schulzeit quasi obligatorisch und die Entgrenzung der Arbeitszeit ist fast die Regel.‘ Fast jeder fünfte Lehrer arbeite sogar deutlich mehr als 48 Stunden in einer Schulwoche.“

Dr. Frank Mußmann, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Der Spiegel online am 29. Jänner 2018


Estland: Estonia is among OECD and partner countries having the lowest number of teaching hours per year ...


Estland: „Estonia is among OECD and partner countries having the lowest number of teaching hours per year.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note Estonia“ (2018), S. 1


Estland: Teachers’ working conditions in Estonia include small class sizes, low student-teacher ratios and less teaching time than on average across OECD countries ...


Estland: „Overall, teachers’ working conditions in Estonia include small class sizes, low student-teacher ratios and less teaching time than on average across OECD countries. Except at the pre-primary level, Estonia has some of the shortest teaching hours per year among OECD and partner countries, and they have fallen in recent years.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note Estonia“ (2018), S. 3


Japan: Teaching time ...

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Japan: „Teaching time in Japan is much lower than the OECD average at all levels.

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note Japan“ (2018), S. 5


In nearly all countries the public systematically underestimated the hours that teachers work ...

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„In nearly all countries the public systematically underestimated the hours that teachers work, except for Italy, Indonesia, China and Finland where they have fairly accurate perceptions.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 13

Highly qualified college graduates are less likely to choose teaching careers than low achieving graduates ...

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„In some countries like, for example, United States, there is empirical evidence that highly qualified college graduates are less likely to choose teaching careers than low achieving graduates. This is worrying for educational authorities which need to find a way to attract and retain motivated high quality teachers. In this sense, as in any other occupation, employee quality can only be demanded and worker motivation elicited if working conditions, including salary and work loading are attractive.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 53

Shanghai: Teachers teach only 10–12 hours a week ...

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Shanghai: „Teachers are given ample time for […] collaborative activities. They teach only 10–12 hours a week, less than half the U.S. average of 27 hours.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 17


In Top Performing Systems, a surprisingly small proportion of total working hours is spent in class ...

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„In Top Performing Systems, a surprisingly small proportion of total working hours is spent in class. In Japan, for example, teachers spend only 18 hours a week teaching on average, although they have the highest total working hours (53 hours a week). With nearly two-thirds of their working time spent outside of class, they spend much more time on lesson preparation and other quality-enhancing activities to make in-class time much more effective.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 18


The salary and benefits package for teachers in Shanghai is generous compared with those in other parts of China ...


Shanghai: „The salary and benefits package for teachers in Shanghai is generous compared with those in other parts of China. In fact, it is comparable with those of other professional occupations. Moreover, the salary scale allows high-performing and long-serving teachers to earn significantly more than new teachers. Adequate financing keeps teaching workloads relatively low, giving teachers the time to develop and prepare lesson plans.“

The World Bank (Hrsg.), „Learning to Realize Education's Promise“ (2018), S. 174


Lehrer haben häufig Arbeitswochen von über 50 Stunden ...


„Es wird ständig kolportiert, dass Lehrer immer nur vormittags arbeiten würden und dazu so viele Ferien hätten. Ein Vorurteil, das überhaupt nicht zutrifft. Lehrer haben häufig Arbeitswochen von über 50 Stunden und müssen gleichzeitig Wissen vermitteln, Erziehungsaufgaben übernehmen, zwischenmenschliche Krisen auffangen und die Organisation in der Schule aufrechterhalten.“

Dr. Gerhard Hildenbrand, Direktor für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie am Klinikum Lüdenscheid, Westfalenpost online am 1. November 2017


The average teacher in Shanghai teaches for only 10-12 hours per week ...


„The average teacher in Shanghai teaches for only 10-12 hours per week.“

Dr. Ben Jensen u. a., „Beyond PD: Teacher Professional Learning in High-Performing Systems“ (2016), S. 6


Teachers in high-performing systems do not necessarily have greater amounts of specified professional learning time ...


„While teachers in high-performing systems do not necessarily have greater amounts of specified professional learning time compared to other systems, these teachers do, however, have fewer teaching hours each week than teachers in other countries, and comparatively more time to spend on improving their own teaching and learning.“

Dr. Ben Jensen u. a., „Beyond PD: Teacher Professional Learning in High-Performing Systems“ (2016), S. 28


Finnish teachers devote less time to teaching than do teachers in many other nations ...


„From an international perspective, Finnish teachers devote less time to teaching than do teachers in many other nations.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, Developing Effective Teachers and School Leaders. The Case of Finland“. In: Darling-Hammond u. a., „Teaching in the Flat World“ (2015), S. 41


Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit der Lehrkräfte in Stunden ...


„Was die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit der Lehrkräfte in Stunden betrifft, zeigt sich, dass eine deutliche Mehrheit der Befragten laut eigenen Angaben ein über das vorgesehene Ausmaß hinausgehendes Arbeitspensum aufweist. So geben ca. 65 % der Lehrkräfte an, über 40 Stunden pro Woche für ihren Beruf aufzuwenden, 25,5 % davon arbeiten mehr als 50 Stunden. Der Durchschnitt liegt bei 44,88 Stunden.“

Ludwig Boltzmann Institut (Hrsg.), „Gesundheit und Gesundheitsverhalten von Österreichs Lehrer/innen“ (2012), S. 17


Lower teaching hours provide teachers more opportunities to engage in school improvement, curriculum planning, and personal professional development during their working hours ...


„In lower secondary schools, on average, Finnish teachers teach about 600 hours, i. e. 800 lessons of 45 minutes, annually. […] Lower teaching hours provide teachers more opportunities to engage in school improvement, curriculum planning, and personal professional development during their working hours.“

Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, „Paradoxes of educational improvement: The Finnish experience“. In: „Scottish Educational Review“, 43 (1), 2011, S. 14


Entgegen allen Vorurteilen arbeiten Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zumeist mehr als andere Arbeitnehmer ...


„Entgegen allen Vorurteilen arbeiten Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zumeist mehr als andere Arbeitnehmer, wie fast alle einschlägigen Analysen zeigen. Auch längere Ferien können Belastungseffekte, die sich über Wochen und Monate aufschaukeln, nicht kompensieren.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Uwe Schaarschmidt, „Gehirn & Geist“ (November 2010)