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Positiver Zusammenhang zwischen Schülerdisziplin und Mathematikleistung ...


„Insgesamt zeigt sich in 33 von 41 Ländern, inklusive Österreich, ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen Schülerdisziplin und Mathematikleistung. […] Das Classroom Management der Lehrperson, also die Herstellung eines konstruktiven Lernumfelds mit klaren Abläufen und Routinen sowie einem guten disziplinären Klima im Unterricht, hat sich auch als Schlüsselaspekt für effektives Lernen und die Entwicklung mathematischer Fähigkeiten erwiesen. […] In Bezug auf das disziplinäre Klima im Mathematikunterricht bei PISA 2022 fällt auf, dass sich die Jugendlichen in den beiden OECD-Ländern mit den höchsten Leistungswerten (Japan und Südkorea) von den anderen Ländern abheben. Japan und Südkorea berichten von der höchsten Disziplin im Mathematikunterricht.“
IQS (Hrsg.), PISA 2022. Kompetenzen in Mathematik, Lesen und Naturwissenschaft am Ende der Pflichtschulzeit im internationalen Vergleich (2023), S. 93f.

In Mathematik schnitten 6 ostasiatische Bildungssysteme besser ab als alle anderen Länder ...


„In Mathematik schnitten 6 ostasiatische Bildungssysteme (Hongkong [China], Japan, Korea, Macau [China], Singapur und Chinesisch Taipei) besser ab als alle anderen Länder und Volkswirtschaften.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Ergebnisse, Band I. Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit (2023), S. 58.

Students with bad performance or behaviour ...


„In East Asian school systems, such as Hong Kong (China), Japan, Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei, and also in Slovenia, more than two in three students attended a school where it would be likely or very likely that a student is transferred to another school for low academic achievement. […] On average across OECD countries, students with bad performance or behaviour were more likely to be transferred to another school if they attended a private school than if they attended a public school.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022 Results, Vol.II. Learning During – and From – Disruption (2023), S. 231.

Some East Asian countries make sure that teachers are among the highest paid of all civil servants ...


„In the traditionally Confucian cultures, teachers have long had higher social status than most of their counterparts in the West. In some East Asian countries, teachers’ pay is fixed by law to make sure that teachers are among the highest paid of all civil servants.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching for the Future - Global Engagement, Sustainability and Digital Skills (2023), S. 17.

In Südostasien ist der Anteil der SchülerInnen, die bei PISA keine Antworten geben, am geringsten ...


„The distribution for non-response rate shows another interesting pattern: the nine countries/economies on the low end of the distribution, exhibiting the lowest non-response rates overall, are exclusively located in East and Southeast Asia. Nonresponse rate as a measure of disengagement would thus lead to conclude that students in these countries/economies are, on average, more engaged when working on the questionnaire.“
Dr. Janine Buchholz u. a., Developing measures of engagement in PISA (2022), S. 19.

In the societies where the teaching profession is highly valued, students seem to be more academically successful ...


„The social status of teachers in some East Asian countries, such as Japan and South Korea, are relatively high. In the societies where the teaching profession is highly valued, students seem to be more academically successful, and the teacher workforce is usually more stable and more likely to attract highly qualified graduates.“
Dr. Lixia Qin, Country effects on teacher turnover intention. In: Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 20, 1 (2021).

In East Asia tutoring is more likely to be received by pupils who are already performing well ...


„In East Asia […] tutoring is more likely to be received by pupils who are already performing well but whose families wish to maintain or further enhance their performance in the competitive society.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mark Bray, Shadow Education in Europe: Growing Prevalence, Underlying Forces, and Policy Implications. In: ECNU Review of Education (2020), S. 10.

In some East Asian countries, teachers’ pay is fixed by law ...


„In some East Asian countries, teachers’ pay is fixed by law to make sure that teachers are among the highest paid of all civil servants.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018. Insights and Interpretations (2020), S. 10.

Südkorea: Approximately half the 2012 PISA participants reported receiving private tutoring, often focused on test preparation ...


Südkorea: „Approximately half the 2012 PISA participants reported receiving private tutoring, often focused on test preparation. Overall, expenditures on private tutoring added 2.6 % of gross domestic product to the government’s contribution of 3.5 % toward education. One plausible interpretation of Korea’s and other East Asian jurisdictions’ ILSA (Anm.: International Large-Scale Education Assessments) results is that they are not a result of the public education systems but rather this substantial private investment.“

Dr. Judith D. Singer u. a., „Testing international education assessments“. In: „Science“ vom 6. April 2018; S. 39


Extremely low annual teacher attrition rates in high-performing economies in East Asia and Pacific ...


„The high reward for experience is a likely reason for the extremely low annual teacher attrition rates in high-performing economies in East Asia and Pacific – less than 3 percent on average, against 6 percent in most Western European countries and 8 percent in the United States.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 15


High-performing East Asia and Pacific systems manage two essential financial inputs efficiently ...


„High-performing East Asia and Pacific systems manage two essential financial inputs efficiently: spending on teachers and spending on school infrastructure. They allocate enough resources to attract and retain the best staff, with salaries and benefits that appropriately reward experienced teachers with proven classroom performance.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 15


East Asia and Pacific systems provide many lessons for developing high-performing educational systems ...


„Educational systems perform best when they have teachers who are respected, prepared, selected on merit, and supported in their work. East Asia and Pacific systems provide many lessons for developing such high-performing systems. A foundational aspect is attracting high-quality candidates into the profession by offering not only competitive compensation but also an appealing professional environment founded on respect and support.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 159


Teachers in China and Shanghai are trained, recruited, and organized by subject starting from teachers of first grade ...


„As in many East Asian countries, teachers in China and Shanghai are trained, recruited, and organized by subject starting from teachers of first grade. Each key subject teacher is responsible for teaching his or her subject specialty.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 28


Shanghai has made a deliberate effort to not use student exam results as an explicit mechanism for rewards or sanctions ...


„Shanghai has made a deliberate effort to not use student exam results as an explicit mechanism for rewards or sanctions. This policy seems to be directly opposite of the path taken, for example, in the United States. […] In countries where educational institutions are strong, especially in the training and selection of good teachers, autonomy and accountability in school-based management may not be a necessary condition for success. In these conditions, which are found in many highperforming countries in Europe and East Asia, trust is the main element of accountability.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 81f


Teachers enjoy high status in society ...


„In high-performing school systems such as in Canada, Finland and many of the more economically prosperous countries of East and South East Asia, teachers enjoy high status in society and have sufficient levels of pay. Academically able people are not deterred from entering the profession.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teacher Remuneration in Latvia. An OECD Perspective“ (2014), S. 47


Nur wer im ‚zhong kao‘ (Anm.: Aufnahmeprüfung in die Sekundarstufe II) sehr gut ist ...


China: „Nur wer im ‚zhong kao‘ (Anm.: Aufnahmeprüfung in die Sekundarstufe II) sehr gut ist, schafft es auf eine gute Oberstufenschule. Und nur wer am Ende der zwölften Klasse die ‚gao kao‘ sehr gut absolviert, darf eine der Top-Universitäten besuchen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Ludwig, www.main-netz.de am 5. Dezember 2013


Die ostasiatischen Spitzenreiter bieten vier oder mehr Schulformen an ...


„Die ostasiatischen Spitzenreiter in den jüngsten internationalen Schulstudien wie Hongkong, Korea oder Singapur bieten sogar vier oder mehr Tracks (Schulformen) an, was indirekt auch den PISA- und TIMSS-Erfolg deutscher Bundesländer mit gegliederten (Sekundar-)Schulsystemen erklärt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Heller, „Gymnasium in Niedersachsen“ 3/2013, S. 20


Leistungen der 10-Jährigen ...


Leistungen der 10-Jährigen: „The East Asian countries, including Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong SAR, Chinese Taipei, and Japan excel in mathematics from assessment cycle to assessment cycle, and the Russian Federation and Finland are top performers in reading.“

IEA (Hrsg.), „TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships among reading, mathematics, and science achievement at the fourth grade“ (2013), S. 14


In East Asian cultures, education has historically been considered a highly valued good ...


„In East Asian cultures, education has historically been considered a highly valued good and the main legitimate method for social mobility. This can be seen not only in the East Asian teachers’ high salaries, but also by the heavy investment of families in private tutoring services.“

John Jerrim u.a., „The mathematics skills of school children: How does England compare to the high performing East Asian jurisdictions“ (2013), S. 20


Teachers rank highly ...


„Teachers rank highly in the hierarchical order of respect in Chinese Confucianism, and there is a saying: once you are my teacher, you are my father for life.“

Dr. Jessica Janice Tang u. a., „The psychosocial work environment and mental health of teachers“ in „Int Arch Occup Environ Health“ (2013), 86, S. 657


Under competitive conditions typical for East Asia ...


„Under competitive conditions typical for East Asia, the desire of parents to provide their children with top education makes children very costly in terms of both time and money. This 'education fever' constitutes an important force behind very low fertility in the region.“

Vienna Institute of Demography (Hrsg.), „Future fertility in low-fertility countries“ (2013), S. 21


Studying is treated as a full-time profession ...


Südostasien: „Studying is treated as a full-time profession in which students are asked to study 80-100 hours/week at home, in school, with tutors and in cram schools.“ (S. 296)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephen Heyneman, „The International Efficiency of American Education: the bad and the not-so-bad news“ in Meyer u. a., „PISA, Power und Policy“ (2013), S. 296


Asian successes often come at a very high price ...


„Asian successes often come at a very high price of condemning the nation’s young to spending their entire available time in low-level activities of learning drill and cramming.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz-Dieter Meyer u. a., „PISA and the Globalization of Education Governance: some puzzles and problems“ in Meyer u. a., „PISA, Power und Policy“ (2013), S. 19


Shadow education ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„In the Republic of Korea nearly 90 % of elementary students receive some sort of shadow education; and in Hong Kong, China, about 85 % of senior secondary students do so.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mark Bray u.a., „Shadow Education“ (2012), Executive Summary


Parents of all backgrounds in Pacific Asia take homework seriously ...


„Parents of all backgrounds in Pacific Asia take homework seriously and it is not unusual for children to spend three or four hours each evening on homework.“

IPPR (Hrsg.), „Oceans of Innovation“ (2012), S. 43