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To entice qualified teachers, it is crucial to offer them competitive starting salaries and pathways for career advancement ...


„To entice qualified teachers, it is crucial to offer them competitive starting salaries and pathways for career advancement. The financing of long-term capital costs is also relevant for their impact on both teacher recruitment and retention, as poor working conditions can be a major cause of teacher attrition. Another straightforward cost-reduction strategy for many systems is to better retain early career teachers by supplying quality induction and mentoring programmes.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global Report on Teachers (2024), S. 21.

Novice teachers need ongoing support ...


„Novice teachers need ongoing support to build their motivation and professionalism which in turn prevents early career attrition. […] Initial teacher training that incorporates an adequate in-school experience, followed by induction and mentoring in the novice years are key elements to retaining these early career teachers.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global Report on Teachers (2024), S. 88.

Early career teachers are more likely to leave the profession than their more experienced colleagues ...


„Available data shows that early career teachers are more likely to leave the profession than their more experienced colleagues – which demonstrates that they need more support to cope with the workload.“
UNESCO online, 3. Oktober 2023.

Österreich 2023 ...


„Neue Lehrkräfte können nur in begrenztem Umfang Mentoring und Unterstützung erhalten. Gegenüber den 19 % im EU-Durchschnitt haben nur 10,8 % der Lehrkräfte in den ersten fünf Schuljahren einen Mentor.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Monitor für die allgemeine und berufliche Bildung 2023. Österreich (2023), S. 6.

High levels of support help to keep students in initial teacher training and novice teachers in the profession ...


„High levels of support help to keep students in initial teacher training and novice teachers in the profession. Early career support is widespread across the EU. […] A supportive growth environment proofs to be effective by fostering a collaborative working culture, expanding induction, support, and mentoring programs, ensuring continuing professional development, and developing strong school leadership.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2023 (2023), S. 16.

An important factor of teachers' job satisfaction is teachers' preparedness ...


„An important factor of teachers' job satisfaction is teachers' preparedness. The curricular preparedness for professional demands and challenges through initial education (IE) and in-service professional development (PD) programs differs between persons who did and did not originally plan to pursue a teacher career path. […] As many countries currently suffer from teacher shortages many educational policy stakeholders try to increase the size of their teaching force by employing persons who did not participate in a standard teacher training programs (i.e., second career teachers) leading to an increased proportion of teachers, who did not originally plan to pursue this career path.“
Dr. Tim Fütterer u. a., I can't get no (job) satisfaction? Differences in teachers' job satisfaction from a career pathways perspective. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 121 (2023), S. 1f.

Teachers that had switched their careers showed to be less effective ...


„Teachers that had switched their careers showed to be less effective at raising student achievement.“
Dr. Tim Fütterer u. a., I can't get no (job) satisfaction? Differences in teachers' job satisfaction from a career pathways perspective. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 121 (2023), S. 3.

A larger proportion of those entering teaching by an alternative career pathway are leaving public school teaching ...


„A larger proportion of those entering teaching by an alternative career pathway are leaving public school teaching (42 % compared to 16 % of originally trained as teachers), citing unsatisfactory working conditions among the main reasons for their decision.“
Dr. Tim Fütterer u. a., I can't get no (job) satisfaction? Differences in teachers' job satisfaction from a career pathways perspective. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 121 (2023), S. 3.

Lack of and inadequate or poorly qualified teaching staff ...


„In 2022, 33 % of students in Austria were in schools whose principal reported that the school’s capacity to provide instruction is hindered by a lack of teaching staff (and 18 %, by inadequate or poorly qualified teaching staff). In 2018, the corresponding proportions were 12% and 9%.“
OECD (Hrsg.), PISA 2022, Country Note Austria (2023), S. 8.

Lower secondary teachers who felt well or very well prepared to use ICT for teaching when they completed their initial education or training ...


TALIS 2018: „Only 43% of OECD lower secondary teachers felt well or very well prepared to use ICT for teaching when they completed their initial education or training (ranging from less than 25% in Austria and Finland to 60% and more in Hungary, Slovenia, Chile, Türkiye and Mexico).“
OECD (Hrsg.), Shaping Digital Education (2023), S. 159.

The status of the teaching profession in a country has a profound impact on who aspires to enter the profession ...


„The status of the teaching profession in a country has a profound impact on who aspires to enter the profession. Teaching is a highly selective occupation in Finland, with highly skilled, well-educated teachers spread throughout the country. Few occupations in the country have a higher reputation.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching for the Future - Global Engagement, Sustainability and Digital Skills (2023), S. 17.

Singapore is notable for its sophisticated approach to improving the quality of the pool from which it selects candidates for teacher education ...


„Singapore is notable for its sophisticated approach to improving the quality of the pool from which it selects candidates for teacher education. The government carefully selects its teacher candidates and offers them a monthly stipend, during initial teacher education, that is competitive with the monthly salary for fresh graduates in other fields. In exchange, these teachers-in-training must commit to teaching for at least three years.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching for the Future - Global Engagement, Sustainability and Digital Skills (2023), S. 17.

Capable young people, who could go into other high-status occupations, are not likely to enter a profession that society perceives as easy to get into ...


„Many high-performing education systems have moved from using numerous specialised, low-status colleges of teacher education, with relatively low entrance standards, towards using a relatively smaller number of university-based teacher-education colleges with relatively high entrance standards and higher university status. […] They understand that capable young people, who could go into other high-status occupations, are not likely to enter a profession that society perceives as easy to get into.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching for the Future - Global Engagement, Sustainability and Digital Skills (2023), S. 23.

Finland has made teacher education one of the most prestigious academic programmes ...


„Finland has made teacher education one of the most prestigious academic programmes. There are typically more than 10 applicants for every place in Finnish primary school teacher education each year; those who aren’t selected can still become attorneys or doctors. Applicants are assessed on the basis of their high school record and their score on the matriculation exam or university entrance exam. If they make it beyond the screening of their academic credentials, the selection process becomes even more rigorous. The candidates are observed in teaching-like activity and interviewed. Only those with a clear aptitude for teaching, in addition to strong academic performance, are admitted. A combination of raising the bar for entry and granting teachers greater autonomy and control over their classrooms and working conditions has helped lift the status of the profession.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teaching for the Future - Global Engagement, Sustainability and Digital Skills (2023), S. 23.

Novice teachers are more likely to leave the teaching profession ...


„Novice teachers are more likely to leave the teaching profession, and teachers about to retire also put pressure on educational systems and increase shortages. […] While the loss of novice teachers strains education systems and results in high recruitment and training costs, teachers retiring also adds pressure.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global report on teachers. Addressing teacher shortages (2023), S. 17.

Teacher shortages in certain subjects often lead teachers to teach out-of-field ...


„Teacher shortages in certain subjects often lead teachers to teach out-of-field. Due to external labour opportunities, some subjects are more prone to shortages than others. For science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduates, for example, there are numerous non-teaching opportunities with favourable pay and conditions.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global report on teachers. Addressing teacher shortages (2023), S. 17.

Initial teacher training with an adequate in-school experience ...


„Initial teacher training with an adequate in-school experience, followed by induction and mentoring in the novice years, are key elements retaining teachers. […] Teachers highly appreciate collaboration and obtaining formative feedback from their peers, and novice teachers benefit greatly from mentoring and induction programmes.“
UNESCO (Hrsg.), Global report on teachers. Addressing teacher shortages (2023), S. 23.

Induction programmes for new teachers recommended ...


„We recommend implementing longer induction and mentoring programmes, of at least two years. Induction programmes for new teachers lead to higher teacher retention rates, faster professional development, and enhanced student learning outcomes. The most successful mentorship programmes are those that offer same-subject mentors, regular collaboration and external networking. In addition, providing mentor training and allowing partial release from regular duties can improve the teaching practice of new teachers through the provision of personalised coaching and support.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristof de Witte u.a., Evidence-based Solutions to Teacher Shortages (2023), S. 9.

Induction, support and mentoring programmes provide both novice and experienced teachers with the resources, guidance and professional development opportunities they need ...


„Induction, support and mentoring programmes provide both novice and experienced teachers with the resources, guidance and professional development opportunities they need to become effective educators and make a positive impact on their students’ learning and development. […] Mentors can provide assistance with classroom management, lesson planning, assessment and other aspects of teaching, as well as offering emotional support and advice as needed. Thanks to induction, support and mentoring, teachers feel supported and valued, such that they might be more likely to remain in their positions and continue to develop their skills and expertise over time.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristof de Witte u.a., Evidence-based Solutions to Teacher Shortages (2023), S. 54.

The value of subject-specific preparation in improving students’ test scores in mathematics and science ...


„The available evidence highlights the value of subject-specific preparation in improving students’ test scores in mathematics and science.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristof de Witte u.a., Evidence-based Solutions to Teacher Shortages (2023), S. 70.

Das häufigste Kriterium für die Zulassung zur Lehrererstausbildung ...


„Das häufigste Kriterium für die Zulassung zur Lehrererstausbildung ist, unabhängig vom Bildungsbereich, in dem unterrichtet werden soll, der Notendurchschnitt der Schule(n) des Sekundarbereichs II oder der Prüfungen im Sekundarbereich II.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 472.

In den meisten Ländern mehr als eine Person und/oder Stelle für die Unterstützung neuer Lehrkräfte zuständig ...


„Außer in Kolumbien, wo nur eine als Mentor dienende Lehrkraft neue Lehrkräfte unterstützt, und in der Republik Korea, wo die Unterstützung ausschließlich durch lokale Behörden erfolgt, ist in den meisten Ländern, in denen es ein formales Einführungsprogramm gibt, mehr als eine Person und/oder Stelle für die Unterstützung neuer Lehrkräfte während dieser Einführung zuständig.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2022 (2022), S. 480.

Teaching practice in Finland has strong connections to theory and research ...


„Teaching practice in Finland has strong connections to theory and research; therefore, student teachers must connect their teaching practice with current educational research.“
Dr. Jennifer Chung, Research-informed teacher education, teacher autonomy and teacher agency: the example of Finland (2022), S. 5.

Teachers need to be equipped with both extensive knowledge of the discipline and appropriate pedagogical skills ...


„It is widely acknowledged that, to provide good-quality teaching, teachers need to be equipped with both extensive knowledge of the discipline and appropriate pedagogical skills.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Informatics education at school in Europe (2022), S. 67.

Die Bestgeeigneten für die Lehrerausbildung finden ...


„Consistent evidence suggests that years of education and degree qualifications account for a negligible variation in teacher effectiveness. In contrast, selective processes to access initial teacher education or profession lead to higher quality teachers on average.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Investing in our future: quality investment in education and training (2022), S. 40.

Robust social support and social networks may be important for reducing turnover among beginning teachers ...


„In the teaching profession, collegial relationships with peers are an important factor, independent of a combination of other factors that influence the decision of beginning teachers to leave or stay. This is consistent with studies showing that robust social support and social networks may be important for reducing turnover among beginning teachers. Importantly, research suggests the importance of formal social supports, such as those provided through new teacher induction and mentoring programs.”
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eric Richter u. a., Retention intention and job satisfaction of alternatively certified teachers in their first year of teaching. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 114 (2022), S. 3.

Alternatively certified teachers feel less prepared and have higher turnover rates ...


„AC [Anm.: AC = alternatively certified] teachers enter the profession through alternative rather than traditional teacher training programs. […] AC teachers are key to overcoming teacher shortages, yet they are an at-risk group because they feel less prepared and have higher turnover rates than traditionally trained teachers.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eric Richter u. a., Retention intention and job satisfaction of alternatively certified teachers in their first year of teaching. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 114 (2022), S. 4.

Higher performing systems have strategies in place that provide career pathways for high-performing experienced teachers ...


„Internationally, higher performing systems have strategies in place that provide career pathways for high-performing experienced teachers that combine reduced teaching loads with mentoring responsibilities for early career teachers. These programs are shown to be twice effective; first, they provide pedagogical career pathways to keep quality teachers in teaching, and second, they provide support for early career teachers while also building awareness of potential career pathways.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wyatt-Smith u. a., Reviewing the Evidence Base: Attraction, Pathways and Retention. A Focus on Attracting Candidates (2022), S. 13.

PISA-Daten deuten darauf hin, wie wichtig hochwertiger Unterricht für die Verbesserung der Lernerfolge der Schüler ist ...


„PISA-Daten deuten darauf hin, wie wichtig hochwertiger Unterricht für die Verbesserung der Lernerfolge der Schüler ist. Eine Möglichkeit, das Schulwesen dabei zu unterstützen, die besten Kandidaten als Lehrkräfte zu gewinnen, besteht darin, höhere Gehälter anzubieten. Will man gute Lehrkräfte gewinnen und die kompetenten halten, geht es jedoch nicht nur um die Erhöhung der Gehälter. Dazu gehören auch die Qualität der Aus- und Weiterbildung vor und während der Berufsausübung und das Ansehen von Lehrkräften in der Gesellschaft.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 387.

Qualität der Lehrkräfte der wichtigste bestimmende Faktor innerhalb der Schule für die Leistungen der Schüler ...


„Es gibt überzeugende Belege, dass die Qualität der Lehrkräfte der wichtigste bestimmende Faktor innerhalb der Schule für die Leistungen der Schüler ist, daher müssen konzertierte Anstrengungen unternommen werden, um die Fähigsten für den Lehrerberuf zu gewinnen und eine qualitativ hochwertige Ausbildung zu bieten.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2021 (2021), S. 482.

In a number of countries novice teachers have a reduced teaching load ...


„In a number of countries […] novice teachers have a reduced teaching load as part of their induction programmes. This provides them with more time to prepare their lessons, engage in professional learning or observe colleagues while they develop their teaching skills and improve their effectiveness.“
Luka Boeskens, MSC, u. a., Not enough hours in the Day: Policies that shape teachers‘ use of time (2021), S. 53.

Mentors frequently face a heavy workload ...


„The OECD‘s Initial Teacher Preparation Study found that mentors frequently face a heavy workload and find it difficult to make sufficient time to help their peers, which can reduce the effectiveness of their support, as well as the attractiveness of mentoring roles.“
Luka Boeskens, MSC, u. a., Not enough hours in the Day: Policies that shape teachers‘ use of time (2021), S. 54.

It is critical that novice teachers receive adequate support to transition from teacher education to their first years in the profession ...


„To mitigate high attrition, turnover and teacher shortages, it is critical that novice teachers receive adequate support to transition from teacher education to their first years in the profession. […] Reducing novice teachers' workload can help them to dedicate more time to induction and mentoring activities. Time gained from a reduced workload may also allow novice teachers to better prepare classroom activities and review their students' work, as a way of improving their teaching skills.“
Ottavia Brussino, Building capacity for inclusive teaching (2021), S. 37.

Supporting novice teachers effectively from the start can greatly contribute to improving working conditions and retaining high-quality and diverse teachers in the profession ...


„Supporting novice teachers effectively from the start can greatly contribute to improving working conditions and retaining high-quality and diverse teachers in the profession. Across countries, induction and mentoring programmes aimed at providing collaborative support between novice teachers and more experienced teachers are increasingly widespread practices.“
Ottavia Brussino, Building capacity for inclusive teaching (2021), S. 102.

Supporting teachers during the early stages of their career is crucial ...


„Supporting teachers during the early stages of their career is crucial not only to enhance the quality of teaching but also to reduce exit from the profession.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Teachers in Europe. Careers, Development and Well-being (2021), S. 17.

Support and assistance for beginning teachers in the form of induction and mentoring have a positive influence on outcomes ...


„Empirical evidence shows that support and assistance for beginning teachers in the form of induction and mentoring have a positive influence on outcomes such as commitment and retention of teachers, classroom teaching practices and student achievement.“
OECD, Positive, High‑achieving Students (2021), S. 46.

Induction activities are a key learning opportunity for teachers during their practice ...


„Induction activities are a key learning opportunity for teachers during their practice. One of the most important advantages of induction activities for beginning teachers based on evidence from the United States is early career retention, especially activities that allow teachers to collaborate with their colleagues and include a mentor in their induction.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teachers Getting the Best out of Their Students (2021), S. 135.

Risk of novice teachers leaving the profession in their early years ...


„Research indicates that there is a greater risk of novice teachers leaving the profession in their early years and induction could potentially minimise these risks given the positive association with teacher retention.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Teachers Getting the Best out of Their Students (2021), S. 135.

Teachers’ work is widely recognised as stressful ...


„Teachers’ work is widely recognised as stressful. […] Beginning teachers are also recognised as an especially vulnerable group in need of specific support to develop their skills and confidence in teaching.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Greg Thompson, The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021 (2021), S. 8.

Special attention should be paid to novice teachers ...


„Special attention should be paid to novice teachers, by providing them with additional guidance and mentoring, to facilitate their career start and help them cope with the specific needs they are facing.“
EU-Kommission, Council conclusions on European teachers and trainers for the future (26. Mai 2020)

Qualität der Lehrkräfte der wichtigste bestimmende Faktor innerhalb der Schule für die Leistungen der Schüler ...


„Es gibt überzeugende Belege, dass die Qualität der Lehrkräfte der wichtigste bestimmende Faktor innerhalb der Schule für die Leistungen der Schüler ist, daher müssen konzertierte Anstrengungen unternommen werden, die Fähigsten für den Lehrerberuf zu gewinnen und eine qualitativ hochwertige Ausbildung zu bieten.
OECD (Hrsg.), Bildung auf einen Blick 2020. OECD-Indikatoren (2020), S. 536.

A growth of 'alternative pathways' to teaching ...


„Although the majority of teachers in most OECD countries enter the profession after having completed a tertiary teacher education programme, some countries, including the United States, have seen a growth of 'alternative pathways' to teaching over the past decades. This includes alternative certification processes, which tend to involve short-term trainings lasting anywhere from a few weeks to a few months or employment-based residency training.“
Luka Boeskens, MSc, u. a., Policies to support teachers’ continuing professional learning (2020), S. 12.

Sufficient, effective and sustainable investment in teachers and trainers is investment in the quality of education and training ...


„Sufficient, effective and sustainable investment in teachers and trainers is investment in the quality of education and training. This encompasses various aspects, such as investment in opportunities for education and training of teachers and trainers, adequate infrastructure and learning spaces, tools and resources, as well as salaries.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Council conclusions on European teachers and trainers for the future, C 193/04 (2020).

Instructional quality ...


„Instructional quality depends on teachers’ content knowledge (a thorough understanding of the subject matter), pedagogical content knowledge (a solid grasp of teaching methods), and pedagogical knowledge (knowledge of educational psychology), which, in turn, are positively related to teachers’ formal qualifications.“
Dr. Karin Guill u. a., Assessing the instructional quality of private tutoring and its effects on student outcomes. In: British Journal of Educational Psychology (2020), 90, S. 285.

Student learning depends to a large degree on teachers who have specialized in the subject they teach ...


„Student learning depends to a large degree on teachers who have specialized in the subject they teach and whose content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge are sound.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Trude Nilsen u. a., Teachers’ Role in Enhancing Equity – A Multilevel Structural Equation Modelling with Mediated Moderation. In: Dr. Tove Stjern Frønes u. a., Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education (2020), S. 177.

Induction and mentoring opportunities are essential strategies for supporting new teachers ...


„Research has indicated that novice teachers in their first three years are more likely to leave the teaching profession, as they often encounter challenges in the classroom and have limited professional experience to address those challenges. Therefore, induction and mentoring opportunities are essential strategies for supporting new teachers to help them overcome difficulties in the transition period and preventing early dropouts from the teaching force.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 50.

Teachers who participate in induction activities tend to report higher self-efficacy and job satisfaction ...


„Teachers who participate in induction activities tend to report higher self-efficacy and job satisfaction, which are two important factors that matter to the quality of teaching practices.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System (2020), S. 51.

A teaching practicum was included in an average of 90 % of teachers’ initial training ...


„A teaching practicum, giving teachers the chance to apply their learning in a classroom under the supervision of an experienced teacher, was included in an average of 90 % of teachers’ initial training across OECD countries.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Education in the Digital Age (2020), S. 187.

Only 56 % of teachers across the OECD received training in the use of ICT for teaching as part of their formal education or training ...


„Only 56 % of teachers across the OECD received training in the use of ICT for teaching as part of their formal education or training, and only 43 % of teachers felt well or very well prepared for this element when they completed their initial education or training.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), S. 37.
In Österreich waren es nur 40 % bzw. 20 %. (Quelle: OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume I (2019), Table I.4.13 und Table I.4.20.)

The teaching profession is highly valued in Finnish society ...


„The teaching profession is highly valued in Finnish society, as teachers are considered to be experts with a special mission in the community. Teachers receive high-quality training and are responsible for constantly maintaining their professional skills. These statements imply trust-based assessment, where quality assurance does not rely on control.“
OECD (Hrsg.), TALIS 2018 Results. Volume II (2020), S. 126.

Classroom management preparation ...


„A precondition for teaching is to be able to manage a classroom. TALIS 2018 results show that while 72 % of the teachers report that they receive classroom management preparation in their initial training, only 53 % feel well prepared in this field, and only half of the teachers had recent professional development in this area.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Fernando Reimers, Audacious Education Purposes (2020), S. 18.

Turnover in teaching is considered high particularly in the first few years ...


„While all occupations experience some degree of turnover and career change, turnover in teaching is considered high particularly in the first few years compared to many other professions, such as lawyers, engineers, architects and professors.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beng Huat See u. a., Teacher Recruitment and Retention: A Critical Review of International Evidence of Most Promising Interventions (2020), S. 2.

A growing awareness of the often challenging working conditions associated with teaching ...


„A growing awareness of the often challenging working conditions associated with teaching has led to the development of strategies to try and improve these, and in turn make teaching a more attractive profession. These include induction programmes, access to professional development, enhancing leadership skills in schools, flexible working.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beng Huat See u. a., Teacher Recruitment and Retention: A Critical Review of International Evidence of Most Promising Interventions (2020), S. 2.

In recent years, there has been growing policy interest in induction and mentoring strategies ...


„In recent years, there has been growing policy interest in induction and mentoring strategies. These are designed to provide additional support and development for teachers, usually in the early years of their career, with a view to retaining them within the profession.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beng Huat See u. a., Teacher Recruitment and Retention: A Critical Review of International Evidence of Most Promising Interventions (2020), S. 4.

Early-career teachers are more sensitive to working conditions than more experienced teachers ...


„Existing research suggests that early-career teachers are more sensitive to working conditions than more experienced teachers.“
Dr. Sam Sims u. a., TALIS 2018: teacher working conditions, turnover and attrition (2020), S. 23.

Support and assistance for novice teachers has a positive influence ...


„Research shows that support and assistance for novice teachers has a positive influence on the commitment from and the retention of teachers, classroom teaching practices and student achievement.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2019 (2019), S. 21.

Induction can be used to ease the transition from teacher education to professional life ...


„Induction can be used to ease the transition from teacher education to professional life, by introducing new teachers to school practices, colleagues and fellow staff members, and the main challenges that they will face in their job. Induction can help retaining novice teachers and thus reducing the number of those leaving the profession after a few years (attrition rate).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2019 (2019), S. 27.

Mentoring has a positive impact on teaching skills ...


„Studies suggest that mentoring has a positive impact on teaching skills, and as mentors often have schoolspecific information that new teachers may lack, they can also help in teacher retention.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2019 (2019), S. 30.

Sense of preparedness for using digital technologies for teaching ...


„When asked about their sense of preparedness for using digital technologies for teaching, 39.4 % of teachers in the EU felt well or very well prepared for the use of digital technologies for teaching. In Austria and Finland, only 1 in 5 teachers confirmed feeling well prepared for the use of ICT in teaching. […] In the group of teachers trained after 2013, only Austria (33.1 %) have less than half of the respondents reporting that they did not feel well prepared for using digital technologies for teaching after initial teacher education.“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2019 (2019), S. 88.

Except Austria: Use of digital technologies for teaching in initial teacher education ...


„In the group of newly educated teachers (those who received their initial teacher education after 2013), use of digital technologies for teaching was included in initial teacher education for at least 70 % of teachers in all EU Member States, except Austria (68.3 %).“
EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), Education and Training Monitor 2019 (2019), S. 88.

Großbritanniens Privatschulen ...


„Proportionately more private school teachers have obtained degrees from high-ranking universities and earned good grades; more also have a post-graduate qualification, and more are specialists in maths and sciences, typically the subjects where teachers are in short supply. Private school heads are also increasingly successful at attracting experienced teachers from state schools; this matters because teachers’ skills develop considerably over the first few years in the classroom.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francis Green u. a., Engines of Privilege (2019), S. 100.

'Induction phase' growingly recognised in OECD countries ...


„During the last 20 years the idea of an 'induction phase' where beginning teachers receive a dedicated support has been growingly recognised in OECD countries.“
OECD (Hrsg.), A Flying Start (2019), S. 102.

Each additional year of teaching experience is related to higher student achievement ...


„Each additional year of teaching experience is related to higher student achievement, especially during a teacher’s first five years in the profession. Results from TALIS 2018 show that, early in their careers, teachers often feel less confident in their ability to teach, in their classroom management skills and in their capacity to use a wide range of effective instruction approaches.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2018 Results. Where All Students Can Succeed“ (2019), S. 109

A mandatory teaching practicum was identified in PISA as a common feature of initial teacher preparation in all high-performing and equitable education systems ...


„A mandatory teaching practicum was identified in PISA as a common feature of initial teacher preparation in all high-performing and equitable education systems except Macao (China). […] A number of countries have recently reformed their initial teacher education systems to make the teaching practicum a mandatory element – such as Estonia.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2018 Results. Volume I“ (2019), S. 129f

Important elements in helping novice teachers to confirm their career choice and remain in the teaching profession ...


„Most importantly, the working conditions, support and early professional development that novice teachers experience in their first years are important elements in helping them to confirm their career choice and remain in the teaching profession.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2018 Results. Volume I“ (2019), S. 137

The positive impact of induction activities for teachers on teaching quality and student learning has been shown in various studies ...


„The positive impact of induction activities for teachers on teaching quality and student learning has been shown in various studies. In particular, empirical evidence shows that students taught by teachers who receive comprehensive induction support demonstrate learning gains larger than those experienced by students taught by teachers who do not receive such support.“
OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2018 Results. Volume I“ (2019), S. 140

A considerable share of teachers at lower secondary level reported feeling underprepared for managing classrooms and student behaviour ...


„For the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018, a considerable share of teachers at lower secondary level reported feeling underprepared for managing classrooms and student behaviour, ranging from more than one in four teachers in Lithuania to more than three in four in Austria and France.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Working and Learning Together (2019), S. 274.

Successful teachers have deep subject-matter knowledge ...


„Successful teachers have deep subject-matter knowledge, an understanding of child development and psychology, an awareness of the principles of the learning sciences, and a set of practiced routines for operationalising these in the context of a classroom.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Working and Learning Together (2019), S. 323.

Der OECD-Vorschlag für ein Unterrichtspraktikum ...


„Prospective teachers could spend four days per week in the classroom with a highly effective experienced teacher, progressively taking more responsibility for leading the classroom. The fifth week day could be spent learning with the cohort of residents at a local teacher education institution.“
OECD (Hrsg.), Working and Learning Together (2019), S. 324.

Instructors need to be professionals of pedagogy ...


„Irrespective of the subject taught and the educational setting (whether schools, vocational colleges or universities), instructors need to be professionals of pedagogy and base their everyday practice on a regularly updated, coherent and integrated knowledge base to fulfil their roles as learning and equity agents.“
Dr. Hannah Ulferts, The relevance of general pedagogical knowledge for successful teaching (2019), S.7.

Becoming a primary school teacher is highly competitive in Finland ...


„Becoming a primary school teacher is highly competitive in Finland. Selection for primary school teacher education happens in two steps: first, candidates are selected based on scores in matriculation exam and out-of-school accomplishment records. Next, candidates take a written exam in pedagogy, their social and communication skills are observed in clinical settings similar to school situations, and top candidates are interviewed and asked to explain their motivation to become teachers. About 1 in every 12 applicants is accepted in teacher education programs to become a primary school teacher.“
World Bank Group (Hrsg.), Successful Teachers, Successful Students (2019), S. 21.

Around two-thirds of the 32 countries included in the analysis use selective entry criteria for teacher education ...


„Around two-thirds of the 32 countries included in the analysis use selective entry criteria for teacher education in addition to diploma requirements, for prospective teachers for both primary or in lower secondary education. Most commonly, candidates are selected based on their secondary school results, but in some cases an interview or a competitive examination is used.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Education Indicators in Focus 58“ (Jänner 2018), S. 2


Singapore uses a manpower planning approach ...


„Singapore uses a manpower planning approach so that every teacher trainee who is recruited and selected for training is paid by the Ministry of Education during their initial teacher education and then has a guaranteed first job. The Singapore career structure has three career tracks – the master teacher track, school leader track, and specialist track – so that if teachers enjoy teaching they can advance professionally and financially within teaching, but if they don’t enjoy teaching they can find other paths within education.“
Asia Society (Hrsg.), New Challenges and opportunities (2018), S. 29.

The importance of providing specific support to teachers during the early stage of their career ...


„The 2017 European Commission Communication on school development and excellent teaching stresses the importance of providing specific support to teachers during the early stage of their career.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Teaching Careers in Europe“ (2018), S. 51

Der österreichische Nationalrat hat das international vorbildliche Unterrichtspraktikum durch eine „Induktionsphase“ ersetzt.


Finnland: Teaching is a highly appreciated profession ...


„Teaching is a highly appreciated profession, and education programmes are among the most difficult programmes to access in Finnish universities.“
Dr. Oskari Harjunen u. a., „Best Education Money Can Buy? Capitalization of School Quality in Finland“. In: „CESifo Economic Studies“ (2018), S. 151

Induction has positive effects on beginners’ classroom teaching practices ...


„A growing body of empirical research has shown that induction has positive effects on beginners’ classroom teaching practices, on their retention, and on their students’ academic achievement.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Ingersoll u. a., „The Status of Teaching as a Profession. In: Ballantine u. a., Schools and Society: A Sociological Approach to Education (2018), S. 205.

The quality of teachers depends mainly on setting high standards for entering teacher-preparation programmes ...


„The quality of teachers depends mainly on setting high standards for entering teacher-preparation programmes and for the quality of initial preparation, and on the attention given to the quality of teachers’ preparation in selection and recruitment processes.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Effective Teacher Policies“ (2018), S. 23


In some high-performing countries and economies candidates must pass a competitive examination ...


„In some high-performing countries and economies, such as Finland, Hong Kong (China), Korea, Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei [Anm.: „Chinese Taipei“ = Taiwan], candidates must pass a competitive examination to be admitted into pre-service teacher education.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Effective Teacher Policies“ (2018), S. 46


All high-performing countries recognise that beginning teachers need intensive support ...


„All high-performing countries recognise that beginning teachers need intensive support to apply their knowledge to teaching, and to develop professional networks with more experienced mentors.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Effective Teacher Policies“ (2018), S. 48


Teaching graduates in Singapore ...


„Teaching graduates in Singapore must successfully complete a probation period in which their competence for the job is evaluated. Singapore also specifically recruits candidates from the top third of the secondary school graduating class by offering them attractive conditions for study and work, such as a competitive monthly stipend during the training period.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Effective Teacher Policies“ (2018), S. 48


Most OECD countries have developed different programmes to support beginning teachers ...


„Over the last two decades most OECD countries have developed different programmes to support beginning teachers. These have been accompanied by a growing research evaluating the impact and effectiveness of these initiatives. […] Teacher Education in Europe advocates that an induction phase of at least one year should be both a right and an obligation for early career teachers, and should involve systematic guidance and personnel, social and professional support.“
Dr. Alejandro Paniagua u. a., „Early Career Teachers: Pioneers Triggering Innovation or Compliant Professionals?“ (2018), S. 3

Resources allocated to reducing class sizes ...


„How teachers are paid, and what proportion of resources are allocated to reducing class sizes, providing better training for teachers and providing more ancillary staff or better facilities, is crucial.“
Varkey Foundation (Hrsg.), „Global Teacher Status Index 2018“ (2018), S. 8

Attracting top candidates into teaching ...


„Teachers in Top Performing Systems benefit from coherent systems of recruitment, development, and support that make their jobs easier and promote effective teaching. These systems begin by attracting top candidates into teaching, filtering for quality, and providing an excellent induction into the profession.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 139


The two factors with the strongest evidence in improving student outcomes are content knowledge and the quality of pedagogical practices ...


„The two factors with the strongest evidence in improving student outcomes are content knowledge and the quality of pedagogical practices. Teachers with strong knowledge and understanding of their subject have greater impact on student learning.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 153


Educational systems perform best when they have teachers who are respected, prepared, selected on merit, and supported in their work ...


„Educational systems perform best when they have teachers who are respected, prepared, selected on merit, and supported in their work. East Asia and Pacific systems provide many lessons for developing such high-performing systems. A foundational aspect is attracting high-quality candidates into the profession by offering not only competitive compensation but also an appealing professional environment founded on respect and support.“

World Bank Group (Hrsg.), „Growing Smarter“ (2018), S. 159


The leading jurisdictions are selecting their teachers from among the more capable of their high school graduates ...


„The leading jurisdictions are selecting their teachers from among the more capable of their high school graduates. They want to make sure that they are not only strong in academics, but that they can connect with young people and have a passion for teaching.“

Marc S. Tucker, Präsident des National Center on Education and the Economy, Vorwort zu Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017)


Finland has placed particular emphasis on effective recruitment strategies ...


„Finland has placed particular emphasis on effective recruitment strategies and strong teacher preparation.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 5


Das „Geheimnis“ weltweit herausragender Bildungssysteme ...


„Competitive salaries helped make the profession attractive to potential candidates, and high standards were set for entry into and graduation from initial teacher education programs. Together these helped raise the status of teaching, creating a virtuous cycle for ongoing recruitment.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 5f


All new teachers in Ontario working with trained mentors ...


Ontario: „Induction programs are particularly well developed, with all new teachers in Ontario working with trained mentors as part of the 2-year New Teacher Induction Program. Mentors and mentees receive shared release time for collaborative planning, classroom observation, or assessment of student work designed to enhance teachers‘ practice, efficacy, and support their commitment to continuous professional learning.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 31


High-performing systems view teaching as a profession that is attractive to enter ...


„High-performing systems view teaching as a profession, one that is attractive to enter and remain in and one that offers rewards – intrinsic and extrinsic – to those who excel. In doing so, the systems help ensure that well-qualified individuals go into teaching, thus enhancing the respect for the profession throughout society.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 182


Attractive teachers’ salaries help sustain the supply of highly-skilled teachers in the face of an ageing teacher workforce ...


„The education sector competes with other sectors for the best-qualified employees. Teachers’ salaries may strongly influence graduates’ choice to join the teaching profession, and teachers’ choice to stay in their job. Attractive teachers’ salaries hence help sustain the supply of highly-skilled teachers in the face of an ageing teacher workforce and/or a growing school-age population, and thus ensure that those with the greatest competencies for teaching choose their career path accordingly.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Government at a Glance 2017“ (2017), S. 112


Finnland: Teaching is consistently the most admired profession ...


„Among young Finns, surveys of high school graduates show that teaching is consistently the most admired profession. […] Annually about 20,000 students apply for about 4,000 slots in teacher education institutions.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Empowered Educators“ (2017), S. 55


Students who wish to enter teacher-training programmes ...


In Finland, Hong-Kong (China), Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei, students who wish to enter teacher-training programmes must pass a competitive entry examination.

OECD (Hrsg.), What do we know about teachers selection and professional development in high-performing countries? (2017), S. 2


Singapore […] tries to recruit candidates from the top third of the secondary school graduating class ...


Singapore [] tries to recruit candidates from the top third of the secondary school graduating class and offers them attractive working conditions, such as a competitive monthly stipend during the training period.

OECD (Hrsg.), What do we know about teachers selection and professional development in high-performing countries? (2017), S. 4


Finnland: Lehrerausbildung sehr beliebt ...


Finnland: „Die Lehrerausbildung ist sehr beliebt, und es ist schwer, die Leistungsvoraussetzungen dafür zu erfüllen. So schafften 2014 nur rund 9 % der Kandidaten die Immatrikulationsprüfung an der Helsinkier Universität für die Ausbildung zum Klassenlehrer.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, finland.fi am 17. Juli 2016


Das mathematisch-didaktische Wissen der Lehrkraft korreliert mit Schülerleistungen ...


„Ergebnisse im mathematischen Bereich zeigen, dass das mathematisch-didaktische Wissen der Lehrkraft besonders hoch mit den Schülerleistungen korreliert.“

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (Hrsg.), „Bildungsmonitor 2016“ (2016), S. 19


Die Kompetenz der Lehrkraft ist zentral ...


„Hatties zentrale Botschaft ist der Hinweis, dass mit der Kompetenz der Lehrkraft letztlich alles steht und fällt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Zierer, „Hattie für gestresste Lehrer“ (2016), S.7


In der Lehrerfort- und Weiterbildung sind Unterrichtsbeobachtungen mit anschließenden Diskussionen und Rückmeldungen am wirksamsten ...


„In der Lehrerfort- und Weiterbildung sind Unterrichtsbeobachtungen mit anschließenden Diskussionen und Rückmeldungen am wirksamsten, wohingegen Vorlesungen, Simulationen sowie das Erstellen von Unterrichtsmaterialien weniger hilfreich sind.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Zierer, „Hattie für gestresste Lehrer“ (2016), S.76


Teacher education in Finland remains very competitive ...


„Teacher education in Finland remains very competitive and is one of the most attractive educational programmes at tertiary level. For example, at the University of Helsinki only 7 % of applicants were accepted onto the primary school teacher programme in 2016.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2016 – Country analysis“ (2016), S. 93


Beginning teachers require comprehensive support ...


„Beginning teachers require comprehensive support in the transition to the workplace. They require intensive role modelling, mentoring and other forms of training to learn what good practice on the job involves.“

Dr. Ben Jensen u. a., „Beyond PD: Teacher Professional Learning in High-Performing Systems“ (2016), S. 29


Highly qualified candidates for the teaching profession ...


„The most successful education systems select and retain highly qualified candidates for the teaching profession and ensure that they are constantly improving.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA 2015 Results (Volume II): Policies and Practices for Successful Schools (2016), S. 230


Entry to the five-year teacher education programme is highly competitive in Finland ...


Finnland: „Entry to the five-year teacher education programme is highly competitive, and education is rigorous, researchbased and combined with supervised teaching for at least one year in schools associated with the university.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „OECD Economic Surveys – Finland“ (2016), S. 84


Aus den PISA-Kontextfragen an SchulleiterInnen ...


„PISA finds that low performers in mathematics are more likely than students who perform at or above baseline Level 2 to attend schools that suffer from a lack of qualified teachers.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Low-Performing Students“ (2016), S. 160


Well-designed induction programmes improve teaching quality ...


„Research evidence shows that well-designed induction programmes increase teacher retention and satisfaction and improve teaching quality.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 102


Teachers in Singapore ...


„In Singapore, teachers have 20 % fewer teaching hours for the first three years of teaching and also receive mentoring support.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Netherlands 2016 – Foundations for the Future“ (2016), S. 110


Subject-specific knowledge of teachers ...


„Many comparative studies have found the subject-specific knowledge of teachers to be one of the main teacher-related determinants of improved learning outcomes.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teaching Excellence through Professional Learning and Policy Reform“ (2016), S. 18


Top school systems ...


„Top school systems pay a great deal of attention to how they select their staff.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teaching Excellence through Professional Learning and Policy Reform“ (2016), S. 12


Numeracy skills of teachers ...


„In Japan and Finland, for example, the average teacher has better numeracy skills than the average college graduate while in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, the Slovak Republic and Sweden, the reverse is true.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „Teaching Excellence through Professional Learning and Policy Reform“ (2016), S. 12


Shanghai: School children, beginning in first grade, are taught by teachers who are trained and recruited by subject ...


Shanghai: „School children, beginning in first grade, are taught by teachers who are trained and recruited by subject. Each key subject teacher is responsible for teaching that subject.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 7


Teachers in China and Shanghai are trained, recruited, and organized by subject starting from teachers of first grade ...


„As in many East Asian countries, teachers in China and Shanghai are trained, recruited, and organized by subject starting from teachers of first grade. Each key subject teacher is responsible for teaching his or her subject specialty.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 28


The induction-probation program for teachers in Shanghai ...


Shanghai: „The induction-probation program requires teachers to spend 50 percent of their time teaching in the classroom and 50 percent receiving professional development at district teacher training centers where they receive training on ethics, pedagogy, and student activity design.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 29


Shanghai teachers generally have a very high level of content knowledge ...


„Shanghai teachers generally have a very high level of content knowledge, especially in the core subject areas of math, Chinese, and English.“

Weltbank (Hrsg.), „How Shanghai Does It“ (2016), S. 30


Building high-quality teaching forces by recruiting the best ...


„Several top-performing countries, such as Finland and Korea, build high-quality teaching forces by recruiting the best high school graduates into education institutions.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „PISA in Focus“ Nr. 58, Dezember 2015, S. 2


Abbau von Spezialisierung in der Lehrerausbildung ...


„Was auch immer dem Wunsch nach Abbau von Spezialisierung in der Lehrerausbildung zu Grunde liegt – unterschätzte Bandbreite der Verschiedenheit, unterschätzte Komplexität der Verschiedenheit, unterschätzte Anforderungen, die die Verschiedenheit an die Fachlichkeit des Lehrers stellen oder aber die Überschätzung von Lehrern und/oder der Lehrerbildung – es ist immer ein Irrtum!“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. David-S. Di Fuccia, „Profil“ (Zeitung des dphv), November 2015, S. 24


Die hohe Bedeutung einer spezifischen Lehrerausbildung ...


„Large-scale studies in North Carolina, New York, and Texas found significant negative effects on student achievements for teachers who entered teaching through alternative routes, as compared to fully certified teachers with comparable experience.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Teaching in the Flat World“ (2015), S. 14


In Singapore, beginning teachers receive 2 years of coaching from expert senior teachers ...


„In Singapore, beginning teachers receive 2 years of coaching from expert senior teachers who are trained by the National Institute of Education as mentors and are given released time to help beginners learn their craft. During the structured mentoring period, beginning teachers teach a reduced load (about two-thirds that of an experienced teacher) and attend courses in classroom management, counseling, reflective practices, and assessment offered by the National Institute of Education and the Ministry of Education.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond u. a., „Teaching in the Flat World“ (2015), S. 82


Finland has managed to keep up the appreciation and attractiveness of the teaching profession ...


„Unlike other Nordic countries, Finland has managed to keep up the appreciation and attractiveness of the teaching profession, which is reflected in the high level of applicants for teacher education.“

Finnish Institute for Educational Reasearch (Hrsg.), „Mobility and transition of pedagogical expertise in Finland“ (2015), S. 20


Teacher education lost popularity in Sweden ...


Schweden: „Over time the attractiveness of the teacher profession declined and teacher education lost popularity. Declining teacher skills and an increasing share of teaching staff without adequate qualifications followed.“

Jon Kristian Pareliussen u. a., „Skills and Inclusive Growth in Sweden“ (2015), S. 19


Factors which have the potential to raise attractiveness of the profession ...


„More flexibility on working hours outside the classroom, increasing autonomy on ways to reach learning targets, enhancing coaching and feedback and increasing influence on issues concerning pupils and workplace are all factors which have the potential to raise teacher satisfaction and the attractiveness of the profession.“

Jon Kristian Pareliussen u. a., „Skills and Inclusive Growth in Sweden“ (2015), S. 20


The greatest returns for better education ...


„Policies to attract the best resources into teaching and ensure they receive high quality education and relevant opportunities for professional development are likely to bring the greatest returns for better education.“

Europäische Kommission (Hrsg.), „The Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013“ (2014), S. 9


Once new teachers start their career ...


„Once new teachers start their career, it is crucial to provide them with appropriate personal, social and professional support (induction) for a successful transition into the reality of working life at a school.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Education and Training Monitor 2014“ (2014), S. 62


The most effective teachers have deep knowledge of the subjects ...


„The most effective teachers have deep knowledge of the subjects they teach, and when teachers’ knowledge falls below a certain level it is a significant impediment to students’ learning.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Coe u. a., „What makes great teaching?“ (2014), S. 2


Relationship between measures of a teacher's knowledge and the gains ...


„A number of studies have found a relationship between measures of a teacher’s knowledge of the content they are teaching and the gains made by their students.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Coe u. a., „What makes great teaching?“ (2014), S. 18


USA: A growing number of states have induction support programs in place for beginning teachers-programs ...


USA: „A growing number of states have induction support programs in place for beginning teachers-programs that education researchers have been calling for since the 1970s. Beginning teachers reporting that they have a mentor or master teacher working with them during their first year have increased from about 50 percent in 1990 to over 90 percent as of 2008.“
Dr. Mariana Haynes, „On the path to equity: Improving the effectiveness of beginning teachers“ (2014), S. 6

The induction elements producing the strongest effects ...


„The induction elements producing the strongest effects include having a mentor from the same field, scheduled collaboration with other teachers, and regular communication with one’s principal. When the number of support measures increase, attrition rates for beginning teachers decline, they perform better at various aspects of teaching, and, most significantly, their students have higher scores or greater gains on academic achievement tests. Overall, teachers receiving a more comprehensive package of these induction components achieve higher levels on all three outcomes:
teachers’ job satisfaction, commitment, and retention;
teachers’ classroom teaching practices and pedagogical methods; and
student achievement.
“Dr. Mariana Haynes, „On the path to equity: Improving the effectiveness of beginning teachers“ (2014), S. 7

Participation in an induction programme ...


„Participation in an induction programme during a teacher’s first employment is positively related not only to the later decision to help other teachers by acting as a mentor but also to more intensively undertake professional development activities.“

OECD (Hrsg.), „TALIS 2013 Results“ (2014), S. 113


The countries that achieve the highest scores in international learning assessments ...


„The countries that achieve the highest scores in international learning assessments such as PISA and TIMSS emphasize mentoring of all newly qualified teachers, supported by additional resources targeted to their schools.“

UNESCO (Hrsg.), „Teaching and learning – Achieving quality for all“ (2014), S. 244


Singapore, Canada and Finland all set high standards ...


„Singapore, Canada and Finland all set high standards for their teacher-preparation programs in academic universities.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, Washington Post vom 15. Mai 2013


Das eigentliche Geheimnis der finnischen Schulen ...


„Das eigentliche Geheimnis der finnischen Schulen wird oft übersehen: eine strenge Selektion beim Lehrerstudium. Nur etwa jeder zehnte Interessent wird zugelassen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elsbeth Stern, Die Zeit vom 21. März 2013


Teacher preparation is a powerful predictor of students’ achievement ...


„There is growing evidence that teacher preparation is a powerful predictor of students’ achievement, perhaps even overcoming socioeconomic and language background factors. To engage students in learning, teachers need to be well-prepared such that they have a solid mastery of the content in the subject to be taught and a repertoire of effective pedagogical approaches.“

IEA (Hrsg.), „TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships among reading, mathematics, and science achievement at the fourth grade“ (2013), S. 114


Extend ECS programmes (Anm.: ECS = „Early career support“) beyond the first year of teaching ...


„Extend ECS programmes (Anm.: ECS = „Early career support“) beyond the first year of teaching service to the first two or three years. Reduce the number of classroom hours for new teachers, so as to facilitate their participation in ECS programmes.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Study on Policy Measures to improve the Attractiveness of the Teaching Profession in Europe“ (2013), Teil 1, S. 14


Only the very best ...


„High levels of student learning and achievement will be partially achieved by teacher selection policies to ensure that only the very best people become educators and educational leaders.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. David Hopkins, „Exploding the myths of school reform. CSE Seminar Papers No. 224“ (2013), S. 15f


Fachdidaktische Beweglichkeit durch fachliches Wissen ...


„Studien belegen, dass fachdidaktische Beweglichkeit erst entstehen kann, wenn die Lehrer ihr Fach wirklich erschlossen haben.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bellenberg, Pressemeldung vom 26. Jänner 2012


Fachlichkeit für einen erfolgreichen Unterricht ganz wichtig ...


„Die Forschungsbefunde, die uns vorliegen, zeigen eindeutig, dass die Fachlichkeit für einen erfolgreichen Unterricht ganz wichtig ist. Denn die Fachlichkeit ist Voraussetzung dafür, dass Lehrer überhaupt fachdidaktisch gute Entscheidungen treffen können.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bellenberg, Pressemeldung vom 26. Jänner 2012


Countries with the most effective education systems, such as Finland and Singapore, tend to have the most selective teacher recruitment policies ...


„Countries with the most effective education systems, such as Finland and Singapore, tend to have the most selective teacher recruitment policies. In these cases, the teaching profession is considered and treated as a cornerstone of society, acknowledging that teachers enable a country to maximise its future human capital. Only the most talented are encouraged to apply, and there are strict entry criteria based on competence and motivation. This approach is crucial to help boost the status of the profession. Boosting status also requires good pay, good working conditions, a high degree of professional autonomy and high qualification requirements – for all teachers.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „EU High Level Group of Experts on Literacy. Final Report“ (2012), S. 44


Singapur: Initial education provides teachers with high subject content knowledge that is the equivalent of specialist degrees ...


Singapur: „Initial education provides teachers with high subject content knowledge that is the equivalent of specialist degrees. For example, mathematics teacher graduates receive the equivalent mathematics education as a student in a straight mathematics degree at other universities.“

Ben Jensen, „Learning from the best school systems in East Asia“ (2012), S. 52


Importance of subject-matter knowledge ...


„Although experts may not be able to consensually define and measure all aspects of what it takes to teach well, all agree on the importance of subject-matter knowledge.“

IEA (Hrsg.), „Policy, Practice, and Readiness to Teach Primary and Secondary Mathematics in 17 Countries“ (2012), S. 20


Ein Lehrer muss sein Fach können ...


„Ein Lehrer muss sein Fach können, also den Stoff beherrschen, den er vermittelt. Das ist die Grundvoraussetzung. Und er muss den Stoff vermitteln können - Vermittlungswissen oder Vermittlungskompetenz haben.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter Herzog, Der Standard vom 2. Februar 2011


Hohe fachmathematische Kompetenzen unbedingt notwendig ...


„Hohe fachmathematische Kompetenzen sind unbedingt notwendig, um fachdidaktische Fähigkeiten zu erwerben.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sigrid Blömeke, Die Presse vom 31. Jänner 2011


Teachers in Finland must be fully certified ...


„Teachers in Finland must be fully certified at the university level in the areas of their expertise. Teachers of math must be fully trained, university-level mathematicians. This might seem simple common sense. How can one teach what one does not understand?“

Univ.-Prof. Charles Sabel u.a., „Individualized Service Provision in the New Welfare State - Lessons from Special Education in Finland“ (2011), S. 58


The better a teacher understands a topic in math ...


„The better a teacher understands a topic in math, or a type of poetry, the more ways he can approach it; and the more ways he can approach it, the easier it is to find a way that is comprehensible to someone who finds the standard approach unhelpful.“

Univ.-Prof. Charles Sabel u.a., „Individualized Service Provision in the New Welfare State - Lessons from Special Education in Finland“ (2011), S. 58f


Real mastery of a subject is flexibility ...


„Real mastery of a subject is flexibility (among other things) in applying it; and lack of mastery is manifest as rigidity – the need to do the things one can do a certain way, and an inability easily to add new things to one’s repertoire.“

Univ.-Prof. Charles Sabel u.a., „Individualized Service Provision in the New Welfare State - Lessons from Special Education in Finland“ (2011), S. 59


Solide Wissensbasis in der jeweiligen Unterrichtsdomäne ...


„In der einschlägigen Fachliteratur besteht Übereinstimmung darüber, dass eine solide Wissensbasis in der jeweiligen Unterrichtsdomäne eine zentrale Komponente der professionellen Kompetenz von Lehrkräften darstellt.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mareike Kunter u.a., „Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften“ (2011), S. 164


Sowohl Fachwissen als auch fachdidaktisches Wissen ...


„COACTIV hat gezeigt, dass sowohl Fachwissen als auch fachdidaktisches Wissen im hohen Maße ausbildungsabhängig sind, wobei Lücken im Fachwissen kaum durch fachdidaktisches Wissen kompensiert werden können.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mareike Kunter u.a., „Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften“ (2011), S. 185


Eine profunde Wissensbasis ...


„Eine profunde Wissensbasis – bestehend aus fachunabhängigen und fachspezifischen Anteilen – wird als notwendig angesehen, um qualitativ hochwertige Lernumgebungen zu schaffen, in denen die Schülerinnen und Schüler zu verständnisvollen Lernprozessen angeregt werden.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mareike Kunter u.a., „Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften“ (2011), S. 199


Solides Fachwissen als Voraussetzung für gelingenden Unterricht ...


„Ob ein Unterricht gelingt, kommt sehr stark auf das fachdidaktische Wissen der Lehrkräfte an, und das setzt solides Fachwissen voraus. Wer die Inhalte seines Unterrichtsfachs durchdrungen hat, vermittelt diese mit größerer Sicherheit, kann mit Fehlern der Schüler souveräner umgehen und auf vielfältigen Wegen intelligente Lerngelegenheiten schaffen.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Petra Stanat, Die Zeit vom 24. Juni 2010


Fachdidaktisches Wissen und Können für den Leistungsfortschritt der Schüler verantwortlich ...


„Für das Anregungspotenzial des Unterrichts, die konstruktive Unterstützung bei Lernschwierigkeiten und den Leistungsfortschritt der Schüler sind spezifisches fachdidaktisches Wissen und Können verantwortlich.“

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Baumert, Der Spiegel vom 14. Juni 2010


Reduction in workload essential for beginning teachers ...


„For beginning teachers it is essential that they have a reduction in their workload, without reducing their salaries. […] Mentors too need to be provided with sufficient time for their duties.“

EU-Kommission (Hrsg.), „Developing coherent and system-wide induction programmes for beginning teachers“ (2010), S. 22