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In Finnlands „Gesamtschulen“ bekommen immer mehr SchülerInnen Zusatz- und gesonderten Unterricht ...


„According to Statistics Finland's data, an increasing number of comprehensive school pupils received support for learning in 2022. Intensified support was received by 79,200, or 13.9 per cent of comprehensive school pupils and special support by 55,500, or 9.7 per cent of comprehensive school pupils. […] Thirty-four per cent of pupils receiving special support in grades 1 to 6 received all education in a special group or class, the corresponding share for grades 7 to 9 was 29 per cent in 2022.“
Statistics Finland online, Veröffentlichung vom 17. August 2023.

Die Merkmale der Schulen stehen bei der Erklärung der Schülerleistungen nicht im Vordergrund ...


„Von der im Rahmen von PISA 2022 innerhalb der Länder beobachteten Varianz entfallen 32 % der durchschnittlichen Varianz der Mathematikleistungen im OECD-Raum auf die Varianz zwischen Schulen; die verbleibenden 68 % entfallen auf die Varianz innerhalb der Schulen. Die Merkmale der Schulen stehen bei der Erklärung der Schülerleistungen somit nicht im Vordergrund; vielmehr ist ein Großteil der Gesamtvarianz der Schülerleistungen auf die Merkmale der Schüler*innen selbst (d. h. ihren Hintergrund, ihre Einstellungen, ihr Verhalten usw.) sowie auf die Merkmale der jeweiligen Klassen und Klassenstufen innerhalb der Schulen zurückzuführen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 71.
In Österreich entfallen 41 % der durchschnittlichen Varianz der Mathematikleistungen auf die Varianz zwischen Schulen, 59 % auf die Varianz innerhalb der Schulen. (Quelle: OECD, PISA-2022-Datenbank, Table I.B1.2.12.)

Ziel einer gerechtigkeitsorientierten Bildungspolitik ...


„Bildungsgerechtigkeit bedeutet nicht, dass alle Schüler*innen die gleichen Ergebnisse erzielen sollen. […] Ziel einer gerechtigkeitsorientierten Bildungspolitik ist es nicht, den schulischen Erfolg besonders leistungsstarker Schüler*innen zu beschneiden oder das Niveau allgemein zu senken, um möglichst homogene Bildungsergebnisse zu erreichen. Eine gerechte Bildungspolitik soll vielmehr allen Schüler*innen helfen, das Beste aus sich herauszuholen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 121.

Schweden: Guidance and counselling to learners prior to the time when they need to make any study choices ...


Schweden: „The head teachers have the responsibility in upper secondary education to provide guidance and counselling to learners prior to the time when they need to make any study choices in school, and before choosing their future education paths and professions. Counselling is provided to learners both individually and in group sessions.“
Cedefop (Hrsg.), Vocational education and training in Sweden (2023), S. 69.

42.7 % of students are in schools that group students by ability into different classes ...


„Across OECD countries, 42.7 % of students are in schools that group students by ability into different classes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 97.

In Finland, for instance, some of the most disadvantaged catchment areas in Helsinki have witnessed the 'flight' or 'avoidance' of native Finnish families ...


„In Finland, for instance, some of the most disadvantaged catchment areas in Helsinki have witnessed the 'flight' or 'avoidance' of native Finnish families.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 108.

Schools in countries such as Finland are increasingly grouping students by ability and interest in 'special emphasis classes' ...


„Schools in countries such as Finland are increasingly grouping students by ability and interest in 'special emphasis classes' (e.g., music, foreign languages). Admission criteria used to select students into these 'special emphasis classes' tends to privilege those from the most advantaged backgrounds.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 108.

Countries employ a variety of types of differentiation ...


„Countries employ a variety of types of differentiation which can take place between schools or programmes (such as general, vocational and modular tracks; and school selectivity) and within schools (such as ability grouping in classes and ability grouping in different classes).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Equity and Inclusion in Education - Finding Strength through Diversity (2023), S. 115.

Grouping students of similar abilities and interests together is benefitting low- and high-achieving students ...


„Grouping students of similar abilities and interests together may enable teachers to tailor their instruction level and teaching strategies to students’ skills and interests, potentially benefitting low- and high-achieving students. In addition, well-resourced and attractive vocational programmes may improve the career prospects of low-achieving and disadvantaged teenagers, especially those at risk of leaving the school system early.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 127.

Sorting and grouping of students to better meet students’ needs ...


„In horizontally stratified systems, students of different abilities, behaviour or interests are separated into different schools, programmes and classes so that what is learned (content and difficulty) and how it is taught (pedagogy) can be tailored to better meet students’ needs. This sorting and grouping of students is generally termed educational stratification, which refers to the various ways that schools and education systems organise instruction for students with different abilities, behaviour, interests and pace of learning.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 127.

Horizontal stratification policies aim to manage students’ heterogeneity in their interests and academic performance ...


„Horizontal stratification policies aim to manage students’ heterogeneity in their interests and academic performance, allowing teachers and schools to work with students who have similar levels of knowledge, paces of learning or career prospects.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 144.

Individuelle Förderung bereits in den ersten Lebensjahren, Differenzierung bereits in der Elementabildung ...


„Ability grouping in school involves placing students into different classrooms or in small instructional groups in a class based on the students’ initial achievement or skill levels. Some research has shown that ability grouping can have a positive impact on the achievement of elementary school pupils, especially when there is mobility and flexibility in group allocations and when such grouping involves only specific subjects. […] On average across OECD countries in 2022, almost 4 in 10 students attended schools where students are grouped by ability into different classes for all subjects (7 %) or some subjects (31 %). The greatest incidence of this kind of grouping was observed in Ireland, Israel, Malta and the United Kingdom. In these countries/economies, at least nine in ten students attended a school that groups students into different classes for all or some subjects.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 157f.

Students with bad performance or behaviour ...


„In East Asian school systems, such as Hong Kong (China), Japan, Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei, and also in Slovenia, more than two in three students attended a school where it would be likely or very likely that a student is transferred to another school for low academic achievement. […] On average across OECD countries, students with bad performance or behaviour were more likely to be transferred to another school if they attended a private school than if they attended a public school.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 231.

In Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland vocational education is well-developed ...


„In countries where vocational education is well-developed, as in Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland, upper secondary education offers more than one vocational programme. These systems have a high level of stratification or diversity across programmes.“
Camilla Stronati, The design of upper secondary education across OECD countries (2023), S. 15.

Schweden: Entrance requirements for the main upper secondary education programmes ...


„In 2011, the Swedish government raised the entrance requirements for the main upper secondary education programmes by setting minimum grades that students need to achieve at the end of lower secondary education to enter the main upper secondary programmes. Today around 15 % of each cohort does not reach the grade threshold for the main upper secondary programmes. Introductory programmes are provided for these students to help them strengthen their foundational skills. […] Only half of the students who attend the introductory programme manage to complete it and enter one of the main upper secondary programmes within five years.“
Camilla Stronati, The design of upper secondary education across OECD countries (2023), S. 27.

Selecting students earlier and into more programmes makes it possible to offer more specialised content ...


„Selecting students earlier and into more programmes makes it possible to offer more specialised content, especially in vocational programmes. This also reflects the structure of the labour market and economy in these countries, where specialist skills are highly valued.“
Camilla Stronati, The design of upper secondary education across OECD countries (2023), S. 38.

Greater specialisation can improve students’ outcomes in the labour market ...


„Greater specialisation can improve students’ outcomes in the labour market. Therefore, selecting students earlier can help them build a specialised set of skills that is in high demand and enter the labour market earlier.“
Camilla Stronati, The design of upper secondary education across OECD countries (2023), S. 39.

Die OECD anerkennt Vielfalt ...


„Die meisten Bildungssysteme haben […] erkannt, dass Menschen sich hinsichtlich ihrer Fähigkeiten, Bedürfnisse und Präferenzen unterscheiden, und versuchen daher, unterschiedliche Arten von Bildungsgängen und Formen der Bildungsteilnahme anzubieten, insbesondere in den höheren Bildungsbereichen einschließlich Sekundarbereich II und Tertiärbereich.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 159.

Hochselektive Zugangssysteme zum Tertiärbereich ...


„Hochselektive Zugangssysteme zum Tertiärbereich können dazu beitragen, dass Bildungsteilnehmer ein oder mehrere Jahre Auszeit einlegen. In Finnland beispielsweise kommt es häufig vor, dass Bildungsteilnehmer sich für bestimmte tertiäre Bildungsgänge mehrfach bewerben müssen, bevor sie aufgenommen werden, was erklärt, warum weniger als 30 % der Bildungsteilnehmer direkt aus dem Sekundarbereich II in den Tertiärbereich eintreten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 232.

Different tracks or pathways for lower secondary students ...


„It should be noted that lower secondary students in Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland and Liechtenstein follow different tracks or pathways that have different curricula.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools (2022), S. 64.

Many middle-class Finnish families increasingly avoid schools in neighbourhoods with high shares of students from socio-economically disadvantaged and immigrant backgrounds ...


„With growing opportunities for school choice within the public sector, many middle-class Finnish families increasingly avoid schools in neighbourhoods with high shares of students from socio-economically disadvantaged and immigrant backgrounds.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Finland’s Right to Learn Programme (2022), S. 47

Streaming im Gesamtschulstaat Finnland ...


„Schools have started offering specialisation in particular subjects in the curriculum or placing an emphasis on a few more general themes (e.g. mathematics, communication, etc). These 'classes with a special emphasis', also known as 'following an extended curriculum', function as separate streams within regular municipal schools. […] In large urban municipalities, 30-40 % of pupils are selected for a class with special emphases. Students apply for and enter classes with a special emphasis through aptitude testing, which can result in ability grouping.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Finland’s Right to Learn Programme (2022), S. 47.

Finnland: Segmentation within the public comprehensive education system increased ...


Finnland: „The selective character for school classes based on aptitude tests has opened the possibility to families with higher cultural capital to access more privileged tracks and has increased the segmentation within the public comprehensive education system.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Finland’s Right to Learn Programme (2022), S. 48.

Immer mehr Differenzierung in Finnlands Gesamtschulen …


„PISA results suggest that there has been a significant increase in the percentage of schools that group students by ability into different classes for some subjects (34 % in PISA 2006; 53 % in PISA 2018).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Finland’s Right to Learn Programme (2022), S. 53.

Finnland: Segmentation within the public comprehensive education system ...


Finnland: „Grouping students based on aptitude has opened the possibility to families with higher cultural capital to access more privileged tracks and has increased the segmentation within the public comprehensive education system.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Finland’s Right to Learn Programme (2022), S. 54.

2 Jahre Rückstand mit 9 ...


„Children whose mothers have a low or no education show far below-average increases in their language skills. At the age of five, these children are, on average, one year behind children from families in which mothers have a tertiary degree and this gap doubles in the four years that follow. […] The finding that SES gaps (Anm.: SES = socioeconomic status) in vocabulary skills increase might be surprising, as all children attend preschool and later on elementary school, where they share the same curriculum.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider u. a., Development of socio-economic gaps in children’s language skills in Germany. In: Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, vol 13, no 1, 2022, S. 108f.

Schweden: Increasing school segregation with respect to achievement and socioeconomic composition ...


„A variety of studies point to a deterioration of educational equity in Sweden and increasing school segregation with respect to achievement and socioeconomic composition.“
Deborah Elin Siebecke, M. Sc., u. a., Does the material well‑being at schools successfully compensate for socioeconomic disadvantages? In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2022), 10:11, S. 1.

In Schweden hängt der Schulerfolg stark vom sozioökonomischen Background der SchülerInnen ab ...


„It could be argued that Sweden, which once had the reputation of having one of the most equal school systems in the world, can no longer be seen as such. Rather, recent studies have drawn the picture of a school system with increasing inequity and a compensatory mission that is lacking. Results from international large-scale assessments show clear socioeconomic disparities in student outcomes in Sweden.“
Deborah Elin Siebecke, M. Sc., u. a., Does the material well‑being at schools successfully compensate for socioeconomic disadvantages? In: Large-scale Assessments in Education (2022), 10:11, S. 2.

Leichter, negativer Zusammenhang zwischen Migrationshintergrund und Wahl von maturaführenden Schulen ...


„Für Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund haben zahlreiche internationale Studien gezeigt, dass Bildungsaspirationen bzw. berufliche Ziele tendenziell höher sind als von Kindern ohne Migrationshintergrund. […] Für den Übergang in die Sekundarstufe II lässt sich ein relativ starker sekundärer Effekt des Migrationshintergrundes feststellen: Kinder von im Ausland geborenen Eltern wechseln bei gleichen Leistungen eher auf maturaführende Schulen. Allerdings wird dieser Effekt durch die schlechteren Leistungen (primärer Effekt) mehr als wettgemacht, sodass insgesamt ein leichter, negativer Zusammenhang zwischen Migrationshintergrund und Wahl von maturaführenden Schulen besteht.“
Mag. Franz Astleithner u. a., Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Zum Zusammenhang von sozialer Herkunft, Migration und Bildungsaspirationen. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie (ÖZS), 2021, 46, S. 237.

Die meisten Bildungssysteme versuchen, unterschiedliche Arten von Bildungsgängen und Formen der Bildungsteilnahme anzubieten ...


„Menschen unterscheiden sich […] hinsichtlich ihrer Fähigkeiten, Bedürfnisse und Präferenzen, daher versuchen die meisten Bildungssysteme, unterschiedliche Arten von Bildungsgängen und Formen der Bildungsteilnahme anzubieten, insbesondere in den höheren Bildungsbereichen einschließlich Sekundarbereich II und Tertiärbereich.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 170.

Berufliche Ausbildungsgänge stellen eine attraktive Option für Jugendliche dar, die eher an handwerklichen Berufen interessiert sind ...


„Berufliche Ausbildungsgänge stellen eine attraktive Option für Jugendliche dar, die eher an handwerklichen Berufen interessiert sind, und für diejenigen, die früher in den Arbeitsmarkt eintreten wollen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 170.

In den letzten Jahren haben die Länder die Vielfalt der Bildungsgänge im Sekundarbereich II ausgebaut ...


„In den letzten Jahren haben die Länder die Vielfalt der Bildungsgänge im Sekundarbereich II ausgebaut. Diese Diversifikation ist einerseits eine Reaktion auf die wachsende Nachfrage nach Bildungsangeboten in diesem Bildungsbereich, andererseits das Ergebnis von veränderten Lehrplänen und Anforderungen der Arbeitsmärkte.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 172.

Der Schulerfolg in der Sekundarstufe II wird stark vom vorher besuchten Schultyp beeinflusst ...


„Der Schulerfolg in der Sekundarstufe II wird stark vom vorher besuchten Schultyp beeinflusst. Schülerinnen und Schüler, die nach der AHS-Unterstufe 2018/19 in die BHS übertraten, erreichten im Schuljahr darauf zu 88,6 % die zweite Klasse. […] Aus Hauptschulen bzw. aus Neuen Mittelschulen kommende Schülerinnen und Schüler waren zu einem geringeren Anteil erfolgreich. In BHS erreichten nur drei Viertel (sic; 80,0 %) der Jugendlichen aus Hauptschulen die nächste Klasse, bei jenen aus Neuen Mittelschulen waren es lediglich 72,1 %. Ein ähnliches Bild zeigte sich beim Ausbildungsverlauf der Schülerinnen und Schüler, die in die AHS-Oberstufe eintraten (79,8 % bzw. 74,2 %).“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2019/20. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2021), S. 62.

Circumventing residence-based segregation by streaming and admission policies ...


„Streaming and admission policies are tools that can be used to influence sorting into schools, and may also indirectly circumvent residence-based segregation.“
EENEE (Hrsg.), Patterns of school segregation in Europe (2021), Executive Summary, S. III.

The instruction level is too high for some and too low for others ...


„If teachers target their level of instruction at, e.g. the median student in the group, a mixed group implies that the instruction level is too high for some and too low for others. In a streamed or ability-segregated group, teaching to the median student will suit a larger portion of the class.“
EENEE (Hrsg.), Patterns of school segregation in Europe (2021), Executive Summary, S. 2f.

Singapurs Differenzierung in der Sekundarstufe ...


„'One Secondary Education, Many Subject Bands' (Eine Sekundarbildung, viele Niveaustufen) ermöglicht es Schüler*innen, verschiedene Fächer in einem ihren Fähigkeiten entsprechenden Tempo zu lernen.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Zurück in die Zukunft (2021), S. 21.

Ability grouping enables adult learners to progress at an ideal pace ...


„Ability grouping, meaning the placement of students in homogenised courses according to their ability or achievement level, enables adult learners to progress at an ideal pace and permits teachers to apply the most effective teaching methods for a given group of learners.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Language Training for Adult Migrants (2021), S. 45.

Increased student heterogeneity in the classroom may have negative consequences for the teachers ...


„Increased student heterogeneity in the classroom may […] have negative consequences for the teachers. In particular, students’ behavioural problems have been associated with higher levels of teacher dissatisfaction and stress. […] It has also been indicated that larger class size is related to higher levels of burnout and exhaustion.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Timo Saloviita u. a., Teacher burnout explained: Teacher-, student-, and organisation-level variables. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 97 (2021), S. 3.

The variety of sorting mechanisms ...


„A too simplistic typology of educational systems, such as the one between early-tracking and comprehensive systems, does not adequately consider the variety of sorting mechanisms that shape later-life outcomes.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Steffen Schindler u.a., Educational tracking and long-term outcomes by social origin (2021), S. 21.

Deutschland: Verringerung der sozialen Disparitäten ...


Deutschland: „Für den Großteil der Schülerschaft ist von einer Verringerung der sozialen Disparitäten und nicht von einem Schereneffekt auszugehen. Der Kompetenzrückstand der Schülerinnen und Schüler mit niedrigem gegenüber jenen mit hohem Sozialstatus wird von Jahrgangsstufe 5 zu 9 kleiner.“
KMK (Hrsg.), Bildung in Deutschland 2020 (2020), S. 150.

Unterschiedliche Arten von Bildungsgängen ...


„Die Zeit der Schulpflicht, in der Primar- und Sekundarbereich I durchlaufen werden, gestaltet sich in der Regel relativ homogen. Menschen unterscheiden sich jedoch hinsichtlich ihrer Fähigkeiten, Bedürfnisse und Präferenzen, daher versuchen die meisten Bildungssysteme, unterschiedliche Arten von Bildungsgängen und Formen der Bildungsteilnahme anzubieten, insbesondere in den höheren Bildungsbereichen einschließlich Sekundarbereich II und Tertiärbereich.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 188.

Leistungsorientiertes Nahtstellenmanagement fördert Leistungsbereitschaft ...


„Children view allocation to a secondary school track as important and exhibit strong preferences for higher tracks. […] Granting parents free choice effectively reduces incentives for children to perform well in primary school in order to be allowed to attend a higher track.“
Maximilian Bach u. a., Understanding the Response to High-Stakes Incentives in Primary Education (2020), S. 1f.

Achievement-based selection can improve student achievement before selection takes place by raising incentives to study ...


„Achievement-based selection can improve student achievement before selection takes place by raising incentives to study. This effect has to be taken into account when evaluating school systems with different degrees of selectivity. Our results suggest, for example, that even if students do not benefit from attending selective schools, the presence of selective schools alone can enhance skill acquisition if strong preferences for them induces greater study effort.“
Maximilian Bach u. a., Understanding the Response to High-Stakes Incentives in Primary Education (2020), S. 6.

In Norway education policy planning has shifted from an understanding of 'equity through equality' to a new policy of 'equity through diversity' ...


„In Norway […] education policy planning over the last decade has shifted from an understanding of 'equity through equality', and thus standardisation and uniformity, to a new policy of 'equity through diversity' with less dependency on central authorities.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity – Putting Educational Justice in the Nordic Model to a Test. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 14.

Dänemark: A soft form of ability grouping in the school system ...


Dänemark: „Some schools have established special classes for talented students, which seems to reflect a soft form of ability grouping in the school system.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Buchholtz u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity – Putting Educational Justice in the Nordic Model to a Test. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 33.

Differentiation ...


„Most European education systems offer different types of school to meet the different needs of students. Differentiation may be made on the basis of governance and funding (public or private sector), curriculum (e.g. schools offering diverse specialisations or educational pathways), or structural features (different school types catering for different age groups or levels of education in parallel).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 75.

In all education systems, students differ from each other ...


„In all education systems, students differ from each other in their backgrounds, experiences, abilities and needs. Many countries try to cater for these differences by introducing differentiation into their education system. Differentiation is provided by grouping students based on their ability, interest, or other characteristics. Students may be grouped within classes, in different classes, schools or school programmes/pathways.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 75.

Leistungsdifferenzierter Unterricht in vielen EU-Staaten ...


„For differences in the level of teaching or learning requirements of different types of education institution, typical examples are the hierarchically ordered general educational paths of Germany, the Netherlands, Austria or Switzerland. However, other education systems also apply similar organisational principles (e.g. Czechia, France, Luxembourg, Hungary or Slovakia).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 81.

There are more types of public school the higher the level of education ...


„There are more types of public school the higher the level of education. At primary level, five education systems have two or more types of public school. At lower secondary level, this figure rises to 15 systems, and at upper secondary level to 42 systems.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 92.

Academic selection process as early as lower secondary education ...


„Academic admissions criteria become more common in secondary education when students begin to be assigned to different educational tracks or pathways based on their ability or aptitude. A third of the education systems start this academic selection process as early as lower secondary education.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 99.

An argument for academically selective school admissions policies ...


„An argument for academically selective school admissions policies is that they are claimed to support the best match between students and schools; and thus increase the efficiency of education in terms of educational performance. Best match could be related for example, to student interest (specialist schools), ability or aptitude, or teachers (it is easier for teachers to manage classes with similar abilities, interests, etc.).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 100.

In Estonia, France and Finland, schools are generally allowed to use admissions criteria ...


„In Estonia, France and Finland, schools are generally allowed to use admissions criteria. For example, in Finland, schools with certain subject specialisations (but still following the same national curriculum) can set admissions criteria to assess students’ disposition or aptitude for certain subjects.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 103.

In the Netherlands, all students sit a standardised test in the last year of primary school ...


„In the Netherlands, all students sit a standardised test in the last year of primary school. The results of this test together with the recommendation of teachers from the previous school constitute the advice taken on the student’s academic performance which influences the educational pathway to which a student can gain access. It should be emphasised that the advice from teachers has a greater weight in admissions than the results of the standardised test.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 112.

In Belgium (Flemish Community), students need to have acquired the primary education certificate to be admitted to the A-stream of lower secondary education ...


„In Belgium (Flemish Community), students need to have acquired the primary education certificate to be admitted to the A-stream of lower secondary education. However, this certificate is not a requirement for admissions to the B-stream.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 113.

The practice of course-by-course tracking ...


„The practice of course-by-course tracking, where students are placed into 'sets' or 'streams' for specific subjects is more widespread in secondary than in primary education.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 125.

In Estonia, schools are allowed to arrange school-based tests ...


„In Estonia, schools are allowed to arrange school-based tests, but these are optional. Most of the schools select students based on previous academic results and hold interviews with student candidates to establish their interests, attitudes and learning motivation.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 133.

Grouping students by ability into different classes ...


„According to the PISA 2018 survey, grouping students by ability into different classes is the predominant practice in Ireland and the United Kingdom, with more than 90 % of students attending schools where this is practiced. Besides Ireland and the United Kingdom, the majority of 15-year-old students are also in schools that group students by ability in different classes in the German and Flemish Communities of Belgium, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Turkey.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Equity in school education in Europe (2020), S. 137.

Preventing ELET (Early Leaving from Education and Training) ...


„Policies for increasing the flexibility and permeability of education pathways can help prevent ELET (ELET = Early Leaving from Education and Training) by removing potential obstacles to the completion of education and training programmes. These might include initiatives to promote alternative education and training pathways (e.g. vocational or technical rather than general), to facilitate the transition between pathways, and to improve systems for the recognition of students' skills and qualifications.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe – 2020 (2020), S. 16.

In Finnland wuchs die Abhängigkeit des Bildungserfolgs vom Elternhaus nach Einführung der Gesamtschule ...


„We analysed more recent birth cohorts and found that inequality in completed education increased from cohorts born in 1960s to those born in 1985, and more so for women.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Juho Härkönen u. a., Educational Transitions and Educational Inequality. In: European Sociological Review, 2020, Vol. 36, No. 5, S. 714.

It is critical to provide the teachers with support in addressing the diversity they come across in the classrooms ...


„Given that job satisfaction is directly associated with occupational well-being, motivation and staying in the profession, it is critical to provide the teachers with support in addressing the diversity they come across in the classrooms in a more sustained manner.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kajsa Yang Hansen u. a., Exploring Diversity in the Relationships Between Teacher Quality and Job Satisfaction in the Nordic Countries – Insights from TALIS 2013 and 2018. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 119.

Barriers to successful transitions ...


„A curriculum that does not recognise differences in how children think and learn and teachers who attach low status to vocational education and training pathways can be barriers to successful transitions.“
Dr. Deirdre Hughes u. a., Youth transitions. Creating pathways to success (2020), S. 34.

Educational policies should be as heterogenous as possible ...


„The body of students is always heterogeneous, everyone with their own needs and abilities. There is no single solution for all, which implies educational policies should be as heterogenous as possible.“
Oleksandra Mittal, Measuring Equity Across the Nordic Education Systems – Conceptual and Methodological Choices as Implications for Educational Policies. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 50f.

Focusing on the low-achieving students may be at the expense of highly capable students not getting a fair opportunity to succeed ...


„Focusing on the low-achieving students may be at the expense of highly capable students not getting a fair opportunity to succeed. Just like there is a need for varied teaching and differentiated instruction for disadvantaged students, there is an equal need for students with higher learning potential to get appropriate support in order to realize their potential.“
Oleksandra Mittal, Measuring Equity Across the Nordic Education Systems – Conceptual and Methodological Choices as Implications for Educational Policies. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 51.

China: High levels of segregation and isolation of categories of students ...


 „The degree of between-school variance in China‘s PISA results is high and higher than on average in other high-performing systems. This leads to remarkably high levels of segregation and isolation of categories of students. Disadvantaged students are segregated from advantaged students, and low-performing students are to be found in different schools than high-performing ones.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 22.

A curriculum without high aspirations or challenging content ...


„A curriculum without high aspirations or challenging content may cause disengagement among higher-achieving students. But a curriculum with overly ambitious aspirations and a high level of content may cause disengagement among low-performing students, who then risk falling further behind.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Curriculum Overload: A Way Forward (2020), S. 81.

Aiming to teach the whole curriculum to all students in the spectrum may be overly ambitious ...


„Given that the curricula for some countries/jurisdictions are written to cater for the whole ability spectrum of students, they can find it challenging to persuade schools and parents not to aim over-ambitiously for some students. Aiming to teach the whole curriculum to all students in the spectrum may be overly ambitious, and may disadvantage low-performing students, as reported by Hong Kong (China).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Curriculum Overload: A Way Forward (2020), S. 81.

Academically selective schools ...


„On average across OECD countries, 66 % of students in upper secondary schools were enrolled in academically selective schools, while 38 % of students in lower secondary schools were enrolled in such schools.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2018 Results. Effective Policies, Successful Schools (2020), S. 75.

In 2018, 43 % of students attended schools where students are grouped by ability into different classes for all subjects ...


„On average across OECD countries in 2018, 43 % of students attended schools where students are grouped by ability into different classes for all subjects (8 %) or some subjects (35 %).“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2018 Results. Effective Policies, Successful Schools (2020), S. 78.
In Österreich besuchten nur 3 % Schulen, in denen SchülerInnen in allen Gegenständen nach Leistungsfähigkeit räumlich getrennt unterrichtet werden, und 8 %, für die dies in manchen Gegenständen der Fall ist. (Quelle: ibidem, Table V.B1.3.7.)

The increase of socioeconomic gaps over tracked secondary schooling was markedly less dramatic than one might have expected based on the social reproduction argument ...


„The increase of socioeconomic gaps over tracked secondary schooling was markedly less dramatic than one might have expected based on the social reproduction argument prevailing in stratification literature. […] Schooling (even tracked schooling) acts toward compensating overall levels of inequality. […] Our findings invite more critical reflection on the dominant view of schooling as a locus of reproduction, that is, an institution that exacerbates inequality in educational outcomes by social background.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jan Skopek, Socioeconomic Inequality in Children’s Achievement from Infancy to Adolescence. The Case of Germany (2020), S. 21f.

The causes for the lack of well-being of the teacher workforce are multiple ...


„According to the voice of representatives from various ministries of education and representatives of the teacher workforce the causes for the lack of well-being are multiple. A few of the causes suggested in the discussions were excessive workload, constant reforms imposed on the teaching profession that change with each new government, accountability and evaluation systems that are punitive and confusing, lack of support for schools with unmanageable student misbehaviour issues, class sizes, government interference in curriculum and teaching methods, excessive regulation, the challenges of more diverse and inclusive classrooms, perceived lack of respect for the profession, and, in some countries, inadequate or unequal funding.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 15.

Große Leistungsheterogenität der Klassen ein Stressfaktor für die Lehrpersonen ...


„Ganz generell dürfte auch die große Leistungsheterogenität der Klassen ein Stressfaktor für die Lehrpersonen sein: Fast sechs von zehn Lehrkräften sehen das so, ca. 40 % von ihnen fühlen sich sogar sehr belastet dadurch.“
Mag. Dr. Jörg Spenger u. a., „Under pressure. Berufsvollzugsprobleme und Belastungen von Lehrpersonen. Eine empirische Studie.“ (2019), S. 42

Japan: A high school entrance examination determines admission into secondary schools ...


Japan: „A high school entrance examination determines admission into secondary schools, which vary in quality and ambition.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 290

Schweden: It has become common practice in recent years to group students by ability within comprehensive compulsory schools ...


Schweden: „It has become common practice in recent years to group students by ability within comprehensive compulsory schools.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 296

Frankreich: Common perception that some schools are much better than others ...


Frankreich: „Although in theory all public high schools (lycées) offer the same curriculum in the framework of the national education system, in practice there is a common perception that some schools are much better than others. […] In recent years, an increasing number of private lycées have climbed the ladder in rankings.“ Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 302f

Besonders viele SchulabbrecherInnen in Finnland ...


„In Finland, ensuring that individuals gain a secondary qualification beyond compulsory general education (up to age 16) is a specific policy challenge, as 16 % of 25 year-olds only achieve compulsory education level.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Assessment of the Implementation of the 2011 Council Recommendation on Policies to Reduce Early School Leaving (2019), S. 37.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen ...


„Many private schools – particularly the best-known – are highly selective academically in determining their intake, with an ability to pay the fees often being inly the first hurdle to jump.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 8.

Trend towards more selectivity is observed between 2009 and 2015 in both lower and upper secondary schools in many countries ...


„The proportion of school admissions based on academic performance increased significantly in 34 of the 59 countries and economies that participated in PISA in both 2009 and 2015. […] The trend towards more selectivity is observed between 2009 and 2015 in both lower and upper secondary schools in many countries.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Balancing School Choice and Equity: An International Perspective Based on PISA“ (2019), S. 39

Distinctive school choices made by the upper social class ...


„Studies in Finland show the influence of the distinctive school choices made by the upper social class. Since 1998, school choice has increased in popularity, as have schools with a special subject emphasis (e.g., science, arts, or sports) and selective admission by aptitude tests.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katariina Salmela-Aro u.a., Socioeconomic Inequality and Student Outcomes in Finnish Schools (2019), S. 13.

In Gesamtschulstaaten akzeptieren immer weniger Eltern die nächstgelegene Schule ...


„Parental choice of school has been part of the English education system since 1988 and is similarly well established in countries such as the United States, Chile, Sweden, and increasingly across Europe.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Deborah Wilson u. a., School choice and equality of opportunity (2019), S. 4.

In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer ...


„In Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland ist die Chancenungerechtigkeit nicht größer als in England, den USA und Finnland – alles Länder mit einer gemeinsamen Sekundarstufe für alle Schüler.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Fend, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom November 2018, S. 25

Dass die Stimmung vor allem in Grundschulen aggressiver ist, hat auch mit der immer heterogeneren Schülerschaft zu tun ...


„Dass die Stimmung vor allem in Grundschulen aggressiver ist, hat auch mit der immer heterogeneren Schülerschaft zu tun. Es gibt mehr Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Lern- oder Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen und mit unterschiedlichen sozialen, gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Prägungen und Herausforderungen, die aufeinanderstoßen – aber nicht unbedingt mehr Lehrkräfte, die sich individuell um sie kümmern könnten.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jan Pfetsch, Die Zeit online am 7. Mai 2018

The majority of secondary schools in England set ...


„The majority of secondary schools in England set – that is, group students for learning in core subjects according to some sort of measure of prior attainment. […] While it is particularly prevalent within secondary schools, Parsons and Hallam also reports evidence of the frequent and increasing use of setting in primary schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Louise Archer u. a., „The symbolic violence of setting“. In: „British Educational Research Journal“, Vol. 44, No. 1, Februar 2018, S. 119f

Südkorea: In der Umgebung namhafter Schulen sind die Immobilienpreise deutlich höher ...


Südkorea: „In der äußerst kompetitiven südkoreanischen Gesellschaft tun Eltern alles für die Ausbildung ihrer Kinder. Sie ziehen dafür sogar in andere Städte oder Stadtteile, falls die Schulen dort als besser gelten. In der Umgebung namhafter Schulen sind die Immobilienpreise deutlich höher.“

Süddeutsche Zeitung online am 23. Jänner 2018

Einer Gesamtschule gelingt es im Vergleich zum dreigliedrigen Schulsystem nicht besser, für mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit zu sorgen ...


„In der Studie ‚Lebensläufe ins frühe Erwachsenenalter‘ (LifE) wird aufgezeigt, dass es einer Gesamtschule im Vergleich zum dreigliedrigen Schulsystem nicht besser gelingt, für mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit zu sorgen. In beiden Fällen nämlich besteht ein hoher Zusammenhang zwischen sozioökonomischem Status und Schulabschluss. Gleiches lässt sich für Ganztagsschulen beobachten, die ebenfalls mit dem Ziel antreten, eine bessere Bildung für alle zu ermöglichen, die unabhängig vom sozioökonomischen Status der Eltern ist.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. John Hattie u. a., „Visible Learning. Auf den Punkt gebracht“ (2018), S. 53

Die meisten Bildungssysteme versuchen, unterschiedliche Arten von Bildungsgängen und Formen der Bildungsteilnahme anzubieten ...


„Menschen unterscheiden sich […] hinsichtlich ihrer Fähigkeiten, Bedürfnisse und Präferenzen, daher versuchen die meisten Bildungssysteme, unterschiedliche Arten von Bildungsgängen und Formen der Bildungsteilnahme anzubieten, insbesondere in den höheren Bildungsbereichen (Sekundarbereich II und darüber hinaus) und für Erwachsene.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2018, OECD-Indikatoren“ (2018), S. 185f

Wie man in Finnland die Gesamtschule umgeht ...


„The latest findings around school segregation indicate that, in addition to the school choices for selective classes, the choices for exceptional languages come primarily from more affluent urban blocks. This is now happening in Iceland as well.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marianne Dovemark u. a., „Deregulation, privatisation and marketisation of Nordic comprehensive education“. In: „Education Inquiry“ 2018, Vol. 9, No. 1, S. 134

The teaching profession is becoming less attractive as a career choice ...


„Although the role of teachers is becoming increasingly important as Europe rises to meet its educational, social and economic challenges, the teaching profession is becoming less attractive as a career choice. Higher expectations in terms of student outcomes and greater pressures due to a more diverse student population combined with rapid technological innovation are having a profound impact on the teaching profession.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Teaching Careers in Europe“ (2018), S. 17

The UK government is planning to increase the number of pupils attending state-funded selective grammar schools ...


„The UK government is planning to increase the number of pupils attending state-funded selective grammar schools, claiming that this will assist overall standards, reduce the poverty attainment gap and so aid social mobility.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Gorard u. a., Grammar schools in England: a new analysis of social segregation and academic outcomes. In: British Journal of Sociology of Education 39:7 (2018), S. 909.

Many countries such as China and Singapore have highly selective schools within a national system ...


„Many countries such as China and Singapore have highly selective schools within a national system, and some such as Germany and Austria retain an entirely selective tracked school system.”
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Gorard u. a., Grammar schools in England: a new analysis of social segregation and academic outcomes. In: British Journal of Sociology of Education 39:7 (2018), S. 910.

Anders als in Österreich nimmt die sozioökonomisch bedingte Leistungsdifferenz im Gesamtschulstaat England während der Sekundarstufe noch deutlich zu ...


„Around 40 per cent of the gap at the end of Key Stage 4 is already apparent by age 5. The gap then grows by a further 20 per cent by the end of Key Stage 2, and the final 40 per cent emerges throughout secondary school.“
Jo Hutchinson u.a., Education in England – Annual report 2018 (2018), S. 10.

If selection does not occur across schools, selection occurs within schools or classrooms ...


„If selection does not occur across schools, selection occurs within schools or classrooms. For example, students are selected into differentiated curricular tracks or the instruction in classrooms is personalized.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael S. Merry u. a., Can schools fairly select their students? In: Theory and Research in Education, 2018, Vol. 16(3), S. 332.

Bildungsaufstieg durch Differenzierung ...


„Without selection schools are unable to promote individual mobility.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael S. Merry u. a., Can schools fairly select their students? In: Theory and Research in Education, 2018, Vol. 16(3), S. 332.

Many school systems offer a variety of educational pathways and parallel programmes ...


„The desire to improve the quality of educational provision and ensure that it matches each student’s interests and potential, has led many school systems to offer a variety of educational pathways and parallel programmes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 23

In Helsinki, parents’ perceptions of school quality can be reflected in housing prices ...


„In Helsinki, parents’ perceptions of school quality can be reflected in housing prices and reinforce residential segregation, especially in high density areas with an inelastic supply of land. Since measures of school quality are not publicly available in Finland, this effect appears to be primarily driven by parents’ perceptions of a school’s socio-demographic student composition.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 179

Countries have designed education systems often tracking students into separate learning environments ...


„In response to students’ different preferences, abilities and needs, countries have designed education systems often tracking students into separate learning environments. The development of different pathways, tailored to different students’ needs, is generally justified on the basis of increased choice and effectiveness, even if at the cost of lesser equity in educational outcomes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 241

Providing multiple pathways and educational programmes raises the chances of meeting the interests of a diverse student population ...


„Providing multiple pathways and educational programmes raises the chances of meeting the interests of a diverse student population and the skills demands of a differentiated labour market. Challenges stemming from the integration of students from different socio-economic backgrounds, immigrants, students with special educational needs or those uninspired by traditional academic content have led countries to explore different policy options to cover the full spectrum of educational demand and provide 'made-to-measure curricula' for students. Notably, this has resulted in multiple strands of offers, programmes and schools, which often raise efficiency and equity concerns.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 241

The Czech Republic has one of the most differentiated education systems by international comparison ...


„The Czech Republic has one of the most differentiated education systems by international comparison. Schools offer specialised provision at both lower secondary and upper secondary levels, including general, artistic, technical and vocational education, which contributes to the high number of small schools and small class sizes existent in the country.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Responsive School Systems“ (2018), S. 241

Stratification, tracking policies and ability grouping in many education systems ...


„Many education systems have created homogeneous populations (based on ability) through stratification, tracking policies and ability grouping, and established well-defined and inflexible education pathways from compulsory schooling into further education and training to ensure that instruction is tailored to the specific needs of relatively homogeneous groups (defined by ability, interests and/or preferences).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background“ (2018), S. 227

Heterogeneous teaching groups that incorporate children of differing ages, backgrounds and skills often compromise the efficiency of learning ...


„While study plans are individualised to account for the educational background of each child, in practice, heterogeneous teaching groups that incorporate children of differing ages, backgrounds and skills often compromise the efficiency of learning.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Working Together: Skills and Labour Market Integration of Immigrants and their Children in Finland“ (2018), S. 178

Grouping students by ability may allow teachers to more effectively target teaching to the levels of students in their classes ...


„Grouping students by ability may allow teachers to more effectively target teaching to the levels of students in their classes. […] In India, schools reorganized classes by group for just an hour a day and observed major gains in learning.“

The World Bank (Hrsg.), „Learning to Realize Education's Promise“ (2018), S. 134

Wahlmöglichkeiten müssen erhalten bleiben ...


„Zum Wohl des Kindes bedarf es auch weiterhin unterschiedlicher schulischer Settings, Wahlmöglichkeiten müssen erhalten bleiben. Dann kann jedes Kind das bekommen, was es für seine Entwicklung benötigt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernd Ahrbeck, „Inklusion darf zu keiner Paradiesmetapher werden“, inklusion-als-problem.de am 9. Juni 2017

Im Sinne des Kindeswohls nicht vertretbar ...


„Der prinzipielle Verzicht auf spezielle Beschulungsformen (Klassen/Schulen) und die Aufgabe von Wahlfreiheiten sind aus fachlicher Sicht und im Sinne des Kindeswohls nicht vertretbar.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernd Ahrbeck, Institut für Rehabilitationswissenschaft an der Berliner Humboldt Universität, www.news4teachers.de am 26. April 2017

Längst eindeutig widerlegt, dass man durch eine Einheitsschule mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit oder Bildungsgerechtigkeit schaffen könnte ......


„Die Idee, dass man durch eine Einheitsschule mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit oder Bildungsgerechtigkeit schaffen könnte, ist längst eindeutig widerlegt worden. Helmut Fend hat mit Bedauern festgestellt, dass es keine Unterschiede zwischen einem gegliederten und einem Einheitsschulsystem bezüglich der sozialen Gerechtigkeit gibt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom März 2017, S. 32

Trotz eines lückenlosen Gesamtschulsystems so wenig Arbeiterkinder an den Unis wie nirgends sonst in der EU ...


„In Finnland gibt es so wenig Arbeiterkinder an den Unis wie nirgends sonst in der Europäischen Union, trotz eines lückenlosen Gesamtschulsystems.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom März 2017, S. 32

Integrierte Gesamtschule ...


„Während in den Stadtstaaten sowie in den Ländern Saarland und Schleswig-Holstein der Anteil der Schüler an Integrierten Gesamtschulen in der Sekundarstufe I im Schuljahr 2014/15 zwischen 40 und 65 Prozent lag, besuchten in Bayern und Sachsen jeweils weniger als 0,5 Prozent der Schüler der Sekundarstufe I eine Integrierte Gesamtschule.“

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Hrsg.), „Bildungsmonitor 2017“ (2017), S. 112

Offenbar fördert eine intellektuell besonders fordernde und anregende Lernumwelt die Intelligenz von Schüler_innen ...


Offenbar fördert eine intellektuell besonders fordernde und anregende Lernumwelt die Intelligenz von Schüler_innen, während eine wenig anregende Lernumwelt die Intelligenz stagnieren lässt.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock u. a., Umgang mit Heterogenität in Schule und Unterricht (2017), S. 38

Der Anspruch an die Lehrkräfte ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten deutlich gestiegen ...


„Der Anspruch an die Lehrkräfte ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten […] deutlich gestiegen, unter anderem durch die Anforderung, in sehr heterogenen Klassen einen Unterricht hoher Qualität durchzuführen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock u. a., „Umgang mit Heterogenität in Schule und Unterricht“ (2017), S. 113

Ein intellektuell fordernder und anspruchsvoller Unterricht ...


„Ein intellektuell fordernder und anspruchsvoller Unterricht wirkt sich […] nicht nur auf den Wissenszuwachs aus, sondern verbessert die Intelligenz und damit die Fähigkeit, schnell neue Informationen zu erfassen und zu verarbeiten.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock u. a., „Umgang mit Heterogenität in Schule und Unterricht“ (2017), S. 38

Guter Unterricht muss zu den Lernmöglichkeiten und den Lernbedürfnissen der einzelnen Schüler_innen passen ...


„Guter Unterricht muss zu den Lernmöglichkeiten und den Lernbedürfnissen der einzelnen Schüler_innen passen. Sowohl ein Unterricht, der chronisch unterfordert als auch ein Unterricht, der beständig überfordert, ist nicht sinnvoll. Passend ist ein Unterricht dann, wenn die gestellten Anforderungen in einem Bereich liegen, der oberhalb des aktuellen Wissensstands liegt, aber auch nicht zu weit davon entfernt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock u. a., „Umgang mit Heterogenität in Schule und Unterricht“ (2017), S. 63

Difficulties faced by language instructors in mixed-ability classes ...


„The difficulties faced by language instructors in mixed-ability classes are often numerous and invariably lead to frustrations on their part since they are unable to create a productive learning and teaching environment for their students.“

Muneerah S. Al-Subaiei, „Challenges in Mixed Ability Classes and Strategies Utilized by ELI Teachers to Cope with Them“. In: „English Language Teaching“, Vol. 10, No. 6, 2017, S. 183

Ability grouping or tracking during secondary schooling is widespread ...


Ability grouping or tracking during secondary schooling is widespread. [] Our results underline the importance of a cognitively stimulating learning environment in school to support students' cognitive development.

Dr. Karin Guill u. a., Academic tracking is related to gains in students' intelligence over four years. In: Learning and Instruction 47 (2017), S. 43

Many school systems integrate some sort of grouping of students ...


Many school systems integrate some sort of grouping of students at least during secondary schooling based on the assumption that teaching is easier and more effective in homogenous groups.

Dr. Karin Guill u. a., Academic tracking is related to gains in students' intelligence over four years. In: Learning and Instruction 47 (2017), S. 44

Niederlandes vielfältiges Schulwesen ...


„The Dutch system is segmented, with several different types of schools at every stage after primary, and end-of-sector tests contribute to the decision about where students should be placed in the next stage. However, teachers’ judgements are considered along with performance on the tests in making these decisions. […] In each subject, the leaving exam includes school-based assessments as well as centrally designed standardized test.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Koretz, „The Testing Charade. Pretending to Make Schools Better” (2017), S. 213f

Tracking and seperate classes ...


„At the Tikkakoski School in Finland, teachers track students depending on their progress and provide extra help for students who are falling behind. Students who are struggling get additional help in separate classes on specific subjects.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Educational Opportunity for All“ (2017), S. 84

Italien: The poor quality of compulsory education ...


„The poor quality of compulsory education: For a relatively large share of students in Italy, the skills acquired in schooling may not be sufficient to succeed in tertiary education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report Italy 2017“ (2017), S. 81

Gewachsene Heterogentität ...


Selbstverständlich muss die Schule der gewachsenen Heterogenität Rechnung tragen, aber das geht nicht mit beliebiger Individualisierung des Unterrichts. Das ist weder zu leisten, noch gesellschaftlich ratsam.“

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Dammer, Wirtschaftswoche online am 28. September 2016

Obgleich die USA eine ‚Gesamtschule‘ mit zwölf Jahren für alle haben ...


„Obgleich die USA eine ‚Gesamtschule‘ mit zwölf Jahren für alle haben, konnten die USA das nicht zu einem Vorteil in Richtung sozialer Mobilität nutzen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom September 2016, S. 19

Großbritannien liegt hinsichtlich der sozialen Mobilität unterhalb von südamerikanischen Ländern ...


„Großbritannien liegt hinsichtlich der sozialen Mobilität unterhalb von südamerikanischen Ländern wie Argentinien.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom September 2016, S. 20

Fast alle Gesamtschulländer haben alternative Formen der Segregation ...


„Die erhoffte soziale Chancengleichheit ist ein Irrtum. Fast alle Gesamtschulländer haben alternative Formen der Segregation entwickelt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Hopmann, Kleine Zeitung online am 28. Mai 2016

Je nach dem Leistungstand unterschiedliche Kurse im gesamten anglo-amerikanischen Raum ...


„Es ist durchaus richtig, dass im gesamten anglo-amerikanischen Raum alle Schüler in eine Schule gehen, beispielsweise in eine High School, dass aber dort selbstverständlich die Schüler je nach ihrem Leistungstand unterschiedliche Kurse auf unterschiedlichen Niveaus besuchen müssen und das beginnt schon in den Middle Schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Klein, Wirtschaftswoche online am 1. März 2016

Stratification is actually relatively high in the United States ...


„Previous research suggests that stratification is actually relatively high in the United States, despite its comprehensive school system, due to segregation of families between regions and neighborhoods.“

Dr. Philip Parker u. a., „A Multination Study of Socioeconomic Inequality in Expectations for Progression to Higher Education“. In: „American Educational Research Journal“, February 2016, Vol. 53, No. 1, S. 11

"Längeres gemeinsames Lernen" nirgendwo die sogenannte Bildungsgerechtigkeit hergestellt ...


„Die Schulreformen mit der Wirkungsbehauptung des ‚längeren gemeinsamen Lernens‘ haben keinen Einfluss auf die unterschiedliche Schichtallokation gehabt, also nirgendwo die sogenannte Bildungsgerechtigkeit hergestellt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, in Hanns Seidel Stifung (Hrsg.), „Akademikerschwemme versus Fachkräftemangel“ (2016), S. 33

Der Klassenraum, der jeden aufnimmt ...


„Der Klassenraum, der jeden aufnimmt und jeden anders sein lässt, ist ein Raum, in dem gerade Behinderte und Lernschwache ihr Anderssein ständig knallhart demonstriert bekommen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Türcke, „Lehrerdämmerung – Was die neue Lernkultur in den Schulen anrichtet“ (2016), S. 77

Mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit ...


„Die Idee, dass man durch eine Einheitsschule mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit oder Bildungsgerechtigkeit schaffen könnte, ist längst eindeutig widerlegt worden.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, in Hanns Seidel Stifung (Hrsg.), „Akademikerschwemme versus Fachkräftemangel“ (2016), S. 33

Keine Unterschiede zwischen einem gegliederten und einem Einheitsschulsystem ...


„Helmut Fend (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Fend) hat mit Bedauern festgestellt, dass es keine Unterschiede zwischen einem gegliederten und einem Einheitsschulsystem bezüglich der sozialen Gerechtigkeit gibt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, in Hanns Seidel Stifung (Hrsg.), „Akademikerschwemme versus Fachkräftemangel“ (2016), S. 33 

Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect ...


„Unter der Bezeichnung Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass Schüler/innen ein geringer ausgeprägtes Selbstkonzept entwickeln, wenn sie eine Schule mit (durchschnittlich) hohem Begabungsniveau besuchten als eine Schule mit geringerem Begabungsniveau“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2015, Band 2“ (2016), S. 138

In Belgium school segregation goes beyond residential segregation ...


„In Belgium school segregation goes beyond residential segregation and reflects academic, socioeconomic, language and migrant background.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 19

Frankreich: There are large performance gaps between schools ...


Frankreich: „There are large performance gaps between schools. Disadvantaged schools benefit less from experienced teachers, and school segregation reflects socioeconomic, academic and migrant backgrounds as well as residential segregation.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 99

All modern school systems engage in some differentiation ...


„All modern school systems engage in some differentiation of the learning environment.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Magnus Bygren, „Ability grouping’s effects on grades and the attainment of higher education“ in „Sociology of Education“, 2016, 89(2), S. 119

Low upper secondary completion rates in Sweden are connected to poor learning outcomes at the compulsory school level ...


„Low upper secondary completion rates in Sweden are connected to poor learning outcomes at the compulsory school level. […] Swedish students achieve comparatively low scores in literacy and numeracy at the end of compulsory school, which makes for a difficult start into upper secondary school.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Sweden“ (2016), S. 124

37 % of 15-year-old Estonian students were in a school that always considered students’ records of academic performance for admission ...


Estland: „In the PISA 2012 sample, 37 % of 15-year-old Estonian students were in a school that always considered students’ records of academic performance for admission to the school, which is around the OECD average of 39 %.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Reviews of School Resources – Estonia“ (2016), S. 168

Estland: More than one in three 15 year-olds are in an academically selective school ...


Estland: „More than one in three 15 year-olds are in an academically selective school whose principal reported that at least students’ records of academic performance or recommendations of feeder schools is always considered for admission.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Reviews of School Resources – Estonia“ (2016), S. 64

Ability grouping becoming popular again ...


„Ability grouping within the same school appears to be becoming popular again. […] Across OECD countries, 46 % of students attend schools whose principal reported that students are grouped by ability into different classes.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 176

Greater choice to parents and students ...


„In recent decades, reforms in many countries have tended to give greater choice to parents and students, to enable them to choose the schools that meet the child’s education needs or preferences.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 126

Countries with low academic inclusion and high social inclusion ...


„Some countries and economies, such as the Netherlands, have low academic inclusion (performance varies considerably between schools) and high social inclusion (advantaged and disadvantaged students are relatively evenly distributed across schools), whereas others, like Spain, have high academic inclusion and low socio-economic inclusion.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 173

Students selected into one of the education tracks in the Netherlands ...


Niederlande: „At the end of primary school, students are selected into one of the education tracks offering practical training, pre-vocational, general and pre-university secondary education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 174

Students assigned to various tracks in the Netherlands ...


Niederlande: „Students are assigned to various tracks based on their performance on a national examination at the end of primary school and on their primary teachers’ recommendation.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 174

Instruction in at least one subject in an ability-grouped class ...


„In Australia, Canada, Hong Kong (China), Ireland, Israel, Malta, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Viet Nam, at least three in four students receive instruction in at least one subject in an ability-grouped class.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 176

High-achieving students may benefit from tracking ...


„Recent research indicates that high-achieving students may benefit from tracking and suffer losses from heterogeneous grouping.“

Brown Center (Hrsg.), „How well are American Students Learning?“ (2016), S. 20

Tracking is significantly correlated with performance ...


„Tracking is significantly correlated with performance on AP (Anm.: Advanced Placement) tests, and the positive relationship holds for the performance of black, Hispanic, and white subgroups.“

Brown Center (Hrsg.), „How well are American Students Learning?“ (2016), S. 22f

States with larger percentages of tracked eighth graders ...


„States with larger percentages of tracked eighth graders produce larger percentages of high-scoring AP (Anm.: Advanced Placement) test takers. States where tracking is less prevalent tend to have a smaller proportion of high scorers.“

Brown Center (Hrsg.), „How well are American Students Learning?“ (2016), S. 23

It is important for gifted children to experience challenging educational experiences ...


„It is important for gifted children to experience challenging educational experiences and to be exposed to opportunities to mix with others with similar abilities and interests to maintain or retrieve their motivation to achieve.“

Joyce Gubbels, „The dynamics of giftedness in the upper primary grades“ (2016), S. 106

Verbesserte Selbsteinschätzung durch Lernen in homogenen Gruppen ...


„Cooperative learning in homogeneous groups with other gifted children is beneficial for gifted children’s academic self-esteem.“

Joyce Gubbels, „The dynamics of giftedness in the upper primary grades“ (2016), S. 119

Children from most disadvantaged backgrounds ...


England: „Children from most disadvantaged backgrounds who attained high cognitive test scores at age 7 performed worse than their lower achieving counterparts from the least disadvantaged families by age 14-16.“

UNICEF (Hrsg.), „Poverty and Children’s Cognitive Trajectories: Evidence from the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort Study“ (2016), S. 7

One third of 16-19 year-olds in England having low basic skills ...


England: „At present, initial schooling results in one third of 16-19 year-olds in England having low basic skills, and these poor outcomes by international standards depend more heavily on parental background than in most comparable countries.“

OECD, „Building Skills for All: A Review of England“ (2016), S. 61

The Netherlands differs from other early tracking countries ...


„The Netherlands differs from other early tracking countries as it has six or seven (depending on how they are counted) “early” tracks, rather than the more usual two or three.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 25

The Dutch school system is highly stratified ...


„The Dutch school system is highly stratified with extensive early tracking. Early tracking is controversial, but student outcomes in the Netherlands are good on average and in terms of equity.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 63

Niederlande: Tracking by ability takes place early and is intensive ...


Niederlande: „Tracking by ability takes place early and is intensive, with more tracks than almost any other OECD country. Since the Dutch school system performs well both on equity and on average, it is harder to advance the argument for radical change to establish a comprehensive school system.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 39

Secondary schools in the Netherlands are free to select students ...


„Secondary schools in the Netherlands are free to select students and impose additional selection requirements that may go beyond the primary school’s advice.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 68

Across OECD countries, more than 70 % of students are grouped by ability for mathematics classes ...


„Across OECD countries, more than 70 % of students attend schools whose principal reported that students are grouped by ability for mathematics classes.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 14

In Croatia, Hong Kong-China, Japan and the Netherlands, over 90 % of students attend selective schools ...


„In Croatia, Hong Kong-China, Japan and the Netherlands, over 90 % of students attend selective schools, i.e. schools where student academic performance and/or recommendations from feeder schools are always considered for admission.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 88

Most school systems aim to improve the effectiveness of teaching by sorting students ...


„Most school systems aim to improve the effectiveness of teaching by sorting students into relatively homogeneous groups according to their level of achievement.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 90

In several countries, within-schools ability grouping has increased ...


„In several countries, within-schools ability grouping has increased with the decline or the postponement of between-school tracking.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 96

Grouping students by ability ...


„Grouping students by ability within schools is another way of addressing students’ differences in readiness to learn.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 99

Ability grouping is relatively widespread across OECD countries ...


„Ability grouping is relatively widespread across OECD countries, with more than 70 % of students attending schools whose principal reported that students are grouped by ability for mathematics classes. Over 95 % of students in Australia, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Russian Federation, Singapore and the United Kingdom attend such schools.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equations and Inequalities“ (2016), S. 99

Two thirds of top doctors were educated at independent schools in England ...


England: „In medicine, nearly two thirds (61 %) of top doctors were educated at independent schools, nearly one quarter at grammar schools (22 %) and the remainder (16 %) comprehensives. […] In journalism, about half (51 %) of the country’s leading journalists were educated privately, less than one in five (19 %) went to comprehensives.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Leading People 2016 - The educational backgrounds of the UK professional elite“ (2016), S. 2

The educational backgrounds of the UK professional elite ...


England: „Over the last twenty-five years, 19 winners of the Nobel Prize have been born in the UK. Of those educated in the UK, 44 % attended independent schools, 50 % grammar schools and just over 6% went to comprehensives.“

Sutton Trust (Hrsg.), „Leading People 2016 - The educational backgrounds of the UK professional elite“ (2016), S. 41

England: Who achieves the highest grades at GSCE ...


„Students with the same primary school performance who attended selective or grammar schools were far more likely to achieve the highest grades at GCSE – 57 % compared with 32 % in non-selective schools.“

The Guardian online am 4. März 2015

In der Praxis niemals schulische Ungleichheit behoben ...


„Entwürfe für eine gemeinsame, homogene Beschulung aller Schüler lassen sich freilich kontinuierlich bis ins 17. Jahrhundert zurückverfolgen, jedoch ebenso die Tatsache, dass sie in der Praxis niemals schulische Ungleichheit behoben haben.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Hopmann, „Das „Equity-Paradox“. In: „Rademacher u. a., „Bildungsqualen“ (2015), S. 96f

Im Zuge integrierter Strukturen herrschen alles andere als homogene Zustände vor ...


„Im Zuge integrierter Strukturen herrschen alles andere als homogene Zustände vor. Stattdessen treten andere, scheinbar ‚legitimere‘ Differenzierungsmechanismen zu Tage: Differenzierungen nach Trägerschaft (z.B. privat versus öffentlich), nach Programm (Montessori, bilinguale, musisch, etc.), nach Sozialgeographie (Konzentration ‚gebildeter Schichten‘ im Einzugsbereich als ‚gut‘ angesehener Schulen) oder der Reproduktion von Unterschieden durch die Investition in nächst höhere Bildungsabschlüsse (Universität) sind keine Seltenheit.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Hopmann, „Das „Equity-Paradox“. In: „Rademacher u. a., „Bildungsqualen“ (2015), S. 97

Schulformspezifische Anforderungs- bzw. Leistungsmilieus bieten am ehesten leistungsförderliche Umgebungen ...


„Schulformspezifische Anforderungs- bzw. Leistungsmilieus bieten am ehesten leistungsförderliche Umgebungen für den effektiven Umgang mit Heterogenität. Zugleich garantieren solche differentiellen Entwicklungsmilieus größtmögliche Chancengerechtigkeit im Bildungsgang. Wissenschaftliche Belege für gegenteilige Behauptungen konnten trotz jahrzehntelanger Bemühungen bisher nicht erbracht werden.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „Begabungsförderung und Schulleistung“. In: „Katholische Bildung“, 2012, Heft 7/8, S. 305

Alle Gesamtschulsysteme haben andere Modi der Segregation entwickelt ...


„Alle Gesamtschulsysteme haben andere Modi der Segregation entwickelt. Der einfachste und banalste, der übrigens im Moment massiv im Vormarsch ist – da gibt es eine wunderbare 16-Cities-Studie, die sechzehn Großstädte in mehreren Ländern vergleicht –, ist Trägerschaft: öffentlich, privat, frei.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Hopmann, „Bildungsreform 2015 – Fortschritt oder Rückschritt?“, Keynote beim „Weis[s]en Salon“ vom 10. Dezember 2015

Wenn nach Leistung differenziert unterrichtet wird ...


„Wenn nach Leistung differenziert unterrichtet wird, gibt es weniger große Unterschiede zwischen Migranten und Nicht-Migranten, als wenn nicht leistungsdifferenziert unterrichtet wird.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Janna Teltemann, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv), November 2015, S. 13

Die Verfechter eines Modells heterogener Lerngruppen ...


„Die Verfechter eines Modells heterogener Lerngruppen können den Nachweis über deren positive Wirkung für Motivation und Lernleistung nicht erbringen und sie liefern auch kein didaktisches Modell für den Umgang mit Verschiedenheit in der unterrichtlichen Praxis.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Neumann, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv) vom November 2015, S. 34

Das Aptitude-Treatment-Interaction (ATI)-Modell ...


„Die für einen optimalen Schulerfolg notwendige Passung (sog. matching) zwischen individuellen Lernvoraussetzungen sowie schulischen Lern- und Leistungsanforderungen gelingt im Sinne des Aptitude-Treatment-Interaction (ATI)-Modells in homogeneren Lerngruppen besser als in stark heterogenen Begabungs- und Leistungsgruppen. Zudem wird damit das Prinzip der Chancengerechtigkeit nachweislich stärker unterstützt als in Einheitsschulen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „news&science“, Ausgabe 2, 2015, S. 8

Der Schereneffekt in leistungsheterogenen Lerngruppen ...


„Vor allem in leistungsheterogenen Lerngruppen werden im Sinne des Schereneffektes leistungsstärkere Schüler/innen stetig besser und leistungsschwächere zunehmend schwächer, sofern deren Vorkenntnis- bzw. Wissensdefizite nicht rechtzeitig beseitigt werden.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „news&science“, Ausgabe 2, 2015, S. 8

Aufholen zwischen 10 und 15 ...


„Beim Vergleich dieser beiden Studien zeigt sich, dass die Effektstärke des Leistungsunterschieds zwischen Schülerinnen und Schülern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund am Ende der Grundschule deutlich höher liegt als bei PISA.“

BIFIE (Hrsg.), „PIRLS & TIMSS 2011“ (2015), S. 79

Es gibt verschiedene Formen von ‚Gesamtschulen‘...


„Es gibt verschiedene Formen von ‚Gesamtschulen‘ und nicht alle diese Systeme führen zu hohen Leistungen und hoher sozialer Gerechtigkeit, Finnland ist eher eine Ausnahme als die Regel; neben der Zusammenfassung aller SchülerInnen in einer Schule.“

Dr. Lorenz Lassnigg, „Politics – Policy – Practice. Eckpunkte einer sinnvollen Weiterentwicklung des Schulwesens“ (2015), S. 115 

Österreich und Deutschland gehören zu den Staaten, in denen sozial bedingte Nachteile am besten ausgeglichen werden ...


„Some of the countries with the least inclusive systems of higher education (like Austria and Germany) are amongst the most effective in reducing relative inequalities, while countries like England, with higher HE participation rates, are much less effective in this respect.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Green u. a., „Why are Literacy and Numeracy Skills in England so Unequal?“ (2015), S. 52

Unterforderung ...


England: „Our most able students in non-selective schools are still not being challenged to achieve the highest levels of scholarship.“

Ofsted (Hrsg.), „The most able students“ (2015), S. 1

England: Only 11 % of students from state-funded schools go on to top universities ...


England: „Only 11 % of students from state-funded schools go on to top universities. This continues to compare badly with the proportion of students from independent schools when the figure rises to 37 %.“

Ofsted (Hrsg.), „The most able students“ (2015), S. 8

USA: Class-based disparities ...


USA: „Since the 1970s, increasing class-based residential segregation has been translated into de facto class-based school segregation. Schoolchildren from the top half of the income distribution increasingly attend private schools or live in better school districts.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 39

USA: Residential sorting by income ...


USA: „Residential sorting by income over the last 30 to 40 years has shunted high-income and low-income students into separate schools. […] Most parents now pay close attention to it when deciding where to live. This is true even of parents who have only modest educations themselves.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 163

USA: Houses near a high-scoring public school cost more ...


USA: „Houses near a high-scoring public school cost more than $200,000 more than comparable houses near low-scoring schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 164

USA: Better teachers in upper-income schools ...


USA: „Better teachers, who can have a substantial effect on student success in later life, are disproportionately found in upper-income, high-performance schools, whereas more transient, less capable teachers are disproportionately found in lower-income, low-performance schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Putnam, „Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis“ (2015), S. 172

On average across 26 EU 13 % of 15-year-olds are in schools reporting that students are grouped by ability within their Mathematics classes ...


„On average across 26 EU 13 % of 15-year-olds are in schools reporting that students are grouped by ability within their Mathematics classes in all classes; 33 % are in schools whose students are grouped by ability within their classes in some classes and 54 % are in schools reporting they are not grouped by ability within any of their classes.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Teaching Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools in Europe“ (2015), S. 76

When students are presented with information and materials beyond their current skill level ...


„When students are presented with information and materials beyond their current skill level, they become frustrated and may engage in behaviours that avoid engagement in the lesson.“

Gabriela Moriconi u. a., „Supporting teachers and schools to promote positive student behaviour in England and Ontario (Canada)“ (2015), S. 14

In the United Kingdom over 94 % of 15-year-olds are grouped by ability within their Mathematics classes ...


„In the United Kingdom over 94 % of 15-year-olds are in schools where school principals reported that students are grouped by ability within their Mathematics classes for all or some classes.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Teaching Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools in Europe“ (2015), S. 76

Clear advantage for children who attend a Grammar or a private secondary school ...


England: „We find a clear advantage for children who attend a Grammar or a private secondary school.“

Dr. Abigail McKnight, „Downward mobility, opportunity hoarding and the ‚glass floor‘“ (2015), S. 40

In primary education, differentiation is a topic of great concern ...


„In primary education, differentiation is a topic of great concern to teachers. […] The desire to fit their instruction to the needs of individual students has led to some widely adopted grouping practices in primary education.“

Dr. Marjolein Deunk u. a., „Differentiation within and across classrooms“ (2015), S. 26

Setting or regrouping is used frequently in some countries ...


„Setting or regrouping is used frequently in some countries such as the United Kingdom and Australia. This is mostly true in the upper primary school grades. For instance, almost 40 percent of grade 5 and 6 teachers in the United Kingdom use setting for mathematics instruction.“

Dr. Marjolein Deunk u. a., „Differentiation within and across classrooms“ (2015), S. 26

Die sich häufenden Misserfolge führen zu Motivationsverlusten ...


„Die sich häufenden Misserfolge, Frustrations- und Stigmatisierungsgefühle und andauernde Konfliktsituationen im schulischen Alltag führen auf Seiten der Jugendlichen zu Motivationsverlusten und lassen die Jugendlichen an ihren Fähigkeiten zweifeln, die Schule bewältigen zu können.“

ihs (Hrsg.), „Ausbildung bis 18“ (2015), S. 65

Students in secondary education are generally assigned to educational tracks ...


„Students in secondary education are generally assigned to educational tracks or grouped for specific subjects, mostly language and math (setting). Tracking and setting are based on student’s cognitive abilities, leading to homogeneous classes or courses.“

Dr. Marjolein Deunk u. a., „Differentiation within and across classrooms“ (2015), S. 38

In the United States or the United Kingdom, tracking is mainly practiced as grouping ...


„In the United States or the United Kingdom, tracking is mainly practiced as grouping of students at the class or course level, while students stay in the same school.“

Prof. Dr. Florian Klapproth, „Do Algorithms Homogenize Students’ Achievements in Secondary School Better Than Teachers’ Tracking Decisions?“ in „Educatrion Policy Analysis Archives“, 23(62), 2015, S. 3

School systems with hierarchical tracks ...


„In school systems with hierarchical tracks, as they are common in some European countries (e.g., Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria), but also in Korea, China, Brazil, Russia, and Japan, tracking does take place at the school level. In these school systems, students are allocated by teachers to different schools with different curricula and different final degrees on the basis of their achievements and interests in primary school.“

Prof. Dr. Florian Klapproth, „Do Algorithms Homogenize Students’ Achievements in Secondary School Better Than Teachers’ Tracking Decisions?“ in „Educatrion Policy Analysis Archives“, 23(62), 2015, S. 3

England: Problem of underachievement worsens in the final years of lower secondary education ...


„England’s average position in the PISA 2012 study compared to above average performance in the IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) of fourth and eighth graders (years 5 and 9 in the UK), indicates that the problem of underachievement worsens in the final years of lower secondary education.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2015 - Country analysis“ (2015), S. 274

Ability gaps across individuals and between socio-economic groups open up at early ages ...


„Ability gaps across individuals and between socio-economic groups open up at early ages, for both cognitive and socio-emotional skills. Cognitive abilities become stable around the age of ten, suggesting that environmental conditions below this age are important and that early policy interventions pay off more than later interventions.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Giorgio Brunello, „Books are Forever: Early Life Conditions, Education and Lifetime Earnings in Europe“. In: „The Economic Journal“ 127 (2015), S. 287

Students with different academic abilities ...


„Students with different academic abilities and needs were less likely to attend the same school in 2012 than in 2003, on average across OECD countries.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus 52“ (Juni 2015), S. 1

Eine Optimierung individueller Bildungs- und somit auch Berufs- und Lebenschancen erfordert […] ausreichende Differenzierungsangebote ...


„Eine Optimierung individueller Bildungs- und somit auch Berufs- und Lebenschancen erfordert […] ausreichende unterrichtliche und schulische Differenzierungsangebote. Diese sind mit einem radikalen Inklusionskonzept nicht ohne Leistungseinbußen (bei allen Schülerinnen/Schülern) zu ersetzen, wie vorliegende Inklusionsstudien und einschlägige Praxiserfahrungen eindrucksvoll dokumentieren.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „news&science“, Ausgabe 2, 2015, S. 8

Kinder kommen mit Erfahrungs- und Entwicklungsunterschieden ...


„Kinder kommen mit Erfahrungs- und Entwicklungsunterschieden von drei bis vier Jahren in die Schule. Was kann da ein gleicher Unterricht für alle bewirken, wie er heute noch in vielen Schulen üblich ist – und durch die Standardisierung eher wieder zunehmen wird?“ Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Brügelmann, „Vermessene Schulen – standardisierte Schüler“ (2015), S. 49

A diversity of education programmes gives more chances to students ...


„A diversity of education programmes gives more chances to students to find the types of programmes that correspond to their needs, expectations and skills, and to continue education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Skills Outlook 2015“ (2015), S. 61

Multiple pathways within the education system provide greater opportunities for all youth to succeed ...


„Multiple pathways within the education system provide greater opportunities for all youth to succeed.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Skills Outlook 2015“ (2015), S. 61

People sometimes incorrectly assume that equity in education means all students should be taught the same curriculum ...


„People sometimes incorrectly assume that equity in education means all students should be taught the same curriculum, or should achieve the same learning outcomes in school.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, „Finnish Lessons 2.0“ (2015), S. 61

Leistungsschwächere geraten in Einheitsschulen an den Rand ...


„In comprehensive education systems, teachers appear to provide high-expectation students with more support and caring than their low-expectation schoolmates.“

Dr. Svenja Vieluf u. a., „Who has a good relationship with the teachers? A comparison of comprehensive education systems with education systems using between-school tracking“. In: „Oxford Review of Education“ (2015), Vol. 41, No. 1, S. 17

In tracked education systems, teachers appear to provide more equal support ...


„In tracked education systems, teachers appear to provide more equal support and caring to low and high achievers and to students from different socioeconomic backgrounds within the same school. Moreover, schools with disadvantaged student populations seem to develop an especially supportive learning environment.“

Dr. Svenja Vieluf u. a., „Who has a good relationship with the teachers? A comparison of comprehensive education systems with education systems using between-school tracking“ in „Oxford Review of Education“ (2015), Vol. 41, No. 1, S. 19

Low achievers and students from disadvantaged backgrounds ...


„Low achievers and students from disadvantaged backgrounds feel less supported than their schoolmates in education systems that teach students in comprehensive schools, while no such within-school disparities were observed in tracked education systems.“

Dr. Svenja Vieluf u. a., „Who has a good relationship with the teachers? A comparison of comprehensive education systems with education systems using between-school tracking“ in „Oxford Review of Education“ (2015), Vol. 41, No. 1, S. 20

Niederlande: Selection occurs with the advice of the teacher as main determinant ...


Niederlande: „At the end of primary school, around age 12, pupils choose one of three options: pre-vocational secondary education (vmbo, 4 years), senior general secondary education (havo, 5 years) or pre university education (vwo, 6 years). Selection occurs with the advice of the teacher as main determinant, although a national test (CITO-toets) taken by most children also plays a large role.”

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 44f

Differenzierung in Helsinkis Grundschulwesen ...


„In Helsinki there are also bilingual elementary schools, where children receive teaching in both Finnish and another language (e.g., English, French, German or Russian). These schools select their pupils according to their own criteria.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marca Wolfensberger, „Talent Development in European Higher Education“ (2015), S. 159

Die innere Differenzierung hat das Potenzial zu einer erheblichen, direkten Diskriminierung ...


„Die innere Differenzierung hat das Potenzial zu einer erheblichen, direkten Diskriminierung.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Dollase, „Die Vision des Machbaren“ in „Die politische Meinung“ Nr. 525, März/April 2014, S. 68

In den USA sind Formen des Tracking ziemlich selbstverständlich ...


„In den USA sind Formen des Tracking beispielsweise ziemlich selbstverständlich bis in die Grundschule hinein verbreitet.“

Dr. Lorenz Lassnigg u. a., „Das österreichische Modell der Formation von Kompetenzen im Vergleich“ in Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Schlüsselkompetenzen von Erwachsenen – Vertiefende Analysen der PIAAC-Erhebung 2001/12“ (2014), S. 61

Vermutlich ist das Tracking in den Niederlanden am stärksten von allen ausgewählten Ländern ausgeprägt ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Vermutlich ist das Tracking in den Niederlanden am stärksten von allen ausgewählten Ländern ausgeprägt, mehr als in Deutschland und Österreich und auch stärker als im Vereinigten Königreich als sonstiger Spitzenreiter.“

Dr. Lorenz Lassnigg u. a., „Das österreichische Modell der Formation von Kompetenzen im Vergleich“. In: Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), „Schlüsselkompetenzen von Erwachsenen – Vertiefende Analysen der PIAAC-Erhebung 2001/12“ (2014), S. 62

Tracking is commonplace in the majority of American high schools ...

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„Tracking, the practice of grouping students by achievement levels into differentiated curricula, is commonplace in the majority of American high schools. […] “Tracking” also exists in many other countries. In some of these countries (including other Anglo countries and some Nordic countries), tracking is similar to that in the United States and consists of offering courses at varying levels of difficulty in one or more subjects within a school.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Chmielewski, „An International Comparison of Achievement Inequality in Within- and Between-School Tracking Systems“ in „American Journal of Education“, Vol. 120, No. 3 (2014), S. 293

The countries with the highest rates of course-by-course tracking ...


„The countries with the highest rates of course-by-course tracking are Anglo countries (the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand).“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Chmielewski, „An International Comparison of Achievement Inequality in Within- and Between-School Tracking Systems“ in „American Journal of Education“, Vol. 120, No. 3 (2014), S. 297

USA: Almost half of secondary school teachers say that students’ learning abilities have become so mixed in their classrooms that they cannot teach effectively ...


USA: „Almost half of secondary school teachers say that students’ learning abilities have become so mixed in their classrooms that they cannot teach effectively.“
Dr. Mariana Haynes, „On the path to equity: Improving the effectiveness of beginning teachers“ (2014), S. 8

Singapore moved away from its earlier one-size-fits-all approach to schooling ...


„In January 1979, a new education system was introduced. Singapore moved away from its earlier one-size-fits-all approach to schooling to create multiple pathways for students in order to reduce the drop-out rate, improve quality and produce the more technically-skilled labour force needed to achieve the new economic goals. Streaming (tracking) based on academic ability was introduced, starting in elementary schools […] While streaming was unpopular when it was introduced, drop-out rates did, in fact, decline significantly: by 1986, only 6 % of students were leaving school with fewer than 10 years of education. The range of efforts to raise standards also yielded results: performance in the O-level English examinations went from a 60 % failure rate to a 90 % pass rate by 1984, and by 1995 Singapore led the world in mathematics and science on TIMSS.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Lessons from PISA for Korea“ (2014), S. 135f

Ability grouping across classes ...


„Ability grouping across classes is used relatively often in Sweden: 57 % of students are in schools with one form of grouping used for all classes.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Resources, Policies and Practices in Sweden’s Schooling System“ (2014), S. 17

The influence of parental education ...


„The influence of parental education on the educational performance of migrants is weaker in highly and moderately differentiated education systems than in comprehensive systems.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jaap Dronkers u. a., „Migrant pupils’ scientific performance“ (2014), S. 19f

Kinder sollten gefordert und gefördert werden ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Kinder sollten gefordert und gefördert werden, damit sich für jeden das maximal mögliche Niveau kognitiver Grundfähigkeiten herausbilden kann. Fordern und fördern heißt, dass den jeweiligen Prädispositionen entsprechende Angebote gemacht werden, die weder unter- noch überfordern.“

Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (Hrsg.), „Frühkindliche Sozialisation“ (2014), S. 88

Schweden: Learning hindered by heterogeneous ability levels within the class ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Around every second student in Sweden attends a school whose principal reported that learning is at least to some extent hindered by heterogeneous ability levels within the class.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Resources, Policies and Practices in Sweden’s Schooling System“ (2014), S. 18

Teaching to a wide range of student abilities ...


„Teaching to a wide range of student abilities in one classs can also be a challenge.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2013 Results“ (2014), S. 190

Educating a class where students have a similar achievement level ...


„Educating a class where students have a similar achievement level has been seen as more efficient and less demanding for the teacher than educating a class with students with very heterogeneous achievement levels.“

Paule Schaltz u. a., „The Effect of Ability-based Tracking in Secondary School on Subsequent School Achievement“ in „British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science“ 4(4), 2014, S. 442

Die meisten entwickelten Staaten setzen auf Differenzierung ...


„Most school systems in developed countries around the world practice some form of tracking.“

Dr. Anna Chmielewski u. a., „Tracking Effects Depend on Tracking Type“. In: „American Educational Research Journal“, October 2013, Vol. 50, No. 5, S. 926

USA setzen beim Lesen und in der Mathematik vermehrt auch schon in der Grundschule auf Differenzierung ...


„A new analysis from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a Census-like agency for school statistics, shows that of the fourth-grade teachers surveyed, 71 percent said they had grouped students by reading ability in 2009, up from 28 percent in 1998. In math, 61 percent of fourth-grade teachers reported ability grouping in 2011, up from 40 percent in 1996.“

fairfieldmathadvocates.com am 9. Juni 2013

Flexible ability grouping is effective ...


„The latest evidence makes clear that flexible ability grouping is effective, enabling students to make the types of gains all educators should desire and expect.“

Dr. Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, fairfieldmathadvocates.com am 20. Mai 2013

Leistungsmotivation und Anstrengungsbereitschaft schwächerer Schüler in Einheitsschulen beeinträchtigt ...


„Andauernde Überforderung und häufige Misserfolge schwächerer Schüler in Einheitsschulen beeinträchtigen zunehmend das Selbstvertrauen in die eigenen Fähigkeiten und schließlich auch die Leistungsmotivation und Anstrengungsbereitschaft.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „Gymnasium in Niedersachsen“ 3/2013, S. 19

Weniger Bildungsgerechtigkeit durch Einheits- oder Gemeinschaftsschulen ...


„Einheits- oder Gemeinschaftsschulen, die mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit durch ‚längeres gemeinsames Lernen‘ versprechen, sind […] nach den Befunden von TIMSS, PISA bzw. PISA-E oder der IGLU- und IQB-Studien dazu weniger in der Lage als das hierzulande etablierte (gegliederte) Schulsystem.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „Gymnasium in Niedersachsen“ 3/2013, S. 19

Die ostasiatischen Spitzenreiter in den jüngsten internationalen Schulstudien wie Hongkong, Korea oder Singapur bieten sogar vier oder mehr Tracks (Schulformen) an ...


„Die ostasiatischen Spitzenreiter in den jüngsten internationalen Schulstudien wie Hongkong, Korea oder Singapur bieten sogar vier oder mehr Tracks (Schulformen) an, was indirekt auch den PISA- und TIMSS-Erfolg deutscher Bundesländer mit gegliederten (Sekundar-)Schulsystemen erklärt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „Gymnasium in Niedersachsen“ 3/2013, S. 20

Das gegliederte Schulwesen hat sich eindeutig als überlegen erwiesen ...


„Das gegliederte Schulwesen hat sich eindeutig als überlegen erwiesen, gerade auch im Hinblick auf den sozialen Chancenausgleich und individuelle Bildungserfolge. Die wissenschaftlichen Fakten sprechen für mehr und nicht für weniger Differenzierung.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, Metropolregion Rheinneckar News vom 13. März 2013

Es gibt kein belastbares empirisches Ergebnis, dass längeres gemeinsames Lernen heterogener Gruppen zu besseren Ergebnissen führt ...


„Es gibt kein belastbares empirisches Ergebnis, dass längeres gemeinsames Lernen heterogener Gruppen zu besseren Ergebnissen führt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Neumann, Rheinische Post vom 19. Februar 2013

Notwendigkeit von mehr und nicht von weniger Differenzierung im Schulwesen ...


„Sowohl schulpraktische Erfahrungen als auch wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der vergangenen drei Jahrzehnte sprechen für die Notwendigkeit von mehr und nicht von weniger Differenzierung im Schulwesen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, Schwäbische Zeitung ONLINE am 9. Jänner 2013

China: Nach der Kulturrevolution ‚Schlüsselschulen‘ auf Mittelschulniveau wieder eröffnet ...


China: „Nach der Kulturrevolution legte man nun wieder eindeutig Wert auf Qualität in der Bildung. So eröffnete man die in den 1950er Jahren bereits eingeführten und während der Kulturrevolution abgeschafften ‚Schlüsselschulen‘ auf Mittelschulniveau wieder.“

Caroline Glöckner, „Das Bildungswesen in China“. In: „Christel Adick (Hrsg.), „Bildungsentwicklungen und Schulsysteme in Afrika, Asien, Lateinamerika und der Karibik“ (2013), S. 199f

Die für den Schulerfolg notwendige Passung gelingt offensichtlich in homogeneren Lerngruppen besser ...


„Die für den Schulerfolg notwendige Passung (sog. matching) zwischen den individuellen Lernvoraussetzungen einerseits sowie den schulischen Lern- und Leistungsanforderungen andererseits gelingt offensichtlich in homogeneren Lerngruppen besser als in stark heterogenen Begabungs- bzw. Leistungsgruppen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „Muss eine inklusive ‚Schule für alle‘ die Auflösung des gegliederten Schulsystems zur Folge haben?“. In: Brodkorb u. a. (Hrsg.), „Inklusion – Ende des gegliederten Schulsystems?“ (2013), S. 58

Strong evidence that sorting students into more homogeneous groups is beneficial, particularly for sorting by previous testing score ...


„We find strong evidence that sorting students into more homogeneous groups is beneficial, particularly for sorting by previous testing score. […] This is consistent with the hypothesis that dividing students into more homogeneous groups allows teachers to direct their focus to a more narrow range of students and meet the needs of their particular classroom more efficiently.“

Courtney A. Collins, „Does Sorting Students Improve Scores“ (2013), S. 19f

Tracking within schools is common and on the rise in the U.S., the U.K., and Japan ...


„The U.S., the U.K., and Japan essentially keep their entire secondary education system comprehensive – although tracking within schools is common and on the rise in these countries.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Dustmann u.a., „The Long-Term Effects of Early Track Choice“ (2013), S. 2

Leistungsdifferenzierung ...


„In many countries, assessment results are used to stream students according to their ability levels within schools, or to select them into certain types of schools.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Synergies for Better Learning“ (2013), S. 153

Leistungsdifferenzierung OECD-weit üblich ...


„Schools in most OECD countries use student assessment results in order to group students by ability within classrooms or between classrooms.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Synergies for Better Learning“ (2013), S. 209

Leistungsdifferenzierung im OECD-Mittel ...


„On average across OECD countries, 13 % of students are in schools whose principals reported that students are grouped by ability in all subjects, 55 % are in schools whose principals reported that students are grouped by ability in some subjects and 32 % are in schools whose principals reported that there was no ability grouping.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Synergies for Better Learning“ (2013), S. 209

Italian education becomes worse after primary school ...


„Italian education is good at primary school, it becomes worse in the subsequent levels.“

Erica Raimondi, „Schools and Social Origins“ (2013), S. 8

Cluster grouping enables gifted students ...


„Cluster grouping enables gifted students, as well as all the other students, to make meaningful progress.“

Dr. Dina Brulles u.a., „Clustered for Success“ in „Educational Leadership“ (Februar 2012), S. 41

Selbst bei gegebener Kooperationsbereitschaft auf allen Seiten ...


„Jenseits der personalen Leistungsvoraussetzungen auf Seiten der Lehrkräfte führen die Heterogenität der Leistungsvoraussetzung ihrer Schüler, die Klassengröße und die Fülle der zu behandelnden Themen dazu, dass selbst bei gegebener Kooperationsbereitschaft auf allen Seiten die beruflichen Ziele nicht ausreichend erreicht werden können.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Sieland, „Wie gehen Lehrkräfte mit Belastungen um?“. In: Martin Rothland (Hrsg.), „Belastung und Beanspruchung im Lehrerberuf“ (2012), S. 207

Hollands differenziertes Schulwesen ...

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„In secondary education, the highest performing Dutch students seem to catch up with their international peers to some extent, which could be due to ability tracking.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henry Levin u. a., „Does educational privatisation promote social justice?“ in „Oxford Review of Education“, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 4, S. 524

Besondere Herausforderung für den schulischen Alltag ...


„Bei der Zusammensetzung von Klassen wird eine starke Heterogenität der Schülerschaft vielfach als besondere Herausforderung für den schulischen Alltag und die Lern- und Vermittlungsprozesse angesehen.“

Dr. Kerstin Drossel u. a., „Merkmale der Lehr- und Lernbedingungen im Primarbereich“ in in Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilfried Bos u. a., „TIMSS 2011“ (2012), S. 188

Die beruflichen Ziele nicht ausreichend erreicht ...


„Jenseits der personalen Leistungsvoraussetzungen auf Seiten der Lehrkräfte führen die Heterogenität der Leistungsvoraussetzung ihrer Schüler, die Klassengröße und die Fülle der zu behandelnden Themen dazu, dass selbst bei gegebener Kooperationsbereitschaft auf allen Seiten die beruflichen Ziele nicht ausreichend erreicht werden können.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Sieland, „Wie gehen Lehrkräfte mit Belastungen um?“ in Rothland (Hrsg.), „Belastung und Beanspruchung im Lehrerberuf“ (2012), S. 207

The influence of parental education on the educational performance of immigrants ...


„The influence of parental education on the educational performance of immigrants is weaker in highly and moderately differentiated education systems than in comprehensive systems.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jaap Dronkers u.a., „Immigrant Pupils‘ Scientific Performance“ (2012), S. 13

Dänemark: No changes in reading scores from PISA 2000 to PISA 2009 ...


Dänemark: „PIRLS 2006 showed that in fourth grade, reading performance had increased with the equivalent of one school year since 1991, but no changes in reading scores from PISA 2000 to PISA 2009 have been recorded.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Niels Egelund, „Northern Lights on PISA 2009 – focus on reading“ (2012), S. 196

Dänemark: In PISA 2009, about 8 % of all Danish students were excluded from the PISA test and survey due to language disabilities or special education needs ...


Dänemark: „In PISA 2009, about 8 % of all Danish students were excluded from the PISA test and survey due to language disabilities or special education needs. Most likely, some of these were immigrant students with poor Danish language skills.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Niels Egelund u.a., „PISA Ethnic 2009 – immigrant and native Danish students‘ results in PISA 2009“. In: Niels Egelund (Hrsg.), „Northern Lights on PISA 2009 – focus on reading“ (2012), S. 16

In Österreich, wo wesentlich mehr SchülerInnen die Unterrichtssprache nicht als Umgangssprache sprechen, wurde nicht einmal 1 % der SchülerInnen von der Testung ausgeschlossen …

The tracking of students by ability into different schools is a common phenomenon in developed countries ...


„The tracking of students by ability into different schools is a common phenomenon in developed countries.“

Dr. Nina Guyon u.a., „The Effect of Tracking Students by Ability into Different Schools“ (2012), S. 22

Low-ability children placed in a high-ability group may lose interest in learning activities ...


„Low-ability children placed in a high-ability group may lose interest in learning activities beyond their reach and may consequently display a lower learning rate than their high-ability peers.“

Dr. Guanglei Hong, University of Chicago, „Differential Effects of Literacy Instruction Time and Homogeneous Ability Grouping in Kindergarten Classrooms: Who Will Benefit? Who Will Suffer?“. In: „Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis“ (2012), S. 75

More realistic expectations if differentiation is based on merit ...


„Systems that separate students into different types of schools provide for more realistic expectations if differentiation is based on merit.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Grade Expectation“ (2012), S. 10

Where primary schools are allowed to be selective academically ...


„Only in four countries (Czech Republic, England, Estonia and Finland) are primary schools allowed to be selective academically.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „School Choice and Equity“ (2012), S. 15

Between-class achievement grouping is common in high schools ...


„Between-class achievement grouping is common in high schools, and is also practised in a number of primary schools in various countries.“

Suzanne Macqueen, „Academic outcomes from between-class achievement grouping: the Australian primary context“ in „Australian Educational Researcher“ 39, 2012, S. 59

Secondary schooling is generally characterized by the grouping of learners ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Unlike most elementary school systems, secondary schooling is generally characterized by the grouping of learners in one way or another, based on the rationale that teaching is easier and more effective in groups of students with more homogeneous abilities and interests.“

Dr. Michael Becker u. a., „The Differential Effects of School Tracking on Psychometric Intelligence“ in „Journal of Educational Psychology“, 2012, Vol. 104, No. 3, S. 684

High-quality and demanding learning environments and schools are important ...


„High-quality and demanding learning environments and schools are important – not only for content-specific knowledge and skills but also for more general cognitive abilities that are not taught (directly) in the classroom.“

Dr. Michael Becker u. a., „The Differential Effects of School Tracking on Psychometric Intelligence“ in „Journal of Educational Psychology“, 2012, Vol. 104, No. 3, S. 696

Slowenien: The highly complex process of talent nomination and identification starts at age 9 ...


Slowenien: „The highly complex process of talent nomination and identification starts at age 9, as is recommended by development psychologists, and special development starts in Grade 4.“

Anna Cseh, „National and Local Achievements of the Slovenian Talent Support Programme“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support II. Best practices within and without the European Union II“ (2012), S. 143f

Singapur: A system of educational streaming was introduced in the 1970s to ensure the highest possible primary-school completion rates ...


Singapur: „A system of educational streaming was introduced in the 1970s to ensure the highest possible primary-school completion rates. The system channels students finishing 6-year primary school to the normal technical, normal academic and social, and express educational streams, respectively, based on their performance measurement results (the better their performance, the more academic type of education they receive).“

Dr. János Gordon Győri u. a., „Mathematical Talent Support at the National University of Singapore High School of Mathematics and Science“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support II. Best practices within and without the European Union II“ (2012), S. 126

The most important thing for talented children is to develop appropriate contacts with peers active in the same field of interest ...


„The most important thing for talented children is to develop appropriate contacts with peers active in the same field of interest. A healthy competitive spirit is also necessary for outstanding performance.“

Balázs Hornyák, „The Millennium Youth Camp for Young Researchers in Finland”. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support II. Best practices within and without the European Union II“ (2012), S. 29f

Students with lower achievement levels can benefit from selective schooling ...


„Students with lower achievement levels […] can benefit from selective schooling because when they are grouped with other less achieving students, their frame-of-reference contains, on average, less able peers. Hence, their ASC (Anm.: ASC = academic self-concept) will be more positive than if they had been placed in a classroom with high achieving students.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Nagengast u. a., „Big fish in little ponds aspire more“ (2012), S. 6

Vietnam: Specialized schools and classes for children with good and excellent performance ...


Vietnam: „In Vietnam, children with good and excellent performance are identified and selected into special classes at most primary and secondary schools (usually called specialized classes). […] Specialized schools are established at upper secondary level for students with excellent achievements in learning to develop their talents in certain subjects while assuring comprehensive general education.“

Nguyen Van Tuan u. a., „Talent Support in Vietnamese Education“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support II. Best practices within and without the European Union II“ (2012), S. 193f

Vietnam: Process to select the gifted math students and intensively develop their talent according to their own requirements ...


Vietnam: „From the late 1980s, gifted math classes of the universities and then gifted schools around the country have conducted their independent entrance examination process so as to select the gifted math students and intensively develop their talent according to their own requirements.“

Nguyen Van Tuan u. a., „Talent Support in Vietnamese Education“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support II. Best practices within and without the European Union II“ (2012), S. 204f

Students’ expectations are more realistic in education systems that separate students into different types of schools ...


„In education systems that separate students into different types of schools, students’ expectations are more realistic than in systems that have a comprehensive approach to schooling at the primary and lower secondary levels.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Grade Expectation“ (2012), S. 26

It is no longer seen as adequate to provide equal access to the same ‚one size fits all‘ educational opportunity ...


„Increasingly, it is no longer seen as adequate to provide equal access to the same ‚one size fits all‘ educational opportunity. More and more, the focus is shifting towards providing education that promotes equity by recognising and meeting different educational needs.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Equity and Quality in Education“ (2012), S. 17

Mit unterschiedlichen Potenzialen auf die Welt kommen ...


„Immer mehr Befunde der Genetik, der Neurowissenschaften, der Psychologie zeigen, dass wir eben nicht von Geburt an alle gleich sind, sondern mit unterschiedlichen Potenzialen auf die Welt kommen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Aljoscha C. Neubauer, Die Presse vom 19. November 2011

Bildungswissenschaftliche Evidenz ...


„Die Daten, die wir heute haben, können nur die Forderung stützen, dass wir nach Begabung differenzieren müssen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Neumann, Rheinische Post vom 19. Oktober 2011

Schulen mit einem ähnlichen Leistungsspektrum ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Wenn Schüler mit riesigen Leistungsunterschieden dauernd im direkten Vergleich stehen, kann das auch demotivierend wirken. In Schulen mit einem ähnlichen Leistungsspektrum lässt sich leichter Motivation aufbauen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dieter Neumann, Rheinische Post vom 19. Oktober 2011

Das gleiche Angebot für alle erzeugt Differenz ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Das gleiche Angebot für alle erzeugt Differenz. Wenn man Mindestvoraussetzungen und Anschlussfähigkeit im Lernen erreichen will, muss man für Kinder, die Hilfe benötigen, zusätzliche Lernzeit zur Verfügung stellen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Baumert, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 13. Oktober 2011

A strong technical rationale for tracking ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„Within the overall context of an educational system designed to meet the needs of the labor market, there is […] a strong technical rationale for tracking.“

Dr. Sean Kelly u. a., „The Correlates of Tracking Policy“. In: „American Educational Research Journal, Juni 2011, Vol 48, No. 3, S. 564

Singapur: In der 5. und 6. Klasse in einer Orientierungsstufe nach Leistungsfähigkeit getrennt ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

Singapur: „Nach einem vierjährigen gemeinsamen Unterricht werden in der 5. und 6. Klasse die Schüler in einer Orientierungsstufe nach ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit getrennt unterrichtet.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Brenner, „Das Gymnasium in Bayern“ (April 2011), S. 31

Finnland: Wo die guten Schulen sind, kostet Wohnen zwei- bis dreimal so viel ...


„Wenn ich in Helsinki wohne oder in Oslo, weiß ich exakt, in welchen Bezirk ich ziehe, wo die guten Schulen sind. Da kostet Wohnen aber zwei- bis dreimal so viel.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Hopmann, „drinnen und draußen“ 3/2011

Beträchtliche Qualitätsdifferenzen ...


„In den meisten Ländern mit einem Gesamtschulsystem existieren beträchtliche Qualitätsdifferenzen gerade bei öffentlichen Schulen.“

Univ.-Doz. Dr. Peter Ulram, Die Presse vom 15. Jänner 2011

In Südtirol geben einige Schulen, mehrheitlich italienische Schulen, an, dass sie in allen Fächern Leistungsgruppen bilden ...


„In Südtirol geben einige Schulen, mehrheitlich italienische Schulen, an, dass sie in allen Fächern Leistungsgruppen bilden. Die Schüler und Schülerinnen in diesen Schulen erzielen deutlich höhere Ergebnisse (541) als die Schüler und Schülerinnen in den Schulen, in der die Leitung angegeben hat, dass keine Leistungsgruppen oder Leistungsgruppen in einigen Fächern gebildet werden (494).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2009 – Ergebnisse Südtirol“ (2011), S. 123

Spanien nimmt an Deutschland Maß ...


„Spanish education has been adjusted to the European standards. As a result, it devotes increasing attention to the very able, mainly according to the German model.“

Istvan Benyhe, „Links between of Spanish Public Education and Gifted Education“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support. Best practices within and without the European Union“ (2011), S. 191

Spanien: Special reference to obligations related to those with outstanding abilities ...


Spanien: „The Spanish Public Education Act acknowledges the right of students to have the highest-level public education matching their talents/gifts, and it makes special reference to obligations related to those with outstanding abilities. […] There are numberless new programmes in this area, and Spain has joined the international and European systems of talent development.“

Istvan Benyhe, „Links between of Spanish Public Education and Gifted Education“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support. Best practices within and without the European Union“ (2011), S. 191

Sloweniens Differenzierung ab 9 ...


„It is common practice that children are divided into groups according to their class performance in maths, Slovenian language and foreign languages in every class, both in cycles 2 and 3.“

Anna Cseh, „Programmes of talent identification and talent management in Slovenia“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support. Best practices within and without the European Union“ (2011), S. 171

Singapur: 'Special Stream' which gathers the top 10 % best-performing students ...


Singapur: „In the first four years of secondary education, the subsequent level, students are distributed in several streams. There is a 'Special Stream' which gathers the top 10 % best-performing students. Children in this stream learn English and their mother tongue (Malay, Chinese etc.) at the highest linguistic level. The Special Stream is followed by the 'Express', the 'Normal Academic' and the 'Normal Vocational' streams, respectively, the academic quality of which decreases in that order.“

Dr. János Gordon Győri, „Talent Support in Southeast Asia: The Singapore Example“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support. Best practices within and without the European Union“ (2011), S. 148

The direct effect of parental ESCS (Anm.: ESCS = Economic, Social and Cultural Status) is strongest in comprehensive systems ...


„The direct effect of parental ESCS (Anm.: ESCS = Economic, Social and Cultural Status) is strongest in comprehensive systems, and smaller in moderately and strongly stratified educational systems …“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jaap Dronkers u.a., „The effects of educational systems, school-composition, track-level, parental background and immigrants’ origins“ (2011), S. 15f

Singapore’s Primary School leaving Examination at the end of Year 6 ...


„Singapore’s Primary School leaving Examination at the end of Year 6 is not just one more standardized test. It carries astonishingly high stakes. Pupils’ scores affect the status of the secondary school they or their parents might be able to choose and the stream (or track) that they will be assigned to.”

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Hargreaves u. a., „The global fourth way“ (2011), S. 74

Highly diversified models of provision can promote high levels of completion ...


„The highly diversified models of provision in countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and Austria can promote high levels of completion. The percentage of 15- to 19-year-olds not in education or training is relatively low in countries that have such arrangements.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Lamb, „Pathways to School Completion: An International Comparison“. In: Lamb u.a., „School Dropout and Completion“ (2011), S. 60

Leistungsdifferenzierung in den USA ...


„There is a high prevalence of informal streaming and tracking within schools in the United States, often starting in the early grades and particularly so in high schools (e.g. Advanced Placement courses, honours courses, etc.)“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education – Lessons from PISA for the United States“ (2011), S. 48

Students in Canada are grouped by ability in ways that are very similar to the United States’ system ...


„Students in Canada are grouped by ability in ways that are very similar to the United States’ system. Elementary school-aged children are often placed in ability groups within heterogeneous classrooms. Students in secondary schools are placed into tracks or streams, based on perceived ability levels.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education“ (2011), S. 67

Singapur: Streaming was introduced to reduce the high drop-out rates ...


Singapur: „Streaming was introduced to reduce the high drop-out rates from the system; although controversial, it was successful. Today, with a secondary school graduation rate of 98 % (10th grade), the gaps in educational attainment have been substantially reduced.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education“ (2011), S. 167

England: Majority of parents prefer selection and various school types ...


England: „Public opinion surveys indicate that only the minority of parents support the comprehensive schools, the majority prefer selection and various school types: in other words, these parents agree with a test for admission to the next level of education.“

Dr. Judit Pásku u. a., „Talent Development Traditions and New Endeavours in Great Britain in the 21st Century“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support. Best practices within and without the European Union“ (2011), S. 100

England: 7 % of the British children aged between 4 and 18 years attend independent schools ...


England: „7 % of the British children aged between 4 and 18 years attend independent schools […] There is fierce competition for admission, as for many parents it is important to send their children to an independent school, and they are willing to pay even a high price.“

Dr. Judit Pásku u. a., „Talent Development Traditions and New Endeavours in Great Britain in the 21st Century“. In: Győri, „International horizons of talent support. Best practices within and without the European Union“ (2011), S. 101

Gesamtschule nicht der Grund für finnischen Erfolg ...


„Wann immer von Bildungsexperten das finnische Vorbild zitiert wird, stellt sich binnen Kurzem heraus, dass der finnische Erfolg in erster Linie einer besseren Schuldisziplin, weniger fremdsprachigen Schülern und einer effizienteren Einbindung der Familien zu verdanken ist, nicht aber einem allen anderen Ländern überlegenen Schulmodell (schon gar nicht der Gesamtschule).“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Strejcek, Salzburger Nachrichten vom 14. September 2010

Je nivellierender der Unterricht ist, desto schlechter ist er ...

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„Je nivellierender der Unterricht ist, desto schlechter ist er. Wenn Schule gut ist, dann fördert sie jeden ohne Ausnahme in unterschiedlicher Weise.“

Univ.-Prof. DDr. Manfred Spitzer, Der Standard vom 28. Juni 2010

Die Gruppe der leistungsschwächsten Neuntklässler in Bayern und Bremen trennen bei der Rechtschreibung fast drei Schuljahre ...

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„Die Gruppe der leistungsschwächsten Neuntklässler in Bayern und Bremen trennen bei der Rechtschreibung 90 Punkte. Das sind umgerechnet fast drei Schuljahre.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Olaf Köller, Die Zeit vom 24. Juni 2010

Separate Bildungswege für die Privilegierten ...

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„In kaum einem Land gehen die Schüler, unabhängig von Herkunft und Leistung, alle auf eine gemeinsame Schule. Selbst in Ländern, die offiziell ein Einheitsschulsystem haben, gibt es für die Privilegierten separate Bildungswege. In Frankreich sind es die katholischen Lyzeen, in England die Internate, in den USA die teuren Privatschulen oder öffentliche Schulen in sozial privilegierten Vierteln.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Tenorth, Die Zeit vom 17. Juni 2010

Die Gesamtschule hat keines ihrer Versprechen eingelöst ...


„Die Gesamtschule hat […] keines ihrer Versprechen eingelöst. Weder hat sie für Chancengleichheit gesorgt noch das Leistungsniveau angehoben. Gesamtschüler sind auch nicht sozialer eingestellt als etwa Gymnasiasten.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elmar Tenorth, Die Zeit vom 17. Juni 2010

Eindeutig empirisch widerlegt ...


„Die immer wieder aufgewärmte Behauptung, wonach in begabungs- und leistungsheterogenen Lerngruppen und Einheitsschulen eine Minderung der Leistungsunterschiede bei gleichzeitiger Verbesserung der Leistungsförderung aller möglich sei, ist eindeutig empirisch widerlegt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 21. Jänner 2010

Gerade in Ländern mit staatlichen Gesamtschulen präferieren viele Eltern ‚elitäre‘ Privatschulen ...


„Gerade in Ländern mit staatlichen Gesamtschulen präferieren viele Eltern ‚elitäre‘ Privatschulen, wobei die Differenzierung bzw. Schullaufbahnentscheidung oft schon viel früher als in Deutschland getroffen werden muss.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 21. Jänner 2010

Die Hoffnung, dass mit längeren gemeinsamen Lernphasen die soziale Gerechtigkeit bzw. die Entwicklungschancen sogenannter bildungsferner Bevölkerungsgruppen nachhaltig verbessert werden können ...


„Die Hoffnung, dass mit längeren gemeinsamen Lernphasen die soziale Gerechtigkeit bzw. die Entwicklungschancen sogenannter bildungsferner Bevölkerungsgruppen nachhaltig verbessert werden können, hat sich als (bedauerlicher) Irrtum herausgestellt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung vom 21. Jänner 2010

Die Frage der Klassengröße ...


„Ob der Lehrer eine tragfähige Beziehung zu seinen Schülern herstellen kann, hängt wesentlich von der Größe und Zusammensetzung der Klasse ab. Ist diese zu groß oder zu heterogen, so ist es auch für einen hoch kompetenten Lehrer schwer oder sogar unmöglich, für alle Kinder emotional ausreichend verfügbar zu sein. Zwangsläufig gehen Kinder verloren, weil sie sich nicht aufgehoben fühlen. Die Frage der Klassengröße ist vordergründig eine finanzpolitische, letztlich aber eine bildungspolitische, denn sie bestimmt die Qualität der Schule wesentlich mit.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Remo Largo, „Lernen geht anders. Bildung und Erziehung vom Kind her denken“ (2010), S. 127f

Low educational performance of the immigrant children with a guest‑worker background in Germany ...


„The highly differentiated educational system of Germany is not the correct explanation of the low educational performance of the immigrant children with a guest‑worker background in Germany.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jaap Dronkers u.a., „Negative Selectivity of Europe's Guest-Workers Immigration?“ (2010), S. 99

Students coming from poor social background do not benefit from studying in more integrated schools ...


Unlike what policy experts assume, students coming from poor social background do not benefit from studying in more integrated schools.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jaap Dronkers, „Quality and Inequality of Education: Cross-National Perspectives“ (2010), S. 38

Classes grouped by ability ...


„Where classes grouped by ability are in principle disallowed, it is often observed that head teachers reintroduce them in one way or another.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vincent Dupriez, „Methods of Grouping Learners at School“ (2010), S. 7

Flexible education and training systems offer more educational opportunities ...


„Research suggests that flexible education and training systems with a variety of recognised learning pathways and combined with individual and school-level support offer more educational opportunities and therefore better chances of diminishing the risk of ESL (Anm.: ESL = Early School Leaving).“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Reducing early school leaving“ (2010), S. 16

Grouping students for instruction ...

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„Grouping students for instruction allows each student to receive an appropriate level of challenge and support.“

Dr. Jennifer Fredricks u. a., „Developing and Fostering Passion in Academic and Nonacademic Domains“. In: „Gifted Child Quarterly“ (2010), 54(1), S. 27

Schweden: vermehrt homogene Lerngruppen ...

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„Students are often dispersed into different classroom groups based on special support needs or attainment levels, resulting in increasingly homogeneous groups.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Country Background Report for Sweden“ (2010), S. 28

Lack of challenge is usually considered the main cause of boredom in gifted students ...

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„While there are many possible causes for boredom in school, lack of challenge is usually considered the main cause of boredom in gifted students.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franzis Preckel u. a., „Ability grouping of gifted students: Effects on academic self-concept and boredom“ in „British Journal of Educational Psychology“ 80 (2010), 3, S. 455