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Öffentliche finanzielle Unterstützung in Form von Bildungsdarlehen, Stipendien oder Zuschüssen ...


„Im Jahr 2022/2023 erhielten mindestens 80 % der inländischen Bildungsteilnehmenden in Australien, Dänemark, England (Vereinigtes Königreich), Schweden und den Vereinigten Staaten öffentliche finanzielle Unterstützung in Form von Bildungsdarlehen, Stipendien oder Zuschüssen. In Finnland, Litauen, Neuseeland und Norwegen lag der Anteil zwischen 50 und 75 %; in Kanada, Frankreich, Italien, Rumänien und Spanien bei 30-45 %.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 321.

Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour from students ...


„A large study, surveying more than 9,000 teachers in the USA in 2020 and 2021, found that 33 per cent of teachers had been the victim of verbal abuse or threatening behaviour from students, and 29 per cent had faced this behaviour from parents. Even worse, 14 per cent of teachers reported they had experienced physical violence from students. Nearly half the teachers participating in the survey reported a desire to quit or change jobs due to worries about safety and school climate.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global Report on Teachers (2024), S. 71.

As many as 40 per cent of new teachers leave the profession within their first five years ...


„As many as 40 per cent of new teachers leave the profession within their first five years on the job in Canada, Hong Kong, the UK and the USA.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global Report on Teachers (2024), S. 76.

Attending ECEC is linked to stronger cognitive development for disadvantaged children ...


„Findings from the OECD International Early Learning and Well-being Study (IELS) suggest that 5-year-olds from socio-economically disadvantaged homes in England (United Kingdom), Estonia and the United States face an average learning gap of about 12 months in early literacy and numeracy compared to advantaged peers, and that attending ECEC is linked to stronger cognitive development for these disadvantaged children.“
Carlos González-Sancho u. a., Levelling the playing field in ECEC: Results from TALIS Starting Strong 2018 (2023), S. 6.

The level of private funding ...


„On average, after transfers, 31% of total expenditure on tertiary institutions in 2019 came from the private sector. […] The level of private funding relates closely to the tuition fees charged by tertiary institutions. […] In countries where higher tuition fees are charged, such as Australia, Chile, Colombia, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States, more than 60% of funding for tertiary institutions comes from private sources. On average across the OECD, 72% of all private expenditure on tertiary institutions comes from individual households.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hatidža Jahić u. a., Alternative financing models and student loans in higher education (2023), S. 6.

Tuition fees in OECD countries ...


„In OECD countries, most national students entering tertiary education enrol in a programme at Bachelor’s or equivalent level. At this level, public institutions do not charge tuition fees to national students in Denmark, Estonia (only for programmes taught in Estonian), Finland, Norway, Sweden and Türkiye. In a similar number of countries, tuition fees are low or moderate, with an average cost to students of under USD 3,000. In the rest of the OECD, tuition fees are high or very high, ranging from around USD 4,000 to over USD 8,000 per year. These costs are highest in England (United Kingdom), where they exceed USD 12,000, which is considered even more expensive than in the US.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hatidža Jahić u. a., Alternative financing models and student loans in higher education (2023), S. 8.

Tuition fees for Master’s programmes at public institutions ...


„Over the last decade, tuition fees for Master’s programmes at public institutions have been found to be 25-50% higher than those for Bachelor’s programmes in France, Israel, Spain and the US (Master’s and doctoral programmes combined), while in the French Community of Belgium, as well as in Hungary and Lithuania, they are found to be over 95% higher.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hatidža Jahić u. a., Alternative financing models and student loans in higher education (2023), S. 8.

OECD-countries where non-immigrant students achieved higher upper secondary completion rates compared to students with an immigrant background ...


„In several OECD countries with available data (Denmark, Finland, France, Norway, Sweden and the United States) non-immigrant students achieved higher upper secondary completion rates compared to students with an immigrant background. However, there were differences within immigrant cohorts. First-generation immigrants had generally lower completion rates compared to second-generation immigrants.“
Samo Varsik u. a., Intersectionality in education: Rationale and practices to address the needs of students’ intersecting identities (2023), S. 32f.

In Österreich mehr als drei Mal so großer Anteil an mobilen BildungsteilnehmerInnen im Tertiärbereich als in den USA ...


„Die Vereinigten Staaten sind das wichtigste OECD-Zielland für mobile Bildungsteilnehmer im Tertiärbereich. Von den 4,39 Millionen international mobilen Bildungsteilnehmern innerhalb der OECD sind 957.000 in den Vereinigten Staaten eingeschrieben.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 286.
In Österreich sind es 76.000, was einen in Österreich mehr als drei Mal so großen Anteil an mobilen BildungsteilnehmerInnen im Tertiärbereich bedeutet. (Quelle: ibidem, Tabelle B6.1.)

Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird zum Großteil durch die für Bildungsteilnehmer anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt. In Australien, Chile, Japan, Kolumbien, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten, zumeist Länder mit vergleichsweise hohen Bildungsgebühren, stammt mehr als die Hälfte der Gesamtausgaben aus privaten Quellen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 339.

Australien: Being an immigrant has a uniformly positive effect on mathematics, reading, and science performance ...


Australien: „Being an immigrant has a uniformly positive effect on mathematics, reading, and science performance […] This 'immigrant advantage' is likely due to two interrelated factors. First, Australia’s skills-based immigration policy prioritises immigrants with high levels of educational attainment and occupational status. Second, many immigrants, especially those who voluntarily migrate to multicultural immigrant countries such as New Zealand, the US, Canada and Australia, possess attributes and aspirations that promote school success.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Laura B. Perry u. a., Does school SES matter less for high‑performing students than for their lower‑performing peers?. In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2022) 10:17, S. 11.

Die Vereinigten Staaten sind das wichtigste OECD-Zielland für internationale Bildungsteilnehmer im Tertiärbereich ...


„Die Vereinigten Staaten sind das wichtigste OECD-Zielland für internationale Bildungsteilnehmer im Tertiärbereich. Von den 4,1 Millionen international mobilen Bildungsteilnehmern innerhalb der OECD sind 977.000 in den Vereinigten Staaten eingeschrieben. […] Auf die Vereinigten Staaten als Zielland entfällt allein ein Anteil von 16 % des globalen Bildungsmarkts, d. h. 16 % aller internationalen Bildungsteilnehmer sind in den Vereinigten Staaten eingeschrieben, während der Anteil Australiens und des Vereinigten Königreichs jeweils 8 % betragt.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 255.

Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt. In Australien, Chile, Japan, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten werden mehr als 55 % der Gesamtausgaben mit Mitteln aus privaten Quellen finanziert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 304.
In Österreich sind es nur 10,5 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Abb. C2.4.)

In Australien, Irland, Kanada, Neuseeland und den Vereinigten Staaten erheben öffentliche Bildungseinrichtungen von ausländischen Bildungsteilnehmern mehr ...


„In Australien, Irland, Kanada, Neuseeland und den Vereinigten Staaten erheben öffentliche Bildungseinrichtungen bei Bachelorbildungsgängen von ausländischen Bildungsteilnehmern (im Fall von Irland Nicht-EU-/EWR-Bildungsteilnehmer) im Durchschnitt jährlich über 14.500 US-Dollar mehr als von inländischen Bildungsteilnehmern.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 335.

PIAAC: Countries with the highest average scores for literacy and those with the lowest scores ...


PIAAC: „Countries with the highest average scores for literacy include Japan, South Korea, Finland, Netherlands and Austria, whilst those with the lowest scores include Chile, the US, Greece, Israel and Spain.“
Andy Green u. a., The Effects of System Type and System Characteristics on Skills Acquisition in Upper Secondary Education and Training (2021), S. 33.

Family influence on many child outcomes in Denmark is comparable to that in the U.S. ...


„Despite many generous social policies and equality of access for all Danes, family influence on many child outcomes in Denmark is comparable to that in the U.S.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. James Heckman u. a., Lessons for Americans from Denmark about inequality and social mobility (2021), S. 13.

Teaching one of the most stressful occupations ...


„Teachers are affected psychosocially by the social conditions they face in the classroom and in trying to create a physically safe, emotionally secure and psychologically encouraging learning environment. A report from the United States found that 46 per cent of teachers reported high levels of daily stress, which affected their health, quality of life and performance – almost at the same levels as a nurse, making teaching one of the most stressful occupations in the country.“
ILO (Hrsg.), The future of work in the education sector in the context of lifelong learning for all, skills and the Decent Work Agenda (2021), S. 31.

Induction activities are a key learning opportunity for teachers during their practice ...


„Induction activities are a key learning opportunity for teachers during their practice. One of the most important advantages of induction activities for beginning teachers based on evidence from the United States is early career retention, especially activities that allow teachers to collaborate with their colleagues and include a mentor in their induction.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teachers Getting the Best out of Their Students (2021), S. 135.

1998 to 2015, segregation of the lowest-income students increased by about 15 % in large districts in the United States ...


„1998 to 2015, segregation of the lowest-income students increased by about 15 % in large districts in the United States, partly due to charter school growth.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 27.

Parents care more about schools’ demographic composition than they are willing to admit ...


„Research in the United States has shown parents reporting they value academic quality but their actual choices suggesting they care more about schools’ demographic composition than they are willing to admit.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Non-state actors in education (2021), S. 39.

Annual tuition fees ...


„In the United States the annual tuition fees for a bachelor’s or equivalent programme are USD 8 804 per year in public institutions compared to USD 29 748 per year in independent private institutions.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education Indicators in Focus 64 (Februar 2020), S. 4.

Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen wird hauptsächlich durch die anfallenden Bildungsgebühren bestimmt. In Australien, Chile, Japan, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten werden über 60 % der Gesamtausgaben mit Mitteln aus privaten Quellen finanziert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 367.
In Österreich sind es nur 8,9 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Tabelle C2.2.)

Bildungsgebühren im Berichtsjahr fur Bildungsgänge 2016/2017 ...


„In Italien, Kanada, Spanien und den Vereinigten Staaten waren die Bildungsgebühren im Berichtsjahr fur Bildungsgänge 2016/2017 (in Kanada und Italien 2017/2018) zwischen 25 und 46 % höher als 2007/2008, der größte Anstieg wurde in England (Vereinigtes Königreich) verzeichnet, wo sich die Bildungsgebühren in diesem Zeitraum verdreifachten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 399.

Durchschnittliche jährliche Bildungsgebühren privater und öffentlicher Bildungseinrichtungen ...


„In den Vereinigten Staaten verlangen unabhängige private Bildungseinrichtungen von inländischen Bildungsteilnehmern für Bachelor- oder gleichwertige Bildungsgänge mit durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren von 29.500 US-Dollar mehr als das Dreifache der durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren an öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen (8.800 US-Dollar). In Japan und der Republik Korea liegen die durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren auf dieser ISCED-Stufe des Tertiärbereichs an unabhängigen privaten Bildungseinrichtungen zwischen 8.500 und 8.600 US-Dollar, in öffentlichen Einrichtungen dagegen näher bei 5.000 US-Dollar.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 402.

Anteil der Bevölkerung, der im typischen Abschlussalter einen ersten tertiären Abschluss erwarb ...


„Im Jahr 2017 erwarben in Japan 68,9 %, in den USA 55,1 % und im Durchschnitt der EU23-Länder 40,0 % der Bevölkerung im typischen Abschlussalter einen ersten tertiären Abschluss (ISCED 5-7). In Österreich lag der Anteil bei 39,9 %.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2018/19. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2020), S. 120.

The overall link between technology use and adolescent mental well-being is negative but small ...


„An analysis of data from the United States and the United Kingdom suggests that the overall link between technology use and adolescent mental well-being is negative but small, explaining only 0.4 per cent of the differences in mental well-being. Many common activities that do not draw as much media attention – such as eating breakfast, cycling or getting enough sleep – have a larger association with adolescent mental well-being. Among negative factors, screen time had an association with adolescent well-being four times less strong than that of being bullied.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 23.

Being bullied has a lasting negative impact even up to the age of 50 ...


„Studies primarily from the United States and the United Kingdom have shown that being bullied has a lasting negative impact even up to the age of 50, both on a person‘s social relationships and on their mental and physical health.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 25.

Teachers leaving the profession in the United States ...


„In the United States, about 30 % of teachers leave the profession in the first five years after graduation, rising up to 50 % in high-poverty areas. Levels of attrition rates are quite similar in Australia with 30 to 50 % of all teachers leaving the profession within the first five years. In the United Kingdom, 2018 figures estimate that over 20 % of new teachers leave the profession within their first two years of teaching, and that 33 % leave within their first five years.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 9.

Fit für die Grundschule ...


„Wir brauchen flächendeckend Vorschulprogramme, wie sie zum Beispiel in den USA entwickelt wurden. Mit vier Jahren werden alle Kinder getestet und die Kinder, die Sprachdefizite aufweisen, müssen verpflichtend mit viereinhalb Jahren auf eine Vorschule. Dort werden sie dann systematisch fit für die Grundschule gemacht. Solche Programme verbessern nicht nur die Schulleistungen, sondern fördern auch die Sozialkompetenz. Jeder Euro, der hier angelegt wird, zahlt sich für die Gesellschaft x-fach aus.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Olaf Köller, Die Zeit online am 3. Dezember 2019.

Finanzierung des tertiären Bildungsbereichs ...


„In Australien, Chile, Japan, der Republik Korea, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten werden über 60 % der Gesamtausgaben mit Mitteln aus privaten Quellen finanziert.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2019 (2019), S. 335
In Österreich sind es hingegen nur 6 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Tabelle C3.1.)

Elitäre Privatuniversitäten in den USA ...


„In den Vereinigten Staaten verlangen unabhängige private Bildungseinrichtungen von inländischen Bildungsteilnehmern für Bachelor- oder gleichwertige Bildungsgänge mit durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren von 29.500 US-Dollar mehr als das Dreifache der durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren an öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen (8.800 US-Dollar).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2019 (2019), S. 368.

Studiengebühren in Australien, Kanada, Schweden und den USA ...


„In manchen Ländern kann es […] erhebliche Unterschiede bei den Bildungsgebühren für inländische und ausländische Bildungsteilnehmer geben. So erheben öffentliche Bildungseinrichtungen in Australien, Kanada und den Vereinigten Staaten beispielsweise für Bildungsgänge auf Bachelorniveau 13.900 US-Dollar mehr pro Jahr von ausländischen als von inländischen Bildungsteilnehmern. […] In Schweden werden von inländischen und EU-Bildungsteilnehmern keine Bildungsgebühren erhoben, wohingegen Bildungsteilnehmer von außerhalb der EU für einen Bildungsgang auf Bachelorniveau mehr als 14.500 US-Dollar bezahlen müssen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2019 (2019), S. 369.

Teaching conditions in the United States have deteriorated over the last decade ...


„Teaching conditions in the United States have deteriorated over the last decade and currently compare poorly with those of other nations. Unlike teachers in many Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries whose salaries are, on average, comparable to those of other college graduates, U.S. teachers are, on average, paid 30 % less than other college graduates. […] U.S. teachers’ wages have declined relative to those of other college educated workers since the early 1990s, when they were at their most competitive – and when teacher attrition was much lower than it is today.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Breaking the cycle of teacher shortages: What kind of policies can make a difference? In: Education Policy Analysis Archives Vol. 27 No. 34 (2019), S. 4.

USA: Children from lower income families and students of color are the most likely to be taught by inexperienced and underprepared teachers ...


USA: „Study after study finds that children from lower income families and students of color are the most likely to be taught by inexperienced and underprepared teachers.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Breaking the cycle of teacher shortages: What kind of policies can make a difference? In: Education Policy Analysis Archives Vol. 27 No. 34 (2019), S. 5.

USA: In many states, the wealthiest districts spend two to three times what the poorest districts can spend per pupil ...


USA: „In many states, the wealthiest districts spend two to three times what the poorest districts can spend per pupil, differentials that translate into dramatically different salaries for educators, as well as different learning conditions for students.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Breaking the cycle of teacher shortages: What kind of policies can make a difference? In: Education Policy Analysis Archives Vol. 27 No. 34 (2019), S. 5.

USA: Attrition from the profession currently accounts for about 90 % of the annual demand for teachers ...


USA: „Attrition from the profession currently accounts for about 90 % of the annual demand for teachers, and is about double the teacher leaving rates of countries like Canada, Finland, and Singapore. […] More than two-thirds of teachers leave for reasons other than retirement, most of them citing dissatisfaction with different aspects of teaching that are amenable to policy intervention, including accountability policies, lack of administrative support, and lack of opportunity for decision making input and collaboration.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Breaking the cycle of teacher shortages: What kind of policies can make a difference? In: Education Policy Analysis Archives Vol. 27 No. 34 (2019), S. 7.

In the United States children from poorer families are increasingly constrained in their education choices ...


„In the United States, as the cost of college has risen disproportionately to growth in average incomes, children from poorer families are increasingly constrained in their education choices by their parents’ ability to pay.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 230f

Chinese families migrating to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA do so (in part) to access the educational opportunities provided by these nations ...


„Chinese families migrating to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the USA do so (in part) to access the educational opportunities provided by these nations. These families are, then, highly educationally engaged and positively oriented to schooling and schools and this may positively impact their children’s academic success.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Against the Odds – Academically resilient students with a migrant background and how they succeed (2019), S. 38.

The amount of time adolescents spend on screen activities ...


USA: „The rise of digital media and the fall of everything else over the last decade, the amount of time adolescents spend on screen activities (especially digital media such as gaming, social media, texting, and time online) has steadily increased, accelerating after 2012 after the majority of Americans owned smartphones. By 2017, the average 12th grader (17-18 years old) spent more than 6 hours a day of leisure time on just three digital media activities (internet, social media, and texting). By 2018, 95 % of United States adolescents had access to a smartphone, and 45% said they were online 'almost constantly'.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. John F. Helliwell u.a., World Happiness Report 2019 (2019), S. 90.

The way adolescents socialize has fundamentally shifted ...


USA: „The way adolescents socialize has fundamentally shifted, moving toward online activities and away from face-to-face social interaction. Other activities that typically do not involve screens have also declined: Adolescents spent less time attending religious services, less time reading books and magazines, and (perhaps most crucially) less time sleeping. These declines are not due to time spent on homework, which has declined or stayed the same.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. John F. Helliwell u.a., World Happiness Report 2019 (2019), S. 90.

Adolescents and young adults who spend more time on digital media are lower in well-being ...


USA: „Several studies have found that adolescents and young adults who spend more time on digital media are lower in well-being. For example, girls spending 5 or more hours a day on social media are three times more likely to be depressed than non-users, and heavy internet users (vs. light users) are twice as likely to be unhappy. Sleeping, face-to-face social interaction, and attending religious services – less frequent activities among iGen teens compared to previous generations – are instead linked to more happiness.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. John F. Helliwell u.a., World Happiness Report 2019 (2019), S. 91.

Addictive behaviors ...


USA: „The concept of addiction was originally applied by psychologists and public health specialists mainly or exclusively to substances such as tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, opioids (natural and synthetic), and other drugs. More recently, many psychologists have come to regard various behaviors as potential addictions as well. Such addictive behaviors include gambling; social media use, video gaming, shopping, consuming unhealthy foods, exercising, engaging in extreme sports, engaging in risky sexual behaviors, and others. Such behaviors may become compulsive, with individuals pursuing them to excess, despite the awareness of their harmful nature to the individuals themselves and to those around them (including family and friends).“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. John F. Helliwell u.a., World Happiness Report 2019 (2019), S. 124.

Teachers leaving the profession ...


„Teachers leaving the profession during the first five years have reached a proportion of close to 40 % in many countries and jurisdictions including in Canada, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and the United States.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „A Flying Start“ (2019), S. 51

Parental use of mobile devices adversely affects childparent interactions ...


„Increasing evidence suggests parental use of mobile devices adversely affects childparent interactions. In the United States, 51 % of US adolescents (13-17 years old) said their parents were 'often' (14 %) or 'sometimes' (34 %) distracted by their cell phone during attempts to have a face-to-face conversation.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 114.

Studiengebühren für Bachelorstudien in England, Kanada und den USA ...


„Tuition fees exceed USD 10 000 in England (United Kingdom), where the majority of students enrol in government-dependent private institutions. […] In Canada, where annual average tuition fees in public institutions are around USD 5 300, tuition fees range from USD 2 250 to USD 7 000. […] In the United States (average fees of USD 8 800), tuition fees range from USD 6 700 to USD 10 750.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education at a Glance 2019 (2019), S. 316.

The share of private funds for tertiary education ...


„The share of private funds for tertiary education in Austria, Finland, Iceland, Luxembourg and Norway accounted for 8 % or less in 2016, while it was 64 % and over of the total expenditures in Chile, Japan, United Kingdom and United States.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Government at a Glance 2019 (2019), S. 180.
In Österreich betrug der private Anteil an den Kosten für das tertiäre Bildungswesen 6,4 %, im OECD-Mittel 31,2 %. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 181)

For international university students, the top five countries are Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Finland and the United States ...


„For international university students, the top five countries are Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Finland and the United States.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „How do OECD countries compare in their attractiveness for talented migrants?“ (2019), S. 1

In Gesamtschulstaaten akzeptieren immer weniger Eltern die nächstgelegene Schule ...


„Parental choice of school has been part of the English education system since 1988 and is similarly well established in countries such as the United States, Chile, Sweden, and increasingly across Europe.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Deborah Wilson u. a., School choice and equality of opportunity (2019), S. 4.

Students scoring on the 98th percentile of tests may read 4.7 million words a year ...


„Data from the United States show that students scoring on the 98th percentile of tests may read 4.7 million words a year, equivalent to 67 minutes a day; those scoring in the 10th percentile may only read 51,000 words per year, or 1 minute a day.“
World Bank (Hrsg.), Ending Learning Poverty. What Will It Take (2019), S. 25f.

Foreign-born adults lacking upper secondary education ...


„In many OECD countries, a smaller share of foreign-born adults than native-born adults is lacking upper secondary education. For instance, in Australia only 14 % of foreign-born adults have not gained an upper secondary education while among native-born adults the share is 22 %. […] In Germany, 32 % of foreign-born adults do not have upper secondary education, more than three times the rate among native-born adults (9 %). In Austria, Belgium, Costa Rica, Greece, Italy, France, Switzerland and the United States, the difference is still more than 10 percentage points“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education Indicators in Focus 65 (Dezember 2018), S. 2f.

In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer ...


„In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer als in England, den USA und Finnland – alles Länder mit einer gemeinsamen Sekundarstufe für alle Schüler.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Fend, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom November 2018, S. 25

Global numbers of students studying abroad ...


„The number of students studying abroad has more than doubled from 2.1 million to 4.7 million in the last fifteen years. […] More than two-thirds of these mobile students live in G20 countries, with 19 % studying in the United States, followed by 9 % in the United Kingdom and 6 % in Australia. On the flip side, China is by far the largest source of internationally-mobile students with over 800,000 studying abroad in 2015. India, and to lesser extent Germany, also sends large numbers of students to study internationally.“

Dr. Silvia Montoya, „From Brain Drain to Gain: The Benefits Arising from International Knowledge Networks“, http://uis.unesco.org am 3. September 2018


Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen ...


„Der Anteil der privaten Ausgaben für tertiäre Bildungseinrichtungen unterscheidet sich von Land zu Land signifikant, was hauptsächlich auf die von den tertiären Bildungseinrichtungen erhobenen Bildungsgebühren zurückzuführen ist. In Ländern wie Chile, Japan, Kolumbien, dem Vereinigten Königreich und den Vereinigten Staaten ist der Anteil am größten (rund 70 Prozent).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2018, OECD-Indikatoren“ (2018), S. 347

In Österreich machen die privaten Ausgaben hingegen nur rund 6 Prozent aus. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2018“ (2018), Figure C1.4)


USA: Durchschnittliche Bildungsgebühr pro Jahr ...


„In den Vereinigten Staaten ist ein Drittel der Bildungsteilnehmer an unabhängigen privaten Bildungseinrichtungen eingeschrieben, wo die durchschnittliche Bildungsgebühr pro Jahr für einen Bachelor- oder gleichwertigen Bildungsgang mit mehr als 20.000 US-Dollar fast 2,5-mal so hoch ist wie die durchschnittliche Bildungsgebühr pro Jahr an einer öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtung.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2018, OECD-Indikatoren“ (2018), S. 380


In 2016, some 17 percent of 20- to 24-year-olds were neither enrolled in school nor working ...


USA: „In 2016, some 17 percent of 20- to 24-year-olds were neither enrolled in school nor working […] some 31 percent of those in poor households were neither in school nor working, compared to 13 percent of those in nonpoor households.“

ies (Hrsg.), „The Condition of Education 2018“ (2018), Highlights, S. XXXVI


Hohe Verschuldung der US-amerikanischen UniversitätsabsolventInnen ...


The average loan balance for students who completed research doctorate degrees, such as Ph.D.’s or education doctorates, was $108,400.“

ies (Hrsg.), „The Condition of Education 2018“ (2018), S. 24


USA: In 2015-16, 13 percent of all public school students received special education services ...


USA: „In 2015-16, the number of students ages (Anm.: SIC) 3–21 receiving special education services was 6.7 million, or 13 percent of all public school students.“

ies (Hrsg.), „The Condition of Education 2018“ (2018), S. 74


No Child Left Behind-policy had strong negative repercussions for schools that performed poorly on annual statewide standardized tests ...


„Policy makers should rely on a broad range of information instead of any one measure. When a single metric becomes the sole basis for big policy triggers, the corresponding stakes may become dangerously high. A striking example is the U.S. No Child Left Behind policy enacted in 2001. This policy had strong negative repercussions for schools that performed poorly on annual statewide standardized tests.“

The World Bank (Hrsg.), „Learning to Realize Education's Promise“ (2018), S. 93

68, 85


25 % of young teachers in the United States quit their jobs within the first three years ...


„25 % of young teachers in the United States quit their jobs within the first three years, and almost 40 % quit within the first five years, triggering a demand for replacement teachers.“

Dr. Tarek Mostafa u. a., „Science teachers’ satisfaction: Evidence from the PISA 2015 teacher survey“ (2018), S. 8


USA and Canada: The educational attainment of the children of immigrants ...


„On average, in both the United States and Canada the educational attainment of the children of immigrants is equal to or exceeds that of same-aged children of native-born parents.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants“ (2018), S. 170


In Australien, Kanada, Neuseeland und den USA leisten internationale Studierende einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Finanzierung des Bildungswesens ...


„Australia attracts many international students who pay much higher tuition fees than nationals and contribute to the high levels of private expenditure. Australian public institutions charge international students over USD 7 000 more per year than national students. In fact, international students’ tuition fees are more than three times higher than national students for a bachelor’s programme and nearly double for a master’s. Among countries with available data, only public tertiary educational institutions in Canada, New Zealand and the United States charge higher fees to international students than Australia.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note Australia“ (2018), S. 4


International students ...


„International students accounted for 18 % of tertiary enrolment in the United Kingdom in 2015, the third highest rate behind Luxembourg (47 %) and New Zealand (20 %), and well above the OECD average (6 %). The United Kingdom takes in 14 % of all international students across OECD countries, the second highest share after the United States.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2018. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 5


Staaten, in denen die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsschere zwischen 10 (TIMSS) und 15 (PISA) besonders stark aufgeht ...


„In Australia, Canada and Greece […], and also in the Czech Republic, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United States, inequity grows significantly during adolescence.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education“ (2018), S. 39

Australia is the top third destination of international students among OECD countries, behind the United States and the United Kingdom ...


„Australia’s student visa programme is an integral part of the international education sector, which is one of the country’s largest export industries generating a total income of AUD 16.3 billion in 2013/14. […] Australia is the top third destination of international students among OECD countries, behind the United States and the United Kingdom. International students represent 18 % of all students in tertiary education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Australia 2018“ (2018), S. 192


Teachers leaving the profession during the first five years ...


„Teachers leaving the profession during the first five years seems to have reached an epidemic proportion in countries like Australia, the U.K., or the U.S., with rates up to more than 40 %. […] Several studies have shown that teacher turnover during early years is particularly prominent in qualified and committed teachers.“
Dr. Alejandro Paniagua u. a., „Early Career Teachers: Pioneers Triggering Innovation or Compliant Professionals?“ (2018), S. 20

Half of all international students move to five English‑speaking countries ...


„Half of all international students move to five English‑speaking countries: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Over 15 % of students in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom are international, and for international doctoral candidates, the share is over 30 %.“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Global Education Monitoring Report 2019“ (2018), S. 97


Large economic benefit through international students ...


„In 2016, international students brought an estimated US$ 39.4 billion into the US economy – largely in living expenses and tuition – making international education one of the top export industries. Other countries also see a large economic benefit, including Australia (US$ 24.7 billion), Canada (US $15.5 billion) and the United Kingdom (US $31.9 billion).“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Global Education Monitoring Report 2019“ (2018), S. 98


The United States leads in hosting the largest number of mobile students worldwide ...


„The United States leads in hosting the largest number of mobile students worldwide (hosting about 907,300 or 19 % of the global total), followed by the United Kingdom (430,700, or 9.2 %), Australia (294,500, or 6.3 %), France (239,400, or 5.1 %), Germany (228,800, or 4.9 %), Russian Federation (226,400, or 4.8 %), Canada (171,600, or 3.7 %), Japan (132,000, or 2.8 %), China (123,100, or 2.6 %) and Italy (90,400, or 1.9 %).“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Skills and Innovation in G20 Countries“ (2018), S. 14

In Österreich sind es 26,3 % (Quelle: Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Bildung in Zahlen 2016/17. Tabellenband“ (2018), S. 323), Österreich wäre also mit Abstand an der Spitze der G20-Staaten.


Highly qualified college graduates are less likely to choose teaching careers than low achieving graduates ...


„In some countries like, for example, United States, there is empirical evidence that highly qualified college graduates are less likely to choose teaching careers than low achieving graduates. This is worrying for educational authorities which need to find a way to attract and retain motivated high quality teachers. In this sense, as in any other occupation, employee quality can only be demanded and worker motivation elicited if working conditions, including salary and work loading are attractive.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 53

Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States are home to almost two-thirds of all high-skilled migrants ...


„Four Anglo-Saxon destinations – Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States – are home to almost two-thirds of all high-skilled migrants.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Moving for Prosperity“ (2018), S. 31


USA: Schüler mit Lernbehinderungen ...


USA: „Laut der ACLU (Anm.: American Civil Liberties Union) wurden im Schuljahr 2011/12 3,5 Millionen Schülerinnen und Schüler vorübergehend von der Schule verwiesen und verpassten dadurch 18 Millionen Unterrichtstage. Der grösste Teil von ihnen waren Schüler mit Lernbehinderungen.“

Neue Zürcher Zeitung online am 19. Oktober 2017


Extrem selektive Einwanderungspolitik der USA und Kanadas ...


„Die muslimische Bevölkerung in den USA […] ist gebildeter als die amerikanische Durchschnittsbevölkerung, weil die meisten als Arbeitsmigranten mit entsprechender Bildung eingewandert sind und sich später erfolgreich integriert haben. Ganz anders ist die Situation bei den weniger gut gebildeten Gastarbeitern in Europa, die zumeist aus ländlichen Regionen rekrutiert wurden, und natürlich aktuell bei den Flüchtlingen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ruud Koopmans. In: ÖIF (Hrsg.), „Perspektiven Integration - Parallelgesellschaften“ (2017), S. 15


Aktuell investieren die USA deutlich mehr in ihr Humankapital als Österreich ...


Aktuell investieren die USA mit 6,2 % des BIP deutlich mehr in ihr Humankapital als Österreich oder die meisten EU-Staaten.

Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2015/16 Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2017), S. 122


Bildungsgebühren in Australien, Japan und Korea ...


„In Australien, Japan und Korea betragen die Bildungsgebühren fur einen Bachelor- oder gleichwertigen Bildungsgang in privaten Bildungseinrichtungen mehr als 8.000 US-Dollar gegenüber 4.500 US-Dollar bis 5.300 US-Dollar in öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen. In den Vereinigten Staaten verlangen unabhängige private Bildungseinrichtungen für Bachelor- oder gleichwertige Bildungsgänge mit durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren von fast 21.200 US-Dollar mehr als das Zweieinhalbfache der durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren an öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen (rund 8.200 US-Dollar).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2017“ (2017), S. 261f


Was ausländische Bildungsteilnehmer im Durchschnitt bezahlen ...


„In Australien, Kanada, Neuseeland und den Vereinigten Staaten bezahlen ausländische Bildungsteilnehmer im Durchschnitt mehr als 10.000 US-Dollar mehr pro Jahr als inländische Bildungsteilnehmer. In Polen und Schweden ist der Besuch des Tertiärbereichs an öffentlichen Bildungseinrichtungen für inländische Bildungsteilnehmer kostenlos, während Bildungsteilnehmer aus Ländern außerhalb der EU mehr als 4.500 US-Dollar für einen Bachelorbildungsgang zahlen müssen.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2017“ (2017), S. 265


Gewinnorientiert oder zumindest kostendeckend ...


„Die höchsten durchschnittlichen jährlichen Bildungsgebühren in Ländern, für die Daten vorliegen, verlangen private Bildungseinrichtungen in den Vereinigten Staaten (27.300 US-Dollar) und öffentliche Bildungseinrichtungen in Neuseeland (18.500 US-Dollar, ohne Promotionsbildungsgange). Aber die hohe Zahl der Bildungsteilnehmer, die zur Ausbildung im Tertiärbereich in diese beiden Länder gehen, scheint darauf hinzuweisen, dass diese hohen Bildungsgebühren die Bildungsteilnehmer nicht von der Einschreibung abhalten.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2017“ (2017), S. 368


The United Kingdom attracts an impressive 12.6% of the worldwide market share of international tertiary-level students ...


„The United Kingdom […] attracts an impressive 12.6% of the worldwide market share of international tertiary-level students, second only to the United States (16.4%). The UK’s share of the global market has grown more than any other country since 2000, suggesting its tertiary educational system presents a strong draw for foreign talent.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Getting Skills Right: United Kingdom“ (2017), S. 16


Improved access to better vocational education can probably contribute more ...


„Improved access to better vocational education can probably contribute more than large increases in college attainment. […] Contrasting the United States and Germany suggests that pushing more students to degree-granting colleges may not be an efficient way to deal with the declining real incomes of the working poor.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Joshua Aizenman u. a., „Vocational Education, Manufacturing, and Income Distribution“ (2017), S. 2f


Teacher attrition is a widely acknowledged challenge facing the teaching profession in the United States ...


„Teacher attrition is a widely acknowledged challenge facing the teaching profession in the United States, and some studies estimate that as many as 40-50 % of new teachers depart in their first five years of teaching. Teacher longevity, or the amount of time a teacher remains in the teaching profession, is an important issue for school climate and school resource allocation. Teachers grow more effective the longer they teach and they typically require significantly more investment in training and development at the start of their careers.“
Shannon Ryan u. a., „Leaving the teaching profession: The role of teacher stress and educational accountability policies on turnover intent“. In: „Teaching and Teacher Education“ 66 (2017), S. 2

In the United States, 25 % of new teachers leave the profession before completing three years of teaching ...


„In the United States, 25 % of new teachers leave the profession before completing three years of teaching, and the figure rises to almost 40 % when looking at those with under five years of experience.“

Kristina Sonmark, MSc, u. a., „Understanding teachers' pedagogical knowledge“ (2017), S. 98


Beratung und Unterstützung statt harter Konsequenzen für Schulen mit schlechten Evaluationsergebnissen ...


„Während Schulen mit schlechten Evaluationsergebnissen in den USA und England harte Konsequenzen drohen, werden ihnen in den Niederlanden Beratung und Unterstützung angeboten.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 8


Externe Schulevaluationen verfehlen Reformziele ...


„Zahlreiche US-amerikanische Untersuchungen führen zu dem Schluss, dass die externen Schulevaluationen anhand von Schülertests, ihre Veröffentlichung und die daran geknüpften Sanktionen alle beiden Reformziele verfehlen: weder verbessert sich das durchschnittliche Leistungsniveau noch verringern sich die Leistungsunterschiede zwischen den einzelnen demographischen Gruppen.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 12


Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht ...


USA: „Die Schulen in wohlhabenderen (mehrheitlich von Weißen bewohnten) Stadtvierteln haben nach wie vor eine bessere Ausstattung, kleinere Klassen und qualifizierteres Lehr- und Administrationspersonal. In den letzten Jahren hat auch der Leistungsrückstand von Schüler/innen mit Behinderungen oder mit nicht-englischer Muttersprache weiter zugenommen.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 14


Anpassung der pädagogischen Ausrichtung auf die Testerwartungen ...


„Die große Bedeutung standardisierter Tests als Entscheidungsgrundlage für die finanzielle und personelle Ausstattung der Schulen führte in den USA und in England nachweisbar zu einer Anpassung der pädagogischen Ausrichtung auf die Testerwartungen („teaching to the test“).“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 15


Unterrichtszeit für Geschichte, Kunsterziehung, Musik oder Fremdsprachen eingespart ...


„Da die standardisierten Tests sich weitgehend auf die Grundfertigkeiten Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen beschränken, haben viele Schulen in den USA und England die übrigen Lernangebote reduziert, v.a. in den Wahlfächern. In über 70 % aller US-Schuldistrikte wird Unterrichtszeit für Geschichte, Kunsterziehung, Musik oder Fremdsprachen eingespart zugunsten von mehr Mathematik und Englisch im Stundenplan.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 15


Versuche, die Daten der Testergebnisse zu manipulieren ...


USA: „Der Druck, gute Testergebnisse zu liefern, führt auf allen Ebenen des Schulsystems (Klassenzimmer, Schulstandort, Schuldistrikt, Bundesstaat) zu Versuchen die Daten zu manipulieren, was ihre Aussagekraft naturgemäß verringert.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 17


Keine Verbesserung der Schulqualität durch Charter Schools und Academies ...


„Die marktkonforme Öffnung der Schulen für private Angebote („Charter Schools“ in den USA, „Academies“ in England) als Konkurrenz zu den staatlichen Schulen führte zu keinen Verbesserungen der Schulqualität.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 17


Standardisierte Tests für sich alleine noch kein adäquates Instrument zur Steuerung des Schulsystems ...


USA: „Die große Mehrheit der US-Wissenschaftler/innen stimmt darin überein, dass sich die Erwartung, dass standardisierte Tests für sich alleine ein adäquates Instrument zur Steuerung des Schulsystems sind, nicht bestätigt hat und die Laufzeit des NCLB-Programms (Anm.: NCLB = „No Child Left Behind“) als „verlorenes Jahrzehnt“ in die Geschichte der Schulreformen eingehen wird.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 20


Monopolstellung des multinationalen Konzerns Pearson in weiten Teilen der USA ...


„Der multinationale Konzern Pearson mit weltweit 40.000 Mitarbeiter/innen, der die Verlage Addison-Wesley und Penguin-Random-House, Zeitungen wie der Financial Times, Vergnügungsparks und Madame-Tussaud-Wachsfigurenkabinette besitzt, hat sich in weiten Teilen der USA eine Monopolstellung gesichert. Er verkauft den US-Bundesstaaten nicht nur Tests, sondern bietet auch darauf abgestimmte Lehrbücher sowie Lern- und Lehrsoftware an.“

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Rauch u. a., „Auswirkungen von Schulrankings auf Unterricht, Schulorganisation und Bildungssystem“ (November 2016), S. 22


Obgleich die USA eine ‚Gesamtschule‘ für alle haben ...


„Obgleich die USA eine ‚Gesamtschule‘ mit zwölf Jahren für alle haben, konnten die USA das nicht zu einem Vorteil in Richtung sozialer Mobilität nutzen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom September 2016, S. 19


Hochgebildete Migranten aus Drittstaaten ...


„Von allen hochgebildeten Migranten aus Drittstaaten leben weniger als ein Drittel (31 Prozent) in der EU und mehr als die Hälfte (57 Prozent) in den Vereinigten Staaten.“

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung online am 7. Juni 2016


USA: Schools serving low-income students receive far fewer resources ...


USA: „Schools serving low-income students receive far fewer resources, face greater difficulties attracting qualified teachers and receive less support from parents. […] The inequalities of children's cognitive ability are substantial even before they start school and then these same disadvantaged children are placed in low-resource schools, further exacerbating the initial inequality.“

Sophia Shing u. a., „Mobile Technology Bridges the 30 Million Word Gap“. In: „Journal of Education at Practice“, Vo8, Nr. 9, 2017, S. 64


Stratification is actually relatively high in the United States ...


„Previous research suggests that stratification is actually relatively high in the United States, despite its comprehensive school system, due to segregation of families between regions and neighborhoods.“

Dr. Philip Parker u. a., „A Multination Study of Socioeconomic Inequality in Expectations for Progression to Higher Education“. In: „American Educational Research Journal“, February 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1, S. 11


Ability stratification based on geography is common in the United States ...


„Ability stratification based on geography is common in the United States, and public/private school divisions remain relatively common in Australia and Great Britain.“

Dr. Philip Parker u. a., „A Multination Study of Socioeconomic Inequality in Expectations for Progression to Higher Education“. In: „American Educational Research Journal“, February 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1, S. 24


The most striking difference between the Indian migrant stock in Europe and in the United States ...


„The most striking difference between the Indian migrant stock in Europe and in the United States is in terms of education: 74.9 % of Indian-born living in the United States are high-educated versus 44.8 % in the EU27.“

Dr. Anda David u. a., „A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU: Where does the EU stand within OECD?“ (2016), S. 27


Moroccan migrants living in the United States ...


„Moroccan migrants living in the United States are […] more educated (45.5 % are high-educated) than those living in the EU27 ([…] only 14.3% are high-educated).“

Dr. Anda David u. a., „A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU: Where does the EU stand within OECD?“ (2016), S. 27


Completion rate of students and their parents’ educational attainment ...


„In France, Norway and the United States, the completion rate of students increases as their parents’ educational attainment increases. In France, the completion rate of students whose mother or father attained tertiary education is 11 percentage points higher than the completion rate of students whose parents did not attain upper secondary education. The difference is 10 percentage points in Norway and 27 percentage points in the United States.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2016“ (2016), S. 170


The United States maintains a dominant position in attracting skilled migrants ...


USA: „The United States maintains a dominant position in attracting skilled migrants: 40 % of the skilled migrants in OECD countries reside in the United States.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Perspectives on Global Development 2017: International Migration in a Shifting World“ (2016), S. 97f


The average high school dropout costs the economy approximately $260,000 over his or her lifetime ...


USA: „In a comparison of those who drop out of high school and those who complete high school, the average high school dropout costs the economy approximately $260,000 over his or her lifetime in terms of lower tax contributions, higher reliance on Medicaid and Medicare, higher rates of criminal activity, and higher reliance on welfare.“

ies (Hrsg.), „Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 2013“ (2016), S. 1


Vocational training combined with work placements can improve employment, earnings and academic outcomes for young people ...


„A review of a diverse range of work experience programmes in the United States found that vocational training combined with work placements can improve employment, earnings and academic outcomes for young people.“

Viktória Kis, „Work-based Learning for Youth at Risk“ (2016), S. 10


The European Union attracted proportionally fewer well educated Chinese migrants than other OECD destinations ...


„The European Union attracted proportionally fewer well educated Chinese migrants than other OECD destinations – 16.9 % of all Chinese migrants, compared with 42.5 % in the United States and 40 % in Australia and Canada.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Recruiting Immigrant Workers – Europe“ (2016), S. 87


Instruction in at least one subject in an ability-grouped class ...


„In Australia, Canada, Hong Kong (China), Ireland, Israel, Malta, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Viet Nam, at least three in four students receive instruction in at least one subject in an ability-grouped class.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 176


High-achieving students may benefit from tracking ...


„Recent research indicates that high-achieving students may benefit from tracking and suffer losses from heterogeneous grouping.“

Brown Center (Hrsg.), „How well are American Students Learning?“ (2016), S. 20


Tracking significantly correlated with performance on AP (Anm.: Advanced Placement) tests ...


USA: „Tracking is significantly correlated with performance on AP (Anm.: Advanced Placement) tests, and the positive relationship holds for the performance of black, Hispanic, and white subgroups.“

Brown Center (Hrsg.), „How well are American Students Learning?“ (2016), S. 22f


States with larger percentages of tracked eighth graders ...


USA: „States with larger percentages of tracked eighth graders produce larger percentages of high-scoring AP (Anm.: Advanced Placement) test takers. States where tracking is less prevalent tend to have a smaller proportion of high scorers.“

Brown Center (Hrsg.), „How well are American Students Learning?“ (2016), S. 23


Expenditure on primary to tertiary educational institutions relative to GDP ...


„In 2013, expenditure on primary to tertiary educational institutions relative to GDP reached 6 % or more in Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2016“ (2016), S. 200


A number of European countries tend to receive more immigrants with lower education ...


„A number of European countries tend to receive more immigrants with lower education and a fluctuating inflow of migrants, while Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States have more well-educated immigrants and a stable inflow.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education at a Glance 2016“ (2016), S. 75


The Netherlands is in the 7th position among OECD countries ...


„The Netherlands is in the 7th position among OECD countries behind Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Luxembourg, Ireland and Canada in terms of attracting talent. Likewise, the country appears to be in a good position to retain talent. It ranks 6th among OECD countries, behind Switzerland, the United States, Norway, Finland and the United Kingdom.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Recruiting Immigrant Workers – The Netherlands 2016“ (2016), S. 196


Filipino migrants in Europe are less educated ...


„Filipino migrants in Europe are less educated (33.8 % are low-educated and 32.1 % are high-educated) than in the United States and Canada (where low-educated migrants respectively account for 9.8 % and 8.2 % of the stock and high-educated ones account for 54.1 % and 65.9 %).“

Dr. Anda David u. a., „A descriptive analysis of immigration to and emigration from the EU: Where does the EU stand within OECD?“ (2016), S. 27


Countries with the highest rates of course-by-course tracking ...


„Internationally, countries with the highest rates of course-by-course tracking are Anglophone countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States) …“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 96


As many non-teaching adults as there are teachers in U.S. public schools ...


USA: „It may be surprising to learn that there are as many non-teaching adults as there are teachers in U.S. public schools.“

www.brookings.edu am 14. Jänner 2015


USA: Attrition in the teacher workforce has risen sharply at both the beginning and the end of the career ...


USA: „Attrition in the teacher workforce has risen sharply at both the beginning and the end of the career. The annual overall attrition rate among teacher rose by 41 % from 1988 to 2008, from 6.4 % to 9 %. The proportion of 1st-year teachers who leave rose from 10 % to 13 % during that period. At least 30 % of teachers leave teaching within 5 years (rates are higher in low-income communities), and the profession is relying more and more on less-experienced teachers.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Teaching in the Flat World“ (2015), S. 7


In the United States, about one-third of beginning teachers leave the profession within 5 years ...


„In the United States, about one-third of beginning teachers leave the profession within 5 years, costing districts $7.3 billion a year.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Teaching in the Flat World“ (2015), S. 85


Unequal in numeracy ...


„England ranks equal fourth amongst countries and regions in numeracy inequality. Only France, English-speaking Canada and the USA are significantly more unequal in numeracy.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 9


Proportion of adults at the lowest two numeracy levels ...


„For numeracy, almost a quarter (24 per cent) of adults in England scored at Level One or below, a higher proportion than the OECD average of 19 percent. Most countries had a lower proportion of adults at the lowest two numeracy levels than England and only six countries had a higher proportion (Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, France, the United States, Spain and Italy).“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 19

Österreich gehört mit 14 % zu den Staaten, in denen sich die wenigsten Menschen mit ihrer Mathematikkompetenz im Risikobereich (Level One or below) befinden.


USA: Increasing class-based residential segregation ...


USA: „Since the 1970s, increasing class-based residential segregation has been translated into de facto class-based school segregation. Schoolchildren from the top half of the income distribution increasingly attend private schools or live in better school districts.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 39


USA: 72 percent of middle-class children know the alphabet when starting school ...


USA: „According to one national study, 72 percent of middle-class children know the alphabet when starting school, as opposed to only 19 percent of poor children.“ (S. 116)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 116


USA: „No Child Left Behind“ und seine Folgen ...


„The achievement gap between children from high- and low-income families is roughly 30-40 percent larger among children born in 2001 than among those born twenty-five years earlier.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 134


USA: Better teachers in upper-income schools ...


USA: „Better teachers, who can have a substantial effect on student success in later life, are disproportionately found in upper-income, high-performance schools, whereas more transient, less capable teachers are disproportionately found in lower-income, low-performance schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 172


Predicting educational attainment ...


USA: „As the twenty-first century opened, a family’s socioeconomic status (SES) had become even more important than test scores in predicting which eighth graders would graduate from college. A generation earlier, social class had played a smaller role, relative to academic ability, in predicting educational attainment. Nowadays, high-scoring rich kids are very likely (74 percent) to graduate from college, while low-scoring poor kids almost never do (3 percent).“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 189


Residential sorting by income ...


USA: „Residential sorting by income over the last 30 to 40 years has shunted high-income and low-income students into separate schools. […] Most parents now pay close attention to it when deciding where to live. This is true even of parents who have only modest educations themselves.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 163


Houses near a high-scoring public school cost more ...


USA: „Houses near a high-scoring public school cost more than $200,000 more than comparable houses near low-scoring schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 164


Tracking in the United States or the United Kingdom ...


„In the United States or the United Kingdom, tracking is mainly practiced as grouping of students at the class or course level, while students stay in the same school.“

Prof. Dr. Florian Klapproth, „Do Algorithms Homogenize Students’ Achievements in Secondary School Better Than Teachers’ Tracking Decisions?“ in „Educatrion Policy Analysis Archives“, 23(62), 2015, S. 3


USA: The high school drop-out rate for students living in low-income families in 2009 ...


USA: „In 2009, in the United States, the high school drop-out rate for students living in low-income families was about five times greater than the rate for their peers from high-income families.“

UNICEF (Hrsg.), „The Investment Case for Education and Equity“ (2015), S. 35


Akademisierung hat längst einen kritischen Wert überschritten ...


„In den Vereinigten Staaten hat die Akademisierung längst einen kritischen Wert überschritten. Von den etwa 70 Prozent eines Jahrgangs, die ein Studium am College beginnen, hat im Alter von 25 Jahren nur etwa die Hälfte tatsächlich einen Abschluss erreicht. Und von diesen Absolventen sind wiederum etwa die Hälfte arbeitslos, oder sie arbeiten in Jobs, die nicht ihrem formalen Ausbildungsstand entsprechen.“

Dr. Rainer Bölling, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung online am 4. Dezember 2014


USA: At the nation’s most selective 193 colleges and universities, affluent students outnumber economically disadvantaged students ...


USA: „At the nation’s most selective 193 colleges and universities, affluent students (those from the richest socioeconomic quarter of the population) outnumber economically disadvantaged students (those from the bottom quarter) by 14 to 1.“

New York Times online am 12. September 2014


Wenn man ‚Akademiker‘ definiert als ‚hat ein Studium an einer Einrichtung absolviert, an der Forschung eine wesentliche Rolle spielt‘ ...


„Wenn man ‚Akademiker‘ definiert als ‚hat ein Studium an einer Einrichtung absolviert, an der Forschung eine wesentliche Rolle spielt‘, dann wäre die Quote derjenigen, die gegenwärtig ein akademisches Studium in den USA aufnehmen, unter 10% eines Jahrgangs, während sie in Deutschland etwa dreimal so hoch ist.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, „Der Akademisierungswahn“ (2014), S. 215


USA: The estimate of the percentage of new teachers leaving teaching after five years ...


USA: „The estimate of the percentage of new teachers leaving teaching after five years ranges from 40 percent to 50 percent, with the greatest exodus taking place in high-poverty, high-minority, urban, and rural public schools. [...] The annual attrition rate for first-year teachers has increased by more than 40 percent over the past two decades.“
Dr. Mariana Haynes, „On the path to equity: Improving the effectiveness of beginning teachers“ (2014), S. 3

USA: A growing number of states have induction support programs in place for beginning teachers-programs ...


USA: „A growing number of states have induction support programs in place for beginning teachers-programs that education researchers have been calling for since the 1970s. Beginning teachers reporting that they have a mentor or master teacher working with them during their first year have increased from about 50 percent in 1990 to over 90 percent as of 2008.“
Dr. Mariana Haynes, „On the path to equity: Improving the effectiveness of beginning teachers“ (2014), S. 6

USA: Almost half of secondary school teachers say that students’ learning abilities have become so mixed in their classrooms that they cannot teach effectively ...


USA: „Almost half of secondary school teachers say that students’ learning abilities have become so mixed in their classrooms that they cannot teach effectively.“
Dr. Mariana Haynes, „On the path to equity: Improving the effectiveness of beginning teachers“ (2014), S. 8

United States outperformed by several countries spending much less on education ...


„In all three PISA domains, the United States are outperformed by several countries spending much less on education (per student but also as a percentage of GDP).“

Dr. Glenda Quintini u. a., „Same Same but Different: School-to-work Transitions in Emerging and Advanced Economies“ (2014), S. 31


Access to a good education in the United States is extremely unequal ...


„In reality, access to a good education in the United States is extremely unequal. Geographic dispersion of schools leads to widespread segregation of advantaged and disadvantaged pupils.“

Dr. John Jerrim, „The Unrealistic Educational Expectations of High School Pupils“. In: „The Sociological Quarterly“ 55 (2014), S. 199f


The United States is one of the most socially unequal nations in the developed world ...


„The United States is one of the most socially unequal nations in the developed world, both in terms of educational achievement and in terms of economic measures of social mobility.“

Dr. John Jerrim, „The Unrealistic Educational Expectations of High School Pupils“. In: „The Sociological Quarterly“ 55 (2014), S. 200


Tracking, the practice of grouping students by achievement levels ...


„Tracking, the practice of grouping students by achievement levels into differentiated curricula, is commonplace in the majority of American high schools. […] “Tracking” also exists in many other countries. In some of these countries (including other Anglo countries and some Nordic countries), tracking is similar to that in the United States and consists of offering courses at varying levels of difficulty in one or more subjects within a school.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Chmielewski, „An International Comparison of Achievement Inequality in Within- and Between-School Tracking Systems“ in „American Journal of Education“, Vol. 120, No. 3 (2014), S. 293


The countries with the highest rates of course-by-course tracking ...


„The countries with the highest rates of course-by-course tracking are Anglo countries (the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand).“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Chmielewski, „An International Comparison of Achievement Inequality in Within- and Between-School Tracking Systems“ in „American Journal of Education“, Vol. 120, No. 3 (2014), S. 297


Charter schools are either no better or worse than traditional public schools ...


USA: „More than 80 % of charter schools are either no better or worse than traditional public schools at securing math and reading gains for their students.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. David Berliner, „50 Myths and Lies That Threaten America's Public Schools“ (2014), S. 23f


Growing achievement gap in the U.S. ...


„Recent research documents a growing achievement gap in the U.S. between children in high-and low-income families, a trend that contrasts with the decline of racial achievement gaps over the past 50 years.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ann Owens u. a., „Trends in School Economic Segregation, 1970 to 2010“ (2014), S. 3


Formen des Tracking in den USA verbreitet ...


„In den USA sind Formen des Tracking beispielsweise ziemlich selbstverständlich bis in die Grundschule hinein verbreitet.“

Dr. Lorenz Lassnigg u. a., „Das österreichische Modell der Formation von Kompetenzen im Vergleich“ in Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Schlüsselkompetenzen von Erwachsenen – Vertiefende Analysen der PIAAC-Erhebung 2001/12“ (2014), S. 61


Segregation nach dem Wohnort in den USA ...


„Studies of residential income segregation show that neighborhood income segregation grew considerably between 1970 and 2009. Much of the growth in income segregation was due to the increasing segregation of the rich from all other families.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sean Reardon u. a., „60 Years After Brown: Trends and Consequences of School Segregation“ in „The Annual Review of Sociology“ 2014, 40, S. 205


Einkommen der Eltern versus Schulerfolg ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„On both math and reading tests, students at the 90th percentile of the income distribution score about 1.3 standard deviations higher than students at the 10th percentile.“

Dr. Seth Gershenson, „Do Summer Time-Use Gaps Vary by Socioeconomic Status?“ in „American Educational Research Journal“, Dezember 2013, Vol. 50, No. 6, S. 1219


USA setzen beim Lesen und in der Mathematik vermehrt auch schon in der Grundschule auf Differenzierung ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„A new analysis from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a Census-like agency for school statistics, shows that of the fourth-grade teachers surveyed, 71 percent said they had grouped students by reading ability in 2009, up from 28 percent in 1998. In math, 61 percent of fourth-grade teachers reported ability grouping in 2011, up from 40 percent in 1996.“

fairfieldmathadvocates.com am 9. Juni 2013


Der Anteil Leistungsstarker im Lesen ist in Finnland, Großbritannien sowie den Vereinigten Staaten dreimal größer als in Österreich ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„20 % der Volksschüler/innen in Österreich besitzen im Lesen bestenfalls Basiskompetenzen. In Finnland und den Niederlanden ist der Anteil halb so groß. Der Anteil Leistungsstarker im Lesen ist in Finnland, Großbritannien sowie den Vereinigten Staaten dreimal größer als in Österreich.“

BIFIE, „Nationaler Bildungsbericht - Österreich 2012; Indikatoren und Themen im Überblick“ (2013), S. 11


USA: Einnahmen durch Studiengebühren internationaler Studierender ...


USA: „In der Studie der NAFSA (2012) wurden für das Studienjahr 2010/11 Einnahmen durch Studiengebühren internationaler Studierender von 14 Mrd. US Dollar (USD) geschätzt, die der amerikanischen Wirtschaft zugutekamen. Bei einer Anzahl von 723.277 internationalen Studierenden gleicht dies knapp 20.000 USD Gebühren pro Kopf.“

Prognos (Hrsg.), „Studentische Mobilität und ihre finanziellen Effekte auf das Gastland“ (2013), S. 9


Between 30 and 50 percent of teachers leave the profession during their first 3-7 years of teaching in the USA ...


USA: „Between 30 and 50 percent of teachers leave the profession during their first 3-7 years of teaching. The main explanation underlined by research evidence is both the lack of sufficient and suitable support to keep teachers in the profession as well as the heavy workloads and poor working conditions new teachers face when they start teaching.“

Caroline Rizza, „New teachers’ working experience: A secondary analysis of TALIS“ (2013), S. 1


U.S., the U.K., and Japan: Tracking within schools is common ...


„The U.S., the U.K., and Japan essentially keep their entire secondary education system comprehensive – although tracking within schools is common and on the rise in these countries.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Dustmann u.a., „The Long-Term Effects of Early Track Choice“ (2013), S. 2


46 % of new teachers leave their job in the first five years of service in the USA ...


USA: „46 % of new teachers leave their job in the first five years of service.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thierry Karsenti u.a., „Why are New Teachers Leaving the Profession? Results of a Canada-Wide Survey“ in „International Journal of Education“, 3(3), 2013, S. 143


USA has poorer social mobility than the UK ...


„Amongst G20 richest nations, only the USA has poorer social mobility than the UK.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Pascal u.a., „The impact of early education as a strategy in countering socio-economic disadvantage“ (2013), S. 8


This unnatural focus on testing ...


USA: „This unnatural focus on testing produced perverse but predictable results: it narrowed the curriculum; many districts scaled back time for the arts, history, civics, physical education, science, foreign language, and whatever was not tested.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Diane Ravitch, „Reign of Error – The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America’s Public Schools“ (2013), S. 13


The U.S. high school graduation rate ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„The U.S. high school graduation rate peaked at around 80 percent in the early 1970s and has since declined by 4–5 percentage points. Roughly 65 percent of blacks and Hispanics now leave school without a high school diploma, substantially higher than the dropout rate for non-Hispanic whites.“

Univ.-Prof. James Heckman, Nobelpreisträger des Jahres 2000 für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, bostonreview.net am 1. September 2012


A greater fraction of young Americans graduating from college ...


„A greater fraction of young Americans is graduating from college. At the same time, a greater fraction is dropping out of high school.“

Univ.-Prof. James Heckman, Nobelpreisträger des Jahres 2000 für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, bostonreview.net am 1. September 2012


USA: Schools narrowing their curriculum and focusing on test preparation ...


„In the United States, the singular focus on a cognitive achievement gap created by national policy and funding has led to schools narrowing their curriculum and focusing on test preparation as a major instructional strategy.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henry M. Levin, „More than just test scores“ (2012)


Secondary school dropouts could be costing the United States 1.6 % of the country’s GDP ...


„Secondary school dropouts could be costing the United States 1.6 % of the country’s GDP.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity and Quality in Education“ (2012), S. 25


Der schulische Erfolg ist am Ende der Sekundarstufe I in Großbritannien und den USA besonders stark vom Bildungsniveau der Eltern abhängig ...


„In the US and England students with parents with tertiary education are around 4 times as likely to be in the top half of test scores than children with parents without tertiary education.“

„Sutton Trust“ (Hrsg.), „Social Mobility and Education Gaps in the Four Major Anglophone Countries“ (2012), S. 11


Education gaps between poorer children and their richer peers widen in the UK and the US as children age ...


„Education gaps between poorer children and their richer peers widen in the UK and the US as children age. In the UK this widening occurs during primary and secondary school, but the gap increases particularly after age 11, at the start of secondary school.“

„Sutton Trust“ (Hrsg.), „Social Mobility and Education Gaps in the Four Major Anglophone Countries“ (2012), S. 12


USA: Why new teachers leave the profession ...


„Recent work in the U.S. suggests that the increasing salary gap between teaching and other professions, poor working conditions in schools, combined with the disappointments and hardships from teaching are influential in why new teachers leave the profession.“

Dr. Helen Watt u.a., „Motivations for choosing teaching as a career“. In: „Teaching and Teacher Education“ 28 (2012), S. 794


USA: The dropout rate for African-American and Hispanic students ...


„Across the United States the national dropout rate is just over 30 % while the dropout rate for African-American and Hispanic students is slightly more than 50 %.“

Francesca Froy u. a., „Ensuring Labour Market Success for Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Youth“ (2011), S. 18


Students in Canada are grouped by ability in ways that are very similar to the United States’ system ...


„Students in Canada are grouped by ability in ways that are very similar to the United States’ system. Elementary school-aged children are often placed in ability groups within heterogeneous classrooms. Students in secondary schools are placed into tracks or streams, based on perceived ability levels.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education“ (2011), S. 67


The achievement gap between children from high- and low-income families ...


USA: „The achievement gap between children from high- and low-income families is roughly 30 to 40 percent larger among children born in 2001 than among those born twenty-five years earlier.“

Univ.-Prof. Sean F. Reardon, „The Widening Academic Achievement Gap Between the Rich and the Poor“ (2011), S. 1


USA: A given difference in family incomes now corresponds to a 30 to 60 percent larger difference in achievement than it did for children born in the 1970s ...


USA: „A given difference in family incomes now corresponds to a 30 to 60 percent larger difference in achievement than it did for children born in the 1970s.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sean Reardon, „The Widening Academic Achievement Gap Between the Rich and the Poor“ (2011), S. 2


USA: Jede/r Zweite verlässt den Beruf bereits nach einem Jahr ...


„The modal (most commonly occurring) number of years experience in teaching in the United States is now just one year. Imagine if the modal number was the same for doctors. What an outcry there would be!“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Hargreaves u. a., „The global fourth way“ (2011), S. 3


Nationally, about 30 percent of new teachers leave ...


USA: „Nationally, about 30 percent of new teachers leave the profession after five years.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthew Ronfeldt u. a., „How teacher turnover harms student achievement“ (2011), S. 1 


Skill-related earning differences ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„The US and Canada, where skill-related earning differences are relatively large, receive 51.4 % of the OECD's immigrants, but 65.5 % of its immigrants with tertiary schooling. Europe, where skill-related earning differences are relatively small, receives 38.4 % of the OECD's immigrants, but only 23.6 % of its tertiaryschooled immigrants.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Grogger u. a., „Income maximization and the selection and sorting of international migrants“ in „Journal of Development Economics“ 95 (2011), S. 42


North America receives disproportionately high-skilled migrants ...


„North America receives disproportionately high-skilled migrants, whereas Europe's immigrants are disproportionately low-skilled.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Grogger u. a., „Income maximization and the selection and sorting of international migrants“ in „Journal of Development Economics“ 95 (2011), S. 48


Leistungsdifferenzierung in den USA ...


„There is a high prevalence of informal streaming and tracking within schools in the United States, often starting in the early grades and particularly so in high schools (e.g. Advanced Placement courses, honours courses, etc.)“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education – Lessons from PISA for the United States“ (2011), S. 48


Demotivierung der Lehrkräfte, Verengung des Lehrplans und Unzuverlässigkeit der Tests ...


„In den USA macht man seit mindestens 25 Jahren Erfahrungen mit einer standardbasierten Schulreform. Obwohl man immer wieder von großen Erfolgen dieser Reform hören kann, trifft bei nüchterner Betrachtung eher das Gegenteil zu. Probleme zeigen sich in mindestens drei Bereichen: Demotivierung der Lehrkräfte, Verengung des Lehrplans und Unzuverlässigkeit der Tests.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Herzog, Tagung des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Deutschen Philologenverbandes, 8./9. Oktober 2010


The curriculum being hacked into incoherent pieces ...


USA: „In the 1980s and 1990s, the curriculum was being hacked into incoherent pieces ('standards'), and the nation had moved from a commitment to equal opportunity to a belief that equal outcomes — products — were the goal.“

Debbie Tye u.a., „The Slow Death of the American Teacher“ (2010) in scholarlypartnershipsedu Vol. 5, S. 32


The so-called accountability movement has not closed the achievement gap ...


USA: „It has been shown that the so-called accountability movement has not closed the achievement gap as it was intended to; and that the dropout rate for students from poorer families has risen.“

Debbie Tye u.a., „The Slow Death of the American Teacher“ (2010) in „Scholarlypartnershipsedu“, Vol. 5, S. 33