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Herkunftsregionen der Bildungsteilnehmer ...

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„Was die Herkunftsregionen betrifft, bilden Bildungsteilnehmer aus Asien mit 58 % aller mobilen Bildungsteilnehmer in den OECD-Ländern 2019 die größte Gruppe internationaler Bildungsteilnehmer, die in einer ISCED-Stufe im Tertiärbereich eingeschrieben sind. Insgesamt kommen über 30 % der mobilen Bildungsteilnehmer in den OECD-Ländern aus China und Indien.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 256.
In Österreichs tertiärem Bildungswesen kommen die internationalen BildungsteilnehmerInnen in erster Linie aus Deutschland. (Quelle: ibidem, Tab. B6.3.)

Global numbers of students studying abroad ...


„The number of students studying abroad has more than doubled from 2.1 million to 4.7 million in the last fifteen years. […] More than two-thirds of these mobile students live in G20 countries, with 19 % studying in the United States, followed by 9 % in the United Kingdom and 6 % in Australia. On the flip side, China is by far the largest source of internationally-mobile students with over 800,000 studying abroad in 2015. India, and to lesser extent Germany, also sends large numbers of students to study internationally.“

Dr. Silvia Montoya, „From Brain Drain to Gain: The Benefits Arising from International Knowledge Networks“, http://uis.unesco.org am 3. September 2018


Grouping students by ability may allow teachers to more effectively target teaching to the levels of students in their classes ...


„Grouping students by ability may allow teachers to more effectively target teaching to the levels of students in their classes. […] In India, schools reorganized classes by group for just an hour a day and observed major gains in learning.“

The World Bank (Hrsg.), „Learning to Realize Education's Promise“ (2018), S. 134


England: Chinese and Indian pupils continue to outperform other groups ...


England: „Chinese and Indian pupils continue to outperform other groups on all measures by the end of secondary school.“

Natalie Perera, Executive Director des CentreForum, „Education in England: Annual Report 2016“ (2016), S. 7


Most of the students (63.5 %) reportedly felt stressed because of academic pressure ...

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Indien: „Most of the students (63.5 %) reportedly felt stressed because of academic pressure. […] About two-thirds (66.0 %) of the students reported that their parents pressurize them for better academic performance.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sibnath Deb u. a., „Academic Stress, Parental Pressure, Anxiety and Mental Health among Indian High School Students“. In: „International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences“ 2015, 5(1), S. 28f


Parental pressure for better academic performance ...


Indien: „Parental pressure for better academic performance was found to be mostly responsible for academic stress, as reported by 66.0 % of the students. The majority of the parents criticized their children by comparing the latter’s performance with that of the best performer in the class.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sibnath Deb u. a., „Academic Stress, Parental Pressure, Anxiety and Mental Health among Indian High School Students“. In: „International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences“ 2015, 5(1), S. 31


Constantly pushed to perform better in both academic and extra-curricular activities ...


Indien: „Pushed by the parents to ‘be the best’ in art or music lessons and under pressure to score well in school, some students cannot cope with the demands anymore and emotionally collapse when the stress is high. Constantly pushed to perform better in both academic and extra-curricular activities, some children develop deep rooted nervous disorders in early childhood.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sibnath Deb u. a., „Academic Stress, Parental Pressure, Anxiety and Mental Health among Indian High School Students“. In: „International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences“ 2015, 5(1), S. 31


Academic stress and parental pressure ...


Indien: „More than half of the parents appoint 3 to 4 private tutors or even more for their wards. On days when there are no academic tuitions, there are art or music lessons. The students hardly get time to watch TV, to play or to interact with neighbours freely or even to get adequate sleep. Naturally such students end up being nervous wrecks when the examination pressure mounts.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sibnath Deb u. a., „Academic Stress, Parental Pressure, Anxiety and Mental Health among Indian High School Students“. In: „International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences“ 2015, 5(1), S. 31


Private tutoring ...

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„In India, approximately 72 % of the older primary school students and 52 % of the secondary school students receive private tutoring.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Heyneman, „The International Efficiency of American Education: the bad and the not-so-bad news“ in Heinz-Dieter Meyer u. a., „PISA, Power und Policy“ (2013), S. 294


Gender shortfall ...


„The gender shortfall is believed to take place through sex-selective abortion, female infanticide or the unequal allocation of health care and food towards males. […] China has 122 boys aged 0-4 for every 100 girls. […] Ratios in excess of the upper range of birth norms are also observed in the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong (China) and India.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Society at a Glance Asia/Pacific 2011“ (2011), S. 66