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Im internationalen Vergleich sind Lehrkräfte in Deutschland weniger zufrieden ...


„Die große Mehrheit der Lehrkräfte (75 %) und Schulleitungen (83 %) sind mit ihrem Beruf und ihrer Schule zufrieden. Im internationalen Vergleich sind Lehrkräfte in Deutschland jedoch weniger zufrieden. Über ein Viertel der Lehrkräfte (27 %) und fast jede fünfte Schulleitung (19 %) würde den Beruf wechseln, wenn sie die Möglichkeiten dazu hätten. Insbesondere jüngere Lehrkräfte und Frauen denken darüber nach. Keine Unterschiede bestehen zwischen traditionell ausgebildeten Lehrkräften und Quer- und Seiteneinsteiger:innen.“
Bosch-Stiftung (Hrsg.), Deutsches Schulbarometer, Befragung Lehrkräfte (2024) S. 9.

Ein Sechstel der Schulleitungen und ein Sechstel der Pädagog:innen schätzt die eigene Lebenszufriedenheit als gering ein ...


„Ein Sechstel (16 %) der Schulleitungen schätzt die eigene Lebenszufriedenheit als gering ein. Ebenso ein Sechstel (17 %) der Pädagog:innen schätzt die eigene Lebenszufriedenheit als gering ein.“
IfGP (Hrsg.), Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden von Schulleitungen und Pädagog:innen in Österreich. Ergebnisse der ATPHS 2022 (2024), S. 14.

Hochwertige Elementarbildung wirkt lebenslang ...


„Es liegen umfangreiche Forschungsergebnisse vor, die zeigen, dass eine hochwertige frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung (FBBE) sowohl kurz- als auch langfristige Vorteile in Bezug auf das Lernen, Wohlbefinden und die späteren bildungsbezogenen, sozialen und Beschäftigungsergebnisse mit sich bringt. Dennoch ist es weniger wahrscheinlich, dass Kinder aus sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Familien an FBBE teilnehmen und eine hochwertige Betreuung erhalten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2024 (2024), S. 253.

Close relationship between well-being and academic performance ...


„Research has highlighted the close relationship between well-being and academic performance: students who enjoy better levels of well-being also tend to display better performance in the classroom.“
Marta Cignetti u. a., Beyond Grades: raising the visibility and impact of PISA data on students’ well-being (2024), S. 6.

The positive relationship between school belonging and reading achievement is apparent ...


„The positive relationship between school belonging and reading achievement is apparent as students who reported a 'High' sense of school belonging had the highest average reading achievement compared to students with 'Some' or 'Low' sense of belonging across the PIRLS 2021 countries on average.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Aspects of Student Well-Being and Reading Achievement in PIRLS 2021 (2024), S. 4.

Student reports of experiencing bullying are an important indicator of students’ well-being in school ...


„Student reports of experiencing bullying (even though the extent and types of bullying may vary) are an important indicator of students’ well-being in school, with implications for both their well-being at school and academic achievement.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Aspects of Student Well-Being and Reading Achievement in PIRLS 2021 (2024), S. 9.

Insufficient sleep and sleepiness have negative effects on learning ...


„Research has shown that insufficient sleep and sleepiness have negative effects on learning, memory, and school performance, with the effect being the strongest during early adolescence.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Aspects of Student Well-Being and Reading Achievement in PIRLS 2021 (2024), S. 12.

Frequent absences may negatively impact students’ well-being at school ...


„Frequent absences may negatively impact students’ well-being at school by reducing their opportunities to learn and develop positive feelings about school experiences.“
IEA (Hrsg.), Aspects of Student Well-Being and Reading Achievement in PIRLS 2021 (2024), S. 12.

Large class sizes are a particular challenge for teachers and students alike ...


„Large class sizes are a particular challenge for teachers and students alike. They have been found to negatively affect teacher well-being and job satisfaction.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global Report on Teachers (2024), S. 51.

No surprise that teacher and student well-being is at a worrisomely low point ...


„In an educational environment characterized by poor working conditions, heavy workloads, large class sizes, limited resources, and insufficient professional and psychosocial support, it is no surprise that teacher and student well-being is at a worrisomely low point.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Why the world needs happy schools (2024), S. 19.

Teachers’ well-being has been a concern since long before the pandemic ...


„Teachers’ well-being has been a concern since long before the pandemic, owing to low salaries, heavy workloads that include non-teaching responsibilities, crowded classrooms that are hard to manage, insufficient professional development opportunities, and a lack of professional autonomy and voice in decisionmaking. These challenging working conditions are amplified by violence against teachers, especially against female teachers and in crisis contexts.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Why the world needs happy schools (2024), S. 49.

Schüler*innen, die mehr Unterstützung durch Familienangehörige erfahren ...


„Schüler*innen, die mehr Unterstützung durch Familienangehörige erfahren, bekundeten in allen Ländern und Volkswirtschaften ein stärkeres Zugehörigkeitsgefühl zu ihrer Schule, mehr Zufriedenheit mit ihrem Leben und ein größeres Vertrauen in ihre Fähigkeiten zum selbstgesteuerten Lernen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 242.

Improving teachers’ job satisfaction ...


„Continuing professional development and professional support are increasingly acknowledged as not just tools to improve the performance of teachers and students. They are a way of improving teachers’ job satisfaction, with the potential to reduce their workload and improve teacher retention rates.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2023 (2023), S. 18.

A positive school climate has a strong impact on learners’ participation and performance ...


„Promoting a positive school climate has a strong impact on learners’ participation and performance. Feeling accepted and valued by peers and teachers, and having friends is of key importance for children and adolescents to feel a sense of belonging at school and to be able to thrive. An unfavourable school climate, on the other hand, which is characterised by violence and bullying and where learners do not feel respected or supported, can have a negative impact on learners’ well-being and mental health. […] Bullying and violence-prevention measures in schools are essential for conveying a clear message that violence and bullying are unacceptable.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe – 2023. Early leaving from education and training (2023), S. 7.

Teachers' job satisfaction is important for teachers' well-being, turnover rates, and retention ...


„Teachers' job satisfaction is important for teachers' well-being, turnover rates, and retention. In particular, teachers' job satisfaction is related to the quality of teaching and finally to students' learning.“
Dr. Tim Fütterer u. a., I can't get no (job) satisfaction? Differences in teachers' job satisfaction from a career pathways perspective. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 121 (2023), S. 1.

An important factor of teachers' job satisfaction is teachers' preparedness ...


„An important factor of teachers' job satisfaction is teachers' preparedness. The curricular preparedness for professional demands and challenges through initial education (IE) and in-service professional development (PD) programs differs between persons who did and did not originally plan to pursue a teacher career path. […] As many countries currently suffer from teacher shortages many educational policy stakeholders try to increase the size of their teaching force by employing persons who did not participate in a standard teacher training programs (i.e., second career teachers) leading to an increased proportion of teachers, who did not originally plan to pursue this career path.“
Dr. Tim Fütterer u. a., I can't get no (job) satisfaction? Differences in teachers' job satisfaction from a career pathways perspective. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 121 (2023), S. 1f.

Teachers' job satisfaction has direct implications not only for teachers themselves, but also for their teaching ...


„Teachers' job satisfaction has direct implications not only for teachers themselves, but also for their teaching (i.e., teachers' job performance) and ultimately student learning.“
Dr. Tim Fütterer u. a., I can't get no (job) satisfaction? Differences in teachers' job satisfaction from a career pathways perspective. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 121 (2023), S. 2.

Learning support staff, such as teaching assistants, can play a key role in supporting the work of teachers ...


„Learning support staff, such as teaching assistants, can play a key role in supporting the work of teachers and in ensuring that all learners have the ability to achieve their educational potential. Research suggests that, if used effectively, learning support staff can contribute to improved student well-being and learning outcomes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 243.

Österreichs Schüler:innen fühlen sich in der Schule wohl ...


„In 2022, 80 % of students in Austria reported that they make friends easily at school (OECD average: 76%) and 77 % felt that they belong at school (OECD average: 75 %). Meanwhile, 14 % reported feeling lonely at school, and 13 % like an outsider or left out of things at school (OECD average: 16 % and 17 %).“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022, Country Note Austria (2023), S. 6.

Support at home is important for student learning ...


„Support at home is important for student learning but also for their well-being. Students in education systems with more supportive families reported a stronger sense of belonging at school. […] In all countries/economies, students who enjoy more support from their families reported a greater sense of belonging at school and life satisfaction, and more confidence in their capacity for self-directed learning.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 118f.

Smaller classes and fewer students per teacher were associated with a stronger sense of belonging at school ...


„Education systems that reported lower student-teacher ratios showed higher mathematics scores even after accounting for per capita GDP. […] Across all countries/economies, smaller classes and fewer students per teacher were associated with a stronger sense of belonging at school, even after accounting for per capita GDP.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 176.

Homework and sense of belonging at school ...


„Education systems where more students spent up to an hour per day on homework tended to show a greater sense of belonging at school; but systems where students spent more than two hours per day on homework showed a weaker sense of belonging, after accounting for per capita GDP.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 188.

Störungsfreier Unterricht mindert Angst vor Mathematik ...


„In all countries/economies students who perceive the climate in their mathematics lessons to be less disruptive reported feeling less anxious towards mathematics.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 255.

Students who enjoy more support from their families ...


„In all countries/economies, students who enjoy more support from their families reported a greater sense of belonging at school and life satisfaction, and more confidence in their capacity for self-directed learning.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 256.

Dissatisfaction with pay, job security, and flexibility are important factors in causing people to quit their job ...


„Evidence shows that dissatisfaction with pay, job security, and flexibility are important factors in causing people to quit their job.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Retaining Talent at All Ages (2023), S. 37.

Inadequate working conditions decrease the attractiveness of the teaching profession ...


„Inadequate working conditions decrease the attractiveness of the teaching profession, undermine the professional status and make it difficult and costly to recruit new teachers.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Investing in our future: quality investment in education and training (2022), S. 43.

Remuneration is a key element in making teaching a more attractive profession ...


„Remuneration is a key element in making teaching a more attractive profession. Along with other factors such as working conditions, career prospects, professional development opportunities and recognition, remuneration plays an important role in drawing people into the profession and in ensuring that serving teachers feel valued and sufficiently motivated to provide high-quality teaching.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Teachers' and schoolheads' salaries and allowances in Europe – 2020/2021 (2022), S. 7.

Children with high cognitive skills in preschool ...


„Children with high cognitive skills in preschool were found to be particularly likely to be more self-reliant, to show more persistence of effort, to cope better with school demands, and to be socially better integrated into class. Children who adapt well to school life are more likely to enjoy going to school, to make friends, and to develop a sense of belonging in school.“
Melike Ömeroğulları u. a., Relationships Between School Enjoyment, Social Integration, and Achievement at the Beginning of Primary School: Does Family Background Matter?. In: European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research, 2022, Volume 5, Issue 2, S. 128.

Students who enjoy going to school and learning show more interest in learning content ...


„Students who enjoy going to school and learning show more interest in learning content, have higher persistence of effort, engage more in lessons, and have fewer behavioral problems.“
Melike Ömeroğulları u. a., Relationships Between School Enjoyment, Social Integration, and Achievement at the Beginning of Primary School: Does Family Background Matter?. In: European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research, 2022, Volume 5, Issue 2, S. 128.

The relationships between emotions and achievement and between well-being and achievement are reciprocal ...


„The relationships between emotions and achievement and between well-being and achievement are reciprocal. That is, not only do positive emotions and well-being at school affect achievement, but high performance also fosters positive emotions and higher well-being in return.“
Melike Ömeroğulları u. a., Relationships Between School Enjoyment, Social Integration, and Achievement at the Beginning of Primary School: Does Family Background Matter?. In: European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research, 2022, Volume 5, Issue 2, S. 129.

Successful job socialization helps teachers feel comfortable in their job and stay in their profession for a long time ...


„Successful job socialization helps teachers feel comfortable in their job and stay in their profession for a long time. Research has consistently shown that teacher retention and job satisfaction are related, and several studies have examined factors that influence retention and satisfaction simultaneously.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eric Richter u. a., Retention intention and job satisfaction of alternatively certified teachers in their first year of teaching. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 114 (2022), S. 2.

Robust social support and social networks may be important for reducing turnover among beginning teachers ...


„In the teaching profession, collegial relationships with peers are an important factor, independent of a combination of other factors that influence the decision of beginning teachers to leave or stay. This is consistent with studies showing that robust social support and social networks may be important for reducing turnover among beginning teachers. Importantly, research suggests the importance of formal social supports, such as those provided through new teacher induction and mentoring programs.”
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eric Richter u. a., Retention intention and job satisfaction of alternatively certified teachers in their first year of teaching. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 114 (2022), S. 3.

Australien: Just 41 % of respondents indicated that they would encourage family members to pursue teaching as a career ...


„In a recent survey conducted into the perceptions of teaching held by the public in Australia, just 41 % of respondents indicated that they would encourage family members to pursue teaching as a career. The reasons given for not recommending teaching included concerns about teacher wellbeing, administrative workload and salary, and the overall status of the profession.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wyatt-Smith u. a., Reviewing the Evidence Base: Attraction, Pathways and Retention. A Focus on Attracting Candidates (2022), S. 10.

The greater the stress teaching professionals feel, the greater the likelihood they will leave the profession ...


„TALIS 2018 data prior to the pandemic show that the greater the stress teaching professionals feel, the greater the likelihood they will leave the profession. But they also indicate that stress-related attrition can be mitigated by increasing job satisfaction.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching in Focus 42 (Dezember 2021), S. 5.

Wohlergehen von Lehrkräften, Ausbildenden und pädagogischem Personal im Bereich der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung ...


„Mehr als je zuvor muss dem Wohlergehen von Lehrkräften, Ausbildenden und pädagogischem Personal im Bereich der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden, das ein wichtiger Faktor für die Qualität der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung ist, da es nicht nur die Zufriedenheit des Lehrkörpers, sondern auch die Qualität des Unterrichts beeinflusst. Darüber hinaus muss die Attraktivität des Lehrberufs erhöht und der Beruf als solcher aufgewertet werden; dies wird immer wichtiger, da EU-Länder sich mit einem Mangel an Lehrkräften und einer Alterung des Lehrkörpers konfrontiert sehen.“
Entschließung des Rates zu einem strategischen Rahmen für die europäische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung mit Blick auf den europäischen Bildungsraum und darüber hinaus (2021-2030). In: Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union vom 26. Februar 2021, S. 6.

Platzmangel bzw. ein Mangel an Rückzugsraum und Privatsphäre belastend ...


„Platzmangel bzw. ein Mangel an Rückzugsraum und Privatsphäre wirkt auf Kinder belastendend, insbesondere, wenn sie mit mehreren Geschwistern im urbanen Raum zusammenleben. Dabei leiden vor allem ältere Geschwister, die mit jüngeren ein Zimmer teilen müssen an Lärm, mangelnder Ruhe und Privatsphäre.“
Dr. Sabine Buchebner-Ferstl u. a., Zum Wohl des Kindes (2021), S. 124.

Präsenz im Sinne von Aufmerksamkeit und aktiver Zuwendung ein weit bedeutenderer Faktor des elterlichen Verhaltens als bloße zeitliche Verfügbarkeit ...


„Für die Kinder ist Präsenz im Sinne von Aufmerksamkeit und aktiver Zuwendung ein weit bedeutenderer Faktor des elterlichen Verhaltens als bloße zeitliche Verfügbarkeit. Quantitative Aspekte der zeitlichen Anwesenheit werden selten angesprochen und wenn, dann als Voraussetzung für elterliche Präsenz. Diese ist aus Kindersicht ein wesentlicher Faktor für das kindliche Wohlbefinden.“
Dr. Sabine Buchebner-Ferstl u. a., Zum Wohl des Kindes (2021), S. 237.

Das Zeigen von elterlicher Zuneigung und Liebe gegenüber den Kindern ist sehr wichtig für das kindliche Wohlbefinden ...


„Das Zeigen von elterlicher Zuneigung und Liebe gegenüber den Kindern ist sehr wichtig für das kindliche Wohlbefinden. Interessanterweise wird dieser sehr wesentliche Faktor von Seiten der Eltern und der Expert/innen kaum explizit erwähnt, während sich die Kinder selbst häufiger dazu äußern.“
Dr. Sabine Buchebner-Ferstl u. a., Zum Wohl des Kindes (2021), S. 238.

Schulverbundenheit, Vernetzung, Zugehörigkeit und Akzeptanz ...


„In den EU-Mitgliedstaaten halten 50-78 % der Schüler Schulverbundenheit, Vernetzung, Zugehörigkeit und Akzeptanz für hoch und fühlen sich als wichtiger Teil ihrer Schulgemeinschaft.“
EENEE (Hrsg.), Quality of School Life and Student Outcomes in Europe (2021), S. 13.
In Österreich sind es 73 Prozent. (ibidem, S. 34.)

Frankreich: An expansion of access to crèche may have potential to contribute to decreasing early gaps in child well-being ...


Frankreich: „Positive effects on language skills appear to be particularly concentrated among disadvantaged children, for whom there also appear to be no negative effects on behavior. These findings suggests that an expansion of access to crèche may have potential to contribute to decreasing early gaps in child well-being if quality is maintained and less advantaged parents are willing to use crèche care.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lawrence M Berger u. a., The Impact of Center-Based Childcare Attendance on early Child Development (2021), S. 28.

The teaching profession can be highly stressful and demanding ...


„In the context of high teacher shortages, turnover and low attractiveness of the teaching profession across many countries, there is a strong need to better understand teacher well-being and how it can influence both teaching and learning. […] When not adequately supported, the teaching profession can be highly stressful and demanding, which could accentuate high rates of teacher turnover and teacher shortages.“
Ottavia Brussino, Building capacity for inclusive teaching (2021), S. 19.

Socio-economic background is one of the strongest determinants of students’ academic performance and general well-being ...


„Socio-economic background is one of the strongest determinants of students’ academic performance and general well-being.“
Dr. Lucie Cerna u. a., The resilience of students with an immigrant background (2021), S. 19.

Wohlfühlen 15-Jähriger mit Migrationshintergrund in der Schule ...


„The 2018 Resilience Report defines socially resilient those students with an immigrant background who reported that they 'agree' or 'strongly agree' with the statement 'I feel like I belong at school' and 'disagree' or 'strongly disagree' with the statement 'I feel like an outsider at school' in PISA. When looking at this dimension of immigrant students’ social resilience through PISA 2018, on average across OECD countries, only 57 % appeared to be socially resilient (and 54 % across EU countries) in 2018.“
Dr. Lucie Cerna u. a., The resilience of students with an immigrant background (2021), S. 23.
In Österreich waren es 2018 64,2 %. (Quelle: ibidem, Table 2.1.)

Immigrant students are faced with various sources of disadvantage ...


„Immigrant students are faced with various sources of disadvantage that affect their academic performance and their overall well-being. Fluency in the language spoken in the host country is one of these factors.“
Dr. Lucie Cerna u. a., The resilience of students with an immigrant background (2021), S. 35.

Students with an immigrant background with language difficulties are more likely to be bullied ...


„Evidence shows that students with an immigrant background with language difficulties are more likely to be bullied and discriminated against as well as to suffer emotional problems, such as depression and low self-esteem. […] Speaking a different language at home than that of instruction is considered a risk factor that can increase the vulnerability of immigrant students.“
Dr. Lucie Cerna u. a., The resilience of students with an immigrant background (2021), S. 35.

Speaking the same language at home and at school ...


„Speaking the same language at home and at school can be considered a protective factor which can reduce the difficulties of students in obtaining good academic achievements and being able to develop their socio-emotional well-being.“
Dr. Lucie Cerna u. a., The resilience of students with an immigrant background (2021), S. 35.

Having a limited proficiency of the language of the host country can have a significant impact ...


„Having a limited proficiency of the language of the host country can have a significant impact not only on students’ academic outcomes, but also on their well-being. […] In a large number of OECD countries in 2018, non-native-speaking immigrant students were less likely than native and native-speaking immigrant students to feel like they belong at school.“
Dr. Lucie Cerna u. a., The resilience of students with an immigrant background (2021), S. 42.

The highest level of belongingness is demonstrated by students in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Spain ...


„Among EU countries, the highest level of belongingness is demonstrated by students in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Spain, while in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Poland and Latvia students seem to have less positive experiences of being accepted, respected and included in their school communities.“
EENEE (Hrsg.), Quality of School Life and Student Outcomes in Europe (2021), S. 32.

Advantaged students generally experience more positive subjective well-being at school ...


„In most countries advantaged students generally experience more positive subjective well-being at school than their peers coming from more disadvantaged families.“
EENEE (Hrsg.), Quality of School Life and Student Outcomes in Europe (2021), S. 46.

The impact of high shares of precarious contracts concentrated in the first years of the teaching career ...


„The impact of high shares of precarious contracts concentrated in the first years of the teaching career might play a role in the decision of novice teachers to remain or leave the profession, and influence the perception of teaching as an unattractive career choice altogether.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Teachers in Europe (2021), S. 15.

PISA 2015 found that students’ feelings of belonging at school were strongly linked to their perceptions of relationships with their teachers ...


„PISA 2015 found that students’ feelings of belonging at school were strongly linked to their perceptions of relationships with their teachers. Students who reported that their teacher was willing to provide help and was interested in their learning were about 1.3 times more likely to feel that they belong at school.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Learning from the Past, Looking for the Future (2021), S. 8.

Students’ perceptions of how interested their parents are in them and in their school life ...


„Students’ perceptions of how interested their parents are in them and in their school life is also related to their own attitudes towards education and their motivation to study, and those relationships are particularly strong among low-performing students.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Learning from the Past, Looking for the Future (2021), S. 38.

PISA 2015: Frequently being bullied ...


PISA 2015: „On average across OECD countries, 42 % of students who reported that they are frequently bullied – but only 15 % of students who reported that they are not frequently bullied – reported feeling like an outsider at school.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Learning from the Past, Looking for the Future (2021), S. 40.

The more satisfied teachers are with their work environment the better students tend to perform in school ...


„The more satisfied teachers are with their work environment the better students tend to perform in school.“
OECD, Positive, High‑achieving Students (2021), S. 74.

The involvement of parents and communities in the learning process of their children ...


„Research has shown that the involvement of parents and communities in the learning process of their children plays a prominent role in their overall success and well-being in schools.“
Alexandre Rutigliano u. a., Policy approaches and initiatives for the inclusion of gifted students in OECD countries (2021), S. 48.

Mehr Freude am Unterricht, aber kaum mehr Interesse an Wissenschaft ...


„Regarding the relationship between IBSE (Anm.: inquiry-based science education) and motivational outcomes it was shown a universal positive relationship between the amount of IBSE and students’ enjoyment of science ranging between r=0.20 and 0.30 in most countries. Similar positive but weaker associations are observed between interest in broad science topics and exposure to IBSE.“
Dr. Silvia Salchegger u. a., Explaining Waldorf students’ high motivation but moderate achievement in science. In: Large-scale Assessments in Education, (2021) 9:14, S. 4.

Mehr Interesse und Freude, schwächere Leistungen ...


„Waldorf students are more interested in science topics and report more enjoyment of learning science than other students. On the other hand, Waldorf students perform remarkably lower in science as measured by PISA than expected by their sociodemographic background.“
Dr. Silvia Salchegger u. a., Explaining Waldorf students’ high motivation but moderate achievement in science. In: Large-scale Assessments in Education, (2021) 9:14, S. 16f.

Increased student heterogeneity in the classroom may have negative consequences for the teachers ...


„Increased student heterogeneity in the classroom may […] have negative consequences for the teachers. In particular, students’ behavioural problems have been associated with higher levels of teacher dissatisfaction and stress. […] It has also been indicated that larger class size is related to higher levels of burnout and exhaustion.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Timo Saloviita u. a., Teacher burnout explained: Teacher-, student-, and organisation-level variables. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 97 (2021), S. 3.

The wellbeing of teachers and trainers influences their job satisfaction and enthusiasm for their work ...


„The wellbeing of teachers and trainers influences their job satisfaction and enthusiasm for their work, and has an impact on the attractiveness of their profession, and subsequently on their retention in the profession. It is an important factor in quality and performance, correlating with their own motivation and with the motivation and achievements of their learners.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Council conclusions on European teachers and trainers for the future. In: Official Journal of the European Union, C 193/16, Ziffer 24, 9. Juni 2020.

Schulzufriedenheit von Österreichs SchülerInnen ...


„Insgesamt zeigen die Daten eine hohe Zufriedenheit mit der Schule und vor allem mit der Klasse. Schüler/innen der Sekundarstufe 1 stehen der Schule größtenteils positiv oder zumindest neutral gegenüber: 59 % geben an, gern oder sehr gern in die Schule zu gehen, etwa ein Viertel (27 %) äußert sich neutral. Insbesondere in ihrer Klasse fühlen sich die meisten Schüler/innen wohl. Etwas mehr als drei Viertel der Schüler/innen äußern sich in Bezug auf ihre Klasse positiv, weitere 16 % neutral und 9 % geben an, (sehr) unzufrieden mit ihrer Klasse zu sein.“
BIFIE (Hrsg.), Standardüberprüfung 2019. Englisch, 8.Schulstufe, Bundesergebnisbericht (2020), S. 34.

Wohlfühlen von Österreichs 14-Jährigen in der Schule ...


„93 % aller Schüler/innen betrachten die eigene soziale Eingebundenheit als eher hoch oder hoch und nur 1 % gibt eine niedrige bzw. 6 % eine eher niedrige soziale Eingebundenheit an.“
BIFIE (Hrsg.), Standardüberprüfung 2019. Englisch, 8.Schulstufe, Bundesergebnisbericht (2020), S. 35.

Schüler, die sich in der Schule sicher fühlen, erzielen tendenziell bessere Bildungsergebnisse ...


„Schüler, die sich in der Schule sicher fühlen, erzielen tendenziell bessere Bildungsergebnisse. Im Gegensatz dazu kann ein von Respektlosigkeit, Mobbing, Schikanen oder Gewalt geprägtes Umfeld das Lernen massiv erschweren. Mobbing in der Schule kann sich für lange Zeit negativ auf das psychische Wohlergehen der Schüler auswirken und erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, die Schulausbildung vorzeitig abzubrechen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 146.

Belonging at school ...


„2015 PISA scores do show that on average in the EU, there is approximately an 11 % gap between native and immigrant students in terms oft he percentage who feel they 'belong' at school.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Inclusion of young refugees and migrants through education (2020), S. 21.

Pupils‘ sense of belonging at school is declining ...


„The recent results from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 show that pupils‘ sense of belonging at school is declining and bullying is widespread. Mental health issues such anxiety and depression become also widespread.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Inclusion of young refugees and migrants through education (2020), S. 30.

Two in three students satisfied with their lives ...


„Across OECD countries, just about two in three students reported that they are satisfied with their lives, and that percentage shrank by five percentage points between 2015 and 2018. Some 6 % of students reported always feeling sad.“
Angel Gurría, OECD-Generalsekretär. In: OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2018 Results. Are Students Ready to Thrive in an Interconnected World? (2020), S. 3.

It is critical to provide the teachers with support in addressing the diversity they come across in the classrooms ...


„Given that job satisfaction is directly associated with occupational well-being, motivation and staying in the profession, it is critical to provide the teachers with support in addressing the diversity they come across in the classrooms in a more sustained manner.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kajsa Yang Hansen u. a., Exploring Diversity in the Relationships Between Teacher Quality and Job Satisfaction in the Nordic Countries – Insights from TALIS 2013 and 2018. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 119.

An average of 23 % of students reported being bullied ...


„In the latest edition of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), in 2018, an average of 23 % of students reported being bullied at least a few times a month, most often boys and low-achieving students vis-à-vis girls and high-achievers. […] Students who are bullied experience more negative schooling experiences and report higher levels of negative feelings, such as sadness. Bullying is also associated with poorer academic performance, although negative relations with peers could be both a cause and consequence of low performance.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Crime & punishment (2020), S. 2.

A safe and supportive school environment promotes and protects ...


„A safe and supportive school environment not only promotes students’ academic achievement, well-being and self-esteem but can also protect them from engaging in deviant and risky behaviours. […] According to PISA 2018, students who attend schools with a high prevalence of bullying are more likely to feel a weaker sense of belonging, a poorer disciplinary climate and less co-operation with their schoolmates than those in schools with a low prevalence of bullying.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education in the Digital Age (2020), S. 177.

Résumé der OECD-Studie „Global Teaching InSights (GTI)“ ...


„How teachers feel is the foundation for a strong profession and building a world-class education system. Teachers who reported being more confident and motivated about their work tended to enact higher quality teaching practices in the Study. […] Teachers’ occupational well-being is also likely to influence the effectiveness of their classroom teaching. Teaching is an extremely demanding job that requires a great deal of emotional and physical energy. A teacher’s affective experiences, both positive and negative, shape the social and emotional climate of their classroom.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Global Teaching InSights (2020), S. 298.

Belonging to a lower social, educational or income status group is likely to be associated with a lower general well-being among students ...


„Studies show that belonging to a lower social, educational or income status group is likely to be associated with a lower general well-being among students. Further, the socio-economic background of families correlates with social resources and the extent of family support. Inequalities in well-being usually follow a social gradient, i.e., lower socio-economic family status (low parental education, occupational status or income) is often associated with lower well-being among young people.“
Prof. Dr. Katharina Rathmann u.a., Critical Events throughout the Educational Career: The Effect of Grade Retention and Repetition on School-Aged Children’s Well-Being (2020), S. 4.

Grade retention and repetition do not seem to be purposeless ...


„From a longitudinal perspective, grade retention and repetition do not seem to be purposeless; our results indicate its effectiveness, starting already in the year of grade repetition. Even if a grade retention decision may initially be experienced by students as a critical event, it seems to be associated longitudinally with a fast adaptation to peers and circumstances in the new class as well as further developmental opportunities, e.g., an improvement in school performance.“
Prof. Dr. Katharina Rathmann u.a., Critical Events throughout the Educational Career: The Effect of Grade Retention and Repetition on School-Aged Children’s Well-Being (2020), S. 20.

The event of grade retention and repetition seems to be perceived rather as an opportunity than a critical event with regard to students‘ well-being ...


„The event of grade retention and repetition seems to be perceived rather as an opportunity than a critical event with regard to students‘ well-being, in particular for boys and grammar schools students. Despite the change of from [sic] the previous familiar class environment, grade repetition affects well-being of retained students mostly in a positive manner. As a conclusion of this study, the event of grade repetition and retention should not be classified overhasty as not having any positive effects on students´ well-being.“
Prof. Dr. Katharina Rathmann u.a., Critical Events throughout the Educational Career: The Effect of Grade Retention and Repetition on School-Aged Children’s Well-Being (2020), S. 23.

Ergebnis einer Studie über das Wohlergehen 8- bis 12-Jähriger ...


„An apparent geographical pattern showed that countries with the highest means and lowest percentages of low-satisfaction were all located in Europe; while countries with the lowest means and highest percentages of low satisfaction were all located in Asia.“
Dr. Gwyther Rees u. a., Children’s Worlds Report 2020 (2020), S. 26.

Warum Lehrkräfte aufgeben ...


„Existing research points to two main determinants of teacher retention. The first is the nature of working conditions in teachers’ schools. Working conditions are strongly associated with retention, particularly for early-career teachers. Quantitative research using teacher survey data suggests that - among the various aspects of working conditions - the nature of school leadership has a particularly strong association with both job satisfaction and retention. Other aspects of working conditions which have been linked with retention include pupil behaviour, teacher collaboration and workload. The second important determinant of teacher attrition is pay. This has been demonstrated in studies using observational data in which pay varies over school districts as well as in quasi-experimental evaluations of policies that have increased pay for specific groups of teachers.“
Dr. Sam Sims u. a., TALIS 2018: teacher working conditions, turnover and attrition (2020), S. 9.

A striking number of children in rich countries do not have good mental well-being ...


„A striking number of children in rich countries do not have good mental well-being: In 12 of 41 countries, less than 75 per cent of children aged 15 have high life satisfaction.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 3.

Bullying by peers remains a serious problem ...


„Bullying by peers remains a serious problem; it has a lasting negative impact on relationships and health. Children who are frequently bullied have lower mean life satisfaction.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 4.

The strongest link found was between happiness and time spent with family ...


„The strongest link found was between happiness and time spent with family. This is consistent with other research showing the importance of family relationships for children.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 21.

Zeit vor dem Bildschirm ...


„Moderate use (between 30 minutes and 3 hours per day, depending on device and timing) was associated with the highest mental well-being. Children who did not use technology, as well as those who were very intensive users, had lower well-being.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 22f.

The overall link between technology use and adolescent mental well-being is negative but small ...


„An analysis of data from the United States and the United Kingdom suggests that the overall link between technology use and adolescent mental well-being is negative but small, explaining only 0.4 per cent of the differences in mental well-being. Many common activities that do not draw as much media attention – such as eating breakfast, cycling or getting enough sleep – have a larger association with adolescent mental well-being. Among negative factors, screen time had an association with adolescent well-being four times less strong than that of being bullied.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 23.

Being bullied has a lasting negative impact even up to the age of 50 ...


„Studies primarily from the United States and the United Kingdom have shown that being bullied has a lasting negative impact even up to the age of 50, both on a person‘s social relationships and on their mental and physical health.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 25.

Children who have a strong sense of belonging to school tend to have higher academic achievement ...


„Children who have a strong sense of belonging to school tend to have higher academic achievement. As school is such a major part of most children‘s lives, it is reasonable to suppose that aspects such as school belonging also contribute to life satisfaction.“
UNICEF (Hrsg.), Worlds of Influence. Understanding What Shapes Child Well-being in Rich Countries (2020), S. 26.

Between 2003 and 2015, students’ sense of belonging at school seems to have weakened ...


„Between 2003 and 2015, students’ sense of belonging at school seems to have weakened. On average across 30 OECD countries with comparable data, over those 12 years the proportion of students who reported feeling like an outsider at school increased by 10 percentage points, from 7% to 17%. Similarly, the proportion of students who reported feeling awkward and out of place in their school increased by 9 percentage points, and the proportion of students who reported feeling lonely increased by 7 percentage points.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 100“ (September 2019), S. 2

Ein lernförderliches Klima als unverzichtbare Faktoren des Lernerfolgs ...


„Ein lernförderliches Klima wie etwa der Aufbau und die Pflege der persönlichen Beziehungen zwischen Schülerinnen und Schülern und Lehrkräften sowie die Lern- und Unterrichtsatmosphäre, die durch Selbstachtung, Respekt, Vertrauen und Gerechtigkeit geprägt ist, gelten als unverzichtbare Faktoren des Lernerfolgs. Ein hohes Wohlbefinden der Schüler/innen in der Schule und ihren Klassen ist somit auch ein wichtiges Ergebnis schulischen Handelns.“
BIFIE (Hrsg.), „Standardüberprüfung 2018. Mathematik, 4. Schulstufe“ (2019), Länderergebnisberichte, S. 14

Auswirkungen eines positiven Schul- oder Unterrichtsklimas ...


„Ein positives Schul- oder Unterrichtsklima wirkt sich nicht nur auf das Wohlbefinden der Schüler/innen und deren Lernerfolg aus, sondern auch auf die Wirksamkeit der Unterrichtenden, das Selbstvertrauen und das Engagement der Lehrenden in der Schule und im Unterricht. Die Unterrichtsdisziplin hat Einfluss auf das Schul- und Unterrichtsklima, insbesondere auf das Element der emotionalen und physischen Sicherheit.“
BIFIE (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2018. Band 1“ (2019), S. 61

Hohe Schulfreude von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund und solchen aus bildungsfernen Familien ...


„Die hohe Schulfreude von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund und solchen aus bildungsfernen Familien zeigt sich am deutlichsten beim Vergleich nach dem Index der sozialen Benachteiligung. Je höher die soziale Benachteiligung an Schulen ist (Anm.: Gemeint ist: Je größer der Anteil der SchülerInnen aus sozial schwachen Elternhäusern an einer Schule ist), desto höher ist auch das Wohlbefinden der Schüler/innen in diesen Schulen.“
BMBWF (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018. Band 1“ (2019), S. 170

USA: Attrition from the profession currently accounts for about 90 % of the annual demand for teachers ...


USA: „Attrition from the profession currently accounts for about 90 % of the annual demand for teachers, and is about double the teacher leaving rates of countries like Canada, Finland, and Singapore. […] More than two-thirds of teachers leave for reasons other than retirement, most of them citing dissatisfaction with different aspects of teaching that are amenable to policy intervention, including accountability policies, lack of administrative support, and lack of opportunity for decision making input and collaboration.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Breaking the cycle of teacher shortages: What kind of policies can make a difference? In: Education Policy Analysis Archives Vol. 27 No. 34 (2019), S. 7.

Warm, caring, supportive student-teacher relationships ...


„Warm, caring, supportive student-teacher relationships, as well as other child-adult relationships, are linked to better school performance and engagement, greater emotional regulation, social competence, and willingness to take on challenges.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development (2019), S. 102.


Strong, trusting, supportive connections to adults ...


„Research suggests that students are more likely to attend and graduate from school, attach to learning, and succeed academically when they have strong, trusting, supportive connections to adults, including at least one intensive relationship with a close advisor or mentor.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development (2019), S. 103.

Unusually high rates of maladaptive behaviors are found among affluent youth ...


„Unusually high rates of maladaptive behaviors are found among affluent youth beginning around seventh grade, including substance abuse, eating disorders, and even suicide attempts. These are thought to be a function of high rates of stress associated with a culture of competition and peer pressure, coupled with inattentive or permissive parenting in the context of depersonalized school settings.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development (2019), S. 105.

Relational trust among teachers, parents, and school leaders is a key resource for schools ...


„Recent research shows that relational trust among teachers, parents, and school leaders is a key resource for schools that predicts the likelihood of gains in achievement and other student outcomes where instructional expertise is also present.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development (2019), S. 108.

Building strong relationships between the school and the family ...


„Building strong relationships between the school and the family increases academic outcomes for students.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development (2019), S. 109.

In PISA 2015, Chinese students score among the lowest in the world in terms of self-reported life satisfaction ...


„In PISA 2015, Chinese students score among the lowest in the world in terms of self-reported life satisfaction. Stress and dissatisfaction can sometimes lead to tragic consequences. According to the 2014 edition of the Annual Report of China’s Education, a high share of teenagers who committed suicide were pushed to the brink by the heavy pressure of tests and exams.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 286

School-based extra-curricular activity has been identified as being a particularly powerful and positive form of extra-curricular activity for enhancing achievement ...


„School-based extra-curricular activity has been identified as being a particularly powerful and positive form of extra-curricular activity for enhancing achievement (i.e., more so than home- or community-based extra-curricular activity). Being school-based, this form of extra-curricular activity tends to increase students’ identification with the school, promote positive school-based values, brings students into closer proximity with teachers who can help them academically, and promote positive peer affiliation – all of which are important factors in academic achievement – and apparently especially effective for low ESCS migrant students.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Against the Odds – Academically resilient students with a migrant background and how they succeed (2019), S. 51f.

Those who speak the language of instruction at home usually report a higher sense of belonging ...


„Those who speak the language of instruction at home usually report a higher sense of belonging and fewer experiences of bullying at school than those who speak another language at home, in almost all education systems.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Integrating Students from Migrant Backgrounds into Schools in Europe“ (2019), S. 42

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: Happier children ...


„Those being privately educated at the age of fourteen were more likely to be happy with their school work and the way they looked, and generally more likely to be satisfied with themselves. The children at the richer private schools were even happier.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 98.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen: The image of an especially stressed and unhappy private school child is illusory ...


„23 per cent of the privately educated – as opposed to 32 per cent of those in state schools – said that it was 'true/sometimes true' that they 'didn’t enjoy anything at all'. The image of an especially stressed and unhappy private school child is illusory.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 99.

Top-performing students are less likely to feel bad without an Internet connection ...


„The impacts of new technologies and devices on mental health may vary significantly across children. Highly skilled individuals are likely to be better informed about the risks associated with extreme usage of technology and to pay more attention to screen time and use of personal devices. Data from PISA suggest that top-performing students are less likely to feel bad without an Internet connection.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 113.
In Österreich sind davon 35 % der 15-Jährigen betroffen, die in allen drei Kompetenzbereichen (Lesen, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften) im Spitzenfeld (mindestens Kompetenzniveau 5) landen, aber 53 % derer, die sich in allen drei Bereichen im Risikobereich befinden. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), Skills Outlook 2019 (2019), Figure 4.15.)

Well-designed after-school programmes can make a considerable contribution to the educational and social development of young people ...


„Well-designed after-school programmes can make a considerable contribution to the educational and social development of young people, and to staying on in school. Attractive opportunities for young people to engage in sports, learn a musical instrument or get involved in handicraft and other practical activities can help build social and professional skills, while countering the risk of isolation. Empirical evidence confirms the positive effects of extracurricular activities on schooling outcomes and career prospects.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Changing the Odds for Vulnerable Children (2019), S. 120.

Korea has the lowest share of young people reporting high life satisfaction ...


„Data from the 2015 OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) […] indicate that Korea has the lowest share of young people reporting high life satisfaction among OECD countries and the second-highest share of those reporting low satisfaction.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Investing in Youth. Korea (2019), S. 30.

The most important criteria parents consider when choosing a school for their child ...


„Parents overwhelmingly cite school safety, a good reputation and a pleasant environment as the most important criteria they consider when choosing a school for their child – and for good reason. A safe, supportive and healthy school climate can make a great difference in students’ lives.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. What School Life Means for Students’ Lives“ (2019), S. 36

PISA 2018: 92 % of students’ parents considered a safe school environment important ...


PISA 2018: „On average across the OECD countries and economies that distributed the parent questionnaire, 92 % of students’ parents considered a safe school environment important or very important; 89 % considered an active and pleasant school climate important or very important; and 81 % attached the same importance to the academic achievement of the students in the school.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. What School Life Means for Students’ Lives“ (2019), S. 148

Students who develop positive relationships with peers and teachers ...


„Students who develop positive relationships with peers and teachers, and a strong attachment to the school, are less likely to play truant and drop out of school.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. What School Life Means for Students’ Lives“ (2019), S. 136

Proficiency in the host country’s language also affects the well-being of students with an immigrant background ...


„Proficiency in the host country’s language also affects the well-being of students with an immigrant background. In a large number of countries and economies, non-native-speaking immigrant students were less likely to feel they belong at school than both native speakers born in the country and immigrant students who are native speakers.“
OECD (Hrsg.), The Road to Integration (2019), S. 82.

A sense of belonging at school ...


„Immigrant students who are non-native speakers are five percentage points less likely than those who are native speakers to report a sense of belonging at school, on average across OECD countries.“
Mag. Dr. Neda Forghani-Arani u.a., „The lives of teachers in diverse classrooms“ (2019), S. 12
Im OECD-Mittel beträgt dieser Rückstand 4,8 Prozentpunkte, in Österreich ist er mit 3,6 Prozentpunkten erfreulicherweise etwas kleiner. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), „The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background“ (2018), Fig. 5.8a)

Schüler/innen in österreichischen Schulen der Sekundarstufe 1 stehen der Schule größtenteils positiv oder zumindest neutral gegenüber ...


„Schüler/innen in österreichischen Schulen der Sekundarstufe 1 stehen der Schule größtenteils positiv oder zumindest neutral gegenüber: 59 % geben an, gern oder sehr gern in die Schule zu gehen, etwa ein Viertel (27 %) äußert sich neutral. Insbesondere in ihrer Klasse fühlen sich die meisten Schüler/innen wohl. Mehr als drei Viertel der Schüler/innen äußern sich in Bezug auf ihre Klasse positiv, weitere 15 % neutral. Nur 9 % geben an, (sehr) unzufrieden mit ihrer Klasse zu sein.“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „Standardüberprüfung 2017. Mathematik, 8. Schulstufe. Bundesergebnisbericht“ (2018), S. 32


Zugehörigkeitsgefühl zur Schule ...


„93 % aller Schülerinnen und Schüler betrachten die eigene soziale Eingebundenheit als eher hoch oder hoch und nur 1 % gibt eine niedrige soziale Eingebundenheit an. Dieses hohe Zugehörigkeitsgefühl zur Schule belegen für Österreich auch im internationalen Vergleich die Ergebnisse der OECD-Studie PISA 2012.“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „Standardüberprüfung 2017. Mathematik, 8. Schulstufe. Bundesergebnisbericht“ (2018), S. 32


'Relatively low satisfaction with life' ...


„Students in some of the world’s most high-performing jurisdictions on international large-scale assessments such as Shanghai, South Korea, and Hong Kong have reported 'relatively low satisfaction with life'. Internationally, there is growing concern that excessive pressure for high test scores (and to avoid low test scores) can cause ill-being.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Hargreaves u. a., Leading from the Middle (2018), S. 55.

Solid evidence of a strong relationship between family income and cognitive gains in early childhood ...


„There is solid evidence of a strong relationship between family income and cognitive gains in early childhood, as well as with child psychological well-being.“
Jo Hutchinson u.a., Education in England – Annual report 2018 (2018), S. 21.

'Feeling low' more than once a week in the last six months ...


„As many as 10 % of boys and 14 % of girls aged 11 reported 'feeling low' more than once a week in the last six months on average across 28 European countries which are members of the OECD.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Children & Young People’s Mental Health in the Digital Age (2018), S. 4.
In Österreich sind es bei den 11-jährigen Mädchen wie Buben 6 %, der niedrigste Wert unter allen von der WHO verglichenen Staaten. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 5)

Some 15 % of disadvantaged students in the United Kingdom are 'socially and emotionally resilient' ...


Großbritannien: „Some 15 % of disadvantaged students in the United Kingdom are 'socially and emotionally resilient', meaning that they are satisfied with their life, feel socially integrated at school and do not suffer from test anxiety.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity in Education: Breaking Down Barriers to Social Mobility. Country Note United Kingdom“ (2018), S. 2
Im OECD-Durchschnitt sind es 26 %, in Österreich 28 %.

Südkorea: A relatively low share of 15-year-olds report being the victim of bullying ...


Südkorea: „A comparatively high share of 15-year-olds say they feel like they 'belong' at school (80 %, compared to an OECD average of 73 %), and a relatively low share report being the victim of bullying at least a few times a month (12 %, compared to an OECD average of 19 %).“

Dr. Olivier Thévenon u. a., „Tackling child poverty in Korea“ (2018), S. 35


Positive Einstellung österreichischer Schüler/innen gegenüber der Schule ...


„Schüler/innen in österreichischen Schulen der Sekundarstufe 1 stehen der Schule größtenteils positiv oder zumindest neutral gegenüber: 60 % geben an, gern oder sehr gern in die Schule zu gehen, etwa ein Viertel äußert sich neutral.“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „Standardüberprüfung 2016 – Deutsch, 8. Schulstufe, Bundesergebnisbericht“ (2017), S. 36

Nur 12 Prozent der AHS-SchülerInnen und 16 Prozent der HauptschülerInnen bzw. NMS-SchülerInnen gehen „ungern“ oder „sehr ungern“ in die Schule!


Zwei von drei OECD-BürgerInnen mit dem Schulwesen zufrieden ...


„In 2016, 67 % of citizens reported being satisfied with the education system and schools in the city or area where they live, which is also comparable to the satisfaction level before the financial and economic crisis.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Government at a Glance 2017“ (2017), S. 232

In Österreich sind sogar 72 % der BürgerInnen mit dem Schulwesen zufrieden.


The high levels of stress are reflected in Japan’s suicide rates ...


Japan: „The high levels of stress are reflected in Japan’s suicide rates, which are among the highest in the world, including among younger generations.“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Happy Schools!” (2016), S. 28


Korean 15-year-olds reported being the unhappiest among all participating countries ...


Südkorea: „Despite being one of the highest performing countries in PISA, 2012 results also showed that Korean 15-year-olds reported being the unhappiest among all participating countries. This unhappiness among Korean children appears to stem from the education system and, more specifically, from the pressure they face to excel academically.“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Happy Schools!” (2016), S. 29


Estland, Europas PISA-2015-Sieger ...


„While 15 year-olds in Estonia do very well in international assessments, the percentage of students who feel happy at school, however, is one of the lowest among OECD countries.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Reviews of School Resources – Estonia“ (2016), S. 65


Mehr als 80 % aller Schüler/innen zufrieden ...


„2012 geben mehr als 80 % aller Schüler/innen an, mit ihrer Klasse und ihren Mitschülerinnen und Mitschülern sehr bzw. eher zufrieden zu sein.“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2015, Band 1“ (2016), S. 80


Austrian students reported the highest level of overall well-being ...


„In 2012, Austrian students reported the highest level of overall well-being as measured by an index of sense of belonging at school across all OECD countries participating in PISA 2012.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Reviews of School Resources – Austria“ (2016), S. 55


Trust impacts the governance of education systems ...


„Trust impacts the governance of education systems in a number of ways. It enables stakeholders to take risks, facilitates interactions and co-operation, and reduces the need for control and monitoring.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Governing Education in a Complex World“ (2016), S. 222


Trust in the system ...


„Trust in the system impacts not only the functioning of the system, but also the actions of individual actors in the system.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Governing Education in a Complex World“ (2016), S. 222


15-Jährige Österreichs mit Schule sehr zufrieden ...


„82 % of students are satisfied with their school (a larger proportion than in most OECD countries) and 77 % of students find the conditions in their school ideal, compared to the OECD average of 61 %.“

Michael Bruneforth, MA, u. a., „Country Background Report for Austria“ (2015), S. 117


Österreichs 15-Jährige ...


Österreichs 15-Jährige:

„While in 2003 Austria was already one of the countries where students expressed the strongest sense of belonging at school, the situation improved further until 2012: the proportion of students who reported that they feel lonely at school shrank from an already low level, and the proportion of students who reported that other students seem to like them increased from 78 % to 94 %.“

Michael Bruneforth, MA, u. a., „Country Background Report for Austria“ (2015), S. 117


Rund 70 % aller Eltern wenden sich bevorzugt an (Beratungs-)Lehrer ...


„Rund 70 % aller Eltern wenden sich bevorzugt an (Beratungs-)Lehrer oder sie befragen andere Eltern (69 %). Lehrer genießen unter den verschiedenen Ansprechpartnern auch mit Abstand das größte Vertrauen, quer durch alle Schichten.“

Allensbach (Hrsg.), „Was Eltern wollen“ (2015), S. 7


Finnish education is characterised by a high level of trust in all the parties concerned ...


„Finnish education is characterised by a high level of trust in all the parties concerned, in particular teachers. This enables highly trained individuals to perform well and to remain highly motivated.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2015 - Country analysis“ (2015), S. 90


Scotland has a historic high regard for learning ...


„Scotland has a historic high regard for learning, education and teachers, and the trust it invests in teachers’ professional judgment is admirable.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Improving Schools in Scotland“ (2015), S. 17


The relationship between trust and individual support for public education ...


„The relationship between trust and individual support for public education expenditures might explain why high-trust countries are more likely to have high levels of public expenditure.“

Dr. Nurullah Gur u. a.„In Public Education Expenditures We Trust: Does Trust Increase Support for Public Education Expenditures?“ in „Educational Sciences: Theorie & Practice“ (2015), 15(2), S. 379


In Finland teachers and schools enjoy strong public confidence ...


„In Finland teachers and schools enjoy strong public confidence. Parents trust teachers the way that they trust their dentists.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, „Finnish Lessons 2.0“ (2015), S. 117


Monitoring is not always the solution ...


„Monitoring is not always the solution because it is costly and can have perverse effects on incentives if it is badly implemented. Moreover, monitoring can actually create a system of distrust between stakeholders.“

Dr. Lucie Cerna, „Trust: What it is and Why it Matters for Governance and Education“ (2014), S. 30


In Finland trust in teachers is strong ...


„In Finland, for example, the trust in teachers is so strong that school inspections do not even take place – instead, the system functions by trusting in a high level of professionalism and professional ethics of teachers and school leaders.“

Dr. Lucie Cerna, „Trust: What it is and Why it Matters for Governance and Education“ (2014), S. 9


Trusting teachers also implies developing trust ...


„Trusting teachers also implies developing trust in the unique nature of the pedagogical relationship in which teachers and learners engage, which is also based on some degree of autonomy.“

Dr. Lucie Cerna, „Trust: What it is and Why it Matters for Governance and Education“ (2014), S. 32


Exceptionally high trust in the system in Finland ...


„Exceptionally high trust in the system in Finland contributes to its success by attracting talented teachers and encouraging parents to follow the educational development of their children.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Economic Surveys – Denmark“ (2014), S. 91


As trusted professionals, teachers have considerable pedagogical autonomy ...


Finnland: „As trusted professionals, teachers have considerable pedagogical autonomy to interpret the curricula and to choose teaching methods and materials, as well as resources and methods to continuously assess students' progress.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook: Finland“ (2013), S. 10


Teachers, for their part, need to be able to trust that they are allowed to work ...


„Teachers, for their part, need to be able to trust that they are allowed to work like other highly educated experts, as autonomous pedagogical professionals, in a way that takes full advantage of their potential. This Finnish model of the teacher’s role, which is based on trust, seems to be yielding excellent results in international comparison.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tiina Silander u. a., „The Theory and practice of Building Pedagogical Skill in Finnish Teacher Education“ in Meyer u. a., „PISA, Power und Policy“ (2013), S. 95


A country‘s average level of trust ...


„A country‘s average level of trust is positively correlated with the percentage of GDP allocated to public investment in education.“

Dr. Giacomo Ponzetto u. a., „Social Capital, Government Expenditures, and Growth“ (2012), S. 22


Current culture of accountability in the public sector ...


„The current culture of accountability in the public sector often threatens school and community social capital and damages trust, rather than supports it.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, „Rethinking accountability in a knowledge society“ in „Journal of Educational Change“ (2010), S. 57