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Österreichs Lehrergehälter in der Sekundarstufe I besonders niedrig ...

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„Compared to average tertiary-educated workers, teachers’ salaries are 10.5% lower across the EU. Several countries have implemented major salary increases in recent years. […] An across-the-board salary increase seems to be the best way of attracting students into initial teacher training programmes, with the added advantage of increasing the profession’s social status and signalling the value that societies attach to education.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2023 (2023), S. 14.
In Österreich beträgt der Einkommensnachteil sogar 13,7 %. (Quelle: ibidem, S. 15.)

European countries are facing increasing challenges to recruit qualified teachers in sufficient numbers ...


„European countries are facing increasing challenges to recruit qualified teachers in sufficient numbers. The lack of qualified teachers can impact students’ learning and hinder the goal to provide quality education for all. […] Challenging work environments, stress, uncompetitive wages and lack of recognition can affect motivation to enter and stay in the profession.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Structural indicators for monitoring education and training systems in Europe – 2023. The teaching profession (2023), S. 4.

Faktoren, die den Lehrberuf attraktivieren ...


„Remuneration is a key element in making teaching a more attractive profession, along with other factors such as working conditions, career prospects, professional development opportunities and recognition, and intellectual and social motivation.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Teachers’ and school heads’ salaries and allowances in Europe 2021/2022 (2023), S. 9.

The top three reasons why people have switched to a new job ...


„Low pay (29 %), feeling undervalued (27 %) and lack of advancement in their job (23 %) were the top three reasons why people have switched to a new job in the last five years.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Retaining Talent at All Ages (2023), S. 28.

The status of the teaching profession in a country has a profound impact on who aspires to enter the profession ...

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„The status of the teaching profession in a country has a profound impact on who aspires to enter the profession. Teaching is a highly selective occupation in Finland, with highly skilled, well-educated teachers spread throughout the country. Few occupations in the country have a higher reputation.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching for the Future - Global Engagement, Sustainability and Digital Skills (2023), S. 17.

Capable young people, who could go into other high-status occupations, are not likely to enter a profession that society perceives as easy to get into ...

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„Many high-performing education systems have moved from using numerous specialised, low-status colleges of teacher education, with relatively low entrance standards, towards using a relatively smaller number of university-based teacher-education colleges with relatively high entrance standards and higher university status. […] They understand that capable young people, who could go into other high-status occupations, are not likely to enter a profession that society perceives as easy to get into.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching for the Future - Global Engagement, Sustainability and Digital Skills (2023), S. 23.

Finland has made teacher education one of the most prestigious academic programmes ...

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„Finland has made teacher education one of the most prestigious academic programmes. There are typically more than 10 applicants for every place in Finnish primary school teacher education each year; those who aren’t selected can still become attorneys or doctors. Applicants are assessed on the basis of their high school record and their score on the matriculation exam or university entrance exam. If they make it beyond the screening of their academic credentials, the selection process becomes even more rigorous. The candidates are observed in teaching-like activity and interviewed. Only those with a clear aptitude for teaching, in addition to strong academic performance, are admitted. A combination of raising the bar for entry and granting teachers greater autonomy and control over their classrooms and working conditions has helped lift the status of the profession.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching for the Future - Global Engagement, Sustainability and Digital Skills (2023), S. 23.

The material and symbolic conditions of teaching ...

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„The departure of teachers from the profession and those who move between schools, leading to subsequent teacher shortages, depend heavily on the material and symbolic conditions of teaching, ranging from the status of their employment, contracts and remuneration to the trust, appreciation, sense of fulfilment, and the autonomy they are granted.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global report on teachers. Addressing teacher shortages (2023), S. 17.

The underrepresentation of males in the teaching profession ...

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„The underrepresentation of males in the teaching profession diminishes the chances of aspiring male students viewing teaching as a viable career option, limiting the potential to challenge stereotypes related to gender roles.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global report on teachers. Addressing teacher shortages (2023), S. 20.

Eine angemessene Vergütung und der von der Gesellschaft dem Lehrerberuf beigemessene Wert können auch dabei helfen, angehende Lehrkräfte anzuziehen und zu halten ...

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„Eine angemessene Vergütung und der von der Gesellschaft dem Lehrerberuf beigemessene Wert können auch dabei helfen, angehende Lehrkräfte anzuziehen und zu halten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 468.

Finland avoided centralisation measures in the early 2000s, highlighting teachers’ high social status and autonomy ...


„While Sweden added more centralisation measures in the early 2000s to combat the perceived decline of the education system, Finland has avoided this, highlighting teachers’ high social status and autonomy.“
Dr. Jennifer Chung, Research-informed teacher education, teacher autonomy and teacher agency: the example of Finland (2022), S. 3.

Financial rewards, career opportunities and social status ...


„The decision to become a teacher is influenced by financial rewards as well as expectations on what the work entails in terms of career opportunities or social status. Competitive salaries that are on par with the remuneration paid to adults with similar education levels working in comparable occupations, enhance the ability of school systems to attract and retain teachers.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Investing in our future: quality investment in education and training (2022), S. 19.

Inadequate working conditions ...


„Inadequate working conditions decrease the attractiveness of the teaching profession, undermine the professional status and make it difficult and costly to recruit new teachers.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Investing in our future: quality investment in education and training (2022), S. 43.

Reasons for leaving schools...


„Increased recruitment is not likely to solve the turnover problem as many teachers are leaving schools because of poor leadership, their professional status, increased job expectations and the working environment being defined in social terms.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Investing in our future: quality investment in education and training (2022), S. 43.

Remuneration is a key element in making teaching a more attractive profession ...


„Remuneration is a key element in making teaching a more attractive profession. Along with other factors such as working conditions, career prospects, professional development opportunities and recognition, remuneration plays an important role in drawing people into the profession and in ensuring that serving teachers feel valued and sufficiently motivated to provide high-quality teaching.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Teachers' and schoolheads' salaries and allowances in Europe – 2020/2021 (2022), S. 7.

High achieving students express greater interest in teaching in contexts where teaching is perceived as a high-status profession ...


„Evidence from across international jurisdictions shows that high achieving students express greater interest in teaching in contexts where teaching is perceived as a high-status profession. High performing systems with higher levels of initial and ongoing teacher education have fewer issues with teacher recruitment. In these systems, greater interest in teaching as a career from high achieving students is generated by the perceptions of the status and intellectual challenge of teaching and this translates to more competition that, in turn, raises entry standards.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wyatt-Smith u. a., Reviewing the Evidence Base: Attraction, Pathways and Retention. A Focus on Attracting Candidates (2022), S. 9.

Australien: Just 41 % of respondents indicated that they would encourage family members to pursue teaching as a career ...


„In a recent survey conducted into the perceptions of teaching held by the public in Australia, just 41 % of respondents indicated that they would encourage family members to pursue teaching as a career. The reasons given for not recommending teaching included concerns about teacher wellbeing, administrative workload and salary, and the overall status of the profession.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wyatt-Smith u. a., Reviewing the Evidence Base: Attraction, Pathways and Retention. A Focus on Attracting Candidates (2022), S. 10.

Wohlergehen von Lehrkräften, Ausbildenden und pädagogischem Personal im Bereich der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung ...


„Mehr als je zuvor muss dem Wohlergehen von Lehrkräften, Ausbildenden und pädagogischem Personal im Bereich der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden, das ein wichtiger Faktor für die Qualität der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung ist, da es nicht nur die Zufriedenheit des Lehrkörpers, sondern auch die Qualität des Unterrichts beeinflusst. Darüber hinaus muss die Attraktivität des Lehrberufs erhöht und der Beruf als solcher aufgewertet werden; dies wird immer wichtiger, da EU-Länder sich mit einem Mangel an Lehrkräften und einer Alterung des Lehrkörpers konfrontiert sehen.“
Entschließung des Rates zu einem strategischen Rahmen für die europäische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung mit Blick auf den europäischen Bildungsraum und darüber hinaus (2021-2030). In: Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union vom 26. Februar 2021, S. 6.

PISA-Daten deuten darauf hin, wie wichtig hochwertiger Unterricht für die Verbesserung der Lernerfolge der Schüler ist ...


„PISA-Daten deuten darauf hin, wie wichtig hochwertiger Unterricht für die Verbesserung der Lernerfolge der Schüler ist. Eine Möglichkeit, das Schulwesen dabei zu unterstützen, die besten Kandidaten als Lehrkräfte zu gewinnen, besteht darin, höhere Gehälter anzubieten. Will man gute Lehrkräfte gewinnen und die kompetenten halten, geht es jedoch nicht nur um die Erhöhung der Gehälter. Dazu gehören auch die Qualität der Aus- und Weiterbildung vor und während der Berufsausübung und das Ansehen von Lehrkräften in der Gesellschaft.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 387.

Considerable challenges brought about by widespread teacher shortages ...


„Many OECD countries share considerable challenges brought about by widespread teacher shortages, high turnover and attrition, as well as low attractiveness of the teaching profession. Among the diverse factors contributing to driving teacher shortages, a critical one is the high attrition in early years of teaching. For example, in England, United Kingdom, 50 % of novice teachers leave the profession within the first five years.“
Ottavia Brussino, Building capacity for inclusive teaching (2021), S. 3.

The teaching profession can be highly stressful and demanding ...


„In the context of high teacher shortages, turnover and low attractiveness of the teaching profession across many countries, there is a strong need to better understand teacher well-being and how it can influence both teaching and learning. […] When not adequately supported, the teaching profession can be highly stressful and demanding, which could accentuate high rates of teacher turnover and teacher shortages.“
Ottavia Brussino, Building capacity for inclusive teaching (2021), S. 19.

High expectations need to be rewarded to keep teaching an attractive job ......

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„Education systems today have high expectations of their teachers in terms of pedagogical knowledge and expertise. […] Such high expectations need to be rewarded with an adequate status, autonomy, salary and societal value to keep teaching an attractive job as many systems are challenged with teacher shortage and high attrition. Teachers also need a stronger acknowledgement as experts of teaching and learning.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching as a Knowledge Profession (2021), S. 148.

Some societies value and respect their teachers and they recruit teachers from the most-qualified graduates ...

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„Some societies value and respect their teachers and they recruit teachers from the most-qualified graduates. In contrast, other societies see teaching as an underpaid and unattractive occupation.“
Dr. Lixia Qin, Country effects on teacher turnover intention. In: Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 20, 1 (2021).

Teaching is one of the most challenging professions even though it is of lower status than many other professions ...

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„Teaching is one of the most challenging professions even though it is of lower status than many other professions (e.g., medicine, law, and engineering). Research revealed that teachers’ status, such as social recognition, salaries, and working conditions, has declined across the world in the last few decades.“
Dr. Lixia Qin, Country effects on teacher turnover intention. In: Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 20, 1 (2021).

In the societies where the teaching profession is highly valued, students seem to be more academically successful ...

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„The social status of teachers in some East Asian countries, such as Japan and South Korea, are relatively high. In the societies where the teaching profession is highly valued, students seem to be more academically successful, and the teacher workforce is usually more stable and more likely to attract highly qualified graduates.“
Dr. Lixia Qin, Country effects on teacher turnover intention. In: Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 20, 1 (2021).

Teaching is complex work ...

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„A challenge is that teaching is complex work that, to some, can appear deceptively simple and this can lead to overlooking the expertise that goes into teaching and facilitating learning.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Greg Thompson, The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021 (2021), S. 1.

Das österreichische Bildungssystem positioniert sich weltweit und im Vergleich zu anderen EU- oder OECD-Staaten insgesamt gut ...


„Internationale Vergleiche von Bildungsstrukturen rückten in den letzten Jahren verstärkt ins politische und wissenschaftliche Interesse. Das österreichische Bildungssystem positioniert sich weltweit und im Vergleich zu anderen EU- oder OECD-Staaten insgesamt gut.“
Statistik Austria (Hrsg.), Bildung in Zahlen 2018/19. Schlüsselindikatoren und Analysen (2020), S. 118.

Only 18% of teachers think that the teaching profession is valued by society ...


„According to the TALIS survey, only 18% of teachers think that the teaching profession is valued by society. Therefore, strengthening the teaching profession has been an important priority of governments in recent years. Several countries have been raising teacher salaries (Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia) and increased budgets (Finland, Denmark) to address teacher shortages.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2020 (2020), S. 13.

Policies implemented by governments need to be supported by families who engage in the education of their children ...


„Of course, policies implemented by governments matter, but they need to be supported by families who engage in the education of their children, by students who believe that they can secure their future through education and by teachers and school leaders who are competent and trusted to deliver the desired outcomes.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 18.

China: Teachers are seen and treated as professional knowledge workers ...


China: „Teachers are seen and treated as professional knowledge workers, dedicated to the learning and well-being of their students, and continuously learning to improve.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 18.

Whether or not the most capable students consider a career in teaching ...


„The value placed on education is likely to influence the decisions students make about what they want to study later on, and it will influence whether or not the most capable students consider a career in teaching. The value placed on education is also likely to have an effect on whether the public respects the opinion of professional educators, or whether it fails to take them seriously.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018. Insights and Interpretations (2020), S. 3.

Teaching is among the most highly selective occupations in Finland ...


„Teaching is among the most highly selective occupations in Finland, with highly skilled, well-educated teachers spread throughout the country. Few occupations in the country have a higher reputation.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018. Insights and Interpretations (2020), S. 10.

Only 26 % of teachers and 37 % of principals agree that their profession is valued in society ...


„On average across the OECD countries and economies that participate in TALIS, only 26 % of teachers and 37 % of principals agree that their profession is valued in society, with variations across countries from less than 5 % to over 90 % in the case of teachers.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), S. 33.
In Österreich stimmen nur 16 % der LehrerInnen und 26 % der DirektorInnen zu. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), Table II.2.1 und Table II.2.8.)

Only 26 % of teachers 'agree' or 'strongly agree' that their profession is valued in society ...


„On average across the OECD countries and economies that participate in TALIS, only 26 % of teachers 'agree' or 'strongly agree' that their profession is valued in society. […] The systems where a majority of teachers (at least 50 %) consider that the teaching profession is valued in society are Viet Nam (92 %), Singapore (72 %), the United Arab Emirates (72 %), Korea (67 %), Kazakhstan (63 %), Alberta (Canada) (63 %), South Africa (61 %), Shanghai (China) (60 %), Finland (58 %) and Saudi Arabia (52 %).“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), S. 77.
In Österreich sind es nur 16 %. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), Table II.2.1.)

Teaching is not among the top career aspirations of 15-year-olds ...


„A recent Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study showed that teaching is not among the top career aspirations of 15-year-olds and that those who express a preference for teaching are usually not the top achievers.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), S. 83.

The teaching profession is highly valued in Finnish society ...


„The teaching profession is highly valued in Finnish society, as teachers are considered to be experts with a special mission in the community. Teachers receive high-quality training and are responsible for constantly maintaining their professional skills. These statements imply trust-based assessment, where quality assurance does not rely on control.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), S. 126.

The most successful education systems were those where society values teachers the most ...


„The share of teachers who believe that teaching is a valued profession in their country is a good predictor of the attractiveness of the profession, as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results highlighted that the most successful education systems were those where society values teachers the most.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 11.

Avoiding low level of teachers’ well-being is crucial ...


„Avoiding low level of teachers’ well-being, but also aiming to build a confident and motivating teacher workforce is crucial for the development and stability of quality educational systems.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 14.

The causes for the lack of well-being of the teacher workforce are multiple ...


„According to the voice of representatives from various ministries of education and representatives of the teacher workforce the causes for the lack of well-being are multiple. A few of the causes suggested in the discussions were excessive workload, constant reforms imposed on the teaching profession that change with each new government, accountability and evaluation systems that are punitive and confusing, lack of support for schools with unmanageable student misbehaviour issues, class sizes, government interference in curriculum and teaching methods, excessive regulation, the challenges of more diverse and inclusive classrooms, perceived lack of respect for the profession, and, in some countries, inadequate or unequal funding.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 15.

Social support has a direct effect on teachers’ well-being ...


„Existing literature shows that social support has a direct effect on teachers’ well-being, on job satisfaction and that it is also negatively correlated to burnout. Among the various aspects of social support, principal support may be regarded as the variable having the biggest impact in increasing job satisfaction and reducing the risk of experiencing burnout.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 38.

Teachers with high selfefficacy beliefs ...


„Teachers with high selfefficacy beliefs are more willing to implement innovative pedagogical methods in the classroom, use adequate teaching methods that encourage students’ autonomy, take responsibility for students with special learning needs, manage classroom problems, and keep students on task.“
Carine Viac u. a., Teachers’ well-being (2020), S. 45.

Mangelndes Prestige der Lehrkräfte in der Gesellschaft ...

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„Ein besonders großer Belastungsfaktor dürfte das wahrgenommene, mangelnde Prestige der Lehrkräfte in der Gesellschaft sein, verbunden mit einem Schlechtmachen in den Medien (Stichwort: ‚Lehrerbashing‘) und auch der nicht selten geäußerten Kritik seitens der Politik (Stichwort: ‚Dienstag-Mittag bin ich fertig‘, Wiens ehemaliger Bürgermeister Häupl) bzw. sogenannter Schul- und Bildungsexpertinnen und -experten, denen man oftmals diese Expertise nicht zuschreibt.“
Mag. Dr. Jörg Spenger u. a., „Under pressure. Berufsvollzugsprobleme und Belastungen von Lehrpersonen. Eine empirische Studie.“ (2019), S. 47

Finnland: Training to become a teacher is among the most popular choices of Finnish university students ...


Finnland: „Training to become a teacher is among the most popular choices of Finnish university students. Many students apply for teacher training, and universities are able to select the most qualified among them in each cohort.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 294

Finnland: Mere 10 to 15 percent of teachers abandon their profession ...


Finnland: „An indicator of the popularity of teaching is that a mere 10 to 15 percent of teachers abandon their profession. The intrinsic satisfaction of Finnish teachers is a gift to taxpayers who receive great value for their money. To attract equally qualified and well-educated people in countries where the teaching profession is less popular would force the government to pay high salaries. Finland’s ability to create attractive working conditions that generate high satisfaction among teachers explains a good deal of their success story.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 295

The schools system of Finland and Sweden are, in reality, more different than a first impression might suggest ...


„The schools system of Finland and Sweden are, in reality, more different than a first impression might suggest. One difference is that the teaching profession in Sweden does not appear to have the same high social status as in Finland. Swedish teachers report low levels of job satisfaction. In a survey carried out by the Swedish teaching union, almost nine out of ten primary school teachers reported that their workload is too high and administrative tasks eat up too much valuable teaching time. One in three teachers in Sweden report that they 'probably' or 'definitely' will not continue working in schools until they retire. The low status and low satisfaction of teachers also translates into difficulties in recruiting them.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Doepke u. a., „Love, Money and Parenting“ (2019), S. 297

The perception of the value that society gives to teaching lowers with duration of the work experience ...


„The satisfaction that experienced teachers show with their profession is lower than the one of novice teachers; and the perception of the value that society gives to teaching lowers with duration of the work experience.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2019 (2019), S. 21.

Finland’s success in compulsory schooling ...


„Finland’s success in compulsory schooling is partly because teachers are valued by society and enjoy good working conditions, relatively high salaries, smaller classes and fewer teaching hours than the OECD average. Another feature of Finnish schools is the well-developed system to detect pupils with special needs early and provide timely interventions.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „Investing in Youth: Finland“ (2019), S. 12

37 % of primary to secondary teachers were at least 50 years old in 2015 ...


„On average across OECD countries, 37 % of primary to secondary teachers were at least 50 years old in 2015, up from 31 % in 2005. At the same time, the teaching profession is increasingly unattractive to students. Teachers’ salaries are lower than those of other, similarly educated full-time workers.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Skills Outlook 2019“ (2019), S. 204

Einkommen, Rahmenbedingungen und Wertschätzung ...


„The share of teachers reporting that the financial package and working conditions of the teaching profession were important motivations to them is higher in countries where teachers feel highly valued in society. These countries and economies also are among the top-performing systems in the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).“
OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2018 Results. Volume I“ (2019), S. 46

Raising the status and prestige of the profession is an overarching goal ...


„Raising the status and prestige of the profession is an overarching goal to attract candidates and ensure the continuous renewal of the teaching profession as teachers retire, but also to retain current teachers in the profession.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2018 Results. Volume I“ (2019), S. 49

TALIS 2018: The great majority of serving teachers were motivated by a strong commitment to public service and the social impact of teaching ...


„Evidence from TALIS 2018 suggests that the great majority of serving teachers were motivated by a strong commitment to public service and the social impact of teaching. When asked about their decision to become a teacher, across the OECD, 92 % of lower secondary teachers reported that it was important to them to influence the development of children and young people and 88 % said they were motivated by the profession’s contribution to society.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Working and Learning Together (2019), S. 114.

Teachers’ remuneration should be competitive with that of similarly educated adults working in comparable occupations ...


„It is widely recognised that teachers’ remuneration should be competitive with that of similarly educated adults working in comparable occupations in order to attract and retain high-potential candidates.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Working and Learning Together (2019), S. 178.

Only in China did people compare teachers to doctors ...


„Teachers worldwide believe that teaching no longer enjoys the high social prestige it did thirty years ago. Two-thirds of respondents from a global survey across 21 countries (mostly high- and middle-income countries) judged the social status of teachers to be most similar to social workers or librarians; only in China did people compare teachers to doctors.“
World Bank Group (Hrsg.), Successful Teachers, Successful Students (2019), S. 10.

Parents are more likely to encourage their children to become teachers in top-performing education systems like Shanghai, China and the Republic of Korea than in most European countries ...


„On average, only 27 percent of respondents believed that students respected teachers. Parents are more likely to encourage their children to become teachers in top-performing education systems like Shanghai, China and the Republic of Korea than in most European countries, where respondents also think that students have less respect for teachers.“
World Bank Group (Hrsg.), Successful Teachers, Successful Students (2019), S. 10.

Top-performing countries, such as Singapore and Japan, pay their teachers well ...


„Top-performing countries, such as Singapore and Japan, pay their teachers well against professions such as engineering and law. They also select the top students from a given high-school cohort. This gives teaching professional prestige in these countries.“
World Bank Group (Hrsg.), Successful Teachers, Successful Students (2019), S. 11.

Becoming a primary school teacher is highly competitive in Finland ...


„Becoming a primary school teacher is highly competitive in Finland. Selection for primary school teacher education happens in two steps: first, candidates are selected based on scores in matriculation exam and out-of-school accomplishment records. Next, candidates take a written exam in pedagogy, their social and communication skills are observed in clinical settings similar to school situations, and top candidates are interviewed and asked to explain their motivation to become teachers. About 1 in every 12 applicants is accepted in teacher education programs to become a primary school teacher.“
World Bank Group (Hrsg.), Successful Teachers, Successful Students (2019), S. 21.

Countries with higher teacher salaries ...


„Countries with higher teacher salaries (relative to GDP) and higher perceptions of the social value of the teaching profession have, on average, larger shares of students who expect to work as teachers.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teaching in Focus 22“ (Juni 2018), S. 2


Swedish teachers ...


„In Sweden, less than 10 percent of Swedish teachers believe that teaching is valued in their society, more than one in four teachers in Sweden have seriously considered changing professions, and one in five teachers has been subject to violence or threats in their workplace during the past year.“
Asia Society (Hrsg.), New Challenges and opportunities (2018), S. 29.

How to attract the most talented people into the teaching profession ...


„The complexity and variety of competences required poses a challenge for all national education systems: how to attract the most talented people into the teaching profession and retain them. […] Remuneration is a key element in making teaching an attractive profession. Along with other factors such as working conditions, career prospects, professional development opportunities and recognition, it plays an important role in drawing people into the profession as well as ensuring that serving teachers are satisfied and sufficiently motivated to continue to provide high quality teaching.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Teachers’ and School Heads' Salaries and Allowances, 2016/17“ (2018), S. 11


Finnland: Teaching is a highly appreciated profession ...


„Teaching is a highly appreciated profession, and education programmes are among the most difficult programmes to access in Finnish universities.“
Dr. Oskari Harjunen u. a., „Best Education Money Can Buy? Capitalization of School Quality in Finland“. In: „CESifo Economic Studies“ (2018), S. 151

England: The factors that lead to disempowerment ...


England: „When asked to identify the factors that lead to disempowerment, the top five factors identified were constant change (69 %), a culture of blame or criticism (60 %), a lack of respect for teachers’ professional judgement (59 %), unreasonable or unrealistic expectations (57 %), and a lack of understanding of the nature of their job from decision makers (57 %).“
NASUWT (Hrsg.), The Big Question (2018), S. 8.

In Finland, Korea and Singapore the teaching profession is valued in society ...

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„In Finland, Korea and Singapore, more than 50 % of lower secondary teachers agreed, or strongly agreed, with the statement 'I think that the teaching profession is valued in society'.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Effective Teacher Policies“ (2018), S. 44


Higher salaries can help school systems attract more candidates to the teaching profession ...


„Higher salaries can help school systems attract more candidates to the teaching profession, and signal that teachers are regarded and treated as professionals.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Effective Teacher Policies“ (2018), S. 60


Global Teacher Status Index 2018 bestätigt Global Teacher Status Index 2013 ...


„Our new data suggests that there is a correlation between the status accorded to teachers through the GTSI 2018 (Anm.: Global Teacher Status Index 2018) and student outcomes in their country. In other words, high teacher status is not just a 'nice to have' – increasing teacher status can directly improve the pupil performance of a country’s students. Ministers should take teacher status seriously and make efforts to improve it.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 11

High reverence for teachers in China and Russia ...


„The high reverence for teachers in China and Russia is clear because the comparison with doctors shows their position among the most respected members of society.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 35

An increase in teacher status in a country is a clear driver of increased pupil performance ...


„An increase in teacher status in a country is a clear driver (along with higher pay) of increased pupil performance (as measured by pupil performance of 15 year olds on PISA tests.)“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 122

Status can be a direct contributor to improved pupil performance ...


„Status is not just a nice to have, but something which can be a direct contributor to improved pupil performance – via an increased likelihood of more effective teachers entering the profession and remaining in the profession. Whilst status is already high in some countries, it remains a mid ranked profession in many, and therefore presents a real and present challenge to governments as they seek to improve the capacity of their teaching profession.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 125

Educational systems perform best when they have teachers who are respected, prepared, selected on merit, and supported in their work ...


„Educational systems perform best when they have teachers who are respected, prepared, selected on merit, and supported in their work. East Asia and Pacific systems provide many lessons for developing such high-performing systems. A foundational aspect is attracting high-quality candidates into the profession by offering not only competitive compensation but also an appealing professional environment founded on respect and support.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 159


Die Gehälter der Lehrkräfte wirken sich unmittelbar auf die Attraktivitat des Lehrerberufs aus ...


„Die Gehälter der Lehrkräfte […] wirken sich unmittelbar auf die Attraktivitat des Lehrerberufs aus. Sie beeinflussen die Entscheidung, eine Lehrerausbildung aufzunehmen, nach erzieltem Abschluss Lehrkraft zu werden, nach einer Unterbrechung in den Lehrerberuf zurückzukehren und/oder den Lehrerberuf weiterhin auszuüben (im Allgemeinen sinkt mit steigendem Gehalt die Neigung zu einem Berufswechsel).“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2017“ (2017), S. 457


Gehälter und alternative Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten wesentliche Faktoren der Attraktivität des Lehrerberufs ...


„Die Bildungssysteme konkurrieren mit anderen Sektoren der Wirtschaft um hoch qualifizierte Absolventen, die sie als Lehrkräfte gewinnen wollen. Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Gehälter und alternative Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten wesentliche Faktoren der Attraktivität des Lehrerberufs sind. Die Anfangsgehälter von Lehrkräften im Verhältnis zu denen von Beschäftigten in anderen nicht lehrenden Tätigkeiten und die zu erwartenden Einkommenssteigerungen haben großen Einfluss darauf, ob sich Absolventen für den Lehrerberuf entscheiden.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Bildung auf einen Blick 2017“ (2017), S. 463


Numerous factors contribute to the attractiveness of the teaching profession ...


„Numerous factors contribute to the attractiveness of the teaching profession, including teacher salaries, working conditions, career progression possibilities and autonomy to influence one’s own work. In parallel, teachers’ perceptions of their profession, such as their job satisfaction, or whether they feel that the profession is valued in their society, reflect this attractiveness.“

Kristina Sonmark, MSc, u. a., „Understanding teachers' pedagogical knowledge“ (2017), S. 37


Das „Geheimnis“ weltweit herausragender Bildungssysteme ...


„In virtually all of these jurisdictions, positive views of teaching reflected in public surveys and government statements are also reflected in compensation that is competitive with other professions requiring comparable education. In all of the jurisdictions, starting salaries for teachers are above international averages, and all have significant increases within the first 10 years of teaching.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 13


Teaching is a profession that is well respected by the Canadian public ...


„Teaching is a profession that is well respected by the Canadian public. A 2013 survey conducted by the Alberta Teachers association found that 9 in 10 teachers agreed that they are very committed to teaching as a profession and that in public they are proud to say that they are teachers.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 31


Teaching is a highly regarded profession in Finland ...


„Teaching is a highly regarded profession in Finland and one of the top occupational choices of young people. Entering salaries are comparable to those of other professions. However, the greater draw appears to be the high esteem with which the profession is held, the desirable working conditions, and the trust that allows teachers to be creative and innovative in their work.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 35


Teachers in Singapore enjoy high respect from society ...


„Teachers in Singapore enjoy high respect from society. This is not only due to the cultural context but also to policies that have underscored the importance of education in society and promoted the status of teaching as a career.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 45f


The top-choice profession ...


„In Finland, teaching is the top-choice profession for college students. Teaching is highly ranked in Singapore as well, and there is a very low attrition rate, less than 3 % annually.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 53


In Ontario, initiatives after 2003 have substantially improved the status and attractiveness of teaching ...


„In Ontario, initiatives after 2003 have substantially improved the status and attractiveness of teaching because an era of teaching bashing and disinvestment in public education was replaced by a supportive approach from the provincial government.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 53


Teachers in China as role models ...


„Teachers in China are revered as elders, role models, and those whom parents entrust to shape the future of their children.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 54


Among young Finns teaching is consistently the most admired profession ...


„Among young Finns, surveys of high school graduates show that teaching is consistently the most admired profession. […] Annually about 20,000 students apply for about 4,000 slots in teacher education institutions.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 55


Teaching in high-performing systems ...


„High-performing systems view teaching as a profession, one that is attractive to enter and remain in and one that offers rewards – intrinsic and extrinsic – to those who excel. In doing so, the systems help ensure that well-qualified individuals go into teaching, thus enhancing the respect for the profession throughout society.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 182


Das „Geheimnis“ weltweit herausragender Bildungssysteme ...


„Competitive salaries helped make the profession attractive to potential candidates, and high standards were set for entry into and graduation from initial teacher education programs. Together these helped raise the status of teaching, creating a virtuous cycle for ongoing recruitment.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 5f


Only 5 % of Swedish teachers considered that the teaching profession is valued in society ...


„Only 5 % of Swedish teachers considered that the teaching profession is valued in society (compared to the TALIS average of 30.9 %), and only 53.4 % reported they would choose to work as teachers if they could decide again.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook. Sweden“ (2017), S. 11


Teaching in Shanghai is a socially well regarded and monetarily appealing profession ...


„Teaching in Shanghai is a socially well regarded and monetarily appealing profession, with a proven set of entry requirements. The working conditions, such as infrastructure facilities and student-to-teacher ratio, are attractive, and clear career advancement mechanisms are in place.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 136


Salaries and working conditions ...


„School systems will only be able to recruit the skilled and motivated people they need to build a highquality teaching force if they can offer similar salaries and working conditions as other professionals enjoy and/or grant teachers greater autonomy and raise the status of the teaching profession.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus“ Nr. 58 (Dezember 2015), S. 4


15-Jährige Österreichs mit Schule sehr zufrieden ...


„82 % of students are satisfied with their school (a larger proportion than in most OECD countries) and 77 % of students find the conditions in their school ideal, compared to the OECD average of 61 %.“

Michael Bruneforth, MA, u. a., „Country Background Report for Austria“ (2015), S. 117


Österreichs 15-Jährige ...


„While in 2003 Austria was already one of the countries where students expressed the strongest sense of belonging at school, the situation improved further until 2012: the proportion of students who reported that they feel lonely at school shrank from an already low level, and the proportion of students who reported that other students seem to like them increased from 78 % to 94 %.“

Michael Bruneforth, MA, u. a., „Country Background Report for Austria“ (2015), S. 117


One of the most popular career choices among young Finns ...


„The Finnish media regularly report results of opinion polls that document favorite professions among general upper secondary school graduates. Teaching is consistently rated as one of the most admired professions, ahead of medical doctors, architects, and lawyers, typically thought to be dream professions.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Teaching in the Flat World“ (2015), S. 31


Scotland has a historic high regard for learning ...


„Scotland has a historic high regard for learning, education and teachers, and the trust it invests in teachers’ professional judgment is admirable.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Improving Schools in Scotland“ (2015), S. 17


Attractiveness of the teacher profession declined in Sweden ...


Schweden: „Over time the attractiveness of the teacher profession declined and teacher education lost popularity. Declining teacher skills and an increasing share of teaching staff without adequate qualifications followed.“

Jon Kristian Pareliussen u. a., „Skills and Inclusive Growth in Sweden“ (2015), S. 19


Arbeitsmoral der LehrerInnen ...


„The highest positive values of the index are found for Austria, United Kingdom and Ireland, and the lowest negative values for the index were found in Italy, Spain and Greece.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Teaching Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools in Europe“ (2015), S. 98


Wertschätzung für LehrerInnen ...


„66.5 % of Korean teachers and 58.6 % of Finnish teachers feel that their profession is valued by society – the highest levels in the OECD.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Policy Outlook 2015 – Making Reforms Happen“ (2015), S. 88


Teachers enjoy high status in high-performing school systems ...


„In high-performing school systems, such as Canada, Finland, Japan, Korea and Singapore, teachers enjoy high status in society and have sufficient levels of pay.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Improving Schools in Sweden: An OECD Perspective“ (2015), S. 114


High status attached to education in Japan ...


„One of the most marked characteristics of Japanese society is the high status attached to education, which is seen as being the bedrock of a successful career, social advancement and prestige.“

Prof.Dr. Matthias Pilz u. a., „Problematic transitions from school to employment: freeters and NEETs in Japan and Germany“ in „Compare“, 2015, Vol. 45, No. 1, S. 79


Autonomie, Vertrauen und Respekt ...


„A key characteristic of Finnish teachers’ work environment is that they are autonomous, trusted, and respected professionals. Unlike nations that have bureaucratic accountability systems that make teachers feel threatened, overcontrolled, and undervalued, teaching in Finland is a very sophisticated profession, where teachers feel they can truly exercise the skills they have learned in the university. Test-based accountability is replaced by trust-based responsibility and inspiration for human development.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, Developing Effective Teachers and School Leaders. The Case of Finland“. In: Darling-Hammond u. a., „Teaching in the Flat World“ (2015), S. 37f


When society values the teaching profession ......


„Evidence from PISA and TALIS suggests that the most successful education systems are those in countries/economies whose society values the teaching profession.“

Dr. Andreas Schleicher, „Schools for 21st-Century Learners“ (2015), S. 40


Flandern: Teachers perceive their status as rather high ...


Flandern: „Teachers perceive their status as rather high: 46 % think the teaching profession is valued in society (vs. an EU average of 18 %).“

Europäische Kommission (Hrsg.), „The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013“ (2014), S. 30


Among young Finns, teaching is consistently the most admired profession ...


„Among young Finns, teaching is consistently the most admired profession in regular opinion polls of high school graduates. Classroom teaching is considered an independent and creative, high-status profession that attracts some of the best secondary school graduates each year.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Lessons from PISA for Korea“ (2014), S. 174


Young Finns see teaching as a career on a par with other professions ...


„Young Finns see teaching as a career on a par with other professions where people work independently and rely on scientific knowledge and skills that they gained through university studies.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Lessons from PISA for Korea“ (2014), S. 174


A well-designed remuneration system gives a clear signal ...


„A well-designed remuneration system gives a clear signal of the status of the teaching profession within society. If salaries are sufficiently attractive, i.e. are competitive with other sought-after and relatively well-remunerated professions, this can help draw the best graduates into the profession.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teacher Remuneration in Latvia. An OECD Perspective“ (2014), S. 47


Teachers earn more than other tertiary-educated workers in Korea ... ...


„Korea is one of the countries where teachers earn more than other tertiary-educated workers (comparing the statutory wage scale), with the most favourable ratio of all OECD countries in primary education (1.36 at all education levels, far above the OECD averages), which evidences the importance society places on the teaching profession and contributes to its attractiveness.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teacher Remuneration in Latvia. An OECD Perspective“ (2014), S. 167


Teaching profession is valued in society ...


„TALIS 2013 results show 58.6% of Finnish teachers (primary and secondary) agreed that the teaching profession is valued in society – one of the highest proportions among participating countries and far above the TALIS average of 30.9%.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teacher Remuneration in Latvia. An OECD Perspective“ (2014), S. 153


Teaching profession valued in society ...


„On TALIS 2013, 66.5 % of lower secondary teachers in Korea agreed that the teaching profession is valued in society. This is one of the highest figures among participating countries and far above the average of 30.9 %.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teacher Remuneration in Latvia. An OECD Perspective“ (2014), S. 166


Höhere Lehrergehälter signalisieren, dass Lehrer als Angehörige wissenschaftlicher Berufe anerkannt und behandelt werden ...


„Höhere Lehrergehälter können dabei helfen, die besten Kandidaten für den Lehrerberuf zu gewinnen, und sie signalisieren, dass Lehrer als Angehörige wissenschaftlicher Berufe anerkannt und behandelt werden.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „DEUTSCHLAND – Ländernotiz – Ergebnisse aus PISA 2012“ (2013), S. 10


The situation in Finland and Ireland ...


„The situation in Finland and Ireland is considered the model to be copied: teachers are relatively autonomous and are viewed by society as being “real professionals” which provides them with a social status and prestige that encourages them to improve even further.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Study on Policy Measures to improve the Attractiveness of the Teaching Profession in Europe“ (2013), Teil 1, S. 58


In East Asian cultures, education has historically been considered a highly valued good ...


„In East Asian cultures, education has historically been considered a highly valued good and the main legitimate method for social mobility. This can be seen not only in the East Asian teachers’ high salaries, but also by the heavy investment of families in private tutoring services.“

John Jerrim u.a., „The mathematics skills of school children: How does England compare to the high performing East Asian jurisdictions“ (2013), S. 20


In Finland teachers are the most satisfied professional group ...


„A research published in June 2012 revealed that in Finland teachers are the most satisfied professional group. In Finland, education has been respected through its history. Thus, teachers have also enjoyed considerable respect.“

Univ.-Prof. Reijo Laukkanen, „Finland’s Experiences of Compulsory Education Development“ (2013), S. 9


Teachers rank highly in the hierarchical order of respect ...


„Teachers rank highly in the hierarchical order of respect in Chinese Confucianism, and there is a saying: once you are my teacher, you are my father for life.“

Dr. Jessica Janice Tang u. a., „The psychosocial work environment and mental health of teachers“ in „Int Arch Occup Environ Health“ (2013), 86, S. 657


Eltern mit Schule zufrieden ...


„Der Mediendiskurs betont oft die Schwächen der Schule. Befragt man aber Eltern, ob sie mit der Schule, die ihre Kinder besuchen, zufrieden sind, dann ist die Zustimmung fast immer sehr gross.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Oelkers, Neue Zürcher Zeitung vom 4. April 2012


Countries with the most effective education systems, such as Finland and Singapore, tend to have the most selective teacher recruitment policies ...


„Countries with the most effective education systems, such as Finland and Singapore, tend to have the most selective teacher recruitment policies. In these cases, the teaching profession is considered and treated as a cornerstone of society, acknowledging that teachers enable a country to maximise its future human capital. Only the most talented are encouraged to apply, and there are strict entry criteria based on competence and motivation. This approach is crucial to help boost the status of the profession. Boosting status also requires good pay, good working conditions, a high degree of professional autonomy and high qualification requirements – for all teachers.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „EU High Level Group of Experts on Literacy. Final Report“ (2012), S. 44


Finland has raised the social status of its teachers to a level where there are few occupations with higher status ...


„Finland has raised the social status of its teachers to a level where there are few occupations with higher status.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Preparing Teachers and Developing School Leaders for the 21st Century“ (2012), S. 62


Finland and South Korea [...] obtain their annual teacher intake from the top 10 % ...


„Finland and South Korea [...] obtain their annual teacher intake from the top 10 % and 5 % of graduating students respectively. The key to such success is the status in which teaching is held culturally.“

Pearson (Hrsg.), „The Learning Curve“ (2012), S. 25


A key characteristic of Finnish teachers’ work environment ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„A key characteristic of Finnish teachers’ work environment is that they are autonomous, trusted, and respected professionals.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, „Developing Effective Teachers and School Leaders: The Case of Finland“ in Darling-Hammond u.a., „Teacher and Leader Effectiveness“ (2011), S. 16


The status of teachers in Finland ...

Noch nicht veröffentlicht Abgelaufen

„The status of teachers in Finland is so high that teaching is one of the top two preferred occupations for a future spouse – right up with medicine, and higher than business or law.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Hargreaves u. a., „The global fourth way“ (2011), S. 47


Teachers in Finland have positive symbolic capital ...


„Teachers in Finland have positive symbolic capital. They are respected and admired in politics and the media, rather than criticized and abused by them.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Hargreaves u. a., „The global fourth way“ (2011), S. 54


Valuing the profession starts with signals sent by system leaders ...


„Valuing the profession starts with signals sent by system leaders and policy makers at the top. The signals are evident in how leaders speak about teachers, of course – whether they praise teachers as influential professionals who shape the future of the nation, or disparage them and their unions for perpetrating failure and obstructing political change.”

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andy Hargreaves u. a., „The global fourth way“ (2011), S. 183


Finnland: The better secondary-school graduates are, the more likely they will become teachers ...


Finnland: „The better secondary-school graduates are, the more likely they will become teachers. […] Among young Finns, teaching is consistently rated as the most admired profession, leading ratings of medical doctors, architects, and lawyers.“

Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, „Paradoxes of educational improvement: The Finnish experience“. In: „Scottish Educational Review“, 43 (1), 2011, S. 17f


Finnland: Teaching is clearly the number-one career choice ...


Finnland: „According to a survey among candidates for the matriculation examination (i.e. final-year students in upper-secondary school), teaching is clearly the number-one career choice and overtakes traditionally favourite professions such as medicine, law, psychology, engineering and journalism.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hannu Simola u.a., „Education Politics and Contingency“. In: Pereyra u.a. (Hrsg.), „PISA Under Examination“ (2011), S. 235


Top-performing nations accord enormous cultural respect to teaching and teachers ...


„Top-performing nations accord enormous cultural respect to teaching and teachers, including high-profile initiatives to recognize the profession’s contribution to society.“

McKinsey (Hrsg.), „Closing the Talent Gap: Attracting and Retaining Top Third Graduates to a Career in Teaching“ (2010), S. 24