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Geflüchtete, die angeben, über fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse der Sprache des Aufnahmelandes zu verfügen ...


„Der Anteil der Geflüchteten, die angeben, über fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse der Sprache des Aufnahmelandes zu verfügen, ist in Deutschland zwar größer als in Österreich oder den Niederlanden, gegenüber den nordischen Ländern, die massiv in strukturierte Integrationsprogramme investiert haben, weist Deutschland jedoch nach wie vor einen Rückstand auf.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Stand der Integration von Eingewanderten – Deutschland (2024), S. 19f.

Beteiligung der 25- bis 64-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung an Aus- und Weiterbildung ...


„Für die europäischen Staaten gibt die EU-Benchmark Lebenslanges Lernen (LLL) Auskunft über die Beteiligung der 25- bis 64-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung an Aus- und Weiterbildung in den letzten vier Wochen vor der Befragung. Österreich lag im Jahresdurchschnitt 2022 mit einer Beteiligungsquote von 15,8 % über dem EU22-Durchschnitt von 15,2 %. Einen Spitzenwert von 36,2 % erzielte Schweden, gefolgt von Dänemark (27,9 %), den Niederlanden (26,4 %) und Finnland (25,2 %).“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2022/23. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2024), S. 74.

In der OECD nehmen 45 % aller Schülerinnen und Schüler im Sekundarbereich II an beruflicher Ausbildung teil, in Österreich 68,9 % ...


„In der OECD nehmen 45 % aller Schülerinnen und Schüler im Sekundarbereich II an beruflicher Ausbildung teil; in einigen Ländern, wie den Niederlanden und Tschechien, beträgt dieser Anteil mehr als zwei Drittel.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2023 (2023), S. 10.
Im OECD-Durchschnitt waren es 2021 43,6 %, in Österreich 68,9 %. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), Education at a Glance 2023, Tab. B1.3)

Allgemeinbildender Sekundarbereich II ...


„In Österreich (6,5 %) und den Niederlanden (5,4 %) ist der Anteil der 25- bis 29-jährigen NEETs mit einem allgemeinbildenden Abschluss im Sekundarbereich II bzw. postsekundaren, nicht tertiären Bereich am geringsten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2023 (2023), S. 72.

Der Vorsprung der Schüler*innen ohne Migrationshintergrund in Mathematik ...


„Mit im Durchschnitt mehr als 55 Punkten ist der Vorsprung der Schüler*innen ohne Migrationshintergrund in Mathematik vor Berücksichtigung der anderen Hintergrundfaktoren in sieben europäischen Ländern – Belgien, Deutschland, Finnland, den Niederlanden, Österreich, Schweden und Slowenien – am größten. Dieser beträchtliche Abstand erklärt sich zum Teil aus sozioökonomischen Unterschieden […] Wird diesen Unterschieden Rechnung getragen, verringert sich der Migrationseffekt in Belgien, den Niederlanden, Österreich und Slowenien um mehr als die Hälfte und in Deutschland, Finnland und Schweden um mehr als ein Drittel. […] Der verbleibende Leistungsabstand kann großenteils auf Sprachbarrieren zurückgeführt werden. In diesen sieben Ländern ist bei 60–85 % der Schüler*innen mit Migrationshintergrund die Testsprache nicht mit der Familiensprache identisch. Wird dies zusätzlich zum sozioökonomischen Status berücksichtigt, ist in Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Österreich und Slowenien der Migrationseffekt nicht mehr statistisch signifikant; in Finnland (29 Punkte), Schweden (27 Punkte) und Belgien (17 Punkte) bleibt allerdings eine hohe Punktzahldifferenz bestehen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 225f.

Beteiligung der 25- bis 64-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung an Aus- und Weiterbildung ...


„Für die europäischen Staaten gibt die EU-Benchmark Lebenslanges Lernen (LLL) Auskunft über die Beteiligung der 25- bis 64-jährigen Wohnbevölkerung an Aus- und Weiterbildung in den letzten vier Wochen vor der Befragung. […] Österreich lag im Jahresdurchschnitt 2021 mit einer Beteiligungsquote von 14,6 % leicht über dem EU22-Durchschnitt von 13,9 %. Einen Spitzenwert von 34,7 % erzielte Schweden, gefolgt von Finnland (30,5 %), den Niederlanden (26,6 %) und Dänemark (22,3 %).
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2021/22. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2023), S. 72.

Teilnahme an Fortbildung in den letzten vier Wochen ...


„Adult learning is negligible in Bulgaria (1.4%), Greece (3.5%), and Croatia (4.4%), whereas at the other extreme Sweden (36.2%), Denmark (27.9%), the Netherlands (26.4%), and Finland (25.2%) stand out.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2023 (2023), S. 65.
In Österreich sind es 15,8 %. (Quelle, ibidem, Figure 36; Stand 2022.)

High level of stratification or diversity across programmes ...


„In countries where vocational education is well-developed, as in Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland, upper secondary education offers more than one vocational programme. These systems have a high level of stratification or diversity across programmes.“
Camilla Stronati, The design of upper secondary education across OECD countries (2023), S. 15.

A considerable number of teacher graduates end up pursuing alternative professions ...


„In various Member States, including Bulgaria, Belgium and Poland, a considerable number of teacher graduates end up pursuing alternative professions. Moreover, in some countries (e.g. Slovakia, Latvia), schools struggle to retain young teachers, due to low salaries or limited opportunities for career advancement, while in other countries (e.g. Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland) rates of teacher burnout and stress are high.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristof de Witte u.a., Evidence-based Solutions to Teacher Shortages (2023), S. 13.

Different tracks or pathways for lower secondary students ...


„It should be noted that lower secondary students in Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland and Liechtenstein follow different tracks or pathways that have different curricula.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools (2022), S. 64.

Niederlande: Newcomer children and youths usually attend International Transmission Classes ...


Niederlande: „Newcomer children and youths usually attend International Transmission Classes for about two years before their transition to the mainstream education system.“
Claudia Köhler, MA u. a., Holistic refugee and newcomer education in Europe (2022), S. 19.

Niederlande: Each year, about 20 000 primary and 12 000 secondary students participate in newcomer classes ...


Niederlande: „Each year, about 20 000 primary and 12 000 secondary students participate in newcomer classes. Around one-third of them are refugee students.“
Claudia Köhler, MA u. a., Holistic refugee and newcomer education in Europe (2022), S. 22f.

Upon arrival in the Netherlands, primary school students usually spend 30-40 weeks and secondary school students two years in specialised classes for newcomers ...


„Upon arrival in the Netherlands, primary school students usually spend 30-40 weeks and secondary school students two years in specialised classes for newcomers. […] Every 10-13 weeks, student development is evaluated. Depending on the progress achieved, students continue to stay in specialised classes or move to mainstream settings.“
Claudia Köhler, MA u. a., Holistic refugee and newcomer education in Europe (2022), S. 23f.

Cocaine is the most commonly used illicit stimulant in Europe ...


„Cocaine is the most commonly used illicit stimulant in Europe, with around 2.2 % of adults aged 15 to 34 reporting having used cocaine in the last year. This proportion is highest in Austria, Croatia, France, Ireland, Spain and the Netherlands.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Health at a Glance: Europe 2022 (2022), S. 116.
In Österreich waren es 5,6 %, der höchste Wert aller europäischen Staaten. (Quelle: ibidem, Figure 4.12.)

Wurzeln sozioökonomisch bedingter Leistungsunterschiede in Deutschland, Niederlande und Großbritannien ...


„About 50–80 per cent of language gaps observed at end of primary school were explained by gaps settled before formal schooling in all three countries. Conversely, at most 20–50 per cent of school-age gaps were generated during schooling. These findings suggest that the roots of social inequality in school-age achievement must be sought primarily in processes transpiring before school life starts.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 849.

Sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsunterschiede „in all countries and time points“...


„In line with the previous research, we find positive and statistically significant associations between parental education and achievement in all countries and time points. Notably, social inequality in achievement is already substantial when children are only 5 years of age, a point in time by which they are not yet in school in Germany and have just started school in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Overall, we find the social gradient at age 5 to be highest in Germany.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 856.

Social inequality in language achievement ...


„We found that social inequality in language achievement was well established even before children had entered formal schooling. Those early gaps were larger in the United Kingdom and Germany compared with the Netherlands. Moreover, these social gaps remained stable over primary schooling in the United Kingdom and Germany but enlarged in the Netherlands.“
Dr. Giampiero Passaretta u. a., Is Social Inequality in School-Age Achievement Generated before or during Schooling? A European Perspective. In: European Sociological Review, 2022, 38, S. 862.

The highest level of belongingness is demonstrated by students in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Spain ...


„Among EU countries, the highest level of belongingness is demonstrated by students in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Spain, while in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Poland and Latvia students seem to have less positive experiences of being accepted, respected and included in their school communities.“
EENEE (Hrsg.), Quality of School Life and Student Outcomes in Europe (2021), S. 32.

Only in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland a third or more of young people participate in traditional Dual Systems of apprenticeship ...


„A number of countries have traditional Dual Systems of apprenticeship, where provision is regulated by the social partners, and with apprentices recruited by firms and placed on employment contracts (including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Switzerland). But it is only in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland where a third or more of young people participate in them.“
Andy Green u. a., The Effects of System Type and System Characteristics on Skills Acquisition in Upper Secondary Education and Training (2021), S. 25.

PIAAC: Countries with the highest average scores for literacy and those with the lowest scores ...


PIAAC: „Countries with the highest average scores for literacy include Japan, South Korea, Finland, Netherlands and Austria, whilst those with the lowest scores include Chile, the US, Greece, Israel and Spain.“
Andy Green u. a., The Effects of System Type and System Characteristics on Skills Acquisition in Upper Secondary Education and Training (2021), S. 33.

Niederlande: Targeted early childhood education programmes for young children from disadvantaged backgrounds aged two and a half to four years ...


„In the Netherlands, young children from disadvantaged backgrounds aged two and a half to four years are entitled to participate in targeted early childhood education programmes (vooren vroegschoolse educaties) that provide ten hours of language development per week. For the remaining time, children attend regular early childhood education programmes. Findings from a national cohort study suggest that this approach bears high benefits in terms of better language mastery.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Young People with Migrant Parents (2021), S. 17.

In OECD Europe, foreign-born youth who arrived as children are more likely to be not in education, employment or training ...


„In OECD Europe, foreign-born youth who arrived as children are more likely to be not in education, employment or training (NEET) than their peers with native-born parents. In several OECD countries like Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, France and the Netherlands, their NEET-rates are twice as high.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Young People with Migrant Parents (2021), S. 56.

Where mean performance declined and performance gaps widened ...


„Of the ten countries where reading performance declined over time, most witnessed the steepest declines among their weakest students. In particular, mean performance declined, and performance gaps widened, in Australia, Finland, Iceland, Korea, the Netherlands, the Slovak Republic and Sweden.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA in Focus 103 (Jänner 2020), S. 2.

Where performance remained stable over time among the highest-performing students, but performance declined among the lowest-performing students ...


„In Australia, Costa Rica, Finland, Iceland, Korea, the Netherlands, the Slovak Republic, Thailand and Sweden, performance remained stable over time among the highest-performing students, but performance declined among the lowest-performing students.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA in Focus 103 (Jänner 2020), S. 5.

The proportion of underachievers in reading among pupils with a migrant background ...


„The proportion of underachievers in reading among pupils with a migrant background is much higher than for pupils without a migrant background in many EU Member States. […] The situation is usually worse for pupils born abroad (their underachievement rate exceeds 50 % in Greece, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden) than for native-born pupils with parents born abroad.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2020 (2020), S. 64.

Leistungsdifferenzierter Unterricht in vielen EU-Staaten ...


„For differences in the level of teaching or learning requirements of different types of education institution, typical examples are the hierarchically ordered general educational paths of Germany, the Netherlands, Austria or Switzerland. However, other education systems also apply similar organisational principles (e.g. Czechia, France, Luxembourg, Hungary or Slovakia).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 81.

In the Netherlands, all students sit a standardised test in the last year of primary school ...


„In the Netherlands, all students sit a standardised test in the last year of primary school. The results of this test together with the recommendation of teachers from the previous school constitute the advice taken on the student’s academic performance which influences the educational pathway to which a student can gain access. It should be emphasised that the advice from teachers has a greater weight in admissions than the results of the standardised test.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 112.

Grouping students by ability into different classes as the predominant practice ...


„According to the PISA 2018 survey, grouping students by ability into different classes is the predominant practice in Ireland and the United Kingdom, with more than 90 % of students attending schools where this is practiced. Besides Ireland and the United Kingdom, the majority of 15-year-old students are also in schools that group students by ability in different classes in the German and Flemish Communities of Belgium, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Turkey.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 137.

Studiengebühren ...


„All or most students pay above EUR 1 000 annual fees in Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education 2020/21 (2020), S. 35.

When non-Dutch speaking newcomer children at the age of primary education arrive in the Netherlands ...


„When non-Dutch speaking newcomer children at the age of primary education arrive in the Netherlands, the main focus of their first years of education is on acquiring the Dutch Language. […] After one to two years, newcomer children make a transition to mainstream education. After this transition, it is up to schools to decide whether children will still be supported with extra language education.“
Dr. Özge Bilgili, „Policy approaches to integration of newly arrived immigrant children in schools: The case of the Netherlands“ (2019), S. 37

International transition classes for newcomer children ...


„When newcomer children arrive in the Netherlands between 12 and 18 years of age, they attend international transition classes (ISKs). Most pupils attend ISKs for two years. In the first phase, the main focus is on acquiring the Dutch language. Students who are illiterate or not literate in the Latin script follow a different trajectory.“
Dr. Özge Bilgili, „Policy approaches to integration of newly arrived immigrant children in schools: The case of the Netherlands“ (2019), S. 37

Participation in early childhood education and care can be an important protective factor ...


„Participation in early childhood education and care (ECEC) can be an important protective factor in the lives of vulnerable children. A number of countries have defined education policies specifically to increase children from lower socio-economic backgrounds. In Scotland (UK), 2-4 year-old children from disadvantaged families are entitled to 16 hours of free provision per week (600 hours/year) since 2014, above the normal number of hours of free provision of around 12 hours per week. In the Netherlands, targeted programs for children from disadvantaged backgrounds (age 3 and 4) are available in both childcare and playgroups.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 117.

Niederlande: A polarisation within the children of Turkish and Moroccan descent ...


Niederlande: „Research into the intergenerational mobility of migrants revealed a polarisation within the children of Turkish and Moroccan descent. While one part of these second generation children (27 %) are in higher education, an almost equal share are early school leavers. Daughters in particular have achieved a remarkable social rise compared to their largely uneducated immigrant mothers, overtaking sons in almost all higher level streams.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2018 (2018), S. 209.

Children of lower and higher educated parents are increasingly separated into different schools ...


„Children of lower and higher educated parents are increasingly separated into different schools. The parental choice system in the Netherlands is contributing to creating more segregated schools and strengthens the effects of residential separation.“
EU-Kommission, Education and Training Monitor 2018 (2018), S. 212.

Hollands „extended schools“...


„In the Netherlands, extended schools include other services for children, such as childcare providers, health and welfare services, and sports and cultural institutions. These schools mostly serve disadvantaged students. The purpose of this cooperation is to promote children’s development by offering them help where necessary with problems at school or in their home setting, as well as by offering additional activities (e.g., culture, sport), with which they normally have little contact; and in some cases, additional instruction.

Dr. John Jerrim u. a., „Educational disadvantage: how does England compare?“ (2018), S. 36


Die AbsolventInnen des englischen Schulwesens gehören international zu den leistungsschwächsten ...


„In England in 2012 approaching one-third (29 %) of 16-24 year-olds had weak basic skills in the sense of numeracy and/or literacy below Level 2 in the PIAAC survey, one of the highest levels among OECD countries in the survey, and three times the level of a strong performer like the Netherlands (9 %) and substantially more than – say – Germany (19 %). While those from less advantaged family backgrounds are everywhere more likely to suffer from weak basic skills, this factor of inheritance is stronger in England than in most other countries.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Apprenticeship in England, United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 92


Austria, France, Germany and the Netherlands share the experience of large-scale low-educated immigration ...


„Austria, France, Germany and the Netherlands share the experience of large-scale low-educated immigration, the so-called 'guest workers', in the post-World War II economic boom period. The native-born children of these immigrants generally had relatively lower starting conditions in terms of socio-economic characteristics compared to their peers with native-born parents. In contrast, immigration to Canada has been largely high-educated, although not all immigrant groups have the same background, and intergenerational mobility patterns vary across groups.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 9


Niederlande: The government launched policy arrangements for VVE (preschool and early school education, Voor- en vroegschoolse educatie) ...


Niederlande: „With the aim to reduce Dutch language deficits from 2000 onwards, the government launched policy arrangements for VVE (preschool and early school education, Voor- en vroegschoolse educatie). VVE policies especially target children of immigrants from disadvantaged families. The emphasis on second language learning at a young age has been embraced by all Dutch governments in power over the past two decades.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 101


Niederlande: Children of immigrants and children of disadvantaged families attend a separate provision called voorschool ...


Niederlande: „The general policy is that children of immigrants and children of disadvantaged families attend a separate provision called voorschool three half-days a week (between 10 and 12 hours in total). With few exceptions, in practice this means that in the cities, children of immigrants are placed together in preschool, separately from children of Dutch descent whose first language is Dutch. […] In the voorschool, the preschool especially designed for children from disadvantaged families, much attention is paid to second language learning using specialised methods.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 102


Niederlande: During grade 8 (Anm.: d. h. im 12. Lebensjahr), all pupils – and their parents – receive what is called 'school advice' ...


Niederlande: „During grade 8 (Anm.: d. h. im 12. Lebensjahr), all pupils – and their parents – receive what is called 'school advice', which is based on the national Cito test score and on the opinion of the teacher. In practice this is not just advice: it has important consequences for the type of school the pupil can be admitted to. The advice takes the form of an official document for the secondary school; it is given during a parent-teacher meeting to discuss the Cito test score and, more generally, the development and attitude of the pupil over the years.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 102


Staaten, in denen die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere zwischen 10 (TIMSS) und 15 (PISA) besonders stark aufgeht ...


„In Australia, Canada and Greece […], and also in the Czech Republic, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United States, inequity grows significantly during adolescence.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education“ (2018), S. 39

Staaten, in denen die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere nach PISA besonders stark aufgeht ...


„In Australia, Canada, England, the Netherlands and Norway, inequity increases significantly during early adulthood (as measured by the Survey of Adult Skills among 25-29 year-olds)“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education“ (2018), S. 39

In the Netherlands, young children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, are entitled to receive language-development support ...


„In the Netherlands, young children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, are entitled to receive language-development support. These children can participate in early childhood and education targeted programmes that provide support before and during the first years of school. All toddlers (2.5 to 4 years old) who are part of this programme receive 10 hours of language development per week. For the rest of the day, targeted toddlers attend the same early childhood and education programme as their non-targeted peers.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background“ (2018), S. 271


Abschlussquoten der Sekundarstufe II höchst unterschiedlich ...


„Der Unterschied bei den Erfolgsquoten zwischen Schülern ohne Migrationshintergrund und Schülern mit Migrationshintergrund der ersten Generation beträgt in Finnland, den Niederlanden, Norwegen und Schweden mehr als 10 Prozentpunkte – obwohl weniger als 5 Prozent der Anfängerkohorte in Finnland einen Migrationshintergrund der ersten Generation aufweisen.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2017“ (2017), S. 192


Segregation durch freie Schulwahl ...


„In den Niederlanden etwa kann man sich komplett frei aussuchen, in welche Schule man seine Kinder schickt. Das ist ein Modell, das der Segregation extrem in die Hände gespielt hat.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ruud Koopmans. In: ÖIF (Hrsg.), „Perspektiven Integration - Parallelgesellschaften“ (2017), S. 15


Den Haag: Children who do not yet speak Dutch are first given language classes ...


Den Haag: „Children who do not yet speak Dutch are first given language classes and gradually introduced to other subjects. After a maximum of two years, children move into the regular Dutch education system.“

Eurocities (Hrsg.), „Cities’ actions for the education of asylum seekers and refugees“ (2017), S. 10


Niederlandes vielfältiges Schulwesen ...


„The Dutch system is segmented, with several different types of schools at every stage after primary, and end-of-sector tests contribute to the decision about where students should be placed in the next stage. However, teachers’ judgements are considered along with performance on the tests in making these decisions. […] In each subject, the leaving exam includes school-based assessments as well as centrally designed standardized test.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Koretz, „The Testing Charade. Pretending to Make Schools Better” (2017), S. 213f


Foreign-born youth in the Netherlands are particularly at risk of becoming NEET ...


„Foreign-born youth in the Netherlands are particularly at risk of becoming NEET. Foreign-born youth (aged 15-24) are more than twice as likely as native-born youth to be NEET (OECD, 2016b). They are at serious risk of economic and social exclusion, with potentially harmful effects for all of society.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report Netherlands 2017“ (2017), S. 135


Beratung und Unterstützung statt harter Konsequenzen für Schulen mit schlechten Evaluationsergebnissen ...


„Während Schulen mit schlechten Evaluationsergebnissen in den USA und England harte Konsequenzen drohen, werden ihnen in den Niederlanden Beratung und Unterstützung angeboten.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 8


Countries with low academic inclusion and high social inclusion ...


„Some countries and economies, such as the Netherlands, have low academic inclusion (performance varies considerably between schools) and high social inclusion (advantaged and disadvantaged students are relatively evenly distributed across schools), whereas others, like Spain, have high academic inclusion and low socio-economic inclusion.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 173


Low academic inclusion in the Netherlands ...


„The low academic inclusion in the Netherlands is not associated with greater socio-economic segregation of students across schools.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 173


Students selected into one of the education tracks in the Netherlands ...


Niederlande: „At the end of primary school, students are selected into one of the education tracks offering practical training, pre-vocational, general and pre-university secondary education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 174


Students assigned to various tracks in the Netherlands ...


Niederlande: „Students are assigned to various tracks based on their performance on a national examination at the end of primary school and on their primary teachers’ recommendation.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 174


Literacy in the Netherlands ...


„Italy (85.4 %), Spain (82.6 %), Korea (79.4 %) and the Netherlands (71.8 %) have an exceptionally high proportion of adults who scored at or below Level 1 in literacy who came from families in which both parents had less than upper secondary level attainment.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anke Grotlüschen u. a., „Adults with Low Proficiency in Literacy or Numeracy“ (2016), S. 34


Rates of year repetition in Dutch primary schools ...


„In Dutch primary schools the rates of year repetition are three times higher than the OECD average (7.7 %).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 57


Repetition most common during the first two years of primary education in the Netherlands ...


Niederlande: „Repetition is most common during the first two years of primary education (at age four or five) and is heavily biased towards children from socio-economically disadvantaged and immigrant backgrounds. In some schools, nearly half of the student population repeats a grade.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 57


Secondary schools in the Netherlands are free to select students ..


„Secondary schools in the Netherlands are free to select students and impose additional selection requirements that may go beyond the primary school’s advice.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 68


The Netherlands differs from other early tracking countries ...


„The Netherlands differs from other early tracking countries as it has six or seven (depending on how they are counted) “early” tracks, rather than the more usual two or three.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 25


The Dutch school system is highly stratified ...


„The Dutch school system is highly stratified with extensive early tracking. Early tracking is controversial, but student outcomes in the Netherlands are good on average and in terms of equity.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 63


Tracking by ability takes place early ...


Niederlande: „Tracking by ability takes place early and is intensive, with more tracks than almost any other OECD country. Since the Dutch school system performs well both on equity and on average, it is harder to advance the argument for radical change to establish a comprehensive school system.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 39


The Netherlands is in the 7th position among OECD countries ...


„The Netherlands is in the 7th position among OECD countries behind Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Luxembourg, Ireland and Canada in terms of attracting talent. Likewise, the country appears to be in a good position to retain talent. It ranks 6th among OECD countries, behind Switzerland, the United States, Norway, Finland and the United Kingdom.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Recruiting Immigrant Workers – The Netherlands 2016“ (2016), S. 196


In Croatia, Hong Kong-China, Japan and the Netherlands, over 90 % of students attend selective schools ...


„In Croatia, Hong Kong-China, Japan and the Netherlands, over 90 % of students attend selective schools, i.e. schools where student academic performance and/or recommendations from feeder schools are always considered for admission.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 88


In Frankreich, den Niederlanden und Deutschland sprechen fast 50 % der fremdsprachigen Zuwanderer zu Hause die Sprache des Aufnahmelands ...


„In Frankreich, den Niederlanden und Deutschland sprechen fast 50 % der fremdsprachigen Zuwanderer zu Hause die Sprache des Aufnahmelands.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Integration von Zuwanderern: Indikatoren 2015“ (2015), S. 66


Segregation in den Niederlanden ...


„Familien ohne Migrationshintergrund entscheiden sich häufiger bewusst für eine Schule mit niedrigem Zuwandereranteil und treiben so die Entmischung der ‚schwarzen Schulen‘ (zwarte scholen) weiter voran.“

Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration (Hrsg.), „Unter Einwanderungsländern: Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich“ (2015), S. 86


Bereits im Alter von vier Jahren besuchen 98 Prozent aller Kinder eine Grundschule in den Niederlanden ...


Niederlande: „Bereits im Alter von vier Jahren besuchen 98 Prozent aller Kinder eine Grundschule, in der sie schrittweise und meist spielerisch an Buchstaben, Zahlen und andere grundlegende Unterrichtsinhalte herangeführt werden.“

Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration (Hrsg.), „Unter Einwanderungsländern: Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich“ (2015), S. 85


Support through targeted early childhood education programs ...


„Children from a disadvantaged background aged 2½ to 4 are offered support through targeted early childhood education programs (voorschoolse educatie), which reach around 45 000 children.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Early Childhood Education and Care Systems in Europe“ (2015), S. 31


Niederlande: Junior College offers enrichment programs in science & mathematics for talented and motivated 12- to 18- year old high school students ...


Niederlande: „Established in 2004, Junior College is a collaboration between Utrecht University and 27 secondary schools. It offers enrichment programs in science & mathematics for talented and motivated 12- to 18- year old high school students (grades 7-12) in an academic environment. High school students who successfully finish the program in grade 11 and 12 receive a certificate that allows them to enter honours courses in the first year of the science bachelor programs.”

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 47


Niederlande: A quarter of all secondary school pupils indicated that they are often or even always bored because their curriculum is too easy ...


Niederlande: „In a 2014 report, a quarter of all secondary school pupils indicated that they are often or even always bored because their curriculum is too easy. Among the pupils who count themselves among the top 20 % performers of their class, this percentage is 56 %.”

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 50


Niederlande: Three options at the end of primary school, around age 12 ...


Niederlande: „At the end of primary school, around age 12, pupils choose one of three options: pre-vocational secondary education (vmbo, 4 years), senior general secondary education (havo, 5 years) or pre university education (vwo, 6 years). Selection occurs with the advice of the teacher as main determinant, although a national test (CITO-toets) taken by most children also plays a large role.”

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 44f


Niederlande: Extensive plan to make provisions for talented pupils in primary and secondary education ...


Niederlande: „In March 2014 an extensive plan to make provisions for talented pupils in primary and secondary education was presented. The plan mentions over 20 measures, including the removal of legal barriers for pupils to follow certain subjects at higher levels and the possibility of businesses giving grants to talented pupils. The measures are aimed at all levels of education and top talents are defines as 'the 20 % of pupils that can perform best. At all levels.'“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 53


Leistungsdifferenzierung ...


„Vermutlich ist das Tracking in den Niederlanden am stärksten von allen ausgewählten Ländern ausgeprägt, mehr als in Deutschland und Österreich und auch stärker als im Vereinigten Königreich als sonstiger Spitzenreiter.“

Dr. Lorenz Lassnigg u. a., „Das österreichische Modell der Formation von Kompetenzen im Vergleich“. In: Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Schlüsselkompetenzen von Erwachsenen – Vertiefende Analysen der PIAAC-Erhebung 2001/12“ (2014), S. 62


In certain European countries, including the Netherlands, ECEC (Anm.: Early Childhood Education and Care) is specifically targeted towards children at risk between the age of 2 and 5 ...


„In certain European countries, including the Netherlands, ECEC (Anm.: Early Childhood Education and Care) is specifically targeted towards children at risk between the age of 2 and 5, chiefly those from ethnic minorities or with poorly educated parents.“

Benoit Guerin, „Breaking the cycle of disadvantage“ (2014), S. 8


A range of initiatives to promote excellence ...


„The Dutch government has launched a range of initiatives to promote excellence in education. This includes a focus on providing better support to gifted and talented students and increasing the proportion of students achieving the highest levels on national and international assessments.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Netherlands“ (2014), S. 28


Countries where the largest proportion of students report that they had repeated a grade ...


„The largest proportion of students reporting that they had repeated a grade in primary, lower secondary or upper secondary school can be found in Belgium (36.1 %), closely followed by Spain, Luxembourg and Portugal (all exceeding 30 %). […] In France and the Netherlands, the rates of students who repeated a grade are close to 30 %.“

Eurydice (Hrsg.), „Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training in Europe“ (2014), S. 44


Der Anteil Leistungsstarker im Lesen ...


„20 % der Volksschüler/innen in Österreich besitzen im Lesen bestenfalls Basiskompetenzen. In Finnland und den Niederlanden ist der Anteil halb so groß. Der Anteil Leistungsstarker im Lesen ist in Finnland, Großbritannien sowie den Vereinigten Staaten dreimal größer als in Österreich.“

BIFIE, „Nationaler Bildungsbericht - Österreich 2012; Indikatoren und Themen im Überblick“ (2013), S. 11


Führend beim Bildungsaufstieg ...


„The Netherlands and Austria are Europe’s champion ‚upstreamers‘.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maurice Crul u. a., „super diversity“ (2013), S. 49


Niederlande: Different kinds of services for gifted students ...


Niederlande: „There are different kinds of services for gifted students, such as 'schools with gifted profiles' (found in primary and secondary education), schools with the so-called 'Leonardo profile' (school-within-a-school), enrichment classes, and pull-out classes. The impetus for all this is the potential economic benefits of gifted education. This is a worldwide trend and the Netherlands is no exception.“

Greet De Boer, MSc, u. a., „Gifted Education in the Netherlands“. In: „Journal for the Education of the Gifted“ (2013) 36(1), S. 134


Niederlande: Schools for students with special education needs ...


Niederlande: „In addition to regular education, there are also schools for students with special education needs due to learning and/or behavioral problems, both in primary as well as in secondary education.“

Greet De Boer, MSc, u. a., „Gifted Education in the Netherlands“. In: „Journal for the Education of the Gifted“ (2013) 36(1), S. 134


Private schools are allowed to select ...


Niederlande: „Private schools are allowed to select on the basis of religion or educational philosophy and some non-religious private schools ask significantly higher ‘voluntary’ fees.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henry Levin u. a., Does educational privatisation promote social justice?“ in „Oxford Review of Education“, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 4, S. 523


Hollands differenziertes Schulwesen ...


„In secondary education, the highest performing Dutch students seem to catch up with their international peers to some extent, which could be due to ability tracking.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henry Levin u. a., „Does educational privatisation promote social justice?“ in „Oxford Review of Education“, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 4, S. 524


The proportion of those repeating a year in primary education ...


„The proportion of those repeating a year in primary education is particularly high in six countries (Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Portugal), ranging from 12.2 % in Spain to 22.4 % in the Netherlands and Portugal.“

Eurydice (Hrsg.), „Education and Training in Europe 2020“ (2013), S. 23


Niederlande: Unter-Zwölfjährige besuchen eine einjährige Vorbereitungsklasse, ältere Jugendliche einen Kurs ...


Niederlande: „Unter-Zwölfjährige besuchen eine einjährige Vorbereitungsklasse, ältere Jugendliche einen Kurs, dessen Dauer von ihrer Lerngeschwindigkeit abhängt.“

ÖIF (Hrsg.), „Zusammen: Österreich“ (Herbst 2012), S. 10


Anteil der Zuwandererkinder, deren Eltern in einem OECD-Hocheinkommensland geboren sind ...


„In Australien und der Schweiz sind die Eltern von drei von vier im Inland geborenen Zuwandererkindern in einem OECD-Hocheinkommensland geboren. Am geringsten ist der Anteil dieser Gruppe mit weniger als 10% in Österreich, Dänemark und den Niederlanden.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Integration von Zuwanderern – OECD-Indikatoren 2012“ (2012)


Dropout bereits vor Ende der Sekundarstufe I ...


„Dropout in lower secondary school is most prominent in the Netherlands, Belgium and France.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maurice Crul u. a., „The European Second Generation Compared“ (2012), S. 139


Niederlande: Various programmes to involve all parents and babies in reading activities ...


„In the Netherlands, there are various programmes that work with local libraries and the local agencies for parents and new-born babies (the ‘Consultatiebureaus’). The aim is to involve all parents and babies in reading activities, and get them into the libraries, where librarians support the parents in reading activities with the children.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „EU High Level Group of Experts on Literacy. Final Report“ (2012), S. 41


The Netherlands provide the best housing situation for children in the EU15 ...


„While indicators show that the Netherlands provide the best housing situation for children in the EU15, Austria is an outlier with both overcrowding rate and housing deprivation rate exceeding the EU15-average.“

MMag. Dr. Rainer Eppel u. a., „New Social Risks Affecting Children“ (2011), S. 44


Highest rates of school completion for nations that operate vocational education programs ...


„The group of nations that operate vocational education programs as separate qualifications or tracks, including Germany, Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands, tend to have the highest rates of school completion.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Lamb, „Pathways to School Completion: An International Comparison“. In: Lamb u.a., „School Dropout and Completion“ (2011), S. 56


In countries such as Greece, France, the Netherlands and Sweden, immigrant children are given the opportunity to attend temporary reception classes ...


„In countries such as Greece, France, the Netherlands and Sweden, immigrant children are given the opportunity to attend temporary reception classes if they do not have the required level of proficiency in the host language to cope successfully in the school system.“

Cedefop (Hrsg.), „Guiding at-risk youth through learning to work: Lessons from across Europe“ (2010), S. 56


Private Grundschule ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Approximately 70 percent of the Dutch elementary schools are denominational schools, with Protestant and Catholic schools as the largest groups and Jewish and Islamic schools as some of the smaller groups. […] Private schools, though fully funded by the state, may refuse students while public schools must accept all students.“

Dr. Eddie Denessen u. a., „School and Classroom Diversity Effects on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Student Outcomes“. In: „Journal of Education Research“ (2010), Vol 4, Issue 2, S. 2f


Most of the native-Dutch parents choose a religious school for their children ...


„Most of the native-Dutch parents choose a religious school for their children, and thus self-segregate into either a Catholic or Protestant denomination.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eddie Denessen u. a., „School and Classroom Diversity Effects on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Student Outcomes“ in „Journal of Education Research“ (2010), Volume 4, Issue 2, S. 3


Demographic and housing segregation ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„In the Netherlands, especially in the large cities, demographic and housing segregation leads to neighborhood schools with large proportions of students from lower socioeconomic and especially ethnic-cultural minority backgrounds.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eddie Denessen u. a., „School and Classroom Diversity Effects on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Student Outcomes“ in „Journal of Education Research“ (2010), Volume 4, Issue 2, S. 3